Agriculture & Livestock Journal September 2013

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Nevada Farm Bureau速

Volume 65, Number 8, September 2013

Agriculture & Livestock


Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Convention PG. 4

Southern Nevada Agriculture Conference Pg. 6


Ag Agenda

by Bob Stallman, President, American Farm Bureau

Bringing the Heat to Washington If this August felt hotter than in years past, it was likely more than the weather you were experiencing. Farmers and ranchers, who are hot under the collar about congressional inaction, have been turning up the heat during Farm Bureau’s “Bring the Heat” August recess grassroots campaign. From Yakima, Wash., to Tallahassee, Fla., Farm Bureau members have been telling Congress to pass the farm bill, fix ag labor and pass the waterways bill. Through town hall meetings, congressional district office visits, traditional and social media, emails, phone calls, postcards and even specially made fans with personalized messages, Farm Bureau members across the country have brought the heat to Congress. Fanning the Flame Just because August recess is complete and members of Congress are back in Washington, it doesn’t mean we should stop bringing the heat on our priority issues. To the contrary, Farm Bureau members should build on our momentum and continue fanning the flame now that Congress is back in session and members are getting down to work. As we near the final push, we should all be in contact with our congressional representatives letting them know that just because summer is over it doesn’t mean the heat has let up. Relying on Farm Bureau determination and perseverance, which has sustained us for 94 years, it’s time to roll up our shirt sleeves and get the job done. Farm Bureau members have always played an instrumental role in legislative efforts that have helped shape U.S. agriculture. With significant issues like the farm bill, ag labor and waterways transportation on the line, this time should be no different. Fired Up! As Farm Bureau members, it is ingrained in us to be actively involved and to fight for what we believe in and what we think will better our profession and our country. We are not ones to rest on our laurels while others do the work. We are also not the types to make a lot of noise about an issue and stop there. Farmers and ranchers have a lot at stake this congressional session, so we must see our grassroots efforts through to fruition. We have to pass the farm bill. We must fix ag labor. And we have to buildup our nation’s waterways infrastructure. The groundwork has been laid on all of these issues. We just need Congress to act. It’s up to us to tell Congress to stop putting politics ahead of progress. We already lit the fire under lawmakers during August recess. Now, let’s bring that heat to Washington this September.

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Farm Bureau

Perspectives By James “Hank” Combs President, Nevada Farm Bureau

“Doing Today For Tomorrow” “Doing Today For Tomorrow” is the theme for this year’s meeting, but it is more than a line, it is what we do, day in and day out.

advocating for reasonable and workable solutions and standing up against those who aren’t very reasonable.

This year, Nevada Farm Bureau will be hosting its 94th Annual Convention in Las Vegas. 94 years of advocating and promoting agriculture, and standing up for the rights of farmers and ranchers.

There are many benefits of being a member of Farm Bureau. While you are working in the fields, feeding and irrigating, branding, or baling hay, you can feel comfortable and proud that an organization is speaking on your behalf.

As very busy agricultural producers you understand the challenges of dealing with all the details required to be successful in a very volatile world. Not only do you contend with weather, uncertain markets, and a whole host of other variables - more and more the world beyond your driveway all require attention. And that is where Farm Bureau comes in. Farm Bureau was created to marshal the cooperative reach of your friends and neighbors to have influence beyond the end of your driveway. While you have enough to do and attend to in making your farm or ranch succeed, Farm Bureau is your representative on a daily basis in legislative and regulatory meetings;

What Farm Bureau is doing today, will benefit you, your neighbors, and fellow farmers and ranchers tomorrow. Nevada Farm Bureau also provides daily, weekly, and monthly communication tools to keep you informed of unfolding developments. You are kept posted and alerted on emerging issues and opportunities. Soon, you will be receiving an invoice for your annual membership dues. Thank you in advance for your membership renewal. With your annual Farm Bureau dues, you contribute to finance the ongoing actions that your

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organization takes to represent you. Through your active participation in setting the course of policy positions and through your engagement in making requested contacts on the issues of the day, you extend the reach of your influence beyond the end of your driveway, benefiting all of Nevada agriculture and our rural way of life.

