August Agriculture & Livestock Journal

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Nevada Farm Bureau

Volume 64, Number 8 August 2013

Agriculture & Livestock Journal

Sage-Grouse Advisory Committee Submits Strategic Plan On July 31, 2012, the Governor’s Sage-grouse Advisory Committee submitted the Strategic Plan for Conservation of Greater Sage-Grouse in Nevada to Governor Brian Sandoval. The Committee was formed when Governor Sandoval issued Executive Order 2012-09, which “fortified Nevada’s commitment to sage-grouse conservation, bringing stakeholders and experts together to recommend a course of action that would conserve and enhance sagebrush ecosystems and their values for all Nevadans and meet the purpose of the Endangered Species Act.” The ten committee members represented a cross-section of Nevada. Representatives who made up the committee included agriculture, conservation/environmental, energy, general public, mining, ranching, sportsmen, and tribal nations. Lincoln County Farm Bureau President Bevan Lister served as the agriculture representative and JJ Goicoechea, President of the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association, served as the ranching representative. The committee approached the strategic plan by using scientific information, identifying threats to sage-grouse and their habitat, and using maps to identify sage-grouse management areas. Habitat The committee defined four sage-grouse habitats: Occupied Habitat - Areas that are being utilized by sage-grouse and are essential for sage-grouse; Suitable Habitat- Areas that have the ecological components necessary to provide the biological needs of sage-grouse. Within suitable habitat, the committee also identified Connectivity or Linkage Habitat which are areas between sage-grouse habitat or populations that are necessary to allow birds to move to seasonal ranges; Potential Habitat - Areas that potentially provide additional sage-grouse habitat, sometimes through enhancement and restoration projects; Non-Habitat - Areas that are not

occupied, suitable, or potential habitat that do not provide any seasonal habitat for sage-grouse. The committee listed strategies for occupied and potential habitats. Strategies for occupied habitat include avoiding surface disturbances and habitat alteration to the greatest extent possible, limit habitat treatment in winter ranges, proactively monitor habitat and manage to ensure that it retains the attributes necessary to support viable bird populations, and adequately fund aggressive documentation of habitat used by sage-grouse. In potential habitat areas the goals would be to enhance and restore these areas to expand sage-grouse habitat. Two objectives in potential habitat would be to limit habitat disturbances and limit habitat restoration projects to not more than twenty percent per year. Within potential habitat continuing the removal of invasive or encroaching vegetation such as pinyon-juniper would continue as it has been proved to create sage-grouse habitat. Threats Managing, protecting, and enhancing sage-grouse habitat is only part of the plan to promote a strong and safe sagegrouse population in Nevada. Threats to sage-grouse and their habitat have been identified and those threats also need to be managed. Continued on Pg. 3

Nevada Farm Bureau Hires Ag in the Classroom Coordinator Sparks, NV — Nevada Farm Bureau has always promoted Ag in the Classroom. Nevada Farm Bureau has policy supporting Ag in the Classroom, and most recently our Board of Directors updated organizational goals to emphasize support for Ag in the Classroom. Nevada Farm Bureau Executive Vice President Doug Busselman said, “Adding the new staff position is fulfillment of an organizational goal adopted by the Nevada Farm Bureau Board of Directors and also achieves a policy objective for a more sustainable statewide Ag In The Classroom program.” Nevada Farm Bureau has hired Brooke Bard as the new Ag in the Classroom Coordinator. Bard started on July 16. Originally from Wyoming, Bard was involved in 4-H and understands the importance of agriculture to society. Bard has a B.A. in Elementary Education and an M.S. in Natural Science, both from the University of Wyoming. She has also completed coursework for a Ph.D. in Science Education at the University of Nevada, Reno. As an educator, Bard has 15 years of classroom experience teaching grades ranging from 2nd through 8th, all in Nevada classrooms. As part of her responsibilities with the Nevada Ag In The Classroom program Bard will be involved in developing new materials and working to expand the inclusion of agricultural information into classroom lessons. Bard will also be called on to assist with local Ag In The Classroom programs and activities. Bard said, “My ultimate goal is to create a more sustainable Ag in the Classroom program in Nevada.”

