NW Kids Magazine April 2023

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LIVE • PLAY • DO magazine nwkidsmagazine.com APRIL 2023 2023 SUMMER CAMP GUIDE PART 2 of 3
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Editor’s Note

After a seemingly endless winter, spring has arrived in all of its usual splendor. Birds are chirping, bulbs and buds are blooming and (here at NW Kids) we have summer break camps on our minds! Whether you’re just beginning to plot out your summer or you’ve decided to sign your kiddos up for additional camps, we have everything you need to finalize your plans. The April issue includes the second of three Summer Camp Guides for the 2023 season (head to pg. 8!) and there are camps to fit every interest under the sun. Speaking of camps, we are thrilled to invite you all back for our Summer Camp Expo at OMSI on Saturday, April 22nd from 10am-5pm. Aim High Academy of Martial Arts is our primary sponsor with Trackers, OMSI, The Hangout PDX and Northwest Children’s Theater rounding out the event as our secondary sponsors. With this group (plus the 20+ additional exhibitors!) it is sure to be a very fun, FREE event. We can’t wait to see you there! In the meantime, may your early spring be filled with healthy and exciting adventures around town!

Cheers, Mary

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Contents APRIL 2023 8 2023 Summer Camp Guide 27 PJA Perspectives 28 Easter Events NW Kids Magazine | 5 Cover photography by AIM HIGH ACADEMY OF MARTIAL ARTS

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4-H Oregon Camps 10 4-H Wagon Train Camp 7 A-WOL Dance 15 Aim High Martial Arts 14 All Families Surrogacy 15 Audubon Portland 15 Balance Soccer 11 BaxterSports 10 Camp Collins 7 Camp Yakety Yak 11 Club K 14 Coding With Kids 18 EdenAcres 18 Ekone Ranch 11 Experiment PDX 19 Fine Art Starts 19 German International School 26 Herrold Stables 11 International School of Portland 15 Little Fruit Farm 11 Lovegood Performing Arts Company 11 MJCC 19 NW Adventure Company 22 NWCT 19 NWCT 2 NW Kids Camp Expo 32 NW Kids Events 11 Oak Hill School 26 OCTC 31 OES 23 OMEGA Gymnastics 22 Oregon Ballet Theatre 23 Play Fit Fun 31 Portland Jewish Academy 22 Portland Rock Gym 10 Portland Village School 7 The Hangout 11 Tucker Maxon 3 Visit Long Beach Peninsula 3 Willowbrook Arts Camp 22
Publisher Michelle Snell michelle@nwkidsmagazine.com Editor/Account Manager Mary Brady mary@nwkidsmagazine.com Graphic Designer Robyn Taylor robyn@folkloremedia.com
sales@nwkidsmagazine.com magazine 6 | NW Kids Magazine
Advertising Inquiries: 503-282-2711, ext. 1
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It is time to start making summer camp plans and we have all of the best camps to ensure a happy, healthy, fun-packed summer for your kiddos! Whether your kids are interested in learning a new language, staying active outdoors, honing their science skills (or anything in between), this is the place to look! Be sure to add our 10th annual Summer Camp Expo to your calendar as well. This year’s expo will be Saturday, April 22nd at OMSI!


JA BizTown Summer Camp

The camp where students take charge! Campers explore jobs, earn an income and become entrepreneurs. This dynamic program teaches valuable life lessons while sparking your child’s excitement for the future.  jaorswwa.org/ja-biztown-summer-camp-1-1

PJA Summer Discovery

PJA’s Summer Discovery program offers enriching classes from experienced, passionate, professional teachers who incorporate STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) to enhance learning in a fun and nurturing way.



Art World School

Half day or Full Day camp options for ages 4-14 with drawing/painting, clay, mixed media, yoga, arts and crafts, calligraphy, sculpture, architecture classes daily! Before care option, outdoor playground time, and Early Bird Special available. artworldschool.com

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Fine Art Starts!

