The mornings are crisp and the familiar feeling of leaves beneath our boots has returned once again. While many dread the arrival of the darker months, it’s hard to deny how spectacular our autumns truly are. The shorter days bring more time for nestling in at home and enjoying the bounty of the fall harvest. The October issue of NW Kids has a guide to some of the best spots to head out and pick a perfect pumpkin, pick apples or spend a full day enjoying a corn maze, a hay ride and a warm cup of cider. This is also the first School Open House Guide of the 2023-2024 season. Take a look at the many options that are available to us here, from infant through high school age! While many schools have open house events in the fall, most that don’t are happy to schedule a tour for your family. We will see you back here in November with the first of our holiday issues. It will be filled with winter break camps, holiday performances, events and much more. Until then, stay safe and enjoy all that an October in Portland has to offer.
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Holy Redeemer Catholic School
127 N Rosa Parks Way, Portland
Owl and the Dove Montessori
6126 NE 12th Ave, Portland 503-522-0537
Portland Village School
7654 N Delaware Ave, Portland 503-445-0056
Inspired by their faith, Holy Redeemer Catholic School is a diverse community committed to academic excellence, prayer, and service.
Preschool8th grade
A small community of families (Gender Creative Parenting Welcome!) with a unique low ratio, offering an amazing opportunity to connect, observe & nurture
6 weeks2 years old
A public Waldorf school nurturing the whole child. Tuition-free to serve students from all backgrounds and cultures. Moving to S Waterfront fall 2024!
St. Rose School
5309 NE Alameda St, Portland 503-281-1912
St. Rose provides Catholic education to grades PreK-8. Their academic environment nurtures discovery, challenging students to become active, curious learners.
Micha-el School 1315A SE Rusk Rd, Milwaukie 503-882-3322
At Micha-el School the curriculum is inspired by Waldorf education, weaving academics with creativity to inspire joyful learning.
K-8th grade
PreK-8th grade
Portland Preschool of The Arts & The Hangout PDX
4707 SE Belmont St, Portland 503-957-4915
Portland Waldorf School
2300 SE Harrison St, Milwaukie 503-654-2200
They are a child-focused, constructivist, exploration and discovery-based school and treat all children the way they’d want to be treated, with love and respect.
Engaging & in depth curriculum in the sciences, humanities, world languages, arts, music, athletics, & more. Minimal & intentional use of technology.
K-8th grade
Ages 3-5 from 9am-1pm and ages 5-10 from 2:30-6pm
Pre-K12th grade
$7,375-$9,015 annually Faith-based
Contact to schedule school.holyredeemerpdx. org
$1,000-$2000 monthly Montessori, Playbased, Reggio Emilia, RIE
Contact to schedule owlandthedove.com
Tuition-free Waldorf Contact to schedule portlandvillageschool.org
$7,690–$9,340 annually Catholic, Early Learning, Primary and Middle School
February 1: Contact to schedule a tour prior! strosepdxschool.org
$7,415-$9,965 annually Waldorf
Contact to schedule micha-elschool.org
$224-$880 monthly Play-based
Contact to schedule portlandpreschoolof thearts.com
$9,720-$21,730 annually Experiential, Play-based, Whole child, Waldorf
October 21 (HS), January 20 (PreK-12), see more dates online
Sellwood Community House
1436 SE Spokane St, Portland 503-894-9496
St Ignatius School
3330 SE 43rd Ave, Portland 503-774-5533
Sellwood Schoolhouse is a child-led and play-based school located in the heart of the Sellwood-Moreland Neighborhood.
3-5.5 years old
St. Ignatius, in the Jesuit way, develops eager minds, passionate hearts, enthusiastic spirits, and brilliant futures building a just and compassionate world.
French International School of Oregon
8500 NW Johnson St, Portland 503-292-7776
French International educates students from a global perspective preparing them to engage with inclusivity, achieve with integrity, and excel with distinction.
A Renaissance School of Arts and Sciences
234 S Bancroft St, Portland 971-221-2311
Bridges Middle School 2510 SW 1st Ave, Portland 503-688-2922
At Renaissance School, art, design, engineering, and the sciences are lively, natural contexts for the introduction, development, and application of skills.
Bridges is the only middle school in Oregon specifically designed for students with learning differences to reach their maximum potential.
Preschool8th grade
Catlin Gabel School
8825 SW Barnes Rd, Portland 503-297-1894
Discover the benefits of progressive education. Meet with teachers and leadership, visit classrooms, and explore their 67-acre campus. Register at catlin.edu
K-8th grade
Double Creek School 7235 SW Hunt Club Rd, Portland
503-356-9310 (text only)
Where accelerated and high potential learners find community and challenge. Convenient location for Portland and Beaverton families.
