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ISSUE No. 012

27th April- 10th May 2014

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What is Shalheves? Shalheves a your world famous If you’ve a isfamily, purse or walletorganisation is probably spearheaded by Children R’ Shimshon Pincusinvestment. ztl and R’ Ezriel crying. Having is a terrible You Tauber shlita. For over 30 years they travelled to fork out an estimated £200,000 per child by the many parts of the world delivering shiurim and time theyan reach age 21. Of if you’re happy promoting awareness of course, Hakodosh Boruch Hu bedaily repaid in hugs, it’s all more than worth it. Yet in to our lives. As we know today’s generation hasa few many andthe unique therefore tipsnew to ease burdenchallenges, never go amiss... strategies which may have helped in the past will not necessarily help us today. Are you missing £1,000’s of childcare help? is what Shalheves does. By arranging shiurim This and weekend There are twoSeminars big ways for youthe mayHeimishe be able to crowd get cashit bestows on for us childcare. tools to improve our work emunah if you pay First, do you overand 16 bitachon a practical This gives us the hours a on week (you andlevel. your partner if you’re a stamina to withstand the challenges and nisyonos couple) and earn under £41,000 that Hakodosh Boruch Huaround sends our way. in total? If that’s you, check if you’re eligable for childcare tax When launched in the credit.was This Shalheves can be serious money - many getUK? over £3,000 a year. To find out if you’re due, call 0345 In 300 January 3900. ‘11 R’ Ezriel Tauber visited Manchester where he addressed his topics to the public in a workshop setting, delivering shiurim based seetopics if yoursuch employer offers childcare onAlternativly, fundamental as: ‘Growth amidst Challenge’. vouchers, which allow you to pay for childcare from your pre-tax income. The way this works is At that time he also gave talks to many audiences give up, say, Thereafter, £2,000 a year salarytofor £2,000 in you Golders Green. heofcame Stamford However, as afterboth tax you’d only have Hilloftovouchers. give a two-day Seminar in Yiddish and got around £1,400 in your pay packet, English. The talks were for couples and itit means was a great success. As people you’re £600 better off. were thirsting to hear more, Shalheves arranged a seminar over Shabbos at The Normandie Hotel in Bournemouth in May ‘I saved £3,000 adding mum andwe dad to car ‘11. After its resounding success have arranged insurance” many more since then – alternating for a Yiddish English speaking audience. Each Seminar had and itsAdded uniquetospiritual andteenager everyoneonwent the fearatmosphere of seeing your the home road,elevated! the cost of insuring one to drive can be terrifying. One trick, if they’ve theirwhat own car, to Who are the Seminars for and areisthe try adding extra good records advantages of it drivers being awith Shabbos away?(eg, mum and dad) who may occasionally use the car. These Seminars towards It’s trail and error,are butprimarily can have ageared big impact, as it couples a channel did for opening one of myupTwitter followers of (joinpositive me at communication by discussing the material they @martinlewis): “As a new driver my insurance have both heard together. However Seminars are wanted After as adding mum and it also suited£5,000. for singles the shiurim givedad, tools to dropped improvetoemunah £1,900.” and bitachon in our daily challenges. The relaxed setting away from the stress of all the day to day pressures enables participants to fully absorb all the information and the chizuk that is being imparted.

mins with Who are the speakers at the Seminars? What topics do they focus on?