Annual Convention

The 94th Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Convention will be held November 21-23 in Las Vegas. For this first time, farmers and ranchers will have the opportunity to attend the Southern Nevada Agriculture Conference, which will take place on November 21. The Southern Nevada Agriculture Conference is a joint effort between Nevada Farm Bureau and the Nevada Department of Agriculture. This is an exciting time to be involved in agriculture. Tell your friends and neighbors how being a Farm Bureau member impacts your life and your agricultural operation.

Doing Today for tomorrow 94th Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Convention

November 21-23 Las Vegas, Nevada Mark Your Calendars! The 94th Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Convention is scheduled for November 21-23 at the Santa Fe Station in Las Vegas. This year’s Annual Meeting is shaping up to be one of the best on record. The joint Nevada Farm Bureau/Nevada Department of Agriculture Southern Nevada Agriculture Conference is set for Thursday, November 21 and will kick off the Farm Bureau Convention.

center. For $10, you get two games of bowling plus shoes, pizza, and a whole lot of fun. Proceeds are going to support the Nevada Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) Committee. On Friday, the day will kick off with the Women’s Leadership Committee Breakfast. All women interesting in promoting agriculture are encouraged to attend. The YF&R committee will host a similar breakfast on Saturday. Following breakfast, members will focus on policy discussions and voting on policy. Voting Delegates will be in session both Friday and Saturday.

The Agriculture Conference is the perfect opportunity for Nevada farmers and ranchers to learn strategies that will COUNTRY Financial be beneficial to their will host their annual farms and ranches. lunch on Friday and “The conference will county Farm Bureau 94th ANNUAL CONVENTION 94th ANNUAL MEETING provide learning awards and reports November 21-23, 2013 opportunities for will immediately Farm Santa Fe Station producers that are in theirNevada beginning states to those follow. Friday afternoon will also feature the YF&R Bureau Federation® wanting to explore the benefits of trade,” said Nevada Las Vegas,Discussion NV Meet. Our annual Awards Dinner will Farm Bureau President Hank Combs. “We are looking include the Discussion Meet finals, President Combs forward to great sessions and presenters and are awards, and the Ag in the Classroom Volunteer of the confident producers will find great value in attending,” Year Award presentation. continued Combs. Saturday will conclude with wrapping up policy Following the Southern Nevada Agriculture discussions and election of leaders. Conference, Clark County Farm Bureau will sponsor Bowling, Pizza, and Pop at the Santa Fe Bowling See you in Las Vegas! September 2013 | Page 4 |

Doing Today for tomorrow

94th Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Convention Agenda Thursday, November 21 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. • Registration for Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Convention and the Southern Nevada Agriculture Conference. See Southern Nevada Agriculture Agenda on Page 6 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. • Southern Nevada Agriculture Conference 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. • Bowling, Pizza, and Pop. Sponsored by Clark County Farm Bureau benefiting the YF&R Committee

Noon - 1:30 p.m • COUNTRY Financial Lunch 2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. • Workshop 1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. • County Farm Bureau President Reports • County Farm Bureau Volunteer Awards 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. • YF&R Discussion Meet

Friday, November 22

5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m • Evening Social sponsored by Washoe County Farm Bureau • Silent Auction

7:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. • Women’s Leadership Committee Breakfast • Continental Breakfast sponsored by Utah/ Nevada Dairy Council • Silent Auction Set-up • Registration

6:30 p.m. - End • YF&R Discussion Meet Finals • President Awards • Ag in the Classroom Volunteer of the Year Award presented by the Nevada Agricultural Foundation

9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. • President Combs’ Opening Address

Saturday, November 23

10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. • Voting Delegate Session 11:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m • County Caucus 11:45a.m. - Noon • Nomination Committee

7:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. • YF&R Committee Breakfast • Continental Breakfast sponsored by Utah/ Nevada Dairy Council 9:30 a.m. - End • Delegate Session • Officer Elections • Silent Auction Results

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Joint Nevada Farm Bureau Nevada Department of Agriculture

Southern Nevada Agriculture Conference November 21, 2013 Santa Fe Station | Las Vegas Opening Session | 9:00 a.m - 10:15 a.m. Jim Barbee, Director Nevada Department of Agriculture Hank Combs, Nevada Farm Bureau President John Spires, Western United States Agricultural Trade Association Business Track

Production Track

10:30 a.m - Noon

10:30 a.m - Noon

Explore Exporting: John Spires from the Western United States Agricultural Trade Association will present on opportunities for producers in to global markets. Session will also have representatives from SBA, NVIE, and Rural Development.

