May 2014

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Nevada Farm Bureau®

Volume 66, Number 5, May 2014

Agriculture & Livestock


Policy On the Bundy Situation

DROUGHT: The Fight of Their Lives

County Corner: What’s Happening

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Meeting & Event Calendar

May 1 Churchill County Ag in the Classroom Ag Day, Numa Elementary School, Fallon May 9 Nevada Agricultural Foundation Annual Banquet

A social hour / reception will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by a dinner at 6:30 p.m. For more information, contact Sue Hoffman, Executive Director of the Nevada Agricultural Foundation at (775) 673-2468 or by e-mail at sue@nvagfoundation. org. May 16 Lyon County Ag in the Classroom Ag Day, East Valley Elementary, Fernley May 23 Douglas County Ag in the Classroom Ag Day, Jacks Valley Elementary School, Genoa May 27 UNCE Agriculture Innovation Forum Series - Wildflower & Native Plant Propagation CVIC Hall in Minden at 1604 Esmeralda Ave. May 28 Soil Health Workshop Sponsored by the Northeast Elko Conservation District and NRCS 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Cottonwood Ranch. June 1 Applications due for Nevada Centennial Awards program If you have anything you’d like to have included in the meeting & event calendar please contact Jessica at

“The Agriculture & Livestock Journal” (ISSN 0899-8434) (USPS 377-280) 2165 Green Vista Dr. Suite 205 Sparks, NV 89431 Phone: (775) 674-4000 Fax: (775) 674-4004 Publisher: Nevada Farm Bureau Federation Editor: Jessica Fagundes The Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal is published monthly by the Nevada Farm Bureau Federation. Subscriptions are available to Nevada Farm Bureau members, only, at an annual subscription price of $1, which is included in yearly dues. Periodical postage is paid at Reno, NV and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal, 2165 Green Vista Drive, Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431.

Connect with Farm Bureau

May 2014 | Page 2 |

2014 Board of Directors Officers President James “Hank” Combs Vice President Bevan Lister Women’s Leadership Chair Cindy Hardy YF&R Chair Anna-Lisa Giannini District 1 Director Jamie Perkins District 2 Director Craig Shier District 3 Director Carla Pomeroy County Farm Bureau Presidents Central County Joyce Hartman Churchill County Julie Wolf Clark County Jim Hardy Douglas County Fred Stodieck Elko County Jonathan Dahl Humboldt County Martin Muratore Lander County Paul Young Lincoln County Paul Mathews Lyon County Darrell Pursel Washoe County Louis Damonte Jr. White Pine Gracyne Backus

Farm Bureau

Perspectives By James “Hank” Combs President, Nevada Farm Bureau

On The Bundy Situation: A Look at Our Policy


here has been much news, commentary, video, and propaganda for each of you to make your own determination about the Bundy situation. I am not an expert on the details, but Nevada Farm Bureau does have policy that deals with some of the issues: 133 – Seizure Of Livestock: We support the local sheriff as the responsible supervisory authority on orders of seizure by a federal agency. The local authorities will over-see all orders of seizure and have a court order provided to this local authority to implement the action. We support a change to federal livestock regulations to require a court order prior to impoundment. Nevada NRS 565.100 outlines that it is unlawful to transfer ownership by “Sale or otherwise” without a brand inspection clearance certificate within brand inspection districts. The agent of the Federal Government must get a brand inspection from the state in order to remove livestock from a brand inspection district

or to sell any animals. In dealing with brand inspection procedures for cases where livestock have been impounded we believe the following steps should be carried out: a. Prior to a call for brand inspection of livestock to be impounded by any claims or alleged claimant a review should be conducted by a local court and this material should be presented to the brand inspector before any transportation is approved (this should be required regardless of district brand boundaries within the state of Nevada); b. Any such livestock be impounded within the state of Nevada and should remain here until clearance is approved for their release by satisfaction of the case; c. And, local law enforcement must be present to maintain order. In the case of impounding cattle, we believe that the private property owner should be protected from excessive fines such as impoundment cost that are higher than actual, unless a court action calls for this type of action. 163 – Government Agencies: Government agencies should May 2014 | Page 3 |

