1 minute read
Editor’s Note
After a seemingly endless winter, spring has arrived in all of its usual splendor. Birds are chirping, bulbs and buds are blooming and (here at NW Kids) we have summer break camps on our minds! Whether you’re just beginning to plot out your summer or you’ve decided to sign your kiddos up for additional camps, we have everything you need to finalize your plans. The April issue includes the second of three Summer Camp Guides for the 2023 season (head to pg. 8!) and there are camps to fit every interest under the sun. Speaking of camps, we are thrilled to invite you all back for our Summer Camp Expo at OMSI on Saturday, April 22nd from 10am-5pm. Aim High Academy of Martial Arts is our primary sponsor with Trackers, OMSI, The Hangout PDX and Northwest Children’s Theater rounding out the event as our secondary sponsors. With this group (plus the 20+ additional exhibitors!) it is sure to be a very fun, FREE event. We can’t wait to see you there! In the meantime, may your early spring be filled with healthy and exciting adventures around town!
Cheers, Mary
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