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ISSUE No. 007
2nd FEB - 15th FEB 2014
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So if you’re planning a trip abroad in 2014, I’m going to explain how in a few clicks you can give yourself perfect exchange rates in every country, every time you go.
To help, try my free Overseas Cards Eligibility Checker at www.moneysavingexpert.com/ traveleligibility, which shows your odds of acceptance for most cards without
Permanently holster unbeatable exchange rates. Spending abroad on plastic is usually costly, as banks get perfect rates but then add a hidden 3% load onto what they charge (so spending £100 worth of dollars costs us £103).
impacting your creditworthiness – allowing you to apply for the one you’ve the best chance of getting. Poorer credit scorers still have an option, though. The easier-to-get www.capitalone. co.uk Classic Extra card is load-free overseas, and also pays 0.5% cashback on all spending – a useful double purpose.
Yet a few cards are marketed as super-cheap abroad in the hope you’ll also use them here, where they’re not always so cheap. These specialist, no annual fee, credit cards are load-free worldwide, smashing bureaux de change, giving permanently unbeatable rates everywhere you use them. In other words, spend £100 worth of dollars and it costs £100. So I suggest you grab one, just for use abroad, and – if you’re a nerd like me – stow it in your overseas purse or wallet (alongside an EHIC card and any leftover cash from past travels). Yet the key rule is to ensure you always repay IN FULL, preferably by direct debit to minimise any interest. My top pick is www.halifax.co.uk’s Clarity card, which has the lowest ATM fees (even so, spending on the card beats cash withdrawals). If you fail to fully repay — it’s 12.9% representative APR (but remember this is charged on ATM withdrawals, even if you do fully repay). Yet if you’ve a www.saga.co.uk (over-50s) (11.9% rep APR), www.postoffice.co.uk/ creditcard (17.8% rep APR) or nationwide. co.uk/select (15.9% rep APR) or Santander Zero credit card, then as these are load-free worldwide anyway, it’s not worth a new application. Full best buys, including load-free debit cards, at www.moneysavingexpert.com/ travelcards. Will you get these cards? As always, it depends on your creditworthiness. The usual problem’s the only way to find out if you’ll get a card is to apply, but that marks your file, whether you’re accepted or rejected, and each mark has a minor impact.
Do watch out for its 34.9% rep APR, if you fail to repay in full. It’s worth noting you’ll also be charged this (and a fee) on cash withdrawals even if you fully repay, so lean towards spending on it, not ATM withdrawals. Top prepaid cards. You load one up before you travel, then use it like a debit card. If you lose it, your cash is protected. However, unlike the top credit cards, you get the rate on the day you load, not when you spend, so currency fluctuations can hit you. My top pick cards, based on low fees and best rates, are FairFX Euro and FairFX Dollar - usually they’re £10 but go via the links at comparison site www.moneysupermarket.com and they’re free, provided you load at least €60 or $75. These charge an ATM fee, so if you need to withdraw cash regularly, consider the ATM feefree www.caxtonfx.com card. You can choose a euro, dollar or ‘global currency’ card. NEVER get cash at the airport. Airport and ferryport bureaux know you’re a captive customer, so they often give terrible rates. If you’ve left it too late, at least order online for airport pick-up, as you usually get a better rate. Use my www.travelmoneymax.com comparison tool which finds you the very best deal before you go. Foreign shops/banks asking “want to pay in euros or pounds?” If you’re using a card abroad, sometimes you’ll be asked if you want the transaction to be in pounds or the local currency. In a nutshell, pay in the local currency (eg, euros) not pounds.
Tuesday February 25th, Eden Hall, 129-127 Clapton Common, London E9 5AB. Hours: 19.00 to 22.00
Wednesday February 26th, Aperion Hall, Cheltenham Crescent, Salford M4 7FP. Hours: 19.00 to 22.00
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1) Change your Physical State
3) Shift to the Growth Mindset
One of the most powerful methods of transformation is to shift your mental state through changing your physical state. If I asked you to jump up and down now as if you had just won the lottery and then asked you to be depressed while physically celebrating, most people would find that an impossible task. That’s because MOTION creates EMOTION. Start walking and moving like highly energized, productive and happy people move and your mind will shift to a new mode of thinking. This new state will give you the opportunity you need to lay down new habits of thought and action. Then take the opportunity you just created by using one of the keys below.
Some people have a ‘Fixed’ mindset - they believe that what they have in life e.g. in terms of intelligence, social life or skill set is all they will ever have. They are afraid to engage in new activities in case their fixed status in these areas is challenged. Others see every moment in life as an opportunity for growth and therefore thrive when a challenging situation hits them. They even yearn for more challenge afterwards as they know that it’s the only way to grow. As a result they continually develop their skill set and their influence and position increases day by day. Kids told that they are extremely clever without working often struggle when they hit a new challenge e.g. transition to secondary school. They stop working altogether in case they prove that they weren’t as clever as their original label. Better to raise your child to believe that they can achieve wonderful things when they apply themselves consistently. These children thrive on the new challenge and redouble their work ethic often greatly outperforming the fixed mindset ‘genius’ kids.