follow adopted legislative authority without creation of their own missions. Nevada Farm Bureau requests Congressional review/oversight of Executive Orders, federal agencies and I.R.S. litigation, court cases and court appeals. Private citizens’ judicial relief from abusive agencies is destroyed by the agencies’ unlimited funding for repeated and expensive litigation. The agencies and/or individual employees should have punitive action taken against them when they abuse their powers. (We recommend for reference chapters NRS 197 and NRS 199.) 165 – Government Employees: Government agencies and their employees are accountable for their actions under Nevada Revised Statutes, Chapters 197 and 199. We support system reforms to achieve this end. Further, agencies and employees must recognize the U.S. Constitution, state law and local ordinances. Continued on pg 6.

Drought: The Fight of Their Lives By Ann-Lisa Giannini


ollowing a remarkably dry winter and the early arrival of spring, Nevada’s farmers and ranchers are gearing up to fight another year of drought. For many farmers in the Silver State they won’t just be fighting to get water to their fields, but they will be fighting to keep their businesses alive. Darrell Purcell, a farmer in Yearington, says that the drought has him and several of Nevada’s farmers in a tight spot. “I don’t have enough water to plant anything,” he says. Purcell and his family have been growing melons, onions and hay in the Smith Valley for generations. With only 9 ½ percent of their allotted water on the East side of the Walker River and a measly 1.33 percent on the West side, the Purcell’s won’t even have enough water for one irrigation. Farmers in the Lahonttan Valley don’t have much to complain about says Fallon area young farmer Andrew Doty. At press time farmers in the area have access to 50 percent of their water, and he says his family will be able to break even. They will just have to tighten their belts a little and leave out a few crops. “This year your primary crops will be alfalfa and sedan grass,” Doty says. “Crop farmers won’t plant any corn.” While most farmers like the Dotys don’t intend to plant corn, a few dairy farmers in the Lahontan Valley will still plant some. Doty says it’s just not worth it unless you’re feeding cows. He says some dairy farmers will plant 80 or 90 day corn and will take what they can get to keep feed costs down, but area crop farmers won’t take on the risk.

Drought Resources This January Secretary Vilsack declared nine counties in Nevada Natural Disaster Areas including; Churchill, Lander, Mineral, Pershing, Clark, Lyon, Nye, Washoe and Humboldt. Fortunately with the recent passage of the 2014 Farm Bill, assistance through USDA is an option for many farmers and ranchers. Many farmers throughout the state were able to apply for disaster assistance through their local Farm Service Agency (FSA) offices. Enrollment is currently open for livestock producers to participate in the Livestock Forage Disaster program which provides compensation to eligible livestock producers that have suffered grazing losses due to drought or fire on publicly managed land. Ranchers are encouraged to contact their local FSA offices for more information. The University of Nevada Reno Cooperative Extension (UNCE) built a website to aid Nevada’s producers through this tough time. News, information, statistics and helpful white papers are available through UNCE.

“If the dam [Lahontan] would last until middle of August or September it would be worth it,” he says. “They are saying first of August, but you never know.” Farmers in the Smith and Lahontan Valleys rely on snowpack runoff for their water and unfortunately it

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has been a record dry year according to the National Weather Service. Leaving farmers like Purcell with very few options. “With our home place it’s going to be a matter of trying to make enough hay to pay taxes,” he says. Purcell is one of a few farmers in Smith Valley with small wells on their farms. Larger farms often have commercial wells in that area and will be fine according to Purcell. “The big guys won’t be affected,” he says. “For the rest of us that are in a little bit of a tough spot because of either location or water it will be ugly.”

time. Lander county rancher Paul Young says that his grazing season was cut so short that he probably won’t turn out at all.

