November 2014

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Nevada Farm Bureau®

Volume 66, Number 11 November 2014

Agriculture & Livestock


County Corner: Ag Days and Annual Meetings

Silent Auction Items Needed • Membership Advantage • Annual Meeting Registration

Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture and Livestock Journal November 2014 3 4 5 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Farm Bureau Perspectives - James “Hank” Combs The Issues that Matter for NVFB Nevada Farm Bureau Update County Corner Agriculture & Livestock Journal Feature Membership Advantage Update: Southern Nevada Benefits 95th Annual Meeting Registration Form 95th Annual Meeting Schedule Governor’s Conference on Agriculture Schedule 2014 USPS Mail Statement The Ag Agenda - Bob Stallman Agriculture’s Leading Role in the International Marketplace Classified Ads Contact COUNTRY Financial

2014 Board of Directors

Meeting & Event Calendar

November 3 Douglas County Annual Meeting, 5:30 p.m., JT Basque Family Restaurant, Gardnerville RSVP: Mike Hayes, 775-782-3661 ext. 102 November 4 Election Day November 13 Governor’s Conference on Agriculture, Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, Reno November 14-15 Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Meeting, Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, Reno February 6, 2015 White Pine Annual Meeting, Details: Gracyne Backus, If you would like to include a meeting or event on the calendar, please contact Jessica at

Connect with Nevada Farm Bureau Federation

Nevada Farm Bureau Federation



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“The Agriculture & Livestock Journal” (ISSN 0899-8434) (USPS 377-280) 2165 Green Vista Dr. Suite 205 Sparks, NV 89431 Phone: (775) 674-4000 Fax: (775) 674-4004 Publisher: Nevada Farm Bureau Federation Editor: Jessica Fagundes The Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal is published monthly by the Nevada Farm Bureau Federation. Subscriptions are available to Nevada Farm Bureau members at an annual subscription price of $1, which is included in yearly dues. Periodical postage is paid at Reno, NV and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal, 2165 Green Vista Drive, Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431


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Officers President James “Hank” Combs, Vice President Bevan Lister, Women’s Leadership Chair Cindy Hardy, YF&R Chair Anna-Lisa Laca, District 1 Director Jamie Perkins, District 2 Director Craig Shier, District 3 Director Carla Pomeroy,

County Farm Bureau Presidents Central County Joyce Hartman, Churchill County Julie Wolf, Clark County Jim Hardy, Douglas County Fred Stodieck, Elko County Jonathan Dahl, Humboldt County Martin Muratore, Lander County Paul Young, Lincoln County Paul Mathews, Lyon County Darrell Pursel, Washoe County Louis Damonte Jr., White Pine Gracyne Backus,

November 2014 | Page 2 |

Farm Bureau Perspectives The Issues that Matter for NVFB By James “Hank” Combs President, Nevada Farm Bureau


s we wrap up county annual meetings, we now set our attention on our 95th Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Meeting. November is always an important time of year for Nevada Farm Bureau members as we discuss policy and issues of importance for Nevada agriculture. Our volunteer leaders and staff have worked diligently to provide you with information to help guide our policy making decisions. To ensure issues that impact agriculture in your area are addressed, it is extremely important that your county Farm Bureau is represented at our delegate sessions. In this month’s column, I’d like to address a few issues Nevada Farm Bureau has been involved in during the past year. Wild Horses and Burros Nevada Farm Bureau joined the Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) in a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Land Management for the management of Nevada’s wild horses and burros on public land. The lawsuit is intended to have the federal government comply with the Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971 and is aimed at having the BLM manage the horse and burro population in relation to Appropriate Management Levels (AMLs), which the BLM sets. Nevada Farm Bureau policy advocates for the proper management of wild horses and burros. Although media reports portray that Nevada Farm Bureau and NACO want excess horses and burros to be destroyed, it is actually the law states that point. Federal law dictates that, “The Secretary shall cause additional excess wild free roaming horses and burros

