December 2014

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Nevada Farm Bureau®

Volume 66, Number 12 December 2014

Agriculture & Livestock


Nevada Farm Bureau 95th Annual Meeting Update

Metal Gate Signs Now Available • 2014 Photo Contest Winners • Thank You to Our Sponsors

Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture and Livestock Journal December 2014 3 4 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15

Farm Bureau Perspectives - James “Hank” Combs 95th Annual Meeting Recap and a Look Forward into 2015 Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Meeting Update Annual Meeting Awards County Corner Metal Gate Signs Now Available WLC Photo Contest Winners Thank You to Our Annual Meeting Sponsors Contact Your Local COUNTRY Financial Agency The Ag Agenda - Bob Stallman Advancing Agriculture in 2014 Classified Ads

“The Agriculture & Livestock Journal” (ISSN 0899-8434) (USPS 377-280) 2165 Green Vista Dr. Suite 205 Sparks, NV 89431 Phone: (775) 674-4000 Fax: (775) 674-4004 Publisher: Nevada Farm Bureau Federation Editor: Jessica Fagundes The Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal is published monthly by the Nevada Farm Bureau Federation. Subscriptions are available to Nevada Farm Bureau members at an annual subscription price of $1, which is included in yearly dues. Periodical postage is paid at Reno, NV and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal, 2165 Green Vista Drive, Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431

About the Front Cover

Greg Peterson addresses the crowd during the COUNTRY Financial Luncheon at the 2014 Annual Meeting. Peterson is a member of the Peterson Farm Bros, a musical parody group. (Photo credit: Leana Stitzel)

Meeting & Event Calendar

December 4 Good Agricultural Practices Training, 10 a.m. - Noon, Cooperative Extension Research Center and Demonstration Orchard, 4600 Horse Drive, Las Vegas Details: Seth Urbanowitz, 775-293-6598 December 6 Commercial Berry Production Workshop, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., WNC Carson Campus, Details: December 13 Dr. Fred Homeyer’s Breeders Workshop, 4-H and FFA Showmanship Clinic Churchill County Fairgrounds Multi Purpose Building, 325 Sheckler Rd., Fallon RSVP: Debra Hoffman, 775-217-3272 or by Dec. 6 January 22-24, 2015 Nevada Small Farm Conference, John Ascuaga’s Nugget, Sparks February 6, 2015 White Pine Annual Meeting, Details: Gracyne Backus, If you would like to include a meeting or event on the calendar, please contact Jessica at

Connect with Nevada Farm Bureau Federation

Nevada Farm Bureau Federation



Buy 1 ticket, get 1 free to a Reno Bighorns game Call 775-853-8220 to get your tickets today!

Officers President James “Hank” Combs, Vice President Bevan Lister, Women’s Leadership Chair Cindy Hardy, District 1 Director Jamie Perkins, District 2 Director Craig Shier, District 3 Director Carla Pomeroy, Executive Vice President Clay McCauley,

Board of Directors Central County Joyce Hartman, Churchill County Julie Wolf, Clark County Jim Hardy, Douglas County Fred Stodieck, Elko County Jonathan Dahl, Humboldt County Martin Muratore, Lander County Paul Young, Lincoln County Paul Mathews, Lyon County Darrell Pursel, Washoe County Louis Damonte Jr., White Pine Gracyne Backus, YF&R Chair Anna-Lisa Laca,

December 2014 | Page 2 |

Farm Bureau Perspectives 95th Annual Meeting Recap and a Look Forward into 2015 By James “Hank” Combs President, Nevada Farm Bureau


am very happy with our annual meeting and want to use this month’s column to recap the event and to discuss our future plans for the coming year.

Lister for sharing your insights with our members on these important topics.

