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Nevada Farm Bureau

Volume 65, Number 10, October 2013

Agriculture & Livestock


Wild Horses and Burros a Growing Problem for Western Ranchers Pg. 3

White Pine County Farm Bureau Hosts Farm Field Day Pg. 4

Discussion Session on Water Issues in the Walker River Basin Pg. 5


Ag Agenda

by Bob Stallman, President, American Farm Bureau

Here’s to a Happy, Plentiful Harvest Autumn is upon us once again. This is my favorite time of year, when the air turns crisp and the hills are in full color. It’s a time to take the grandkids to the pumpkin patch and sip hot cider on a chilly evening. Most importantly, it’s harvest time. Harvest captures what I, and probably most farmers, feel this time of year: a sigh of relief; a twinge of excitement; a feeling of blessedness when a good crop is brought in. Hayrides & Apple Bobbing Harvest time is steeped in a tradition that has encompassed farm families and rural communities across the world for generations. In fact, until the 16th century, the term “harvest” was used to refer to the season we now know as autumn. Today, most folks outside of agriculture simply think of it as a very special, nostalgic time of year, celebrated with corn mazes, hayrides and apple bobbing. For farmers, harvest secures our reward for an entire year’s worth of hard work, commitment and patience. It represents an end-goal of growing food that nourishes our families, neighbors and communities across the globe. While there are exceptions, many areas of our nation were blessed this year with a record crop. The Agriculture Department is projecting record corn yields in 11 states, from Michigan to Georgia. A Cornucopia of Blessings While many farmers will bring in a good crop this harvest, there are others who didn’t have such a bountiful year because of drought and other weather conditions. For example, spring rains in Iowa prevented farmers from planting until later in the season. The state’s corn crop is now only projected to reach 162 bushels per acre, whereas it should be at least 180 bushels per acre. Unfortunately, that’s the business of farming. Some years you’re up, and others you’re down. It’s my hope that those farmers suffering this year will be back in the saddle come next harvest. Someone once said that farmers deserve our deep respect – for the land and its harvest are the legacy of generations of farmers who put food on our tables, preserve our landscape and inspire us with a powerful work ethic. My wish for all farmers this year is a plentiful harvest, after which you can sit back and take pleasure in the toils of your labor with family and friends. Enjoy an outing with the kids to the pumpkin patch or corn maze, and then partake in that much-deserved hot cider. It has been a blessed year. October 2013 | Page 2 | www.nvfb.org

Wild Horses and Burros a Growing Problem for Western Ranchers


fforts by the federal government to control wild horses and burros are falling far short and need a major overhaul, warn farmers and ranchers in the 10 western states where these booming populations are putting increased stress on natural resources, despite the wide open spaces for which this region of the country is known. Since 1971, the Bureau of Land Management has been charged with protecting, managing and controlling wild horses and burros. However, the bureau’s ability to ensure that herds thrive on healthy rangelands has been outpaced by wild horse and burro populations that are doubling every four years. In fact, there are more wild horses in holding facilities than on federally managed lands, and the care and feeding of these horses use financial resources that ranchers believe should be applied to help control the horses on federal lands. “The federal agencies that are responsible for effective management have lost control,” said Doug Busselman, executive vice president of the Nevada Farm Bureau. “Overwhelmed by an unsustainable number of horses and burros, they don’t have the ability or the budget to carry out their responsibilities.” Much of the U.S.-owned land in the West is supposed to be managed by the federal government according to the principle of “multiple use,”

There are more wild horses in holding facilities like the National Wild Horse & Burro Center in Nevada than on federally managed lands. which provides that wild horses and burros do not take precedence over ranchers who are legally permitted to graze their livestock on the land. However, the stress the wild horses and burros are putting on the land and natural resources are keeping everyone else - cattle, wildlife and plant life, and people who want to hunt and recreate there - from using it. The wild animals do far more than eat the grass and drink from ranchers’ pipe-fed springs, they paw at the pipes and break them, for example. Having seen the damage first-hand as Nevada is home to about half the country’s wild horse population, Busselman said as frustrating as it is for ranchers who have rights to use federal land, it’s not a good situation for the horses either. Drought conditions across the West October 2013 | Page 3 | www.nvfb.org

