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Business Plan 2010-2011 4th June 2010
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Contents 3
Review of 2009/10 – Key Achievements
Strategic Priorities
10 Key Activities
Sub-Regional Activity -
Cheshire and Warrington
Greater Manchester
Liverpool City Region
20 Resources 21 The Board and Executive 22 Publications
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Foreword May 2010 As the region moves into recovery, providing strong and decisive economic leadership continues to be the Northwest Regional Development Agency’s single most important role. Along with providing clear and wellorganised business support, the Agency has maintained its focus on ensuring long-term economic growth, as well as continuing to deliver strongly on projects and programmes. This Business Plan, which sets out the Agency’s strategic priorities, investment activity and resources for 2010/11, is focused on ensuring that the Northwest maintains this momentum, not only in recovering from the economic downturn, but emerging stronger as a result. We will concentrate on growing the size of the private sector in the region and wealth creation. Competitiveness is the key to our economic success and to remain so we will continue to invest heavily in the region’s key growth sectors, where we have real global strengths. However, against a backdrop of reducing budgets for both our public sector partners and the Agency itself, we must work to get more out of our existing programmes, ensuring that future initiatives are strongly focused on driving forward the regional economy. Central to this will be delivering our regional leadership role by completing the RS2010 process, in conjunction with 4NW
Robert Hough Chairman
and other partners. This document, which will focus on clear priorities for the Northwest, will set out a shared vision, objectives and action areas, helping to ensure that all public expenditure is pulling in the same direction. This document will help to highlight the shared priorities for the region. During 2010 we expect that the Agency will have to demonstrate additional financial effectiveness as part of the government’s wider review of public sector spending. This business plan will therefore be subject to continuous review throughout the year. We must also be clear about our investments and work with partners to determine a consistent and prioritised programme of activities. Through our approach to joint investment planning, we will work with our sub-regional, city regional and Local Authority partners to agree exactly when and where NWDA investment is appropriate. Emerging governance structures in each sub-region and city region will be vital in helping partners to determine a consistent and prioritised programme for their investment and activities. This year will be challenging for the Agency but we are looking forward to those challenges and the opportunity to continue to work with our partners to achieve our shared vision for the region.
Steven Broomhead Chief Executive May 2010
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Key Achievements 2009/10 Throughout the year, the Agency has played a key role in leading the region towards economic recovery. Achievements include:
155% £100m increase in student numbers at Blackburn University Centre
Following Agency investment, Blackburn’s new University Centre is now delivering over 130 degrees and professional qualifications and creating a cuttingedge campus to compete with the very best higher education institutions across the UK. As a direct result of the investment, full-time applications have reached their highest ever level with numbers up by 155%.
Northwest Urban Investment Fund
This year saw the launch of a joint NWDA/ERDF initiative to provide loans and investments to kickstart stalled development projects. Managed by the European Investment Bank, the Northwest Urban Investment Fund is expected to create and safeguard thousands of jobs, as well as channel returns on investment into other development projects.
£26m 82,000 investment to help businesses succeed
In the past year, the NWDA has invested over £26m in business finance initiatives for SMEs. Schemes including the Grant for Business Investment, Grant for Research & Development and Small Loans for Business are providing vital support in helping the region’s businesses start up, grow and expand.
tonnes of CO² saved
Supporting regional businesses to reduce their carbon emissions is a major priority in ensuring the region contributes towards national targets and helps to mitigate the future effects of climate change. Initiatives include the Grant for Improving Your Resource Efficiency, which will save over 82,000 tonnes of CO² from the grants offered this year alone.
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97,000 179 business supported
Business Link Northwest (BLNW), the NWDA’s information and advice service for the region’s businesses continues to exceed targets. In 2009/10, the service increased the number of businesses it assisted from 92,600 to over 97,000, and contributed £512m to GVA (up from £431m in 2008/09). Since March 2009, BLNW’s Access to Finance programme has worked with over 700 clients to diagnose their financial needs, helping to secure £55m of finance for SMEs.
businesses supported following the Cumbria floods Following the November 2009 floods in Cumbria, the Agency moved swiftly to implement a £1 million support package to help 179 affected businesses clean up and recover. Additional NWDA funds were granted to Cumbria Tourism to support a national marketing campaign to promote the message that Cumbria was still open for visitors.
