Northwestern Foundation & Alumni Association
Dear Ranger Family,
The volatility of the U.S. stock market in 2022 has been a consistent theme as investors have seen the S&P 500 surge 5.2 percent in the beginning of August to then drop with an end-of-the-month down of 5.2 percent. The rising costs of consumer goods has added concern, as has the conflict in Ukraine and what it may mean to our American security.
And yet, for Northwestern Oklahoma State University, a recurring theme emerges as it has in years’ past. You, as investors in our students and their education, as well as the future of all of us, have once again stepped forward, rolled up your sleeves, and placed a high mark on the value of education with your commitment of financial resources. Our endowment has steadily climbed.
On behalf of my colleagues on the board of the Northwestern Foundation & Alumni Association, we are eternally grateful. Without your investment, we could not support the next doctor who will save a life, the next educator who will inspire a dream, or the next entrepreneur who will bring new opportunities to mankind.
Thank you.
It is also fitting to mention another theme that has been critical to a successful year: teamwork. In the two years that I have chaired the board, I have been impressed with the teamwork that has supported the great work of the Northwestern Foundation & Alumni Association staff.
The Executive Committee, the Investment Committee, the Governance Committee and the Stewardship Committee – all comprised of volunteers who are passionate about the success of Northwestern – have faced the challenges and, on occasion, adapted alternative strategies to make the best decisions for the health and well-being of our organization. The Northwestern Alumni Board – again, passionate volunteers – has developed new programming that supports and represents the mission of the Northwestern Foundation & Alumni Association.
I am grateful for the commitment that all of these volunteers bring to the table. It is true; the accomplishments of a team always exceed the accomplishments of an individual. I know our finish line will always move to the next level and our work will never be done. But the journey, I believe, is worth it and I am grateful to be a part of it. Thank you for the honor of serving you.
Ride, Rangers, Ride.
Chair, Northwestern Foundation & Alumni Association Class of 1979
Dear Friends,
I feel fortunate to work in an organization that fuels learning and growth. It seems the older I become, the easier it would be to stop learning new stuff and just stick with what I think I know. Many of us become overly comfortable with the “status quo” in too many parts in our lives. I have this tendency in what I eat and what I wear. I have been recently informed by my daughters that some of the clothing I have been wearing for years is now back in style and called “retro”. I have mixed feelings about that information.
My team and I recently read a book by Adam Grant called “Think Again”. For me, this book reinforced the belief that we, as humans, need to be more open-minded. This is not a foreign concept for me. I know I have been wrong many times about something when I was convinced I was right. Even with that knowledge, the book was incredibly enlightening and educational.
I know my eagerness to research and learn new things was extraordinarily enhanced while attending college. When I was attending Northwestern in the 80s, I distinctly remember one of my professors challenging us to form our own opinions rather than simply adopt the opinions of our parents. That personal challenge significantly changed my mind and life for the better.
Similar personal growth events regularly occur on Northwestern’s campuses, such as when an individual discovers something they didn’t know. Just as beneficial is when a student learns something they believe to be true is inaccurate. These are two examples of life lessons that can occur in higher education to permanently and positively shape a mind. I believe if we could revisit our college experience, we would realize how many of our positive life changing perspectives happened on a collegiate campus. This is not an accident; rather, it is part of the deliberately-created culture.
When you make an investment in the students of Northwestern Oklahoma State University, you help create a life of learning and growth for which we will never see the full impact. The life changing difference that a college educated teacher, nurse, farmer or doctor creates for our world is impossible to measure. However, I believe we can agree that their collective effect is monumental. Every one of us has personally seen or felt their influence.
Thank you for creating the opportunity of a collegiate experience for so many with your investment. As you read our Annual Report and learn the stories of just a few of our students, please take a moment to celebrate your impact.
Allen E. "Skeeter" Bird CEO, Northwestern Foundation & Alumni Association Class of 1985![](
I am honored and humbled to serve as President and lead Northwestern Oklahoma State University into the future. I am thankful for a dedicated faculty and staff who work to meet the needs of our students every day. This presidency will continue to be about our people, and we are fortunate to have a strong base of alumni and community members who support our institution at all times.
We are pleased to see our legislature support an increase of funding for higher education this year. With this and strategic planning efforts, Northwestern was able to keep tuition and fees flat for the second straight year. However, there will be a small increase in room and board as cost of services continues to rise.
Northwestern Oklahoma State University continues to invest in our facilities to provide the best environment we can for our employees and our students. This fall, plans are to open our completely renovated South Hall facility, which is our largest women’s dormitory. Also, a newly renovated athletic training room will be available, which will provide enhanced resources to our coaches and student-athletes.
Finally, our new Strategic Plan, Success Lives Here, seeks to maintain a commitment to Northwestern’s rich traditions while adapting to the significant changes in the higher education landscape. I appreciate the many individuals who contributed to this new plan. The phrase "Success Lives Here" defines our expectations as we look forward to our future, and I am excited to see where we go. Your continued support is appreciated and necessary for the success of our future graduates in their journey.
Ride, Rangers, Ride.
Dr. Bo Hannaford![](
Northwestern Oklahoma State University Class of 1992
"I'm a 41-year-old mom of two teenagers, so it seemed like the right time to go back," said Megan Poole, an English major.
As a non-traditional student, Poole primarily attends classes via interactive video on Northwestern's Woodward campus.
"I'm in my sixth semester and I take a couple of classes at a time," Poole said. "I picked Northwestern because it was in Woodward and easier for me to attend."
Poole first went to college after graduating from high school, but found it wasn't for her at the time.
"I chose to return to college because I wanted to show my kids it's better to finish your schooling while you're young, but also you're never too old to go back and do what you want to do," Poole said. "I love English and I believe it's important to be wellspoken. I've always been interested in reading and language so English seemed like a natural fit.
Before returning to college, Poole had some reservations about taking the leap.
"I had to get over my fear of going back after 20 years," Poole said. "College is completely different from when I went the first time and it was scary. I had been talking about going back for about 10 years but always put it off. I had to make myself do it.
"It's a whole different mindset going back at this age. I'm here to get my degree and that's all I'm focusing on. I'm a much better student this time around, which shocked me because I was never a great student when I was younger. Having years of life experience under my belt makes a big difference."
Poole holds a special role in her classes not many students have.
"The kids are my peers in school; but on the Woodward campus, I'm everyone's mom." Poole said. "I'm taking the notes and making copies for everybody. I explain the concepts we're learning if someone doesn't get it.
"So much schoolwork is done electronically now and that was a huge change for me. Computers weren't utilized as much when I was younger. We didn't have online databases. We had the library and that was it. When I'm struggling with something to do with technology, the younger students will help me. I enjoy getting to have these relationships with them.”
Taking the steps to complete her education has
by Caitlin Hofengiven Poole a confidence she didn't have before.
"Having failed at college when I was younger, then coming back and being successful has made me realize I can do this," Poole said. "I think this was the right time for me to start again because of my age and maturity. I've definitely gained a boost in confidence."
Poole is unsure of what she wants to do with her degree, but that isn't stopping her from working toward her goal.
"I believe I want to possibly go into editing work," Poole said. "I'm not real sure what I want to do, but I know I need to finish my degree for myself. I need to prove to myself that I can do it.
"My goal is to graduate before my 15-year-old graduates from high school. I want to graduate and feel that sense of accomplishment. I'm so thankful my husband, Brian, supported and encouraged me to go back when I did. I couldn’t do it without my family.”
"As a first generation college student, Northwestern made me feel at home," said Preston Paschall, a sophomore health and sports science major.
A Burlington, Okla. native, Paschall chose to attend Northwestern for a variety of reasons.
"I was originally going to go somewhere to either play basketball or run track," Paschall said. "However, I decided to come to Northwestern because it was affordable, I knew I'd get a good education and I knew many people who were going to attend. It felt like home when I visited and it isn't far from home."
Paschall plans to attend physical therapy school after graduating from Northwestern.
"I work at a physical therapy clinic," Paschall said. "I'm using the experience I gain there to push myself toward graduate school and pursue physical therapy. I hope to come back to Alva and start my own clinic after obtaining my therapy license."
On campus, Paschall is active in many clubs and organizations. He attends the Baptist College Ministry (BCM) regularly and volunteers for the First Baptist Church of Alva. As a Northwestern Scholar Ambassador, Paschall is heavily involved in community events and campus involvement.
"I also work in the recruiting office," Paschall said. "I give campus tours to incoming freshmen, high school students and the occasional fourth grade class.
“Being active on campus has helped me put my name out there for other students to reach out and talk to me about anything. It has made me more mature as a person. I want people to know I tried my best and made the most of my college experience.
Navigating the difficulties of paying for college challenged Paschall when he started his first year.
"Having to do everything with scholarships, FAFSA® (Federal Student Aid) and financial aid was hard," Paschall said. "No one in my family had ever dealt with it before. It was something I had to learn about because my parents didn't know either.
