North West Circular - Issue 2

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DATE 24 Nov - 7 Dec 2013

Anne Casimir MA, PGCE (Oxon)

Educational Psychotherapy ● Does your child or teenager need a boost to his or her confidence with learning? ● Are you worrying about his/her behaviour at home, and/or learning at school? ● Are events in your family affecting his/her emotional well-being? Educational Psychotherapy offers an opportunity for your child to achieve his or her unique potential. One-to-one sessions — including drawing, creative story-writing and specially-designed games — provide ways to explore and share problems safely and confidentially. Crucially, parents get time and space to discuss concerns with a caring, experienced and non-judgemental professional.

Trained at the world-leading Tavistock Clinic, Anne Casimir has for the last ten years been Head of the Clinical Service at the Caspari Foundation for Educational Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Teaching. Private practices in Highgate N6 and in Harley Street • 07799 124 482

Anne Educational Psychotherapy A6 publicity.indd 2

21/05/13 09:36



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martin LEWIS eBay

shop front there are a host of hidden secrets enabling you to pay less. It all stems from the fact eBay’s a mammoth marketplace with millions of goods and hordes of

Results can be powerful, such as this from my site user Jen_Jen1985: “Had been looking for a double buggy, but most ended up selling for around £40. I found one via the Local Deals tool and ended up winning it for £1.24!” Bag no-bid 99p items

to get sucked into bidding wars, with your finger quivering on the mouse, and then just overpaying at the last minute.

of war will break out between buyers. Many items go -low prices. It’s

Yet a host of hidden tools and websites allow you to hone in on hidden super-deals overlooked by rival bidders. Here are my top eBay buyer’s tricks…


Exploit spelling mistakes

has now set maximum delivery charges for many categories.

Typos and errors on eBay are incredibly common. Of course, that means fewer people searching for things,

Double-check delivery charges, as some sellers hope

Do you need it? Before I go to much further with this, just a quick

trawl eBay for all possible spelling mistake on it, if you’re selling remember to use spell check. Find collection only bargains near you

bargains. It’s worth following my money mantra before you spend cash. If you’re skint, first ask yourself “Do I need it?, Can I afford it? Have I checked whether it’s available cheaper elsewhere?!” If the answer to any of those is no, don’t buy it. Buy stolen goods on the cheap

You can’t yet search for this on eBay, but if you go to my eBay Local Deals Mapper tool it finds these bargains for you and maps how close they are. There’s also an Android and iPhone app version.

Well, nearly, but great headline, you must admit. This one isn’t actually eBay, but is worth checking - it’s

and Wales use this eBay-style site to sell lost property or goods seized from criminals when they can’t find

It’s cracking for bicycles, among other things—for example a high-spec Specialized bike went for £50 (similar ones were £200 on eBay). Most larger items needs to be collected in person from local nicks. Some smaller items can be delivered, though check postage prices before buying.

security concern. If you do sign up, never use the same password for eBay as you do for other accounts such as banks or email.

Find auctions closing in the dead of night

prices elsewhere first. Use shopbots (shopping robots), that whizz to scores of internet retailers to find the cheapest price. My tool auto searches the best of these for each category.

and a’s Night Time Bargain Searcher cruises for these ‘vampiric bargains’. If you don’t fancy burning the midnight oil, combine this trick with auto-bidding tools below, which can bid on your behalf while you’re deep in the land of nod. Build Amazon 75% bargain basements Of course, eBay isn’t the only fruit. Amazon’s range for everyone to see everything. Yet there’s a trick you can use to manipulate its URLs (web addresses) to discounts, for example, beauty discounted by more than 75% or TVs by 25%. with a bit of savvy. Easier, I’ve built a tool that does it for you — just go to amazon, put in what you’re looking for and how big a discount you want and it builds the page instantly. Be an eBay sniper… early and rival buyers bid back, forcing the price upwards. Sniping tools auto-bid for you in the last 10

A word of warning though - you need to give sniping sites your eBay password for them to work, which is a

Don’t assume it’s cheapest because it’s on eBay

Reclaim 14 years of lost music Buy CDs/vinyl from Amazon and its Auto rip services mean you can not get the MP3s for nothing. Yet did you know this works for anything bought since 1999? So you can recover years worth of music from CDs you may have lost or damaged. To check for lost music, just log on to’s Cloud Player to see what music’s in there - you can then stream or download it. In 10 minutes, one member of my team found 150 albums going back 13 years. Free translation Andriod app for 50 languages There’s a handy trick to turn an Android smartphone into translator for free. Just download Google Translate from the Google Play store. Do this in the UK before you go, and you won’t need data to use it overseas. There are 50 languages to choose from, including French, Spanish, Greek and Thai.