(ISSN 0899-8434) (USPS 377-280) 2165 Green Vista Dr. Suite 205 Sparks, NV 89431 Phone: (775) 674-4000 Fax: (775) 674-4004 Publisher: Nevada Farm Bureau Federation Editor: Zach Allen The Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal is published monthly by the Nevada Farm Bureau Federation. Subscriptions are available to Nevada Farm Bureau members, only, at an annual subscription price of $1, which is included in yearly dues. Periodical postage is paid at Reno, NV and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal, 2165 Green Vista Drive, Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431.

August 2012 | Page 2 |

From Cover Fire We cannot always prevent fire. Fires are not always human caused. However, there are strategies that can be implemented to help prevent catastrophic fires that can destroy thousands of acres. Some strategies to help prevent largescale fires are to construct targeted, well designed fuel breaks and “green strips” to break up fuel continuity. Large and severe fires are fueled by invasive species such as cheatgrass. The plan calls for a statewide wildfire management program that would reduce the threats of catastrophic wildfires and rehabilitate the damaged lands after a fire. Pinyon-Juniper Pinyon-juniper encroachment is the second highest concern in the state. Loss of sage-grouse habitat is due to the expansion of pinyon pine and juniper into sagebrush habitat. The report indicates that 50,000 to 60,000 acres of pinyon-juniper move into a state of non-recovery every year. The committee’s recommendation is to “initiate landscape level treatments in potential sage-grouse habitat areas to reverse the effects of pinyon and juniper encroachment.” Predation Ravens. The common raven was identified as the number one predator to sage-grouse. Ravens frequent sagegrouse nests and consume the eggs.

Ravens are known to nest on elevated structures such as power line poles. Raven populations can be better managed by eliminating their external food sources (road kill, land fills, and waste transfer facilities). Ravens cannot be taken (hunted) by sportsmen or the general public. There isn’t a raven season, because of conflicting regulations between the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Endangered Species Act. The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) is the only group that can take ravens. Through permits from the USFWS, NDOW takes 2500 ravens annually. Studies indicate that raven populations have increased 600 percent in the Great Basin over the last 20 years. The objective would be to implement a predator control program to reduce transient raven populations for nest protection and increased chick survival. Wild Horses & Burros It is no secret wild horses and burros have a significant impact on the range. They impact vegetation, damage riparian and stringer meadows, and adversely affect sage-grouse habitat. The committee’s objective is clear. Manage wild horses & burros at appropriate management levels to avoid and minimize impacts to sage-grouse habitat.

August 2012 | Page 3 |

Improper Livestock Grazing Grazing is an important tool to enhance and protect the range. Grazing can be a tool to improve sage-grouse habitat quality and reduce the threat of wildland fires. However, improper grazing can have an adverse affect by damaging sage-grouse habitat. Studies have shown that improper grazing can remove desired vegetation and change plant communities from desired ecological states and allow the entrance of undesired invasive species. Other Threats Other threats included in the committee report are Mineral Development, Renewable Energy Production, Transmission and Distribution, and Recreation & Off-highway vehicle use. What’s Next? The first ideal outcome would be having Nevada’s Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service officials adopt the plan (as they have in Wyoming) as the interim management plan they will follow, prior to the completion and implementation of the Environmental Impact Statement process that they are working to complete before 2015. The Nevada Sage Grouse plan also will require a translation into the form of an alternative for consideration in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process that the land management agencies are conducting to make changes in the land use management plans that form the basis for land use management and decisions.

Churchill County Farm Bureau’s Second Annual Summer Picnic Fallon, NV — Churchill County Farm Bureau held their second annual summer picnic on Saturday, July 14 at the Wolf Ranch in Fallon. Approximately 150 people attended the picnic. Invitations were sent out to all Churchill County Farm Bureau members. In addition to inviting local members, invitations were sent to members in neighboring counties and elected officials representing Churchill County. Local officials joined the picnic which allowed members to ask questions and interact with those elected to serve the public. Elected officials who attended included State Senator James Settelmeyer, State Assemblyman Tom Grady, Regent Ron Knecht, Regent Kevin Melcher, Churchill County Commissioner Norm Frey, Churchill County Sheriff Ben Trotter, TCID Board Member Ernie Schank, TCID Board member Bob Oakden and Churchill County School Board member Carmen Schank.