However, you must never say someone’s the main R’ Ezriel Tauber the main driver when they’reshlita not. is That’s calledspeaker fronting for andboth men and ladies. He is accompanied either by his it’sdaughter illegal. Full info on slashing costs for under-25s, Rebz. Yitty Naustart or his Talmidoh Mrs including special policies, R.L. Gelbman who give lectures for ladies on at topics www.mse.me/youngcar ‘How a woman connects to Hashem’ etc. Most popular is their Question and Answer Session. At thoseyou’re times paying R’ Tauber Yisroel Klien from Eretz Ensure lessorforR’power Yisroel speak separately to the men. (Including a Question and Answer Session). Lots of people in the house means big energy bills Mainrooms, topics discussed at blast, the Seminar more TVs on full heatingare: all that • Finding everyday life.on the very water - it allHappiness adds up. in Ensure you’re • Facingdeal. the Nisyonos of our cheapest It only takes a times. few minutes. Just • The Torah outlook on family life plug in where you liveand to more… an www.ofgem.gov.uk • Days of Moshiach approved comparison site and it’ll find your These topics are based on the set of seforim by R’ cheapest. Tauber, Pirchei Machshava - Thought for the Jewish heart (in English and Hebrew) and his many CD’s on Alternatively, my free Cheap Energy CLub various topics. www.moneysavingexpert.com/energyclub will do a What comparison for you, including top the picksseminar you response do we get from participants? might miss, and monitors your tariff afterwards to ensure you know when to move again. All are excited to learn and there is a thirst to hear more. They have a desire to grow in the areas Give pocketthroughout money as pay otherwise discussed the -seminar. Theyou’re following ‘trust are fund someteaching’ of the many comments received from people after the weekend: Pocket money’s under-rated as a way to teach kids core provided you reward a work and Themoney best lessons, weekend I’ve had beruchniyos ethic, and don’t just dole it out. It teaches how to begashmiyos. It will and has already changed my (our) lives! manage an income - by having a regular amount of Can’t thank youto enough to rebuild money you start learn for theenabling concept me of saving my luchos versus spending. I got much more than expected. I wish I can share and give such an experience to It everyone also incorperates I know. “opportunity cost” - whether they’d be better off spending the same cash on something else. For a young child this is perhaps Theyouresponse wassweeties overwhelming with one “do want to buy with your money participant describing the weekend as every week, or save up to get the toy you want?” ‘Redefining the purpose and meaning in today’s generation!’