Doty says that it is the worst water year he has seen in his short lifetime of 22 years.

“I’ve only got two months out on the range,” he says. “It just isn’t worth it.”

“While 50% isn’t that bad, it is the least amount of water we have seen in my memory,” he explained. “We had 28% in the early 90’s but I was really young.”

Farmers and ranchers throughout the State are faced with daily challenges and tough decisions, but while the land dries up, many like Doty, Purcell and Young will hold onto hope.

The drought isn’t only affecting Nevada’s farmers. Ranchers throughout the state are facing daily challenges as well. Many who graze on BLM land are being turned out on their leases for shorter periods of

“If you truly love what you do than you stick with it and wait for better years,” Doty says.

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Farm Bureau Perspectives Cont.. We oppose agencies utilizing third party harassment to further pressure first party inaction. We favor local control and oppose any national police force. All state and federal agency personnel must go through elected county sheriffs for law enforcement problems unless the sheriff is the target of the investigation. Federal land and resource agencies should be prohibited from exercising police powers within a state and should not have their own police enforcement agents. 178 – Federal Lands Conversion To Private Property: We favor retention and strengthening of the principles of the Desert Entry Act and Carey Act to provide for the disposal of federal lands into private ownership. 190 – Law Enforcement: Enforcement of any codes by federal agencies must be limited to their primary responsibility. Nevada Farm Bureau believes that Nevada and its counties have sufficient law enforcement personnel and courts systems to enforce any and all laws and regulations. We oppose federal intrusion into law enforcement activities in the state. We urge the Nevada Legislature to take an active role in protecting Nevada’s citizens from Federal law enforcement, or being called before federal courts for minor infringements. Jurisdictional issues must be clarified and adhered to.

Nevada Farm Bureau


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Choice Hotels® Savings Card Nevada Farm Bureau - ID# 00209930 • 800.258.2847 Only authorized association members may book using the Choice Hotels® Significant Organization Savings program. The rate ID# may not be distributed externally. Members may be required to show proof 12-130/02/12 of affiliation with the organization at the time of check-in.

However you feel or believe about Cliven Bundy (a non-Farm Bureau member) a lot of what he and his supporters stood up against, our policy supports. Everyone is grateful that no one was seriously hurt, it was a tense situation and I hope it all comes to a peaceful conclusion. We should use this as a platform to help our causes with the sage grouse, wild horses and other issues we are having with the federal government. This is our state!

May 2014 | Page 6 |

Good Ole’ County Fair Fun By Lacey Sproul-Tom


he annual Clark County Fair occurred April 10-14, 2014. This year 71,473 people attended according to the Clark County Fair Event Director, Todd Robison. The Clark County Farm Bureau booth during the fair is located in the Agriculture Building. Every year the booth has grown and evolved. This year the activity that attracted children of all ages was the PLANKO board game made by Clark County Young Farmers and Rancher member, Noah Reid. This game incorporated the USDA My Plate while opening the door for many discussions on where food comes from and what is grown in the beautiful state we call home. When asked to create this giant sized game, Noah took on the task and created a colorful game that attracted all. This game along with “Maggie the Milk Cow” became activities for all to remember. “Maggie” gave the attendees an opportunity to have a real hands on milking experience, without the danger of flying hoofs. Along with the activities to keep children engaged and occupied, the Clark County Farm Bureau had an educational booth filled with many handouts and information on Farm Bureau, My American Farm activity games, agricultural accurate books and activity sheets. These were available to those parents and teachers that are interested in helping to build a connection based on shared values important to Farm Bureau. Cindy Hardy, Nevada Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Chair provided “Our Food Link” materials