2) Challenge Your Story Most people in a rut have an unhelpful story in their head which is continuously played back and causes them to feel trapped like there is no way out. Note what your story is. Is it helpful, productive and encouraging or is it negative, despairing and demoralizing? Some people’s story may be based in some truth. However, even those who have been hit hard in life can always re-frame the story in a still true but much more constructive manner. For instance, if you have experienced a loss of someone or something in your life it may be viewed in one mind as the end, however someone else may interpret it as the beginning of an exciting new chapter of life. Every time one door shuts another one opens. What happens is that people get so transfixed by the shutting door that they fail to see the new one opening. Find your story and then rewrite it to open your mind to the possibilities of living.
David Citron has an MA in Psychotherapy and Counselling, is a Master NLP practitioner and a Certified Life Coach. He practices as a Therapist, Life and Business Coach. His greatest passion is supporting people to realise their life’s potential. He is the author of the upcoming book ‘The Winning Mode’ and was selected as a show host on the Life Coach Radio and Television Network. David can be contacted at david@davidbenjamincitron. com or 07815 597 912
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Who exactly does Camp Simcha help? officers, who, as the name suggests, provide Many people think that Camp Simcha only helps children with cancer. In fact we help Jewish families throughout the UK who have a child with ANY kind of serious or life threatening illness. In addition to cancer, these conditions include genetic conditions, muscular dystrophy including Duchene’s, heart conditions, transplants and other serious surgery, some serious seizures and babies born very early or with other serious difficulties.
parents with support and practical help, Camp Simcha runs a Big Brother and Sister Volunteers scheme, giving the children quality time. Still young themselves (Camp Simcha Big Brothers and Sisters are usually aged 18-25 years), volunteers are specially trained to make a difference when it will really count.
We do this in a variety of ways by offering 24/7 assistance to the children and their families, in the form of practical and emotional support to the parents and siblings, as well as a range of powerful positive experiences designed to improve the quality of life for the child. Supporting the siblings is a particularly important aspect of what we do because their anxiety and loneliness can be overwhelming and sometimes overlooked. Camp Simcha’s philosophy is that the most effective way to help a sick child is to improve things for the whole family
They bring treats and take children on outings and to Camp Simcha events. They will make sure that each child feels special. Children facing difficult treatments can benefit greatly from knowing that their Big Brother or Big Sister will be there for them and siblings can have someone who will give them extra attention and support. We also run a benefits advisory service and a tutoring service to support children who are missing a lot of school due to their treatment.
Do you provide respite care?
We also run a benefits advisory service and a tutoring service to support children who are missing a lot of school due to their treatment.
What different services do you provide? We have a very diverse programme of allyear-round support. As well as Family Liaison
Yes. Our main respite care comes in two forms - we provide professional carers who can come to give parents a night’s sleep or some time out. We also have volunteers who will go to hospitals and sit with a child while Mum and Dad do what they need to. Another hugely important part of our services are the Family Retreats, which provide a vital lift to parents and children when it is needed most. They are a unique programme to Camp Simcha
where families experience three days of activities, relaxation, support, professional guidance and time together in a beautiful hotel environment, with all their medical needs catered for. For parents, meeting others in similar situations can have great therapeutic value. In addition, seeing their children having such a wonderful time in the safe hands of our team of volunteers is a real boost.
result of their condition. This can be very difficult for both the child and parents to cope with. With this in mind, Camp Simcha established its ‘Arts at Home Programme’ to provide the children with constructive and therapeutic sessions of arts and crafts activities, facilitated for them at home or in hospital, by a qualified teacher. It is often their only opportunity to create, get messy and enjoy the interaction. The positive repercussions go far beyond putting a smile on their faces for an hour or so. After several sessions one young child who, due to months in medical isolation refused to touch anything, began to touch water, then paints, and eventually stopped fearing childhood activities. Another, whose condition meant that he had been unable to swallow, began to relax in these sessions and has learnt to swallow once more.
How can the community help? For the children, the chance to participate in a range of fantastic activities other kids can only dream of is incredibly exciting. From helicopter rides and Ferrari sports car drives to go-carting, private zoos and much, much more, the three days are packed with fun.
What about therapies? Wherever possible we work alongside other Jewish organisations to offer therapeutic
If “Heaven Forbid” a child falls seriously ill, it is very much down to a close relative or friend of the family to make the connection with Camp Simcha. If you know someone who could benefit from our help please do not hesitate to call Neville Goldschneider on 07970 396259 or Rachely Plancey on 07557 090157 in the strictest confidence – your action may well make all the difference!! OR This may be the most valuable thing you can do to help!!!
support but where that is not available we can offer a range of therapies to different members of the family.
Many of the children Camp Simcha helps spend long periods isolated at home or in hospital as a result of their condition. This can be very difficult for both the child and parents to cope with. With this in mind, Camp Simcha established its ‘Arts at Home Programme’ to provide the children with constructive and therapeutic sessions of arts and crafts activities, facilitated for them at home or in hospital as a If you would like your Organisation to be featured in the North West Circular please contact us at info@northwestcircular.com