November Ag Journal

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Nevada Farm Bureau

Volume 64, Number 11 November 2012

Agriculture & Livestock Journal

Congressman Amodei and Congressman Heck Earn “Friend of Farm Bureau Award”


wo members of the Nevada delegation in Washington, D.C. have earned recognition as “Friends of Farm Bureau” in 2012. Based on voting records on priority legislation supported by Farm Bureau, Nevada’s U.S. Congressman Mark Amodei earned a 100 percent score, matching Farm Bureau’s perspective on six votes. Congressman Joe Heck of Nevada’s third Congressional District also scored high with 13 votes out of 14 that were in agreement with Farm Bureau’s position. Key votes that both Congressmen were in agreement with Farm Bureau’s position included actions that dealt with reductions in regulations Nevada Farm Bureau Executive Vice President Doug and taxes as well as pro-trade measures for Busselman presenting Congressman Amodei with the the Columbia, Panama and Korean Free Friend of Farm Bureau Award. Trade Agreements. Also included in the two Congressmen’s voting record was the proposal to repeal Obama Care, an action supported by Farm Bureau. Both Assemblymen and Farm Bureau supported H.R. 6079, the Repeal of Obamacare Act which to repeals the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In July, the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) asked the House to “Turn Back the Healthcare Law.” In a letter sent to the House, AFBF said, “Farmers and ranchers, along with all Americans, are part of a broken health insurance marketplace with limited options and high costs. Of particular concern are provisions that increase expenses through mandated insurance coverage for individuals and employees and provisions that impose new taxes like the health insurance tax.” Congressman Heck

Nevada Farm Bureau President Hank Combs said, “Thank you to Congressman Amodei and Congressman Heck for supporting and fighting for Nevada farmers and ranchers. We thank them for their support.”

Bachelor Degree-Paralegal for Reno, NV Office Schroeder Law Offices, PC, seeks a full-time Bachelor’s Degree paralegal in its Reno, Nevada Office. This fastpaced position is perfect for a person interested in working with agricultural producers and small rural municipal water purveyors in a flexible, supportive family environment. The successful candidate is highly organized, detail oriented, can comfortably manage a variety of transactional water rights matters and assist with litigation. Competitive salary and benefits are offered starting immediately. Salary is negotiable depending on experience and qualifications. Applicants must have Bachelor’s Degree with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, and either a law school education, or minimum two years’ experience in the legal field. Applicant characteristics must include a strong work ethic; comfort working in close, family-type, team environment; learning by doing with minimum supervision; adaptability to variety of environments on the road and a willingness to pitch in as needed. This position requires excellent grammar and proofreading skills; ability to work independently and prioritize a diverse and busy workload; strong time management skills and ability to independently manage follow-up and meet deadlines. Experience reading maps, deeds and property documents and experience working with federal and state agencies including the State Engineer are a plus. Schroeder Law Offices PC is a paperless office using Practice Master - Practice Management Software and Worldox document management software. Applicants must be comfortable working in an all-digital environment and excel in communication, networking and relationship building. Email cover letter and resume to Ms. Daryl Cole, References will be required and should be included in application.

(ISSN 0899-8434) (USPS 377-280) 2165 Green Vista Dr. Suite 205 Sparks, NV 89431 Phone: (775) 674-4000 Fax: (775) 674-4004 Publisher: Nevada Farm Bureau Federation Editor: Zach Allen The Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal is published monthly by the Nevada Farm Bureau Federation. Subscriptions are available to Nevada Farm Bureau members, only, at an annual subscription price of $1, which is included in yearly dues. Periodical postage is paid at Reno, NV and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal, 2165 Green Vista Drive, Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431.

November 2012 | Page 2 |

by Bob Stallman, President, American Farm Bureau

A Labor Plan for All Farmers For far too long, farmers and ranchers have had to struggle to make sure that they have a legal, reliable supply of workers. The reality has been a daunting, broken system, riddled with shortcomings that have resulted in labor shortages, lost crops, bureaucratic nightmares and neighbors competing with one another to get the farm hands they need.

harvesting, while allowing workers the portability to work at other seasonal jobs for up to 11 months. This program reflects real-life workforce challenges and provides both the flexibility and stability that domestic workers enjoy.

Farmers from around the country all feel the pain. From Washington state apple growers to New York dairy producers, there is an across-the-board shortage of labor for hire. Agriculture needs and deserves a legal, stable workforce, and Farm Bureau has a plan.

Just as important, the plan would allow key migrant workers – those who have been working in U.S. agriculture for a defined period, as well as those who are in management and other key positions at a farm – the ability to stay in the U.S. and continue to work in the agriculture sector.