have left little water and forage for wild animals and livestock alike. According to BLM, in July, all of its Nevada districts had to haul water to wild horses. “The BLM is trucking 5,000 gallons of water per day, five days a week to four separate locations throughout the Winnemucca District at a cost of $1,000 per day,” the bureau said in a July 14 news release. “You’ve got starving animals that don’t have enough water,” Busselman explained. “You’ve got federal agencies hauling water to these horses, just to keep them barely alive. It’s often said that it’s best to let nature take its course, but nature can be very cruel.” In June, the National Academy of Sciences released a report, based on Continued on Pg. 14

White Pine County Farm Bureau Farm Field Day White Pine County Farm Bureau held a farm field day at Baker Ranches on Thursday, September 19 in the eastern Nevada town of Baker. The tour included information about the ranch’s irrigation system, corn harvest, hay baling, and a visit to their feed lot. The tour was conducted by Dean and Tom Baker. Information was also presented about the Southern Nevada Water Authority’s (SNWA) attempt to pump water from eastern Nevada into Las Vegas. The Bakers have been in the forefront of the water issue and have been great spokespersons on the issue. According to the Great Basin Water Network, “The Southern Nevada Water Authority, the water agency for Las Vegas, Henderson, and N. Las Vegas proposes to pump up to 200,000 acre-feet annually from eastern Nevada and send it through 300 miles of pipeline to support the area’s uncontrolled growth. The cost is currently estimated at $3.5 billion dollars.” After the tour, everyone joined together for dinner at the Border Inn. The evening included live music and a video presentation regarding the SNWA’s water grab.

October 2013 | Page 4 | www.nvfb.org

Nevada Farm Bureau and Schroeder Law Offices present

“Informational Presentation on Water Issues in the Walker River Basin”

Nevada Farm Bureau


November 7 | 6 - 8 p.m. Casino West in Yerington



440 Marsh Avenue

Join Schroeder Law Offices, Attorneys Laura Reno NVA. 89509 (775) 786-8800 Schroeder and Therese A. Ure, as they give an www.water-law.com Informational Presentation on Water Issues in the Walker River Basin. Presentation will include: 3. Walker River Federal Court Litigation • Case Overview 1. Mineral County Request for Water Rights with a Nevada Statehood Priority Date 2. USA and WRPT Request for Water Rights for 2. Willing Seller Program aka Water Rights Tribal Lands with Early Priority Acquisition Program 3. Priority Issues • Service on ALL Surface and Ground Water • Program Overview • Status of Purchase and Sale Agreements Holders • Participation levels in Litigation • Program Funding 1. NFWF Settlement with WRID • Status of Settlement • Effect on Pending Protests • Next Steps in Settlement Process

For more information call Schroeder Law Offices at (775) 786-8800 or Nevada Farm Bureau at (775) 674-4000.

Schedule of County Farm Bureau Annual Meetings While this list is expected to grow, here is the list of county Farm Bureau Annual Meetings that we know about. October 8 - Clark County Farm Bureau October 14 - Churchill County Farm Bureau - 6 p.m. - Churchill County Museum October 15 - Elko County Farm Bureau - 6 p.m. - Star in Elko October 24 - Lincoln County Farm Bureau November 2 - White Pine County Farm Bureau - Postal Palace in Ely November 5 - Douglas County Farm Bureau - Social at 5:30 and Dinner at 7:00 - JT’s in Gardnerville October 2013 | Page 5 | www.nvfb.org

Doing Today for tomorrow 2013 Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Convention Agenda Thursday, November 21 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. • Registration for Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Convention and the Southern Nevada Agriculture Conference. See Southern Nevada Agriculture Agenda on Page 7 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. • Southern Nevada Agriculture Conference 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. • Bowling, Pizza, and Pop. Sponsored by Clark County Farm Bureau benefiting the YF&R Committee

Friday, November 22 7:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. • Women’s Leadership Committee Breakfast • Continental Breakfast sponsored by Utah/ Nevada Dairy Council • Silent Auction Set-up • Registration 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. • President Combs’ Opening Address 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. • Voting Delegate Session 11:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m • County Caucus 11:45a.m. - Noon • Nomination Committee