Selling Local: Learn what restaurants are looking to buy from local farmers and ranchers and what you need to do in order to sell locally. Featuring Venetian Las Vegas Chef Doug Taylor and Bruce Thomas from Prime Growers.

1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Farm/Ranch Marketing: Three presenters will help guide producers through the process of marketing their agricultural products. Featuring a representative from National Farm-to-School; Tom Harris, Center for Resource Economics, UNR College of Agriculture, Biotechnology, & Natural Resources; and Ann Louhela, NevadaGrown.

Food Safety For Thought: Holly Gatzke will discuss Value-Added processing and handling; Quail Hollow Farms will discuss hosting Farm-to-Fork events; and a representative from the Nevada State Health Department will discuss the new regulations and process for Farm-to-Fork and Cottage Industries laws.

3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m

Hydroponic Growing: Mark O’Farrell from Hungry Mother Organics will present information on his hydroponic growing operation and Basil Bob Davenport will discuss his successes and trials of his indoor growing operation.

Farm/Ranch Business Planning: Agriculture is a business and farmers/ranchers need a plan to be successful. Workshop will feature Cooperative Extension’s Carol Bishop and Nevada Farm Bureau Vice President and Panaca farmer Paul Mathews.

3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

REGISTRATION: Register for the Southern Nevada Agriculture Conference at For Nevada Farm Bureau members attending the Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Convention, your registration will include the Southern Nevada Agriculture Conference. See registration form on page 15 or call 1-800-992-1106 for more information. September 2013 | Page 6 |

Lazy P Adventure Farm Hosting Fall Festivals It’s official. Humboldt County is about to have its very own pumpkin patch—give or take a few months. On Sunday, June 9, over 75 volunteers converged on the Lazy P Adventure Farm in Grass Valley to help plant 1.8 acres of pumpkins. In all, the adults and children planted more than 4,700 seeds from eight different varieties of pumpkins. Come October, the pumpkins will be ready to harvest as part of a Fall Farm Festival planned for the official debut of the Lazy P Adventure Farm to the community. Volunteers of all ages planted pumpkins at the Lazy P Kim Petersen, who co-owns the farm with Adventure Farm in Grass Valley. his wife Yvonne, said every weekend in October will feature a “Farm Festival” filled with exciting activities for the entire family, including a 5-acre corn maze, petting zoo, farmers harvest haunted house, bounce house, cow train, corn cannon, face painting, pedal bikes, wagon rides, good food, a variety of wholesome entertainment and demonstrations and, of course, the pumpkin patch. Continued on Pg. 9

AFBF Commodity Outlook Conference The 6th Annual AFBF Commodity Outlook Conference will be held October 16-18 at the Peppermill in Reno. The conference will examine a broad range of issues from the standard crops and livestock mix to the general economy, fruits and vegetables, inputs, the macro economy and where farm income and the overall ag sector is likely to be headed. There will be something of interest to all states. The registration fee for Farm Bureau members is $100. The registration fee for non-Farm Bureau members is $500. Conference agenda and registration form are available at www.