Flexibility and Stability Matter

Eliminating Rigidity

Farm Bureau, along with other organizations in the agricultural community, is working on a solution for farmers and ranchers in all sectors, in all regions and for all commodities. What Farm Bureau is bringing to the discussion is a plan that we think will accommodate all agriculture – from a grower who needs to hire harvesters for only a few days, to a dairy that needs a workforce 365 days of the year. The crux of Farm Bureau’s plan is to establish and implement a new visa program that would give both employers and employees stability and flexibility into the future, while also addressing the current workforce that has contributed to our farms and communities. Both elements are necessary to provide a long-term, stable and legal workforce.

Since its inception, the H-2A temporary agricultural worker program has been riddled with problems, creating more challenges than providing solutions. Because of the diverse special labor needs within farming, the program has been difficult for growers to use, is not even available to some sectors of agriculture like dairy and simply is not feasible in some parts of the country. Farm Bureau’s plan would remedy many of H-2A’s failings by offering real-world solutions that better meet both employers’ and workers’ needs. Over time, as farmers begin using the new visa program, we imagine H-2A will become obsolete.

Building on how the domestic market currently operates, farmers would be permitted to offer migrant laborers either a contract or at-will work. Similarly, workers would be able to choose their form of employment. With a contract, both employers and workers would be provided longer-term stability and the worker could have a visa term of up to 12 months. On the other hand, the at-will option offers flexibility to employers who may just need a week’s worth of

A market-based, flexible agricultural worker program makes sense and is long overdue. It is important for workers, farmers and especially consumers that agricultural producers have access to a legal, stable workforce for the future. With all of agriculture working together, we are optimistic we can offer Congress a reasonable, practical, common-sense solution that works for growers while respecting the rights of workers. It is time to move the discussion forward and find a solution that works for all farmers and ranchers.

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Lyon County Farm Bureau Hosts County Commission Candidates during Annual Meeting Yerington, NV – Lyon County Farm Bureau invited County Commission candidates to attend the 2012 Lyon County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting on October 25 in Yerington. Six candidates are vying for commission seats in Lyon County; all candidates were invited to participate during the Annual Meeting to meet Farm Bureau members and answer questions from Lyon County Farm Bureau members regarding issues facing Lyon County and agriculture. Candidates who attended included Ray Fierro, Lyon County Commissioner District 3; Chuck Roberts, Lyon County Commissioner District 1; and Bob Hastings, Candidate for District 1. Michael Carlson represented Ken Gray, who was unable to attend and is running for the District 3 seat. Commissioner Joe Mortenson and Candidate Sherry Parsons were unable to attend. Agriculture is an extremely important industry in Lyon County and is the number one agricultural producing county in Nevada. Each candidate received five minutes to introduce themselves to Farm Bureau members. After introductions, each candidate had the opportunity to answer questions from members. Farm Bureau members asked questions regarding wilderness areas, water transfer to Walker Lake, incentives for the proposed slaughter facility in Wabuska, property rights, taxes, and economic development in Lyon County. Each candidate spoke in favor of agriculture. Lyon County has a very strong right-to-farm ordinance, and that particular ordinance is often criticized as urbanization encroaches on agriculture properties. Each candidate spoke in favor of the ordinance. Ray Fierro, District 3 Commissioner, said, “Agriculture is our livelihood.” Fierro also commented on how Lyon County is the number one ag producing county in Nevada, and agriculture is the number three industry in Nevada. District 1 Commissioner Chuck Roberts recommended broadening the right-to-farm ordinance. Roberts suggested “realtors need to tell the truth about ag properties and tell the story about the community.”

Lyon County Commission Candidates from L to R: Michael Carlson representing Ken Gray, Bob Hastings, Ray Fierro, and Chuck Roberts.

None of the candidates support increased taxes unless the majority of Lyon County residents were in favor of a tax increase. Bob Hastings, candidate for District 1, said we need to be, “fiscally responsible in government and be smarter with spending money.” Hastings is a proponent of economic development, which would bring jobs to Lyon County. Wilderness areas are of great concern to the agriculture community in Lyon County. The Wilderness debate started when Senator Harry Reid demanded a conservation component to Congressman Mark Amodei’s proposed legislation, H.R. 4039, which would transfer 10,400 acres of federal land to the City of Yerington. A portion of the land would be transferred to Nevada Copper for the Pumpkin Hollow Copper Mine. The proposed Wovoka Wilderness encompasses 85,000 acres in Lyon County. In remarks to Farm Bureau members about the proposed wilderness and Senator Reid’s proposal, Commissioner Fierro said, “It’s a sad day when your representative isn’t representing you.” He continued to say, “Our public land is at risk.” Lyon County Farm Bureau President Darrell Pursel said, “Our Annual Meeting was very successful. We enjoyed having the county commissioner candidates speak to members and answer questions from Farm Bureau members. We hope that farmers and ranchers will have open communication with Commissioners about agriculture issues in the county and that Commissioners will reach out to the ag community for information about agriculture and Farm Bureau policy.”