Draw, paint, print & sculpt in our treed location! Small groups, quality supplies, skillful staff. Step-by-step lessons, then self-directed exploration. Fine art, not crafts. NEW projects daily/weekly! Full & half days. Extended care available. artcampspdx.com

The Hangout PDX

These fun and enriching K-5 summer camps are designed for the artist of every level! From the novice painter to the expert clay maker, they work with all campers to inspire creativity, self-confidence, and friendship while introducing them to new art mediums and exciting experiences! thehangoutpdx.com/summer-camps

Tucker Arts Camp

Tucker Arts Camp travels the world! Children in preschool through grade 5 explore art and culture from countries around the world at their SE Portland campus, where they will enjoy the gardens, goats and treehouse. Voted Best Summer Arts Camp 2022! tuckermaxon.org/camp

Willowbrook Arts Camp

Willowbrook provides 3- 18 year old’s opportunities for exploration, experience and expression in arts and nature. They have opportunities to be self directed, unscheduled and unplugged while exploring a broad range of fine, performing, ceramic, fiber arts and nature. willowbrookartscamp.org


A-WOL Dance Collective

Join A-WOL for a variety of weeklong summer camps and single day workshops this summer, outdoors in Mary S Young Park and indoors at The A-WOL Warehouse. Summer classes are for youth students and focus on building aerial skills or work on performance, choreography, dance, and more. awoldance.org

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OMEGA Gymnastics

OMEGA’s Summer Camps keep your kids active with supervised play, gymnastics instruction and craft. Choose half day or full day weekly options. Camp shirt ($15) and annual family membership ($40) required for all attendees.


Oregon Ballet Theatre School

OBT School is excited to continue their Junior Intensive, Pre-Pointe & Conditioning Workshop, and Primary Ballet, and introduce their Youth Summer Camps! OBT School’s summer programs give students an opportunity to continue their ballet training with OBT’s professional faculty. school.obt.org/summer-programs


ABI: Bike First!

Bike First! teaches children with and without disabilities the skills needed to ride typical bikes. nwdisabilitysupport.org/about-bike-first

Camp Yakety Yak

Looking for summer fun? CAMP YAKETY YAK is a social communication & friendship summer day camp for special needs kids, teens, and young adults ages 5-22. July 10-Aug 4, M-F, 10-3pm, located in Lake Oswego, OR CampYaketyYak.org


Adventure Camp

Join Adventure Camp for up to 9 weeks of themed day camps for kids in K - 5th Grade! Each week features field trips, art & cooking projects, water slides, outdoor games on their 26 acre campus, and much more! Adventure Camp is a program by Southwest Bible Church. adventurecampkids.org

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Aim High Martial Arts & Events

Aim High’s Martial Arts and Events teams provide 11 weeks of fun, themed summer camps! Camps are packed with themed crafts, special activities/visitors, martial arts lessons and more! aimhighma.org/camps

Camp Wild Oaks

Play, explore, learn and go wild at Camp Wild Oaks! Your pre-K to 5th grade explorer will enjoy art, music, robotics, science, nature and more at the beautiful 72acre Oak Hill School campus in south Eugene. oakhillschool.net/WildOaksCamp

Catlin Gabel School

The 67-acre Catlin Gabel campus is home to a host of weekly camps, June 26-August 11. Options include sports, arts, photography, DJ, robotics, academics, and day camps, with before/after-care available. Camps for ages 4-18. See web for details! catlin.edu/summer

Club K’s Never Stop Exploring Summer Camp

Never Stop Exploring with Club K this Summer! Multiple camp options to fit your needs. clubkafterschool.com/summer-camp

Ekone Summer Camp

Ekone Summer Camps are spent outside, tech-free, and filled with community and exploration! They offer programs in art, music, farming, nature connection, and horses. ekone.org

