The search is on for the best female-led business in the Northwest. The brand new Northwest Women in Business Awards will bring together women behind some of the region’s most innovative and successful companies. By celebrating those women who are already being successful, recognising and rewarding them for achieving that success on their own terms - we hope to encourage more female entrepreneurs which is important to the future prosperity of the Northwest economy. As a businesswoman are you already helping to shape the future? Have you got what it takes to inspire girls and young women in schools and colleges to think that the world of business is a real career opportunity? To enter the 2008 Awards, you must be a female entrepreneur blazing a trail for women. The Awards will recognise those who already combine their social responsibilities and lifestyles with running a highly successful business. You may enter more than one category. Entries must be received by no later than Thursday 28 February 2008. Details of where to send your entry appear at the end of this form. A special Awards presentation lunch will be held on Thursday 27 March 2008 at Haydock Park Racecourse. The event is free to attend. Short listed applicants will be invited as guests of the Northwest Women’s Enterprise Forum. To register a place or for more information on the event please visit or call Glasgows on 01772 767 758. The inaugural Northwest Women in Business Awards