November Ag Journal

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Volume 63, Number 11 November 2011

Agriculture & Livestock Journal

The Official Publication of the Nevada Farm Bureau Federation

Nevada Centennial Farm & Ranch Awards Program Honors Two Families...


wo families were recognized at the Nevada Centennial Farm & Ranch Awards Program in Fallon on October 15, 2011. This year the Getto families of Fallon were recognized for 100 years of farming in Churchill County. The Getto families started farming in Churchill County in 1911. It all started when John Getto (1880-1964), his brother Andrew (1884-1971), and their good friend Ed Frazzini purchased a 145 acre farm in Churchill County. In addition to the property they purchased wagons, a scraper, cultivator, and harrow, an assortment of tools, implements, harnesses, several head of horses and livestock, and about 30 tons of alfalfa hay, for $10 in gold coin.

Virgil Getto and family during the Centennial Ranch and Farm Program at the Churchill Museum in Fallon. Virgil Getto, son of Andrew Getto, pictured on right in his blue FFA jacket. His son, Mike currently farms the original land, pictured left holding the sign.

John Getto immigrated from Italy to the United States in 1904, he was 23 years old. He worked on the first reclamation project in the United States, the Newlands Reclamation Project. He worked in various Nevada mining towns including Tonopah where he met Ed Frazzini. They started a small business which included a bar, mining supplies, and clothing. Andrew Getto didn’t follow his brother to the United States, he instead went to Switzerland to work in a coal mine.

Robert Getto and family during the Centennial Ranch and Farm Program. Robert Getto is pictured on the left in the chair. His son John currently farms the original land, he is pictured in the center in green shirt.

Continued on Pg. 2

From Cover

Andrew didn’t immigrate to the United States until 1906 where he landed in Reno. He worked as a bricklayer, helping build some of the apartments on Fourth Street in Reno. A man named Galetti got Andrew interested in truck farming and tried to get him to buy some land. He didn’t buy any land, claiming the land was to rocky, he later moved to Tonopah to join his brother to work in the mines. In 1911, the Getto Brothers and Frazzini moved to Fallon. The men set up a diner at the La Industrial Hotel which Frazzini built. Later that year they purchased a ranch from Charles W. Foote. They also started a second-hand furniture store in town. Frazzini managed the store and John and Andrew assumed management of the ranch, each taking the portion on opposite sides of the north branch of the Carson River, known as Old River, that runs between the two properties.

In 1912, John Getto married Carolina Gillio (1888-1978). They had three children, Robert Sr., Elena Getto Cunningham, and Elsie. Robert Sr., is very proud to have lived the first 89 years of his life in the home where he was born. Robert’s son, John, currently farms the original land, raising alfalfa hay and teff grain. Andrew Getto married Catarina Desolina Longo (1895-1972) in 1923. Andrew, a bachelor for 41 years, was married and soon after became the proud father of Virgil and Mary. Virgil has lived on the farm his entire life. Virgil’s oldest son, Mike, currently farms the original land, raising alfalfa hay, grain, and pasture. To be inducted into the Nevada Centennial Farm and Ranch Program the farm/ranch must have been in the same family for at least 100 years, must currently be a working farm/ranch with a minimum of 160 acres, or if less

(ISSN 0899-8434) (USPS 377-280) 2165 Green Vista Dr. Suite 205 Sparks, NV 89431 Phone: (775) 674-4000 Fax: (775) 674-4004 Publisher: Nevada Farm Bureau Federation Editor: Zach Allen The Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal is published monthly by the Nevada Farm Bureau Federation. Subscriptions are available to Nevada Farm Bureau members, only, at an annual subscription price of $1, which is included in yearly dues. Periodical postage is paid at Reno, NV and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal, 2165 Green Vista Drive, Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431.

