North West Circular - Issue 155

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A kosher lemehadrin boutique hotel 365 days a year Score of 4.8 on Google Passover 2023 package that includes luxurious accommodation with full board, luxurious holiday meals, trips, entertainment, pampering spa complex, synagogue, Shabbos keys and many more surprises. Intimate and exclusive Passover for only 150 lucky guests. From 5000 euros per couple. Now offering 10% off for a limited time! For reservation: Phone : +35726271165 | WhatsApp : +35796449218 Email : | Passover at Caprice spa Kosher Resort in Cyprus
ד”סב Parshas Beshalach - Shabbos Shiroh RABBI ELI SEGAL together with the HENDON ADATH CHOIR under the direction of ALAN FREEDMAN present A special musical and uplifting Kabolas Shabbos davening Friday 3rd February טבש ב”י / Mincha 4.35pm Everyone welcome We offer a bespoke manufacturing service from initial surveys, design and installation. Working with you to create your ideal Succah. Now with our new range of colours and finishes available to suit your style and interior. Contact Daniel today on - 07957710326 - 07917478965 - 8 NORTH WEST CIRCULAR • 22ND JANUARY 2023
• AV equipment • Outside plaza area • Temperature control • Flooded with natural light • Located in the heart of Edgware • Set up to meet any requirements • Seat 230 guests / 150 with dance floor • All amenities included within the hire rate • Projector or screen and stage with lighting • Close to all major public transport & road routes Looking for an affordable hall? | 07966-979-951 Your versatile venue for Engagements • Sheva Brochos Bar/Bat Mitzvas • Charities Corporate Events Conferences Lectures 261 Hale Lane, Edgware, HA8 8NX Beit Shvidler events@ Graphics: 10 NORTH WEST CIRCULAR • 22ND JANUARY 2023
HOME VISITING CHIROPODY/ PODIATRY (Golders Green & Hendon) For Information Call/Text 07813 803576 Treatments CORNS & CALLUS NAIL CARE INGROWN TOENAIL SURGERY VERRUCA DIABETIC FOOT CHECK MUSCULOSKELETAL ASSESSMENT Mr M. Rosenfeld BA(Hons).,BSc.,DPodM,MRCP.,SRCh CertiÞcate in Competence in local anaesthetics (30 years) HCPC Registered Shema Koli supports victims of abuse and educates the community about staying safe. Endorsed by leading UK Rabbonim. ABUSE HURTS …and goes on hurting. It may have happened years ago or more recently, but we understand the enduring pain caused by abuse. Call the Shema Koli Helpline and speak to one of our professionally-trained operators who will help you move forward. Call 020 3670 1818 / Email Helpline: Mon 3.30pm – 5.30pm • Tues 11.30am – 1.30pm Wed 7.30pm – 9.30pm • Thurs 11.30am – 1.30pm 12 NORTH WEST CIRCULAR • 22ND JANUARY 2023
'GIVING' themed messages from the weekly Torah portion or scan here to receive weekly broadcasts 'SUBSCRIBE' to 07984 320 320 or scan here Weekly Sparks of Giving
The difference is only one letter Remember Jteen is confidential and anonymous and is available for anyone between the ages of 11-20. We can't see your number and we won't ask for your name. Our trained counsellors are just a text away 07860 058 823 registered Company NUmber: 12336514 Registered Charity Number: 1195377 @JTEENSUPPORT
GREEK ISLES Elysium PESACH 2023 | ISRAEL: +972 2 992 9801 | USA/CANADA: +1 646 240 4118 | EUROPE: +44 207 048 6168 | AUSTRALIA: +61 39 9997496 LUXURY CRUISES | EXOTIC TOURS | SKI VACATION | AFRICAN SAFARI | SUKKOT HOTELS | ISRAEL TOURISM A unique culinary experience with world renowned chefs Avi Steinitz and Arik Porat, o ering a rich variety of cuisine, Open Bar & more. Indulge in an unforgettable 5-star stunning beach front Spa Resort exclusively Kosher for Pesach. Maximum 450 guests Daily supervised activities and programs for all ages. World famous Entertainers, Scholars, Shiurim, Lecturers, Kids & Teen Camps & more... Personally hosted by David & Chana Walles, International guests. Wonderful Chag atmosphere. Direct flights from TLV and European capitals. 20 min drive from Rhodes Airport. A ordable pricing. Chol Hamoed self-guided family outings with so much to do in the area: biking, boating, hiking, museums, water sports and many local attractions. GOURMET CUISINE BOUTIQUE LUXURY ATTRACTIONS & TOURS ENTERTAINMENT 8/10/12 NIGHT PACKAGE Avi Steinitz Arik Porat
