Rotterdam Marianne Klein Bosscher & Klein
Rotterdam, daring city
Marianne Klein Today: Owner destination marketing consultancy Past: Managing director Rotterdam Marketing
Rotterdam, 1940
Inhabitants: Inhabitants: 600.000 600.000 Largest Largest Port Port World World –– Europe Europe nd city syndrom 22nd city syndrom
Bad Bad image image
End End 1990 1990 New New Strategy: Strategy: Attractive Attractive city city
Cluster Cluster parts parts of of the the city, city, Create Create exciting exciting areas areas Use Use the the river river Market Market the the city city
Create Create
Create Create
Create Create
Use Use the the river river
Use Use the the river river
Use Use the the river river & & harbour harbour
Market Market the the city city
Market Market the the city city
Young, Young, vibrant vibrant city city
Young, Young, vibrant vibrant city city
In In the the media media
In In the the media media
Problems Problems
Challenges Challenges
Inhabitants: Inhabitants: 560.000 560.000 Largest Largest Port Port Europe Europe nd city syndrom 22nd city syndrom
Image Image