February 2016 Northwest Code Official News

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February 2016 Northwest Building Officials and Code Administrators

Mike Croak Editor



President Michael Magnussen City of Crystal Lake 815-356-3605 mmagnussen@crystallake.org Vice President Darrell Taylor Village of Schaumburg 847-923-3963 dtaylor@ci.schaumburg.il.us Secretary Raoul Johnston, CBO City of Elgin 847-931-5947 johnston_r@cityofelgin.org Treasurer Thomas Jacobs Village of Algonquin 847-658-5916 tjacobs@algonquin.org Immediate Past President William Regner City of McHenry 815-363-2180 bregner@ci.mchenry.il.us Director Michael Croak, CBO, CBCO City of Lake Bluff 847-283-6885 mcroak@lakebluff.org Director Dale Engebretson City of Warrenville 630-393-9050 dengebretson@warrenville.il.us Director Akihiro Mishima, AIA City of Highland Park 847-926-1166 amishima@cityhpil.com

DATE: April 12 , 2016 TIME: Sign-in at 11:30 AM

PLACE: Maggiano’s 1901 E Woodfield Rd Schaumburg, IL 60173

COST: $25.00 non-members $20.00 members at the door

PROGRAMS Darren Meyers International Energy Conservation Consultants, LLC Updates in the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code Note: We will not have a regular monthly meeting in March. Instead we will host the 2011 NEC seminar on March 25. See details on page 3.

Join/Update Your Membership! NWBOCA 2016 Membership Form

Volume 17, No. 1

President’s Letter From the desk of Mike Magnussen I want to take a moment to thank my board for the outstanding job they did in 2015 and will continue to do for the organization in 2016. Without their time, planning and hard work this organization would not function. We are looking forward to having a full board for the 2016 year. I would also like to thank the membership for allowing me the privilege of serving as your president for another year. The board of directors is looking forward to another outstanding year of trainings, outings, school and meetings. We would like to thank all of you who continue to support NWBOCA by taking the time to attend these functions. If you haven’t had the time to attend a NWBOCA meeting recently we request that you try to make the time. The board has worked hard to improve the training presentations and will continue to improve. Our goal is to provide quality on topic code related presentations and get away from the “sales pitch” presentation from industry. Though out the year we hope to have the opportunity to offer ICC certified training as well. We thank you for your participation, ask for your feedback for improvement and hope to see more of you at NWBOCA trainings this year. It is great to see our numbers start to grow in memberships and meeting attendance. We hope that this trend continues and the NWBOCA board of directors can continue to serve its members to the best of our abilities.

February 2016

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Volume 13, No.3

General Meeting Minutes Maggiano’s Schaumburg January 12, 2016 Call to Order: President Magnussen called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: President Magnussen led us in the Pledge of Allegiance Introduction of Members: 29 members introduced themselves Approval of Minutes from December 2015 General Meeting:

Tom indicated the there was $0.92 in interest for the Money Market Account Membership Report: Raoul Johnston Raoul indicated that there are numerous renewals already received Raoul also encouraged members to get renewals in as soon as possible ICCA Report: Tom Jacobs Tom indicated that there is an ICCA meeting scheduled for January 14, 2016 and he would have a report for next general membership meeting

No minutes were presented for approval. Invocation President’s Report: Mike Magnussen Mike mentioned the great turn-out of approximately 90 members at the Annual General Membership Meeting Mike mentioned that the March meeting will NOT be held at Maggiano’s as usual as NWBOCA will be hosting an electrical seminar at Prairie Center for the Arts in Schaumburg on March 25, 2016. Mr. Jerry Flanick will be teaching this seminar. Mike encouraged members to complete and return membership renewals in a timely fashion

Break for Lunch: 12:15 p.m.

