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ISSUE No. 013

11th May - 24th May 2014

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The 10 Brand Commandments

1) There is only ONE centre-point to the Brand … For meaningful success, Brand values, Brand rollout and Brand engagement depend on 100% clarity regarding the single differentiating factor, that defines the benefit derived from the Brand proposition. Do you know what that single factor is for your brand? 2) Don’t borrow Brand values from competitors …

not dependant on the exclusion or extinction of other Brands. All marketplaces have a plethora of ‘characters’ selling their wares. Harness your Brand energy for positive engagement only. Brand followers become Brand advocates because of what your Brand does and how it does it, never because your Brand has no competition. 7) Don’t get together with the wrong Brand …

Authenticity is the key. Never look at competitor’s values or proposition until well after you’ve defined your Brand’s Key Differentiators. Longevity & Impact are directly related to speaking your Brand ‘truth’ and living them, in terms relevant to your target audience.

Collaborations in marketing are well and good where mutual benefits are complementary. Where the ‘other’ Brand has strategic differences to yours or values that clearly clash, don’t be tempted by short-term gain, no matter the prestige or satisfaction imagined. Stay true to your values because your principles and values are at the essence of what your Brand is.

3) Don’t make Brand promises lightly …

8) Don’t commit Brand ‘theft’ …

Always ensure that your organisation can safely deliver on its Brand promise, now and in the future. Create built-in Brand experience sustainability. Team and stakeholder buy-in and a properly embedded communications programme are critical ingredients for serving up Brand continuity long after you have switched focus.

Countless times we’ve all heard the ‘suggestion’ to “check out the competition”. You won’t find lasting satisfaction or true inspiration by relying on what your neighbour is doing. Only after you’ve concluded your Brand Impact review and reconnected with your own ‘truths’, by all means check what’s around you to improve your positioning and messaging to achieve stand-out and crystal clarity. Never base your proposition on your competition.

4) Let the Brand be … Following a thorough review and Board commitment to a Brand-led market engagement strategy, allow time and consistency to take its course. Every quarter, take a break from outputdriven reviews and create environments where senior management, clients and/or staff can reflect and look forward, without pressures to make changes for changes sake. Consider relationship-based engagement and keep the vision and passion alive through timeeffective off-site or on-site Brand appreciation and exploration. 5) Honour the Brand ‘parents’ … A brand is a collection of values and principles, usually derived in part from leadership figures and visionaries. Identify and protect those individuals who champion the Brand and ensure their input and presence remains on-tap via bi-annual or annual Brand programme reviews. Brand achievement awards and Brand Impact recognition are recommended. 6) Don’t kill other Brands … Brand survival, and especially Brand Impact are

9) Don’t abuse facts or misrepresent data … To help your Brand, be ruthless about the truth. Authentic Brands like Levi’s, Coca Cola and Apple protect their Brands and build on realities that are sustainable. Do what you do brilliantly and stay your course. It may take time but look at NatWest (formerly a rather hated bank and) now living the Brand dream ‘there is another way’, delivering genuinely customer-centric services that currently leads the retail-banking sector. 10) Don’t resent other Brand’s successes and achievements … Rather than dreaming of taking over another Brand, look within first. There is positive truth to be found in every organisation, you just have to know where to look. The sooner you activate the passion and pride ‘at home’, the faster your Brand turnaround will be achieved. The author, Daniel Frohwein is a Brand Impact Specialist based in London. www.findingnorth.co.uk daniel@findingnorth.co.uk 07973 617 342

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The entire team at Tapuach would like to thank all our customers, old and new, for coming to Tapuach for their Pesach Shopping. It was the first year that we opened for Pesach and Thank G-d and with thanks to you, it was a great success.

The take-away Pesach Deli sold out and many of you came back with positive feedback. Please let us know if you’d like us to bring back a ‘pop-up’ Deli for all the festivals.

The new delivery service was timely and our range of goods was wide enough and priced low enough to keep most of our customers absolutely happy and the atmosphere was superb too!

We look forward to continuing to serve you and to welcoming new customers with Tapuach’s Essentials Price Comparison range as well as a host of new healthier products coming into store in the weeks ahead.