for which an adoption demand by qualified individuals does not exist to be destroyed in the most humane and cost efficient manner possible.” Our lawsuit is aimed at protecting Nevada’s rangelands, protecting the state’s limited natural resources and ultimately protecting the horses. Current litigation is ongoing; we’ll keep our membership posted as information develops. Public Lands Transfer On Aug. 28, 2014, the issue of public lands transfer brought forth by the Nevada Land Management Task Force was not addressed at the final meeting of the Legislative Committee on Public Lands. The Nevada Land Management Task Force was established as a result of AB 227 from the 2013 legislative session. The Task Force, consisting of a representative from each county appointed by the board of county commissioners, was asked to create a study during the 2013-2014 legislative interim to address the transfer of certain public lands in Nevada from the federal government to the state of Nevada. After twelve months of work, the Task Force submitted a report of its findings and recommendations to the committee. However, Assemblyman Paul Aizley, D-Las Vegas chairman of the Legislative Committee on Public Lands said he would not take up the issue and pulled it from the agenda during the final work session of the committee. Nevada Farm Bureau supports the efforts of the Nevada Land Management Task Force and is extremely disappointed in Assemblyman Aizley’s decision.

November 2014 | Page 3 |

BLM’s Drought EA The Nevada Land Action Association and the Public Lands Council filed an Administrative Appeal on Sept. 22, 2014 challenging the validity of BLM’S Drought Environmental Assessment based on the Argenta Allotment decision closing nine use areas to livestock grazing. Nevada Farm Bureau, other organizations and individuals have contributed financially in a cooperative effort to support the appeal. The appeal addressed the concept of developing a programmatic approach for responding to drought conditions, outside the normal land management process, such as those which would be included in an area’s land use management plan. The Drought Environmental Assessment prepared in 2012 takes away the flexibility to deal with site specific circumstances and conditions which are not envisioned or addressed in this EA. It appears the primary purpose for this drought management approach is to single out livestock grazing. Any contributions and donations to help offset the cost of this ‘lengthy’ appeal will be gladly accepted. Please send donations to the state office or give our staff a call. The appeal is moving forward; we’ll keep you informed as we learn more. Discussion of issues like these will continue at the annual meeting. I hope to see you all attend as delegates and wish you a happy Thanksgiving!

Nevada Farm Bureau Update

Bring your silent auction items to the Annual Meeting!


ur Annual Meeting is fast approaching on Nov. 14 and 15. One of the great fundraisers at the event is the silent auction, benefiting our Young Farmers & Ranchers Program, Women’s Leadership Committee and Nevada Heritage Foundation. We are requesting that all counties collect silent auction items to bring to the annual meeting. Silent auction gifts

can range from gift certificates to merchandise. We are looking to collect as many items as possible to help raise funds for the three great programs. We would appreciate any items you can bring. If you would like to receive a letter to help solicit businesses, please email Jessica at Thank you in advance for your help!

AFBF Annual Convention registration opens Oct. 1


he American Farm Bureau Annual Convention will be held on Jan. 11 to Jan. 15, 2015 in San Diego, Calif.

The AFBF Annual Convention offers a preview into the future of agriculture. At the event, members can visit the IDEAg Interconnectivity Conference, which provides educational workshops. Acclaimed late night TV host Jay Leno will give the closing session keynote address at the annual convention on Jan.

12. Attendees will also have the option to participate in agriculture and city tours as well as several foundation events for an additional fee. Interested in attending? You can register for the conference at starting Oct. 1, 2014. Registration cost for Farm Bureau members is $100. Call the Nevada Farm Bureau office at 1-800-992-1106 to secure a hotel room for the event. Please plan for this event early as hotel space is limited.

Farm Bureau Membership Advantage EMS Training Center of Southern Nevada


evada Farm Bureau members will receive a 15% discount on all classes enrolled through EMS Training Center. EMS Training Center of Southern Nevada provides EMT & Advanced EMT training for individuals interested in a career in emergency medicine. They also offer training for the community in CPR, First Aid, AED and First Responder as well as continuing education as required for current certifications. Call 702-651-9111 to book a class. For more information, visit

Lindo Michoacan

Nevada Farm Bureau members will receive a 15% discount off their total bill at Lindo Michoacan. Lindo Michoacan offers high quality Mexican cuisine in Las Vegas. Visit two of their three locations to receive a discount: 645 Carnegie St, Henderson and 10082 W Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas. For more information, visit November 2014 | Page 4 |

County Corner Check out what’s happening around the state!


ounty Corner is a section of the Agriculture & Livestock Journal that gives counties an opportunity to share their activities. If you want to include a story in County Corner, please email us your story at or call Jessica at 775-674-4000.

