Desert Companion - February 2011

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The new bozohemians The secret lives of Strip clowns after dark

Bread Actor Veterinarian Theater Bookstore Public Art Dessert Etsy Crafter Place To Eavesdrop local Produce COFFEE TEA PUB CRAWL For Visiting Friends Table Salsa Secret Strip Brunch Non-ethnic vegetarian food beer Menu Non-Chinatown foodie Crawl Restaurant Closest to John Curtas’s House Wine-tasting event Tapas Restaurant to splurge at once a year Vegan dish that even carnivores would enjoy Thai Restaurant band hike to thrill you new dance company Place to score style bargains Mall Tailor Place to take your relatives to prove we’ve got more than just gambling Place to take your kids and maintain your hipster dad cred Bike ride Cultural Support ORganization Unsung bureaucrat Historic Building Political activist Hangout Beat Reporter neighborhood building New architect to watch Facebook friend Voice of Reason Bread Actor Veterinarian Theater Bookstore Public Art Dessert Etsy Crafter Place To Eavesdrop local Produce COFFEE TEA PUB CRAWL For Visiting Friends Table Salsa NATIVES VS. Secret Strip Brunch Non-ethnic vegetarian food beer Menu NonChinatown foodie Crawl Restaurant Closest to John Curtas’s House Wine-tasting NEWBIes event Tapas Restaurant to splurge at once a year Vegan dish that even carnivores One category. would enjoy Thai Restaurant band hike to thrill you new dance company Place to Two Las Vegans. This time, it’s score style bargains Mall Tailor Place to take your relatives to prove we’ve got personal. more than just gambling Place to take your kids and maintain your hipster dad cred Bikeopinions ride Cultural Support ORganization Unsung bureaucrat Historic Building Expert on the city’s best Hangout Beat Reporter neighborhood building New architect to Political activist food • shops • watch Facebook friend Voice of ReasonBread Actor Veterinarian Theater Bookstore • art • people placesArt and more Public Dessert Etsy Crafter Place To Eavesdrop local Produce COFFEE TEA PUB CRAWL For Visiting Friends Table Salsa Secret Strip Brunch Non-ethnic vegetarian food beer Menu Non-Chinatown foodie Crawl Restaurant Closest to John Curtas’s House Wine-tasting event Tapas Restaurant to splurge at once a year Vegan dish that even carnivores would enjoy Thai Restaurant band hike to thrill you new dance company Place to score style bargains Mall Tailor Place to take your relatives to prove we’ve got more than just gambling Place to take your kids and maintain your hipster dad cred Bike ride Cultural Support ORganization Unsung bureaucrat Historic Building Political activist Hangout Beat Reporter neighborhood building New architect to watch Facebook friend Voice of ReasonBread Actor Veterinarian Theater Bookstore Public Art Dessert Etsy Crafter Place To Eavesdrop local Produce COFFEE TEA PUB CRAWL For Visiting Friends Table Salsa Secret Strip Brunch Nonethnic vegetarian food beer Menu Non-Chinatown foodie Crawl Restaurant Closest to John Curtas’s House Wine-tasting event Tapas Restaurant to splurge at once a of year Vegan dish that even carnivores would enjoy Thai Restaurant band hike to thrill you new dance company Place to score style bargains Mall Tailor Place to take your relatives to prove we’ve got more than just gambling Place to take your kids and maintain your hipster dad cred Bike ride Cultural Support ORganization Unsung bureaucrat Historic Building Political activist Hangout Beat Reporter F E B R U A R y 2 01 1


Shamelessly self-appointed


the city

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