2,300 1,000 jobs created or safeguarded through the International Trade Programme Between 2007 and 2009, the regional international trade programme has created or safeguarded 2,300 jobs, assisted over 10,500 businesses and generated £400 million for the Northwest economy. For every £1 the NWDA invested in the programme, almost £21 was generated for the region.
businesses supported through the innovation voucher scheme Since the creation of the £4.1 million Innovation Voucher Scheme in 2009/10, over 1,000 businesses have been encouraged to engage proactively with the Northwest knowledge base. As a result, every £1 invested in the scheme has returned £9.75 to the regional economy.
£41m £60m of private sector leverage into Liverpool Commercial District £8.8m NWDA and ERDF investment is bringing forward the third phase of St Paul’s Square, Liverpool, which has already delivered over 250,000 sq ft of Grade A office space into the city’s commercial district. The additional investment will create a further 109,000 sq ft.
generated from major events
The NWDA led on the development of the regional Major Events Strategy, which aims to position the Northwest as a world-leading destination for hosting major events. During 2009/10 alone, high profile events such as the BT Paralympic World Cup (Manchester), Ironman (Bolton) and the Great North Swim (Cumbria) netted £60m for the regional economy.
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Strategic Priorities During 2009, the NWDA revised its Corporate Plan in light of economic changes and a reduction in RDA budgets. As part of this process, the Agency clarified its future investment priorities to ensure this is targeted at activity which places the region in the strongest position for economic recovery.
We will therefore focus investment on support for business, with a direct or only one-step-removed impact, specifically: • • • •
Enterprise support and growth sectors Innovation and its commercial exploitation Capturing the benefits of globalisation Development of enterprise skills and behaviours – attracting talent and releasing potential • Creating high value jobs or any jobs in deprived areas • Creating the conditions for private investment to achieve sustainable economic growth and regeneration
Investment will be targeted towards activity which is set within the context of joint investment planning and is not the core responsibility of other organisations. Activity must maximise long-term economic social and environmental returns, as well as have a clear regional impact which achieves the outcomes outlined in the Agency’s Corporate Plan. In prioritising investment, the Agency will continue to align European Regional Development Funds with its own funding, as well as continue economic recovery through the delivery of the Northwest Venture Capital Loan Fund and the Northwest Urban Investment Fund.
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Supporting Key Sectors and Conditions for Business Growth To support economic recovery, we will: • Prioritise investment in key sectors and industries that will generate growth and jobs. These are sectors where the Northwest has a considerable asset base of research institutions, key businesses and supporting infrastructures that provide the region with competitive advantage including: - Advanced Manufacturing - including aerospace. - Energy and Environmental Technologies - particularly nuclear where the region has been designated a Low Carbon Economic Area. - Life Sciences/Biomedical - given that the Northwest is home to major businesses and a key part of the UK super-cluster. - Digital & Creative - where developments such as MediaCityUK enhance the region’s position as a centre of creative content production. - Tourism - particularly the attack brands of Manchester, Liverpool, Chester and the Lake District. • Focus on delivering: - Business Support This includes enterprise, high-growth and finance products, particularly via Business Link Northwest. We will support access to finance for Northwest growth businesses in key sectors through the delivery of the Northwest Venture Capital Loan Fund. - Innovation We will maximise opportunities from the region’s scientific, Higher Education and industrial expertise and supporting companies through products such as Innovation Vouchers. - Higher level skills Our key sectors require highly skilled people to be able to grow. The NWDA will seek to influence all skills provision to support key sectors, with a particular focus on developing higher level skills.
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- Internationalisation Focusing on continuing to secure Foreign Direct Investment, we will also support Northwest companies to export and be more international in their business aspirations. - Next Generation Access (NGA) We will ensure development of a region-wide framework to support the development of NGA broadband and pilot activity in the Manchester City Region. - Conditions for private sector investment We will ensure delivery of the Northwest Urban Investment Fund to help unlock economic potential, as well as securing significant private sector investment through major developer-led proposals serving key regional sectors and employment sites.
Economic Leadership A key part of NWDA’s role is in showing economic leadership in tackling the major issues facing the Northwest in the short, medium and longer term. To support this, we will: • Seek to influence: - Next Generation Access (NGA) - The NWDA will seek to influence Government policy and private sector investment to bring NGA to the Northwest. - Transport - We will lobby for investment in the region’s road, rail, air and port infrastructure, particularly the Northern Hub, and ensure ongoing commitment to rail electrification. - Utilities - We will work with utilities providers to ensure an adequate infrastructure which supports future sustainable growth. Of critical importance is influencing energy transmission infrastructures in support of the nuclear industry. - Skills - We will develop a Northwest Skills Strategy and work with partners to stimulate and address the curent and future skills demand in the region.
