July SBOC Newsletter

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2018 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: PRESIDENT Don Fredericks, CBO Assistant Building Director Village of Bartlett (630) 837-0800 dfredericks@vbartlett.org

VICE PRESIDENT Lourdes Garcia Backe Building Inspector / Code Enforcement Officer Village of Hinsdale (630) 789-7012 lbacke@villageofhinsdale.org

TREASURER Eric Alwin Building Commissioner Village of Woodridge (630) 719-4750 ealwin@vil.woodridge.il.us

SECRETARY Steven Martin, MCP Development Services Manager Village of Carol Stream (630) 871-6236 smartin@carolstream.org

PAST PRESIDENT Roy Giuntoli Building Inspector Village of Willowbrook (630) 920-2262 rgiuntoli@willowbrook.il.us

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Dan Buonamici Building Commissioner Village of Bolingbrook (630) 226-8470 dbuonami@bolingbrook.com

Keith Steiskal Building Commissioner Village of Lombard (630) 620-5763 Steiskalk@villageoflombard.com

President’s Piece

July 2018

July is here and we are half way through 2018! The construction in Chicagoland is BUSY, BUSY, BUSY! During our June meeting at Buca di Beppo we had an informative presentation from the Jason O’Neil with Anchor Industries Inc. Jason provided much information in the proper set-up and ballasting of various tents that are placed within our communities. If you were not present, you really missed a great presentation, Thank You, Jason for your sharing of knowledge with the SBOC membership! In attempting to keep the SBOC membership up to date, SBOC will NOT be having our monthly meeting in July. Our 2018 Annual Golf outing is scheduled for August 24th at the Boughton Ridge Golf Course in Bolingbrook. The Event flyer is attached to this newsletter. The SBOC Board is working at filling the programs for our monthly training meetings. Should any of you have any thoughts for a monthly training session feel free in contacting any of the Board members. Hopefully, you will have a presenter’s contact information and are able to forward this information to the SBOC Board Member. With that being said, we the SBOC Board, are looking for some volunteers to become Board members in 2019. (The SBOC Board has had 2 individuals inquire about volunteering their time with the SBOC Board) THANK YOU! Please consider the thought of volunteering to the SBOC Board, whether it be 2019 or sometime in the future, I appreciate your consideration. Volunteering is a great way for members to have their voice heard, recommend programs and activities. Having new people provides fresh new ideas over the years. This is YOUR opportunity to make a difference and be heard. So, why not contact me or any other Board member. I’ve enjoyed myself greatly being a Board member. Believe me it’s FUN and GRATIFYING! The SBOC Board looks forward in hearing from you!

Carl Heinze Building Inspector City of Wood Dale (630) 787 -3736 cheinze@wooddale.com

Once again, please note that there will NOT be a monthly meeting in July. Our next meeting at Buca di Beppo Restaurant in Lombard will be held on Thursday, September 20, 2018, topic to be determined.

Jay Hoover Building and Zoning Manager Village of Oswego (630) 554-2310 jhoover@oswegoil.org

I look forward in seeing you at the Golf Outing on August 24th. Have a WONDERFUL JULY!!!

Dale Engebretson, MCP Chief Code Official City of Warrenville (630) 836-3026 dengebretson@warrenville.il.us

P.O. Box 502 Hinsdale, IL 60521 www.sboc-7.com

Be Well, Be Safe! Don Fredericks SBOC President

2018 SBOC July Newsletter-2.0.docx

SBOC GOLF OUTING & DINNER SOCIAL The Suburban Building Officials Conference invite you and your staff and/or a guest for a round of golf and dinner. Friday, August 24th, 2018

Boughton Ridge Golf Course 335 E. Boughton Road Bolingbrook, IL 60440 (630) 738-4100 www.bolingbrookparks.org This is a fun 9 hole course that will allow you to use most of the clubs in your bag. Ashbury’s Restaurant is on site and offers great food, a full cash bar and a great dining experience either indoors or out on the large patio! So get out of work early on a Friday afternoon and come join us for some outdoor summer fun!! SCHEDULE • T-Times will begin at 12:51 and time slots are every 9 minutes • We are reserving 10 consecutive T-Times (first received first served basis for T-Times - ASAP) • Dinner will follow your round of golf! $25.00 per person, includes greens fees, cart, on course games, dinner, sleeve of golf balls, tees and other prize give-aways, 2 clubhouse drink tickets good for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and business meeting. ($13.00 for dinner/business meeting only) DINNER to include choice of Italian Beef Sandwich, BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich, Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Pub Burger. The choice of sides will include: Homemade Potato Chips, French Fries, Coleslaw or a Fruit cup. Brownies for desert. A non-alcoholic beverage will be included with the dinner. RSVP BY AUG. 17th! Send check payable to SBOC and this portion of the registration to: SBOC, P.O. Box 502, Hinsdale, IL 60522. AND Fax or e-mail registration to Dan Buonamici, (630) 226-8469 fax, dbuonami@bolingbrook.com e-mail. (choose t-time slot, we’ll contact you with t-time). Name: ________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Fax: _________________ Municipality: ____________________ E-Mail: _________________________ Amount Enclosed: ________ Names of 4-Some_________________________________________________________________________

*Preferred T-Time Slot: (mark with “X”) 12:51 – 1:36 ______ or 1:45 – 2:21 ______

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