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Centennial Farm & Ranch Program Inducts Two Families By Liz Warner

Lytle Ranches and the Day-Annett-Costa Ranch were inducted into the Nevada Centennial Farm & Ranch program on September 21 at the Governor’s Mansion in Carson City. Lytle Ranches ytle Ranches formed in the spring of 1865 when Brigham Young sent members of the Lytle family to settle the valleys that house the present-day ranch. Family members believed they had settled in Utah, but learned the land they settled was in Nevada. This led to many family members leaving the ranch and returning to Utah. Seeing opportunity, Charles Lytle came to Nevada, buying out his brothers and the Chamberlins, another one of the original families.


Over the years Charles purchased a substantial amount of land that encompassed five valleys. Charles, along with other area ranchers, formed the West Side Cattle Company, an organization that lasted for years and acquired a vast amount of property and vested water rights. Each generation of Lytles bought out members of the West Side Cattle Company when they were no longer interested in ranching. Presently, only two families of the original company still ranch, the Delumes and the Lytles. Currently the Lytle’s Ranch contains over 1000 acres of privately owned meadows, alfalfa fields, and other irrigated crop lands. Today, Charles’ great grandson Kenny and his wife Donna, great, great granddaughter Kena and Kena’s husband Patrick Gloeckner own and operate the Lytle Ranches. Day-Annett-Costa Ranch he Day-Annett-Costa Ranch roots started in 1905 when George Bryon “By” Day and his son Charles purchased 200 acres for $500 in Smith Valley. This property supplemented grazing property in Bridgeport, California where George Day raised cattle and sheep.


In 1906, the Days purchased approximately 680 additional acres for $3,360 in Lyon and Douglas Counties. The family grew when Charles married Edna Brown of Fallon. Their daughter, Alpha, was born in 1907. Alpha married Norman Annett of Goldfield in 1926. When Charles passed away, Norman and Alpha took over the Bridgeport and Smith Valley cattle and sheep operations. Norman and Alpha had two children, Norma Jeanne and Alfred. Norma Jeanne married James Costa of Winnemucca in 1960. Over the years, the Day-Annett-Costa Ranch has raised sheep, cattle, potatoes, onions, and alfalfa. For the past 30 years, the farming operation has been done by the V.F. Bryan Inc. Ranch under a lease agreement with Jim and his sons, Paul and Peter, who maintain the non-lease elements. Centennial status is given to farms and ranches that have been in the same family for 100 years or more. Forty-five families have received Nevada Centennial status since the program started in 2004. The Centennial Awards Program is sponsored by the Agricultural Council of Nevada, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Nevada Farm Bureau, Nevada Agricultural Foundation, Nevada Heritage Foundation and Nevada Department of Agriculture.

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Humboldt County Farm Bureau Recognizes Ag in the Classroom Volunteers During Annual Meeting During the 2012 Humboldt County Farm Bureau Annual Dinner Meeting, Ag in the Classroom volunteers were invited as dinner guests and were honored for their contributions to the Humboldt County Ag in the Classroom success through the past years. The Humboldt County Ag in the Classroom committee is Char Owen, Diana Vesco, Rene Maestrejuan, Ann Darlene Jones, Sharon Barton and Debbie Giordano. Volunteers were recognized for their work during the Ag

County Farm Bureau Annual Meetings New Leaders Announced County Farm Bureau Annual Meetings mark an important time in the Grassroots process of Farm Bureau. During annual meetings, elections are held to retain or elect new county leaders. Nevada Farm Bureau would like to announce new county Farm Bureau leaders.

Fair, an annual event held at the Winnemucca Event Center arena. The Ag Fair is for all third graders in Humboldt County. Those who were recognized during the annual meeting were Bill Conn, rabbits; Brad Schultz, “It’s More Than Food”; Marlene Shier, sheep; Pete Towne, horses; Randi Fretwell, goats; Vance Vesco, beef cattle; Dave Louk, swine; Ron Cerri, land resources; Susan Hoenrk, beef by products; Leonard Joy, bees; Bonnie Dory, veterinarian; Randy McClintick, mint; Norcutt and Maestrejuan, tractor safety; Newmont Mining, water & soil; and Ann Darlene Jones. During the Ag Day, FFA and other volunteers help serve lunch. Several volunteers were unable to attend the annual dinner due to previous commitments.