- Getting people back into work– We will work with partners to tackle health and other issues that are keeping people out of the labour market, and to develop enterprising capabilities to enable them release their full potential. • Maintain strong partnership working with local, sub-regional, regional and national partners. Specifically we will work closely with sub-regional partners to develop joint investment planning across the region. • Provide economic intelligence about the region’s economy, including maintaining close dialogue with businesses and banks. • Respond to economic shocks affecting the region. • Ensure delivery of the revised Northwest Climate Change Action Plan. • Work in partnership with the three Northern RDAs to deliver the Northern Way programme and maximise the benefits of collaboration for the North. • Play a key role in exploiting and implementing opportunities from the recently launched Atlantic Gateway Strategy. • Work to finalise a high level statement of the region’s economic, social and environmental priorities. In addition to these Strategic Priorities, the Agency will also review its operational capacity through: • Driving efficiency through our organisational capacity and structure to ensure we continue to be flexible enough to deal with changing priorities. • Encouraging action on better procurement practice throughout the region. • Evaluating completed Agency-funded projects and programmes, building these findings into future activity to help determine future investments. • Ensuring that environmental and equality issues are fully considered as part of NWDA processes and project development. • Representing the RDA network effectively in our lead role for the Department of Energy and Climate Change and the Department for Education, influencing national policy and delivery to take account of regional priorities.
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Key Activities: Business Key activities in 2010/11 will include: The Agency’s aim is to continue to grow priority Biomedical Manufacturing • Ensuring the delivery of the Regional • Supporting the development of a sectors where the region Manufacturing Strategy and Action coordinated vision in Liverpool for has international competitive Plan and focusing on innovation within biomedical innovation, commercialisation the sector. of Intellectual Property, incubation and advantage and assets, work grow-on space, linked to the city’s • Continuing the delivery of the to increase levels of Research & Development capabilities. Manufacturing Advisory Service to enterprise and innovation, raise productivity within manufacturing • Developing and supporting closer businesses, include the promotion of engagement between the private sector improve our international manufacturing to young people, and and the NHS. competitiveness and help improve the image of manufacturing • Support the delivery of the redevelopment overall. the region adapt to climate of the Royal Eye Hospital in Manchester • Continuing to link to, and ensure benefits to provide grow-on space for growing change and increase are achieved from, key national projects biomedical businesses. resource efficiency. which support manufacturing in the Northwest.
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Low Carbon Environmental Goods & Services
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Digital & Creative
• Continuing to investigate the potential for further low carbon energy deployment within the Northwest, such as wind and tidal, and ensuring that businesses can access supply chain opportunities.
• Supporting the continued development of MediaCityUK and maximising the opportunities this presents, including the relocation of BBC Departments and the development of the Media Enterprise Centre (MEC).
• Supporting the development of the visitor economy through the region’s five Tourist Boards and helping tourism businesses to improve their performance and productivity.
• Investigating and potentially investing in innovative products that further enhance the region’s position as a leader in energy and low carbon technology.
• Ensuring that the benefits of MediaCityUK extend across the North through initiatives such as NorthernNet, the high-speed telecommunications network.
• Building on our existing nuclear asset base and commissioning new initiatives that capture economic benefits within the region.
• Working with the private and public sectors in all sub-regions to deliver the Strategy for Next Generation Access (NGA) to bring forward high-speed broadband across the Northwest.
• Building on the potential of the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre and other initiatives, to develop supply chain opportunities for Northwest businesses.
• Implementing the Visitor Attraction Fund to stimulate and support high quality capital investment in key projects. • Supporting the development and delivery of the Chester Zoo Masterplan to provide a long term increase in visitor numbers and economic impact of the attraction. • Undertaking a regional lead role in working with VisitEngland including implementation of the new VisitEngland strategy.
Other • Providing support to key businesses and other key sectors that employ significant numbers within the region and/or have employment growth potential, for example financial & professional services.
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Key Activities: Business Key activities in 2010/11 will include: Enterprise Support
• Delivering the Rapid Response Service to support companies affected by the downturn, protect employment and ensure continued training and investment.