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MJCC Summer Day Camp

Have an AWESOME summer at MJCC Day Camp! Health + safety is their top priority. Enjoy quality, ageappropriate programs that are super fun: swimming, cooking, Jewish culture, art, + more! Flexible options 8:00 am – 5:30 pm. Open to everyone ages 3-15. oregonjcc.org/daycamp

Oregon Episcopal School (OES)

OES offers fun, inquiry-based summer enrichment programs for campers ages 4-17. OES programs help campers build social, emotional, physical, and intellectual skills. Offerings include River Runners, Rock Climbing, Theater, Outdoor Exploration, Fencing, Design & Engineering, and more! oes.edu/summer

4-H Wagon Train

Live the history of the Oregon Trail! This camp is open to ALL youth ages 9-18. Their camp offers introductory leathercraft, woodworking, and blacksmith classes AprilMay, a family camp weekend excursion, and a week-long wilderness trek in June-July. 4hwagontrain.org

Herrold Stables, LLC

Students will receive horse riding experience in Western Equitation, Showmanship, and Horsemanship. Come to all or just one Spring and Summer Horse Camp this year. herroldstables.com


German International School

German International summer camps offer students the opportunity to experience bilingual language camps in a supportive, safe environment no matter their level of foreign language knowledge. All camp teachers are bilingual in English and either German or Mandarin, depending on the chosen camp. gspdx.org

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International School of PortlandLanguage Immersion Summer Camp

It’s a world of fun at the International School of Portland’s award-winning summer camp! Chinese, Spanish, or Japanese language and culture come to life through hands-on projects, games, outdoor fun, and more! Learn a new language or practice one that you know! intlschool.org/summer

Spanish with Sarah

Ready to paint with your feet? Make tortillas? Sing, dance and get moving? Do science experiments and explore our beautiful parks? Are you ready to do it in SPANISH?! Come join these bilingual Fun in Spanish Camps. Preschool - 5th grade options available. spanishwithsarah.com


Electronic Music Club

Has your child ever shown interest in making their own music? Electronic Music Club’s week-long summer sessions are the perfect way for them to express their creativity and interact with technology and music in an exciting new way! Students will even build their own synth they can keep! electronicmusicclub.net/summer-camp

Summer Sing! – ORS Youth Choir

At Summer Sing, you’ll spend a week enjoying the wonderful experience of making music with new friends. Let your imagination take the lead... Who knows what you will create! Don’t miss out – register today! “I know I can...be what I want to be!” orsingers.org/youth-choir/summer-sing


EdenAcres Environmental Education

Nature-Based summer camps for kids and teens, ages 3-15!


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Gardner School of Arts and Sciences

Summer camps at the Gardner School are a chance for children to explore, create, and play! Their 5-acre campus is the perfect location for outdoor play in the wetlands, projects in their garden, and fun activities in their classrooms. All classes are taught by highly skilled Gardner School teachers. gardnerschool.org/summer-camp

International Leadership Academy

Open to all (French Language Proficiency Not Required). Camp hours 9am - 3pm; 7:30am early care (free). Chef prepared lunches and snacks are included! ilapdx.org/summercamp2023

NW Adventure Company

These week-long Summer Adventure camps focus on building community with one another and the natural environments they explore. Each week is a unique experience that builds upon previous camps and can exist as a stand-alone camp. Their instructors thoughtfully design week-long programming that delves deep into their passions. nwadventurecompany.com

Oregon 4-H Center Camps

Oregon 4-H Center offers archery, canoeing, ropes course, horseback riding, and so much more! ALL youth grades 3-8 can attend our camps. They offer camps June-August, from Wildlife Stewards Camp to Wild West Camp to International Multi-cultural Camp. oregon4hcenter.org

Portland Audubon

Join Portland Audubon for SWIFTS Nature Summer Camp! Whether kids discover newts along our trails, observe a Bald Eagle soaring over the Gorge, or gain new outdoor skills, campers get to learn, play, & explore, all while making friends!