November 2011 | Page 2 |

than 160 acres must have gross yearly sales of at least $1,000. The Nevada Centennial Farm and Ranch program is sponsored by the Agricultural Council of Nevada, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Nevada Farm Bureau, Nevada Department of Agriculture, Nevada Agricultural Foundation, Nevada Cattlemen’s Association, and the Nevada Heritage Foundation. “The Centennial Awards Program acknowledges the deep roots Nevada’s ranchers and farmers have with the land. It is a celebration of Nevada’s agriculture and farm families who feed the world and care for the land,” said Dennis Hellwinkel, who was the master of ceremonies for the awards program. For more information on the Centennial Ranch and Farm Program visit http://www.nv.nrcs.

Farm Bureau Perspectives By: James “Hank”Combs


ark the tractor, pack-up the truck, grab your spouse and kids, and head to Fallon for the Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Meeting.

Annual meeting time has come and you are the reason for holding the annual meeting, so don’t miss out! Fallon is the place, November 17-19 is the date to see friends, learn something new and set Nevada Farm Bureau on a course for the year to come. If you have not made plans to attend this year’s annual meeting, it’s not too late! Call now and register. You can call the Nevada Farm Bureau office, visit our website to download a registration form, or use the registration form on page 11. Nevada Farm Bureau is organized for you, to protect your way of life and business. So come and have a say as to what the most powerful organization representing Nevada farmers and ranchers can do for you. On October 25th we completed the final process of policy development; before the county delegates deliberate on our committee’s recommendation. We have a lot of changes and some new policy for your consideration; your input is critical for the development of our policy. Major issues include water policy, public lands, immigration, taxes and government regulations. The annual meeting planning committee along with Churchill County Farm Bureau has been working

hard to make this convention fun and educational. You will have the opportunity to take tours of agriculture operations in the area and attend workshops to better prepare you for the future. This year there will be three tours. We are visiting Liberty Jersey Farm, Desert Oasis Teff, and Churchill Vineyards. Major highlights in this year’s annual meeting program are the presentations by Dick Wittman of Wittman Consulting! He says the key to creating strong leadership for a farm or ranch is to clearly define goals, values, mission and vision for the operation. “Not having a plan can be one of the most devastating things for most families,” Wittman explains. “Once everyone knows the direction the farm is headed, the right people can be empowered to work together as a team to lead the operation.” Prior to the beginning of the annual meeting, on Wednesday, November 16th, Ag in the Classroom Coordinator Dennis Hellwinkel will be offering two workshops. The first workshop “Incorporating Agriculture into Nevada Classrooms” will teach you how to make presentations at various grade levels. The second workshop is teaching “Cattle Ranching in the Classroom.” I hope you can attend these great workshops. To attend you will have to pre-register, using the annual meeting registration form. I have enjoyed representing you for the past six years and look forward to serving you in the future. Have a safe trip to Fallon!