We were excited to partner with the Nevada Department of Agriculture for their first annual Governor’s Conference on Agriculture and appreciate our relationship. Their one-day conference was extremely informative for members since panelists and presenters discussed many of the same topics we address in policy! Our convention was also a great success thanks to the hard work of Clay McCauley and the rest of his staff. We had record attendance and 25 sponsors at our trade show. I want to thank you all for attending and helping make the event successful. I also want to thank COUNTRY Financial for bringing Greg Peterson from the Peterson Farms Bros to share his message about advocating for agriculture. I was elected for my tenth term as president and am excited to lead our organization in the year that comes. It is an honor to serve Nevada’s farmers and ranchers and I will continue to ensure that Nevada Farm Bureau is the voice of Nevada agriculture. This year’s event included breakout sessions, which addressed agriculture education, social media and media relations, effective lobbying and current issues in Nevada agriculture. Thank you to Amber Smyer, Ryan Yates, Kaitlin Godbey and Bevan

Our main focus for the annual meeting is policy development and this year was no different. We addressed a wide range of topics, including the Beef Checkoff supplemental program, open range and fence out laws, checkerboard land policy, federal to state land transfer, pesticide application, the Greater Sage Grouse state plan and the common raven. I want to thank the delegates for their hard work and diligence toward the policy making process. Policy guides our organization and I believe the additional policy added this year will help to lead us through the next legislative session. During the meeting, Bevan Lister was reelected vice president. Along with Bevan, Craig Shier held his position of District 2 director, Cindy Hardy was reelected as Women’s Leadership chair and Marlene Shier was reelected as Women’s Leadership vice chair. I also appointed Anna-Lisa Laca for a second term as the Young Farmers & Ranchers committee chair. The board of directors also consists of the presidents from each county Farm Bureau. All of the county presidents were reelected to their positions during county annual meetings. I would like to personally thank all board members for their continued support of our organization. Their leadership efforts ensure that our state Farm Bureau runs efficiently and effectively.

December 2014 | Page 3 |

Also crucial to our organization’s success are our volunteers. This year we honored seven volunteers with the County Volunteer Award of Excellence. Congratulations to Dan Wolf from Churchill County, Kaluna and Jenifer Aki from Clark County, Caroline Frensdorff from Douglas County, Jordan and Kari Brough from Elko County and Sheila Bunch from Humboldt County. Also, I would like to congratulate Kristina Moore for receiving the Ag in the Classroom Volunteer of the Year Award sponsored by the Nevada Agricultural Council. We also awarded a new award this year, the Outstanding Service Award. This award was given to COUNTRY Financial Representative Travis Streck for his outstanding work with the members of Clark County Farm Bureau. Congratulations to Travis and the rest of the award winners. Overall I am very pleased with the efforts of our members during this year’s convention. The development of this year’s policy will give us a solid base for our lobbying efforts starting February 2015. Nevada Farm Bureau is the voice of Nevada agriculture and we will share the policy of our members with elected officials and other individuals to help ensure that legislation passed in 2015 will help protect each of you as farmers and ranchers in the state. My family and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Meeting Update First Annual Governor’s Conference on Agriculture


he First Annual Governor’s Conference on Agriculture was held on Nov. 13 in Reno the day before the Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Meeting. The event was put on by the Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA) and held in cooperation with the annual meeting. The conference offered a wide variety of workshops and sessions discussing hot topics in agriculture. More than 50 Nevada Farm Bureau members attended the event.

During the luncheon, Governor Brian Sandoval presented the Nevada Centennial Ranch and Farm Award to two family ranches in the state, Johnson Ranch from Carson Valley and Triple S Ranch from Washoe County. The awards program was sponsored by the Nevada Agricultural Foundation, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Nevada Cattlemen’s Association, Nevada Farm Bureau and Nevada Department of Agriculture.

The Johnson Ranch family members and event sponsors. (Photo credit: NDA)

President Hank Combs gives his greetings during the Governor’s conference

During the opening session, President Hank Combs shared information about Farm Bureau and discussed Nevada agriculture. Director of Communications Jessica Fagundes also presented a workshop on Agriculture Communications with NDA Public Information Officer Bob Conrad. The Triple S Ranch family members and event sponsors. (Photo credit: NDA)

Farmland Movie Showing and YF&R Fundraiser


o kick off the 95th Annual Meeting, members enjoyed a showing of the movie Farmland on the evening of Nov. 13. More than 100 people attended the event, including a large group of students from the Nevada FFA. During the movie, attendees had the opportunity to purchase candy and popcorn from the Nevada Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers committee. The snack sales were a great success and the committee thanks all members and guests who supported the fundraiser.