Vice President’s Report: Darrell Taylor

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 2:13 p.m

Darrell had no report Secretary’s Report: Raoul Johnston Raoul had no report Treasurer’s Report: Tom Jacobs Tom indicated that there was $14, 240.00 deposited since last month Tom indicated that there was 4, 763.98 in disbursements since last month

Meeting Reconvened: 1:00 p.m. Training Report: Mike Magnussen introduced Rick Vlahos from the Hearth, Patio and BBQ Foundation. Rick did a presentation on the different types of fireplaces and the differences in venting of these appliances

Next General membership Meeting is scheduled for February 9, 2016 at Maggiano’s, Schaumburg Respectfully Submitted Raoul Johnston, C.B.O. Secretary Membership Chair

February 2016

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Volume 13, No.3

2011 National Electrical Code Seminar NWBOCA is excited to announce that we are sponsoring an all-day 2011 NEC seminar instead of our monthly March meeting at Maggiano’s. DATE: March 25, 2016 LOCATION: Prairie Center for the Arts, 201 Schaumburg Court, Schaumburg, IL TIME: 7:30 am sign-in, class begins 8:30 am SUBJECT: 2011 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE PROVISIONS COST: $100.00 per person including refreshments and lunch COURSE DISCRIPTION: This seminar is designed to meet the learning needs of those with an intermediate level of knowledge, skills and experience in understanding and enforcing applicable residential and commercial electrical code provisions. It is strongly suggested that each participant bring a copy of the 2011 NEC to class. Topical handouts will be provided. Contact hours: 6 CEU’s: 0.6 Presented by Mr. Gerald C. Flanik of Associated Consulting Solutions, LLC (ACS), an ICC Preferred Provider. His bio is attached and available here. Please make checks payable to: NWBOCA Return the registration form with check to: Village of Algonquin Community Development Attn: Tom Jacobs 2200 Harnish Drive Algonquin, IL 60102 Or Fax the completed form to 847-658-2631, mail payment or pay at the door Or Email the completed form to tjacobs@algonquin.org, mail payment or pay at the door Pre-registration is REQUIRED! Seating is limited. NO WALK-INS! Please return registration forms by March 18, 2016!

February 2016

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Volume 13, No.3

2016 - Elevator Safety Act

2015 International Energy Conservation Code

The Elevator Safety Act has no required upgrades for calendar year 2016.

The 2015 IECC became effective in Illinois on January 1, 2016

However, many properties still have not completed the 2014 and 2015 "seven" required upgrades. Permits are required as applicable for each item. Per (225 ILCS 312/35) Elevator Safety and Regulation Act, the seven items are: (ii) car illumination; (iii) emergency operation and signaling devices; (iv) phase reversal and failure protection; (v) reopening device for power operated doors or gates; (vi) stop switch pits; and (vii) pit ladder installation in accordance with Section of ASME A17.1-2007. (h-5) Notwithstanding anything else in this Section, the upgrade requirements for the restricted opening of hoistway doors or car doors on passenger elevators as provided for in the 2007 edition of the Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (ASME A17.1) and the 2005 edition of the Safety Code for Existing Elevators (ASME A17.3) must be completed by January 1, 2014. Link to Act: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=2 472&ChapAct=225%26nbsp%3BILCS%26nbsp%3B 312%2F&ChapterID=24&ChapterName=PROFESSI ONS+AND+OCCUPATIONS&ActName=Elevator+S afety+and+Regulation+Act%2E Questions, please let me know. NOTE: due to pit ladder inquiries, receiving large email volumes-always a chance of something being overlooked, recommend a follow-up if you do not hear/receive a response within a week. Thanks, Patty Young Thompson Elevator Inspection Service, Inc. 1302 E Thayer St Mt Prospect, Illinois 60056 p847-296-8211 / f847-296-5424 patty@thompsonelevator.com