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If I told I could £100s a year withthat no This is a you golden timegive for you those in debt. While debtseem and very little hassle youbest needEVER to do may a strange thing –toand say,allthe is Ifchange your plastic – purse would If is the deals for cutting loan, store or credit card costs are you’ve a family, your oryou? wallet probably answer’s yes, read on, is the perfect time now on the market. So as if anow you’ve existing debts, crying. Having Children is terrible investment. Youa little bitout of action could save you For £100s or £1,000s. tofork grab a cashback credit card. many, it’s an estimated £200,000 per child byan the easy lucrative way your income. timeand they reach age 21.toOfboost course, if you’re happy The is to cut the interest rate you pay, so to aim be repaid in hugs, it’s all more than worth it. Yet more oftheyour repayments clear the deals debt will rather Now’s because the top a few tipsmoment to ease the burden amiss... far than servicing the interest, so never you’regodebt-free boost cashback for the first three months you quicker. have So apply NOWofand that boost Are them. you missing £1,000’s childcare help? lasts for one of most people’s highest-spending periods – Stop 1. borrowing. Borrowing more just makes the January sales. There are two big ways youlonger-lived. may be able toYou get can’t cash the problem costlier and if you your borrow way out of First, debt.do The below pay for childcare. youtips work over are 16 This can serious cash. onepartner of my Twitter about getting new(you products, not borrowing more.a hours abe week andAs your if you’re followers (@martinslewis), NM,£41,000 told me: couple) and earn under around in“Our total? If 2. CREDIT & earned STORE ShiftThis to cashback cards usCARD £250+ DEBT: last year.” that’s you, check if you’re eligable for childcare tax 31mths 0%.If you’ve debts on cards, do a isn’t unusual, I’ve even heard of some big credit. This can be serious money - many get over balance transfer. Thisthe is £1,000 where mark. you ask a new spenders over here’s £3,000 agoing year. find out you’re cards, due,Socall card to pay offTodebts on ifother so0345 you what you need to know: 300it3900. owe instead, hopefully at a cheaper rate. Never interest onpass aemployer cashback card Alternativly, see must if your To get apay card, you a creditoffers score.childcare Usually Cashback cards win if you set a direct vouchers, which allow payupfor childcare the only way to only find out you is totoapply, which marks debit toyour repay IN FULL everyfind month. not, don’t your file. To get round that, which card’s most from pre-tax income. The way If this works is likely you£2,000 with go my free goyou forto a accept cashback card, for the best 0% for give up, say, a year ofEligibility salary forChecker £2,000 at www.mse.me/eligibility spending dealsHowever, (see as after tax you’d only have of vouchers. www.mse.me/spendingcards). got around £1,400 in your pay packet, it means Follow the balance transfer golden rules: you’re £600 better off. a) Always repay the set that monthly Now you’ve gotataleast debit card paysminimum, you or you lose special rates. Your credit card is now effectively a to car ‘I saved £3,000 adding mum and dad b) Always plan to shift the debt again or fully repay monthly-billing debitorcard, provided you stick insurance” before the 0% ends, these cards’ rates jump to within the17.9% limit. Use it for ALL spending instead 18.9% and representative APR. ofAdded cash,spend cheques and debit cards. If you’re inthe aat c) Don’t cardsyour – it’s usually not to the on fearthese of seeing teenager on trusting relationship, add your as acan second the samethe cheap road, costrate. of insuring onespouse to drive be cardholder, so their terrifying. One trick,spending if they’veearns their too. own car, is to 3. LOAN DEBT: you with cut the cost? try adding extraCan drivers good records (eg, This more difficult, as January most use oldtheloans Huge cashback over sales mumis5% and dad) who maythe occasionally car. charge up to two months’ interest to The annual fee www.americanexpress.co.uk It’sno trail and error, but can have a big impact, as it repay early, which needs factoring in. Platinum Everyday paysfollowers newbies (join 5% for did for one of mycard Twitter methe at first three months“As until new January, up my to a insurance maximum It’s@martinlewis): worth trying if youacan getdriver a much lower APR £100 back in that if have you and fail to fully wanted £5,000. After adding dad, it loan (ie, more thantime. a fifthThough off) andmum a while left repay, 19.9% repifAPR. dropped to £1,900.” to repayit’s – especially your credit score’s improved since getting the loan. After the 5% ends, the rate’s up to 1.25%, 4. OVERDRAFTS/CATALOGUES: to 0%. depending on how much you spend.Shift It requires a Ifdecent you’vecredit a costly overdraft or need toearnings put money score and household of in a£20,000+. bank account to pay off catalogue debts, there’s a way to use a credit card for this.

Debt Recovery

A few balance transfer cards let newbies ‘money transfer’ cash into your bank account, so you then owe theyou card instead. could, of course, find a However, must never You say someone’s the main 0% overdraft. Bothnot. FirstThat’s Directcalled and Nationwide driver when they’re fronting andoffer if you switch toslashing them, but thefor amounts offered it’sthis illegal. Full info on costs under-25s, are usually limited. including special policies, at www.mse.me/youngcar