Humboldt County Farm Bureau Martin Muratore was elected to serve as Vice President Churchill County Farm Bureau Julie Wolf was elected to serve as President Sonya Johnson was elected to serve as Treasurer Ashley Wolf was elected to serve as Secretary Lyon County Farm Bureau Dennis Hellwinkel was elected to serve as Treasurer/ Secretary

Douglas County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting Recap By Dennis Hellwinkel

November 1, 2012 — During the 2012 Douglas County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting over 60 County Farm Bureau members enjoyed dinner and a joint meeting with Carson Valley Soil Conservation District. Daisy Gudino-Cueva, Chapter reporter from the Carson Valley FFA, gave a report on the chapter activities and thanked Farm Bureau members for their support. Douglas County Farm Bureau President Fred Stodieck announced the newest inductees into the Agriculture Hall of Fame. Don and Marlena Hellwinkel and Louie and Pat Van Vliet. Fred Stodieck announced the “Feed the Pig” program that supports the Nevada Ag in the Classroom plan. He encouraged everyone to feed the pig, especially after enjoying a great meal! Nevada Farm Bureau Executive Vice President Doug Busselman gave a brief history of Farm Bureau dating back to 1919. He explained that Nevada Farm Bureau was created in 1919 by the Nevada Legislature. Busselman also invited members to the Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Meeting. Fred Stodieck, John Laxague, and Todd Gansberg were re-elected to the Board of Directors.

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Shoppers Find Higher Prices for Breakfast Items WASHINGTON, D.C., – Shoppers paid slightly more for food at the grocery store during the third quarter of the year, with many popular breakfast staples showing an increase in retail price. Higher retail prices for eggs, bacon, orange juice, milk and toasted oat cereal, among other foods, resulted in a slight increase in the latest American Farm Bureau Federation Quarterly Marketbasket Survey. The informal survey shows the total cost of 16 food items that can be used to prepare one or more meals was $51.90, up $1.00 or about 2 percent compared to the second quarter of 2012. Of the 16 items surveyed, 9 increased and 7 decreased in average price compared to the prior quarter. The cost for the overall basket of foods decreased about 2 percent compared to one year ago. Most of the slight quarter-to-quarter increase in the marketbasket of foods can be attributed to higher retail prices for breakfast staples, apples and bagged salad. “While prices were up from the second quarter, compared to a year ago, the marketbasket price was actually lower, by about 2 percent,” said John Anderson, AFBF’s deputy chief economist. “For most of this year, food prices have been relatively stable. This is consistent with the very slow but steady growth in the general economy that has been seen throughout the year, along with fairly stable energy prices.” Items showing retail price increases for the third quarter included apples, up 36 cents to $1.86 per pound; large eggs, up 33 cents to $1.94 per dozen; bagged salad, up 20 cents to $2.94 per pound; bacon, up 19 cents to $4.23 per pound; whole milk, up 19 cents to $3.55 for one gallon; orange juice up 13 cents to $3.30 for a half-gallon; boneless chicken breasts, up 8 cents to $3.17 per pound; sirloin tip roast, up 5 cents to $4.74 per pound; and toasted oat cereal, up 1 cent to $3.00 for a 9-ounce box. These items showed modest retail price declines: ground chuck decreased 19 cents to $3.47 per pound; white bread decreased 13 cents to $1.75 for a 20-ounce loaf; vegetable oil, down 7 cents to $2.91 for a 32-ounce bottle; flour decreased 5 cents to $2.57 for a 5-pound bag; Russet potatoes decreased 5 cents to $3.01 for a 5-pound bag; sliced deli ham decreased 4 cents to $5.20 per pound; and shredded cheddar decreased 3 cents to $4.26 per pound. Several items showing an increase in retail price from quarter-to-quarter also showed year-to-year increases: sirloin tip roast, up 11 percent; eggs, up 9 percent; bagged salad, up 8 percent; and apples, up 2 percent.


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TOTAL $51.90 Up $1.00 or 2% from 2nd quarter 2012.

Down 2% compared to a year ago.


The year-to-year direction of the Marketbasket Survey tracks with the federal government’s Consumer Price Index (http:// report for food at home. As retail grocery prices have increased gradually over time, the share of the average food dollar that America’s farm and ranch families receive has dropped. “Through the mid-1970s, farmers received about one-third of consumer retail food expenditures for food eaten at home and away from home, on average. Since then, that figure has decreased steadily and is now about 16 percent, according to the Agriculture Department’s revised Food Dollar Series,” Anderson said. Details about USDA’s new Food Dollar Series may be found online at publications/err-economic-research-report/err114.aspx. Using the “food at home and away from home” percentage across-the-board, the farmer’s share of this quarter’s $51.90 marketbasket would be $8.30. AFBF, the nation’s largest general farm organization, has been conducting the informal quarterly Marketbasket Survey of retail food price trends since 1989. The mix of foods in the marketbasket was updated in 2008. According to USDA, Americans spend just under 10 percent of their disposable annual income on food, the lowest average of any country in the world. A total of 79 shoppers in 26 states participated in the latest survey, conducted in August. See Milk and Egg Trends...Pg. 9