Noon - 1:30 p.m • COUNTRY Financial Lunch 2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. • Agronomy workshop presented by Doug Jackson of United Ag Service 1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. • County Farm Bureau President Reports • County Farm Bureau Volunteer Awards 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. • YF&R Discussion Meet 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m • Evening Social sponsored by Washoe County Farm Bureau • Silent Auction 6:30 p.m. - End • Awards Dinner • YF&R Discussion Meet Finals • Ag in the Classroom Volunteer of the Year Award Presentation • President Awards

Saturday, November 23 7:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. • YF&R Committee Breakfast • Continental Breakfast sponsored by Utah/ Nevada Dairy Council 9:30 a.m. - End • Delegate Session • Officer Elections • Silent Auction Results

September 2013 | Page 5 | www.nvfb.org

Joint Nevada Farm Bureau Nevada Department of Agriculture

Southern Nevada Agriculture Conference November 21, 2013 Santa Fe Station | Las Vegas Opening Session | 9:00 a.m - 10:15 a.m. Jim Barbee, Director Nevada Department of Agriculture Hank Combs, Nevada Farm Bureau President John Spires, Western United States Agricultural Trade Association Business Track

Production Track

10:30 a.m - Noon

10:30 a.m - Noon

Explore Exporting: John Spires from the Western United States Agricultural Trade Association will present on opportunities for producers in to global markets. Session will also have representatives from SBA, NVIE, and Rural Development.

Selling Local: Learn what restaurants are looking to buy from local farmers and ranchers and what you need to do in order to sell locally. Featuring Venetian Las Vegas Chef Doug Taylor and Bruce Thomas from Prime Growers.

1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Farm/Ranch Marketing: Four presenters will help guide producers through the process of marketing their agricultural products. Featuring Stacey Sobell, Western Region Lead for the National Farm to School Network and Nancy Moore, Farm to Cafeteria Network Coordinator with the National Center for Appropriate Technology; Tom Harris, Center for Resource Economics, UNR College of Agriculture, Biotechnology, & Natural Resources; and Ann Louhela, NevadaGrown.

Food Safety For Thought: Holly Gatzke will discuss Value-Added processing and handling; Quail Hollow Farms will discuss hosting Farm-to-Fork events; and a representative from the Nevada State Health Department will discuss the new regulations and process for Farm-to-Fork and Cottage Industries laws.

3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m Farm/Ranch Business Planning: Agriculture is a business and farmers/ranchers need a plan to be successful. Workshop will feature Cooperative Extension’s Carol Bishop and Nevada Farm Bureau Vice President and Panaca farmer Paul Mathews.

3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Hydroponic Growing: Mark O’Farrell from Hungry Mother Organics will present information on his hydroponic growing operation and Basil Bob Davenport will discuss his successes and trials of his indoor growing operation.

REGISTRATION: Register for the Southern Nevada Agriculture Conference at www.agri.nv.gov. For Nevada Farm Bureau members attending the Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Convention, your registration will include the Southern Nevada Agriculture Conference. See registration form on page 15 or call 1-800-992-1106 for more information.

Nevada Ag in the Classroom Volunteer of the Year Award Winner Announced


ouglas County Farm Bureau member Tonja Dressler has won the 2013 Ag in the Classroom Volunteer of the Year Award. The Nevada Agricultural Foundation sponsors the annual award.

School District. In addition to organizing Ag Days in Douglas County, Dressler has been involved in planning and coordinating events in Carson City, Nye County, Lyon County, and Clark County. The Ag in the Classroom Volunteer of the Year Award is a part of the Nevada Agricultural Foundation’s “Excellence in Education” program. “The Nevada Agricultural Foundation is pleased to be able to provide awards to the teachers and volunteers for their dedication in teaching our youth about agriculture,” said Sue Hoffman, Executive Director of the Nevada Agricultural Foundation.