Picture courtesy of Lina Wolf.

District 2 Director Craig Shier and Women’s Leadership Committee Vice Chair Marlene Shier of Winnemucca also attended. One of the many highlights of the picnic was the food. The menu consisted of pork tenderloin, grilled chicken, and tri-tip. Washoe County Farm Bureau donated the tri-tip. Other Fallon businesses joined to support by donating tables and chairs and linens. Churchill County Farm Bureau would like to thank Safeway Stores, Louie’s Home Center, Vista Equipment, Country Equipment, American Linen, Fallon Welding - Ott’s Farm Equipment, Smith Valley Garage, Renner Equipment, and Washoe County Farm Bureau. Left over sponsor donations and food was donated to local food banks in Fallon. Churchill County Farm Bureau President Sonya Johnson said, “We had a fantastic turnout. Last year we had around 40 people and this year 150. We extended the invitations to other counties so they could join in too. A special thanks to Dan and Julie for hosting the picnic and to all sponsors and volunteers that helped make the picnic a great success.” Churchill County Farm Bureau member Marshall Brown, who has been a Farm Bureau member for 29 years, thought the afternoon picnic was fantastic. “Excellent picnic! I had a great time seeing friends from Fallon and catching up with neighbors. This is a busy time of the year for farmers and ranchers, so having the opportunity to get a way for a few hours and have a BBQ is really great.” To see more pictures from the summer picnic “Like” Nevada Farm Bureau on Facebook,

August 2012 | Page 4 |

Cooperative Extension Announces New Education Coordinator for White Pine County Seth Urbanowitz has been named the new University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Educator for White Pine County, it was announced this week. UNCE Central/Northeast Area Director Loretta Singletary said Urbanowitz has the right experience to bring much-needed programs to the western Nevada county. She said he has worked with Extension specialists in Tennessee, Kentucky and South Dakota on projects ranging from agricultural production to economic development. “Seth has the know-how to not only determine White Pine County’s most pressing needs but also how to meet those needs with research-based programs that deliver measurable results,” Singletary said. “He’ll be a real asset for the county.” Urbanowitz said he was eager to get started. He said his passion for rural development, education, and agriculture the great outdoors is what drew him to the White Pine County position.

“I think I would fit well in White Pine County’s Extension program,” Urbanowitz said. “I am absolutely ecstatic about living and working in this incredible area that is filled with great people. “I have experience in enhancing decision-making in youth, providing assistance to agricultural producers and aiding in rural economic development,” Urbanowitz added. “I’m eager to meet with county stakeholders and residents and find ways to help them.” Urbanowitz also has experience in limited-resource farming, and is expecting to connect small-scale and large-acreage producers with the information they need to enhance their profits and sustainability in White Pine County. The White Pine County Cooperative Extension office is one of 18 UNCE offices serving every county in Nevada. The Extension Educators working in each of those offices play a key role in identifying community needs and addressing those needs with research-based programs. UNCE’s role is to extend knowledge from UNR and other land-grant universities directly to the state’s citizens.

Cooperative Extension Announces New Education Coordinator for Eureka County Fred Steinmann, who recently completed his Doctorate of Policy, Planning, and Development at the University of Southern California, is joining University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (UNCE) as the new Extension Educator for Eureka County. UNCE Central/ Northeast Area Director Loretta Singletary said Steinmann brings a strong background in economic development to his new job. He has taught courses in urban planning, public administration, public policy and environmental policy at UNR, and Singletary said his research has focused on state gaming tax revenue, economic development planning, urban revitalization and the state’s fiscal system. Singletary also noted that Steinmann has deep rural roots. He was born in St. John, New Brunswick, Canada and was raised in Morinville, Alberta Canada, a small farming community. “Fred has outstanding experience and brings a wealth of knowledge to Eureka,” Singletary said. “As towns in rural Nevada explore ways to shore up and diversify their economies, people with the breadth of knowledge Fred has will be indispensible.” Steinmann said he was excited to work in Eureka, a county he says has “amazing potential and opportunity.”