Churchill County Annual Meeting


Lahontan Elementary School Ag Day Members visit before the event starts.

Churchill County FFA students teach 2nd graders about dairy cattle.

Churchill County Farm Bureau hosted their fourth Ag Day of the year at Lahontan Elementary School in Fallon on Sept. 25. More than 400 students from the first to the fifth grade visited booths set up by the Farm Bureau, the local Churchill County FFA and other organizations. Students had the chance to learn at 19 stations. Booths featured live animals, branding, row crops, corn shelling and more. At each station, the students learned about a new topic and then played games, touched animals and participated in other activities. Thank you to all of the organizations that participated and sponsored and to the volunteers for making the event such a great success.

Lex Riggle (center) and two students discuss plants on the range.

Churchill County held their annual meeting on Oct. 14 at the local museum in Fallon. Thirty-six people attended the meeting and potluck. Members won raffle prizes donated by Don Schank. During the event, President Julie Wolf and Treasurer/Secretary Sonya Johnson gave updates about the past year. Kristina Moore discussed the Ag Literacy project that the county completed with the local FFA. COUNTRY Financial representative Don Schank discussed the partnership with Churchill County Farm Bureau and the membership benefits offered to members. Director of Communications Jessica Fagundes shared updates from the state office including the two lawsuits against the BLM, the margin tax initiative and the upcoming annual meeting. The members elected Sonya Johnson as vice president, Bonnie Bell as treasurer and Kristina Moore as secretary. The rest of the board was reelected. Thank you for such a good end of year event!

President Julie Wolf addresses the crowd during the event.

November 2014 | Page 5 |

County Corner Check out what’s happening around the state! CLARK COUNTY

Clark County Annual Meeting


Elko County Annual Meeting

Rick Huskins thanked YF&R members for their work in the past year.


lark County Farm Bureau had a large turnout during their annual meeting on Oct. 14. President Hank Combs, Clark County President Jim Hardy and Executive Vice President Clay McCauley spoke to members about current issues in Nevada agriculture and Farm Bureau activities at the county and state level. COUNTRY Financial Southern Nevada Agency Manager Kris Kemmer updated the group on the agency and their work with Clark County. The board recognized the YF&R members, giving them ball caps and gave special recognition to Kaluna Aki and Mica Leatham for their work with Clark County Farm Bureau. Thank you for a wonderful meeting and congratulations to all who were recognized.

Members enjoyed steaks cooked by YF&R members and a potluck.

State Senator Pete Goicoechea gives the group an update.

Elko County Farm Bureau held their annual meeting at the Star Restaurant in Elko on Oct. 7. The event had a great turnout of more than 40 people. During the event, members enjoyed Basque food while they listened to several guest speakers. State Senator Pete Goicoechea, Assemblyman John Ellison and Nevada Cattlemen’s President Ron Torell discussed current issues in Nevada agriculture and their role as advocates for farmers and ranchers. Executive Vice President Clay McCauley discussed issues addressed by Nevada Farm Bureau including the Margin Tax Initiative and federal land management. What a great event with a wonderful group of people!

President Jonathan Dahl addressed members during the meeting.

November 2014 | Page 6 |


Humboldt County Annual Meeting

Members listen to an update during the Humboldt County meeting.

More than 30 people attended the Humboldt County annual meeting the Chihuahua’s Grill & Cantina in Winnemucca on Oct. 17. Attendees enjoyed Mexican food while listening to guest speaker Ron Cerri, candidate for Humboldt County commissioner. They also received an update from Executive Vice President Clay McCauley on Nevada Farm Bureau news and happenings in Nevada agriculture. The county held elections and reelected the past year’s board members and officers. Thank you for such a fun event!


Lyon County Annual Meeting

Attendees visit before the annual meeting begins.

