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ISSUE No. 015

8th June - 21st June 2014

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Contents Page

CIRCULAR Business, Finance & Security 1 Cash for Gold 22 MONEY MATTERS (Martin Lewis) 27 Swap Rate Claims

Homes and Gardens 6 Reichman Antiques 13 The Wickerberry 23 EasyMove

Charities and Organisations 26 Gemach 34 ‘5 Mins with the ’Jewish Baby Directory’ Clothing and Accessories 5 Kiddie Shoes 11 Signature Clothing

Community Events and Classes 4 AISH 6 Chava Sebbag 9 Nefesh B’Nefesh 14-15 Tikun 16 Kesher

25 AB Plumbing and Gas 26 Furniture for Sale 26,28 Pest Control 28 Curtains UK 28 Picture-to-Canvas 32 La Belle Table

Motoring 20 World Cars 30 MOTORING MATTERS (Ez Motor Repair) 31 EZ Motor Repair Simchas and Functions 6 Hendon United Synagogue Hall 17 Levco Marquees 20 Avi Yodaiken Photography

Food & Drink 7 Woodberry Down Bakeries 35 Eliko Foods

The Property Sector 18, 19, 20 Martyn Gerrard Estates 17 Flat (Rent) 29 S&S Estates

Health, Beauty & Fitness 8 Galilee Tea 12 MIND MATTERS (David Citron) 10 Harris Sidelsky Dental Practice 13 Nathan Gluck Hearing Care 24 Caroline Freedman Fitness 25 Personal Trainer

Travel & Holidays 3 Chaverim Summer Camp 10 Money Change 13 Golden Tulip Hotel 20 Gabi Burns Travel 20,26 Sherut

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Personal Power - Be Careful Who You Believe

Rejected Steven Young Steven was teased and tormented in his primary school. He wasn’t academic and didn’t seem to fit in. He just seemed obsessed with his 8mm video camera which he used to film wrecks of his Lionel train set. His greatest popularity came when others in his class would actually pay him to see this footage. Things didn’t get much better. He was a drop-out in high school and was even incorrectly thrown into a learning disabled class. When he tried to pursue his passion he was rejected by a traditional film making school. Then in 1965 everything changed. He packed up his dad’s briefcase with a ‘sandwich and candy bars’, dressed in a dark suit and tie and marched confidently through the gates of Universal Studios, waving at the guard who waved back. Here’s what he did next: ‘For the entire summer I dressed in my suit and hung out with the directors and writers. I even found an office that wasn’t being used and became a squatter. I bought some plastic tiles and put my name in the building directory – Steven Spielberg, Room 23C’. The rest is history. Writing is Your Weakest Skill Amy Amy Tan was in a job that she did not want to be in. That is an understatement. The truth is she described her work as ‘horrible stuff’. She was in a technical writing business with billable hours. Her partner forced her to do all the estimates, going after contractors and collecting bills. She wanted to be creative and do more writing but her partner insisted that writing was Amy’s weakest ability and she should stick to what she was good at. One day Amy made the tough choice. She quit. Her partner was none too happy – ‘You can’t quit, you’re fired! You’ll never make a dime writing!’ Amy set out to prove him wrong and clung to an inner belief that said she was creative, she had an unexplored genius and that she could go it alone.

She set about working 90 hour weeks taking on whatever assignments she could get her hands on. She poured her heart into a personal project – The Joy Luck Club about a manager who couldn’t write. It sold millions and was so popular it got made into a film in 1993. It centered around a manager who couldn’t write. Personal power means that we listen to that inner voice that knows. That part of you that absolutely realises that there is something in you that needs to be expressed. Your job is to be the President of that inner voice in this world, represent it and help it realise itself. That is personal power. Personal power is all about where you direct your focus. If you put your mind onto your own opinion about how you should run your life you automatically give it power on every level. Suddenly your opinion will have more sway on you then that of others and you will automatically start designing your life. Begin listening to yourself and you will learn to respect the inner high court judge who is demanding you right now to do your duty to your talents and abilities, to your hopes and dreams, to the things that make you feel completely alive and fulfilled. (Excerpt from the upcoming book ‘The Winning Mode’ by David Citron)

David Citron, MA, is the Director of The UK Centre for Leadership (UKCL) and is a Business, Life and Leadership Coach. David has been invited to speak to executives from many well known corporations and institutions including Deutsche Bank, The Carbon Trust and S&P. He is passionate about helping people realise their personal and business goals faster. David can be contacted on 07815 597 912. © David B. Citron 2014