"The connections I made my first year really set me up to be successful in the financial area. Calleb
by Caitlin HofenMosburg (Dean of Student Affairs) and Ethan Sacket (Student Success Coordinator) were there to answer any questions I had and helped walk me through what I needed to do to pay for college."
Paschall's motivation for continuing his education stems from a financial freedom he strives to have.
"I grew up watching my parents work all the time without a college education, and they didn't get to live the lifestyle I do," Paschall said. "I want to enjoy the four years I have at college while getting things taken care of. While my parents are successful in what they do, I'd like to be more so and have more financial freedom. I want to give back to my community and volunteer my time in ways my parents aren't able to."
The relationships Paschall has made at Northwestern has shaped him in many ways.
"I have many friends through the BCM who hold me accountable for my actions," Paschall said. "They have not only helped me strengthen my relationship with Christ, but also encourage me to serve on campus and in the community. I know these friendships will last a long time.
"I have many people I look up to at Northwestern and I see what role they have on campus. It makes me want to be a better person in both my personal and professional life.”
“I’ve always needed extra help when it came to learning,” said Mary Tyler, an early childhood education major. “So I want to help the children like me who need a little more support.”
Originally from West Africa, Tyler was adopted by a family in the United States 16 years ago and graduated from Alva High School in 2014. After that, she graduated from cosmetology school and worked for a year and a half in the profession.
Tyler’s next career move is what inspired her to start her collegiate journey.
“I worked at the Washington Early Childhood Education Center in Alva for four and a half years as a paraprofessional,” Tyler said. “In December 2021, I chose to pursue a degree in early childhood education. I loved working with children and I decided I didn’t want to just be an assistant. I wanted to be an educator.
“By watching these children grow and learn, I decided I wanted to get my degree. I chose Northwestern because it was close, and I had heard the education program was really good.”
As Tyler prepared to take the next steps in her educational journey, she faced some doubts along the way.
“I’ve only had four years of public education,” Tyler said. “I didn’t go to school in West Africa, and then I was homeschooled when I came to the United States. The public education was from 9th grade to 12th grade. The idea of taking the chance to go to college was the biggest obstacle I had to overcome, because I didn’t think I could.
“I’ve learned to adapt to college life like everyone else. I know many struggle with school, so I’ve accepted the fact that I’m going to have hardships. I’ll just have to work through the challenges and not give up. Putting in the work and asking questions have built my confidence since I started.”
Tyler said her goal is to specialize in special education to help students like her.
“I’ve always had to overcome barriers when it comes to my education,” Tyler said. “If I can do it, I want to be able to encourage children that they can do it, too. That is my motivation to continue
by Caitlin Hofenmy education. Working with children for so long opened my eyes to how I can help.”
Since starting her collegiate career, Tyler found encouragement somewhere she didn’t expect.
“Dawn Allen was my Composition professor during my first year,” Tyler said. “English has always been a struggle for me, but she constantly reassured me I was capable of doing the work. She and I created a relationship I’m so thankful to have.”
Tyler offers advice to those thinking about starting college.
“Give it a try,” Tyler said. “You’re going to doubt yourself like I did and it’s going to be scary. It’s a whole new world and nothing like you experienced in high school. If you give yourself the chance to try it, you’ll find out if it’s right for you. Don’t hold yourself back.”
Uniting Donors’ Passions with Northwestern’s Excellence
The Northwestern Foundation & Alumni Association is committed to providing Northwestern Oklahoma State University and its students the resources required to thrive in a competitive collegiate environment and future endeavors.
The Northwestern Foundation & Alumni Association will:
•Place the success of the students and the university foremost in our plans.
•Strengthen the legacy of professionalism, loyalty, sincerity, integrity and reliability with everyone we encounter.
•Foster and maintain positive relationships and communication with our alumni and community to promote a positive giving climate.
•Build on our strong sense of tradition, family and community and ensure our donors understand how everyone plays a part in the success of a Northwestern student.
The Donovan Reichenberger Fundraising Award was established in 2010 by the Northwestern Foundation & Alumni Association with the goal to recognize the private fundraising efforts of Northwestern Oklahoma State University faculty and staff. Named for Donovan Reichenberger and his example of generous fundraising service, the award honors an individual who seeks to further the mission and vision of the university, allowing continued prosperity during a critical time of diminishing state support.
Brad Franz, athletic director, was awarded the Reichenberger Fundraising Award in 2022. Over the years, he has led his coaches in raising significant funds for operations. Most recently, he took the lead on two large and visible athletic projects, as well as a new endowed scholarship.
Franz secured four lead donors and raised funds for the Sports Hall of Fame project, which provided the first formal space dedicated to honoring Sports Hall of Fame inductees. His leadership also helped to create the Jim Booth Training Center and the Jim Booth Athletic Training Scholarship. His strong relationship with Booth over many years influenced Booth to make a $500,000 bequest for Northwestern Athletics. The investment in both the facility and the scholarship greatly improves the quality of injury and rehabilitative care for every student athlete at Northwestern.
2022 Term
Josh Bellamy, Cherokee, Okla.
James E. Dunning, Jr., Wichita, Kan.
L.D. Rapp, Enid, Okla.
Kyle Reynolds, Woodward, Okla. Loren Rieger, Cherokee, Okla.
2023 Term
Mike Benway, Enid, Okla. Cassandra Berry, Cherokee, Okla. Larry DeWitt, Cherokee, Okla. Patty DeWitt, Cherokee, Okla. Blaine Easter, Stillwater, Okla. Austin Keeney, Edmond, Okla. Dr. Randy Smith, Jones, Okla. Linda Tutwiler, Alva, Okla. Grace Wessels, Cherokee, Okla. ReJeana Wiebener, Alva, Okla.
Skeeter Bird, Chief Executive Officer
John Allen, Director, Alumni Relations
Laci Davidson, Financial Manager
Jeremy Judd, Database/Research Manager
Stephanie Lambert, Office Manager
Jana Garvie Lindley, Marketing/Communications Manager
Antonio Loustaunau, Relationship Manager
2024 Term
Shawnna Berryman, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Mike Fouts, Alva, Okla.
Cherrie Greco, Denver, Colo. Dr. Gary Lott, Alva, Okla. Rita Porter, Cherokee, Okla. Stephen Stands, Edmond, Okla.
You can make checks payable to the Northwestern Foundation or process a gift by credit card at: donate.
Your employer may match or even exceed your contri butions to Northwestern. Contact your employer for eligibility.
Donating appreciated real estate – such as a home, vacation property, undeveloped land, farmland, ranch property and/or commercial property – can create a significant impact to Northwestern. Gifts of land holdings can include surface and/or minerals.
You may be able to transfer stock or mutual fund holdings to Northwestern while securing significant tax benefits for yourself and your family.
You can direct your bank to issue payments on a monthly or annual basis to Northwestern.
Charitable remainder trusts and annuities allow you to make a significant gift to Northwestern while ensuring a stable source of income for you and your loved ones.
Retirement funds and real estate, as well as certain types of personal property (artwork, collections, etc.), can be transformed into significant philanthropic support for Northwestern.
This is our planned giving program for individuals who choose to make estate gifts through a bequest. Gifts to this program can create a legacy that will benefit Northwestern for generations. Contact Skeeter Bird, CEO, at (580) 327-8593.
Adair and Susan Brown William and Billie Buckles M.L. Sharp
Skeeter and Raye Lyn Bird
OG&E Energy Corp. Foundation, Inc. Stephen Stands and Susan Newby-Stands Darrell and Grace Wessels
Dr. James and Kerri Bell Mike and Shawnna Berryman Dr. Janet and Rick Cunningham Larry and Patty DeWitt Dr. Cheryl and Tom Evans Dr. Thomas and Sherry Gossett Joe and Dee Anne Heaton Bert and Janice Mackie Jane and Max McDermott Mr. Daniel O'Neil Pioneer Cellular L.D. and Carolyn Rapp Robert and Cynthia Reeg Clifford W. Richter, Ph.D.