to consumers to help explain where their food and fiber comes from. This year the Clark County Farm Bureau tried something new to attract more involvement from associate members. Jim Hardy worked with the Clark County Rodeo Director, Kevin Willard to obtain a section reserved for the Farm Bureau members on Thursday’s evening performance. The Clark County Farm Bureau gave two Thursday night rodeo tickets to any member that called in advance with their membership number. This gave the opportunity to showcase another benefit of being a Farm Bureau member. Young Farmers and Ranchers The Clark County Young Farmers and Ranchers held their annual BBQ dinner and rodeo on Thursday, April 10, 2014. Each year the county YF&R gear up to grow the program. The YF&R work with the local Moapa Valley FFA to invite and recruit outgoing seniors to hop on board and join in on the fun. This year was the most successful dinner to date with new eager faces to take on new challenges. There were 35 attendees and Nevada Farm Bureau’s new executive Vice President Clay McCauley was in attendance. Members had the opportunity to listen to the exciting May 2014 | Page 7 |

goals that Clay will implement in the organization. Many members stated that they are excited to see what is in store and the opportunities available with new staff. In addition to Clay and the Clark County attendees, three out of the four Nevada State Young Farmers and Rancher committee members were able to enjoy in the activities. Kaluna Aki, Dann Mathews and Lacey SproulTom were able to meet and greet members. They are excited over the possibilities with the new eager members and staff. Nevada Farm Bureau’s President Hank Combs enjoyed the activities and was able to introduce himself to the new faces as well. After the BBQ, the members were invited to attend the Farm Bureau night at the rodeo. Another successful Clark County Fair is in the books and plans for next year’s event is already beginning. Thank you to all the volunteers and attendees that made this year so great! Lacey is a member of the Young Farmers & Ranchers statewide committee from Logandale, Nevada.

County Corner C

ounty Corner is a new section of the Agriculture & Livestock Journal that will give counties and opportunity to share the activities they have going on with everyone in the state. If you have something that you would like to have included in County Corner, please contact our office at (775) 6744000. This issue of County Corner is brought to you by newly hired Executive Vice President, Clay McCauley’s extensive travels his first few weeks on the job.

learn more about agriculture. This year, the booth featured several informational displays as well as a hands on fiberglass cow for kids to milk! The Women’s Committee is very devoted to this type of outreach and does an excellent job each and every year. Read more on page 7.

Elko County Elko County held a meeting on April 8. At the meeting Elko County Farm Bureau President Jon Dahl presented COUNTRY Financial agent Barbara Maple a plaque of recognition for her service to Farm Bureau members and Farm Bureau community from 1988-2014. Dahl also recognized two other agents, Lisa Guttry and Joel McCue, but they were not able to attend. We extend our gratitude to these agents for their years of tireless work to provide our members with the insurance coverage they need.

Clark County Young Farmer and Ranchers member hosted their annual dinner and it was a huge hit! With more than 40 young people in attendance, the group hit the ground running for another great year!

Clark County April is a busy month for Clark County Farm Bureau members. During the Clark County fair, members work together to create a large display area for fair attendees to May 2014 | Page 8 |

CHURCHILL County Clay had the opportunity to visit a Churchill County board meeting mid-April. At the meeting he briefed the board on current issues facing Farm Bureau and introduced himself to the group.

Two more Ag Days will be held this month, if you’d like to help volunteer in either Fernley or Genoa please contact our office.

On May 1 Churchill County also hosted the first Ag Day of the year at Numa Elementary School. More than 200 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students had the opportunity to learn about agriculture ranging from dairy cows to brands and even the importance of a balanced diet.

Clay has travelled many miles since he has been here, attending county meetings, meetings of interest groups, meetings to meet state legislators and even meetings to learn how to best communicate our position on the Margin Tax initiative. Luckily, he’s not out of fuel yet! If you would like to have him attend your county meeting he will be glad to make it if he can. Call our office for more information.