5. Don’t repay all debts equally – attack the

highest APR first. Ensure paying power Once you’re your debts areless as for cheap as possible, list them all, including overdrafts, in order of APR. Then focus Lots of people theclearing house means big energy - as every pennyinon the highest APRbills one more rooms, TVs on blast,the heating all that it grows fastest, justfull paying minimum on the others. that’s move to the highest. water - itOnce all adds up.clear, Ensure you’re on next the very The more youItpay off,takes the better. you justJust stick to cheapest deal. only a few Ifminutes. minimum repayments, take years or decades plug in where you live toyou’ll an www.ofgem.gov.uk to be debt-free (they’re you just approved comparison sitedesigned and it’llso find yourclear the interest). The exception to the ‘highest APR first’ cheapest. rule is loans with penalties for overpaying early. Alternatively, my free Energyyour CLub 6. Set up a direct debitCheap to protect credit www.moneysavingexpert.com/energyclub willyou do risk score. Forget or make late repayments and a losing comparison for being you, including picks you 0% deals, fined andtop suffering a hit on yourmiss, creditand score. So setyour up atariff direct debit totocover might monitors afterwards at least monthly then manually pay ensure youthe know when minimum, to move again. more on top each month. Give pocket money as pay - otherwise you’re 7. Got debts and savings? Stop. ‘trust fundboth teaching’ £1,000 credit card debt at 18% costs £180 a year, while the same amount saved in top paying savings Pocket a waythinking to teach“yes, kids but earnsmoney’s just £15 under-rated before tax. Ifasyou’re core money provided reward a work I like somelessons, spare cash”, thisyou is often false security. ethic, don’t just dole it out. It teaches how to Moreand at www.mse.me/ClearDebtsWithSavings manage an income - by having a regular amount of 8. Free debt help. money you startcrisis to learn the concept of saving Whilespending. my tips above should help cut the cost versus of debt, for some people that isn’t enough. struggling to meet your minimum It Ifalsoyou’re incorperates “opportunity cost” - whether repayments and basic bills, have non-mortgage they’d be better off spending the same cash on debts bigger than a year’s salary, or can’t sleep something else. For a young child this is perhaps for worry, you’re likely to be in debt crisis. “do youignore want the to buy sweeties with money If so, options above andyour contact a nonevery week, save up to get that the toy youa want?” profit debtoradvice service uses different set of solutions, such as StepChange (stepchange.org), Citizens Advice (citizensadvice.org.uk) or National Debtline (nationaldebtline.co.uk). Don’t worry, they’re there to help, not to judge.









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CIRCULAR 1. Can you tell us briefly what Shaarei Orah is all about and how long you’ve If you’ve a family, your purse or wallet is probably been operational?

crying. Having Children is a terrible investment. You Shaarei Orah, now in its£200,000 6th year, was founded fork out an estimated per child by the totime ensure that Torah men they reach age 21. observant Of course, if young you’re happy could which to beattain repaid University in hugs, it’s alldegrees more than worthwould it. Yet bea few acceptable top recruiters without tips to easeto the burden never go amiss... compromising on a secure environment and the ability to continue Torah studies at Are you missing of childcare help? these a high level. The£1,000’s idea was to support students through the London University There are two Programme big ways you may be able to get cash International with a variety of if you pay resources for childcare.including First, do youanwork over 16 academic academic centre, a library and hours acomputer week (you facilities, and your partner if you’re a regular tutorial sessions couple) and earn under aroundwith £41,000professors in total? If and academics, under the guidance that’s you, check all if you’re eligable for childcareoftaxa dedicated director. credit. Thisacademic can be serious money - many get over £3,000 a year. To find out if you’re due, call 0345 300 3900. Alternativly, see if your employer offers childcare vouchers, which allow you to pay for childcare from your pre-tax income. The way this works is you give up, say, £2,000 a year of salary for £2,000 of vouchers. However, as after tax you’d only have got around £1,400 in your pay packet, it means you’re £600 better off. ‘I saved £3,000 adding mum and dad to car 2.insurance” What can you tell us about the academic programme? Added to the fear of seeing your teenager on the road,academic the cost of insuring one to drive serious can be Our programme supports young men their chosen terrifying. Oneintrick, if they’ve their degrees own car, is by to providing a structure to with theirgood studies, regular try adding extra drivers records (eg, tuition sessions andmay an environment focus mum and dad) who occasionally usetothe car. onIt’stheir degree. currently help students trail and error,We but can have a big impact, as it who are studying Law, Banking and Finance did for one of my Twitter followers (join me at and Politics & International Relations. There @martinlewis): “As a degrees new driveravailable my insurance are dozens of other with wanted £5,000.onAfter adding and dad, it these always offer duemum to their high dropped In to £1,900.” demand. general, Shaarei Orah will offer

assistance and tuition on a course if there are at least 2-3 interested students. We intend to be working with other external universities and to include Psychology and other popular subjects for the next academic year.


m in s

with... 3. What is the structure of the academic programme and who heads it?