John and Dawn Allen Lt Col James E. and Connie Bradley Dr. Yvonne Carmichael Ronald and Myra Davison Joe and Kay Dettle Brad M. Franz Ron and Gina Kendrick Dennis K. Lakely Dr. Scott and Leslie Maxwell Dr. David M. Pecha Bob and Monica Schmidt Carla White
Dennis Angle Ron and Elizabeth Argo Wayne and Mary Catherine Bliss Phyllis Brunsteter John Logan Tiffany and Trent Misak Eric Tutwiler Linda Tutwiler
Consecutive Years of Giving
50+ years
Alva State Bank John and Margaret Barton Phyllis Brunsteter
40-49 years BancCentral, N.A. Allen and Thelma Crouch
30-39 years
Community Bank Dr. Kenneth H. Brown Dr. Jerry and Donna Brownrigg William and Billie Buckles Dr. Yvonne Carmichael Angelia R. Case Valarie Case
Charles Morton Share Trust Paul and Deb Corr Dr. Janet and Rick Cunningham Ronald and Myra Davison Thamazin Harrison Drs. Steve and Lisa Lohmann Long Family Trust Dr. Gary G. and Melanie Lott Stephen Stands and Susan Newby-Stands
Bob and Monica Schmidt Dr. Larry and Cynthia Smith Dr. Charles and Jane Tucker Linda Tutwiler Allen and Betsy Zadorozny
20-29 years
City of Alva Mark and Marjie Bagley Bryce and Sherrie Benson Dr. Sheila Brintnall Scott and Tammy Brown Mike and Rhonda Cook Dr. Kathleen and Gary Earnest Trent and Cindy Goss Rod and Dian Gourley J. Anne Haight
Patrick and Patty Harkin Hadley and Mary Hintergardt Holder Drug Store Stanley and Deb Kline
Karen Koehn
Dr. Timothy and Melissa Maharry Dr. Michael and Joy Meier
Amelia Nash Dr. Stephen W. and Sue Painton Diane and Jamey Penner Lizabeth Richey Craig and Jaime Ricke Dr. Troy and Liz Smith Drs. Lyle and Martie Young
10-19 years
Kandee A. Almgren Alva Farmers Co-op Alva Nails Richard and Kandy Anderson Dennis Angle Skeeter and Raye Lyn Bird Dr. Mary Brune Jeral D. and Rita Ranson Cain Douglas and Susan Chaffin The Cleaning Closet Janet Cook Cookie's Bowl Tony and Vicki Crouch Doris Curtis Patrick and Mary Ann Dixon Chauncey Durham Erikson Steel Sandra Estep Kevin and Rhonda Fields Chad and Melissa Fisher Foote's Farm Supply Brad M. Franz
Gregg and Donnell Glass Trent and Cindy Goss Dr. Thomas and Sherry Gossett Dr. Jerry and Rose Gustafson William Hadwiger Dr. Bo and Tara Hannaford Shane and Kaylyn Hansen Roger and Eleanor Herold Ryan S. Hintergardt Teresa Hipp Dr. Shawn and Susan Holliday H & R Block Lois A. Hudgins Anthony J. Johnson
Ron and Gina Kendrick Evelyn Kramp Sheri and Troy Lahr Dennis K. Lakely, CPA Steve and Sheila Lehr Bert and Janice Mackie Dr. Scott and Leslie Maxwell Dr. Wayne and Lori McMillin Randy and Paula McMurphy Verne and Gloria Metcalf Dr. Cornelia Mihai Marilyn A. Myers
NWOSU Senior Staff Dr. Jennifer and Nick Oswald Kelly and Lisa Parker Steve and Elizabeth Parkhurst Dr. David M. Pecha Jim and Annette Pfeiffer Dr. Barbie Phillips Prowers Tax Service Terry Ross Dr. Dean and Cassandra Scarbrough Dr. Eric J. Schmaltz Annette L. Schwerdtfeger Mark and Debbie Skinner Gene and Virginia Stands Joe and Jean Surface Dale and Cheryl Swiggett Eric Tutwiler Dr. Dena E. Walker Ronnie Walker James and Connie Walsh Kimberly Weast Darrell and Grace Wessels Darren and Marisa Whitely Judy I. Wolgamott Alycen M. Yoder
5-9 years
Lois Albert John and Dawn Allen Alva Veterinary Clinic Alva Veterinary Supply Alva's Market Dr. Kaylene D. Armstrong Steven and Vanedda Barrows Jayson and Kaycee Bartel Dr. James and Kerri Bell
Mike and Teresa Benway
Mike and Shawnna Berryman Beta Eta Sorority Brandon and Sadie Bier Wayne and Mary Catherine Bliss
Paula Bloyd
Dr. David H. and Emily Bohlen James Booth
Ryan and Alyssa Bowen Lee and Cindy Brower Freddie and Marilyn Brown Gary and Terri Brown Lloyd and Rexina Brown Dr. Roger and Melissa Brown Richard and Laura Burdick Dennis and Sheri Bushman Rich and Pam Cantillon
Dr. James and Marcee Claflin Dr. Mindi and Steve M. Clark
Amanda Clepper
Greg and Jayne Cloud Dr. Leslie and Brian Collins Conoco Phillips
Glenn Cushenbery
Daisy Village Company, LLC Adam and Tasha Diesselhorst Jim E. and Jill Dunning Steve and Cheryl Ellis Joe and Dianna Feely Susan and James Ferguson Travis R. Fox Stephen and Pamela Gale Shawna Gilbert Larry and Joy Glass Goodrich Plumbing Grow and Share Home Extension
Jerry and Jean Harmon Weldon M. Harms
Pat Hayes Barbara J. Hiett
Garnett L. and Patricia Hill Dr. Sharon Hill
Hopeton State Bank Jane Hood Dr. Christee L. Jenlink J & J Appliance Col. Robert and Janis Johnson
Adam and Dayna Jordan Jacob and Jodee Kelln Ron and Gina Kendrick John and Shawn Kimber K & K Body Works, Inc. Darrell and Ann Kline
Jesse Kline
Mistie Kline Ms. Luella Koppitz K & S Tire
Jill Lancaster Dr. Kathryn Lane Chris and Lexie Lauderdale Tim and Andrea Lauderdale
Shannon Leaper George and Linda E. Leist Dr. Jennifer L. Mahieu Marshall Funeral Home Mark Martin McClure Agency
Richard L. McKnight Dr. Callie and Calleb Mosburg Raymond and Kathy Moss Gary and Charlotte Murrow Arthur and Janyce Myers Lawana Newell
Roger and Leigh Ann Nobis Dr. T.J. and Marlene Norman Northwest Electric Company Dr. Steven C. Palmer Don and Angela Raleigh Jay and Jodie Randels Reiman Performance Auto Terrence and Dianne Rice Jim and Melba Richey Dr. Clifford W. Richter Ridgeview Veterinary Hospital Duane and Willa Ring Dana K. Roark Tricia D. Roth
Eric Wheeler and Dr. Kathryn Salvatore
Dr. Clifton F. and Judith A. Savoy Fred and Kelly Schamburg L. John and C. Evlyn (Wright) Schmidt Denise and Jim Schroeder Dr. Philip Self Joe and Ann Shirley
SPI Jeff and Sharon Struckle Dr. Patricia Thompson Tim and Charla Turner
Doug and Kamee Van Meter Matthew Walter Keith Wear Trudy N. Wheeler Carla White
Whittet's Country Store Tony and Margaret Woodlief Woods County Abstract Corporation Olivia Yandel
RISE: Rangers Investing in Students and Education
This list includes the names of the individuals who have invested in Northwestern endowments for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Also included are companies that have elected to support the academic journeys of our students.
Marilyn and Fred Aaron
Lois Albert
Jimmy and Kandice Allen John and Dawn Allen
Kandee A. Almgren
Alva Nails
Alva Review-Courier Alva Veterinary Clinic Alva Vision Clinic Eldon W. Ames
Debbie Anderson Richard and Kandy Anderson
Dennis Angle Dr. Luis Rocha Antunes Ron and Elizabeth Argo Dr. Kaylene Armstrong Mark and Marjie Bagley
Patty Baker William and Teresa Baker BancCentral, N.A. Chiu-Sheng A. and Wayne Barnes
Shaun and Kim Barnett John and Margaret Barton Milburn and JoDonna Barton Bates Bows & More Larry and Julia Bays Beadles Nursing Home Tracy L. Beedy
Jim Beierschmitt Dr. James and Kerri Bell Donna Benson
Chris Berry Mike and Shawnna Berryman Beta Eta of Beta Sigma Phi Brandon and Sadie Bier Skeeter and Raye Lyn Bird Wayne and Mary Catherine Bliss
Paula Bloyd
Darrell Bode
Jacob Boedecker Dr. David H. and Emily Bohlen Dr. Andrew Bond Dr. Donald Bonner
Patsy Bottom
Robert Boucek Chris and Donna Bouziden Ryan and Alyssa Bowen Troy and Donna Bowles
Lt Col James E. and Connie Bradley
Sharon and Leo Brandt Dr. Sheila Brintnall Hal Brizzolara Adair and Susan Brown Freddie and Marilyn Brown Dr. Kenneth Brown Dr. Roger and Melissa Brown Scott and Tammy Brown Dr. Jerry and Donna Brownrigg Dr. Mary Brune
Grant Brunsteter
Phyllis Brunsteter
William and Billie Buckles Leroy and Sue Burks Laverne Bush Dennis and Sheri Bushman Elizabeth Busse Robert and Carolyn Calvery Charles and Linda Campbell Rich and Pam Cantillon Dr. Yvonne Carmichael R. Duane and Floriene Carter Angelia Case Valarie Case Arden and Nicki Chaffee Douglas and Susan Chaffin Tom and Lisa Chase Matthew and Lindsey Cherry Dr. James and Marcee Claflin
The Cleaning Closet Amanda Clepper Tom Cleveland Colby and Lendi Clodfelter Dr. Leslie and Brian Collins Community Bank Mike and Rhonda Cook Steven and Jenifer Cooks
Cheryl Coons Paul and Deb Corr Kenneth Creech Tom Crenshaw
Croft Country Chevrolet Allen and Thelma Crouch Tony and Vicki Crouch Dr. Janet and Rick Cunningham Doris Curtis Everett and Judy Cutter
Donny and Carol Darrow Laci Davidson
Ronald and Myra Davison Dean Goll Real Estate & Auction Delta Zeta Sorority Joe and Kay Dettle Larry and Patty DeWitt Adam and Tasha Diesselhorst Jolisa Dobbs Judy and Bruce Dollar Donut Palace Chauncey Durham Dr. John Ellerbach Ellis & Associates Steve and Cheryl Ellis Erikson Steel Ronald Erikson James Erskine Dr. Cheryl and Tom Evans Ida M. Evans Jody and Annie Evans Anita Farris Gerald Farris Nick and Peggy Farris Barbara Faulkner Sue and Kenneth Fellers Jason Ferrell Kevin and Rhonda Fields Bryan and Mona Fischer Roger and Sandra Foraker Brad Franz
Stephen and Pamela Gale Vanessa and Brent Garvie Charles and Carolyn Gasaway Lou Ann Gebhards Gregg and Donnell Glass Larry and Joy Glass Tamara and Gary Goeken Dustin Goodno Goodrich Plumbing Gordon and Jean Gore R. L. and Margaret Goss Trent and Cindy Goss Dr. Thomas and Sherry Gossett Janie Gould Rod and Dian Gourley Dee Graham Greg Graham Verlinda Gregg
DeAnna and Jim Gregory
Grow and Share Home Extension Garold and Lois Gum
Gungoll, Jackson, Collins, Box & Devoll, P.C.