CHAN UKAH Y PART   THE




  Exciting activities include: Games & Prizes Become a Maccabee Tots Soft Play Arts & Crafts Raffle and great prizes


Certified coach & professional organiser * Decluttering homes or offices * Time management training

Cookie Decorating Make a Sweetie Chanukiah Food Court & Refreshments Special Chanukah candle-lighting ....and much much more!

* Clutter coaching groups Strict confidentiality

Please join us for Chanukah candle-lighting at 4:30pm with Sharon Kindergarten and Sacks Morasha Primary School. Cost at the door for children over the age of two: £6 for children of Kinloss Members £7 for children of Non-Members £2 per adult For more information, please phone Shoshi or Adina on 020 8346 8551/020 8349 5269 Email: Tel: 078178 33319



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PaL Why was PaL created? Sammy Homburger ‫ ז”ל‬was a wonderful person, with a fantastic personality who spread the light of Torah to everyone he met. He was a great ‘people person’ and all who knew him felt they were his best friend. Nine years ago, shortly after he was niftar, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, a close family friend came to address the North West London community. It was at this event that Rabbi Krohn suggested that we set up an organisation similar to Partners in Torah which is based in the USA and had been running successfully for over 13 years. Following that a committee was established, and PaL was founded in lasting memory of Sammy ‫ז”ל‬.

Can you briefly describe how PaL works? PaL offers the WWW option - whatever, wherever, whenever - so that you can learn whatever you want to learn, wherever and whenever you want to learn it, making PaL the most flexible Jewish learning opportunity. Through PaL, any Jewish person is able to learn any Jewish topic, at a time that is convenient for them, and best of all, it is totally free.

What kind of response have you received from PaL members? The positive feedback and enthusiasm from both PaL tutors and partners has been overwhelming and glowing. Both tutors and partners feel that they gain so much from their learning sessions, and very often wonderful friendships are created through their learning partnerships. Whilst there is no obligation on either the tutor or partner to meet up in person, many have done so and

they share with us stories of their wonderful experiences when they have met up with their PaL partner for shabbos, at family simchas or just for a coffee.

Isn’t it so much harder to learn/be taught via the phone, rather than face-to-face? Learning on the phone or on Skype gives partners and tutors the flexibility to maintain a regular study partnership without the restraints commonly associated with needing to meet up in person. Many people prefer learning by phone as they feel less inhibited. PaL provides focused training for all PaL tutors as to successful methods of telephonebased learning and advises and guides both tutors and partners on how to make the most of their study sessions.

In PaL’s history, what’s the furthest distance of PaL learning partners? The furthest distance between a PaL tutor and partner is London to Sandton, South Africa. We have many PaL tutors based in UK learning with partners based in France, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Turkey amongst other countries. We also have PaL partnerships where both the partner and tutor are based overseas such as the great partnership between Ilana and Mindy who are based in Modella, Victoria on the south coast of Australia. The beauty of PaL is that distance is really not a constraint, since participants are able to learn either on the phone or using Skype as many have started to do over recent years.

How long do partners generally continue to learn for?

PaL maintains a close relationship with each PaL tutor and partner and as such PaL participants share their stories and experiences with us of how they feel have gained and been enthused by learning through PaL. When you hear people describe how they now appreciate the beauty of Yiddishkeit - something they never thought would be possible nor that they would be interested in it motivates and encourages us to continue to develop PaL to reach new heights.

What is your biggest challenge at PaL? Many people want to study through PaL as they see the organisation to be creative, dynamic and professional. We aim to match every PaL partner with their own PaL tutor within 72 hours of them signing up to PaL.

phonelearn PhoneandLearn

What keeps the PaL team inspired and so focused?

Text TUTOR now to 80818 to sign up as a PaL tutor.

PhoneandLearn phonelearn

We have many partnerships that have been learning since PaL started. It is wonderful when people are able to gain a friendship as well as improving their Torah knowledge. Sometimes people sign up to PaL to achieve a specific goal, for example, if they would like to learn a certain topic or prepare for Yeshiva or Sem, and then the partnership could be more short-term based. We have often found that once people join PaL, they continue to learn with their partner long after reaching their initial target. On several occasions PaL partners have often taken on additional learning opportunities in their week but wish to continue their PaL partnership as they enjoy their relationship with their PaL tutor.

Text LEA RN now to 80818 to sign up as a Pa L partne r.

0800 055 3276

This means that having a pool of suitable PaL tutors at any given time is essential. We continue to experience siyata d’shmaya in being able to find suitable PaL tutors. To ensure we can meet the growing demand for PaL we hope that our pool of PaL tutors will equally increase. The training and guidance given to all new PaL tutors has given comfort to many new tutors who were previously apprehensive to teach.

For more information email or call 0800 055 3276

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