5th-8th grade
Preschool12th grade
K-5th grade
$400-$850 monthly Montessori, Play-based, Reggio Emilia, Whole child
$7,250-$8,975 annually (2022-23 rates)
Play-based, Reggio Emilia, Whole child
Contact to schedule sellwoodcommunity house.org
Contact to scheule a tour sispdx.org
$17,000$26,000 annually Language immersion, Playbased, International Baccalaureate (IB)
$15,960 annually plus applicable fees
Experiential, Whole child, Inquiry-based
$26,750 annually
Special Education
$33,500$41,500 annually
Experiential, Whole child, Progressive Education
$12,000 annually Gifted
November 4, 10am
November 15, 9am frenchintl.org
October 26, December 5, January 23, February 20: 6-7pm
Contact to schedule bridgesms.org
October 22, 1-4pm catlin.edu
November 5, 1pm doublecreekschool.org
International School of Portland
2305 S Water Ave, Portland 503-226-2496 x110
Montessori Children’s House 3626 S Bond Ave, Portland 503-360-1179
Embrace the World! Since 1990, they’ve offered full language and cultural immersion in a warm, loving environment that encourages curiosity and kindness.
Their aim is to support your child’s natural development, building the capability to become a productive, fulfilled adult who contributes to the world.
3 years old5th grade
Northwest Academy 1130 SW Main St, Portland 503-223-3367
Committed to inspiring students to discover their intellectual and artistic voices in a creative and supportive atmosphere.
16 months6 years old
Oregon Episcopal School 6300 SW Nicol Rd, Portland 503-768-3115
Visit OES for Open House. Explore campus, chat with leaders, teachers, and students, and learn about the OES model of inquirybased learning.
6th-12th grade
PreK -12th grade
Portland Jewish Academy 6651 SW Capitol Highway, Portland 503-244-0126
PJA provides a values-based education with a hands-on interdisciplinary curriculum emphasizing collaborative learning, critical thinking & community engagement.
Infant-8th grade
Willow Creek Forest School 11640 SW Boones Ferry Rd, Portland
Students enjoy a consistent daily rhythm in which they are immersed in the forest environment, while learning to be good stewards to the land and each other.
Agia Sophia Academy 14485 SW Walker Rd, Beaverton
They educate the whole child and provide a rich academic & arts curriculum, grounded in Christian values. Fostering love of learning, personal responsibility & respect.
3-5 years old
3 years old8th grade
$13,870$22,850 annually Language immersion, Playbased, International Baccalaureate
$1,500-$2,415 monthly Montessori
October 20 intlschool.org
October 7, 1-4pm mch-pdx.org
$27,410 - $29,320 annually
$28,800–$41,800 annually (day), $73,300 annually (boarding, grades 9-12)
$6,900$24,200 annually
Art-focused, College Preparatory
See website for dates northwestacademy.org
Experiential, Reggio Emilia
November 2, 6-8pm, Pre-K-5 & November 5, 1-4pm, Grades 6-12
Experiential, Playbased, Whole child
Call to schedule a personal tour pjaproud.org
$850 monthly Montessori, Playbased, Forest School, scientific inquiry
Contact to schedule a tour willowcreekforestschool. org
$4,575$11,000 annually
Montessori, Classical, Orthodox
November 9, 5-7pm asapdx.org
Forest Hills Lutheran Christian School
4221 Southwest Golf Course Rd, Cornelius
German International School
3900 SW Murray Boulevard, Beaverton
Little Fruit Farm Montessori
16445 SW Melinda Street, Beaverton
Montessori School of Beaverton (MSB)
11065 NW Crystal Creek Ln, Portland
Swallowtail Waldorf School & Farm
460 S Heather St, Cornelius 503-846-0336
Arbor School of Arts & Sciences
4201 SW Borland Road, Tualatin
Wow & Flutterville
8406 SW Main St, Ste 100, Wilsonville 503-954-2255
Inspiring future leaders, one student at a time. K-8th grade
GIS offers a bilingual and integrated approach to learning. Their students become globally-minded, adaptive, independent thinkers who grow into lifelong learners.
Supporting children’s natural development, curiosity and exploration. Low student teacher ratios, beautiful home and garden environments.
As a community dedicated to Montessori education, MSB supports the development of the whole child, guiding each toward their full potential.
Preschool7th grade
Swallowtail nurtures the whole child, teaches through art and hands-on experience, and offers rigorous academics, foreign language, and a farm campus.
3-12 years old
Cultivating intellect, character, and creativity in a small school setting.
PreK-8th grade
Childcare in the charming town of Wilsonville where families enjoy the small town charms of “country living” just 17 miles from downtown Portland.
K-8th grade
6 weeks6 years old
$7,340 annually
Wholistic Christian Education
November 18 fhlcs.org
$12,400 - $16,900 annually
Language immersion, Playbased, International Baccalaureate
Call for info Montessori
November 5, 10am gspdx.org
$11,510$14,720 annually
Experiential, Montessori, Playbased, Whole child
Contact to schedule littlefruitfarmmontessori. com
$9,950$15,325 annually
Experiential, Playbased, Whole child, Waldorf
$18,000 annually
Intellect, Character, Creativity
$1,063 - $1,600 monthly Play-based, Reggio Emilia, Whole child, Waldorf, RIE
November 4, 9am
January 20, 9am msb.org
October 26, 5-7pm;
December 2, 11am4pm;
March 16, 11am-2pm
October 22, 12-3pm arborschool.org
Contact to schedule
wowandflutterville playgardens.com/ wilsonville-childcarecenter
The time has come to pack up the family and head out to find the perfect pumpkins, apples, cider donuts and other autumn time fun! From Sauvie Island to Vancouver and everywhere in between, we’ve rounded up a list of spots to hit. Remember to check websites as each farm has its own opening date for the fall season!
