North West Circular - Issue 122

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Who else wants to save money on their

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Phone: 020 3348 9868 Lifepoint Healthcare Ltd, is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), under firm reference number 843831


Kisharon offers Ora the ability to... bloom everyday

Urgent Appeal 2-3 May Your ability to give = our ability to deliver vital services for everyone supported by Kisharon. Kisharon is a uniquely Jewish organisation able to support children with learning disabilities and their families throughout life’s journey. From nursery, through school and into independent living accommodation and employment opportunities, no other organisation plays such a unique and critical role within our community.

Find out more at Advertising generously sponsored by

Charity Registration No. 271519

Dine out Literally. We’ve gone out so you can eat in. Book your table and relish the Asado experience again. Looking forward to serving you in our new outdoor dining area.

Now accepting event bookings

020 8802 4540 146 Clapton Common, London, E5 9AG Delivering across London

Would you like to train as a Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist and Counsellor? MA in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and Counselling We are based in Finchley, North West London, and offer a daytime training course with no evening or weekend attendance required. Our courses are validated by Middlesex University and accredited by the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). We are an organisational member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

For more information about training with Terapia Call: 020 8201 6101 Email:

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Looking for a talented, motivated sheitel macher to work on an exciting long-term project. Must have experience in cutting & styling. Excellent opportunity. For inquiries whatsapp 00447749216386 or email

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Lighten Up! Time to Make Time for You

One-on-one weight loss consultation Eat well Lose weight Reach your Goal

Marge Colman Nutrition and Weight Loss Advisor 07812 064 732

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19/07/2021 to 22/08/2021

Val Thorens HOTEL LES AROLLES Kids club Classes & Debates Evening entairtainment Zumba

Informations and booking

Sauna Hammam Jacuzzi

Plated gourmet meal or generous buffet Israeli / French breakfast

Phone : Mail address : +33 6 52 89 32 73

We are happy to announce that our car and van rental service is now open once again with all the services you expect from your premier rental partner. Whether for personal or business use, we offer a wide range of cars and vans for hire. Please check our website for availabity and pricing. For your safety, all vehicles will be treated with ann-bacterial cleaner between rentals. Rennng has never been easier!

New Kosher phones available! Ask us about our new 4G Kosher handsets. Choose a Talk & Text plan or Talk Only plan

Nokia 8000 4G

Nokia 6300 4G

Simplicity at an affordable price

Premium design with chrome finish

Reliable, durable and easy to use

3D curved keymat for comfortable use

Available in Charcoal, Cyan Green and White

Long-lasting battery life and sturdy shell

To order your phone today, call 020 8209 2700, email, or visit us in store

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Manufacturers and Installers of High Security Gates and Grilles Free quotations. Price match guarantee. 10 year guarantee.

0208 935 5921

Security gates 4 you Ltd Unit 3 North Cavandish House 391 Burnt Oak Broadway Edgware HA8 5AW Tel: 0208 935 5921 . 07535 218 265 Email: website: Company No 08776774 VAT NO 266 6666 58

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Jteen parent event.

'Navigating teen challenges'

Save the date 2nd of May

Jteen support is a completely confidential and anonymous text-based helpline aimed at supporting the emotional wellbeing of our community teens from the ages of 13-20. Jteen support is made up of trained volunteer counsellors, and qualified therapists. It is endorsed and guided by leading northwest London Rabbonim, educators and mental health experts.

OUR RABBINICAL ADVISORY BOARd INCLUDES: Rabbi F. Zimmerman (Federation Beis Din), Rabbi S Weingarten, Rebbetzin Dove (SEED), Rebbetzin Shoshana Tugentaft.


Zoom details Meeting ID: 844 3542 3262 Passcode: 565572

Torah Vodaas Primary School Brent Park Road NW9 7AJ

0203 670 4670

Torah Vodaas Primary School Brent Park Road NW9 7AJ

0203 670 4670

Torah Vodaas is looking to employ an experienced and outstanding

Torah Vodaas is looking to employ an experienced and outstanding


KS2 CLASS TEACHER This is a part time (0.75) Position

This is a part time position (2 afternoons a week) This is the right job for you if:

    

You have a good knowledge of ICT and coding You can teach with skill and confidence You are driven to inspire and challenge all pupils You enjoy working with a positive and established staff team You want to develop your career within a thriving school

We are an ambitious school with happy children who are at the heart of everything we do. We will provide:

    

Supportive leadership team Clear curriculum goals Extensive resources An exciting and vibrant working environment An attractive salary package for the right candidate

Please email your CV to Torah Vodaas Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Appointments will be subject to satisfactory references and enhanced DBS check.