audubonportland.org/our-work/learn/youth-programs/ camps-for-kids/summer-camp

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NATURE (continued)

Trackers Earth

These award-winning summer camps teach real skills with fantastic adventure. Connect with friends while learning with expert teachers and guides. Trackers offers epic camps for all ages. Discover action-packed outdoor skills, arts, DIY crafts and, and role-playing games! trackerspdx.com/youth/camps/summer-camp


Anthony Newman’s Sports Camps

At Anthony Newman’s Sports Camps, no matter what your skill level is they welcome you at their Multi Sports and Sports Specific camps. anthonynewmancamps.com

Balance Soccer Summer Camps

The most FUN, OVERNIGHT soccer camps ever! Bunk with your friends and teammates after a long day of nonstop outdoor & soccer FUN! NO PHONES or SCREENS for 5 days & 4 nights | 350” slip n slide, outdoor pool, capture the flag, lazy river, 4way soccer tennis | Boys June 22-26 | Girls July 16-20 balancesoccer.com/camps

BaxterSports Camps

Looking for a place to unplug? Get outside with BaxterSports. With a variety of programming–All Sports, All Level and Competitive Soccer, All Girls, and Youth Leadership — their award winning camps for grades K-8 are fun, active, and engaging no matter your child’s experience or skill level. baxtersports.com


Pedalheads is a learn-to-ride week-long bike camp for kids 2 and up, best known for helping kids get off of training wheels and riding on their own. Located throughout the PDX area. pedalheads.com

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Portland Rock Gym

Indoor Summer Camps at the climbing gym! For ages 9 - 11 and 12 - 14. The days are filled with games, technique instruction, and of course a lot of climbing! Campers 12-14 years old will also learn how to belay. Enrollment is by the week. PRG will be offering a few weeks of all outdoor camps for ages 10 - 14. portlandrockgym.com/camps


Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI)

Ready for the summer of a lifetime? Experience OMSI’s overnight camps for young adventurers! Campers can explore the tide pools and coastal landscape at Camp Gray or examine fossils in the high desert at Hancock Field Station. omsi.edu/camps-and-classes

YMCA Camp Collins

Adventure awaits at YMCA Camp Collins! Learn new skills, make new friends, spend time outside, and discover your best self. Campers will live in cabins and enjoy a variety of camp activities, such as horseback rides, archery, swimming, climbing tower, team buildings, crafts, and much more. ymcacw.org


Lovegood Performing Arts Company

ROAR into summer with Disney’s The Lion King KIDS! With great tech/backstage opportunities, they also have camps focused on dance, acting, and improv! Also, their 1st Family Plays Together lets families perform together in Fiddler on the Roof! lovegood.company

Northwest Children’s Theater

Northwest Children’s Theater’s award-winning summer camps are coming to a neighborhood near you. Campers ages 4-14 will learn theater skills in a safe and welcoming environment, while gaining confidence, building social skills, and having fun! nwcts.org/2023-summer-camp

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Oregon Children’s Theatre

Keep kids engaged all summer long at OCT’s Acting Academy! Full-day and half-day options available for kids and teens, offering week-long camps that are perfect for learning new skills, strengthening collaboration, and having fun in a safe, welcoming environment. Four locations throughout Portland! octc.org/camps

Portland Drama Club

They teach Portland’s youth the power in themselves through play, practice and performance! Theater skills are life skills! Kids will learn to focus their minds and bodies, problem solve, build confidence and pride as they work hard to put on a show! portlanddramaclub.org


Code Ninjas Hillsboro - Tigard - Beaverton

Code Ninjas camps offer an immersive environment for kid to explore technology, develop new skills, & have a great time with friends. It’s an unforgettable experience for kids ages 5-14! Camps include: Minecraft, Roblox, Python, LEGO, STEM & more! codeninjas.com/or-hillsboro/camps codeninjas.com/or-tigard/camps codeninjas.com/or-bethany/camps