Churchill County FFA members wait for the movie to begin.

December 2014 | Page 4 |

Nevada Farm Bureau discusses policy during the annual meeting


n Nov. 14 and 15, Nevada Farm Bureau members came together during the annual meeting to discuss policy. Led by President Hank Combs and Vice President Bevan Lister, voting delegates revised current policy and addressed new policy on a variety of issues. New policy adopted by the delegates addressed the Beef Checkoff supplemental program, open range and fence out laws, checkerboard land policy, federal to state land transfer, pesticide application, the Greater Sage Grouse state plan and the common raven.

President Hank Combs facilitates the House of Delegates Policy Session.

In addition to adopting new policy, the delegates amended the by-laws to increase voting membership dues to $100. This increase will take effect the 2016 membership year. They also amended the Nevada Farm Bureau mission statement.

A big thank to all of the delegates for attending the policy meetings and for helping to develop important policy for our state organization.

Delegates elect 2014-2015 board members


Members of the 2014-2015 Board of Directors. (Photo credit: Leana Stitzel)

evada Farm Bureau Federation reelected James “Hank” Combs, a hog producer from Clark County, as president of the organization during the 95th Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in Reno, Nev. on Nov. 15. Bevan Lister, a farmer from Lincoln County, was reelected as vice president. Reelected to the Board of Directors were Craig Shier from Humboldt County as District 2 Area director, Cindy Hardy from Clark County as Women’s Leadership chair

and Marlene Shier from Humboldt County as Women’s Leadership vice chair. President Combs reappointed Anna-Lisa Laca from Churchill County as the Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee Chair. Jamie Perkins from Lincoln County and Carla Pomeroy from Churchill County maintained their positions as District Area Director 1 and 3. The board is also made of the presidents from the 11 county Farm Bureaus.

December 2014 | Page 5 |

Annual Meeting Awards

Travis Streck awarded the Outstanding Service Award


uring the COUNTRY Financial luncheon, Nevada Farm Bureau President Hank Combs presented the Outstanding Service Award to COUNTRY Financial Representative Travis Streck. The Outstanding Service Award recognizes an individual who has offered outstanding service to the members of Nevada Farm Bureau. Streck worked with Clark County Farm Bureau to increase membership benefits in southern Nevada. During the past year, he personally met with more than 10 businesses, educating them about Nevada Farm Bureau and creating a partnership to offer benefits to NVFB members. Nevada Farm Bureau would like to congratulate Travis for his award and thank him for the hard work and dedication to the organization.

Pictured (from left to right): Clark County President Jim Hardy, COUNTRY Financial Representative Travis Streck and Nevada Farm Bureau President Hank Combs.

Members receive County Volunteer Award of Excellence


ive Nevada Farm Bureau member families were awarded the County Volunteer Award of Excellence during the annual meeting. The award is given to members who go above and beyond as a volunteers in their counties. This year’s recipients were Dan Wolf from Churchill County, Kaluna and Jenifer Aki from Clark County, Caroline Frensdorff from Douglas County, Jordan and Kari Brough from Elko County and Sheila Bunch from Humboldt County.

Churchill County Volunteer of the Year Dan Wolf (left) with Sonya Johnson.

“Nevada Farm Bureau relies heavily on the hard work of volunteers like those honored at our annual meeting,” said President Hank Combs. “We are extremely grateful for the dedication of these members and others who help make our Farm Bureau such a successful organization.” The award winners received a plaque and a $100 Farm Bureau Bank gift card for their efforts.

Clark County Volunteers of the Year Jenifer and Kaluna Aki (left) with President Jim Hardy.

December 2014 | Page 6 |

Elko County Volunteers of the Year Jordan and Kari Brough (left) with President Jonathan Dahl.