The award will be formally presented on November Dressler has been an active Ag in the Classroom 22 during the 2013 Nevada Farm Bureau Annual volunteer for more than 10 years. She has organized Convention in Las Vegas. and managed Ag Days throughout the Douglas County

New $1,000 Truck Incentive Available for Farm Bureau Members Effective immediately and continuing through April 1, Chevrolet and GMC are offering exclusively to Farm Bureau members in participating states an additional $1,000 incentive on the acquisition of any new 2013 or 2014 regular cab, heavy duty (2500/3500 series) truck. This is in addition to the standard $500 Farm Bureau incentive, which brings the total Farm Bureau incentive on Chevy Silverado and GMC Sierra HD models to $1,500. The $1,500 Farm Bureau discount can be added to Chevrolet and GMC retail and Business Choice incentives that are available at the time of purchase. “The end of one year and the beginning of the next is

when farmers, ranchers and other business owners are managing their taxes,” said American Farm Bureau Federation President Bob Stallman. “The timing of new equipment purchases—including trucks—can be an important tool in an effective tax management strategy,” he added. Farm Bureau members are eligible for the added discount if they have been members for at least 60 consecutive days in a state that participates in the FB Member Advantage! program with General Motors. Farm Bureau members in all but nine states are eligible when the 60-day membership requirement is met. To take advantage of the applicable Farm Bureau discount on these or any other new Chevrolet (except Volt), Buick or GMC vehicles, members log onto fbverify.com/gm and enter their membership number and zip code. If eligible, the information will be verified and a certificate will appear that must be printed and taken to the dealership of choice for presentation to the sales person. There is no limit to the number of certificates that a member may print or use, although certificates do expire after 60 days.

Looking for Nevada Agriculture News? Visit Nevada Farm Bureau’s online Newsroom

w w w.nv fb. or g /n e wsro om October 2013 | Page 8 | www.nvfb.org

2013 Farm Field Day Held at University Main Station Farm


he University of Nevada, Reno’s Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station, the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources (CABNR), and the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (UNCE) hosted their annual Field Day on Saturday, September 14th, 2013.

The farm field day provided those who attended the opportunity to tour Wolf Pack Meats, visit a variety of alternative crop projects, learn more about bio-fuels and livestock production, and participate in a short wine tasting class. There is a variety of demonstrations and tests for sorghum, teff, camelina, amaranth, and guar, which were all shown in the Field Day tours. The project, involving a number of sorghum seed varieties, could pave the way for practical forage options for expanding dairy production in northern Nevada. Sorghum requires less water than traditional corn silage production. Sorghum is an alternative crop that is being evaluated by Nevada Cooperative Extension Crop Specialist Jay Davison. Davison has been added to the Agricultural Research team to assist with these types of research projects. In addition to the crop demonstrations and tests, several livestock related experiments and educational programs were covered in the Field Day tours. Not covered in the tours was the High Desert Farming Initiative hoop house project at the University’s Valley Road operation. The three year project is moving into its initial season of production with crop planting underway. The finishing touches of the plastic covering and raised bed installation are also in the last stages of being completed for the remaining hoop houses. The search continues for a Dean for the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources. The person selected will also serve

Pictured is Jay Davison, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, who is serving on the Agricultural Research Team that is evaluating sorghum and other alternative crops. as the Director of the Agricultural Research System. Farm Bureau believes that the candidate selected will be motivated to bring these programs of Nevada’s Land Grant University mission back to priority. Nevada Farm Bureau President Hank Combs is a member of the search committee that is involved in the selection process to fill the position.

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October 2013 | Page 9 | www.nvfb.org

October 2013 | Page 10 | www.nvfb.org

Jennie D’Andrea Gaspari February 7, 1924 -- August 25, 2013 Long time native Nevadan passed away quietly on Sunday, August 25th at 4:55am at the age of 89, born on her family’s ranch in a three room home, which is now the Kiley Ranch property in Spanish Springs. In 1936 the family sold the ranch in Spanish Springs and purchased a ranch at the end of Prater way in Sparks. The family operated a small dairy, where what is now, a home development and shopping center in their name. She lived most of her life in Spanish Springs, and married the only man she ever had eyes for and loved, Joseph D. Gaspari. She lived and worked alongside her husband and brothers-in-law on the Gaspari Bros. ranch for 43 years. Many of the young men that were hired each summer to work in the hay fields said that the lunches she made were the best thing about working for the ranch.