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COUNTRY Financial Representatives Put on Hard Hats

Help Build Home for Local Family More than 20 COUNTRY Financial representatives and employees will pick up their hammers and help construct a home for a local family. The volunteers from the COUNTRY offices in Reno and Sparks will spend a day away from their desks on the Habitat for Humanity build site in Stead. "We are proud to team up with Habitat for Humanity to help build this wonderful home," said Jeremy Peterson, Agency Manager for COUNTRY in the Reno area. "Both of our organizations are about strengthening families by helping them build a foundation for a better life." The COUNTRY volunteers will be working from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Nov. 2 at one of the two new homes being built on the 14,000 block of Mt. Charleston Street. These are the fourth and fifth homes built this year by the Truckee Meadows Habitat for Humanity, which has completed 32 homes in the Reno area since 1991. Volunteer labor helps drastically reduce the cost to construct the homes making it even more affordable for local families to become homeowners. COUNTRY Financial supports Habitat with volunteer build teams in several states. COUNTRY also is committed to helping meet the needs of the local community by hosting blood drives, child seat safety checks and supporting numerous charities and organizations in the Reno area.

UNCE Faculty Member Selected to Work at National Level By Kayla Johnson Madeleine Sigman-Grant, a University of Nevada Cooperative Extension maternal specialist, has been invited to be on the Workshop Planning Committee (WPC) for the Dietary Guidelines 0-2 Federal Steering Committee.

in establishing dietary guidelines for infants to age 2, an age group that currently has no written dietary guidelines. Sigman-Grant will help determine what questions need to be asked and what data needs to be found. The WPC will discuss its findings through conference calls and two face-to-face meetings in Washington, D.C. Sigman-Grant said it’s critical for infants and children under 2 years old to be included in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Sigman-Grant was invited after working with personnel at the United States Department of Agriculture’s Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion designing a food pyramid for pregnant and breastfeeding women as well as a pyramid for preschoolers.

“There is a lot of confusion among health practitioners and parents about what we should be feeding infants and young children,” Sigman-Grant said. “There is a variety of information available, but some of it is inconsistent and becomes very confusing.”

The WPC will explore issues involved

Sigman-Grant said the emphasis is to November 2012 | Page 8 |

provide infants only breast milk until 6 months of age. “As we learn more and more what components are in breast milk, we recognize how it is totally different than any feed that can be manufactured,” Sigman-Grant said. “We’re seeing how there can be more support for breastfeeding moms. Once you start recommending breast milk exclusively for six months it changes all of the guidelines.” Sigman-Grant said the WPC work is a culmination of all of the work she has done over the past 30 years in the area of maternal and child nutrition. “I look forward to the interaction of bringing people together to discuss such an important issue,” she said. “Being involved at the very start of something new and addressing clearly critical issues is exciting.”

Tracking Milk and Egg Trends... For the third quarter of 2012, shoppers reported the average price for a half-gallon of regular whole milk was $2.31, up 10 cents from the prior quarter. The average price for one gallon of regular whole milk was $3.54, up 18 cents. Comparing per-quart prices, the retail price for whole milk sold in gallon containers was about 25 percent lower compared to halfgallon containers, a typical volume discount long employed by retailers. The average price for a half-gallon of rBST-free milk was $3.35, down 22 cents from the last quarter, about 40 percent higher than the reported retail price for a half-gallon of regular milk ($2.31). The average price for a half-gallon of organic milk was $3.81, down 9 cents compared to the prior quarter, about 70 percent higher than the reported retail price for a half-gallon of regular milk ($2.31). Compared to a year ago (third quarter of 2011), the retail price for regular milk in gallon containers declined about 3 percent, while regular milk in half-gallon containers declined percent. The average retail price for rBST-free milk decreased 1 percent compared to the prior year, while organic milk declined 3 percent. For the third quarter of 2012, the average price for one dozen regular eggs was $1.94, up 33 cents compared to the prior quarter. The average price for a dozen “cage-free” eggs was $3.22, down 7 cents compared to the prior quarter but nearly double (90 percent higher) the price of regular eggs. Compared to a year ago (third quarter of 2011), regular eggs increased 9 percent while “cage-free” eggs increased 4 percent.