Ag in the Classroom Volunteer Award awarded to Kristina Moore


hurchill County Farm Bureau member Kristina Moore was awarded the Nevada Ag in the Classroom Volunteer of the Year Award during the Nevada Farm Bureau 95th Annual Meeting in Reno. The award is sponsored by the Nevada Agricultural Foundation (NAF) and presented by the NAF Executive Director Sue Hoffman. “Each year as part of the Nevada Agricultural Foundation’s Excellence in Education Program, we honor an Agriculture in the Classroom Volunteer who is dedicated to educating Nevada youth about agriculture,” said Hoffman. “Kristina has done an outstanding job of educating students about agriculture in her own classes and elementary students through innovative Ag in the Classroom projects, particularly the new Book Barn and reading project that have been implemented in Churchill County elementary schools.” Moore has been the agriculture science teacher at Churchill County High School for 10 years. She has helped increase involvement of FFA students in the numerous Ag. days. She also coordinated a project in which her students read agriculture books to second grade classrooms in Churchill County and presented each school with a book barn to hold several agriculture books.

Pictured ( left to right): Award recipient Kristina Moore and NAF Executive Director Sue Hoffman

Moore will receive an award and a $1,000 stipend to be used for her Ag in the Classroom program. Visit for more information about the Nevada Agricultural Foundation.

2014 Discussion Meet Finalists


n Nov. 14 and 15, the NVFB Young Farmers & Ranchers committee hosted the 2014 Discussion Meet. Nine YF&R members participated in the event from across the state. During the event, the participants discussed a variety of agriculture topics in a committee meeting style. All participants competed in two rounds and the top four competed in the finals prior to the annual meeting policy session on Nov. 15. All participants received a YF&R t-shirt after the competition. Congratulations to all participants for their hard work.

The top four individuals were Robert Fagundes (first), Dann Mathews (second), Kaley Sproul (third) and Lacey Sproul-Tom (fourth). Each of the finalists received a cash prize sponsored by the YF&R state committee.

Pictured ( left to right): Dann Mathews, Robert Fagundes, Kaley Sproul, Anna-Lisa Laca (YF&R State Committee Chair) and Lacey Sproul-Tom.

The first place recipient Robert Fagundes will compete in the YF&R Collegiate Discussion Meet at the AFBF FUSION Conference in Nashville, Tennessee in February.

Fagundes is a sophmore at the University of Nevada, Reno, studying agriculture science. He is the son of goat dairymen in Churchill County.

December 2014 | Page 7 |

County Corner Check out what’s happening around the state! CHURCHILL COUNTY

Sierra Nevada Academy Ag Day



Douglas County Annual Meeting

Students listen to a presenter share information about burros.

ierra Nevada Academy in Stead, NV held a great Ag in the Classroom day on Oct. 23. In each classroom, learning workshops were set up for students to experience farming and ranching lifestyles and agricultural issues. Some live animals, including a heifer and a burro, caught students’ excitement as they learned about farming and ranching practices across Nevada. A great farming booth was constructed and displayed the various plants and crops that are harvested in Nevada. A big thank you for everyone that helped make this event such a success, including members of Churchill County Farm Bureau!

President Fred Stodieck addresses the group during the event.

Douglas County Farm Bureau held their annual meeting at the JT Basque Bar and Dining Room in Gardnerville on Nov. 3 in partnership with the Carson Valley Conservation District. Senator James Settlemyer and Nevada Department of Agriculture Employee Jamie Greer attended the event. During the meeting, President Fred Stodieck gave an update of the activities from the past year and Woody Worthington and Brian Park were reeelected to the county board of directors. Executive Vice President Clay McCauley gave an update on the Margin Tax Initiative and the current issues in agriculture. Director of Communications Jessica Fagundes discussed the upcoming annual meeting. Thank you for hosting such a fun and informative event!

Matt Fagundes (pictured) and Anne Fagundes discuss cattle and goat production.

