branding and publicity requirements A guide for partners delivering Northwest Regional Development Agency funded activities
The Northwest Regional Development Agency (NWDA) is one of nine regional development agencies established by the Government to develop the English regions. About the NWDA The NWDA is responsible for the sustainable economic development and regeneration of England’s Northwest and has five key priorities of Business, Skills and Education, People and Jobs, Infrastructure, and Quality of Life. We are advocates for the Northwest, forging a clear identity for the region, whilst supporting and maintaining partnerships, joining up initiatives and making the best use of the region’s resources. Through these initiatives the NWDA is now firmly established and well positioned to provide the leadership to bring about economic growth and prosperity throughout England’s Northwest.
Contact If you require confirmation for the correct application of these guidelines then please contact the Marketing Department on 01925 400100.
Publicity requirements Much of the Agency’s work is delivered by a wide variety of partners on our behalf. We recognise the value of partnership and will seek to acknowledge partnerships in our own branding and promotional activities. This guide describes how the Agency should be recognised for all projects and activities it funds or sponsors, and gives guidance to partners delivering these projects. The guidelines provide a broad outline of the Agency’s requirements with specific examples of how these should be applied.
Your responsibility As a recipient of funds from the Northwest Regional Development Agency you are contractually bound to adhere to the requirements as stated in this guide. Any breach of these guidelines may result in you having to pay back some of the funding.
For further information on the role of the NWDA see website at Regional information is available on You may feature links to your own organisation on this website. Details of how to do this are on the website itself.
Contents summary of these guidelines using the guide agency recognition: press, PR, events the Northwest Regional Development Agency logo
01 02 03 04
the England’s Northwest brand using the logo: print using the logo: internet using the logo: signing master artwork
06 08 10 10 12
summary of these guidelines/checklist
As a recipient of NWDA funding you are required to: 1. Include the NWDA and England’s Northwest logos on all publicity materials e.g. stationery, brochures, exhibition stands, powerpoint templates etc relating to this project. See pages 01 to 09. 2. Include the NWDA and England’s Northwest logos on the home page of any website for this project and include a link to and See page 10. 3. Produce and erect a temporary NWDA sign on development sites according to the artwork in these guidelines. The cost of this to be funded out of the project costs. See page 11. 4. Display permanent recognition of NWDA funding for buildings and public realm projects. For example, a plaque or engraving. See page 11.
5. Notify in advance and liaise with a member of the NWDA’s PR Team with regard to all press calls and press releases issued relating to the project. See page 03. 6. Notify in advance and liaise with the NWDA’s Marketing Department on any events relating to this project. See page 03. 7. Provide hard copies of all publicity for the project. 8. Provide a pdf of the project’s main brochure/leaflet for the NWDA website. 9. Provide images to illustrate the project where available e.g. artist’s impressions, photos commissioned etc, for use in NWDA publicity. Allow access to your project for NWDA-commissioned photography. 10. Agree to your project being featured as a case study or exemplar project by the NWDA.
branding and publicity requirements
using the guide The two most important elements of the guide are the Northwest Regional Development Agency logo and the England’s Northwest brand. Both are essential to the Agency’s communications and it is vital that they are used consistently and correctly in all applications. The guide will help you use these elements to represent the correct relationship between the Agency and your organisation or project.
The NWDA logo The NWDA logo is a unique device and is the primary visual representation of the Agency and its activities throughout the region and beyond. The logo must be shown in a prominent position on any material relating to projects and activities it supports. – the NWDA logo: page 04 – involvement and support: page 04 – using the logo: pages 08-12
The England’s Northwest brand The England’s Northwest brand is designed for a region that is working together to promote the best of the Northwest to the rest of the UK and overseas. The brand is an integral part of NWDA’s communications and should be used on all material which supports Agency funded projects. – the England’s Northwest brand: page 06 – using the brand: pages 08-12
Northwest Regional Development Agency
agency recognition: press, PR, events The Agency requires full recognition for its involvement in a project or initiative, whether this recognition appears in a press release, or as branding at an event.
Press and PR All press releases related to projects funded or partly funded by the NWDA must be approved by the Agency’s press office. They must include: – the Agency’s logo, – the England’s Northwest logo, – a descriptive paragraph on the Agency, – a quote from an NWDA spokesperson. The press office must also be informed of any press briefings or interviews scheduled to promote such projects. Press releases, which contain quotes by the Agency, must be signed off by an Agency Press Officer prior to release.