However, you must never say someone’s the main Although the Centre is open and available driver when they’re not. That’s called fronting and the theonstudents primarily frequent it’sentire illegal. day, Full info slashing costs for under-25s, the Centre inspecial the afternoon, including policies,betweenat the hours of 1 – 6pm. The time is spent on selfwww.mse.me/youngcar

study, research, homework (set by the tutors)

and lectures and tutorial sessions from our Ensure paying less for power wide you’re network of Teachers and Academics. The

Academic Programme is headed by Dr Shalom Lots of people in the house bills - in Springer who has hadmeans yearsbig ofenergy experience the rooms, financial for the more TVsworld on fullworking blast, heating all Bank that of England. addition to directing thethe Academic water - it allInadds up. Ensure you’re on very Programme, main Just Maths cheapest deal. It he onlyserves takes aasfewthe minutes. tutor. plug in where you live to an www.ofgem.gov.uk approved comparison site and it’ll find your 4. How does the degree compare to the cheapest. standard, mainstream degree? Surely an employer Alternatively, my free would Cheap prefer Energy someone CLub who has done the standard, conventional www.moneysavingexpert.com/energyclub will do degree? A very commonly asked question! a The comparison for the you, matter including is, topau picks you truth of contraire! might and monitors yourhave tariff afterwards All miss, of our graduates secured togood employment ensure you know often when tocompeting move again. with tens and sometimes hundreds of other applicants for the position. We have spoken with several Give pocket money as pay and - otherwise you’retold well-known recruiters they have ‘trust us fund that teaching’ they do not distinguish between internal and external degrees. In fact, more oftenmoney’s than not, they areasextremely impressed Pocket under-rated a way to teach kids by money our lessons, student’s motivation, discipline core provided you reward a workhave and ‘self-starter’ attitude which they ethic, and don’t dole it Orah out. It teaches to acquired in just Shaarei which how is exactly what an these companies looking for.ofIt is manage income - by having are a regular amount worthyou emphasising that, standard of the money start to learn the the concept of saving degree awarded by the University of London versus spending. International Programme is identical with those studied on campus at the colleges and It the alsocertificate incorperatesstates “opportunity - whether that thecost” degree has been examined by the lead college. they’d be better off spending the same cash on something else. For a young child this is perhaps “do you want to buy sweeties with your money every week, or save up to get the toy you want?”

5. What else does the academic programme offer? If you’ve a family, your purse or wallet is probably

crying. Havinghave Children is ainvolved terrible investment. You Our students been in the Traine/ Traide summer job placement fork out an estimated £200,000 perprogramme child by the which serves excellent time they reachas agean 21. Of course, if opportunity you’re happy totoget someinpractical experience. In be repaid hugs, it’s allwork more than worth it. Yet addition, put on a few tipsintothe easepost-exam the burden period, never go we amiss... courses in CV writing, successful interview techniques and public speaking courses. Are you missing £1,000’s of childcare help?

6. I understand SO has recently started are two big ways you may be able get cash anThere A level programme. What cantoyou tell you paythat? for childcare. First, do you work over 16 usifabout hours a week (you and your partner if you’re a

Atcouple) the start of under the current academic year and earn around £41,000 in total? If (2013/14) Oraheligable started an A level that’s you, Shaarei check if you’re for childcare tax stream. Three boys joined and are collectively credit.5This can be including, serious money - manyBusiness get over taking A levels Maths, £3,000 Modern a year. To Hebrew, find out ifHuman you’re due, call 0345 Studies, Biology and Chemistry. 300 3900. Of the 5 subjects all but the last two will be completed within this academic year having begun in September 2013, a Alternativly, see if your employer offers childcare period of a mere 9 months. This option has vouchers, you to young pay formen childcare proven verywhich usefulallow for several who have this initial accreditation fromneeded your pre-tax income.level The of way this works is before with you givecontinuing up, say, £2,000their a year profession of salary for £2,000 further qualifications. of vouchers. However, as after tax you’d only have got around £1,400 in your pay packet, it means you’re £600 better off.