• Establishing a Joint Venture Company to oversee the expansion of Daresbury Science & Innovation Campus.
• Working with UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) to help new and existing exporters, provide an international supply chain programme and enable over 300 R&D companies to develop and implement internationalisation plans.
• Ensuring the ongoing delivery of Business Link Northwest as the primary access route for business support. • Improving the availability and Access to Finance for SMEs, and working with banks, professional intermediaries and partners to increase the take-up of Business Finance products and assistance. • Delivering the Venture Capital Loan Fund, which will be fully operational by Summer 2010. • Delivering the High Growth Business Support Programme to help new and existing knowledge intensive businesses realise their growth potential. • Implementing the Northwest Enterprise Strategy, including delivery of the second phase of the Business Start Up Programme, which will target priority groups and areas that are underperforming in terms of enterprise. • Supporting the Northwest Enterprise Forum and Enterprise UK to promote and stimulate an enterprise culture in priority groups. • Supporting Social Enterprise Northwest to help social enterprises achieve their growth potential. • Supporting the delivery of the Solutions for Business programme to provide businesses with easy access to business support and making public sector business support easier to understand and access.
• Working with partners in Liverpool City Region to support the next phase development of Liverpool Science Park. • Developing the Manchester Biomedical Research Centre to increase levels of public sector R&D. • Delivering the Northwest Science Strategy, including key initiatives that increase the interactions of businesses with the knowledge base, especially in key sectors. These include key centres such as the Knowledge Centre for Materials Chemistry, the Northwest Virtual Engineering Centre, North West E-Health, Centre for Nuclear Energy Technology, and the Composites Certification Facility. • Delivering a number of innovation projects through The Northern Way, including those supporting Printable Electronics, Offshore Wind, Carbon Capture and NorthernNet. • Investigating the options for further development at Lancaster Science Park to help support a long-term increase in levels of public and private sector R&D.
• Generating new investment leads from established markets in North America, Japan, China, India, Australia and Europe. • Maximising the benefits from the Shanghai World Expo 2010 through the presence of both Liverpool and the UK. • Supporting a destination marketing programme through projects at Manchester and Liverpool John Lennon Airports to enhance the visitor experience.
Climate Change and Sustainable Consumption and Production • Implementing the region’s first Sustainable Consumption and Production Action Plan, to support businesses to increase resource efficiency and eco-innovation. • Implementing the refreshed Northwest Climate Change Action Plan and continue to support carbon reduction initiatives, including the Carbon Challenge Fund. • Launching a Low Carbon Environmental Goods and Services Strategy to prioritise areas for future NWDA support, particularly in Solid State Lighting, Tidal Energy and Smart Grids. • Supporting the Energy Innovation Centre and Envirolink Northwest as well as the Joule Centre. • Development of a Nuclear Sector Strategy and Action Plan, building on the Northwest’s designation as the Low Carbon Economic Area (LCEA) for Nuclear.
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Key Activities: People In order to compete on a global scale, it is vital that the region’s businesses have access to a highly skilled workforce relevant to their needs. This means raising aspirations, encouraging people to develop enterprise capabilities and ensuring that people are appropriately skilled, especially for those higher level skills needed for the region’s key growth sectors.
Key activities in 2010/11 will include: Leadership, Management and Higher Level Skills Development • Delivering three key leadership and management projects - LEAD, Business Mentoring and Train to Gain. • Supporting key sectors including Digital & Creative and Low Carbon Environmental Goods & Services through the delivery of a range of programmes, working with the Higher Level Skills Partnership, the National Skills Academy for Nuclear, the Regional STEM Cohesion Group and building on the legacy of the ‘Big Bang’ science event.
• Implementing the Birley Fields Capital programme at Manchester Metropolitan University to ensure greater progression into Higher Education. • Delivering the University Enterprise Networks programme and continuing support for the National Enterprise Academy, Northwest Hub and Further Enterprise Hubs to nurture enterprising attitudes in the current and future workforce. • Continuing to ensure that national skills plans are aligned to the economic needs of the region.
• Ensuring support for the skills brokerage service through Business Link Northwest. • Focusing on developing skills and talent in the region, capitalising on the High Growth programme, entrepreneurship and delivery of specialist training programmes.