Descriptive paragraph The following paragraph should always be included in the Notes to Editor section of press releases:
Events Events can provide a useful platform to generate interest in a new initiative; these may take the form of:
The Northwest Regional Development Agency (NWDA) is responsible for the sustainable economic development and regeneration of England’s Northwest and has five key priorities: Business, Skills and Education, People and Jobs, Infrastructure and Quality of Life.
Property/Land Development Projects – sod cuts, opening and launch events.
For further information visit:
Contact 01925 400100. Marketing and PR Portfolio You will be expected to provide the Agency’s Marketing Department with copies of all marketing and PR materials which are produced as part of the project. This information should also be made available during monitoring and evaluation exercises.
Non-Property/Land Development Projects – launch events, seminars, conferences etc. Where an event is held: – the NWDA Marketing Department must be notified in advance, – the NWDA and England’s Northwest logos to appear on pre-event promotional material, on the day materials, and event holding slides, – a relevant Agency spokesperson must be invited to speak, – if there is not an NWDA speaker present, then verbal acknowledgement of the Agency’s support must be clearly referenced at the event, – partners should consult the Marketing Department to avoid clashes with other key regional events, – the NWDA should be given the option to include their own contacts on the invite list – an NWDA exhibition stand should be displayed (if appropriate).
branding and publicity requirements
the Northwest Regional Development Agency logo and name The NWDA logo is the primary visual representation of the Agency and it is vital that it is used and applied consistently and correctly in all applications. It is also important that the NWDA’s involvement and support for your project is recognised through correct and prominent use of the mark and its prefixes. Involvement and support Where the NWDA logo appears on a third party project or initiative it must always be prefixed to clarify the NWDA’s role. This is particularly important where the Agency supports or funds a project but it is not delivering it directly. Two prefix descriptors ‘Supported by’ and ‘In association with’ can be used in these instances. Do not attempt to create alternative descriptors. Master artwork which includes these descriptors is available and should always be used.
Supported by: for projects or initiatives funded, part-funded or sponsored by the NWDA.
In association with: for projects or initiatives where the NWDA has an active role in the project’s delivery.
Where the descriptor relates to more than one organisation it can be separated from the NWDA logo and used to describe the role of all the organisations. Examples of how to apply the logo and descriptors are shown from page 08 onwards.
The Northwest Regional Development Agency name When the full Agency name is referred to in continuous text, it should follow the format shown in the sample text opposite, with ‘Northwest’ spelt out as a single word and using capitals for N, R, D and A, followed by (NWDA). See sample text opposite. After the initial mention of the name in full, all subsequent references can just refer to ‘the NWDA’.
Northwest Regional Development Agency
Example use in continuous text: We are advocates for the Northwest, forging a clear identity for the region, whilst supporting and maintaining partnerships, joining up initiatives and making the best use of the region’s resources. Through these initiatives the Northwest Regional Development Agency (NWDA) is now firmly established and well positioned to provide the leadership to bring about economic growth and prosperity.
Symbol and logotype The NWDA logo is a unique device consisting of two elements, the Symbol [1] and the Logotype [2].
Symbol [1]
The NWDA logo should always be used as a single device. The Symbol and the Logotype should never be used separately and their proportions and relationship should not be altered in any way. Logotype [2]
Clear zone 1 unit
1 unit
1 1 unit unit
Clear zone for the logo The logo must be positioned in its own clear space, standing apart from other images and text. It must therefore be surrounded by a minimum clear zone as shown. The clear zone helps protect the status of the logo and ensures it is always displayed to best effect. Minimum size The minimum reproduction size for the logo is 35mm.
1 unit
Colour The NWDA logo can be reproduced in single colour using black, NWDA Red or NWDA Blue, or in full colour using NWDA Red and Blue. The logo may also be reproduced white-out of black, other appropriate background colours, or even photographic images. Ensure that the background is uncluttered and provides enough contrast to ensure clarity.
Minimum size 35mm
PMS Red 1797 CMYK 100m 99y 4k
PMS Blue 2955 CMYK 100c 45m 37k
The NWDA logo must be reproduced from digital master artwork. Do not attempt to create or adapt your own versions.
branding and publicity requirements
the England’s Northwest brand The England’s Northwest brand is designed for everyone who wants to promote or endorse their own part in the region. It is an integral part of the NWDA’s communications activity and should be used on all material which promotes the Agency’s involvement in projects or initiatives.
Brand message prefix
England’s Northwest namestyle
The brand mark The mark is a unique device consisting of two elements, the namestyle and a range of brand message prefixes or affixes. The mark must not be used without an appropriate brand message. There are seven brand messages available for use in Agency supported projects. These are shown opposite. When used with the NWDA logo, the message prefixes are helpful in defining the Agency’s role and objectives in supporting projects.