November 2011 | Page 3 |

Agriculture Literacy Internship Part IV

By: Zach Allen The Agriculture Literacy Internship is a unique program taking place in Washoe County. This is the fourth in a series of articles to provide you information about the Agriculture Literacy Internship. Fall is officially here. Pumpkins are being showcased prominently in front of supermarkets, leaves are changing colors and creating havoc for landscapers, and the temperatures are dropping. This fall other great things are happening too, the UNR Interns are entering classrooms throughout Washoe County. They are giving students a wealth of information growing and enhancing learning education. I was invited to attend a class where the interns were teaching a third grade class about pumpkins. I can’t attend every class and every lesson, but I can tell you that each class is different, the lessons vary, and the message is directed to the grade level that the interns UNR Interns Anna Lopez, left, and Chiara Velotta teaching are teaching. Katherine Dunn 3rd graders about pumpkins. I went to Katherine Dunn Elementary in Sparks and attended Kendal Wood’s third grade class. For over an hour the students learned about pumpkins, using the The Nevada Commodity map was also used in the “We’re Into Pumpkins” lesson plan. The UNR interns worksheet. Each student had to locate which counties in teaching the class were Chiara Velotta and Anna Lopez. Nevada grew pumpkins. This allowed students to learn Nevada The lesson plan allowed the students to incorporate reading, grammar and spelling, mathematics, history, and social studies. counties and how to use a map legend. According to the map Washoe, Douglas, Churchill, Lyon, and Clark Counties grow The students learned about Halloween and uses of pumpkins. pumpkins, learned the definition and spelling of a new word, This particular day was learning about pumpkins, but Gourd, completed a pumpkin worksheet, had a look inside of the other lessons include learning about soils and livestock a pumpkin with its guts and seeds, and to top the day off made grazing. pumpkin pie. Kendal Wood who teaches the third grade class said, “Ag Right off the bat students learned what a gourd is. A gourd in the Classroom opens doors to these kids, they learn from the is 1. A fleshy, typically large fruit with a hard skin, some ground up.” Regarding the interns entering her classroom she varieties of which are edible, or 2. A climbing or trailing plant said, “It’s somebody different, its a different way of teaching, that bears this. they [her students] hear me all the time, but to have someone So they learned that a pumpkin is a fruit! Many of the Kids new present something really is great for the kids.” This is the weren’t aware pumpkins were in the fruit family. Along with second time that one of her classes has been exposed to the pumpkins they were made aware of other members of the gourd family with includes watermelon, cucumber, cantaloupe, agricultural lesson plans. Wood’s class has previously toured Wolf Pack meats and zucchini, honeydew, and squash. hopes to visit the University farm this spring when they are The pumpkin worksheet had students first unscramble lambing. words relating to pumpkins. They learned the definitions and Chiara Velotta who is in the process of obtaining her spelling of harvested, warm and freezing (relating to soil Master’s degree and was one of the presenters in Wood’s class temperature), climate, and settlers. Other questions on the said, “The internship has benefitted me in more ways than worksheet taught students how many days it takes a pumpkin I could ever explain, the opportunity to work with kids and to grow to full size, converting hours into minutes, and really make a difference has had a huge impact on me; as well sketching other members of the gourd family. as broadening my education in agriculture.”

November 2011 | Page 4 |

Hot Topics for Discussion YF&R Report

By: Jamie Perkins, Chair Well, this is my last article before state meeting, my last chance to encourage any of you out that there that might be interested in the Discussion Meet to get involved!! The Discussion Meet is our biggest YF&R competition in Nevada, but at the same time it is usually pretty small in comparison to many other states.

speaking skills, their knowledge of the topic, etc. There are at least two rounds to give competitors a chance to cover more than one topic. The final round is for the four competitors who scored highest in the previous two rounds. The winner of the final round will represent Nevada in the national competition. So, spread the word, bring a friend, give it a try! The Discussion Meet helped bring me into Farm Bureau and the YF&R five years ago, and it’s been a great five years of learning and fun since!

Of course, a lot of the motivation to compete comes from the chance to win a new pick-up truck at the national competition. Of course, there are great cash prizes at the state level, along with the chance to compete nationally for the state winner, so it is definitely worth looking into!

Here are the topics, search them on the web and get ideas for what they mean to you and come prepared to discuss!!

Any Farm Bureau, or potential Farm Bureau member, between the ages of 18-35 should look into it. It is held on Friday afternoon and evening of the state meeting in Fallon.

2. How can we convince the public that the animal agriculture industry balances production efficiencies with the public’s expectations of animal care?

The Discussion Meet is set up with usually four competitors in somewhat of a mock committee meeting. A topic is drawn from five previously selected topics prepared by American Farm Bureau Federation for the year. They each have 30 seconds to give opening remarks, and then another minute at the end for closing remarks. In between they have around 20 minutes to discuss the topic, showing their ability to cooperate with other participants, demonstrate their public 1 9/20/2011 10:12:02 AM

1. Are the current and proposed Renewable Energy Policies beneficial to all segments of American agriculture? Why or why not?

3. Have farmers and ranchers effectively utilized social media to educate and influence the public? What strategies can be implemented to expand the interaction between producers and consumers? 4. How do we capitalize on the growing world demand for agricultural products? 5. What role, if any, should agriculture play in addressing health and obesity issues?