County Farm Bureau Annual Meetings Fall is fast approaching and that means it’s time for county Farm Bureau Annual Meetings. This list will be expanding as more information becomes available, but at this point we know of these dates for county Farm Bureau Annual Meetings in the state: October 8 - Clark County October 15 - Elko County October 19 - White Pine County October 24 - Lincoln County

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Proof is setup: Head to Head

Continued from Pg. 7 In addition to local and out-of-area families, Petersen is hoping to connect with area schools as well with a special agri-tourism curriculum he says will be the perfect blend of education and fun for field trips throughout the month. June 9, volunteers planted each pumpkin using a stick to create an inch-deep hole before dropping in a seed and covering it with soil. Petersen said each family planted at least one 245-foot row, spacing pumpkins according to their varieties. The rows are numbered so each family can come back later and see their pumpkins’ progress. Plus, each child who participated in the pumpkin planting received a certificate to come back and pick a free pumpkin during the festival. The day before the massive pumpkin planting, Petersen and his family planted over five acres—and 400,000 seeds—of corn using a corn planter. It will take thousands of gallons of water running almost 24 hours a day to get the seeds to germinate, but come October, the corn will be transformed into an amazing corn maze (see design below). The man who works by day as the Director of the Winnemucca Convention and Visitors Authority said this “night job” has been in the back of his mind for many years. “This has been a long-time dream of mine,” he explained. “It will be a vehicle to educate, in a very hands-on way, children and families about agriculture’s past, present and future.” Petersen said the non-profit venture will be made possible this year through a unique partnership with the Humboldt County Chamber of Commerce. “But that’s just the beginning of our plans to provide a facility that will eventually feature these displays and activities year-round,” he said. Petersen said his farm has required a tremendous amount of work over the past months—work that absolutely could not have been accomplished without the help of his very dedicated family including his wife

Yvonne, Travis and Liz Petersen and children McKenzi, Alexis and Payton; Irene and Roy Brutsman and son Corbin; and Jason Petersen and daughter Jill. “All the kids have chores and are a great help,” said Petersen. “The farm has been good for them and they have learned so much about life and the responsibilities of having livestock and growing crops.” Petersen said a caring group of friends, including Stuart and Janine Avery, Walt Curtis, Pete Cassinelli, Leland Miller, Terry Eldridge and others, are also helping the farm take shape. “It’s been a great adventure and a time of learning for all of us,” said Petersen, noting that his new venture has certainly broadened his own perspective regarding local farmers. “I can tell you that having only been in the farming business since January I have a lot more respect for farmers and what they do to provide products for consumers,” he said. “It takes an incredible amount of time, equipment and investment with no guarantee of a return to make it all happen.” Petersen hopes the community will reap the bounty the farm will offer this fall. But he also invites any willing community volunteers to join in the “sowing” efforts going on right now. Those who participated in the pumpkin planting were alerted to the effort via Facebook. Petersen said future efforts will also be posted on that site. “We welcome anyone that would like to assist us in reaching our goal through volunteer help, good ideas and demonstrations,” he said. Sponsors and donations are also welcome to support what will continue to be a costly effort. More information about the Lazy P Adventure Farm is available on Facebook or by contacting Kim Petersen directly at (775) 625-1194 or via email at Petersen@ Information will also be available soon at

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Shop with Grainger and save! How to Utilize Your American Farm Bureau Account to Receive Grainger Benefits: 1. Register on® using your Nevada Farm Bureau Member Account Number 809019789. Simply visit® and click on “New customer? Register now.” in the top right corner of the home page. 2. If you have an existing Grainger account that needs to be linked to access the Farm Bureau benefits, contact your State Farm Bureau Member Benefits team. They will need your Grainger account number. Or visit to download a form that can be faxed in. ALWAYS reference your state Farm Bureau’s unique account number when visiting your local branch or when setting up your account online to ensure you get your Farm Bureau discounts!

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In-stock orders placed directly with the branch or on by 5:00 p.m. local time Monday through Friday will ship the same day within the continental United States.