England’s Northwest name Where the region’s name is referred to in continuous text, it should be set in the standard typeface for the publication, split into two words using capitals E and N and with Northwest spelt out as a single word. See sample text opposite.
Northwest Regional Development Agency
Example use in continuous text: The region combines a very high quality of life, competitive house prices, impressive levels of education, friendly people and good links to European cities. England’s Northwest has a confident, cosmopolitan outlook, particularly reflected in its major cities.
The brand is a unique stand-alone mark designed for a region that is working together to promote the best of the Northwest to the rest of the UK and overseas. It is also intended to create a sense of regional identity and pride for the people who live and work here. It is important to remember that the England’s Northwest brand does not represent an organisation, it belongs to everyone who has something positive to say about our region.
Clear zone for the brand The brand must be positioned in its own clear space, standing apart from other images and text. It must therefore be surrounded by a minimum clear zone as shown. The clear zone helps protect the trade mark status of the brand and ensures it is always displayed to best effect.
Clear zone
1 unit
1 unit
1 unit
Minimum size The minimum reproduction size for the mark is 30mm. Colour The corporate colour for the England’s Northwest brand is Pantone 1797. However, it is acceptable for users to reproduce the mark within their own corporate colour palette. Minimum size 30mm
The mark may be used white-out of black, other appropriate background colours, or even photographic images. Ensure that the background is uncluttered and provides enough contrast to ensure clarity. England’s Northwest Red
A full copy of the England’s Northwest brand guidelines are available on:
100m 99y 4k
The England’s Northwest mark and messages must be reproduced from digital master artwork. Do not attempt to create your own brand/message versions.
branding and publicity requirements
using the logo: print These examples show how the NWDA logo and the England’s Northwest brand retain their integrity and impact on printed materials by following the basic principles in this guide. It is expected that the use of the logos reflects the level of NWDA’s contribution and support.
NWDA as a substantial partner Where the Agency is an equal or substantial partner in a project, the NWDA logo should have equal prominence with your logo. The example below shows how the NWDA is working in partnership with another organisation to deliver benefits in the region.
Influencing the future Town Centre Strategy
New opportunities – new perspectives Lorem ipsum dolor sitmet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie nulla facilisi.
Main partner logo
NWDA clear zone When using the NWDA logo with other partner logos, the minimum clear zone should be respected.
England’s Northwest clear zone When using the England’s Northwest logo with other partner logos, a dividing rule must be used and the minimum clear zone should be respected.
Clear zone
1 unit
Main partner logo
Main partner logo
1 1 unit unit
Northwest Regional Development Agency
Clear zone 1 unit
1 unit
1 unit
NWDA as an equal partner These examples show the NWDA having equal emphasis with a number of other partners.
Support ed by
The NWDA logo and England’s Northwest brand must be reproduced from digital master artwork. Do not attempt to create or adapt your own versions.
In the examples below, the NWDA is shown as one of a number of major partners working together for the region. In this instance the ‘Supported by’ prefix is separated from the NWDA logo and is used to describe the role of all of the partners. Where the NWDA logo is used with multiple logos, it is necessary to clarify the Agency involvement using the ‘Supported by’ or ‘In association with’ descriptors.
Main partner logo
Celebrating science 20-28 November 2003 Supported by
Partner logo
Partner logo
New opportunities – new perspectives Main partner logo
These layouts demonstrate alternative ways of using the England’s Northwest brand to clarify the activities of a group of organisations.
Partner logo
Partner logo
Lorem ipsum dolor sitmet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat.
In the example left, the three equal partners are ‘working together for’ England’s Northwest. In the example below, the partners, through their sponsorship are ‘investing in’ England’s Northwest.
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie nulla facilisi.
Principal Conference Sponsors
Supported by
Partner logo
Partner logo
branding and publicity requirements
using the logo: internet Where Agency funded projects have specific websites or web content on existing websites they should carry the NWDA logo or descriptor on the home page and a link to the Agency website.
Partner logo
Home Aims and objectives Strategy plan Progress Financial report
our City
Virtual tour
A-Z site map
Contact us
Town Centre Plan
Influencing the future
Have your say
Investment to date
New industry for old
Stage 2 report published
Cultural quarter
Join the debate
using the logo: signing
Temporary signs Where a development project site is funded or supported by the NWDA, a freestanding sign or supplementary sign panel must be used to identify the Agency’s involvement. Two standard sizes and formats are available for use. These signs include the NWDA logo and the England’s Northwest brand with the ‘Investing in’ descriptor. The cost of temporary site signs should be funded from the project costs.
our City
Logo application example The NWDA logo should be applied in a position that ensures it is immediately visible on a 15 inch monitor, set at a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels. Web pages should use web enabled versions of the NWDA and England’s Northwest logos. These should include links to the Agency and England’s Northwest websites. It is important for websites to observe minimum size and clear zone guidelines.