94th CONVENTION 94thANNUAL ANNUAL MEETING Nevada Farm Bureau Federation®


November 21-23, 2013 Santa Fe Station Las Vegas, NV


In her youth she was active in 4-H and won a trip to Chicago and a $200.00 scholarship for her abilities in farm accounting and sewing, which became her lifelong passion. She graduated from Sparks High in 1942 and was a graduate of Reno Business College in 1943. She served as the Orr Ditch secretary for 20 years. Due to her long involvement with the people who farmed in the Truckee meadows she became one of the most knowledgeable persons on water rights in the area and testified in many court cases. She also was a 4-H leader and a member of the Truckee meadows homemakers club and the Farm Bureau. She is preceded in death by her husband Joe and a brother Hugh. She is survived by her only child Marie Crawford, son-in-law Cody, sisters Linda Folchi, Mary D’Andrea, Rena D’Andrea, many nieces and nephews, grandson-in-law John and Toni Adame and great grand children Max and Linnea.

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Classified Ads

To Place FREE Classified Ads... E-Mail: zacha@nvfb.org Call: 1-800-992-1106 Fax: 775-674-4004

New For Sale Fresh split white cedar, 8’ posts, 50 or more. $9.25. Can be delivered. 775-423-3818. Leave message.

For Sale Perkins 354 diesel engine, will fit NH 1075 bale wagon or Massey Ferguson tractor or? Runs good...775-623-9364...gevert2@sbcglobal.net

New Egg Business For Sale RenoEgg.com is for sale. It comes complete with everything you need to start making money right away - it even includes all current clients and we sell out almost every week. The business is completely portable so it can all be moved to your property. Our land and home are not included in the sale. Some of what is included are +/-1,100 laying hens, housing and fencing for all of them, a cargo container for storage and a commercial refrigerator. Everything else related to the business goes along with it too, like the egg washing machine, cartons, feeders, heaters, brooder lamps, a half ton of bedding hay and way too much other stuff to list. I have all of the business processes in place and we will teach you how it is done and introduce you to all of your new clients. We have been in business in the Reno area for 4 years and have a great reputation - you would be buying the name and the brand too. Farmer’s Almanac is calling for a VERY cold winter and the chicken houses are insulated better than most people’s so the birds will stay safe and warm in them. It is a great package deal and the best offer takes it. Check out RenoEgg.com for more info then send me an email at dawn@renoegg.com for more info and a showing. We are located in Silver Knolls, 3 miles off Red Rock.

For Sale 3 Point Cultivator, 14 ft. wide, S-tine with gauge wheels, extra s-tines. Great shape. $1,300. 775-771-9612

New For Sale Alfalfa grass hay 3X4 (1200 lb) bales 334 ton first cutting alfalfa/orchard w/ cheat and mustard $130 fob 240 ton second cutting 75% alfalfa 25% orchard grass no weeds $170 fob. Can arrange trucking, will load. Located in Nyala , Railroad Valley, NV. Contact Elar: 775-863-0321 or 801-718-7429 New Wanted 3 PTO weed hog, preferably 4ft. cutting. 813-512-3225 New House and Pasture For Rent House and pasture for rent. Close in location to Genoa and Minden. For more information call 831-512-3225 Branding Iron Collection. Call 775-771-9612 Wanted: Lely Roterra- looking for a used Roterra that is in working condition, or needs minimal work to be field ready. Cary 775-691-7655. cyamamoto@charter.net Dairy Facility For Lease Goat/Sheep dairy on Idyllic Farm for lese. Pristine, 280-acre farm 40 miles from Reno between Fernley and Fallon. Dairy milks 200-1,200 goats or sheep. Ideal for an artisan producer expanding their supply or a farmer shipping to a creamery or cooperative. On site pasture is available for lease as well. Dairy barn includes: 46 animal Cohburn parallel milk, rapid fire exit gates, milks 200 head/hr, Chore-Time grain feeder system, variable-speed vacuum pump, 5,000 gallon tank. Outside facilities include: Corrals for up to 1,200 small animals, concrete feed storage areas, nursing barn and corrals for kids, abundant high-pressure water, two single-wide worker trailers. The dairy will be ready to lease starting in October 2013. Terms and pricing are negotiable and flexible. The landlords are committed to the production of nourishing foods, and desire a mutually-beneficial agreement. Property address is 255 Jersey Lane, Fernley, NV. To learn more contact Gino Borges at (775) 351-9439 or ginoborges@gmail.com.

