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ISSUE No. 006
19th JAN - 1st FEB 2014
Distributed door-to-door in NW London WEBSITE www.northwestcircular.com EMAIL info@northwestcircular.com
TELEPHONE 020 3659 2399
Jewish Crohn’s Disease and Colitis Recruitment Drive Help us to shape a cure. Do you, or a family member, have Crohn’s or Colitis? We need your help for a research study investigating the causes of these diseases. Crohn’s Disease and Colitis (inflammatory
Participation is simple and involves
are more common in the Jewish population.
confidentiality and anonymity of all
bowel disease) are chronic conditions that The causes of these diseases and the
reasons for their increased frequency in our
providing a saliva sample. The privacy, participants are strictly protected.
community remain unknown.
We would be delighted to hear from you.
Researchers at UCL, led by Prof. Anthony
potential impact of the research.
Segal, are recruiting Jewish individuals and their families with these disorders for an international research study.
Employing cutting-edge genetic technology, we hope to further our understanding of the underlying causes of these diseases with a view to developing new treatment options in the future.
The more participants the greater the
Please contact Dr Elena Schiff or Adam Levine by email at
JewishIBD@ucl.ac.uk or by
telephone on 020 3108 2225.
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My child ran a huge bill and it has left me un’APPy
Deanyou Dunham You you and £100s Your Rights IfByI told I couldofgive a year with no We and more stories debtare and hearing very littlemore hassle – and all you needabout to do parents being slapped with big bills due to their is change your plastic – would you? If the If you’veplaying a family, your purse or wallet is and probably children games on iPhone/iPad other answer’s yes, read on, as is the perfect time similar devices. But what can you do if this happens crying. Having Children is anow terrible investment. You to you? tofork grabout a cashback credit card. Forper many, an estimated £200,000 childit’s byan the If you have received a bill that your child has run up: easy and lucrative way your income. reach age 21.toOfboost course, if you’re happy In time the they first instance contact the company and tell to bethat repaid in hugs, more worth it. your Yet them your child it’s ran allup the than bill without Now’s because the topgowithout deals willyour knowledge and importantly a fewthe tipsmoment to easemore the burden never amiss... authority. Some, for but companies boost cashback thenot firstall three monthswill youhave sympathy with this and write off the bill. have So apply NOWofand that boost Are them. you missing £1,000’s childcare help? lasts for one of most people’s highest-spending periods – If the company refuses to write the bill off you need the January sales. There are two big ways you may be able to get cash to be more persistent. Write them a letter and state the following: if you pay for childcare. First, do you work over 16 This can serious onepartner of my Twitter abe week (youcash. andAs your if you’re a • hours the age of your child; followers (@martinslewis), NM,£41,000 told me: couple) and earn under around in“Our total? If • that cards you did not us know that your child was cashback earned £250+ last year.” This that’s you, check if you’re eligable for childcare incurring a bill when playing the game; tax isn’t unusual, I’ve even heard of some big credit. This can be serious money - many get over • that you did not give permission to your child spenders theout £1,000 mark. here’s £3,000 agoing year. over To find if you’re due,Socall 0345 to incur a bill; and that you did not consent to what you 300the purchase. 3900. need to know: Never pay interest onthat aemployer cashback card Alternativly, seestate if your offers childcare You should also technically the gaming Cashback only win you if you a direct company has entered into a contract with your child, vouchers,cards which allow toset payupfor childcare as it is he/she that purchased from them and agreed debit repay IN FULL everyThe month. not, don’tis fromtoyour pre-tax income. way If this works to pay and that in the circumstances the ‘contract’ goyou forgive a cashback card, go for the best 0% for up, say, £2,000 a year of salary for £2,000 formed with them is void. The reason for this is that spending dealsHowever, (see as after tax you’d only have of vouchers. a ‘child’ cannot create a legally binding contract in www.mse.me/spendingcards). these circumstances and the effect is that they will got around £1,400 in your pay packet, it means not be able to sue you for the money. you’re £600 better off. Now you’ve got a debit card that pays you If you try the and athey fail, there Your credit cardabove is nowroutes effectively ‘I saved £3,000 adding mum and dad to car may be an alternative solution if the company monthly-billing debit card, provided you stick insurance” automatically debited your credit card. If this is the within theshould limit. Use it foryour ALL spending instead case contact card provider and you explain them that you did not the ofAdded cash,to cheques and debit cards. Ifauthorise you’re a to the fear of i) seeing your teenager oninthe purchase and therefore charge, ii) as it was your trusting relationship, addthe your spouse acan second road, the cost of insuring one to drive be child that purchased without your permission; and cardholder, so their earns too. car, terrifying. One trick,spending if they’ve their like ownto is to a iii) in the circumstances you would make try adding extra drivers with good records (eg, claim under section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. If your provider agrees to your claim they will Huge cashback January use sales mum5% and dad) whoover maythe occasionally the car. reimburse your account with the a money you as have The annual fee www.americanexpress.co.uk It’sno trail and error, but can have big impact, it paid and then take the matter up directly with the Platinum Everyday card pays newbies 5% for the did for one of my Twitter followers (join me at gaming company. However, please note 2 important first three months“As until January, up my to a insurance maximum @martinlewis): a new driver points; 1) this only works if the amount in dispute is £100 back£5,000. in that time. if you and fail to fullyit more than £100 and 2) it does not apply to ‘debit’ wanted After Though adding mum dad, cards. repay, it’s 19.9% rep APR. dropped to £1,900.” Finally, if all else fails report the company to the After the 5% ends, the(“OFT”). rate’s upIn tothis 1.25%, office of fair trading respect the depending on how much you spend. It requires a OFT says that gaming companies should follow the following principles: decent credit score and household earnings of £20,000+.