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This is the right job for you if:

   

You can teach with skill and confidence You are driven to inspire and challenge all pupils You enjoy working with a positive and established staff team You want to develop your career within a thriving school

We are an ambitious school with happy children who are at the heart of everything we do. We will provide:

    

Supportive leadership team Clear curriculum goals Extensive resources An exciting and vibrant working environment An attractive salary package for the right candidate

Please email your CV to Torah Vodaas Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Appointments will be subject to satisfactory references and enhanced DBS check.

The Darchei Noam Centre (DNC) is a designated boys’ special educational needs school within Menorah Grammar School. The DNC hasCentre 54 pupils on is roll aged between 11special - 17 with additionalneeds It is a within warm and supportive The Darchei Noam (DNC) a designated boys’ educational Menorah Grammar environment where ason a team to ensure the 11 boys are fully supported within approach. School. The DNC haswe 54work pupils roll aged between - 17 with additional needs. It aismulti-disciplinary a warm and supportive environment where we work as a team to ensure the boys are fully supported within a multi-disciplinary approach.

The Darchei Noam Centre at Menorah Grammar School is looking for a Full Time/Part Time Rebbe The Darchei Noam Centre at Menorah Grammar School is looking for a Full Time/Part Time Rebbe starting Sept. 2021. starting Sept. 2021. Salary: Commensurate with experience Salary: Commensurate with experience Are you someone who is passionate about reaching every single ‫? תלמיד‬ Are you someone who is passionate about reaching every single ‫? תלמיד‬ Are you a team player ? Are you a team player ? Would you like to work in a warm, supportive environment? Would you like to work in a warm, supportive environment? Can you inspire a love of learning ‫? תורה‬ Can you inspire a love of learning ‫? תורה‬ Do you have what it takes to help ‫ תלמידים‬overcome their challenges? Do you have what it takes to help ‫ תלמידים‬overcome their challenges?

IfIfyou youcan cananswer answeryes yesto tothese thesequestions, questions,we weare arethe theright rightplace placefor foryou! you!

The TheDarchei DarcheiNoam NoamCentre Centreat atMenorah MenorahGrammar GrammarSchool Schoolisislooking lookingfor foraaTeaching TeachingAssistant Assistantstarting startingas as soon as possible. soon as possible. Salary: Salary:£17,000 £17,000- -£19,000 £19,000 Term Termtime timeonly onlyemployment employment Weare arelooking lookingfor foraawarm warmand andcaring caringperson personwho whoisisable ableto tofoster fosterpositive positiverelationships relationshipsand andhelp helppupils pupilsto to We realisetheir theirmaximum maximumpotential. potential. realise

Werequire requireaateaching teachingassistant assistantto tosupport, support,encourage encourageand andmotivate motivateour ourpupils pupilsboth bothininsmall smallgroups groups We andwithin withintheir theirwhole wholeclass classlessons, lessons,working workingunder underthe theinstruction/guidance instruction/guidanceof ofaateacher. teacher. and TheDarchei DarcheiNoam NoamCentre Centreat atMenorah MenorahGrammar GrammarSchool Schoolisislooking lookingfor foraaKS2 KS2Teacher Teacherfor forSeptember September The 2021 or earlier if possible. 2021 or earlier if possible. Salary: MPR/UPR Outer London Salary: MPR/UPR Outer London We are looking for a warm and caring person who is able to foster positive relationships and help pupils to We are looking for a warm and caring person who is able to foster positive relationships and help pupils to realise their maximum potential. realise their maximum potential. We require a KS2 teacher able to teach pupils with a variety of abilities.

We require a KS2 teacher able to teach pupils with a variety of abilities.

Menorah Grammar School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and Menorah Grammar is committedThe to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children screening, and expects all staff aand volunteers to shareSchool this commitment. successful applicant will be subject to safeguarding including Disclosure volunteers to share(DBS) this commitment. The successful applicant be to subject safeguarding screening, including a Disclosure & Barring Service check as well as providing proof of theirwill right work to in the UK. & Barring Service (DBS) check as well as providing proof of their right to work in the UK.

For an application form or more information please contact Mrs Balkin at an application form or more information please or contact Balkin at (020) Mrs 8906–9756 or (020) 8906–9756

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