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© 2013 W.W. Grainger, Inc. W-UMFC915 AFB

September 2013 | Page 11 |

Classified Ads

New: Branding Iron Collection. Call 775-771-9612 Wanted: Lely Roterra- looking for a used Roterra that is in working condition, or needs minimal work to be field ready. Cary 775-691-7655. Dairy Facility For Lease Goat/Sheep dairy on Idyllic Farm for lese. Pristine, 280-acre farm 40 miles from Reno between Fernley and Fallon. Dairy milks 200-1,200 goats or sheep. Ideal for an artisan producer expanding their supply or a farmer shipping to a creamery or cooperative. On site pasture is available for lease as well. Dairy barn includes: 46 animal Cohburn parallel milk, rapid fire exit gates, milks 200 head/hr, Chore-Time grain feeder system, variable-speed vacuum pump, 5,000 gallon tank. Outside facilities include: Corrals for up to 1,200 small animals, concrete feed storage areas, nursing barn and corrals for kids, abundant high-pressure water, two single-wide worker trailers. The dairy will be ready to lease starting in October 2013. Terms and pricing are negotiable and flexible. The landlords are committed to the production of nourishing foods, and desire a mutually-beneficial agreement. Property address is 255 Jersey Lane, Fernely, NV. To learn more contact Gino Borges at (775) 351-9439 or For Sale Perkins 354 diesel engine, will fit NH 1075 bale wagon or Massey Ferguson tractor or? Runs For Sale 3 Point Cultivator, 14 ft. wide, S-tine with gauge wheels, extra s-tines. Great shape. $1,300. 775-771-9612 LIVESTOCK GUARDIAN DOGS Non lethal predator control. Proven crosses, working parents. Puppies raised on sheep. Spanish Mastiffs, Pyrenean Mastiffs, Maremma/Anatolian crosses. Winnemucca. Brenda M. Negri (775) 931-0038 www.lgdnevada. com. Wanted Pasture Wanted for 20-40 pair in Northern Nevada. 775-287-6978 For Sale Masssey-Ferguson 2745 Tractor. Condition Rough. Runs great in forward gears. Reverse works only in 1st, 2nd and third. $7,000 Phone 775-629-0192 For Sale House for sale, 37 acres w/ water rights in Wellington. House is 1846 sq. ft.,2 bed, 2 bath, recently remodeled with new windows and flooring. Numerous out buildings, covered hay barn, corrals. In alfalfa production. $470K. Call 775-465-2252 or 775-720-1388 or email For Sale New Holland 1112 Swather with 16 foot header. Runs well. Good backup machine $3500 firm at Washoe Valley. Call (775)888-9877 or email For Sale - New Holland 16ft. pull type swather $3000 - New Holland 16ft. pull type swather, can be used for parts $1000 - 3 Freeman Balers: One Model 330 with 4 cycle Perkins diesel engine $3000. Two with Wisconsin gas engines. $2000 for one and $1000 for other (can be used for parts). Call 775-572-3337 2001 American Elite LQ 3 horse Trailer LQ looks brand new!!! Weekend Living Quarters trailer, in excellent condition. Very clean inside. Bed in nose, new custom Mattress, TV

