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The annual energy and environmental conference and exhibition for the North West
Manchester United, Old Trafford 27 March 2007 8.30am - 3.45pm
event organised by
This flyer is printed on a recycled pulp produced from post-consumer waste which has been thoroughly de-inked in a state-of-the-art chlorine-free re-cycling plant.
Guest Invitation
Does your company want to;
Conference Programme The morning session features a detailed analysis of the region’s response to climate change and how your organisation can improve its environmental performance. The afternoon’s focus will be on new waste and energy legislation developments which will affect local authorities and the private sector. Running alongside the presentations the exhibition will feature companies providing environmental products and services which could provide you with the solution to improve your environmental performance.
8.30am Registration and Exhibition Viewing 10.00am Chairman’s Welcome and Introduction Dr Garry Felgate Director, Delivery and External Relations, The Carbon Trust
10.35am Delivering a Carbon Management Programme that makes a Difference Andrew Bright Head of Environment, Scottish & Newcastle plc This presentation will give an overview of Scottish & Newcastle’s global business and the potential impacts of climate change on a multinational drinks company. It will highlight how Scottish & Newcastle is delivering a carbon management strategy to reduce its impacts and to decouple the business from dependency on fossil fuels. It will also highlight some of the policy barriers that are causing a hindrance to enable business to deliver a step change in energy performance.
Implementation of Renewable Energy at a Local Level Dick Bradford Principal Designer (Building Services) & Energy Engineer, 10.10am Keynote Address The Region’s Response to Climate Change Mark Atherton Head of Sustainable Development, North West Development Agency How does the Northwest region contribute towards global climate change? What can we do to adapt to it and reduce our emissions to prevent future changes? The Northwest Climate Change Action Plan provides a framework for action for everyone in the region and Mark will explain how your organisation can get involved.
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council This presentation will commence with the global and national perspectives of Climate Change and how human activity has upset the delicate atmospheric balance. Dick will then explain how Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council has been working towards reducing its carbon footprint over the last 20 years and how Biomass technology is seen as key for the Council to achieving the Governments long term carbon target for 2050. Barnsley now has the Policy, Strategy and Action Plan to meet that target by 2010 - 40 years ahead of time.
11.20am Refreshments and Exhibition Viewing
12noon Green Fleet Management – What can you do? Nigel Underdown Energy Saving Trust Emissions from transport are a significant contributor to climate change, reducing those emissions is therefore key to reaching Government targets. This presentation will explain how emissions from transport fleets can be reduced and what simple steps can be taken to improve your organisation’s environmental performance.
12.15pm No chance for the climate without tackling aviation
12.30pm Panel Discussion Dr Garry Felgate Director, Delivery and External Relations, The Carbon Trust
Mark Atherton Head of Sustainable Development, North West Development Agency
Andrew Bright Head of Environment, Scottish & Newcastle plc
Dick Bradford Principal Designer (Building Services) & Energy Engineer, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Dr Kevin Anderson Research Director, Tyndall Centre Based on Tyndall’s leading research on aviation, this presentation will show the dramatic impact of aviation emissions on the UK’s carbon budget. The uncomfortable and stark message is that unless current growth in aviation is severely curtailed, all other sectors will have to completely decarbonise for the UK to meet its 2ºC commitments.
Nigel Underdown Energy Saving Trust
Dr Kevin Anderson Research Director, Tyndall Centre
1pm Lunch and Exhibition Viewing
2.15pm Keynote Address Economics - Technology and the Socio Political Process Peter Jones Director-External Relations, Biffa Waste Services Are all the beans in a row to guarantee Delivery or will we be driven by crisis? Peter explains a perspective from the resources flow sector on the key issues yet to be faced.
2.25pm Countdown to WEEE Day - What do public sector and companies need to do to be compliant? Dr Philip Morton Chief Executive Officer, REPIC Limited This presentation will feature an overview of key issues facing producers and include details of how to achieve compliance in a most cost effective and environmentally friendly manner. Potential barriers to achieving compliance will be explained and the potential pitfalls facing producers.
2.55pm Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme - Meeting the challenge Paul Dunn Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority The Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme or LATS introduces significant and innovative changes in waste policy and practice for the diversion of biodegradable municipal waste from landfill. The changes will have impacts for waste collection as well as waste disposal authorities.
Paul's presentation will provide information on preparing for LATS, lessons to be learnt, meeting the initial targets and getting quick wins, advice on investing for the long term and how the disposal and collection authorities can work together.
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Generate new business Increase sales Launch new products and services Expand your current client base Build on existing business Network with like-minded people Get direct access to hundreds of high calibre, decision-makers
The following points will be addressed in this presentation: • Preparing for LATS • Lessons learned • Meeting initial targets/quick wins • Planning investing for the long term • Dispose and collection of authority interface
Taking into account the amount of time that can be spent on the phone or visiting clients to secure those vital sales, surely it makes good business sense to exhibit at the North West’s most successful energy and environmental event? The exhibition is shell scheme and space is priced at £750 plus VAT (£881.25). Included in the cost is:
3.15pm Merton Rule and Building Regulations John Ogle Principal Consultant, Faber Maunsell Recent changes in Building Regulations require consideration of on site generation or other "low/zero carbon" technologies. But even before these Regulations can come into force, a growing number of Local Authorities and Funding bodies began applying their own requirements for building integrated renewable energy. This approach to planning for renewable energy is often referred to as The Merton Rule. This brief review considers the latest developments in the implementation of these requirements.
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3m x 2m space including shell scheme walls Table, two chairs, 500W socket and light Ten complimentary delegate tickets Delegate database both prior and post event Complimentary company profile on event website Complimentary company profile in event show guide Free direct mail service to your clients/contacts Refreshments/buffet lunch for stand personnel
To view stand availability please visit and click on the North West event logo. A floor plan can be found on the ‘Stand Layout/Availability’ page of the website. Stand space can be booked by completing the form below or alternatively, you can reserve a stand online by using the ‘Stand Reservation’ form located on the website. Contact Name
3.30pm Closing Remarks Dr Garry Felgate Director, Delivery and External Relations, The Carbon Trust
Company Address Postcode Telephone
Email Website Nature of business Preferred stand number Add to mailing list for similar events
Please fax back to 01257 450 090 or email