LIVESTOCK GUARDIAN DOGS Non lethal predator control. Proven crosses, working parents. Puppies raised on sheep. Spanish Mastiffs, Pyrenean Mastiffs, Maremma/ Anatolian crosses. Winnemucca. Brenda M. Negri (775) 931-0038 www.lgdnevada.com. Wanted Pasture Wanted for 20-40 pair in Northern Nevada. 775-287-6978 For Sale Masssey-Ferguson 2745 Tractor. Condition Rough. Runs great in forward gears. Reverse works only in 1st, 2nd and third. $7,000 Phone 775-629-0192 For Sale House for sale, 37 acres w/ water rights in Wellington. House is 1846 sq. ft.,2 bed, 2 bath, recently remodeled with new windows and flooring. Numerous out buildings, covered hay barn, corrals. In alfalfa production. $470K. Call 775-465-2252 or 775-720-1388 or email caroleobanion@gmail.com For Sale New Holland 1112 Swather with 16 foot header. Runs well. Good backup machine $3500 firm at Washoe Valley. Call (775)888-9877 or email jimgreil@clearwire.net. For Sale - New Holland 16ft. pull type swather $3000 - New Holland 16ft. pull type swather, can be used for parts $1000 - 3 Freeman Balers: One Model 330 with 4 cycle Perkins diesel engine $3000. Two with Wisconsin gas engines. $2000 for one and $1000 for other (can be used for parts). Call 775-572-3337 2001 American Elite LQ 3 horse Trailer LQ looks brand new!!! Weekend Living Quarters trailer, in excellent condition. Very clean inside. Bed in nose, new custom Mattress, TV stand, Bench seat pulls out into bed, shower & toilet, Kitchen area w/ sink, cabinets, microwave, Hot/cold water, Heater - runs on electricity or propane, Air Conditioner, Clothes closet, Rear tack, lots of side storage with hooks, drop down windows, inside manger. $14,000 775867-4605 1984 Westerner 6 horse full LQ Aluminum Horse trailer- Custom Built Custom made - all Aluminum Living Quarters horse trailer slant load, 6 horse, storage in horse trailer and below mangers, drop down ramp and wood floor in trailer cleaned regularly, Queen bed, AC, Heat, full kitchen- micro, stove, oven, sink, fridge, dining table and bench, Hay rack on top, new vent covers, Separate tack room w/ 4 saddlerack that pulls out ... lots of bridle hooks and compartments on door for brushes, spray, full bathroom w/ shower - remodeled (needs new water lines & toilet) I will reduce price $1,000 if you repair it yourself email for pics SpurQH@yahoo.com. $12,000. 775-867-4605

October 2013 | Page 12 | www.nvfb.org

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Wild Horse and Burros Continued a study conducted at BLM’s behest, that said the bureau’s approach to controlling the wild horses and burros population - keeping them in holding facilities - is not sustainable. NAS also said that BLM’s numbers are probably way off and that there are far more animals than BLM has accounted for. “Continuing ‘business as usual’ will be expensive and unproductive for BLM and the public it serves,” the report said. “Compelling evidence exists that there are more horses and burros on public rangelands than reported at the national level and that population growth rates are high.”

BLM says there are about 37,300 wild horses and burros living on federally managed rangeland in the West and nearly 50,000 animals in short-term corrals and long-term pastures. NAS said there are likely 10 percent to 50 percent more animals than BLM claims. Among NAS’ recommendations to BLM are more fertility control drugs. However, in a recent statement to the federal Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Committee, the American Farm Bureau Federation pointed out this would do nothing to reduce herd levels now. “Agencies should do all they can within the law to responsibly

manage herds that are putting tremendous stress on the land and natural resources out West,” Farm Bureau said. Farmers and ranchers accept their responsibility in meeting the terms of their permits and managing resources wisely and they expect all other parties, including the federal government, to do the same, the organization concluded. This story appeared in the FBNews the Official Newspaper of the American Farm Bureau Federation. For more news and information from the American Farm Bureau Federation visit their website at fbnews.fb.org and be sure to subscribe to their E-Newsletter.