Making sure players are told about any costs, accurately and prominently, upfront before However, you must never say someone’s main or downloading or signing up to the a game, agreeing to make a purchase. driver when they’re not. That’s called fronting and it’s Full info on slashing under-25s, are • illegal. Games should not costs imply forpayments required or are an integral part of the way the including special policies, at game is played, if neither is the case. www.mse.me/youngcar • Games should not encourage children to make purchases Ensurein-game you’re paying less forthrough power aggressive sales techniques. • ofPayments not big be energy taken billsunless Lots people in theshould house means authorised. For example, users must be made more rooms, TVs on full blast, heating all that aware they will only be required to enter their water -password once every 20 minutes, regardless of it all adds up. Ensure you’re on the very cheapest deal. It only takes a few minutes. Just the number of transactions made within that plug intime. where you live to an www.ofgem.gov.uk approved comparison site and it’ll find your Information about the business should be clear and cheapest. prominent, in particular, so consumers know who to contact in case of queries or complaints. Alternatively, my free Cheap Energy CLub Obviously prevention is better than cure, so if your www.moneysavingexpert.com/energyclub will do child plays with games online consider the following: a comparison for you, including top picks you • Passwords – make sure that your child does might miss, and monitors your tariff afterwards to not know your password so that they have to ensureask you when prompted for this; you know when to move again. • Restrict in-app purchases with a password/ Give pocket asbut payeffective - otherwise you’re Pin. – money a simple solution which will teaching’ mean that if your child attempts to do ‘trust fund something that is going to cost you money they will be prompted for a password; Pocket money’s under-rated as a way to teach kids • money Apple. Tap Settings > General > Restrictions, core lessons, provided you reward a work then choose whether you need to input your ethic, and don’t just dole it out. It teaches how to password every time you make a purchase manage an income - by having a regular amount of • Android. Set a Pin with your Google Play moneyaccount. you startAll topurchases learn the concept saving the will then ofrequire versus Pin. spending. • Blackberry. Making in-app purchases on a It also Blackberry incorperatesis “opportunity cost” - whether possible once you’ve logged in they’d with your Blackberry ID and password. You will be better off spending the same cash on stay logged in for 20 minutes after entering the something else. For a young child this is perhaps password. “do you want to buy sweeties with your money • week, Unlink your upcredit/debit from your every or save to get the toycard you want?” account. This will stop your card being automatically debited but will not stop a bill being run up; • Use parental controls on your device. Most devices have parental controls, ask your mobile network provider what is available to you. @deandunham
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AWESOME CREATION A study of the first three verses of the Torah
With Rabbi Yosef Bitton
Tuesday 21 January 2014, 8.00pm Drawing on both Jewish and scientific sources, Rabbi Yosef Bitton offers a fresh reading of the initial words of the Torah. Learn about the Big Bang, the unexplored consequences of Creation Ex Nihilo, the controversies surrounding the Age of the Universe, and the enigma of Primeval Light. Appreciate as never before the beauty and sophistication of Biblical Creation. Born in Argentina, Rabbi Yosef Bitton holds a degree in Hebrew Language, Talmud, and Bible from Bar-Ilan University, and has pursued graduate studies at Ben-Gurion and at Emory Universities. Rabbi Bitton received his Ordination from the Israeli Chief Rabbinate and has been a rabbi and educator for over 25 years, presiding as Chief Rabbi of Uruguay and serving communities in Argentina and the USA.