Farm Bureau Members


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November 2011 | Page 5 |




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November 2011 | Page 6 |

10/7/11 2:52 PM

RMA Announces Sales of the Livestock Gross Margin Plan for 2012 DAVIS, Calif., Oct. 13, 2011 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) announces the availability of sales for the Livestock Gross Margin insurance plan for Dairy Cattle (LGMDairy), Cattle (LGM Cattle) and Swine (LGM-Swine) in all Nevada counties. The first sales date for the 2012 crop year commenced the last Friday in October and ends at 8:00 PM Central Time of the following day. Sales will continue on the last Friday of each month until June 30, 2012 (or until the maximum underwriting capacity is reached). LGM-Dairy provides protection against the loss of gross margin (market value of milk minus feed costs) on milk produced from dairy cows. LGM-Cattle provide protection against the loss of gross margin (market value of livestock minus feed and feeder cattle costs) on the cattle. LGM-Swine provides protection against the loss of gross margin (market value of livestock minus feed costs) on swine. All policies use futures prices to determine the expected gross margin and the actual gross margin. Swine, cattle and dairy producers are encouraged to contact a livestock insurance agent for further details. Federal crop and livestock insurance policies are sold and delivered solely through approved crop and livestock insurance providers. Visit the RMA Web site at for a list of livestock insurance agents. If you do not have an agent, you may obtain an agent listing at any USDA Service Center. Additional information about the program is available at the RMA Web site: or by calling 530-792-5870.


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November 2011 | Page 7 |

Find us ONLINE! News | Calendar | Policy | Member Benefits | Classified’s

Wyndham Hotels & Resorts Member Benefit Change Wyndham Hotels & Resorts is developing a new reservation system which will benefit Farm Bureau members. The change in the reservation system means, Nevada Farm Bureau members will need to use a new ID number to receive discounted hotel rates. The new Nevada Farm Bureau ID is 1000000507. As a Nevada Farm Bureau member you can save up to 20% at Wyndham Hotel. To view the Wyndham Hotel & Resorts member benefit and all of your other Nevada Farm Bureau membership benefits visit

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To Place FREE Classified Ads... Online: E-Mail: Call: 1-800-992-1106 Fax: 775-674-4004

Officers President James “Hank” Combs 702-399-0641 Vice President Paul Mathews 775-728-4588 District Director Jim Hardy 702-398-3137 District Director Carla Pomeroy 775-423-3801 District Director Craig Shier 530-570-5834 Women’s Committee Chairman Cindy Hardy 702-375-8124 Executive Vice President Doug Busselman 800-992-1106 County Farm Bureau Presidents Central Nevada County Carl Newberry 775-482-9739 Churchill County Sonya Johnson 775-423-6156 Clark County Glen Hardy 702-398-3343 Douglas County Fred Stodieck 775-782-2863 Elko County Rama Paris 775-744-4388 Humboldt County Craig Shier 530-570-5834 Lander County Paul Young 775-964-2044 Lincoln County Bevin Lister 775-962-5541 Lyon County Darrell Pursel 775-463-4900 Washoe County Louie Damonte, Jr. 775-851-0220 White Pine County

NEW! 1973 Dodge Dump Truck 600. 361 V8, Gas, 5 speed w/ 2 speed rear. 65120 miles. 18 ft Diamond plate bed. Double ram hoist. Barn doors rear. Quick removable sides and rear. Good shape. Very clean. This truck has been used for “home use” and not used commercially. It has been well-maintained. 775-720-1261

70 Horsepower Gearhead - $700 Two-horse, Home-built trailer - $500 Call Bobby at 775-635-2118 or 775-635-9656

NEW! DR CHIPPER-19HP Towable, electric start, top discharging, Kawasaki 19 HP engine with very little use. Original cost $4,000. Asking $1,950.00 Phone Bob: 775-329-6411 or e-mail: llamabarn@aol. com