Rabbi Daniel Hadar Rabbi Dr. Laibl Wolf
STARTING AT $3500 PER $250 VOUCHER FOR YOUR FLIGHTS TO RHODES A Slice of Heaven… Kashrut is Glatt Mehadrin, under the strict supervision of Rabbi Berel Simpser. Non-Gebrochts Discover Deep Jewish History in Rhodes
Rabbi Yossi Fachler Ohad Solomon
Rabbi Doron Perez
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Rebbetzin Dinah Fink invites you to Join a Historic for post-seminary girls Tour the city of Krakow and be mispallel at Kivrei Tzadikim The Ramah | The Bach | The Megaleh Amukos | The Tosfos Yom Tov Reb Meilich M'Lizhensk within the week of his Yartzheit | Sarah Schneirer on the day of her Yartzheit See beautiful shuls | Stay at the Park Inn Hotel | Enjoy Shabbos seudos in Sarah Schneirer's original Bais Yaakov seminary building! Prep Shiurim: Rabbi Todros Miller | Guest speakers Include: Rabbi Sadya Grama Sign up at or email to secure your slot by January 30th. Limited slots and only one flight available. For more information call: USA +19293870540 EUROPE / UK +447960803535 / +447587112519 In honor of Sarah Schneirer’s Yartzheit March 17-19 | ר„‡ 'וכ -'„כ
Improve your thermal envelope with the “fabric first” retain heat in older (Pre 1990s) and listed historic buildings. REDUCE YOUR HEAT LOSS BY 50%+ THERMOGRAPHY IS OUR WEAPON OF CHOICE 01442 819332 Eco Tiffin is a well established family run business combining a passion for energy s and conservation. • Thermal Sur vey and Defects Analysis • Retrofitting and Insula • Energy Saving Assessment • Dampness and Decay Assessment • Renovation and Modernis • Insurance Claims Advice First Est.1695 BUILT THE ECO WAY Book your Consultation now and learn more about your property than you thought possible As featured in Grand Designs - ASK THE EXPERT 22 NORTH WEST CIRCULAR • 22ND JANUARY 2023
Grand Hotel Gallia - Selected Hotels Entire hotel in exlusivity Glatt /cholov isroel / no kitniot - no gebroch Kidsclub Possibily of Tours 4-14 APRIL ALL INCLUSIVE (TAX ALSO!) Entertainment Spa * Gym MILANO MARITTIMA - ITALY MILANO MARITTIMA - ITALY +39 3517445571 www ktevents org italy@ktevents org BOOK NOW Kidsclub Possibility of Tours Entertainment +39 35 www ktevents org morocco@ktevents org TAGHAZOUT BAY BEACH RESORT & SPA 5 STARS JUST OPENED 5-16 APRIL ALL INCLUSIVE (TAX ALSO!) Passover 2023 in Hilton 5 Agadir Morocco Entire hotel in exlusivity 3 Restaurants * 3 Bars Glatt /cholov israel /no kitniot / no gebroch Private Spa Indoor POSSIBILITY TO COME ON 4TH! TRANS INCLU BOOK NOW 29
Pesach in the Amalfi Coast Hotel ARISTON - Paestum, Italy ה"ב Mehadrin - Glatt Kosher - no Kitniyot, no Gebrokts Under the supervison of Rav Yosef MINSKY, Yerushalayim - Rav Menachem Hadad, Bruxelles ¢ Ð +39 328 7057693 Luxury Resort walking distance from the beach Kids Club Children’s and Teens activities Shiurim in several languages Tours and Excursions DJ – Tennis and Football Fields Brand New SPA with indoor pool, separate swimming 12th edition
ה''ב +33 6•18•98•61•80 / +33 6•40•48•02•33 WWW.TRIPNGO.F R PESACH 2023 5T H - 1 4T H A P R I L possibility to come the day before and to extend until the 16TH PRESENT White Beachhhhhh TAGHAZOUT BAY, AGADIR KOSHER GOURMET CUISINE by Ory Abraham Beth Din Casablanca and Supervision By Head Shomrim of Strasbourg No Kitniots - Halav Israel 5 star luxury beachside resort, (near Agadir airport) with stunning sunsets and sea views, Incredible outdoor grounds with 6 outdoor swimming-pools and 2 indoor swimming-pools, Luxury Spa, massage treatments, 24h tea Room, jacuzzi, hammam & saunas Tennis courts, mini-golf, Football & Fitness centre, Inspiring chiurim, communal Sedarim & prayers led by Rabbi Andrew Shaw and chazanim with beautifull voices, Kids Club & ladies Zumba with LONDON'S DANCING WITH LOUISE, Unforgettable Mimouna Party, Live Music by the famous Pure Showband

One Nation. One Soul One Goal.

Yad Yisroel is dedicated to the revival of Jewish life in Belarus as well as assisting former Soviet Jewry across the globe.

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