December 2014 | Page 8 |


Washoe County Annual Meeting

Washoe County Farm Bureau held their annual meeting on Oct. 29 at the Nevada Farm Bureau office in Sparks. During the meeting, the board discussed their program of work for the coming year, including potential work with the Nevada Department of Agriculture and the schools in Washoe County to increase Ag in the Classroom activities. Executive Vice President Clay McCauley gave an update of the efforts of Nevada Farm Bureau. The board selected their delegates for the annual meeting and also discussed possible policy to bring forward during the open resolutions session. What a wonderful group of people. Thank you for a productive meeting!

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December 2014 | Page 9 |

Metal Gate Signs Now Available Support the YF&R program by purchasing yours today! The Nevada Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers committee is proud to announce that they will be selling metal gate signs for members.

conference trips and leadership activities. The signs are $25 and include up to two lines of customizable text. Please fill out the form below and send a check to Nevada Farm Bureau Federation, 2165 Green Vista Drive Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431 to get your sign!

Back by popular demand, the signs will serve as a fundraiser for the YF&R committee to help fund their

Purchase a Metal Gate Sign!

Benefiting our Young Farmers & Ranchers program _________________________________ _____-_____-________ _______________________________ Name Phone Email ___________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address City State Zip Code Metal Gate Sign Cost *If purchasing multiple signs, please indicate how each sign will be customized. ____________ X $25.00/sign = ________________ # of signs Total Cost Metal Sign Customization *Please select one option per sign.

A. One Line of Text

B. Two Lines of Text

Metal Sign Wording *Please indicate what will be printed on your sign based on your selection above. A. One Line of Text (11 letters and spaces) Line 1: ________________________________________________________ B. Two Lines of Text (17 letters and spaces per line) Line 1: ________________________________________________________ Line 2: ________________________________________________________ Please send your form and check to: Attention: Jessica Fagundes Nevada Farm Bureau Federation 2165 Green Vista Drive Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431 December 2014 | Page 10 |

2014 Photo Contest Winners Announced Congratulations to all participants.


eventy-seven photos were submitted to the 2014 Nevada Farm Bureau Photo Contest sponsored by the Women’s Leadership Contest. Three winners were chosen for both the adult and youth divisions.

The winners will receive $100 for first place, $50 for second place and $25 for third place. Some photographs will be featured as postcards and will be used in the 2015 Agriculture & Livestock Journal.

Categories for the contest were Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. The Women’s Leadership Committee judged the contest and selected winning entries.

Check out the winning photos below and see high quality versions here: Thank you to all participants for your efforts!

“Time in the Alfalfa”

“Tractor in Orchard”

“Spring Ducks”

Tabatha Robinson, Adult First Place

Marie Nygren, Adult Second Place

Helen Jenkins, Adult Third Place

“Baby Foal”

“Sunshine in the Greenhouse” “Proud to be an American”

Carissa Parsons, Youth Third Place Holland Miller, Youth First Place

Tanner Miller, Youth Second Place

Silent Auction Contributions Thank you for your donations!


he 95th Annual Meeting Silent Auction raised nearly $1,400 for our Young Farmers & Ranchers, Women’s Leadership Committee and Nevada Heritage Foundation. Thank you to all individuals who donated and purchased items. Your support is greatly appreciated.

SILENT AUCTION CONTRIBUTORS Bently Ranch • Big R • Central Nevada County Farm Bureau • Churchill County Farm Bureau Douglas County Farm Bureau • Hank and Jill Combs • Jeanne Sharp Howerton Just Country Friends • Lincoln County Farm Bureau • Lyon County Farm Bureau Natural Resources Conservation Service • Range Magazine • Rich and Dolly Capurro • Rod Lewis Scott and Anna-Lisa Laca • Stefanie Licht • The Frey Family • White Pine County Farm Bureau December 2014 | Page 11 |

95th Annual Meeting Sponsors Thank you for your support!