For more information call Dvora 020 8458 5836 connect@kesher.org.uk or www.kesher.org.uk RA
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With thanks to Miguel Abadi
1) Write about it
4) Intense Exercise
A tremendous way to manage thoughts is to gain an objective perspective on them. As soon as you write your worries out in a confidential place e.g. in an email to yourself, you automatically become more objective on them as you have limited your thoughts to words. Those words could have been written by anyone else and we always find it easier to help others then ourselves! Now write another paragraph as a friend or counsellor to the author of the first paragraph, giving new perspectives and solutions. Incredibly empowering.
Your body stores up stress and then expresses that stress by igniting the mind to start telling you upsetting stories about how bad your life is. It is crucial that you regularly recycle the energy in your body through consistent exercise in order to have the physical foundation to a happy mind. During the exercise, if it is of sufficient intensity, you are also encouraging your focus to be more in the present tense.
2) Speak about it
There was once a doctor who had terrible bouts of worrying regarding sweating while meeting his patients. Every time he was treating a patient he sweated profusely and in between patients he worried about how much he was going to sweat the next time. He went to a therapist who told him to exaggerate the worry in his mind until it became comical. In this case the doctor imagined that he perspired so much that the consulting room filled up with sweat and both he and the patient were swept out of room, down the ward and out of the hospital by a tsunami of perspiration. It worked!! Now his mind wasn’t troubled any more the thoughts of a little sweat as it had already laughed at the extreme end point of that ‘what if’ game. Try this form of ‘paradoxical intention’ on your own worries and make them comically ridiculous through exaggeration.
Find someone who you can put your trust in, like a therapist or a friend and talk the problem out with them. You will feel better once you have shared what is on your mind. The more trust you have that the person you are speaking to is a) being fully present and b) will keep what you say in complete confidentiality, the more you will be happy to fully unload what is on your mind and then gain a sense of catharsis or relief from your burdens. 3) Stay in the now This is really the Core Key to dealing with anxiety. There is so much to say on this topic about the relationship between living in the now and your general well being but suffice it to say that the present tense is your gateway to freedom from worries and regrets. This is an entire lifestyle and there is a complete system of living which comes with this Core Key including skills, attitudes and techniques that will help you not only get beyond your worries but will lead you to an entirely elevated quality of living. The biggest question people have on this is how to deal with the future if you are always in the present. The answer is to plan but not worry. Worry is what you do while you’re supposed to be focused on something else. Planning is a present tense activity and involves your complete presence in the activity of strategizing. To do this properly you must set aside time specifically for strategizing otherwise you mind will inevitable fall prey to worry as it will reason that you have not yet prepared properly for the future.
5) Comedic Drama
David Citron has an MA in Psychotherapy and Counselling, is a Master NLP practitioner and a Certified Life Coach. He practices as a Therapist, Life and Business Coach. His greatest passion is supporting people to realise their life’s potential. He is the author of the upcoming book ‘The Winning Mode’ and was selected as a show host on the Life Coach Radio and Television Network. David can be contacted at david@davidbenjamincitron.com or 07815 597 912.
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Why do you have a lukewarm reaction to one advert while another makes you want to jump up this minute and sign up for that course or buy that product? Why does one fantastic innovative idea lead to a million dollar business and another equally exciting idea catapult into a dismal failure? This shows the way business strategies can affect outcomes. Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg is a business consultant who has built his reputation on finding solutions for people and knowing how to create strategies that succeed. He has spoken and consulted for organisations including Google, the Jerusalem Post, National Geographic, and many others on the topics of marketing and psychology (as well as Torah Shiurim...) and consulted with executives and high level entrepreneurs. Also, Hamodia featured Rabbi Issamar Ginzberg in a seven page special.
Have you always been interested in business? I grew up in Flatbush, and from the age of seven, was already dealing in candies. A few years later, I was drawn to computers and made money developing a software program myself. I also bought computers and sold them at a profit. I remember getting checks in the mail at a summer camp when I was 15 years old.
Did you ever study computers or marketing in school? I’m self-taught and have never been to College. Most of what I’ve learned is a result of trial and error, and from other successful people in the business world.
I’ve always learned Torah, every day at Ohr Sameach in their Ohr HaGolah Program. A benefit of Israel is that the morning of America is the afternoon here. I can work all the way through the late hours of the night. With computer technology, you can live and do business anywhere. I have clients in Japan, England, Belgium and even in Dubai. Even with a weak economy, everyone has something they know well and there’s always going to be someone willing to pay for it.
Can you describe one of your business strategies? I show people how they can take the work that they’ve done once, and with some modification, use it over and over again to make money.