“Eureka County has invested heavily in a wide variety of areas related to community and economic development, and I look forward to working alongside members of the community in continuing this work,” Steinmann said. “Given all the changes that Eureka County currently faces, there is tremendous potential in Eureka County to advance the understanding of community and economic development through applied and practical research and community participation. “I’m looking forward to working with all groups in Eureka County, including local officials, farmers, ranchers, mining, youth and others,” he said. Cooperative Extension has 18 offices serving every county in Nevada. The Extension Educators working in each of those offices play a key role in identifying community needs and addressing those needs with research-based programs. UNCE’s role is to extend knowledge from UNR and other land-grant universities directly to the state’s citizens. Steinmann is already familiar with various economic development efforts in Nevada. He has worked on a number of projects with the Nevada Small Business Development Center at UNR, and he serves on the Advisory Board for Nevada Business Connections. He’s a member of the Nevada Chapter of the American Planning Association, the American Planning Association, the American Society of Public Administration, and the International Economic Development Council.

Beat the Summer Heat with Supplies from Grainger Step outside and you immediately feel the summer heat. Record heat and drought are being felt throughout the country, and Nevada is no exception. Working and playing outside can be difficult in these hot summer months. Staying safe is important, and Grainger offers a number of supplies to help keep you safe when outdoors and indoors. In addition to large selection of products, Nevada Farm Bureau members receive 10% off purchases and free freight. Grainger carries products to help keep you cool outside, inside, and help fight drought. Keeping People Cool Cooling Hats Hydration Packs Sports Drinks Portable Coolers Shade/Shelter Mobile Fans Sunscreen First Aid Products

Keep Facilities Cool Air Conditioners Fans Generators Water Hoses Thermometers Ventilation Window Blinds Misting Units

Fight Drought Drip Irrigation Systems Sprinkler Systems Lawn & Garden Fabrics Rain Barrels Garden Hoses Sprinkler Pumps Well Pumps Shovels

Grainger also offers some valuable Heat Safety Tips. People should stay indoors as much as possible, especially during the hottest part of the day; dress in lightweight, loose-fitting, light-colored clothes and wear a wide-brimmed hat when outdoors; avoid overexerting yourself - take frequent rest breaks in air-conditioned or shaded area; stay hydrated and limit intake of alcoholic beverages. We can’t prevent the heat, but here are some tips to prepare for heat. Grainger recommends - make sure to clean air conditioner ducts, weather-strip doors and windows to keep cool air in and hot air out, install shade sources like awnings, shades, and blinds, plant trees and grass where possible as vegetation helps reduce urban heat islands, and irrigate foliage around the building to reduce fire risk. To take advantage of free freight and 10% savings visit and use Grainger account number 809019789. Nevada Farm Bureau members can also shop in store. Grainger has two branches in Nevada: • 2401 Western Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102-4815 Phone: (702) 385-6833 • 900 Packer Way Sparks, NV 89431-6441 Phone: (775) 331-7504