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Key Activities: Place Key activities in 2010/11 will include:
The NWDA will continue to Creating Conditions for Rural Development Private Sector Investment and use its influence to help • Delivering the Rural Development Wealth Creation places in the region achieve Programme for England, including the Rural Carbon Challenge Fund, TASTE • Ensuring the delivery of urban investment their potential, through (which aims to raise the quality of local through the new Northwest Urban produce), and Tourism Connect (which ensuring private sector Investment Fund. aims to raise interior design standards confidence as a place to • Working with Urban Regeneration within businesses). Companies (URCs) and Economic invest, work and visit, • Delivering a number of key projects in Development Companies (EDCs) to rural areas, including the Enterprise focus resources on interventions that have helping major development Delivery Hub at Reaseheath College, Lake a regional impact. District National Park Sites Programme projects stay on track, • Continuing to support Liverpool and and the Merseyside Rural Economy Action supporting the development Greater Manchester City Regions, Pennine Plan. Lancashire and Fylde Coast EDCs, Mid of key employment sites and Lancashire joint working, Cheshire & • Leading on the establishment of a new vision for the development of rural market Warrington Enterprise Commission and promoting the Northwest as towns. delivery structures in Cumbria. a business and visitor • Working with partners to develop the destination. Atlantic Gateway and the Energy Coast initiatives. • Supporting regeneration in Blackpool and encouraging private sector investment in Preston City Centre, as well as other key centres throughout the region where there is scope for private sector-led development.
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Employment Sites, Premises and Growth Locations • Working with partners to attract private sector investment in growth locations throughout the region particularly Crewe, Chester, Warrington, Lancaster and Carlisle. • Working with developers and attracting private sector investment in strategic regional sites across the region. • Completing key strategic land regeneration projects resulting from the Newlands, REMADE and REVIVE programmes. • Completing the Land Reclamation Review by mid 2010. • Completing the final stages of the Regional Park Programme including the development of the International Festival Gardens site in Liverpool and the Brand New Brighton project.
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Marketing the Region • Implementing a range of campaigns, events and publications to promote the region as a competitive business location and as a place to visit. • Delivering the Regional Major Events Programme, including Tatton and Liverpool Biennials, World Lacrosse Championships and World Netball Series. The Agency will also support England’s bids for the 2018 Soccer World Cup and the 2013 Rugby League World Cup. • Ensuring the region benefits from the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, focusing on attracting Pre Games Training Camps and major events, promoting business opportunities, and maximising the impact of the Torch Relay.
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Sub-regional activity The Agency is committed to using its influence and investment to support the development of the Northwest. We already have a strong working relationship with our partners across the region and over the next year we will strengthen and deepen that relationship through Joint Investment Plans that will align partner activity, make best use of public funds, and improve outcomes for people, business and places in each area of the region.
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Sub-regional activity Cheshire and Warrington Key activities in 2010/11 will include: • Undertaking Joint Investment Planning with Cheshire and Warrington partners and the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to align activity and maximise investment. • Continuing to support the development of Chester Zoo. • Continuing to support the role of Chester as an ‘attack brand’ of the region and encouraging private sector investment.
• Working with Cheshire East on the continued development of Crewe. • Supporting the delivery of the Orford Park project and development of proposals for the Central Warrington strategic regional site.
• Strengthening relationships with the subregional Leadership Board and the new Commissions for Enterprise, Learning and Skills, Climate Change & Environment and Culture & Tourism.
• Establishing how best to enhance digital connections across the sub-region and with adjacent City Regions through regional work on Next Generation Access (NGA).
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Sub-regional activity Cumbria Key activities in 2010/11 will include: • Continuing to work with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) and Cumbrian partners to develop a Joint Investment Plan. • Implementing the Energy Coast Masterplan to establish Cumbria as a centre of excellence for energy and environmental technologies, including support for the nuclear new build case at Sellafield.
• Continuing to support improvement in Higher and Further Education skills. • Supporting the development of Carlisle, led by private sector investment. • Supporting new opportunities emerging from advanced engineering in the Furness Peninsula. • Building on the profile of the Lake District as a tourism attack brand for the region.
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Sub-regional activity Greater Manchester Key activities in 2010/11 will include: • Supporting the implementation of Manchester's City Region status • Supporting continued investment in, and coordination of, the city's knowledge and science assets. • Providing ongoing investment in key regional and sub-regional employment opportunities, including MediaCityUK and Kingsway strategic site, Rochdale.