1985 Case IH 1494 - 4WD, Cab, 18.4-34 Rears, 13.6-24 Front tires, 3,370 Hrs. $13,000.00/offer. 775-720-2749 or

NEW! Berkley Pump, Detroit Diesel 671 Berkley High Pressure Pump Model 6NRJ; Detroit Diesel 671, Straight 6 Cylinder; Was used to pump water from the pond. It could also be used for mining. Smith Valley - Call 775-4652529 or email NEW! Irrigation Pipe 17 - 5”- Shur Rane Band & Latch hand move with Rainbirds.....$60 ea. 12 - 6”- Shur Rane Band & Latch hand move with Rainbirds.....$70 ea. Some 20’, some 30’ Light weight, easy to move Quickly couples and uncouples Applications: • Mainline for irrigation systems • Water transport lines • Construction applications • Effluent systems ALSO: 13 -- 10” x 40’ Band & Latch hand move 31 -- 10” x 30’ Band & Latch hand move Smith Valley - Call 775-465-2529 or email NEW! For Sale: Black Angus Bulls - Purebread Yearlings and two year old’s. KDK Angus. Weights Available. Located in Fallon. For more information call 775-423-5092. WANTED: Cattle loading chute in good condition. Call 775-427-7508 or 775-427-8502. White Wood Stove: Excellent condition, great over with thermostat, firebox is great. $599. Call 775-4277508 or 775-427-8502. FOR SALE: 4430 John Deere Tractor w/ front-end leader and duals - $15,000 672 John Deere Hydrolic Rake w/ left-hand delivery - $1,500 347 John Deere Baler - 2-wire - $2,000 346 John Deere Baler - 2-string, for parts - $1,000 70 Horsepower Electric Motor - $700

New Holland 1048 Bale Wagon for sale. Excellent working condition has all new tires. $10,000 775-849-1003

1981 Freightliner - Cummins, 25 ft. bed, 32 ft. trailer. $9,000. 775-779-2275 1962 Studebaker GT Hawk - 4 speed, restored. $20,000. 775-779-2275 For Rent - Horse property and completely remodeled Farm House, 3/2 views 1800+ sq. feet near Genoa and Minden $1175 plus horse pasture available. For more information contact Al at 831-512-3225 or e-mail FOR SALE 25 acres, Genoa-Minden Horse property leased on corner of Foothills and Mueller. Three Houses, 3 Double Garages, Two wells, Family Orchard, water rights. Superb Location! Annual Income $30,000. Selling price $1.35 with good terms. For more information contact Al at 831-512-3225 or e-mail IRRIGATION PIPE -135 pieces of 3 inch by 30 foot hand move sprinkler pipe $30 per piece -27 pieces of 4 inch by 30 foot hand move sprinkler pipe $30 per piece -95 pieces of 5 inch mainline pipe $45 per piece -1 1600 foot 5 inch wheel line 5 foot wheels $4000 TRUCK TRACTOR 1981 Peterbuilt model 362 coe 2 axle tractor. Sleeper. BC3 400 Cummins. Recent inframe. 13 speed Good running condition. Was used to haul hay to California until it was parked a year ago. $4000 HAY BOOM 1961 Chevy 1-ton with 327 motor. Will run with minor repairs. Boom has a VG 4-cylinder Wisconsin. Hydraulics. $800. PICKUP 1979 Ford Courier with service bed. Will run with minor repairs. $500 MISCELLANEOUS Chevy 350 motor with 350 automatic transmission. Late 1970’s model. Came out of an Impala that was in good running condition but was vandalized. $500 3 Wisconsin motors: 1-VG 4-cylinder. 1-461 with PTO. 1-462 with PTO. None in running condition. Make offer. Email Phone 775-304-9136 or 775-304-4659