The Capital Development Board, in conjunction with the Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity, has completed the cycle for the Illinois Energy Conservation Code (IECC) to update from the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) to the 2015 IECC. In accordance with The Energy Efficient Building Act, CDB is required to review and adopt the most current version of the IECC within one year after its publication date. The Code will then become effective within 6 months following its adoption by CDB. The effective date for the 2015 IECC, with Illinois Amendments, to become law in the State of Illinois was January 1, 2016. Permits applied for on or after Jan 1, 2016 are subject to the 2015 IECC and ASHRAE 90.1-2013 with Illinois amendments. Please note that without the availability of funding to provide code training and support, the State of Illinois – Office of Energy & Recycling has not had the ability to schedule training or obtain IECC 2015 code books for distribution to the Illinois design and construction community. The Department of Commerce anticipates that once funding has been restored to their energy code training programs, the Office of Energy & Recycling will again be able to provide training and job aids, such as manuals, to those attending our classes within the Illinois Investor Owned Utility territories. Additional information pertaining to the Illinois Energy Conservation Code may be found at www.ildceo.net/energycode Bruce Selway Energy Efficiency Education / Codes Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity O: 217.785.2023 Bruce.Selway@illinois.gov www.illinois.gov/dceo www.ildceo.net/energycode

February 2016

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Volume 13, No.3


Proclamation Building Safety Month - May, 2016 Whereas, our Chapter's continuing efforts to address the critical issues of safety, energy efficiency, water conservation, and resilience in the built environment that affect our citizens, both in everyday life and in times of natural disaster, give us confidence that our structures are safe and sound, and; Whereas, our confidence is achieved through the devotion of vigilant guardians- building safety and fire prevention officials, architects, engineers, builders, tradespeople, laborers and others in the construction industry-who work yearround to ensure the safe construction of buildings, and; Whereas, these guardians-dedicated members of the International Code Council-use a governmental consensus process that brings together local, state and federal officials with expertise in the built environment to create and implement the highest-quality codes to protect Americans in the buildings where we live, learn, work, worship, pla y, and; Whereas, the International Codes, the most widely adopted building safety, energy and fire prevention codes in the nation, are used by most U.S. cities, counties and states; these modern building codes also include safeguards to protect the public from natural disasters such as hurricanes, snowstorms, tornadoes, wild/and fires, floods and earthquakes, and; Whereas, Building Safety Month is sponsored by the International Code Council, to remind the public about the critical role of our communities' largely unknown guardians of public safety-our local code officials-who assure us of safe, efficient and livable buildings, and; Whereas, "Building Codes: Driving Growth through Innovation, Resilience and Safety" the theme for Building Safety M onth 2016, encourages all Americans to raise awareness of the importance of building safe and resilient construction; fire prevention; disaster mitigation, water safety and conservation; energy efficiency and new technologies in the construction industry. Building Safety Month 2016 encourages appropriate steps everyone can take to ensure that the places where we live, learn, work, worship and play are safe and sustainable, and recognizes that countless lives have been saved due to the implementation of safety codes by local and state agencies, and, Whereas, each year, in observance of Building Safety Month, Americans are asked to consider projects to improve building safety and sustainability at home and in the community, and to acknowledge the essential service provided to all of us by local and state building departments, fire prevention bureaus and federal agencies in protecting lives and property. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mike Magnussen, President of the Northwest Building Officials and Code Administrators of Illinois, do hereby proclaim the month of M ay 2016 as Building Safety Month. Accordingly, I encourage our citizens to join with their communities in participation in Building Safety Month activities.

February 2016

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Volume 13, No.3



2011 NEC Seminar

Village of Hinsdale Part-time Community Development Secretary

March 25, 2016. See details on page 3. ______________________________

SBOC Seminars Friday, February 26th Friday, March 4th, 11th, and 18th ______________________________

15th ANNUAL NWBOCA GOLF OUTING Friday, September 16, 2016 7:30am shotgun start Whisper Creek Golf Club 12840 Del Webb Blvd Huntley, Il 60142 ___________________________ NOVEMBER FALL SCHOOL th



November 3 , 10 , 17 , 2016 (Details to come)

Village of Glen Ellyn Building Inspector City of McHenry Permit Technician Village of Downers Grove Part-time Plumbing Inspector Plan Reviewer/Project Manager

ANNOUNCEMENTS Tom Jacobs, our very own NWBOCA Treasurer, recently became ICCA Secretary. Congratulations, Tom! Doug Gamble, longtime Accessibility Specialist for the Illinois Capital Development Board has retired. His successor is Felicia Burton. Her contact info is available here.

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