Welcome Jessica! We are proud to welcome Jessica Fagundes to the Farm Bureau state office as the new Communications Director. Jessica grew up in the Farm Bureau, her parents own and operate a goat dairy in Fallon. Jessica will be doing all of our communications work, helping the Women’s and Young Farmer and Rancher Committees and will also spend a significant amount of time in the field and at events. If you run into Jessica please welcome her!

May 2014 | Page 9 |

Farm Bureau tells members to ‘ditch’ EPA water rule


he American Farm Bureau Federation is asking its members to resist a proposed EPA rule that will impose unworkable regulations on the nation’s farms.

Published on April 21 in the Federal Register, the more-than111,000-word “Waters of the U.S.” proposed rule reflects EPA’s latest interpretation of the 1972 Clean Water Act. The rule could ultimately lead to the unlawful expansion of federal regulation to cover routine farming and ranching practices as well as other common private land uses, such as building homes. “This rule is an end run around congressional intent and rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court, alike,” AFBF President Bob Stallman said. “Congress and the courts have both said that the 50 states, not EPA, have power to decide how farming and other land uses should be restricted. It’s time to ditch this rule.” Among other things, the rule would expand federal control over land features such as ditches and areas of agricultural land that are wet only during storms. EPA says its new rule clarifies the scope of the Clean Water Act. However, EPA’s “clarification” is achieved by categorically classifying most water features and even dry land as “waters of the United States.”

If carried out, Farm Bureau says, ordinary field work, fence construction or even planting could require a federal permit. The result will be a wave of new regulation or outright prohibitions on routine farming practices and other land uses.

“Congress, not federal agencies, writes the laws of the land,” Stallman said. “When Congress wrote the Clean Water Act, it clearly intended for the law to apply to navigable waters. Is a small ditch navigable? Is a stock pond navigable? We really don’t think so, and Farm Bureau members are going to be sending that message.” EPA contends that an entire set of exemptions will protect many farmers from the burdensome new rule. But Stallman counters that those exemptions will only apply to farming that has been ongoing since the 1970s, not new or expanded farms. Even for those farms, the exemptions do not cover weed control, fertilizer use or other common farm practices. The already narrow exemptions, Stallman said, have existed for years but have been further narrowed by EPA guidance issued May 2014 | Page 10 |

simultaneously with the proposed rule. “The EPA exemptions offer no meaningful protection for the hundreds of thousands of farmers and ranchers whose operations and livelihoods are threatened by this expansion of EPA’s regulatory reach,” Stallman said. “EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers have said the WOTUS rule provides clarity and certainty. The only thing that is clear and certain is that, under this rule, it will be more difficult for private landowners to farm and ranch, build homes or make changes to the land-even if the changes that landowners propose would benefit the environment. This is pure and simply wrong, and it is why we need to ditch the rule.” From Farm Bureau News, the Official Paper of the American Farm Bureau Federation. Photo credit: American Farm Bureau News Division.

Nevada Food and Agriculture Exports Hit Record Levels


evada’s food and agricultural exports in 2013 reached a milestone with sales surpassing 2012’s export sales by $19.5 million. Export sales in 2012 were $117.4 million while 2013 exports were $137 million making for a 17 percent increase in sales between the two years. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, for every $181,000 in export sales, one job is created and pays 17 percent better than a job not associated with exporting. In Nevada, that means 756 high end jobs were created in 2013 due to the state’s food and agriculture exports. “This is great news for Nevada’s food and agriculture industries,” said Jim Barbee, director of the Nevada Department of Agriculture. “We look forward to further growth and increased job creation throughout the sector.” Food and agriculture products are Nevada’s ninth largest export category followed by precious metals and stones. The top four markets for Nevada food and agriculture products in 2013 were Canada, China, Mexico and Japan.