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8/22/2012 12:18:55 PM

In the Market for a Car or Truck? Our New Member Benefit Makes Car Buying Easier than Ever Nevada Farm Bureau is very excited to announce we have joined the Farm Bureau Vehicle Purchase Program. This program will give Nevada Farm Bureau members the opportunity to save money on a vehicle purchase. Best of all, the Farm Bureau Vehicle Purchase Program can be combined with the $500 GM Incentive. We know that purchasing a vehicle can be challenging and stressful, and you want to make sure you get the best deal. Even when you know exactly what you want, not knowing what you should pay can take the fun out of getting a new car or truck. We now have a free tool that not only helps you save time and money, but gives you the information you need to make a smart car-buying decision. The best part? Your $500 GM Discount* is seamlessly integrated into the process. How does it work? 1. Step One: Research your car at

You want more information? No problem. Even if you’ve got a good idea of what you want, there are still trim lines, options and colors to choose from. The Farm Bureau Vehicle Purchase Program has all that and more. You can easily select makes, models, and options, plus compare different vehicle choices, learn about available incentives, check crash safety ratings, read reviews, view picture galleries and even check your estimated trade-in value. Plus, with used cars you will be able to see guaranteed prices and sort by the features that matter to you most. 2. Step Two: Learn what others actually paid for their vehicle Not sure if you’re getting a good deal? The Farm Bureau Vehicle Purchase Program gives you access to TrueCar price reports. Available with national, regional and local data, these reports show what others have paid for the car you want. You can see the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP), the market average, the factory invoice, and more. 3. Step Three: Get your Guaranteed Savings and print your Member Savings Certificate Once you’ve selected your vehicle, you’re ready to locate a Program Certified Dealer. Submit your information to the dealers you choose. Then, see your Minimum Guaranteed Savings and Estimated Member Pricing* before you even talk to a dealer. Your Member Savings Certificate will list your dedicated contact so you know who to talk to for questions or to arrange a test drive. Finally, take your Member Savings Certificate and your GM Certificate (for eligible vehicles) with you to the Program Certified Dealer to ensure a haggle-free car-buying experience. No cost. No obligation. No hassle. Car and truck buying has never been easier! Visit to see how much you could save with this great member benefit. Questions? Call 1-888-718-9053 * GM incentive available to qualified FB members in most, but not all states. Offer available through 4/1/14, and valid toward the lease or purchase of new 2011, 2012, and 2013 Chevrolet, Buick and GMC models, excluding Chevrolet Volt. This offer is not available with some other offers, including private offers (for example, Owner Loyalty). Offer is available with GM Business Choice. Not valid on prior purchases. To be eligible, customers must be an active member of a participating state Farm Bureau for at least 60 consecutive days prior to date of vehicle delivery. Not available in all states. Program subject to change without notice. See dealer for complete details. **Estimated Price and Savings currently not available in AR, CO, KS, LA, MD, NE, OK, OR, TX, VA and WA. In these states a “Target Price” is presented, which is not an advertised price, but an example of what you can reasonably expect to pay.

November 2012 | Page 10 |

Nevada Farm Bureau Member Benefit Introducing the

Farm Bureau Vehicle Purchase Program Members have seen average savings of $3,197 off MSRP* + Members receive a $500 discount on GM vehicles**

See a price and your Guaranteed Savings before even talking to a dealer Learn more at 888-718-9053 *$3,197 Average Savings represents the average amount of savings off of MSRP presented to Members by Certified Dealers based on Member configured new vehicles between 5/17/12 and 8/2/12. Your actual savings may vary based on multiple factors including the vehicle you select, region, dealer, and applicable manufacturer incentives. The Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (“MSRP”) is determined by the manufacturer, and may not reflect the price at which vehicles are generally sold in the dealer’s trade area as not all vehicles are sold at MSRP. Each dealer sets its own pricing. Your actual purchase price is negotiated between you and the dealer. **GM incentive available to qualified FB members in most, but not all states. Offer available through 4/1/14, and valid toward the lease or purchase of new 2011, 2012, and 2013 Chevrolet, Buick and GMC models, excluding Chevrolet Volt. This offer is not available with some other offers, including private offers (for example, Owner Loyalty). Offer is available with GM Business Choice. Not valid on prior purchases. To be eligible, customers must be an active member of a participating state Farm Bureau for at least 60 consecutive days prior to date of vehicle delivery. Not available in all states. Program subject to change without notice. See dealer for complete details.

November 2012 | Page 11 |

Douglas County Farm Bureau Sponsors Annual Ag Day Minden, NV — On October 10, 2012, 500 Students at Pinion Hills Elementary School in Minden participated in the annual Ag Day Event sponsored by the Douglas County Farm Bureau. Students visited 12 stations throughout the day, each manned by a volunteer and centered on increasing agricultural literacy for both students and teachers. To prepare for the event, teachers were provided with lesson plans and supplemental materials to introduce their students to the concepts presented.