Coding with Kids STEM Camps

They provide online and in-person camps through their unique Coders Pathways®️ for ages 5-18. Online camps are led live by an instructor. Their camps have small groups size, and teach a variety of subjects like Python Programming, Scratch Game Development, Minecraft Modding, Roblox Adventure Games, Little Coders, Robotics, and much more! Their half-day camps are available for AM & PM sessions or combine into a full-day camp. codingwithkids.com

Experiment PDX

Experiment PDX is all about science and art and this summer’s offerings include Lego Explorers, Art Studio and camps offered by Coding for Kids and Mad Science. experimentpdx.com

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The PJA Perspective

Portland Jewish Academy (pjaproud.org) provides a rich academic and cultural learning experience for kids from early childhood through 8th grade. We’ve invited budding writers from the middle school Humanities classes and writing exploratory to join our team for a series that gives you a glimpse into thoughts and life - from their perspective.


Alien world

Beautiful heavens

Colorless ground

Desolate hills

Electrifying sun

For all but a change?

Gray, dot-splotched world

Hefty souls

Isolated bodies

Jail of clouds

Key to what?


Millions of flakes of snow

Nothing can compare

Only imagination can sculpt this

Part of this is real


Rocky dunes

Sandy surface

Trotting along

Under the heavens

Vivid light

Why are we here?

Xylophones play

Yew grows; you have ascended to a Zone above reality

Something Deeper

Colors blend

Colors spread

And it comes to life

At first glance

It’s not much

But when you look closer

When you think When you believe

It comes to life

It is a map

Not of buildings

Not of cities

But of something deeper

It is the reminder of all the things we do not know

Asher is a current sixth-grader at PJA.  In addition to writing, he enjoys math, playing soccer, and making new friends at PJA!

Sam is a current sixth-grader at PJA.  In addition to writing, he enjoys chess, video games, and math.

Shani is a current sixth-grader at PJA.  In addition to writing, she enjoys creating stories, drawing, and socializing with friends.

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Hop Out and Play!

2023 Easter Events

April 1-2 & 7-8 Easter Egg Hunt at Packer Orchards

Visit Packer Orchards during one of three time slots available (10am, 11:30am or 1pm) and enjoy the play area, corn pit, bubble barn and visits with the Easter Bunny! $4.95-$12.95


Easter Egg Hunt at Lee Farms

Purchase an Egg Hunt Ticket and head to Lee Farms for their 10am, 11am or 12pm hunts! Egg Hunt for 12 prizes; each child hunts for empty eggs, then head to the prize station where you will pick 12 prizes per ticket that are kid/parent/age

appropriate! Your choice! {If you want to skip the egg collecting, you can head straight to the prize table and turn your ticket in there!} $9-$24


April 7 Eggstravaganza at My Gym Sherwood

They’ll have egg-citing activities, games, songs, dances, and an egg hunt planned for you. Kids will get a chance to hunt for eggs and then turn them in for a super fun goody bag filled with surprises. Registration is required for all children attending. There is a sibling discount. $25 mygym.com/sherwood/events

Please confirm calendar events and performances as scheduling changes may occur.

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April 8

35th Annual Easter Egg Hunt in Wood Village (ADA Accessible and Sensory Inclusive Hunts)

Head to Donald L. Robertson City Park for an in-person Easter Egg Hunt just in time to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the event! This event will be packed with fun, community, and over 35,000 Easter eggs! Stay tuned to the Event Page and our website for more details. Free facebook.com/ events/588886292662896

Easter Egg Hunt at Jaquith Park in Newberg

The Newberg Easter Egg Hunt is back! Get the baskets ready and bring the kids to have some fun! Win Special Prize Eggs. No Easter basket leaves empty. 4H petting zoo, original 1936 Newberg Fire Engine on display and more! Free facebook.com/ events/507816324877544