Dr. Jerry and Rose Gustafson H & R Block
William Hadwiger Patria and Tim Hague J. Anne Haight Elston and Sandy Hall Seth Haltom
Randy and Mary Hamilton Dr. Bo and Tara Hannaford Brenda Hannaford Shane and Kaylyn Hansen Patrick and Patty Harkin Jerry and Jean Harmon Weldon Harms
Thamazin Harrison Robert and Wally Haub
Pat Hayes Dan and Karen Heaton Joe and Dee Anne Heaton
Jerry Hemry
Richard and Monica Hendricks Roger and Eleanor Herold Shayla Herren Hi-Lo Apartments
Barbara Hiett
Dr. Doyle and Renee Hill Garnett and Patricia Hill Kenneth Hill Ryan Hintergardt
Teresa Hipp
Hodgen Law Firm PLLC Holder Drug Employees Dr. Shawn and Susan Holliday
Jennifer Holmes
Kenneth and Jane Hood
Paula Huckabaa
Dr. Ed and Latricia Huckeby Lois Hudgins
Iras Humphreys
Terry Ingmire
Travis Jackson
Dr. Roxie James
Andy Jimenez
Anthony B. Johnson
Anthony J. Johnson
Larry and Linda Johnson Robert and Janis Johnson Johnny and Donna Jones
Linda Joseph
Dr. Frederick and Wendy Jungman
David Kahle
Austin Keeney Jacob and Jodee Kelln Ron and Gina Kendrick Linda and Lail Kidd Bobby and Carla Kildow
Julie Kimber Ali Kirtly Keith and Marlene Kisling Jesse Kline Mistie Kline Stanley and Deb Kline Karen Koehn Evelyn Kramp Cullen and Rachel Kraus Regina Kraus Sheri and Troy Lahr Dennis Lakely Dr. Matthew Lambert Jill Lancaster Dr. Lori and Wes Lane Cherie Lau Tim and Andrea Lauderdale Lu Lazenbery Shannon Leaper Patricia Lee Lee and Tracie Leeper Steve and Sheila Lehr Lehr's Body Shop James Leslie Sam and Jennifer Leu Warren and Beverly Little John Logan Dale and Vicki Logsdon Drs. Steve and Lisa Lohmann Long Family Trust Yvette Lowery Lee Mackey
Loyal Disciples Sunday School Class
Bert and Janice Mackie Dr. Timothy and Melissa Maharry Dr. Jennifer Mahieu
Dr. Todd and Kimberly Mapes Catrina Marsh Marshall Funeral Home Jeanne Martin
Joe and Kelsey Martin Dr. Scott and Leslie Maxwell McClure Agency
Dr. Hazel McCord and Earnest Tolin
McDaniel Family Foundation Jane and Max McDermott Richard L. McKnight Randy and Paula McMurphy Dr. Diane Means Thomas and Margaret Melander Janice Melton Omar and Michelle Mendoza Merrifield Office Supply Dr. Cornelia Mihai Trent and Tiffany Misak Connie Mitchel Richard and Connie Moore Lonnie Morris Dr. Callie and Calleb Mosburg Raymond and Kathy Moss Charles and Shirley Murrow Arthur and Janyce Myers Marilyn Myers Nelson and Pat Myers Tom and Robin Newby Lawana Newell Claudia Newman Northwest Electric Company
OG&E Energy Corp. Foundation, Inc. Dr. Jana Oister Terry Oliver Daniel O'Neil Dr. Stephen and Sue Painton Vada Parker James Parnell Dr. David Pecha Jamey and Diane Penner Jim and Annette Pfeiffer Dr. Barbie Phillips LaVern and Marcia Phillips Richard and Linda Pickens Pioneer Cellular Raymond C.K. Poon
RISE: Rangers Investing in Students and Education
Calvin Prince Prowers Tax Service Don and Angela Raleigh J. P. and Joelle Randall Jay and Jodie Randels
L.D. and Carolyn Rapp Rara's Embroidery Robert and Cynthia Reeg Tom and Angela Reid Reiman Performance Auto Lynne Reynolds Grant, Erma, & Mary Ann Rezabek
Terrence and Dianne Rice Tyler and Megan Rice Jim and Melba Richey Dr. Clifford Richter Craig and Jaime Ricke Melvin and Nina Ricke Ridgeview Veterinary Hospital Michael and Judith Ridgeway
Riggs Advertising Specialty & Sign, LLC
Duane and Willa Ring Kay Ritter
Chris Rivera Dana Roark Freelin and Doris Roberts Dr. James Rodgers Keith and Brenda Rose Terry Ross Tricia Roth
Ruma-Lic Animal Products, LLC
Richard Ryerson S & H Insurance, LLC
Huldah Sanders
Sandpiper West Apartments, LLC Dr. Clifton and Judith Savoy Dr. Dean and Cassandra Scarbrough
Fred and Kelly Schamburg
Bryce and Jessica Schanbacher Dr. Eric Schmaltz
Bob and Monica Schmidt Elaine Schnebel
Mark and Jana Schnebel Steven Schnitzer
Jim and Denise Schroeder Schuessler Insurance Clark and Shirley Schultz
Annette Schwerdtfeger
Vanessa Scoggins
Dr. Philip Self
L.E. and Suzanne Sellers
George and Lois Sense Estate Mary Servis
Elizabeth Shepherd Jan Siders
Mark and Debbie Skinner Smith Drug Store Colby and Stacey Smith Dr. Larry and Cynthia Smith Dr. Troy and Liz Smith SPI Stephani and Cody Spurlock Gene and Virginia Stands
Stephen Stands and Susan-Newby Stands
Randy and Kim Stelling Johnny Stephens Steve and Joni Sterling Debby Stine Jack and Ruby Stout Clint and Jan Strawn Jeff and Sharon Struckle Irma Elliott Summit Wealth Strategies Joe and Jean Surface Naicee Sutter Timothy and Kristina Taylor Leisa TeLinde
William and Melody Theademan Dr. Patricia Thompson Thure and Marisa Tolson Town & Country Properties Tim and Charla Turner Eric Tutwiler
Linda Tutwiler Thomas Ulen The Vanilla Bean Mike VanLandingham Doug and Kamee Van Meter Manuel Vazauez, Jr. Vendetti Plumbing and Drain Lisa M. Vermillion Dr. Robert Vest Bradley Vincent Ronnie Walker James and Connie Walsh Matthew Walter
Max and Janet Wanger Scott and Joy Ware H.E. Warrick Kirk and Drue Washburn Joseph and Cathleen Watt Connie and Mark Watts Keith Wear Rick and Jill Weedon Dr. Shelly Wells J.C. Wells Darrell and Grace Wessels Keith West Eric Wheeler and Dr. Kathryn Salvatore
Trudy Wheeler Wheeler Brothers Grain Co. Carla White Darren and Marisa Whitely John Wilczek Murl Wilkins Allen and Carolyn Wilson Jan Wilson Taylor Wilson Windy Ford, Inc Wisdom Family Foundation Inc. Woods County Abstract Corporation Woods County Employees Sam and Janis Wooten David Wright Olivia Yandel Robert Yocham Alycen Yoder Allen and Betsy Zadorozny Mark Zadorozny Greg and Lesa Zenger Zachary Zook
Lifetime Giving
Million Dollar Guild $1,000,000 or more
City of Alva Charles Morton Share Trust Enid Public Higher Ed Authority & Economic Dev. Authority Earl and Ilus Overton Donovan and Dorothy Reichenberger Richard and Johnece Ryerson Leroy Stauffer The Wisdom Family Foundation, Inc.