Dennis Hellwinkel with the Basque Sheep Camp at Pinion Hills Elementary.

A big “Thank-You” goes out to Tonja Dressler, who organized the event, and the outstanding volunteer presenters who gave of their time and themselves to make this day a great success!

Ag Day Presenters

Plant It Nursery - Heather Kahabka Nevada Dairy Council - Amy Laster & Maggie Olander Nevada Beef Council - Lucy Snyder Riekel, Snyder Livestock, Yerington Carson River Wranglers - Linda Conlin Dairy Cow - Marena Works, Carson Valley FFA Goats - Barbara Gibbons & Lorraine Vogel

Cowboy - Brian Hoskin Sheep - Caroline Frensdorff Sheep Camp - Dennis Hellwinkel Full Circle Compost - Craig Witt Llamas - Ellen Goldsmith Douglas County Mosquito Abatement - Krista Jenkins

Lattin Farms Corn Maze Salutes Nevada’s Growing Dairy Industry

25,000 visitors. The Fallon-based corn maze has even received the attention of the White House blog. Since the maze has become so popular, the Lattins have taken the opportunity to use it as a tool to educate visitors on the importance of agriculture, farmers, local food and Nevada history. This year, mazegoers will have an opportunity to win a small pumpkin by testing their knowledge of the Nevada dairy industry, cows and milk through various maze quiz trail questions.

14th Year of Famous Corn Maze Builds Awareness for Fallon’s New Dairy Processing Facility Fallon, Nevada – Lattin Farms, a fourth generation family farm located in Fallon, NV, has dedicated its 2012 corn maze design to Nevada’s growing dairy industry. The corn maze is part of the Lattin Farms Fall Festival celebration. Rick Lattin explains why they decided on this year’s theme, “I wanted to highlight the dairy industry because many people don’t realize Fallon is home to the majority of Nevada’s dairy farms. With the development of the new milk processing plant, our local community will have 40 new jobs and our dairy farmers will have increased opportunity to market their milk. It’s very exciting that milk from Fallon, NV will be dehydrated and shipped around the world for people to enjoy. We should celebrate that!” The corn maze started as a way to increase on-farm visits during harvest time. However, it has since become a destination for many Northern Nevada residents. In 2011, over 10,000 people toured the maze and the onfarm Old Fashioned Produce Stand received more than

November 2012 | Page 12 |

Photo Contest Winners Announced Winners of the inaugural Nevada Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee Photo Contest have been announced. The contest, which was open to Nevada Farm Bureau members, was broken into adult and youth categories. Picture categories included Farm/Ranch Life, Nevada Scenery, and Farm/Ranch Animals. Adult Winners included Annie Rojas of Fallon, Lena Wolf of Fallon, and Travis Miller of Jiggs. Youth Winner included Holland Miller and Tanner Miller both of Jiggs. Cash prizes were awarded in the amounts of $100, $75, and $50. Several of the winning photographs was used in the 2013 Nevada Farm Bureau calendar, Nevada’s Rural Tour.

“Corn Bee” by Annie Rojas. 1st Place Adult Division.

“Halo’s Log” by Lena Wolf. 2nd Place Adult Division.

Travis Miller, 3rd Place Adult Division.

Tanner Miller, 2nd Place Youth Division.

Holland Miller, 1st Place Youth Division.

November 2012 | Page 13 |

For Sale: Black Angus Bulls - Purebread Yearlings and two year old’s. KDK Angus. Weights Available. Located in Fallon. For more information call 775-423-5092. 1962 Studebaker GT Hawk - 4 speed, restored. $20,000. 775-779-2275 Sierra Valley California Ranch for Lease or Sale 80 acres irrigated pasture (water rights on two creeks). Fenced and cross-fenced. 2500 sf house (2 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths). Pool and hot tub. Will lease house separately from pasture. Can be shown Nov 1st; Available Dec 1st. Lease Price on house $2,500.00 per month. Sale Price for house and 80 acres $925,000.00 (will carry paper with substantial down payment). Also would consider lease with option to purchase for house and pasture. Calls Only (775) 813-8981. For Sale New Holland 1046 Bale Wagon. Excellent working condition. $5500. Call Tom 775-287-5495 For Sale Caterpillar D2 Bulldozer. Great diesel motor, blade in front. $5500. Call Tom 775-287-5495 Hay Farm For Sale 58 acre well maintained hay farm located 3 miles from Winnemucca. Property includes a 3080sq foot home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, open floor plan with a great room, large laundry area, family room and attached oversized 2 car garage. There is mature landscaping with numerous outbuildings, a 30’x34’ barn and horse corrals. Property also includes a 1537sq foot rental house which has 2 bedrooms and 1 bath with many new upgrades. Serious inquires only. Water rights included in sale. Buyer must be prequalified. $800,000 or OBO. (775) 304-7226 Fencing Wood round rail fencing, doweled rails, treated. Julian Smith, 775-882-2027 (home) or 883-3200 work. Washoe Valley. For Sale - 1992 New Holland 116 pull swather. $3500. Call 775-427-3476 or email