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If I toldupon you I could givebank you £100s a yearwere with no Once a time, accounts ugly debt and that very bit little hassle – and youoverdrawn, need to do creatures hard when youall went and gave nowt back when youorwere in credit. is Ifchange your plastic – purse would you? If is the you’ve a family, your wallet probably answer’s yes, read on, as now is the perfect time crying.most Havingstill Children a terriblethat. investment. Today do isexactly Yet a You few tofork grabout a cashback card. many, an an estimated £200,000 per child by the innovative gems arecredit starting to For sparkle. Soit’s instead easy and lucrative way boost your income. of bank bashing, today I’m applauding the bank time they reach age 21.toOf course, if you’re happy accounts that in pay. It couldn’t be athan better time. Last to be repaid hugs, it’s all more worth it. Yet September, in ease response to multiple wrist-slappings Now’s because the topgo deals will a fewthe tipsmoment to the burden never amiss... for blocking competition, banks finally boost cashback the firstthe three months youmade switching easier,forlaunching the new ‘seven day have So apply NOWofand that boost Are them. you missing £1,000’s childcare help? lasts for switching’ system. one of most people’s highest-spending periods – They now and standing the January sales. There areswitch two bigyour ways direct you maydebits be able to get cash orders a week, close your old account and if youwithin pay for childcare. First, do you worknew overbank 16 ensure payments get forwarded to your This serious onepartner of my Twitter hours abe week (youcash. andAs your if you’re a for 13can months. followers (@martinslewis), NM,£41,000 told me: couple) and earn under around in“Our total? If The bank that pays toeligable pay your cashback cards earned us £250+ last year.” This that’s you, check if you you’re forbills childcare tax Three years ago, Santander.co.uk was a customer isn’t unusual, I’vebeeven heard of some big over credit. This can serious money - many service pariah. Now its innovative 123getcurrent spenders over theout £1,000 mark. here’s £3,000 isagoing year. To find if you’re due,Socall 0345 account the customer service silver medallist, what you need to know: Roly tweeted me: “We’ve with rating it great. 30074% 3900. been using it for seven months – we’ve earned £350 with credit on card.” Never paythe interest aemployer cashbackoffers card childcare Alternativly, see if your Cashback cards win you if you set adirect direct vouchers, which allow to payup childcare You gain in twoonly ways. Pay bills byfor debit debit toyour repay IN cashback FULL everyon month. not, don’t and you get pre-tax 3% mobile, phone and from income. The way If this works is broadband; 2%say, on£2,000 energy; 1% on water, council goyou forgive a cashback card, go for the best 0% up, a and year of salary for for £2,000 tax and Santander payments. These spending deals (see mortgage of vouchers. as after only have should dwarf However, its £2/month fee,taxasyou’d someone with www.mse.me/spendingcards). got around £1,400 in your Itpay packet, means typical bills earns £10/mth. also pays ait best buy you’re 3% AER savings interest £600 better off. if you’ve £3,000-£20,000. Now you’ve got a debit card that pays you To qualify, you is must inand £500/month Your credit card now pay effectively a to car (ie, a ‘I saved £3,000 adding mum dad £6,000+ salary). You can also apply for its linked monthly-billing debit card, provided stickspend insurance” credit card which gives 3% back onyou petrol within theFULL limit. it for ALL spending instead (repay IN toUse avoid interest). ofAdded cash, to cheques debit your cards. If you’re a the fearand of seeing teenager oninthe The bankthe saving up £500 on travel, mobile trusting relationship, addtoyour as acan second road, cost you of insuring onespouse to drive be and roadsidesoinsurance cardholder, their spending too. terrifying. trick, if they’ve theiryears own car, to Many have One been ripped off earns for withis fee try adding driversSome with are good records (eg,to charging bankextra accounts. even entitled Huge cashback January sales reclaim years of fees, which can add upuse to the to £100s mum5% and dad) whoover maythe occasionally car. (full in www.mse.me/reclaimpackage). The no annual fee www.americanexpress.co.uk It’shelp trail and error, but can have a big impact, as it Platinum Everyday card paysfollowers newbies (join 5% for did correctly, for one ofa my methe at Used fewTwitter fee-paying accounts can win. first three months“As until January, up totree. a insurance maximum @martinlewis): a new driver Nationwide.co.uk’s FlexPlus tops themy You pay £100 backand in that time. if you and fail to fullyit £10/mth included is European breakdown wanted £5,000. After Though adding mum dad, cover, family worldwide repay, it’s 19.9% rep APR. insurance (max age 74) dropped to £1,900.” and family smartphone insurance. A family needing them all could pay £600/year separately. For travel After 5% ends, the rate’s up to 1.25%, cover, the ensure you disclose pre-existing conditions. depending on how much you spend. It requires a The bankcredit that pays then £5earnings each month decent scoreyou and£100 household of The Halifax.co.uk Reward account pays no interest, £20,000+. just pays you £5 monthly after tax if you stay in credit.

