State Route 29 Roundabouts
Design Features Improved traffic flow; 30-50% increase in traffic capacity Roundabout Ahead signs advise drivers they are approaching a roundabout Yield signs & line markings at approach roads advise drivers to wait for a safe gap in roundabout traffic before entering. Pedestrian Crossing signs and line markings advise drivers of crosswalk locations.
Roundabout vs. Traffic Circles
What is a Roundabout? A roundabout is an intersection design alternative to traditional intersections controlled by stop signs or traffic signals.
Why do we need them? SR-29, in Rutherford and Oakville, is a key route connecting the north/south areas of the Napa Valley. This section of corridor experiences heavy traffic congestion during peak periods. The SR-29 Improvements at Rutherford and Oakville Intersections proposes several intersection control improvements aimed at addressing corridor travel time and multimodal safety. Pollution Reduction Roundabouts reduce wait times and congestion. This results in less idling, less fuel consumption, and reduced harmful mobile emissions. Safety Studies show that roundabouts are safer than traditional stop sign or signal-controlled intersections because all vehicles travel in the same direction, never crossing paths. Roundabouts also reduce speed, which is the number one reason for fatal crashes. Roundabouts reduced injury crashes by 75 percent at intersections where stop signs or signals were previously used for traffic control, according to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).
Community Benefits • Traffic calming • Aesthetic landscaping and more green space • Crosswalks included for pedestrians and bicyclists
Roundabouts allow both lanes of traffic to exit the circle.
Economical Benefits Lower construction/maintenance costs - Roundabouts cost about $125,000 less on average than signaled intersections.
Traffic Circles allow only the outer lane to exit the circle.
Fuel savings - Fuel savings average 24,000 gallons per year per roundabout.
625 Burnell Street, Napa, CA 94559 • (707) 259-8631 •