Kelso - Instruction sheet

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Issue 07on 30th June2023

THANK YOUfor buying this product. To helpensure it gives complete satisfaction pleaseinstall it according totheseinstructions, and then pass the instructions tothe appropriate person forretentionand future reference.

SAFETY This is amains powered product. It is designed to be installed by suitably qualified personnelonly and in accordance with theapplicable buildingand electrical regulations. Beforeinstallation ormaintenancetheelectricalsupply to the product must be isolated.

INSTALLATIONSUPPORT If installation advice or accessories arerequired, pleasecontact us at theabove address. Wewill doour best to help. When reporting a suspected fault or seekinginstallationsupport, the problem is likely to be resolvedmost quickly ifyou havefull product details to-hand, as well as details of when and whereit was purchased.


1. The luminaireis ableto befixedvia thefollowingmethods; oncechosen, preparethe ceiling/mountingpoints ensuring the chosenfixingsurface/mechanismis sufficient tosupport the luminaire weight:

 Chain or Wire suspension: 10mm holes are provided in eachcorner of the end plates. Youshould be able toconnect your chosensuspension methodwithout havingto enteror disassemble thehousing.

 Besa fixing points: toaccess loosen thetwoscrews and slidethe front cover plateto alignthekeyhole slots and remove . Offerthefitting uptothe fixing surface& secure usingthe besafixing points atcentres inthe base.

2. Mains supply connectionis achieved viaone of thefollowingmethods:

 Suspended installation:

o locatetheterminal access flaponthe rear of theluminaire, remove the securing screw and bendup toexpose the terminal block.

o Pass the mains supply cablethrough one of thecable entry holes inthe terminalaccess flapand route to the terminal block. Terminate as indicated, ensuringcorrect polarity is observed. Closethe terminalcoverplate & securein place by tighteningthescrew.

 Surface mounted installation:

o Locate thecable entry points onthe rear of the luminaire and runthe cablethrough one of thecable entry points.

o To access themains terminal block remove thefront coverby loosening thetwoscrews and slidethefront cover plate toalignthekeyholeslots andremove.

o Terminatethecables ensuringcorrect polarity is observed, replacethe front cover and tightenthetwoscrews.


3. Reconnect power supply & check for correct operation. As theseluminaires are fitted withelectronic drivers they are exempt from insulation resistancetests, as this may cause damage tothe driver.


Cleaning should becarried out at regular intervals so as not impair photometric performance or thermalsafety of theluminaire.



These instructions should be followed in conjunction with the standard luminaire instructions. Please read carefully and pass to the end user/responsible person for retention and future reference.


1. Following the installation of the luminaire in accordance withthe standard luminaire installation instructions, a separate permanent live supply should beterminated in the incoming supply terminal block in the luminaire, inthe connection marked ‘L PERM’. The permanent supply MUSTbe taken from the same phaseas the corresponding switched supply and MUST be wired at the switchboardso that upon instances of tests, it is isolated at the same time as the switched supply.

2. Once the permanent live supply is connected, connect the battery to the module via the ‘plug and mate’ connector, ensuring correct polarity is observed. Failure to observe correct battery polarity will result in permanent damage to theemergency module/driver.

3. N.B. to avoid potential damage to the battery please ensurethe permanent live is energized as soon as possible following connection of the battery to the module.

4. Upon restoration of the power supply to the luminaire, check that the indicatorLED fitted within the luminaire illuminates green. This indicates that the batteries are charging and that the charging circuit is healthy.

5. Allow the battery to charge for an uninterrupted period of not less than24 hours prior to carrying out a full discharge test.


6. The battery pack in this luminaire must be replaced when it is no longerable to satisfy its full rated duration.

7. In emergency mode the light levelof the luminaire will be at a reduced output. Regular maintenance and gentle cleaning are recommended so as to ensurethat the Emergency Output Factor (E.O.F) remains at specified levels.

8. Isolate the supply before servicing.

9. Please ensurethat the emergency flux is not compromised at any time throughout the luminaires design life.



The battery pack in this luminaire is a Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) type whichincludes a dedicated protection circuit. If replacing the battery pack, the specificationand chemistry must be identical to thatdetailed on the battery label.


Recommended routine test procedures in line with BS 5266-1:2016 & BS EN 50172:2004.



Issue 01 on 25th March 2019

These instructionsarein addition to the standard luminaire instructions thatwere also supplied withtheproduct you have purchased.Theyshould be read carefully& luminaireinstalled as per both setsof instructions, then passon to the appropriate person for retention for future reference & maintenance.


The NVC PIRsensor option offers presencedetectionto provide automatic control of lightingloads. By usingthe Dipswitches the operating parameters canbe easily set tosuit your application.


The luminairewith detector shouldbe sitedsothat theoccupants of the room fall insidethe detection patterns shownin theappropriate diagram below:

 The diagram is based ona mounting height of upto 40feet. Note that thelower thesensor is installed, thesmaller the detection range willbe.

 If wall mounted, the detectionzone will vary depending onthe surroundings but perpendicular reach will be at least 10m

 The area closest tothe sensor & also the areamore perpendicular tothesensorwill have higher sensitivity.

 The distances quoted are approximate& may vary depending on surroundings

 Avoiddirect sunlight enteringthesensor.

 Do not sitewithin1mof forcedair heating orventilation.

 Do not fix toa vibratingsurface.

 Thesesensor iscapable of switching/controlling morethan one luminaire ina ‘master &slave’set up. This is done by linking non-sensored fittings (slaves)tothe one withthe sensor fitted (master) usingthe live output fromthesensor. Note! DO NOT link other fittings containing PIRsensors together inthis way, as it cancause falsetriggering of the sensors.

 Typical wiringscheme SENSOR

The followingadjustments canbemade usingtheDipSwitches.

DEFAULT FACTORYSETTINGS… Sensitivity –100% Time– 15mins Lux – Light Sensor Disabled


Set the detection range using theS1 & S2DIP switches as shown below.

Set the requiredtimedelay between 10 secs - 15mins using S3, S4DIP switches as shown below:

Set the required Lux level by usingS5, S6DIP switches as shown below.

N.B. Dip switches 7, 8, 9 & 10 to be left in the OFF position


Power supply 120-277VAC 50/60Hz

Operating Temperature -40 to +75 DegC Rated Load 1200W @240VACballast or LED


If you experiencing a problem pleasecheck through thefollowingbefore makingcontact with NVC:

Fault - Load doesnot comeon

 Check toseeif the livesupply to the circuit is good.

 If thesupply& wiring are good, check theLUX setting. Disable theLUX level settingto allowthe sensor to turn on at a higher ambient light level.

Fault - Lights do not go off

 Ensurethat the areais left unoccupied for longer than theselected timer setting.

 Makesurethat thesensoris not adjacent to circulatingair, heaters or lamps.

 If the unit “falsetriggers”reducethe SENSITIVITY leveltonarrow the area of detection.

 Ensure luminaire is not connected in parallel with otherluminaires containing PIRsensors

2. TIME 3. LUX

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