OPENING HOURS SUNDAY: 8:00am - 10.00pm MONDAY to WEDNESDAY: 7:00am - 11.00pm THURSDAY: 7:00am - Midnight FRIDAY: 7:00am - 45mins before Shabbes MOTZEI SHABBES: 1/2hr after Shabbes - Midnight (Excludes summertime)

Delivery service available across London 108-110 Brent Street, London NW4 2HHt


Inspirational recipe ideas from Tapuach

Cinnamon/Sweet Chilli/Dill Popcorn

Although Tapuach prides itself on providing great service with highly competitive prices, we also believe in offering products and ideas that help us to eat better and live healthier. Aside from our new Kosher Superfoods/Health range, we are delighted to invite you to browse through our new range of healthy and easy-to-make recipes. Jewelled Fruit Salad

Soupe au Pistou

Rocket, Beetroot, Blue Cheese and Walnut Salad




A four bedroom detached house with two receptions and off street parking for at least four cars. THE OWNERS LOVE... “ The bright and airy feel in each room providing fantastic views overlooking Basinghill Park.” “The property had a very nice layout with well proportioned rooms, we felt right at home the moment we first viewed it.” “We love the area, having great neighbours and brilliant access to the tube and buses was a big plus when we were searching for a family home.” WE’VE NOTICED... The property has scope to extend into the loft subject to planning permission. The 102, 226 and 113 buses are nearby for local transport. EPC rating – F

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A detached two bed ground floor maisonette situated in the heart of leafy Poets Corner. THE OWNERS LOVE... “Our charming and unique 1930’s period detached maisonette benefits from being extremely quiet with a real family/community feel.” “Less than an 8 minute walk to the Broadway with its extensive variety of shops and conveniences as well as just 3 minutes on foot to Mill Hill Park.” “Dedicated off street parking makes it convenient to leave our car outside.” WE’VE NOTICED... The property, in our opinion would suit a diverse portfolio of buyers from first time buyers to downsizers and investors. Located within the catchment area for both Goodwyns School and the new Etz Chaim School. EPC rating – D

Please contact Jamie McIver at the MILL HILL Branch on 020 8906 0660 or NW7@martyngerrard.couk

The award-winning agency . . . where integrity counts. www.martyngerrard.co.uk

Inspirational recipe ideas from Tapuach

Cod and Asparagus with Salsa Verde

Stuffed Squash Rings

Although Tapuach prides itself on providing great service with highly competitive prices, we also believe in offering products and ideas that help us to eat better and live healthier. Aside from our new Kosher Superfoods/Health range, we are delighted to invite you to browse through our new range of healthy and easy-to-make recipes.

Bircher Muesli

Roasted Red Pepper Dip and Garlic and Mint Yoghurt Dip

The individually photographed recipe cards feature ingredients that you can pick up in store (clear instructions and portion sizes included). Just pop in, have a browse and you can look forward to serving up a treat - for special occasions or to make any occasion special.

Spicy Tomato and Lentil Soup


Speedy Chicken and Cashew Nut Stir Fry

Warm Salmon, Watercress and New Potato Salad with Pine Nuts

THURSDAY: 7am - Midnight FRIDAY: 7am - 45 mins before Shabbes MOTZEI SHABBES: 1/2hr after Shabbes - Midnight (excludes summer time)

108-110 Brent Street, London NW4 2HH

020 8202 5700

Prune Cake

Low-Fat Strawberry Frozen Yogurt






Lucky Business Ideas

Is it just that some people have better mazal when it comes to generating great business ideas? Let’s look at a few examples:

These people didn’t just pop out of the sky, they had prepared their minds to see the possibilities within that period.

In many instances it would seem that chance plays the key role. Charles Goodyear had attempted to create synthetic rubber for years when, by mistake he threw a handful of gum on top of a hot potbellied stove. In an instant, weatherproof rubber was born. John Walker had his brush with fortune when he was trying to scrape chemicals off the end of a mixing stick in 1826. A flame erupted and ‘friction lights’ or matches were conceived. When Percy Spencer’s chocolate bar melted in his pocket in 1945 as he stood in front of a radio wave-emitting magnetron he sent for popcorn kernels to see if they would pop under the same circumstances - enter the microwave oven!