Legacy $500,000-$999,999
BancCentral, N.A. James Booth Don and Phyllis Campbell Community Bank
George Dyer Estate Kenneth and Sue Fellers Larry and Joy Glass M.L. Sharp Ernest Tyler Trust Wethington Estate
Alva State Bank Adair and Susan Brown William and Billie Buckles W.D. and Wanda Campbell Cellular Network Partnership/ Pioneer
Enid Higher Education Council, Inc. Ida M. Evans Jake and Jane Lindsay Vernon and Edna McNally Earl Middleton Trust Todd and Mary Margaret Miller Dr. J.A. Reichenberger
Dean and Clara Simon Doug and Kamee Van Meter
Stakeholders $100,000-$249,999
Bobby and Brenda Alexander Alva Concrete, Inc.
Henry Belcher
Bruce and Sheryl Benbrook/ The Stock Exchange Bank Jeral and Rita Cain Dick and June Caruthers Conoco, Inc.
Dr. Janet and Rick Cunningham Jim and Jill Dunning Gene Belcher Educational Foundation
Arch and Jo Anne Gilbert
Harold Hamm
Larry and Phyllis Hammer Hazel Exline Trust David and Louise Johnson Glen Kolb Estate Bert and Janice Mackie Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma Dr. Tom and Brenda McDaniel Dick and Lavonn McKnight Verne and Gloria Metcalf Middleton Trust Darell Nay OG&E Energy Corp. Foundation, Inc.
David Parker III Helen Patterson Presbyterian Health Foundation Phillips Petroleum Foundation/ Phillips 66 Darrell and Grace Wessels
Capstones $25,000-$99,999
Lois Albert Alva Odd Fellows Lodge #44 Alva's Community Foundation Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Dr. Wilton Anderson Stewart and Cheryl Arthurs
Patty Barker
John and Margaret Barton Bob and Shelly Battisti Donna Benson Skeeter and Raye Lyn Bird
Bill and Charlene Bixler Dr. David and Emily Bohlen David Bradley Lt Col James and Connie Bradley Dr. Kenneth Brown Troy and Kathy Brown Margie Brunkest Mary Lou Bryan Thelma Campbell Cargill, Inc. Dr. Yvonne Carmichael Myrna Carney Trust Drs. Peter and Loretta Casper Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
Chesapeake Energy Dr. James and Marcee Claflin Donald and Shirley Coppock Pearl English Crain Thelma and Allen Crouch William and Barbara Dickson Linda Dobbins Dr. B. D. Dotter Dr. Richard and Bebe Dotter Dow Chemical Co. Dr. Kathy and Gary Earnest James Ellis James Erskine Esther Blessington Trust Dr. Cheryl and Tom Evans Mead and Mary Ferguson Dr. Deena and Tom Fisher Francis Zwickey Estate Frontiers of Science Foundation of Oklahoma Lyle Fugit Christopher Glass Gregg and Donnell Glass Doris and Vernon Harper Trust Carl Hartwig Heartland Best Jim and Mary Holder Holder Drug Store Hopeton State Bank
Thomas Howe Charles and Clara Jackson Clyde Johnson Donald Johnson Karen Johnson Ronald and Sandra Johnson Steve Johnson KALV Radio Dr. James and Ava Keeney
Bolding indicates new level of giving.
Lifetime Giving
Paul and M. Susan Ketterman Jack and Dee Wiebner/LaDEEda
Dr. Milt and Becky Lehr Herb and Cheryl Listen Drs. Steve and Lisa Lohmann M.D. Jirous Foundation, Inc. Lee and Peggy Mackey Marcella Madison Estate John and Nancy Martin Dr. John and Frances Marvel Florence McCoy Trust
Archie McCray Estate Max and Jane McDermott Dr. Michael and Joy Meier Helen Mellor Estate Dr. Eldon and Pam Mitchell Chad and Kimberly Moore Amelia Nash Paul and Elaine Nighswonger Herbert Niles
Oklahoma National Gas Ira and Jane Painton
David and Margaret Parker Roland and Terry Pederson Leland and Gloria Piersall Mike and Sue Rauh Roberta Roberts Terry Ross Rowdy Rangers
Mildred Starr Ryerson Elaine Schnebel Dr. A. Merrill, Winona and Steve Schnitzer Jim and Denise Schroeder Dr. John Schuhmacher Doris Schupbach Lou Shepherd Joe and Ann Shirley John and Jackie Slack Dr. Troy and Liz Smith/ Alva Vision Clinic Sonic Drive-in, Alva Stephen Stands and Susan Newby-Stands
Dr. Brent and Janet Steffen
Dr. H. Leland Steffen Estate Dr. Mark and Deanna Steffen Prentice Steffen
Ed and Teresa Sutter Richard and Bonnie Szczepaniak Don and Carol Talley
Dr. Charles and Jane Tucker
Ted and Ruth Ann VanLandingham Linda Vickers Jack Walch
Dr. Dennis and Janet Weigand Cooper and Gladys West Dr. Mary and Dexter White Sara Wieker Woodward Industrial Foundation Woodward Regional Hospital Auxiliary R. Deane and Esther Wymer Alton Zimmerman
Keystones $10,000-$24,999
Paul and Joan Allen Alva Farmers Co-op Alva Rotary Club American Equine Nutrients, Inc. Bill and Linda Beeler Dr. James and Kerri Bell Mike and Teresa Benway Steve and Lynn Biddle Mark Bieberle
Alberta Bliss Dr. David S. Bohlen Dr. James and Jane Bowen Brass Spur, Inc. William and Phyllis Brunsteter James and Joretta Buckles Burlington Co-op Jimmy Burt Mary Cagle Karen Call James Canterbury David and Saundra Case Floy Cobb Collins, Butler & Co., P.C. Mike and Rhonda Cook Donald and Ramona Dauphin David D. Le Norman Drs. Mark and Jan Davis Ron and Myra Davison Dr. Mark and Gena Denton Edna Donley Nancy Donley Estate Irma Elliott Leon and Donna Erikson
Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma
Farmers and Merchants Bank
Doris Ferguson Evelyn Filson Jack and Joan Fisher Elnora Foster Linda Ann Frank Brad Franz Steve and Pat Freemyer Jerry and Debbie Garnett Garnett Oil Company Dr. Thomas and Sherry Gossett Dr. Bo and Tara Hannaford Patrick and Patty Harkin Garnet Harmon Pat Hayes Stephen and Patricia Headlee Cynthia Hendrickson Holder-Pyeatt Family LLC Aurice Huguley Glenn and Helen Jenlink Robert and Janis Johnson Walter and Marguerite Johnson Johnny and Donna Jones K & S Tire Jennie Kinney Wayne and Beverly Kinzie Kent and Darcy Kisling Stanley and Deb Kline Melvin Kloefkorn Dr. Mike Knedler Dr. Nancy and Dan Knous Ken and Maggie Koppenaal Regina Kraus Margaret Larason Larason Blue Ridge Farms, LLC Ray and Cherie Lau Agnes Lebeda Myra Leist Gene Leslie Warren and Beverly Little Kay Loges
Long Family Trust Dr. Gary and Melanie Lott Dr. J.W. Martin Dr. Wilda Martin Rick McCune Gilbert Michaelis Mid-America Arts Alliance MidFirst Bank Mike and Connie Mitchel
Bolding indicates new level of giving.