flour and starches, beverages and spirits, grains and seed, fruits and vegetables, trees, plants and sugarbased products. State exports in 2013 for all industries totaled $8.7 billion, down from $10.26 billion in 2012. The largest decrease was seen in precious metals and stones, which could be explained by a drop in the price of gold. “Over the last decade, agriculture has been economically consistent, making it a very beneficial contributor to our state’s economy,” Barbee said. “We look forward to future agriculture export growth and its potential impact in Nevada. From The Nevada Department of Agriculture Newsroom,


The majority of these exports – 94.8 percent – comprise 10 product categories that include cereals,

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May 2014 | Page 11 |

2014 Nevada Farm Bureau Photo CoNtest Sponsored by the Women’s Leadership Committee New for 2014, the Photo Contest will feature photographs featuring all four seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall! The photo contest is open to all Nevada Farm Bureau members and their families. The photo contest includes two divisions: Youth and Adult (18+). Prizes for each division is $100, $75 and $50 for first, second and third place photographs. The best photographs from both adult & youth divisions from each season will be submitted for entry for final judging and cash prizes. Some high-resolution photographs will also have the opportunity to be featured in Nevada’s Rural Tour, the official calendar of the Nevada Farm Bureau! Deadline to Submit Photographs Winter pictures: March 19, 2014 Spring pictures: June 2, 2014 Summer pictures: August 22, 2014 Fall pictures: October 1, 2014 General Rules: • Photographs need to represent Nevada agriculture, rural life or Nevada scenery • Please give your photo a title and brief description and indicate either adult or youth entry • Photographers may submit as many pictures as desired, however only one cash prize will be awarded per photographer • Submit photos to

May 2014 | Page 12 |

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December 2013 | Page | May 2014 | Page 13 13 |


Ag Agenda

By Bob Stallman, President, American Farm Bureau

Optimism: A Farmer’s Stock-inTrade


hen we think of farmers we don’t necessarily think of romantics, but don’t let their typical reserve in showing emotions fool you. A farmer’s heart skips a beat when he or she sees a newborn calf, the budding of fruit trees and the sun rising higher each day. The future’s so bright Livestock producers face sunnier prospects than they have had in years. Cattle and hog prices are at record highs. Milk, poultry and egg prices also are good. The sector is poised to see a positive supply and demand balance. On the crops side, USDA announced at the end of March that farmers intend to plant nearly 92 million acres of corn this year, even though prices have fallen. That is a drop from the last couple of years, but it would be the fifthlargest corn acreage since 1944. Soybean and cotton plantings are set to increase, and projected wheat plantings are down just 1 percent from last year. There is reason to feel good about the prognosis for agriculture well beyond this year. The pace of innovation in farming and ranching is tremendous. The application of information technology promises ongoing productivity gains. Approvals of biotech traits, such as new herbicide-resistant corn and soybeans, are moving forward. Agricultural companies have as many exciting products in the pipeline as ever. People may not think of high-tech when they think of agriculture, but they should. Youth isn’t always wasted on the young Each year, Farm Bureau surveys about 1,000 young farmers and ranchers from across the country. In March we released the 22nd annual survey, which found that 91 percent of young people in agriculture are more optimistic about farming than they were five years ago. An equal percentage say they expect to be lifelong farmers. Just as promising, 88 percent say they would like to see their children follow in their footsteps. That is reason for all of us to feel hopeful, because the nation will need new crops of farmers and ranchers to keep growing our food. Of course, we all lean toward a feeling of optimism when we are young and “invincible.” The possibilities seem endless; the threats, easily conquered. However, farmers, even young ones, see things a little differently. They are optimistic, but they are also pragmatic. Even in the spring, they remain mindful of the challenges they face, such as the growing list of federal regulations that increase the cost and complexity of farming. Availability of labor, water and-especially for younger producers-land are also concerns. Even so, farmers and ranchers of all ages and types are looking across the land as the weather warms and the days lengthen, and they are thinking that if the weather is right their yields just might set a new record. If prices are good, they might buy a few more acres or fix up the old barn. It takes hope and courage to begin a new farming season in anticipation of a plentiful harvest and prices good enough to sustain the farm and the family for another year. May 2014 | Page 14 |