• Working with Central Salford and New East Manchester URCs to continue to improve the conditions for private sector investment.
• Supporting and influencing the implementation of the Greater Manchester Strategy.
• Lobbying for transport improvements that continue to support better connectivity between Manchester and the rest of the North, particularly the Northern Hub.
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Sub-regional activity Lancashire Key activities in 2010/11 will include: • Implementing the Pennine Lancashire Joint Investment Plan. • Supporting the development of the Advanced Manufacturing and Low Carbon Environmental Goods & Services sectors, including the continued development of proposals for BAE Systems’ Samlesbury site and nuclear and environmental technology opportunities.
• Addressing barriers to transport and communications, particularly improving links between Pennine Lancashire and Manchester, and the development of Next Generation Access (NGA) broadband proposals. • Supporting the establishment and development of the Fylde Coast Economic Development Company and a Joint
Investment Plan to help deliver Fylde Coast objectives, including the regeneration of Blackpool. • Supporting the development of Mid Lancashire joint working, including plans to enhance Preston's role as an economic driver. Maximise Lancaster's heritage city and knowledge economy opportunities.
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Sub-regional activity Liverpool City Region Key activities in 2010/11 will include: • Supporting implementation of the Liverpool City Region, focusing on the four economic transformational priorities: SuperPort, Knowledge Economy, Visitor Economy and Low Carbon Economy. • Working with Liverpool Vision to support the ongoing transformation of Liverpool City Centre and Waterfront. • Continuing to maximise private investment in strategic regional sites and sub-regional employment sites to create new employment opportunities.
• Continuing to work with partners to stimulate enterprise generation, business growth and innovation. • Working with partners on programmes to get people back into work and improve access to employment opportunities in the City Region's most disadvantaged communities.
• Supporting the development of projects and programmes that will maximise the benefits of the City Region’s ERDF phasing-in allocation, including the establishment of an Urban Development Fund. • Working with partners to secure maximum benefit from the Shanghai World Expo 2010. • Supporting the preparation of a Liverpool City Region Economic Assessment.
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Resources Will be subject to continuous review during the year as a consequence of government’s consideration of all public sector expenditure.
2010/11 (£m)
Growth Sectors
Enterprise Support
Leadership and Management
Higher Level Skills Development
Size of the Workforce
Employment Sites and Premises
Private Sector Investment
Climate Change and Sustainable Consumption and Production
Marketing the Region
Contribution to Strategic Investment Fund
Total Programme
ERDF Programme
RDPE Programme
Total Business Costs
Total Expenditure
Funding Sources
2009/10 (£m)
Core funding received from Government
Self-Generated Income
Activity-matched Income
ERDF Programme
RDPE Programme
Total funding
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Board and Executive The Board
The Executive
Robert Hough - Chairman
Steven Broomhead Chief Executive
Vanda Murray OBE – Deputy Chair Peter Hensman – Deputy Chair Peter Allen MBE
Ian Haythornthwaite Deputy Chief Executive (Resources) Mark Hughes Deputy Chief Executive (Economic Development)
John Brooks Joe Dwek CBE Dr Clive Elphick
Nigel Dove Director of Marketing & Communications Simon Nokes Executive Director of Policy & Planning
David Goldie Frank Hont MBE Councillor Tony McDermott MBE
Nick Brooks-Sykes Director of Tourism Diane Summers Executive Director of Corporate & Employment Services
Councillor John Merry CBE Anne Selby Lord Peter Smith
Dr Lis Smith Director of Skills & Employment Dr George Baxter Director of Science & Innovation
Dr John Stageman
The Board usually meets 10 times a year and has 11 formal committees and subcommittees.
Annual Public Meeting The Agency’s annual conference and AGM will be held on 13 October 2010 at Manchester Central. The AGM will provide an opportunity to review our performance and contribution to the region in 2009/10. The Agency’s Annual Report and Accounts will also be published at this time.
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Making Big Things Happen A summary of the economic impact of the NWDA 1999-2009
Support for Northwest Business Outlining the range of initiatives available to help the region's businesses grow
Financial Support for your Business Highlighting the flexible financial support on offer - including loans, grants and equity finance to assist businesses unable to access support from commercial sources
Energy and Waste Support for your Business A guide outlining the support available to help businesses improve their resource efficiency
Leadership and Mentoring Support for your Business Detailing the support available to help owner managers develop their leadership potential
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June NWDA k4-13