‘I saved £3,000 adding mum and dad to car insurance”

Added to the fear of seeing your teenager on the road, the cost of insuring one to drive can be terrifying. One trick, if they’ve their own car, is to try adding extra drivers with good records (eg, mum and dad) who may occasionally use the car. 7.It’sWhat thecanSO Medrash trail anddoes error, but haveBeis a big impact, as it program offer? did for one of my Twitter followers (join me at @martinlewis): “As a new driver my insurance Itwanted is important to mention thatand thisdad, is ita £5,000. After adding mum separate droppedprogramme to £1,900.” and we do, in fact, have

many young men who are involved in the Beis Medrash programme who are not enrolled in the degree programme. It is of paramount importance for young men returning from Yeshiva in Israel to maintain a strong learning routine with chavrusos and shiurim.

In addition, it is essential to be part of a group of serious, like minded young men committed However, you must never say someone’s main We to continue their growth as a Benthe Torah. are when all influenced ourcalled surroundings driver they’re not.by That’s fronting and and a strong Beis Medrash environment it’shaving illegal. Full info on slashing costs for under-25s, is critical to special maintain the spiritual growth including policies, at achieved in the years spent in Yeshiva. We www.mse.me/youngcar offer a yeshiva-style 1st seder in a vibrant BM with chavrusos and shiurim for bachurim on Ensure you’reThe paying less for power all levels. atmosphere is greatly enhanced by the presence of two additional kollelim Lots of people in thecreates house means energy bills -of a which in total the big atmosphere more rooms, TVsMedrash on full blast, heating to all that serious Beis conducive growth and - development. In addition water it all adds up. Ensure you’re onto theGemara, very there are and achaburas in halacha, cheapest deal.shiurim It only takes few minutes. Just chumash, and other topics. plug in whereweekly you live vaadim to an www.ofgem.gov.uk We alsocomparison get together approved site andforit’llShabbatonim, find your Chanukah, Purim etc. The Beis Medrash is cheapest. under the direction of Rabbi Yaakov Hamer whoalso serves as the Rav of the Finchley Alternatively, my free Cheap Energy CLub Central Synagogue. www.moneysavingexpert.com/energyclub will do a 8. comparison for ayou, including top picks youhow With such packed programme, might monitors your tarifftoafterwards to doesmiss, theandprice compare mainstream universities? ensure you know when to move again.

Although have raised Give pocket many moneyuniversities as pay - otherwise you’retheir feesfund to £9,000, Shaarei Orah’s fees are £6,000. ‘trust teaching’

In addition, we can offer student loans and bursaries for eligible students. Pocket money’s under-rated as a way to teach kids core you reward 9. money Whichlessons, typesprovided of young mena work should ethic, andto don’t just doleOrah it out. Itand teaches how to apply Shaarei how should manage an income they do so? - by having a regular amount of money you start to learn the concept of saving All serious, versus spending. committed young men should make enquiries to see if Shaarei Orah is viable option“opportunity for them.cost” (Someone It aalso incorperates - whetherwho is entering field of the Medicine or on other they’d be betterthe off spending same cash degrees which require lab work will clearly something else. For a young child this is perhaps not be able to do an external degree.) It “do want to buyan sweeties with your money is you by no means easy option and it does every week,dedication or save up toand get the toy you want?” It is, require perseverance.

however, the only such programme in Europe and for a young man who understands the importance of continuing their learning and doing a degree in a secure environment, it is well worth the effort! Applications can be requested from info@shaarei-orah.org or through the secretary 07825 260 077.

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