Northwest regional overview THE FOOD AND DRINK SECTOR: ENTERPRISE COUNT REGIONAL AND SUB REGIONAL OVERVIEW In Summer 2007, the NWDA Research Team undertook a project to get more accurate data on the region’s sectors. Using four digit 2003 SIC codes, 17 sectors that make up the whole economy were defined, plus two additional cross-cutting industries. Data was sourced from the Office for National Statistics Inter Departmental Business Register, to show the number of enterprises, employees and business turnover for each sector. This report presents the findings and analysis for the food and drink sector.
NATIONAL CONTEXT Relative to the region’s working age population 1 , the Northwest ‘hits below its weight’ in respect of the number of enterprises, employees and business turnover associated with the food and drink sector. In overall terms, the region contains:
13.3% of England’s working age population. 13.0% of England’s enterprises associated with the sector (compared to 11.6% of other 2 enterprises). 11.4% of England’s employees in the sector (11.4% of other employees). 9.6% of England’s business turnover for the sector (8.7% of other business turnover).
REGIONAL DIMENSION The food and drink sector in the Northwest is comprised of 34,015 enterprises, employs 384,910 people and has an annual turnover of £30.2billion. Enterprise size - against this backdrop small enterprises, in the region, employing less than 10 people, play an important role as they:
Represent 91.0% of the sector’s enterprises (86.4% of other enterprises). Provide 25.4% of the sector’s jobs (15.2% of other jobs in the region). Deliver 22.2% of the sector’s business turnover (18.3% of other business turnover).
Change over time – within the Northwest, between 1998 and 2006, it can be seen that the:
Number of enterprises in the sector has fallen by -16.7% (other enterprises = -5.2%). Number of employees in the sector has fallen by -1.2% (other employees = +2.8%). Value of business turnover in the sector has fallen by -9.6%. (corrected to a 1998 base to account for inflation).
Sectoral comparisons – compared to the NWDA’s other eighteen enterprises areas:
1 2
Seventeen of the region’s other 18 enterprise areas contain fewer enterprises. Seventeen of the enterprise areas provide fewer jobs. Sixteen of the enterprise areas generate a lower business turnover.
The working age population has been agreed with the Office of National Statistics, see glossary for details. For definition of ‘other’ enterprises, employees and business turnover, refer to the glossary.
Knight, Kavanagh and Page Management Consultants