Northwest Chiropractic Clinic
Northwest Electric Company
Logan Ogle Trust
Oklahoma Conference-United Methodist
Oklahoma State Department of Commerce
Mary Ottinger
Dr. David Pecha Dr. Cynthia Pfeifer-Hill Dr. Jeffrey and Nancy Pierce Dr. Desiree Rahman Robert and Cynthia Reeg Bob Reneau
Jim and Melba Richey Larry and Lizabeth Richey Dr. Marvin Rodgers Bob and Monica Schmidt
Dr. Brock and Kelli Schnebel Jason and Kendra Schnebel Louis and Janis Schupbach Dr. Philip Self
George and Lois Sense Estate Douglas and Cheryl Sisemore Jeff and Kay Slack Slayter Family
Alan and Pamela Smith Dr. Larry and Cynthia Smith Ross and Norma Jean Smith Loyd Stout
Mickey and Amanda Stout Dr. Joe and Barbara Struckle Shane and Julie Terrel Kenneth and Helen Thiesing Steve and Janet Valencia Amanda Vermillion Dr. Frank Wadley Searle Wadley Ward Petroleum Corporation
Hugh Wardell Kirk and Drue Washburn Paine Webber Allen and Carolyn Wilson Madalyne Wilson Woods County Farm Bureau Woodward Elk Ladies Woodward Lodge #189 W.W. Starr Lumber Allen and Betsy Zadorozny
Dr. Richmond Adams Alfalfa Electric Cooperative Dr. Dennis Angle Arvest Bank
William and Teresa Baker Steven and Vanedda Barrows Jayson and Kaycee Bartel Milburn and JoDonna Barton Corrine Batterton
Larry and Julia Bays Beadles Nursing Home Martin Benson Dr. Paul and Janice Beran Mike and Shawnna Berryman Eva Bird Jerome and Ardra Boswell Lee and Sharon Brandt Hal Brizzolara Freddie and Marilyn Brown Dr. Jerry and Donna Brownrigg Dick and Frances Brunsteter Brian Busey Laverne Bush
Larry and Dixie Claflin Andy and Jean Clark Greg and Jayne Cloud Kenneth and JoAnn Cole Conoco Phillips CORE
Paul and Deb Corr Paula and Steve Crandall Patrick Crayton Tony and Vicki Crouch Dr. V.K. and Doris Curtis Dean Ranson Living Family Trust Delta Kappa Gamma Society Joe and Carolyn Dettle Devery Implement Co. Kong-Chow and Shuang-Yin Ding
Jody and Annie Evans Bill and JaDeanna Farris First United Methodist Church Travis Fox Freedom West Community Development Corp-Alva Art
Dale Frieden Dr. Charles and Carolyn Gasaway
Lou Ann Gebhards
Willis Geis Freddie Gibson Woody and Kacee Glass Bill and Emily Goodin Gordon and Jean Gore Grant Thornton Foundation
Robert and Edna Gray Calvin and Verna Graybill William Hadwiger James and Sharon Hale Randy and Lea Ann Halliburton Mike and Sharon Hargrove Dr. John Harris Thamazin and Richard Harrison Joe and Dee Anne Heaton Stephen and Maryann Hensley Joe Higginbotham Dr. Doyle and Renee Hill Hadley and Mary Hintergardt Harley and Brenda Hintergardt Todd Holder Holder Drug Employees Dr. Shawn and Susan Holliday Bobby and Beth Howard INASMUCH Foundation Integris Health Perry and Claudia Irons Susan and Rick Jeffries Mildred Johnson Monty Johnson Phil and Edith Jones Linda Joseph K & K Body Works, Inc. Ronald and Gina Kendrick Doris Kimmell Carol King Robert and Glenda King Kiwanis Club of Alva Byron and Karen Koehn L.L. Fullerton Estate
Dennis Lakely Dr. Lori and Wes Lane Wayne and Bettielou Lane Willard and Patricia Lee John and Ginger Lewis James and Hazel Linder Dr. Terry Lohmann Dr. Timothy and Melissa Maharry
Dr. Rex and Marcia Mahlman C.W. and Towanda Mallory Avis Marcum
Bolding indicates new level of giving.
Lifetime Giving
Mark Cromwell, Inc. Marshall Funeral Home Marione Martin Michael and Tena Martin Robert and Mary Jo Martin Dr. Scott and Leslie Maxwell McClure Agency
Bonita J. Moreland McCoy Alan McKee Dr. B.H. and Jerrie McKinley Louis and Jan Melton Roland and Edith Meyer Randy and Carla Mitchel Moose Lodge Dr. Callie and Calleb Mosburg Glennis Myers Tom and Robin Newby Dr. Timothy and Michelle Newton Gerald Nichols
Alfred R. Nolting O.K. Humanities Council, Inc. Larry and Donna Palmer Sam and Betty Jo Pangburn Sabin and Ann Percefull Glen and Donna Piper Pizza Hut
Rita Porter
Dr. William and Nancy Pride Mark and Wallecia Ream
Rebekah Lodge #44 Harvey and Barbara Reeg Grant, Erma, and Mary Ann Rezabek Dr. Clifford W. Richter Ridgeview Veterinary Hospital Richard Rinebolt L. John and C. Evlyn Wright Schmidt
Randy Schwerdtfeger Carl and Peggy Shafer
David Shafer Share Medical Center Dr. Daniel and Margery Shorter Neal and Claire Shuck Nadeane Sims
J.D. and Barbara Smith Dr. Randy and Mitzi Smith Smith Drug Store
Mary Spence
Gene and Virginia Stands Daniel and Jana Stein Eleanor Sterba
Billy and Katherine Stewart
Catherine Stover
Taco Village Matthew Talley Stanley and Darlene Tatum
The James C. and Teresa K. Day Foundation
The University of Tulsa William and Melody Theademan Dr. Patricia Thompson Larry Thorne Patricia Thornton Patricia Tidwell Linda Tutwiler Imagene Tyree
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture UHS of Delaware, Inc. M. Iris Van Pelt VAP
George Wadley James Wadley Dr. Dennis Walker Walmart
Lew and Myra Ward E.A. and Velma Ruth Ware Patricia and Tim Warren Wharton Funeral Home Wheeler Brothers Grain Co. Dr. Charles and Pat White Dr. Patti and Jefferson Wilber Terry and Tina Winn Francis Winterburg Chester Woodard Tony and Margaret Woodlief Dr. Timothy and Ann Zwink
Cornerstones $2,000-$4,999
Paul Ailslieger and Suzanne Dwyer
Tim and Brooke Albin
Allegiant Marketing Group, Inc. John and Dawn Allen Alva Review-Courier Alva Veterinary Clinic Alva Veterinary Supply Eldon W. Ames Ron and Elizabeth Argo Murry and Lavelle Atterberry Autry Tech
B & W Ready Mix, LLC
R.S. Baker, Jr. Patty Barker
Betsy L. Barnes Dale E. Barrows Denethea Bartel
Milton and Mary Jane Bassett Keith and Tenie Baxter Bill and Linda Beeler Dr. Joyce and Royce Bender Bryce and Sherrie Benson Donald L. Benson Margery Berends David and Mary Kay Bibb Dr. Kirt and Cynthia Bierig Bill Johnson Correctional Center
BKD Foundation Paula Bloyd Dr. Andrew Bond Dr. Donald Bonner Bartlett and Angie Bouse Dean and Charlene Brintnall Dr. Sheila Brintnall Brooks Agency Lee and Cindy Brower Cheryl Brown Dennis and L.L. Brown Scott and Tammy Brown Dr. Mary Brune Athol Brunk Rita Bryant Leroy and Sue Burks Dr. Darrel and Jody Caldwell Campaign Sports Charles and Linda Campbell Rich and Pam Cantillon Jack Carmichael Angelia Case Valarie Case Freddie and Debbie Caulk Cedar Creek Sporting Clays, Inc. Central Machine & Tool Co. Arden and Nicki Chaffee Douglas and Susan Chaffin Bess Chappell
Charles Machine Works, Inc. Cherokee Publishing Co. Cherokee Strip Community Foundation Brandon Christenson Howard and Shirley Click
Bolding indicates new level of giving.
Colby and Lendi Clodfelter College Republicans-NWOSU
Carol Collins
Willis and Peggy Colson
Alice Cooper
Crawley Petroleum Corp Croft Country Chevrolet Shirley Cummings Dr. Megan and Dudley Darrow Dr. Dorothy Day Lloyd and Donna Dayton Dr. Kay Decker
Lorene Devery Larry and Patty DeWitt Matt Diesselhorst Adam and Tasha Diesselhorst Dillingham Foundation
Joyce Dixon
Don McMurphy Family, LLC
Patrick Donehue Glenn Downs
Bob Drake
Jerry and Joyce Egner Carmen Eicken
Don Ellis
Encompass Financial Services
Enid Arts Council
Enid Pathology Consultants, Inc.
Enid Urology Associates Erikson Steel Ellen M. Estate
Sandra Estep Kevin and Traci Evans
Hazel Exline
Farmers Exchange Bank Dean and Linda Farris Donna Faulkner Joe and Dianna Feely Ken and Mary Ann Fergeson Mickey and Sheila Ferrell Bryan and Mona Fischer
Anna Fisher Kirk and Janice Fisher
William Fitzpatrick
James Foliart
Foote's Farm Supply
Jerry Frech
Freedom State Bank Willard and Diana Friend
Brandon Frost Harrison and Deborah Frost
Bolding indicates new level of giving.