Nevada Farm Bureau is accepting applications for the Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee. If you are interested in joining a great group, download and complete an application by October 15. Applications available online at www.nvfb.org/yfr. (ISSN 0899-8434) (USPS 377-280) 2165 Green Vista Dr. Suite 205 Sparks, NV 89431 Phone: (775) 674-4000 Fax: (775) 674-4004 Publisher: Nevada Farm Bureau Federation Editor: Zach Allen The Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal is published monthly by the Nevada Farm Bureau Federation. Subscriptions are available to Nevada Farm Bureau members, only, at an annual subscription price of $1, which is included in yearly dues. Periodical postage is paid at Reno, NV and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal, 2165 Green Vista Drive, Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431.

October 2013 | Page 14 | www.nvfb.org

Doing Today For Tomorrow 94th ANNUAL 94th Annual Convention November 21-­‐23, 2013 Santa Fe Station Las Vegas, NV

Novem Santa F Las Ve

Nevada Farm Bureau Federation® www.nvfb.org

Register before November 1 to receive early bird special! Name

Voting Delegate Yes No



Contact Phone Number


Bill County Yes No

County Farm Bureau

Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Convention Special Early Bird Price Register by November 1 After November 1 Convention Registration includes all meals Thursday Night Bowling Activity Bowling, Pizza, and Pop -­‐ YF&R Fundraiser


# Attending

$135 $160

= =

$ $






Total Registration Women's Leadership Committee Breakfast



Breakfast for all Women interested in the Women's Leadership Committee

YF&R Committee Breakfast


YF&R Committee Breakfast for anyone between 18-­‐35 interested in the YF&R program

Payment: Make all checks payable to NVFB. We accept Visa, MasterCard, or Discover -­‐ For Early Registrations only. Cash and Check at the door. Send completed registration forms to NVFB, 2165 Green Vista Dr., Ste. 205, Sparks, NV 89431. Fax forms to 775-­‐674-­‐4000. Call and register 1-­‐800-­‐992-­‐1106. Room Reservation: To book a room in the Nevada Farm Bureau block, call the Santa Fe Station at 866-7677771 and mention the Nevada Farm Bureau Federation group. October 2013 | Page 15 | www.nvfb.org

Nevada Farm Bureau Federation®

2165 Green Vista Dr., Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431 1-800-992-1106 | www.nvfb.org


Member savings on new and used cars through the Farm Bureau Auto Buying Program With the Farm Bureau Auto Buying Program you’ll get Guaranteed Savings on new vehicles and see dealer-guaranteed prices for used cars, along with special discounts of up to $1,000– before even visiting a dealership. All at no cost to Farm Bureau members. 1. Guaranteed Member Savings Members have seen an average savings of $2,973 off MSRP * and Farm Bureau members are also eligible for the additional $500 off eligible GM vehicles* – giving you access to even more savings. Plus you’ll find incentives and Guaranteed Member Savings* are already built into the program for all models (including the special GM discount – you can even get your incentive code through our program) so you don’t have to search them out. Used vehicles are also eligible for additional savings of up to $1,000.

2. It’s easy to find the car you want and see what you should pay Easily select any make, model, and options for new cars and trucks and sort by the features you want on a huge selection of used vehicles. You’re given unlimited access to new vehicle Price Reports where you can see what is really a good price to pay, and you can access unlimited Used Vehicle Market Reports to know how the dealerguaranteed prices rate.

3. Hassle-free car buying experience Once you’ve got “the one” in mind, request dealer pricing, select the prescreened dealers you want to work with, and you’ll get dealer pricing and your Guaranteed Savings before even visiting the dealership. Your Certificate is like a golden ticket, so bring it with you when you go for a no obligation test drive – it ensures you receive your Member Savings and enjoy a hassle-free experience.


Visit fb.truecar.com or call 888-718-9053 to speak with a program representative. *See site for details

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