Lyon Couny held their annual meeting Oct. 16 at Guiseppe’s Restaurant in Yerington. More than 40 attendees enjoyed a steak dinner. During the event, President Darrell Pursel and Secretary Dennis Hellwinkel gave a year in review update of Lyon County Farm Bureau. Dennis was happy to report that Lyon County Farm Bureau helped award two recipients of the David Fulstone II scholarship. Stanislaus Farm Supply CEO Sam Bettencourt discussed the partnership with Lyon County Farm Bureau and thanked members for their support of Farm Supply. Executive Vice President Clay McCauley and Director of Communications Jessica Fagundes gave a state update. Lucy Rechel proposed a new resolution regarding the Beef Checkoff program and the board voted to send it on to the resolution meeting. All previous board members were reelected. Thank you for such a great event in Lyon County!

Ron Cerri discusses his ideas for Humboldt County with the group.


Lincoln County Annual Meeting

Lincoln County Farm Bureau held their annual meeting at Kershaw-Ryan State Park in Caliente on Oct. 9. Executive Vice President Clay McCauley briefed members about current issues for Nevada Farm Bureau and the upcoming legislative session. The county reviewed current policy and proposed new policy during the dinner. They also elected a new Young Farmers & Ranchers chair, Ashel Young, to their board and reelected past board members. What a wonderful year end event!

Darrell Pursel updates members about the past year’s activities.

November 2014 | Page 7 |

Membership Advantage Update Southern Nevada Benefits By Mitchell Kwiteck, Nevada Farm Bureau Intern


evada Farm Bureau added 11 new membership benefits in southern Nevada throughout this last year bringing the total of membership benefits to 28 discounts. This increase is result of Nevada Farm Bureau’s relationship with COUNTRY Financial and a bigger focus on local versus state benefits. A large population of Nevada Farm Bureau members reside in the Las Vegas and Henderson area. To accommodate these new members into the Farm Bureau, COUNTRY Financial Investment Solutions Representative Travis Streck, Clark County President Jim Hardy and the state office worked together with southern Nevada businesses to set up beneficial relationships for Farm Bureau members. “Travis has been instrumental in getting businesses over in Vegas and the Henderson area to participate in our Membership Advantage program. The agents recognized a bunch of businesses that would benefit the members and he talked to them and lined them up,” Hardy says. “I talk to the business owners and see if they would be interested in offering a discount for members. I tell them that they will receive zero-cost advertising and an increase of traffic into their businesses from people that maybe wouldn’t otherwise come in,” Streck says. These partnerships are mutually beneficial for NVFB members and local businesses. Partnerships offer advertisement space in the journal, social media listings and website listings to businesses in return for member discounts. In addition, these discounts create a valued line of customers who have an incentive to purchase from them over the competition. This new membership program has also helped engage a more urbanized community who may not be able to purchase big items. “There’s a lot of people in the Vegas valley who may not relate to discounts on farming tools, car rentals or GM vehicles. But if you go down the street to the sandwich shop once a week, and get a membership discount there, over a course of a year you will get your membership fees back,” says Streck.

Nevada Farm Bureau membership advantages include various discounts on dining venues, travel accommodations, car purchases, gardening and car services, entertainment destinations, retailers and farming and ranching supply stores. Membership benefit information is available on the NVFB website as well as in the journal and through social media. To see a full list of membership benefits, visit The new benefits are great for members. The more beneficial result, however, is the relationships that have been formed by achieving these programs. Through working together, Clark County Farm Bureau and the COUNTRY Financial were able to connect more strongly with the roots of the organization. “We’re excited that COUNTRY Financial reps have been working so closely with our members. We appreciate their efforts to educate members and their strong connection to the Farm Bureau,” says NVFB President Hank Combs. Creating localized membership benefits programs are great for the future between Nevada Farm Bureau and COUNTRY Financial, but these membership benefits only make up a fraction of what the Nevada Farm Bureau has to offer. The Nevada Farm Bureau educates students about food production and agriculture with the Ag in the Classroom program, collects the voice of Nevada’s next generation with the Young Farmers and Rancher program and provides women’s leadership opportunities through development of community outreach with the Women’s Leadership Committee. “Our membership advantages are a great way to give back to our members, but promoting and protecting agriculture and making sure we all have an affordable, abundant food supply is Nevada Farm Bureau’s focus for not only our members but all Nevada families,” says President Combs.