To Place FREE Classified Ads... E-Mail: Call: 1-800-992-1106 Fax: 775-674-4004 stand, Bench seat pulls out into bed, shower & toilet, Kitchen area w/ sink, cabinets, microwave, Hot/cold water, Heater - runs on electricity or propane, Air Conditioner, Clothes closet, Rear tack, lots of side storage with hooks, drop down windows, inside manger. $14,000 775-867-4605 1984 Westerner 6 horse full LQ Aluminum Horse trailer- Custom Built Custom made - all Aluminum Living Quarters horse trailer slant load, 6 horse, storage in horse trailer and below mangers, drop down ramp and wood floor in trailer cleaned regularly, Queen bed, AC, Heat, full kitchen- micro, stove, oven, sink, fridge, dining table and bench, Hay rack on top, new vent covers, Separate tack room w/ 4 saddlerack that pulls out ... lots of bridle hooks and compartments on door for brushes, spray, full bathroom w/ shower - remodeled (needs new water lines & toilet) I will reduce price $1,000 if you repair it yourself email for pics SpurQH@yahoo. com. $12,000. 775-867-4605 1981 Freightliner - Cummins, 25 ft. bed, 32 ft. trailer. $9,000. 775-779-2275 For Sale New Holland 1046 Bale Wagon. Excellent working condition. $5500. Call Tom 775-287-5495 For Sale Caterpillar D2 Bulldozer. Great diesel motor, blade in front. $5500. Call Tom 775-287-5495 Sierra Valley California Ranch for Lease or Sale 80 acres irrigated pasture (water rights on two creeks). Fenced and crossfenced. 2500 sf house (2 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths). Pool and hot tub. Will lease house separately from pasture. Can be shown Nov 1st; Available Dec 1st. Lease Price on house $2,500.00 per month. Sale Price for house and 80 acres $925,000.00 (will carry paper with substantial down payment). Also would consider lease with option to purchase for house and pasture. Calls Only (775) 813-8981. Hay Farm For Sale 58 acre well maintained hay farm located 3 miles from Winnemucca. Property includes a 3080sq foot home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, open floor plan with a great room, large laundry area, family room and attached oversized 2 car garage. There is mature landscaping with numerous outbuildings, a 30’x34’ barn and horse corrals. Property also includes a 1537sq foot rental house which has 2 bedrooms and 1 bath with many new upgrades. Serious inquires only. Water rights included in sale. Buyer must be prequalified. $800,000 or OBO. (775) 304-7226 Fencing Wood round rail fencing, doweled rails, treated. Julian Smith, 775-882-2027 (home) or 883-3200 work. Washoe Valley. For Sale 25 acres Horse/Cattle Ranch Genoa/Minden surface water rights, 2 wells, 3 houses, 2 yr lease rental income corner Muller/Foothills, multiple agricultural uses 1.4 K Owner 831-512-3225 or email IRRIGATION PIPE 10” Aluminum Irrigation Pipe High pressure mainline irrigation pipe with welded Circle Lock Ring Applications: • Mainline for irrigation systems • Water transport lines • Construction applications • Effluent systems 13 -- 10” x 40’ - $124 each 31 -- 10” x 30’ - $164 each Smith Valley - Call 775-465-2529 or email

September 2013 | Page 12 |

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Presenting a Private offer for farm Bureau memBers

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(ISSN 0899-8434) (USPS 377-280) 2165 Green Vista Dr. Suite 205 Sparks, NV 89431 Phone: (775) 674-4000 Fax: (775) 674-4004 Publisher: Nevada Farm Bureau Federation Editor: Zach Allen The Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal is published monthly by the Nevada Farm Bureau Federation. Subscriptions are available to Nevada Farm Bureau members, only, at an annual subscription price of $1, which is included in yearly dues. Periodical postage is paid at Reno, NV and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Nevada Farm Bureau Agriculture & Livestock Journal, 2165 Green Vista Drive, Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431.

September 2013 | Page 14 |

Doing Today For Tomorrow 94th ANNUAL 94th Annual Convention November 21-­‐23, 2013 Santa Fe Station Las Vegas, NV

Novem Santa F Las Ve

Nevada Farm Bureau Federation®

Register before November 1 to receive early bird special! Name

Voting Delegate Yes No



Contact Phone Number

Bill County Yes No

County Farm Bureau

Nevada Farm Bureau Annual Convention Special Early Bird Price Register by November 1 After November 1 Convention Registration includes all meals Thursday Night Bowling Activity Bowling, Pizza, and Pop -­‐ YF&R Fundraiser


# Attending

Women's Leadership Committee Breakfast


$135 $160

= =

$ $






Total Registration N/C

Breakfast for all Women interested in the Women's Leadership Committee

YF&R Committee Breakfast



YF&R Committee Breakfast for anyone between 18-­‐35 interested in the YF&R program

Payment: Make all checks to NVFB. We accept Visa, MasterCard, or Discover -­‐ For Early Registrations only. Cash and Check at the door. Send completed registration forms to NVFB, 2165 Green Vista Dr., Ste. 205, Sparks, NV 89431. Fax forms to 775-­‐674-­‐4000. Call and register 1-­‐800-­‐992-­‐1106.

September 2013 | Page 15 |

Nevada Farm Bureau Federation®

2165 Green Vista Dr., Suite 205, Sparks, NV 89431 1-800-992-1106 |


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Visit or call 888-718-9053 to speak with a program representative. *See site for details

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