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NWDA Key Facts 2010 The Northwest Regional Development Agency (NWDA) works with partners to build the competitiveness of our region’s businesses, people and places – vital ingredients of renewed economic growth. Our expertise and knowledge of the Northwest economy, and its potential, means we are uniquely placed to help the region emerge from the recession faster by agreeing economic priorities.
Four key achievements in the downturn Supporting small businesses – The NWDA is helping small businesses to access finance. Since April 2008, £35 million has been offered to businesses through Grant for Business Investment and Small Loans for Business.
We provide effective business support and encourage enterprise and innovation to help businesses weather the economic downturn and emerge stronger.
Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS) – MAS Northwest has achieved cost savings of £781 million for manufacturing companies and safeguarded or created over 9,200 jobs since 2002. The service continues to provide practical support, advice and workshops to improve business processes and innovation.
We lead the region towards recovery by providing clear economic leadership, investing in emerging sectors and expanding private sector employment and investment.
Northwest Urban Investment Fund (NWUIF) – The £100 million NWUIF uses European funding to unlock stalled urban development projects. The fund will provide debt, equity and guarantee investment to support regeneration projects, and channel returns on investment into other development projects.
We deliver value for money – every £1 invested has averaged a return of £5.20 in GVA. For every £1 that the NWDA spends, 92p is invested directly into projects.
Atlantic Gateway – This ambitious strategy aims to unlock the global growth potential of the Northwest and create an economic zone of international significance. Its objective is to make it easier and more enticing for businesses to invest in the region. The Gateway could deliver 250,000 new jobs and 400,000 new homes by 2030.
“The Northwest has been one of the regions to benefit most from a Regional Development Agency. The NWDA has been intrinsic to the renaissance of the Northwest and its business leaders can clearly identify the Agency's achievements.” Darrell Mathews, North West Regional Director, Institute of Directors
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Some key projects we have led or supported, which would not have happened without NWDA intervention, include:
Business MediaCityUK This project, Europe’s leading, purpose-built creative and media development, will deliver £1 billion in additional net value to the Northwest economy and provide workspace for over 1,100 creative businesses. International Trade During 2009/10, England’s Northwest was once again one of the best performing regions in the UK for foreign direct investment, attracting over 160 companies and creating or safeguarding more than 14,000 jobs. Over the past three years the NWDA has supported over 700 regional businesses in trading with international markets, which has seen a 32% increase in exporting to China. In the next three years, the NWDA and UKTI are implementing a new regional trade programme to help Northwest businesses achieve over £400 million in additional international sales. Daresbury Science & Innovation Campus Investment in this hightech, business, research and innovation space safeguarded the site from closure and is now home to almost 100 companies. Vanguard House is the latest facility currently being constructed and will provide 36,000 sq ft of accommodation.
People Leading Enterprise and Development (LEAD) This Programme aims to provide SMEs with the necessary skills to grow a successful business. It is designed for businesses with up to 20 employees to help them improve productivity and processes. To date, there are around 450 people enrolled on the Programme and it has an ambitious target to sign up 2,000 small firms. Mentoring Programme This Programme offers leaders and senior managers of small and micro-businesses access to free mentoring to guide and support them to grow their business. Currently, around 400 businesses are engaged with the Programme with the aim of establishing 3,000 mentoring relationships over a three-year period.
Place Blackpool attractions The Agency has invested £7.9 million into a £38.9 million project to ensure the major redevelopment of Blackpool Tower and the Winter Gardens, enhancing the tourism offer of the area. It is estimated that the redevelopment will welcome 800,000 more visitors to the Tower each year, bringing an additional visitor spend of £36 million per year. The project will create around 1,000 jobs and provide a return of £7 for every £1 of public sector investment. Cumbria floods The NWDA reacted quickly to the Cumbria floods with a £1 million flood support package. The Agency helped: to convert Mitchells Warehouse providing temporary units for flooded businesses; the Cumbria Community Foundation Donation; the Flood Recovery Grant Scheme; and promotion of a ‘open for business’ message in the national press. Major events In the last six years, NWDA-supported events have contributed £210 million to the Northwest economy. In 2008/09, the Agency supported 25 major events, including the Paralympic World Cup, the MTV Europe Music Awards and the Turner Prize.
Renaissance House, Centre Park, Warrington, WA1 1QN Tel: +44 (0)1925 400 100 Fax: +44 (0)1925 400 400 May 2010 NWDA k4-35