Gavin and Laura Gadberry
Jason and Melanie Gaisford Jerry and Connie Garrison Joyce and Pete Garvie Dr. James and Sheila Gilchrist Cynthia Gingrich
Becky Glass John and Valinda Goeppinger Goodrich Plumbing Trent and Cindy Goss Marvin and Janie Gould Rod and Dian Gourley Cherrie Greco William Gruber
Julie Gunnels
Dr. Jerry and Rose Gustafson Mickey and Charlotte Hadwiger Lee and Mary Haley David and Cara Hanna Steven and Brenda Hannaford Jerry and Jean Harmon Elizabeth Harney Thomas Hart Robert and Wally Haub Troy and Jill Haub Dr. W. David Hawkins Mark and Patti Haynes Kenny and Valerie Heckart Roger and Eleanor Herold Dr. Ralph Herren High Plains Bank Ann Highfill Hazel Highfill Dr. Joe Highfill Hiland Partners, LP Robert and Jean Hilbig Jo Ann Hintergardt Ryan Hintergardt Teresa Hipp Dr. Reid Holland Naomi Holloway Mike and Brenda Hood Jane Hood Bruce Horinek Dr. Ed and Latricia Huckeby J & J Appliance Dr. Christee Jenlink Kent Johnson Elda Jones Adam and Dayna Jordan K-101 Omni Communications Corp.
Darlien Kamas
Melvin and Margaret Keeney Earl and Mona Keffer Jacob and Jodee Kelln Darrell and Kaye Keltner Russell Keltner Kennedy & Coe Don Kilmer Keith and Marlene Kisling Martin Kletke Darrell and Ann Kline Jesse Kline Mistie Kline Peg Lancaster Cherie Lau David Lawther Wayne Leamon Shannon Leaper Willard and Patricia Lee Sam and Jennifer Leu Dr. Richard and Karen Leu Ueli and Carlotta Liechti Dean and Wylodean Linder John Logan Dale and Vicki Logsdon Steven and Irala Magee Dr. Todd and Kimberly Mapes Harry and Shelley Martin Dr. Francisco and Berta Martinez Velma Mayfield Dr. Hazel McCord Tom and Mary McDowell Patricia McGarrity and Leroy Ball Kurt McGinley Kent and Brenda McMahan Dr. Wayne and Lori McMillin Randy and Paula McMurphy Dr. Chandler and Karen Mead Dr. Diane Means Douglas and Chelle Melton Rob and Janice Melton Merrifield Office Supply Tom Morford Raymond and Kathy Moss Dr. Rodney and Carolyn Murrow W. Dean Murrow Marilyn Myers Nelson and Pat Myers Sherry Nelson Dr. Carl Newton
Lifetime Giving
Francis Nine
Irene Noah
Roger and Leigh Ann Nobis Northwest Landscape Service Dr. Larry and Jean Nutter Troy O'Hair
Oklahoma Society of Certified Public Accountants
Oklahoma State Game Rangers Association
Martin Oliveri Scott and Kim Olson Marvin O'Neil Donald Osborn Jim and Jan Page Charles and Mary Painter Dr. Stephen and Sue Painton Dr. Steven Palmer Samuel and Natalie Park Kelly and Lisa Parker Larry and Charla Parker Vada Parker Steve and Elizabeth Parkhurst Lawrence Patzkowsky Albert "Hap" Pearson Bruce and Sherry Perry Vinson and Iris Pettit Jim and Annette Pfeiffer R.C. and Linda Phillips Plane Plastics, Inc. John Plummer Jeff and Gala Pope Phil Prigmore Loy and Anne Puffinbarger Edward Queeney R.A.C.E. Sheikh Rahman Georgiana Ramy Daniel Randall Jay and Jodie Randels
Earl Randolph A. Dean and Mary Ranson L.D. and Carolyn Rapp Don Rathman
Rhodes Salvage Glenda and Thomas Rhyne Rialto Cinema & Video Terrence and Dianne Rice Cindy Rich Craig and Jaime Ricke Dr. Bill Riddle
Marvin and Helen Rider
Michael and Judith Ridgeway
Duane and Willa Ring
Elsie Rodgers Steve and Beverly Russell John and Amy Ryerson Dr. Clifton and Judith Savoy Fred and Kelly Schamburg David and Kim Scherich Dr. Eric Schmaltz Harvey and Shirley Schuessler Clark and Shirley Schultz Louis and Janis Schupbach Annette Schwerdtfeger Neva Jean Schwerdtfeger Orlie and Donna Schwerdtfeger Lynn and Mindi Scott Carl and AnnaBelle Shafer R.W. Sibley Mark and Debbie Skinner James Slack J.P. Small Herbert and Gerree Smith Dean and Carolyn Stands Randy and Kim Stelling Danny Stewart Edward Stewart Jack and Ruby Stout Stride Bank Jeff and Sharon Struckle Joe and Jean Surface Shirley Sweetman Dale and Cheryl Swiggett TCI Cablevision Darrell and Nancy Tester Eugene and Carol Tolly Town & Country Properties Truegrit DV, Inc. Eric Tutwiler Dr. Ross Vanhooser Bradley Vincent Gary and Kathryn Vincent Dr. Dena Walker Ronnie Walker Marcus Wallace James and Connie Walsh Matthew Walter Scott and Joy Ware David and Marie Washington Connie Watts
Robert and Czrena Watts Kimberly Weast Betty Wenninger
Dwight and Kathie Wessels
Trudy Wheeler Carla White Whites Equipment Rental, LLC Rick Whitson Stuart Whitson Whittet's Country Store
Doug Wiersig Larry and Sally Wiersig Glenn and Jan Williams Dr. Gary and Sandy Wolgamott Woods County Abstract Corporation Woods County Retired Educators Association
Randall Yarger Dr. James Yates John Ybarra William and Sharon Yeager Robert Yocham Alycen Yoder Drs. Lyle and Martie Young Fellows $1,000-$1,999
Dr. E. A. Abernethy III ACB Bank Advance Pierre Foods Jimmy and Kandice Allen Leland Allen Kandee Almgren Alva High School Activity Fund Alva Nails
American Association of Physics Teachers Angry Bull Saloon AT&T
Andrea Atkinson Fred Aubuchon Mark and Marjie Bagley
Daniel Baker Greg Baker James and Joyce Baker Lawrence Baldwin Bank IT - Growth Fund Clinton and Colene Barham Dr. Edward Barns Melinda and Paul Barton Donald Beadles Earle and Betty Beasley
Bolding indicates new level of giving.
Ben Bebermeyer
Lea-anne Becker
James and Kelly Begeal
Dr. Ben Benson
Betty Benson Gerald and Renatta Benson
Dr. Gwen and Jim Benson
Clint Benway Tyler and Bailey Bernhardt Chris Berry Beta Sigma Phi Brandon and Sadie Bier
Louise Bingham Maud Drake Bingham Charles and Ethel Bish Shawna Bivin
Blackspur Ranch Dr. J.B. Blankenship Blattner Energy Wayne and Mary Catherine Bliss
Anthony and Jean Boeckman James and Jennifer Boggess Jeffrey Bohm
Steve Bontrager
Patsy Bottom
Dr. Ralph Bourret Barbara Bouziden Chris and Donna Bouziden Doug and Kay Bowles Troy and Donna Bowles Gregory Bowman Doug and Brenda Brady Dr. M. Edmund Braly David and Michelle Brewer Teresa Briggs Charlene Brintnall Kirk Brown Lois Brown
Stanley Brownlee William Brunsteter Jason and Melissa Bryant Ben Buckland
Dennis and Sheri Bushman C & W Construction, Inc. Rosco and Sherry Campbell
Dr. Charles Cannon
Cardon Trailers
Nancy and Bob Case
Jeremy Cash Rita Castleberry Theron Cates
Central National Bank-Woodward
Kristie and Carlos Centurion
Wayne Chan JD and Karen Chandler Chapter ET-PEO Robi and Kay Chatterji
Clarissa Cheng
Cherokee Rotary Club Bruce Christenson J.L. Clark
Clayton Structural Pipe The Cleaning Closet Amanda Clepper Tom Cleveland Wilbur and Jo Cockrell
Lily Collier
Rickie Conrady
Continental Resources, Inc. Janet Cook Cookie's Bowl Cheryl Coons Jay and Tami Cooper Janet Cordell Denis and Teresa Cote Leon Coulter Mitchell and Kim Crissman Tyler and Jenny Cummings Delores Currier Doris Curtis Everett and Judy Cutter Arlo Darr Pamela and Don Davidson Daylight Donuts & Deli Dean Goll Real Estate & Auction
Gladys Dehaven Dell Delta Zeta Alumnae J.R. Depriest Dr. Francisco Dexeus Stan Diacon Curtis Diel, Jr. Curtis and Sue Diel J.M. and Hope Dilling Evelyn Dobbs
Judy and Bruce Dollar John Doolin Trust Michael and Mary Pat Draghi David and Barbara Dubbs Adren and Barbara Duncan Rodney and Cecie Dunkin Dale and Della Dunnigan
Sherry Dunnihoo
Howard Dunning
Chauncey Durham Delbert Dyche Drew and Linda Edmondson Floyd and Frances Edwards Ken and Sally Eggleston John Ellerbach Steve and Cheryl Ellis Velma Elmore Tate and Marisa Endersby Enid AFA Pioneer Scholarship
Enid Community Foundation Enid Gastroenterology Enid Psychology Club ENJ Financial Carol Erikson Mary Erskine Melvin and Sherry Evans Evans Construction, Inc. Facial Surgery Center James and Susan Ferguson Kevin and Rhonda Fields Keith Flugge Charles Foreman Foundation Management, Inc. Michael Fouts
Peter Frank Dr. Kurt Frantz Rodman Frates Dr. R. Kirk Fry Stephen and Pamela Gale Michael and Marideth George Jim Gingrich Merle Glasgow Fred Goad Dr. Kathy Goddard Gary and Cynthia Goetzinger Dr. Daniel and Fran Gottsch E. Jean Gottsch
Doug and Karen Gourley Dee Graham James Grantham Derick and April Graves Great Plains Bank Verlinda Gregg John and Virginia Groendyke Gene and Leta Guinn Vicki Hada Anne Haight Elston and Sandy Hall Gayle Hall
Bolding indicates new level of giving.