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For Sale 40 acres with 1,800 sq ft. 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom mobile home on full foundation. Home is handicap accessible. Nicely landscaped yard with many trees. Approximately 38 acres planted in alfalfa. Water rights, wheel lines and haying equipment included w/ sale. Property also has a shop, dog kennel, horse corrals and arena. Located in the Steptoe Valley, between Ely and McGill NV. For more information call Mike @ 775-2960577. For Sale 8400 Hesston Swather - 14 ft. header - 2702 hours - Excellent condition, cab looks brand new. $2000 in extra brand new part still in the box. Original owner, excellent maintenance. $28000 or offer. Call 775-224-3283 or e-mail Ranch For Sale: 25 acres, 3 houses, good rental income, rich soil, surface water, 2 wells, close in location to Genoa & Minden. Good terms. 831-5123225. For Sale Fresh split white cedar, 8’ posts, 50 or more. $5.00. Can be delivered. 775423-3818. Leave message. For Sale 2-US 125 hp motors, new re-wind. $8,700 1-US 125 hp motor, used only 2 weeks, $7500 1-GE 125 hp motor, used, $5,500 Pickup bed camper. Very nice, like new condition. $5,5000 Call 775224-2383 For Sale New Holland 116 pull type swather. $3000. 775-572-3337 FOR SALE: 2014 Maverick Steel 20 Ft. Stk GN. Rear slider, split center gate, calf gate, mats and spare. Slate gray color. $10,150. Call 775.463.3430 FOR SALE: 2014 Maverick Steel 16 Ft. Stk GN. 7 ft. wide. Center gate, combo rear gate, Mats and spare. LED lights. $9,300 Call 775.463.3430 Wanted: working or easy fix windmill, with or without tower. And 20’/30’ non leaker container. Also female Pyrenees/Akbash cross, or Pyrenees/ Aussie cross. 775-557-2804 For Sale: 12 KW generator, 2 cycle diesel, Elliot Magnatek, Lamberdina engine, maybe 100 hours. Wired for direct, was hospital standby. $1200 or trade ‘up’ for 25k diesel. 775-557-2804. For Sale: Yearling Angus Bulls born Feb. 1, 2013 and after. Fallon. Call 775-423-5092. For Sale: Residence 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,600 square foot with hot tub room on 6.4 acres with several out buildings including a 532 square ft. detached garage, 841 square foot hay shed, and 877 square feet three bay carport with storage room, and extensive corrals with heated Ritchie waterers. Acreage includes fenced pasture. For more information call 775385-3334. Commercial or Industrial Building 7500 square feet with two loading docks and large automatic 14 ft. door in Diamond Valley Nevada with large office 1,440 sq. Ft.. Also includes pad and hook-up for a double wide residence, 10 acres, fenced on three sides. For more information 775-3850030 or 2009 Flail Mower/Shredder – Gearmore Inc. Flail Mower/Shredder. Model GOL89Y. Mowing width 89” with overall width of 99”. 21 knives with a minimum of 65HP required. Weighs 1900 pounds. Maximum HP 90. Will mow up to 4” diameter material. Bought new in 2009. Used 5 times to restore pastures. Paid $9,900. Selling for $7,900 OBO. Stored in