Bank Accounts

It also gives £100 for switching, so provided you there, it can add up well. However, you must never say someone’s the main The bank service gold medallist driver not. That’s called fronting and Your when bank they’re account’s the one financial product it’s Full info on slashing costs for under-25s, youillegal. interact with day-to-day, so service counts. So every six months, I poll on my including special policies, at site to find out which bank you rate the most. www.mse.me/youngcar

And every time I’ve done it Firstdirect.com has won Ensure you’re paying for power the gold medal by less a mile. Financially, it’s decent too, giving £100 to join and a 0% overdraft for up to £250. Lots of people in the house means big energy bills more rooms, TVs on full blast, heating all that The banks that give you a 0% overdraft water - it all adds up. Ensure you’re onIfthe An overdraft’s a debt like any other. youvery go into cheapest deal. Itthe onlymost takescrucial a few thing’s minutes. Just its the red often, cutting cost in to where give you respite clear it. While Firstdirect. plug you live totoan www.ofgem.gov.uk com offers a 0% overdraft £250, approved comparison site and for it’ll up find to your Nationwide.co.uk’s FlexDirect may give an interestcheapest. free overdraft for more, though it only lasts a year (it’s 50p/day after). Alternatively, my free Cheap Energy CLub If that isn’t long enough to clear your debt, www.moneysavingexpert.com/energyclub willthen do it’s possible to shift your overdraft to a few specialist acredit comparison for you, including picks This you can cards which are 0% for 29top months. might miss,tricky and monitors tariff to be a little though, your so read myafterwards full instructions on that, and bestwhen buysto atmove www.moneysavingexpert. ensure you know again. com/moneytransfers Give pocketnoting moneythat as if pay - otherwise you’re It’s worth you regularly go beyond ‘trust teaching’ your fund overdraft limit, there are no competitive banks. While for those in severe hardship bank chargemoney’s reclaiming is still as possible Pocket under-rated a way to(see teachmse.me/ kids bankcharges), the best thing to do is try to keep a core money lessons, provided you reward a work tight rein on your money. ethic, and don’t just dole it out. It teaches how to The banks that don’t credit ascore you manage an income - by having regular amount of Sadly, there are to uplearn to a the million people in the UK money you start concept of saving without a bank account CHECK; and some banks versus spending. don’t make it easy to get them. the top “opportunity pick deals above, you’ll need It For also all incorperates cost” - whether to pass credit If the that’s not going they’d be abetter off score. spending same cash on to happen, basic bank accounts don’t need something else. For a young child this is perhaps credit checks, as they just provide a no-frills, “do you want to buy sweeties with ID yourtomoney no-overdraft service. You need get one. every week, or save up to get the toy you want?” When applying, ask for the specific account by name – otherwise you could get forms for standard accounts, then get rejected. The better options include Barclays.co.uk Cash Card and Cooperativebank.co.uk Cashminder (not available to bankrupts).

Even though there’s no overdraft, they can still fine you if you try to spend more than you’ve got. @MoneySavingExpert

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MATTERS Servicing Your Car

An MOT is not the same as a service A recent survey surmised that most people think that a service is just an MOT with another name and feel cheated that cars expect to have a paid checkup twice yearly. However, the two actually perform very different functions. “An MOT and a scheduled service are not related, per se,” explains Diane de Voghel of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA). “A regular service is essential to take care of the car and the wear and tear of its parts and fluids. The MOT is an annual safety inspection – it is not designed to repair or replace worn vehicle components.” It is perhaps useful to use the comparison of a vaguely inebriated man - the MOT would check he could walk and talk and get himself home without endangering himself and others. The service, however, would ply that man with coffee until he was sober, put him through an intensive fitness programme and then give careful consideration to providing a new liver. Essentially, you are not being cheated by taking your car to the garage twice a year. In fact, the two visits are essential to maintain a healthy vehicle.

A full service history will also help you command a better price when selling your car.

How often should I have my car serviced?

The regularity of your car’s service depends on the make and model, not to mention your own usage. However, experts say that a car should be serviced between MOTs, so at least once a year. If you drive an older car or tend to rack up a high annual mileage, your car may require more regular servicing.