How about explaining how this works? A carpenter could sell kits for doing carpentry projects. He can also write a book explaining how to make 20 DIY projects. He can teach a class, and record it turning it into a CD with a workbook to sell. There’s a market that’s willing to pay for it. You are creating potential customers who will be more interested in what you have to sell later on. A chief doctor in one of NYC’s largest hospitals consulted with me. His challenge was that he was stuck in a high-paying job that was stunting his professional growth. I helped find a way to give him free publicity and spread his fame. I helped a Rav here to revamp a study program that he was conducting online, I helped take it to the next level. We decided to specialise learning experiences, in the same amount of time. This is using leverage to increase profits. This strategy changes the sales process from running after customers to creating customers who will be running after you.
What do you enjoy most about your work? If you’ve a family, your purse or wallet is probably crying. Having Children is a terrible investment. You
Rabbi Issamar has appeared on CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox, the NY Times, National However, you must never say someone’s the main Geographic, Nasdaq.com, TODAY, and driver when they’re not. That’s called fronting and of on other publications for his it’shundreds illegal. Full info slashing costs for under-25s, expertise. Here chance to athear including specialis yourpolicies, from an expert who continues to amaze www.mse.me/youngcar and confound executives, entrepreneurs, Ensure you’re paying less for power worldwide. salespeople (and talmidim!)
I very much enjoy taking something fork out an estimated £200,000 per child byI’ve the learned from business applying time they reachone age 21. Of course,and if you’re happy it to tobeanother typeit’sofallbusiness. In Tesco, repaid in hugs, more than worth it. Yet a few tips easealways the burden never amiss... and where dotothey put thegobread milk? At the back of the store. It means Arehave you missing £1,000’s of childcare help? store you to walk through the whole seeing things that you end up buying. In There are two big ways you may be able to get cash any business setting the arrangement of if you pay for childcare. First, do you work over 16 things is very, very important. hours a week (you and your partner if you’re a couple) and earn under around £41,000 in total? If
Pizza bring in customers offering that’sstores you, check if you’re eligable forby childcare tax deliveries. How manymoney shoe stores or credit. This can be serious - many get over bakeries Every £3,000 a offer year. Todeliveries? find out if you’re due,business call 0345 300to 3900. has have something about them that makes them more appealing than the Alternativly, seeThe if your employer offersachildcare competition. goal is to have happy vouchers, which allow you to pay for childcare customer, and surprise with something from your pre-tax income. The way this works is more to make him ever happier. you give up, say, £2,000 a year of salary for £2,000
of vouchers. However, as after tax you’d only have got around £1,400 in your pay packet, it means Having spoken you’re £600 betterto off. a sold-out crowd and having to turn away people from the ‘I saved £3,000seminar adding mum and dad to car ago, Manchester three weeks insurance” Rabbi Issamar is coming to North West London for the first time. The content is Added to the fear of seeing your teenager on the rock solid; the delivery, unusual and not road, the cost of insuring one to drive can be asterrifying. structured as a university lecture, but One trick, if they’ve their own car, is to well listening andgood absorbing. try worth adding extra driverstowith records (eg, mum and dad) who may occasionally use the car. It’s trail and error, but can have a big impact, as it did for one of my Twitter followers (join me at @martinlewis): “As a new driver my insurance wanted £5,000. After adding mum and dad, it dropped to £1,900.”
Lots people in thereadily house means big energy Asofhe always admits, andbills as- his more rooms, name TVs on openly full blast,indicates, heating all “it’s that all company water - it all adds up. Ensure you’re on the very from above.” “It’s a talent from Hashem cheapest deal. It only takes a few minutes. Just that I’m able to help and advise in this plug in where you live to an www.ofgem.gov.uk way. It’scomparison siyata deshmaya nothing approved site and and it’ll find your we do means anything without that....” cheapest. Alternatively, my free Cheap Energy CLub www.moneysavingexpert.com/energyclub will do a comparison for you, including top picks you might miss, and monitors your tariff afterwards to ensure you know when to move again. Give pocket money as pay - otherwise you’re ‘trust fund teaching’ Pocket money’s under-rated as a way to teach kids core money lessons, provided you reward a work ethic, and don’t just dole it out. It teaches how to manage an income - by having a regular amount of money you start to learn the concept of saving versus spending. It also incorperates “opportunity cost” - whether they’d be better off spending the same cash on something else. For a young child this is perhaps “do you want to buy sweeties with your money every week, or save up to get the toy you want?”
If you would like your Organisation to be featured in the North West Circular please contact us at info@northwestcircular.com