Exhibitors Dahl Angus Ranch • Evaporative Control Systems • Justice Law Center • Made in Nevada Nature’s Bakery • Nevada Agricultural Foundation • Renner Equipment USDA ARS Great Basin Rangelands Research Center • USDA Rural Development December 2014 | Page 12 |

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• 2475 Village View Dr., Ste. 160, Henderson, NV 89074, 702-263-2934 • 2700 E. Sunset Rd. #32, Las Vegas, NV 89120 702-547-0018

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• 2475 Dr., Ste. 160, Henderson, NV NVVillage 89012. View 702-566-1035 89074, 702-263-2934

West Las Vegas Agency • 2700 E. Sunset Rd. #32, Las Vegas, NV 89120, 702-547-0018 • 1805 Village Center Circle, Las Vegas, NV 89134

702-873-6442 • 1070 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy, Ste 121, Henderson, 9910 W 702-566-1035 Cheyenne Ave #150, Las Vegas, NV 89129 NV• 89012,

• 1805702-372-8060 Village Center Circle, Las Vegas, NV 89134, • 3595 So Town Center Dr #110, Las Vegas, NV 702-873-6442 89135 702-802-3400

• 9910 W Cheyenne Ave #150, Las Vegas, NV 89129, • 1321 S. Hwy 160 Ste. 8, Pahrump, NV 89041 702-395-3640 775-727-8920

• 2831 St. Rose Parkway, Ste. 211, Henderson, NV Northern Nevada Agency 89502, 702-589-4732 • 1321 S. Hwy 160 Ste. 8, Carson Pahrump, • 1177 Division Street, City,NV NV 89048, 89703 775-727-8920 775-884-4000

• 206 S. Division St. Ste. 2, Carson City, NV 89703 Northern Nevada Agency 775-841-6316 • 1177 Division Street, Carson City, NV 89703, • 150 East Main, Ste 210, Fernley, NV 89408, 775-884-4000 775-835-0100

• 206 S. Division St. Ste. 2, Carson City, NV 89703, • 585 5th Street, Elko, NV 89801, 775-738-1744 775-841-6316 • 1082 Lamoille Hwy., Elko, NV 89801,

• 150775-738-3757 East Main, Ste 210, Fernley, NV 89408, 775-835-0100

• 364 Aultmann St. Ely, NV 89301 775-289-2886

• 585• 5th Elko,Ave., NV Fallon, 89801,NV 775-738-1744 560 Street, W. Williams 89406,

775-423-7168 • 1082 Lamoille Hwy., Elko, NV 89801, 775-738-3757 311 S. Bridge Ste.NV G Winnemucca, NV 89445 • 364• Aultmann St.St.Ely, 89301, 775-289-2886 775-623-6677

• 560 W. Williams Ave., Fallon, NV 89406, • 1664 Hwy. 395 #104, Minden, NV 89423 775-423-7168 775-782-8363

• 311• S. Bridge St. Ste. G Winnemucca, 143 S. Nevada St. Yerington, NV 89447NV 89445, 775-623-6677 775-463-2642

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1113-572HO • 6490 S. McCarran Blvd. #14, Reno, NV 89509, 775-828-2930 December 2013 | Page 13 | December 2014 | Page 13 |

The Ag Agenda Advancing Agriculture in 2014 By Bob Stallman President, American Farm Bureau Federation


he mid-term elections are over. No doubt you’re as relieved as I am to see the campaign ads fade away. Now the holidays are already upon us. As we celebrate with friends and family, it’s a good time to pause, look back and give thanks for the past year. Not much sooner than the holiday dinner dishes are cleared from the table, we’ll also look to what we hope the next year will bring. At Farm Bureau, we’re proud of the progress we’ve made so far this year, and we are eager to do even more for farmers and ranchers in the coming weeks and months. Taking on the Tough Questions Farm Bureau recently announced a historic agreement among agricultural technology companies and farm groups on farm data privacy and security principles. We have led in asking tough questions to ensure data remains secure as new technologies that make farming more efficient also expose farmers and ranchers to new risks. Farmers and ranchers overwhelmingly agree they should own their farm data, and Farm Bureau has played a leading role in educating them about asking the right questions before signing data sharing agreements. Technological advancements also raise questions for consumers – questions that farmers must be willing and able to answer if we are to maintain access to biotechnology. Farm Bureau has equipped farmers with a new toolkit to help them answer consumers’ questions and dispel biotech myths, and we will be rolling out more resources to explain why agricultural innovation is important to us all. Speaking of the recent elections, we were pleased to see that voters in Colorado and Oregon recognized that state initiatives requiring that “GMO” products be labeled as such would do more harm than good. Rather than a state-by-state or county-by-county patchwork, we support a national labeling bill introduced in Congress. Consumers have a right to know what’s in their food, but the information should be based on facts, not fear. Standing Up to Regulatory Overreach The EPA and Corps of Engineers also have been hard at work this year – trying to place more roadblocks on the productive use of farmland. The agencies’ Waters of the U.S. proposed rule amounts to an unprecedented land