November 2014 | Page 8 |

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Nevada Agricultural



The Nevada Agricultural Foundation congratulates Nevada Farmers and Ranchers on their continuing role in producing wholesome healthy food for our Nation.

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November 2014 | Page 9 |

95th Annual Meeting Registration

R nvfb EGISTER O .org/ NLIN a E: n Nov. 13 - 15, 2014 • Atlantis Casino Resort Spa • Reno, Nev. nual _ meet Only individual and spouse/guest registration is accepted on each form. To register in


multiple people from different families, complete a separate form for each person. ATTENDEE INFORMATION County Farm Bureau __________________

Bill the County YES NO

Attendee: _________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ Name Email Phone 1. Are you a voting delegate?



2. Will you be attending the Young Farmers & Ranchers/Women’s Leadership Breakfast?



3. Will you be participating in the YF&R Discussion Meet?



Spouse/Guest: __________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ Name Email Phone 1. Are you a voting delegate?



2. Will you be attending the Young Farmers & Ranchers/Women’s Leadership Breakfast?



3. Will you be participating in the YF&R Discussion Meet?



REGISTRATION INFORMATION Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Meeting

Cost # of Attendees Total Cost

Regular Registration by Nov. 7 Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Meeting Child Registration


Regular Registration by Nov. 7 Governor’s Conference on Agriculture


Regular Registration by Nov. 7 COUNTRY Financial Luncheon Additional Tickets

$60 $30

Additional Banquet Tickets


Includes admittance to one luncheon, a reception and the banquet as well as all other conference activities.

For children ages 6 to 15; under 6 are free. Includes all meals during the Farm Bureau annual meeting.

Occurs on Nov. 13 prior to the Annual Meeting. Registration includes a luncheon and conference activities.

For additional guests for the Nov. 14 luncheon during the annual meeting. For additional guests for the Nov. 14 banquet during the annual meeting.

Total Payment (Please calculate the total cost of your registration based on your selections.) PAYMENT (Please include payment with your registration form if your county will not be paying for your registration.)

Payment by Cash or Check Please send completed registration forms along with cash or check to Nevada Farm Bureau, 2165 Green Vista Drive, Ste. 205, Sparks, NV 89431. Make checks payable to Nevada Farm Bureau Federation. Payment by Credit Card Credit card payments taken only through the online registration form at or by phone at 800-992-1106.

November 2014 | Page 10 |

95th Annual Meeting Schedule Nov. 13 - Nov. 15, Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, Reno, Nev. Thursday, November 13

5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Social Hour -Sponsored by Washoe County Farm Bureau

8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Meeting Registration

6 p.m. Silent Auction Ends

7 a.m. Trade Show Set-Up

8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Trade Show Exhibits Open

6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Awards Banquet • President Awards; Ag in the Classroom Volunteer Award; County Volunteer Awards; Announce YF&R Final Four

5:15 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. Farmland movie viewing • YF&R Fundraiser: Selling popcorn, pizza and candy

Saturday, Nov. 15

8 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Elections

Friday, Nov. 14

8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Discussion Meet Finals

7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Registration

Immediately following Delegate Session - State Board of Directors Reorganization Meeting (lunch provided)

8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Governor’s Conference on Agriculture (See page 12 for details.)

9:00 a.m. – End Adoption of Policy Resolutions

7 a.m. Silent Auction Item Set-Up 7 a.m. – 8 a.m. Young Farmers & Ranchers and Women’s Leadership Committee Breakfast 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Trade Show Exhibits Open 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. General Session • Hank Combs, Nevada Farm Bureau President; Welcome, Washoe County; Jim Barbee, Nevada Department of Agriculture; County Presidents’ Reports 9:45 a.m. – 10:35 a.m. Breakout Session 1 (2 options) • Agriculture Education – Amber Smyer, Agriculture Literacy Coordinator, Nevada Department of Agriculture • Effective Lobbying – Ryan Yates, Director of Congressional Relations, American Farm Bureau Federation 10:50 a.m. – 11:40 a.m. Breakout Session 2 (2 options) • Media Relations/Social Media – Kaitlin Godbey, Communications Specialist, Travel Nevada • Current Issues in Agriculture – Ryan Yates, Director of Congressional Relations, AFBF and Bevan Lister, Vice President, Nevada Farm Bureau (Greater Sage-Grouse NV State Plan) 11:50 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. County Caucus 12:05 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Nomination Committee 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m. COUNTRY Financial Luncheon • Keynote from Greg Peterson, Peterson Farm Bros 2:10 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Delegate Session 3 p.m. YF&R Participants and Judges Meet to Discuss Rules 3:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. YF&R Discussion Meet Sponsored by COUNTRY Financial • 3:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Round 1 • 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Round 2