The NWDA and England’s Northwest marks must be produced from the master web versions available on the enclosed CD. Do not attempt to create or adopt your own versions
Northwest Regional Development Agency
Artwork for the two sign options is available on the CD enclosed. If you would like to use Agency approved signing contractors, please contact the Marketing Department. Telephone 01925 400100 As an interim measure, the NWDA are able to supply self-adhesive 5´x 2´ vinyl signs. Please contact the Agency’s Marketing Department if you require one of these. Telephone 01925 400100 Sign materials and fixings Standard specification requirements for the NWDA signs are included in a PDF specification document on the enclosed CD. Location You are required to position sign panels at a highly visible location.
Where Agency funding is being used as part of external development work, you are required to recognise this involvement using one of the sign options below. Typical projects would include: public realm work, public art initiatives, building refurbishment, land reclamation etc. Please note that it is the delivery partner’s responsibility to ensure that appropriate planning permissions are obtained for signs.
Existing development board
Permanent signs Permanent recognition of NWDA funding is required for all completed projects. For physical buildings this should be in the form of a plaque in the reception area or entrance foyer. For public realm projects a plaque or engraving should be built into the overall design. Plaques can be provided by the NWDA.
8´x 2´ (2440mm x 610mm) Supplementary sign panel to be fixed to existing development board.
Supported by the Northwest Development Agency
8´x 4´ (2440mm x 1220mm) Freestanding sign The NWDA and England’s Northwest logos must be reproduced from digital master artwork. Do not attempt to create or adapt your own versions.
branding and publicity requirements
master artwork Master artwork for all print and web versions of the NWDA logo and England’s Northwest brand options are supplied on the enclosed CD. Master artwork for the sign options and manufacturing specifications are also included.
Master artwork directory Spot colour – Illustrator eps files
CMYK – Full colour process files
Jpeg files (WEB)
NWDA_spot colour.eps NWDA_supported by.eps NWDA_in association.eps ENW_investing in.eps ENW_working together.eps ENW_supporting.eps ENW_discover.eps ENW_proud to be in.eps ENW_be inspired.eps ENW_fantastic foods.eps
NWDA_CMYK.eps NWDA_supported by_CMYK.eps NWDA_in association_CMYK.eps ENW_investing in_CMYK.eps ENW_working together_CMYK.eps ENW_supporting_CMYK.eps ENW_discover_CMYK.eps ENW_proud to be in_CMYK.eps ENW_be inspired_CMYK.eps ENW_fantastic foods_CMYK.eps
NWDA_colour.jpg NWDA_black.jpg NWDA_supported by.jpg NWDA_supported by black.jpg NWDA_in association.jpg NWDA_in association black.jpg ENW_investing in.jpg ENW_working together.jpg ENW_supporting.jpg ENW_discover.jpg ENW_proud to be in.jpg ENW_be inspired.jpg ENW_fantastic foods.jpg
Sign artwork NWDA sign specification.pdf 8 x 2 supplementary sign.eps 8 x 4 freestanding sign.eps
please note Please note that in every instance these guidelines must be read alongside any contractual agreement held between your organisation and the Northwest Regional Development Agency, and as such forms part of the legal and binding agreement.
Northwest Regional Development Agency
The Northwest Regional Development Agency manages all operations from its Headquarters at: PO Box 37 Renaissance House Centre Park Warrington WA1 1XB Tel: +44 (0)1925 400 100 Fax: +44 (0)1925 400 400 e-mail:
The Agency also has offices in the sub-regions:
Greater Manchester Giants Basin Potato Wharf Castlefield Manchester M3 4NB Tel: +44 (0)161 817 7400 Fax: +44 (0)161 831 7051
Cheshire and Warrington Brew House Wilderspool Park Greenalls Avenue Warrington WA4 6HL Tel: +44 (0)1925 644 220 Fax: +44 (0)1925 644 222
Merseyside Station House Mercury Court Tithebarn Street Liverpool L2 2QP Tel: +44 (0)1925 400 100 Fax: +44 (0)151 236 3731
Cumbria Gillan Way Penrith 40 Business Park Penrith Cumbria CA11 9BP Tel: +44 (0)1768 867 294 Fax: +44 (0)1768 895 477
Lancashire 13 Winckley Street Preston Lancashire PR1 2AA Tel: +44 (0)1772 206 000 Fax: +44 (0)1772 200 049
Visit: & Revised February 2006
LF02/06 J25640