November 2011 | Page 9 |

by Bob Stallman, American Farm Bureau Federation

Countryside Grassroots at Work Farm Bureau has an outstanding reputation as an effective grassroots organization. For the past 92 years, Farm Bureau members have played instrumental roles in legislative efforts that have helped shape U.S. agriculture. American Farm Bureau policy comes from the bottom up. Our policy positions start at the county, parish and state levels. They are proposed, debated and approved by farmers and ranchers who grow every different type of crop and livestock species possible across our great land. When you think about the level of policy unity that comes from such stark diversity, it really is astonishing. We don’t always agree on everything. That’s what makes our process credible and real. Country Roads As Farm Bureau members, it is ingrained in us to be actively involved and to fight for what we believe in and what we think will better our profession and our country. We are not ones to rest on our laurels while others do the work. We are also not the types to make a lot of noise about an issue and stop there. Farm Bureau members roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty when it comes to matters that are close to our hearts. That’s why I especially enjoy this time of year. If you’re a Farm Bureau member, you probably know exactly why. For many folks, autumn represents back-to-school, fall festivals and cooler weather. For us Farm Bureau policy nerds (speaking for myself, of course), autumn means it’s nearing time for most of our state annual meetings. I can almost hear the momentum building out in the countryside. As I travel to these annual meetings, I listen to Farm Bureau members talk a lot about agriculture issues. Most of the time what they have to say is good, some of the time it’s not. That’s the beauty of Farm Bureau, there’s always room for healthy debate. But in all of my travels, I have never met a farmer without something to say, or more importantly, not willing to roll up his or her sleeves to help further our grassroots process. Country Strong As Farm Bureau state delegates prepare for their annual meetings, they are well aware of the importance of their deliberation and votes on potential policy. Those very policy recommendations have been formed and mulled over at the county level by their farmer peers, and, if successful, will get forwarded to the American Farm Bureau Federation’s annual meeting for consideration. These grassroots members are the backbone of our organization who will play a significant role at their state meetings as they consider important policy positions on environmental, trade, immigration, farm policy and other issues. They will roll up their sleeves, get their hands dirty and carry on the Farm Bureau tradition of grassroots excellence. It’s this commitment of our grassroots members who play an active role in U.S. agriculture policymaking that makes Farm Bureau one of the most successful advocacy organizations in this nation. October 2011 | Page 10 |

2011 Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Meeting – November 17-19, 2011 Fallon Convention Center, 100 Campus Way, Fallon, NV Registration: Date Received: ____________________ (“Early Bird” Package Rate Available, See Below) Farm Bureau Delegates Names – For Name Tags: _______________________________________ For which county are you serving as Voting Delegate(s)? ________________________________ Non-Delegate Names – For Name Tags: __________________________________________________ Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Ag in the Classroom – Pre Conference Workshops – Two Workshops Presented by: Dennis Hellwinkel 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – “Incorporating Agriculture in Nevada Classrooms” # Persons _________ 4:00 p.m – 5:30 p.m. – “Cattle Ranching in the Classroom”

# Persons _________

Thursday, November 17, 2011 Churchill County Tour: Dairy, Teff Plant, Winery

# Persons _______

Thursday Evening Barbeque -

# Persons _______

@$ 30.00 ________

6:00 p.m. Social 7:00 p.m. Dinner, Churchill County Museum, 1050 S Maine St., Fallon, NV Friday, November 18, 2011 Daily Registration

# Persons _______ @$30.00/day _______

Women’s Breakfast & Committee Mtg-

# Persons _______

COUNTRY Financial Lunch

# Persons _______

Friday Evening Awards Dinner

# Persons _______

Saturday, November 19, 2011 Daily Registration

# Persons _______ @$30.00/day _______

YF&R Breakfast

# Persons _______

Early Bird Package Rate: (you save $25.00 each)

# Persons ______

@$ 40.00 ________

@$100.00 ________

(Includes all events, functions & meals -- To Qualify, For “Early Bird Rate” NVFB must receive registration form with full payment by 5:00 p.m., November 11, 2011. You may also Fax your completed form to (775) 674-4004)

At The Door/Late Date Package Rate: Nevada Farm Bureau Membership:

# Persons ____ @$125.00 _________ @$ 75.00 _________ Your Total $ ____________________________

Send Completed Registration Payment to Nevada Farm Bureau, 2165 Green Vista Dr. Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431 Credit Card Payments Accepted Pre-Registration Only: Call 800-992-1106 or 775-674-4000 FAX form to (775) 674-4004

October 2011 | Page 11 |

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North Reno Agency NEW LOCATION •1255 N. McCarran, Sparks, NV 89431, 775-626-3100 South Reno Agency •5555 Kietzke Lane, Suite 100, Reno NV 89511, 775-829-1011 •6490 S. McCarran Blvd. #14, Reno, NV 89509 775-828-2930


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