Featured Speakers Greg Peterson (Sponsored by COUNTRY Financial)

Greg Peterson is the original founder and lyric writer for the musical parody group, the Peterson Farm Bros. He and his younger brothers Kendal and Nathan farm together with their parents near Assaria, Kan. They are famous for their entertaining and educational farm parody videos, including “I’m Farming and I Grow It,” a parody of the LMFAO song, “I’m Sexy and I Know It.” Their farm primarily raises beef cattle, but also grows wheat, corn, alfalfa, milo and soybeans.

Ryan Yates, American Farm Bureau

Ryan Yates is the director of congressional relations for natural resource and public land policies at the American Farm Bureau Federation. Yates has served as associate legislative director for the National Association of Counties (NACo), where he handled policies affecting public lands in the western United States. He is a specialist on western issues related to agriculture.

November 2014 | Page 11 |

Governor’s Conference on Agriculture Nov. 13, Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, Reno, Nev. Thursday, Nov. 13

8 a.m. – 9 a.m. Registration 9 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Conference Welcome General Session • Introduction: Jim Barbee, Director, Nevada Department of Agriculture • Video Welcome: Governor Brian Sandoval 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Workshops • Workshop 1 - Direct-to-Market Opportunities • Workshop 2 - Energy Incentives for Ag. Producers 10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Panel Discussions • Panel 1 - Public Lands Issues • Panel 2 - Preparing the Next Generation of Agriculturalists Noon – 1:15 p.m. - Lunch & Keynotes • Keynote & Welcome • Governor Presentation by Video: Nevada Centennial Awards - Recognition of Recipients 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Workshops • Workshop 3: Ag. Promotions & Communications • Workshop 4: Finance, Capital, Grants and Incentives 2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. – Panel Discussions • Panel 3 - Livestock Grazing for Ecosystem Management • Panel 4 - Farm to School & Farms at Schools 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. - GMO Panel & Wrap up by Jim Barbee, Director of Nevada Department of Agriculture 5:15 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. Farmland movie viewing

Featured Speakers - Governor Brian Sandoval Governor Brian Sandoval is the current governor of Nevada. Governor Sandoval is a former judge of the United States District Court for the District of Nevada. Prior to his service as a federal judge, he served as the Nevada Attorney General, the youngest chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission and a state legislator. Governor Sandoval was also the first Hispanic candidate elected to statewide office in Nevada. He will be giving a video welcome during the Governor’s Conference on Agriculture and will present the Nevada Centennial Awards via video during the event.

Nevada Farm Bureau members receive discounted registration at the Governor’s Conference on Agriculture. Sign up on online at or fill out the form on Page 10. November 2014 | Page 12 |

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Featuring pumps controls and drives from:

November 2014 | Page 13 |

The Ag Agenda Agriculture’s Leading Role in the International Marketplace By Bob Stallman President, American Farm Bureau Federation


armers and ranchers have a long history of promoting American strength and goodwill through international trade. Thanks to our ability to satisfy demand here and abroad, U.S. agriculture is one of the few sectors that can boast a positive trade balance, overall shipping out more than we bring back in. The balance could shift, however, if political barriers stand in the way of agricultural trade. Getting Markets Open for Business U.S. agriculture is ready for a boost in activity in the Asia/Pacific region. This area holds great promise, and it makes no sense to limit access to food here or anywhere else. The Trans Pacific Partnership promises to open up trade among the U.S., Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam and Japan. But the real success of TPP negotiations rests on an agreement between the U.S. and Japan, which would require Japan to resolve its long-standing tariff and nontariff barrier issues. Price restrictions and high tariffs have been the standard for too long, and Japan will have to play on the same terms as other participants for the TPP to work. The European Union is also primed for growth. Last year, U.S. agricultural exports to the EU totaled $11.5 billion compared to $17.3 billion in EU agricultural exports to the U.S. American farmers and ranchers are ready to be competitive here, but the EU system has stubbornly held to guidelines that are based in politics rather than science. Although the U.S. and the EU both follow the safety guidelines set out by the World Trade Organization, the EU tacks on a “precautionary principle,” which allows it to add non-scientific guidelines to risk management. Match this with its snail’s pace for approving biotech products, and it is not surprising that we’ve seen a significant drop in corn and soybean exports. For U.S. food products that do make it over to the EU, the use of geographic indications can put some at an unfair disadvantage, limiting their marketability.

