Yvonne Sampson Strategy Manager - People Enterprise Team Enterprise and Skills Directorate
Overview of North West Enterprise Culture Project
National Policy Driver " Our starting point is the importance of enterprise
to the future of our country. For my mission for Britain - indeed the key future economic success and social cohesion - is a country where enterprise is truly open for all, a nation of aspiration and ambition united in encouraging and celebrating innovation and enterprise "RT Hon Gordon Brown MP , Chancellor of the Exchequer , 2004"
Regional Policy Drivers The North West are committed to developing an enterprise culture Northern Way Initiative - Promote Enterprise in Education ( 10 year programme 2005 ) Single Programme - developing enterprising young people across the NW
Definitions " Being enterprising is about risk-taking in all areas of society. It is about competing in schools, innovating in business and challenging the status quo in government " CBI (2005)
" A set of skills, attitudes and capabilities which can help weaken the link between economic uncertainty and social exclusion " Howard Davies A review of Enterprise and the Economy in Education ( 2002 )
Definitions cont……. • "Central to the concept of enterprise is having ideas and making things happen" Enterprise Insight ( The Enterprise4 Insight Report - Making ideas Happen (2005) • "Creating value from nothing or with limited resources" Babson College USA (2006 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor GEM ) • "The activity of starting up and growing a new business" National Employment Panel - Enterprising People , Enterprising Places (2005 ) "The Seizing of new business opportunities both by startups and existing firms" DTI ( 2006 )
Key Drivers of an Enterprising Culture
• Spotting opportunities • Marshalling resources • Building capacity
Enterprising Attributes
• Aspiration • Ambition • Attitude • Action
Why Did the Agency Commission the Work ? •
RES Action 3
Lots Happening on this Agenda
No Focussed Approach
Overlaps Between Skills/Enterprise Agenda
Greater Understanding of This Agenda
To Develop a Strategic Framework
Key findings • Existing policy and Provision focuses too much on "business" awareness and the skills and too little on encouraging attitudes and behaviour • Plethora of activities occurring in isolation with little coordination and knowledge sharing • Enterprise education is not continuous or consistent with the needs of a modern economy • Existing support is often misaligned with the needs of individuals • Enterprising culture in excluded groups and the formal economy is being wasted
Finalising the Strategic Plan
What is the Agency Doing for Enterprise Week?
• The Agency is Supporting the " Next Big Thing " • 500 School Kids • One Central Venue
Cont ….. • Odeon Cinema in Manchester on 15 November 2007 • Programme will feature three sessions, designed to introduce the concept of enterprise and to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs • Hosted by Mike Toolan from Key 103
Cont…… • Interviews from entrepreneurs • Steve Purdham, Ben Hatton – Rippleffect, Nikki Procter – Gorgeous Couture, Richard Baister – Velocity Drinks and Sam Fletcher – YEM. John Amaechi the British former NBA basketball player (famous for being the highest earning British sportsman
The Agency hope that your organisation will get involved in enterprise week and that any activity that stimulates, encourages, motivates, and inspires individuals to become more enterprising can only benefit the individual and the region