Lifetime Giving
Randy and Mary Hamilton
Jean Hammerback
Shane and Kaylyn Hansen
Paul and Winonna Hardy John and Kay Hargrave
Zearl Harmon
Harmon Cattle Company
Patrick and Resa Harris
Clint Harzman Marjorie Hayward Debra Head Christopher and Melissa Headlee Lynn and Nelda Heasley Dr. E.L. Hefner
Hi-Lo Apartments
Robert and Ruby Hibberts
Barbara Hiett
Garin and Heather Higgins
Dick Highfill
Garnett and Patricia Hill Dr. Sharon Hill Stephen and Phyllis Hilterbran Harold Hintergardt
Dale Hobbs
Dan and Shannon Hobbs
Duane and Renee Hobbs
Brian Hofen
Marissa Hofen
Dr. Jeff Hoffsommer
Holiday Motel Cody and Machelle Hooper Steven and Kelly Howard
Lois Hudgins
Human Performance Center Michael and Cheryl Hunter Tom and Mary Hunter Ron and Jo Ann Isenbart Ray Don and Mary Jackson Jackson Equity Education Trust
Robert and Janet Jakubek
John Jewell Pam Jines-Ridings
Anthony Johnson Frank and Letty Jo Johnson
Richard Johnson
Terry Johnson Johnston Enterprises
Jesse and Brandy Jones Dr. Frederick and Wendy Jungman
David Kahle
Rosalie Kelly
Randall and Lynda Kendrick Dan and Cheryl Kent Dr. Randall Kilbourne
Jack King
Jimmy and Fawn Kingcade Dr. Elizabeth and Paul Kinzie Ruth Kirby
Deidra Kistler
Misti and Floyd Knopf Steve and Cheryl Knox Kohlrus Real Estate Tim and Jacklyn Kolb Linda and Jim Koesel Evelyn Kramp
L&D Land & Cattle Beverly Lacrosse Troy and Sheri Lahr Ruth Lambert Virl and Patsy LaMunyon Jill Lancaster Norman and Twyla Lancaster Orin Lancaster Harvey Land Dr. Kathryn Lane T.M. Larason Revocable Trust Frank Larson Blake Lauer Family George and Linda Leist Max and Loleta Leslie Robert and Beatrice LeValley Long Gas Company Dr. Kari Lopez Betty Love William and Norma Jean Lowe Travis and Charity Lyon Michael Mackey
Michele Mackey Dr. Jennifer Mahieu David and Dana Manning Bill and Becky Marshall Lynn and Marione Martin Ruth Martin
David Matousek Bill and Sharon McConkey William and Kelly McCurry Eva McKnight
Melissa McLain
J.R. and Sandra McPherson Lenora Mead
Thomas and Margaret Melander
Lynn and C. Melton Mark Messenger Corey Miller Greg and Natalie Miller
Mitchel, Gaston, Riffel & Riffel, PLLC Mark and Cindy Mitchell C.J. Montgomery Marilyn Moore
Michael Moore
Mooreland Masonic Lodge Dr. Joseph and Karen Moran Mary Lu and Kenneth Mulbery Charles and Michelle Mullens
Glenn Murray Gary and Charlotte Murrow Nice Mutshipayi Jack and Barbara Myers Mark and Linda Myers Stephen Myers Fred Neuman Jeffrey and Miranda Newby Lawana Newell Patrick Newkirk Newman Memorial Hospital Dr. Vernon Nieberlein Tom and Cynthia Nighswonger Tommy Niles
Northwest Family Services, Inc. Northwestern Electric Co-op, Inc. Dr. Mike Ogle Dr. Jana Oister Oklahoma City Community Foundation - Loves Oncology Consultants of Northwest Oklahoma Daniel and Patricia O'Neil
Oral Roberts University Dr. Jennifer and Nick Oswald Merlin and Linda Overton Papon & Sons, LLC James Parnell
Vernon Parsons Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, Garrison Charitable Gift Fund
Michael Payne Diane and Jamey Penner Martha Pennington Annette Percefull
Bolding indicates new level of giving.
Brad and Cathy Ann Percefull
Dan Percefull
Leon and Verna Lee Perfect David and Denna Perigo Dr. Barbie Phillips Joe and Tanya Phillips Greg G. Pinegar J.S. Price Prowers Tax Service R & R Systems, Inc. Dr. Larry Ramseyer
J.P. and Joelle Randall Dr. Garrett Rank Jane Rankin
Dr. Mark and Jonella Rathgeber Bert Reed Bob and Connie Reilly Jessie and Cecil Reinhart John Reskovac
Suzanne Resler Mike and Carol Richardson Melvin and Nina Ricke Fred and Sherry Riggins Oneita Riggs Samuel and Lois Riggs Riggs Advertising Specialty & Sign, LLC
Riggs, Abney, Neal, Turpen, Orbison & Lewis Scott and Christie Riley Max Ritter
Chris and Sally Rivera Dan and Dana Roark Freelin and Doris Roberts Glenna Roberts Joseph and Cynthia Rock Barbara Rockenbach
James Rodgers Lynn Rodgers
Clarice Roehm
Dr. Gilbert Rogers Roger’s Radiator & Car Wash
John Ronck
Dr. Jill Rooker
Dale and Sharon Ross Tricia Roth
Dr. Ross Rumph Ruth Circle – Zion Lutheran Church
Edwin and Cara Rydell
Sandpiper West Apartments
Dr. Dean and Cassandra Scarbrough
Bolding indicates new level of giving.
Mark and Jana Schnebel
Anne Schneider
Beth Schoeling Dr. Ronald Schreck Sandra Schubert
Bruce Scott Mike Scott
Genieve Shook Dr. Billie Short Gary and Jessie Short Sights & Sounds Dr. Halah and Chad Simon William and Carolyn Simon Gary and Lupita Sinnes Mark and Karla Sisco Skordle Advertising SLL Observatory Dr. Earlene Smith Tray and Whitney Smith William Smith Dr. H. Thomas Snyder Rachel Spellman-Hughes Stephani and Cody Spurlock Paul and Peggy Stanford Tim and Krista Starbuck State Exchange Bank
Chris Stehr
Don Sterba Jeff and Colleen Sternberger Dr. Linda Stewart Jack and Dew Ann Strahorn Seth Switzer John Swofford Dale Tagge Michael and Judy Taranto Elsie Tate
Dr. Kaye Tatro Timothy and Kristina Taylor Taylor Farms
Terra International, Inc. Dr. Jack Terry Kelly and Kellie Thiesing Kevin and Jana Thiesing Chris and Tara Thomas Don and Karen Thomas Derrick and Chesnei Thomas Justin and Nancy Tinder Donna Toellner
Timothy and Susan Traynor Ray Troutt Charles and Mildred Tucker Randy and Robyn Turney Michael Turpen
Dr. Scott and Yvonne Tuxhorn
Allen and Judith Valentine
Maurice Vandruff Alan Vaughan Max and Debra Vela Richard Vogel Larry and Jean Wade Leland Walker Dr. Gregory Walton Tom and Sch'ree Ward Dr. Beverly and Jerry Warden Dennis and Sylvia Warren Dr. Don Warren Jonathan and Tara Warwick Josephine Waterman Watts Farms Walter and Patty Weber Joe Wenzel Dr. Shelly Wells Eric Wheeler and Dr. Kathryn Salvatore Mickey and Donna White Dr. Charles and Pat White Leonard White Brian Whitson Dr. Stephanie and James Widick Larry and Rita Wilcoxson J.D. Williams Victor Williams Judy Wolgamott Women's Health & Wellness Charles Wood Roy and Coleta Woods Sam and Janis Wooten David Wright Jane Wylie R.B. Yadon