Gary Player, the celebrated golfer, is often credited in saying, ‘I’m a big believer in luck. The harder I work, the luckier I get’. Whoever actually said this - it certainly seems to be true for the business world of innovation. So if you want to ‘get lucky’ with an idea then spend some time educating yourself in the area you want to innovate in.

However if you examine these instances more closely, we soon see another common theme Interpretation. Goodyear, Walker and Spencer would never have discovered their respective inventions had it not been for their ability to place the accident into a frame of meaning. As Goodyear put it, the hot stove incident only meant something to the man ‘whose mind was prepared to draw an inference’ or as I like to say it - opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor. Whether one is looking to create an entirely new business innovation or simply copycat an existing one and give it a slight twist the key is to first immerse yourself in the area you wish to innovate in. Through this immersion you will see things which others simply do not see and create fortune where others only see demise. It is often remarked that some people were able to take the recent economic crisis and turn it into a profit making opportunity.

Steve Jobs used to say ‘the doers are the thinkers’. If you get yourself active in the area you want to innovate in, whether through apprenticeship, research or business development events, you are going to put yourself into a position where you are far more likely to make friends with some very pleasant opportunities. “It’s better to be prepared and not have an opportunity than to have an opportunity and not be prepared” says world famed speaker Les Brown. Opportunities surround us in every minute. Enhance your vision and you will see them.

David Citron, MA, is the Director of The UK Centre for Leadership (UKCL) and is a Business, Life and Leadership Coach. David has been invited to speak to executives from many well known corporations and institutions including Deutsche Bank,, The World Bank, General Electric, The Carbon Trust, Deloitte and S&P. He is passionate about supporting CEOs from all sized businesses whether small or large take themselves to the next level through dynamic personal and group coaching. David can be contacted on 07815 597 912. © David B. Citron 2014

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M a r t y n G e r ra rd . . . F i f t y Ye a rs o f F u l f i l l i n g D re a m s


ack in 1964, Harold Wilson became Prime Minister, Beetlemania hit America, the Rolling Stones released their debut album and the classic film, Mary Poppins, was released. A little less well documented was the opening of the first Martyn Gerrard Estate office in Whetstone!

Mar tyn Gerrard wanted to change the public perception

Times and the property market have certainly moved on,

of the traditional estate agent. By putting people before

but one thing that has not changed is our approach of being

proper ty the estate agency bearing his name quickly

at the cutting edge of technology. Martyn Gerrard were

gained a reputation for providing an outstanding

one of the first estate agents to use colour photographs

customer experience.

for our advertising and are still renowned for using the latest innovations available to create the best and most

Fifty years on his philosophy of putting people before

user friendly experience for our customers.

proper ty still remains at the hear t of our company’s core values.

In fact, Martyn Gerrard are leading the way once again with our use of video to promote the property we are marketing.

We have grown to become the largest independent family run estate agent covering North and North West London. With 10 offices from High Barnet to Kentish Town and from Hendon to Crouch End, we are proud to continue to provide an outstanding customer experience in an ever evolving world. The



that Martyn Gerrard Estate Agents marketed in 1964 were an “ultra modern” apartment in Barnet for £3,250 and a three bedroom house in Whetstone for £4,650. Our first sale was a three bedroom house in Barnet for £4,950.

Selling or Letting your home in 2014 . . . ? THE FIFTY CLUB If you are selling your property this year and, like us, you are turning 50 in 2014, we are pleased to offer you our full sales service for 50% off our normal fees*. If you are letting a property and are 50 in 2014 we are pleased to offer you our sole agency lettings service for only 5%. If you are not 50 you can still join in and celebrate with us … SALES For every 50th instruction we receive (and sell during 2014), Martyn Gerrard will pay your removal costs*.


LETTIngS For every 50th completed letting we will send the Landlord a £50 Voucher*.

excess of £500,000 in

*See our website for full terms and conditions

That would




today’s market.



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