Don’t Ignore That Light

If the Check Engine light comes on, what do you do? The most obvious answer, of course, is to get the engine checked. However, many people do nothing, perhaps fearing an expensive repair bill. Some drivers with older cars want to squeeze out as many remaining miles as possible without visiting a garage. This can be a false economy as many times, although, the car seems to be running ok it could cause excess fuel consumption or worse, it can be causing damage to other engine components.

A service will save you money

A healthy vehicle is a more affordable vehicle. “An unserviced vehicle is likely to have a shorter life expectancy and higher fuel costs, whilst potentially being more unsafe,” says de Voghel. Put simply, oil is the lifeblood of your vehicles’ engine. If not serviced regularly the oil and filter will become blocked and cause premature wear and tear within the engine. This, in turn, can break the engine, and obviously, the cost of an oil change is far less than the cost of a new engine. Every service is tailored to meet the specific requirements of your vehicle and includes the correct oil and components.

Not having a service can have an adverse impact on insurance claims Not having had a service wouldn’t necessarily invalidate a claim – but if it’s declared a ‘writeoff’ the service history is taken into account when calculating its pre-accident value, which would mean a lower valuation.

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What is Jewish Baby Directory?

Jewish Baby Directory (www. If you’ve a family, your purse or wallet is probably jewishbabydirectory.com) is an online resource thatChildren sets out to beinvestment. a one-stopcrying. Having is a terrible You shop parents and£200,000 parents-to-be inthe the fork for out an estimated per child by London Jewish community. a valuable time they reach age 21. Of course,Itifisyou’re happy source of information for than anyworth babyit. Yet and to be repaid in hugs, it’s all more children-related queries you might have. a few tips to ease the burden never go amiss...

Who set up the website?

Jewish Directory sethelp? up in late Are youBaby missing £1,000’s of was childcare 2010 by Naomi Goldman and Sarah Peston, mums with There are both two big ways you may be ablesix to getyoung cash children between us. We set up the site as if you pay for childcare. First, do you work over 16 a response to a need for a centralised and hours a week (you and your partner if you’re comprehensive resource. Whether thisais couple) andforay earn under £41,000 in or total? If your first intoaround parenthood not, Jewish Baby Directory seeks to you that’s you, check if you’re eligable forprovide childcare tax with a wealth of serious information for credit. This can be money - and manyideas get over both thea year. antenatal andif you’re postnatal periods £3,000 To find out due, call 0345 and beyond. There is so much going on for 300 3900. young families, so many people providing support and so much knowledge held by Alternativly, see if your employer childcare individuals within the Jewishoffers community yet, until Jewish Babyyou Directory, was vouchers, which allow to pay forthere childcare not anyour arena whichThesuch knowledge from pre-taxinincome. way this works is could beup, effectively We therefore you give say, £2,000 shared. year of salary for £2,000 came up with theasa after ideataxof an online of vouchers. However, you’d have directory and forum specifically only targeted £1,400 in your pay packet, it means atgot thearound Jewish community. you’re £600 better off.

What sort of information is listed on the site? ‘I saved £3,000 adding mum and dad to car If insurance” you are desperate for school holiday outing ideas or camps; if you need to find where to buy your maternity clothes; if Added the fear of seeing your teenager on theor you aretoinvestigating childcare options, road,ifthe costjust of insuring one to help drive picking can be even you want some a terrifying. name for we hope to ishave Oneyour trick, baby, if they’ve their own car, to the you are for.(eg, We try information adding extra drivers with looking good records also have an advanced search facility mum and dad) who may occasionally use the that car. allows you to look for ahave class or impact, group that It’s trail and error, but can a big it fits your specific criteria including asday, did for oneand of my Twitter followers me at time, area age. Jewish Baby(join Directory @martinlewis): a newinformation driver my insurance also contains “As helpful about postnatal support, entitlements, wanted £5,000. After financial adding mum and dad, it community events and much, much dropped to £1,900.” more. We are keen to support Jewish businesses and organisations and the many outstanding voluntary individual contributions from those within Jewish community who provide comfort, help and support to those who require it.

mins with Is the site just for parents?

Absolutely not. Whilst our research

However, must never say someone’s main suggestsyou that parents and the expectant parents the not. main users offronting the website, driver whenare they’re That’s called and weillegal. haveFullreceived verycosts positive feedback it’s info on slashing for under-25s, from carers, special grandparents, uncles, aunts including policies, at and other adults who find themselves in www.mse.me/youngcar charge of children. Our section on places to go is a comprehensive listing of great Ensure payingto less for power ideas you’re of places take children of all ages

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