grab, as its vague and confusing language leaves plenty of loopholes for the agency to regulate most ephemeral drainage features, ditches and small wetlands on farmland and pastures, even if they are only occasionally wet. Hundreds of thousands of comments have been submitted to the public docket, many of them from landowners who joined Farm Bureau in calling for the agencies to Ditch the Rule. Farm Bureau expects the 113th Congress to be hard at work on this and other key issues in the remaining weeks of this year. It’s time for regulatory overreach to stop standing in the way of common farming activities. We were pleased to see the House stand with farmers and ranchers by passing H.R. 5078, which would block implementation of the “WOTUS” proposed rule. Farm Bureau is urging the Senate also to act before the year ends. Investing in the Future of Farming Another top priority for farmers and ranchers is action on several important tax provisions that expired at the end of 2013. Farmers depend on tax incentives like bonus depreciation to increase their cash flow and allow them to purchase equipment without taking on too much debt. Restoring these provisions would help boost rural economies as farmers and ranchers plan their business decisions for the next season. In a few short weeks, Farm Bureau members from all around the nation will gather in San Diego to set the agenda for next year, while the new Congress will be just getting under way in Washington. As we look to what’s next, we can also be proud of how agriculture has united for action this year, to ensure farmers and ranchers can keep doing their work of feeding a growing world.

December 2014 | Page 14 |

Classified Ads Animals

For Sale

Cheviot Lambs Cheviot lambs: 2 rams, 1 wether born April, 2014. $125 each or $350 for all 3 lambs. Call 775-9728915 or 775-530-8915. Livestock Guardian Dogs Livestock Guardian Dogs. Proven crosses, working parents. Puppies raised on sheep. Spanish Mastiffs, Pyrenean Mastiffs, Maremma/ Anatolian crosses. Winnemucca. Brenda M. Negri (775) 931-0038 Yearling Angus Bulls Yearling Angus Bulls born Feb. 1, 2013 and after. Fallon. Call 775423-5092.

Farm Equipment

3 Point Cultivator 3 Point Cultivator, 14 ft. wide, S-tine with gauge wheels, extra s-tines. Great shape. $1,300. 775-771-9612 8” Irrigation Discharge Head 8” irrigation discharge head with 1 1/2” shaft. Call 775-224-3283 125 HP Motors 2-US 125 hp motors, new re-wind: $8,700; 1-US 125 hp motor, used only 2 weeks: $7500; 1-GE 125 hp motor, used: $5,500 Call 775-2243283 2014 Maverick Steel 16 Ft. Trailer 2014 Maverick Steel 16 Ft. Stk GN. 7 ft. wide. Center gate, combo rear gate, Mats and spare. LED lights. $9,300 Call 775.463.3430 Caravan Campershell Caravan Campershell. Fits Dodge Ram 2009 & up. Double door, slider window, silver. Like new $3,000. Call 775-225-2431 Exis Gooseneck Trailer Very Good Condition. 2 axle middle divider - 20 ft. - 4 ft. tackroom. 4 saddle racks. Only pulled about 3,000 miles. $14,500. Call Elaine: 775-217-2148 Freeman 330 3 Twine Baler Freeman 330 3 Twine Baler, Gas Engine, $5,000. Call 775-427-5056