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August 2012 | Page 6 |

Retail Prices for Meats, Dairy and Eggs Decline Slightly WASHINGTON, D.C.—Retail food prices at the supermarket declined slightly during the second quarter of 2012 with protein staples—meats, cheese, milk and eggs—showing the greatest drops in price, according to the latest American Farm Bureau Federation Marketbasket Survey. The informal survey shows the total cost of 16 food items that can be used to prepare one or more meals was $50.91, down $1.56 or about 3 percent compared to the first quarter of 2012. Of the 16 items surveyed, 12 decreased and four increased in average price compared to the prior quarter. The cost for the overall basket of foods fell about one-half of 1 percent compared to one year ago. Most of the quarter-to-quarter decrease in the marketbasket of foods was due to lower retail prices for sliced meats and dairy products. “The decline in retail meat prices for the second quarter is not unexpected,” said John Anderson, an AFBF senior economist. “Wholesale meat prices trended lower at the end of the first quarter of the year and consumers are benefiting from that as retail prices have followed suit.” Reversing increases in the prior quarter, shredded cheddar decreased 36 cents to $4.29 per pound; sliced deli ham decreased 19 cents to $5.24 per pound; orange juice decreased 19 cents to $3.17 for a half-gallon; bacon decreased 17 cents to $4.04 per pound; large eggs declined 16 cents to $1.61 per dozen; toasted oat cereal decreased 14 cents to $2.99 for a 9-ounce box; bagged salad decreased 11 cents to $2.74 per pound; apples decreased 9 cents to $1.50 per pound; sirloin tip roast decreased 6 cents to $4.69 per pound; and flour decreased 3 cents to $2.62 for a 5-pound bag. Two items continued declines from the prior quarter. Whole milk declined by 17 cents to $3.36 for one gallon and

boneless chicken breasts decreased by 10 cents to $3.09 per pound. Four items showed modest retail price increases: ground chuck increased 12 cents to $3.65 per pound; Russet potatoes increased 5 cents to $3.06 for a 5-pound bag; white bread increased 3 cents to $1.88 for a 20-ounce loaf; and vegetable oil increased 1 cent to $2.98 for a 32-ounce bottle. Several items showing a decrease in retail price from quarter-to-quarter also showed year-to-year decreases. Dairy products were generally down year-to-year, reflecting the effects of increased dairy production this year. Bacon prices are also down from last summer’s record levels. The year-to-year direction of the Marketbasket Survey tracks with the federal government’s Consumer Price Index ( report for food at home. As retail grocery prices have increased gradually over time, the share of the average food dollar that America’s farm and ranch families receive has dropped. “Through the mid-1970s, farmers received about one-third of consumer retail food expenditures for food eaten at home and away from home, on average. Since then, that figure has decreased steadily and is now about 16 percent, according to the Agriculture Department’s revised Food Dollar Series,” Anderson said. Details about USDA’s new Food Dollar Series may be found online at http://www.ers. Using the “food at home and away from home” percentage across-the-board, the farmer’s share of this quarter’s $50.91 marketbasket would be $8.15. AFBF, the nation’s largest general farm organization, has been conducting the informal quarterly Marketbasket Survey of retail food price trends since 1989. The mix of foods in the marketbasket was updated during the first quarter of 2008.

August 2012 | Page 7 |

According to USDA, Americans spend just under 10 percent of their disposable annual income on food, the lowest average of any country in the world. A total of 74 shoppers in 28 states participated in the latest survey, conducted in May. Milk and Egg Trends... For the second quarter of 2012, shoppers reported the average price for a halfgallon of regular whole milk was $2.21, down 25 cents from the prior quarter. The average price for one gallon of regular whole milk was $3.36, down 17 cents. Comparing per-quart prices, the retail price for whole milk sold in gallon containers was about 25 percent lower compared to half-gallon containers, a typical volume discount long employed by retailers. The average price for a half-gallon of rBST-free milk was $3.57, up 15 cents from the last quarter, about 40 percent higher than the reported retail price for a half-gallon of regular milk ($2.21). The average price for a half-gallon of organic milk was $3.92, down 27 cents compared to the prior quarter, about 70 percent higher than the reported retail price for a half-gallon of regular milk ($2.21). Compared to a year ago (second quarter of 2011), the retail price for regular milk in gallon containers was up about 2 percent, while regular milk in half-gallon containers rose 9 percent. The average retail price for rBST-free milk increased 6 percent compared to the prior year, while organic milk was up 13 percent. For the first quarter of 2012, the average price for one dozen regular eggs was $1.61, down 16 cents compared to the prior quarter. The average price for a dozen “cage-free” eggs was $3.29, down 10 cents compared to the prior quarter but nearly double (90 percent higher) the price of regular eggs. Compared to a year ago (second quarter of 2011), regular eggs were essentially unchanged while “cage-free” eggs increased 3 percent.