barn. Excellent condition. Call 775.530.1171 with questions. Located in W. Washoe Valley. FOR SALE 2009 Massey 3635 Tractor in very good condition. 1995 2550 New Holland Swather - in good condition. 2012 H&S Carted Rake - in like new condition. All equipment very well maintained. Appraisal $63,599 Must sell as unit: $60,000 - For questions call 775-830-1759 House and Pasture For Rent House and pasture for rent. Close in location to Genoa and Minden. For more information call 831-512-3225. LIVESTOCK GUARDIAN DOGS - Non lethal predator control. Proven crosses, working parents. Puppies raised on sheep. Spanish Mastiffs, Pyrenean Mastiffs, Maremma/Anatolian crosses. Winnemucca. Brenda M. Negri (775) 931-0038 For Sale Alfalfa grass hay 3X4 (1200 lb.) bales 334 ton first cutting alfalfa/orchard w/ cheat and mustard $130 fob 240 ton second cutting 75% alfalfa 25% orchard grass no weeds $170 fob. Can arrange trucking, will load. Located in Nyala , Railroad Valley, NV. Contact Elar: 775-863-0321 or 801-718-7429 Wanted 3 PTO weed hog, preferably 4 ft.. cutting. 813-512-3225 Wanted: Lely Roterra- looking for a used Roterra that is in working condition, or needs minimal work to be field ready. Cary 775-691-7655. Dairy Facility For Lease Goat/Sheep dairy on Idyllic Farm for lease. Pristine, 280-acre farm 40 miles from Reno between Fernley and Fallon. Dairy milks 200-1,200 goats or sheep. Dairy barn includes: 46 animal Cohburn parallel milk, rapid fire exit gates, milks 200 head/hr., Chore-Time grain feeder system, variable-speed vacuum pump, 5,000 gallon tank. Outside facilities include: Corrals for up to 1,200 small animals, concrete feed storage areas, nursing barn and corrals for kids, abundant high-pressure water, two single-wide worker trailers. Contact Gino Borges at (775) 351-9439 or ginoborges@ For Sale 3 Point Cultivator, 14 ft. wide, S-tine with gauge wheels, extra s-tines. Great shape. $1,300. 775-771-9612 Wanted Pasture Wanted for 20-40 pair in Northern Nevada. 775-287-6978 For Sale Masssey-Ferguson 2745 Tractor. Condition Rough. Runs great in forward gears. Reverse works only in 1st, 2nd and third. $7,000 Phone 775-629-0192 For Sale New Holland 1112 Swather with 16 foot header. Good backup machine $3000 OBO at Washoe Valley. Call (775)888-9877 or e-mail jimgreil@ House for sale 37 acres w/ water rights in Wellington. House is 1846 sq. Ft., 2 bed 2 bath, recently remodeled with new windows and flooring. Numerous out buildings, covered hay barn, corrals. In alfalfa production. $470K. Call 775-465-2252 or 775-720-1388 or e-mail

Nevada Farm Bureau Federation® Nevada Farm Bureau Federation®

2165 Green Vista Dr., Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431 1-800-992-1106 |

2165 Green Vista Dr., Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431 1-800-992-1106 |



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Existing Farm Bureau Bank vehicle loans are excluded from this offer. * Rates disclosed as Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and are based on acquiring one of the following collateral protection products: Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) or Major Mechanical Protection (MMP). Additional discounts do apply for purchasing more than one collateral protection product. The advertised APR of 2.99% is effective as of September 13, 2013. Final APR may differ from the loan interest rate due to additional fees (such as a loan documentation fee, which may be applicable). For a $25,050 vehicle loan with a term of 36 months, a 45 day first payment date and a 2.99% APR, the monthly payment will be $727.72. To qualify for the disclosed rate, customer must be a Farm Bureau member. Finance charges accrue from origination date of the loan. All loans are subject to credit approval, verification, and collateral evaluation. Other rates and financing options are available. Non-member rates may be 1-3% higher than posted rates. Loans for RVs, motorcycles, trailers, ATVs, watercraft and commercial vehicles may be 1.00% higher. This offer is not available in all states and rates and terms are subject to change without notice. Rates and financing are limited to vehicle models 2005 and newer and subject to change. Farm Bureau Bank does not finance totaled, rebuilt or salvaged vehicles. Farm Bureau, FB, and the FB National Logo are registered service marks owned by, and used by Farm Bureau Bank FSB under license from, the American Farm Bureau Federation.

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