2 north west CIRCULAR • 26th JUly 2020
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10 SEASONAL CIRCULAR • 30th august 2020
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Online mental health support Adults throughout our community now have access to free, safe, online mental health and emotional wellbeing support via Qwell. Join immediately and anonymously through any smartphone, tablet or computer, to gain access to the following services:
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12 SEASONAL CIRCULAR • 30th august 2020
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16 SEASONAL CIRCULAR • 30th august 2020
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20 SEASONAL CIRCULAR • 30th august 2020
26 SEASONAL CIRCULAR • 30th august 2020
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30 SEASONAL CIRCULAR • 30th august 2020
Less distraction during תפילה Coming to a Shul near you! RCUK is providing and co-sponsoring fast and secure mobile phone charging lockers, to all Shul’s across the UK Go Daven, with no phone interruptions! Simply lock your phone in a secure locker Come back to recharged phone
Join the movement Recharge your phone whilst recharging your soul
To find out more, speak to your board or contact Anthony Luftig on anthony@rcuk.com
34 SEASONAL CIRCULAR • 30th august 2020
Summer 2020 MY Kosher Hotel Canazei
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36 SEASONAL CIRCULAR • 30th august 2020
38 SEASONAL CIRCULAR • 30th august 2020
39 north west CIRCULAR • 5th JUly 2020
BRAMPTON BET MEDRASH BY Rabbi Natan Kahlani ראש בית המדרש
Rabbi Shaya Hecht שואל ומשיב
9:15am - 12:30pm :סדר א׳ כתובות פרק א׳ בעיון חבורות מר׳ קהלני ביום ב׳ ו׳ה
After many months of planning we are בס׳דexcited to announce the opening of our new Yeshiva at BBM. This is a major opportunity to change the landscape for bochrim and young avreichim coming back to London. The Yeshiva will provide a place for everyone to continue to develop their skills they have worked so hard to achieve during their time in ארץ ישראלand grow together as a chabura in תורה ויראת שמים. In the upcoming year we will בעז׳הbe learning מסכת כתובות. We will have a full three sedarim learning עיוןand בקיאות with מ׳מand חבורות. We will also be having weekly ועדיםin מוסר ומחשבה.
3:00pm - 6:00pm :סדר ב׳ כתובות בקיאות מתחילת המסכת 7:45pm - 9:45pm :סדר ג׳ חזרה 12:00pm :ועד מוסר ביום א׳
There are some places still available for Elul Zman. To apply please email rabbikahlani@wearechazak.com or call 07940084626 THE SAFETY OF ALL OUR STAFF AND PARTICIPANTS IS PARAMOUNT TO US. NEW COVID-SAFE SOCIAL DISTANCING MEASURES HAVE BEEN PUT IN PLACE TO ENSURE EVERYONE’S HEALTH AND SAFETY.
46 north west CIRCULAR • 26 19th JUly 2020