Dave Fulstone II Scholarship Awarded


he 2012 Dave Fulstone II Scholarship was awarded to Eureka County High School graduate Will Marshall. Marshall will be attending Oklahoma State University. He will be pursuing a degree in Animal Science with a minor in Ag Business Management. Will Marshall pictured at the Marshall said, Nevada Agricultural Foundation “I would like Annual Banquet. Picture Courtesy of to continue Nevada Agricultural Foundation in production agriculture during and beyond college. I want to hone my livestock and business skills learning advanced livestock practices in college. My goals are to produce premium registered and commercial sheep and cattle, while teaching ag advocacy to the consumer.” Marshall was active in FFA and 4-H. He has served as both Reporter and Sentinel for Diamond Valley FFA. Most recently Marshall served as President of the 4-H club. Marshall was not only active in FFA and 4-H, but he served as the captain of the basketball team, served on the student council, and was a member of the High School band playing trumpet and saxophone. Marshall has shown a passion for agriculture. Agriculture is an important part of his life and career. He is dedicated to producing food and fiber and educating others about the importance of agriculture.

About Dave Fulstone II Scholarship

The Nevada Farm Bureau, through the Nevada Heritage Foundation, awards an annual scholarship of $1000 in memory of Dave Fulstone II. Mr. Fulstone was a past President of Nevada Farm Bureau and served on the American Farm Bureau Federation Board of Directors. He participated in several agricultural trade missions under President Ronald Reagan. Fulstone was well known in Washingon D.C. as the chef for Senator Paul Laxalt’s annual spring “lamb fry”, a tradition he carried on until his death in 2008. Mr. Fulstone was an avid supporter of Nevada agriculture, and it is his family’s wish to support Nevada students who exemplify that same passion for the agriculture industry.


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For Sale 25 acres Horse/Cattle Ranch Genoa/Minden surface water rights, 2 wells, 3 houses, 2 yr lease rental income corner Muller/ Foothills, multiple agricultural uses 1.4 K Owner 831-512-3225 IRRIGATION PIPE 10” Aluminum Irrigation Pipe High pressure mainline irrigation pipe with welded Circle Lock Ring Applications: • Mainline for irrigation systems • Water transport lines • Construction applications • Effluent systems 13 -- 10” x 40’ - $124 each 31 -- 10” x 30’ - $164 each Smith Valley - Call 775-465-2529 or email StovallRanch@gmail. com FOR SALE: 672 John Deere Hydrolic Rake w/ left-hand delivery - $1,500 347 John Deere Baler - 2-wire - $2,000 346 John Deere Baler - 2-string, for parts - $1,000 70 Horsepower Electric Motor - $700 70 Horsepower Gearhead - $700 Two-horse, Home-built trailer - $500 Call Bobby at 775-635-2118 or 775-635-9656 IRRIGATION PIPE -135 pieces of 3 inch by 30 foot hand move sprinkler pipe $30 per piece -27 pieces of 4 inch by 30 foot hand move sprinkler pipe $30 per piece -95 pieces of 5 inch mainline pipe $45 per piece -1 1600 foot 5 inch wheel line 5 foot wheels $4000 TRUCK TRACTOR 1981 Peterbuilt model 362 coe 2 axle tractor. Sleeper. BC3 400 Cummins. Recent inframe. 13 speed Good running condition. Was used to haul hay to California until it was parked a year ago. $4000 HAY BOOM 1961 Chevy 1-ton with 327 motor. Will run with minor repairs. Boom has a VG 4-cylinder Wisconsin. Hydraulics. $800. PICKUP 1979 Ford Courier with service bed. Will run with minor repairs. $500 MISCELLANEOUS Chevy 350 motor with 350 automatic transmission. Late 1970’s model. Came out of an Impala that was in good running condition but was vandalized. $500 3 Wisconsin motors: 1-VG 4-cylinder. 1-461 with PTO. 1-462 with PTO. None in running condition. Make offer. Email Phone 775-304-9136 or 775-304-4659

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by Bob Stallman, American Farm Bureau

Stop the Flood of Regulation Burdensome and unnecessary regulations are always a point of contention for farmers and ranchers, especially when we are being flooded with what seems to be never-ending, nonsensical rules. In keeping with the ebb and flow of bureaucracy, the Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers are planning an upheaval of the Clean Water Act (CWA) that would add more . . . you guessed it . . . rules and regulations to farms and ranches. That’s why the American Farm Bureau Federation is leading the way to stop EPA and the Corps from literally regulating every drop of water on private landowners’ property. Through a nationwide grassroots campaign, we are engaging Farm Bureau members to “Stop the Flood of Regulation.”