Easter Egg Hunt at Murrayhill Park

Carey Hughes Homes is excited to invite you to their annual Easter egg hunt! The Easter egg hunt will take place at 10am in Murrayhill Park. They hope to see you there for some Easter fun! Free facebook.com/ events/1378299443007655/

Easter Weekend at Topaz Farm

Start a new tradition with a relaxing and fun visit to a working farm with activities for everyone! This is a private, ticketed event, available by preorder only. Each entrance ticket comes with: Farm entrance and parking, one of Chef Janelles’ housemade donuts, coffee and hot chocolate, one cow train ride or minidigger session, and much more! $10 topazfarm.com/easter2023

Fairview’s Easter Event at Fairview Community Park

Head to Fairview Community Park for an Egg Walk, crafts, games, a special needs area and a visit with the Easter Bunny! Free


Hood River Easter Train

The Easter Train departs the depot at 9am, 12pm and 3pm. The Easter bunny will be hopping through the train, delighting children all the way to The Fruit Company. Joyful music, coloring pages and valley views with delight families round trip. Tickets can be upgraded to include an Easter egg hunt, conductor hat, easter basket and more! $39+ mthoodrr.com

Nordic Northwest Easter Egg Hunt & Celebration

In partnership with Finlandia Foundation Columbia-Pacific Chapter they invite you to this free family event. Parents, grandparents, and friends can enjoy coffee and pastries while kids make crafts and go egg hunting. Bring your lawn chairs and/or blankets. Outdoor Kubb and Finnish lawn games will be played. Free nordicnorthwest.org/easter

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April 8

Sellwood-Moreland Egg Hunt at Oaks Park

Save the Date: The Sellwood Moreland Egg Hunt returns

Saturday, April 8th! 11am at Oaks Amusement Park. Games, candy and pictures with the Bunny! Free, with discounted ride tickets available online. instagram.com/p/CoqQlOPvYk3

Through April 8 Easter Bunny Photos at Washington Square

The Easter Bunny is back at Washington Square! Visit the Bunny in Summit Court, and for the easiest experience, pre-book your photo session for your littles by visiting their website. Photo package prices vary. shopwashingtonsquare.com/ BunnyPhotos

Easter Bunny Photos at Vancouver Mall

Hop over to Vancouver Mall to see the Easter Bunny in the lower level - JC Penney Court! Reservations are not required, but you may book your time in advance. April 3rd will also include Easter Bunny photos with your pet! Photo package prices vary. shopvancouvermall.com/events

Apr 8 & 9

Bella’s Bunny Hop Easter Egg Hunt at Bella Organic

With 11 different egg hunt times/age groups over 2 days, more prizes, and fun activities this is a can’t miss! Even a 21 and over egg hunt on April 8th! They may have limited tickets available at the farm on the day-of (only if there are some time slots still available online) so they highly encourage you to secure your ticket and time slot online before arriving! $5-$15 bellaorganic.com/annual-easter-egg-hunt-atbella-organic-farm

April 9

Easter Sunday Cruise on the Portland Spirit

Hop aboard the Portland Spirit for an Easter brunch to remember. Your family and friends will enjoy a two-hour cruise on the Willamette River, a delicious Northwest brunch buffet, “bottomless” mimosas or sparkling cider, live piano music, an appearance from Cinnabunny and ever-changing river views. $10-$80 portlandspirit.com/cruise/easter

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for more? Check out our online calendar: nwkidsmagazine.com/events
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32 | NW Kids Magazine magazine ® ADMISSION TO THE EXPO IS FREE! Join us for a "one-stop shop" opportunity to learn about all of the best summer camps in the Portland Metro area. With over 30 different camps represented, you are sure to find the perfect fit for your family. Make this your kids' best summer yet! Saturday, April 22 10am - 5pm at OMSI 1945 SE Water Ave, Portland Portland's Original Camp Expo since 2011 For more information visit nwkidsmagazine.com

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