DEADLINE: Ads must be received by December 16 for next issue. For Sale Wanted

For Sale

Farm Equipment

New Holland 1112 Swather New Holland 1112 Swather with 16-foot header. Good backup machine $3000 OBO at Washoe Valley. Call 775-888-9877 or e-mail New Holland 116 Swather New Holland 116 pull type swather. $3000. 775-572-3337 Newman Pump Motor Newman Pump Motor. 60 horse, Excellent condition – Like New. Contact Edna – Peak Industrial Electric, 775-623-3023 New Pipe and Wood Stall Fronts 2 Pipe and Wood Stall Fronts. New, Never Installed. Paid $1,500. Sell both for $750. Ask for Jim 775-720-4634, 775-465-2936. Pickup Bed Camper Pickup bed camper. Very nice, like new condition: $5,500. Call 775224-2383


Alfalfa Hay For Sale 3x4 bales. Several grades: nice green-rain damaged feeder, 53-47 TDN and 18-17 Proteins. No weeds. Also have Triticale Grain Hay. Stacks located 80 miles East of Tonopah , NV. 775-863-0321


5 acre Agritourism Opportunity Washoe Valley 2047 sq. ft. custom cedar home with mountain view. NV’s only USDA certified organic u-pick apple orchard. Water rights, barn, shop, chicken pens, playhouse, greenhouse, garden area, seasonal stream, RV hookup & fully stocked gift shop. Successfully operated for 10 years. $685,000. 775-720-2904 6.4 Acres (Residence, 3 bd. 2 bath) - Diamond Valley Residence 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,600 sq. foot w/ hot tub room on 6.4 acres. 532 sq. ft. detached garage, 841 sq. foot hay shed & 877 sq. ft. 3 bay carport w/ storage room & extensive corrals w/ heated Ritchie waterers. Includes fenced pasture. Call 775-385-3334.


10 Acres (Commercial Building) – Diamond Valley Commercial Building 7500 sq. ft. w/ 2 loading docks and large automatic 14 ft. door in Diamond Valley, large office 1,440 sq. ft.. Pad & hook-up for double-wide residence, 10 acres, fenced on 3 sides. Call 775-385-0030 or email 25 acres (Ranch w/ surface water) – Near Genoa Ranch for Sale for $1.5 million, 25 acres with rich soil, surface water, 2 wells and 3 houses. Near Lake Tahoe, Genoa, Minden, Douglas High School and Wally’s Hot Springs. 831-512-3225. 37 acres (House w/ water rights)Wellington 37 acres w/ water rights in Wellington. House-1846 sq. Ft., 2 bed 2 bath, recently remodeled w/ new windows/flooring. Numerous out buildings, covered hay barn, corrals. In alfalfa production. $470,000. Call 775-465-2252 or 775-720-1388 or e-mail

Wanted Employee


Cow/Calf Manager Family Owned ranch in Smith Valley, NV & Bridgeport, CA; 1200hd cow/calf operation; all aspects of ranching: roping, doctoring, range feed evaluation, fencing; self starter, quiet cattle handling skills; salary w/ housing; Fax: 775-465-2156 or email resume w/ references.

Farm Equipment

3 Point Weed Hog 3 PTO weed hog, preferably 4 ft.. cutting. 813-512-3225 Used Roterra Lely Roterra- looking for a used Roterra that is in working condition, or needs minimal work to be field ready. Cary 775-6917655. Windmill Working or easy fix windmill, with or without tower. And 20’/30’ non-leaker container. Call 775557-2804.


Pasture Wanted Pasture Wanted for 20-40 pair in Northern Nevada. 775-287-6978

Experienced Cattleman Needed Experienced cattleman wanted for the Cannon Ranches in Lund and Hiko. Competitive salary and benefits included. Please email for info.

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS Non-commercial classified ads are free to Nevada Farm Bureau Federation members. Must include membership number for free ad. Forty (40) word maximum. Non-member cost is $0.50 per word. You may advertise your own crops, livestock, used machinery, household items, vehicles, etc. Ads will not be accepted by phone. Please specify how long ads should run or they will run one time only. We reserve the right to refuse to run any ad. Please type or print clearly. Proofread your ad. Mail ad copy to: Attention: Jessica Fagundes Nevada Farm Bureau Federation 2165 Green Vista Drive, Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431 or email ad copy to Jessica at

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