A $30,000 Ditch For some time, the EPA and Corps have been trying to remove the word “navigable” from the Clean Water Act through what is called a “Guidance Document.” This would change the very meaning of the CWA to allow for such frivolous action as regulating a roadside ditch that holds water for only a few hours after a 4-inch rain. The Guidance Document should be used to explain processes and policies of existing laws and regulations – not to expand or change the scope of current law. Importantly, a Guidance Document does not go through the rigors of the regulatory process that serve to protect the rights of the regulated community. But, EPA and the Corps’ action to improperly use the Guidance Document to remove “navigable” bypasses congressional intent and ignores Supreme Court precedent. For the past 10 years, Congress has voted specifically and repeatedly to keep the term “navigable” in the CWA. We believe this Guidance Document is not only bad policy but is being implemented through a regulatory sleight of hand. Farmers, ranchers and private landowners need to preserve the authority the CWA has granted states and localities for nearly 40 years and stop the deluge of regulations and permitting requirements that will likely result if the Guidance Document is finalized. The two agencies are piling on regulatory burdens with little regard for the costs for landowners. These costs, which could be upwards of $30,000, with increased permit requirements and reduced nutrient applications, are very real and have direct impacts on the farm.

Engagement v. Regulation It’s important that every Farm Bureau member become engaged in pushing Congress and the administration to block the Guidance Document before the end of this Congress. There are many ways to get involved. Visit the FBAct Insider page to learn more. For those who are social media savvy, follow @StoptheFlood on Twitter and post pictures of your soon to-be regulated ditches and puddles using the #stoptheflood hashtag, or “Like” the Stop the Flood of Regulation Facebook page, post your pictures and comments and get updates on the campaign. It’s time to show Congress how the Guidance Document could cost farmers, ranchers and private property owners tens of thousands of dollars. It’s time to Stop the Flood of Regulation.

August 2012 | Page 10 |

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2.99% APR*


Same low member rate for vehicles 2003 and newer Finance or refinance with Farm Bureau Bank and enjoy the same low rates on new and used cars and trucks.* We also offer flexible payment terms, vehicle protection plans, and dedicated Farm Bureau member service. Take full advantage of your membership. Apply today and save!

Existing Farm Bureau Bank vehicle loans are excluded from this offer. * Rate disclosed as Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and is based on automated payments (ACH) and acquiring one of the following collateral protection products: Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) or Major Mechanical Protection (MMP). Additional discounts do apply for purchasing more than one collateral protection product. The advertised APR of 2.99% is effective as of 6/15/2012. Final APR may differ from the loan interest rate due to additional fees (such as a loan documentation fee) which may be applicable. For a $25,050 vehicle loan with a term of 36 months, a 45 day first payment date and a 2.99% APR, the monthly payment will be $727.76. To qualify for the disclosed rate, customer must be a Farm Bureau member. Finance charges accrue from origination date of the loan. Rates and financing are limited to vehicle models 2003 and newer. All loans are subject to credit approval, verification, and collateral evaluation. Other rates and financing options are available. Non-member rates may be 1-3% higher than posted rates. Loans for RVs, motorcycles, trailers, ATVs, watercraft and commercial vehicles may be 0.50% higher. This offer is not available in all states and rates and terms are subject to change without notice. Farm Bureau, FB, and the FB National Logo are registered service marks owned by, and used by Farm Bureau Bank FSB under license from, the American Farm Bureau Federation. 0612_Nevada_VLwRateAd.indd 1

6/19/2012 9:30:38 AM

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