Advisory Committee met with EU officials in Brussels, where we urged them to remove unnecessary trade barriers once and for all and to move forward with the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. A free trade agreement between the U.S. and the EU can bring a serious boost to U.S. agriculture, but only if politics are set aside. AFBF also met with several ambassadors and the WTO director-general in Geneva where we affirmed U.S. support for completing the Trade Facilitation Agreement, an accord that would eliminate many antiquated customs procedures that serve no useful purpose. The agreement is currently on hold thanks to India — which originally signed on with all other WTO countries back in December but is now delaying the ratification. U.S. agriculture is ready for ambitious trade negotiations. Hanging onto failed ideas that place certain agricultural sectors at a disadvantage or create special exemptions for developing countries is no way to move forward in today’s marketplace. Waiting for trade negotiations to conclude can feel a bit like watching paint dry, but persistence pays off. A recent agreement between the U.S. and Brazil has resolved Brazil’s complaint to the WTO and ended years of uncertainty for America’s cotton growers. Thanks to the support of the U.S. government, the current structure of commodity programs remains intact. We must continue to hang tough in trade negotiations to keep the marketplace open to the American farmer.

Standing Firm in Negotiations No trade agreement can be fully successful without the support of agriculture. In September, AFBF’s Trade November 2014 | Page 14 |

Classified Ads Animals

For Sale

Cheviot Lambs Cheviot lambs: 2 rams, 1 wether born April, 2014. $125 each or $350 for all 3 lambs. Call 775-9728915 or 775-530-8915. Livestock Guardian Dogs Livestock Guardian Dogs. Proven crosses, working parents. Puppies raised on sheep. Spanish Mastiffs, Pyrenean Mastiffs, Maremma/ Anatolian crosses. Winnemucca. Brenda M. Negri (775) 931-0038 Yearling Angus Bulls Yearling Angus Bulls born Feb. 1, 2013 and after. Fallon. Call 775423-5092.

Farm Equipment

3 Point Cultivator 3 Point Cultivator, 14 ft. wide, S-tine with gauge wheels, extra s-tines. Great shape. $1,300. 775-771-9612 8” Irrigation Discharge Head 8” irrigation discharge head with 1 1/2” shaft. Call 775-224-3283 125 HP Motors 2-US 125 hp motors, new re-wind: $8,700; 1-US 125 hp motor, used only 2 weeks: $7500; 1-GE 125 hp motor, used: $5,500 Call 775-2243283 2014 Maverick Steel 16 Ft. Trailer 2014 Maverick Steel 16 Ft. Stk GN. 7 ft. wide. Center gate, combo rear gate, Mats and spare. LED lights. $9,300 Call 775.463.3430 Exis Gooseneck Trailer Very Good Condition. 2 axle middle divider - 20 ft. - 4 ft. tackroom. 4 saddle racks. Only pulled about 3,000 miles. $14,500. Call Elaine: 775-217-2148 New Holland 1112 Swather New Holland 1112 Swather with 16-foot header. Good backup machine $3000 OBO at Washoe Valley. Call 775-888-9877 or e-mail New Holland 116 Swather New Holland 116 pull type swather. $3000. 775-572-3337

For Sale Farm Equipment

Newman Pump Motor Newman Pump Motor. 60 horse, Excellent condition – Like New. Contact Edna – Peak Industrial Electric, 775-623-3023 New Pipe and Wood Stall Fronts 2 Pipe and Wood Stall Fronts. New, Never Installed. Paid $1,500. Sell both for $750. Ask for Jim 775-720-4634, 775-465-2936. Pickup Bed Camper Pickup bed camper. Very nice, like new condition: $5,500. Call 775224-2383