New Holland 1048 Bale Wagon for sale. Excellent working condition has all new tires. $10,000 775-849-1003 1981 Freightliner - Cummins, 25 ft. bed, 32 ft. trailer. $9,000. 775-779-2275 For Sale 25 acres Horse/Cattle Ranch Genoa/Minden surface water rights, 2 wells, 3 houses, 2 yr lease rental income corner Muller/Foothills, multiple agricultural uses 1.4 K Owner 831-512-3225 or email For Rent - Horse property and completely remodeled farm house, 3/2 views, 1800+ sq. feet near Genoa and Minden. $1175 plus horse pasture available. For more information contact Al at 831-512-3225 or email IRRIGATION PIPE 10” Aluminum Irrigation Pipe High pressure mainline irrigation pipe with welded Circle Lock Ring Applications: • Mainline for irrigation systems • Water transport lines • Construction applications • Effluent systems 13 -- 10” x 40’ - $124 each 31 -- 10” x 30’ - $164 each Smith Valley - Call 775-465-2529 or email StovallRanch@ FOR SALE: 672 John Deere Hydrolic Rake w/ left-hand delivery $1,500 347 John Deere Baler - 2-wire - $2,000 346 John Deere Baler - 2-string, for parts - $1,000 70 Horsepower Electric Motor - $700 70 Horsepower Gearhead - $700 Two-horse, Home-built trailer - $500 Call Bobby at 775-635-2118 or 775-635-9656

NEW! Aermotor Windmill 12’ fan - Lovelock Area - Call 775-578-3536 Ranch Help Needed? Working cowboy and excellent horseman looking for work in North Western Nevada. Professional and timely. Cattle and horses is my profession and passion. Will consider any positions and will not refuse any job. Please contact me for a full resume and references.

To Place FREE Classified Ads... E-Mail: Call: 1-800-992-1106 Fax: 775-674-4004

November 2012 | Page 14 |

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• 2475 Village View Dr., Ste. 160, Henderson, NV 89074, 702-263-2934 • 400 N Stephanie, Suite 120, Henderson, NV 89014, 702-454-8323 • 2700 E. Sunset Rd. #32, Las Vegas, NV 89120 702-547-0018 • 1070 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy, Ste 121, Henderson, NV 89012. 702-566-1035

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does. Auto





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Country– Nevada Farm Bureau_Hidden Costs –60670 10/27/11 Publication: Nevada Farm Bureau Pub

Trim: 4.1325 x 10

Creative:Susan Account:Mike

Nevada Farm Bureau


2.99% APR*


Same low member rate for vehicles 2003 and newer Finance or refinance with Farm Bureau Bank and enjoy the same low rates on new and used cars and trucks.* We also offer flexible payment terms, vehicle protection plans, and dedicated Farm Bureau member service. Take full advantage of your membership. Apply today and save!

Existing Farm Bureau Bank vehicle loans are excluded from this offer. * Rate disclosed as Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and is based on automated payments (ACH) and acquiring one of the following collateral protection products: Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) or Major Mechanical Protection (MMP). Additional discounts do apply for purchasing more than one collateral protection product. The advertised APR of 2.99% is effective as of 6/15/2012. Final APR may differ from the loan interest rate due to additional fees (such as a loan documentation fee) which may be applicable. For a $25,050 vehicle loan with a term of 36 months, a 45 day first payment date and a 2.99% APR, the monthly payment will be $727.76. To qualify for the disclosed rate, customer must be a Farm Bureau member. Finance charges accrue from origination date of the loan. Rates and financing are limited to vehicle models 2003 and newer. All loans are subject to credit approval, verification, and collateral evaluation. Other rates and financing options are available. Non-member rates may be 1-3% higher than posted rates. Loans for RVs, motorcycles, trailers, ATVs, watercraft and commercial vehicles may be 0.50% higher. This offer is not available in all states and rates and terms are subject to change without notice. Farm Bureau, FB, and the FB National Logo are registered service marks owned by, and used by Farm Bureau Bank FSB under license from, the American Farm Bureau Federation. 0612_Nevada_VLwRateAd.indd 1

6/19/2012 9:30:38 AM

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