Alfalfa Hay For Sale 3x4 bales. Several grades: nice green-rain damaged feeder, 53-47 TDN and 18-17 Proteins. No weeds. Also have Triticale Grain Hay. Stacks located 80 miles East of Tonopah , NV. 775-863-0321


5 acre Agritourism Opportunity Washoe Valley 2047 sq. ft. custom cedar home with mountain view. NV’s only USDA certified organic u-pick apple orchard. Water rights, barn, shop, chicken pens, playhouse, greenhouse, garden area, seasonal stream, RV hookup & fully stocked gift shop. Successfully operated for 10 years. $685,000. 775-720-2904 6.4 Acres (Residence, 3 bd. 3 bath) - Diamond Valley Residence 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,600 sq. foot w/ hot tub room on 6.4 acres. 532 sq. ft. detached garage, 841 sq. foot hay shed & 877 sq. ft. 3 bay carport w/ storage room & extensive corrals w/ heated Ritchie waterers. Includes fenced pasture. Call 775-385-3334. 10 Acres (Commercial Building) – Diamond Valley Commercial Building 7500 sq. ft. w/ 2 loading docks and large automatic 14 ft. door in Diamond Valley, large office 1,440 sq. ft.. Pad & hook-up for double-wide residence, 10 acres, fenced on 3 sides. Call 775-385-0030 or email

DEADLINE FOR DECEMBER CLASSIFIED ADS Ads must be received by November 16 for next issue. For Sale Wanted Property Employee 25 acres (Ranch w/ surface water) – Near Genoa Ranch for Sale for $1.5 million, 25 acres with rich soil, surface water, 2 wells and 3 houses. Near Lake Tahoe, Genoa, Minden, Douglas High School and Wally’s Hot Springs. 831-512-3225. 37 acres (House w/ water rights)Wellington 37 acres w/ water rights in Wellington. House-1846 sq. Ft., 2 bed 2 bath, recently remodeled w/ new windows/flooring. Numerous out buildings, covered hay barn, corrals. In alfalfa production. $470,000. Call 775-465-2252 or 775-720-1388 or e-mail 155 acres - Tonopah 155 acres of land, 155 acres of water. 2 wells, fully fenced, one pivot. Lower Smokey Valley, Tonopah, Nevada. All or Part available. Would like to keep small portion of acreage. Let’s talk!! Best offer over $500k.; Call 702-4937972; off # 702-570-7815

Experienced Cattleman Needed Experienced cattleman wanted for the Cannon Ranches in Lund and Hiko. Competitive salary and benefits included. Please email for info.

Farm Equipment

3 Point Weed Hog 3 PTO weed hog, preferably 4 ft.. cutting. 813-512-3225 Used Roterra Lely Roterra- looking for a used Roterra that is in working condition, or needs minimal work to be field ready. Cary 775-6917655. Windmill Working or easy fix windmill, with or without tower. And 20’/30’ non-leaker container. Call 775557-2804.


Pasture Wanted Pasture Wanted for 20-40 pair in Northern Nevada. 775-287-6978

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS Non-commercial classified ads are free to Nevada Farm Bureau Federation members. Must include membership number for free ad. Forty (40) word maximum. Non-member cost is $0.50 per word. You may advertise your own crops, livestock, used machinery, household items, vehicles, etc. Ads will not be accepted by phone. Please specify how long ads should run or they will run one time only. We reserve the right to refuse to run any ad. Please type or print clearly. Proofread your ad. Mail ad copy to: Attention: Jessica Fagundes Nevada Farm Bureau Federation 2165 Green Vista Drive, Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431 or email ad copy to Jessica at

Name: Address: City / State / Zip Code: Phone: Ad Copy:

November 2014 | Page 15 |

Membership No.

Nevada Farm Bureau Federation®

2165 Green Vista Dr., Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431 1-800-992-1106 |

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Don’t forget to sign up for the 2014 Annual Meeting to meet keynote speaker Greg Peterson of the Peterson Farm Bros sponsored by COUNTRY Financial.

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