On October 1st, they open their pumpkin patch for the autumn season. They have hayrides on the weekends or by appointment and lots of cute baby animals to look at. Pumpkins are priced by size and they we have lots of other autumn decorations, like Indian corn, straw bales, corn stalks, gourds and more for sale. Call to ask about planning a field trip or birthday party!
4745 Raybell Rd, Saint Paul(503) 538-6834 kochfamilyfarm.com
Bauman Farms
12989 Howell Prairie Rd., Gervais baumanfarms.com
Bella Organic Farm
16205 NW Gillihan Rd., Portland bellaorganic.com
Bi-Zi Farms
9504 NE 119th St., Vancouver, WA bi-zifarms.com
Bushue’s Family Farm and Nursery
9880 SE Revenue Rd., Boring bushuefarming.com
Dolan Creek Farm
13490 SE Orient Dr., Boring dolancreekfarm.com
Fazio Farms
8433 NE Fazio Way, Portland faziofarms.com
Flower Farmer
2512 N Holly, Canby flowerfarmer.com
French Prairie Gardens
17673 French Prairie Rd., St. Paul fpgardens.com
Frog Pond Farm
2995 SW Advance Rd., Wilsonville thefrogpondfarm.com
Hoffman Farms Store
22242 SW Scholls Ferry Rd., Beaverton hoffmanfarmsstore.com
Lee Farms
21975 SW 65th Ave., Tualatin leefarmsoregon.com
Liepold Farms
14050 SE Richey Rd., Boring liepoldfarms.com
Mt. View Orchards
6670 Trout Creek Ridge Rd., Mt. Hood mtvieworchards.com
Oregon Heritage Farms
22801 SW Scholls Ferry Rd., Hillsboro oregonheritagefarms.com
Packer Orchards Bakery & Farm Place
3020 Thomsen Rd., Hood River packerorchards.com
Plumper Pumpkin Patch and Tree Farm
11453 NW Old Cornelius Pass Rd., Portland plumperpumpkins.com
Pumpkin Lane at Pomeroy Farm
20902 NE Lucia Falls Rd Yacolt, WA pomeroyfarm.org
Roloff Farms
23985 NW Grossen Dr., Helvetia rolofffarms.com
The Patch
612 Whalen Rd., Woodland, WA avidgardener.webs.com
The Pumpkin Patch
16511 NW Gillihan Rd., Portland thepumpkinpatch.com
Topaz Farm
17100 NW Sauvie Island Rd., Portland topazfarm.com
Triskelee Farm
29700 SW Mountain Rd., West Linn triskeleefarm.com
Yesteryear Pumpkin Patch and Christmas Trees
26801 SW Stafford Rd., Wilsonville yesteryeartreefarm.com
A mix of stories, memories, research, and personal experiences, these tours are a fascinating glimpse through the darker side of history. Many of these tales of history and terror are drawn from the book Darkness Next Door, penned by Clark County historian, Pat Jollota. 7pm, $15-$20
Head to St. Helens to celebrate the haunted history and see movie locations from Halloweentown and Twilight. There are tons of fun attractions and family activities. The courthouse plaza is home of the big pumpkin, which they light on the first Saturday of October following the Big Halloween Parade. See website for hours and pricing.
Please confirm calendar events and performances as scheduling changes may occur.
Back for a 7th year, this Halloween display of intricately carved pumpkins and laser light show has grown every year. Witty, inspiring, and energetic is how many people describe this event. A departure from typical scary and somber-themed homes, this display is kid friendly.
5-9:30pm, Free facebook.com/ westlinnpumpkindisplay
Join as local author Kathleen Converse shares her new book Sam & the Samhain Scare! They’ll have story time, book signing, and magic wands! 10:30-11:30am, Free hammerandjacks.com
For Lovers of the Strange, Unusual & Bizarre… the Oddities & Curiosities Expo features vendors and artists from all over the country with all things weird. Outside of shopping with odd vendors, you can attend a taxidermy class, peruse through a museum of rare and one of a kind oddities and catch a live sideshow on stage. See website for hours and pricing.
This much-loved holiday tradition is back! Ghostly guides escort groups of guests on one of two candle-lit routes where they meet some of the cemetery’s residents and hear the unusual circumstances surrounding their untimely departures. We encourage people to come in costume, but as this is a resting place for family members and beloveds, we request costumes choices be tasteful and respectful of those resting in peace. Warning: This tour features mature topics. 5-9pm, $10-$20 tickettomato.com/event/8308/ friends-of-lone-fir-cemtery-presenttour-of-untimely-departures-nbsp
Put on your costume and join Portland entertainment icon Clare Apparently for Trinity Music’s PipeScreams Halloween Spectacular, a familyfriendly organ concert “pawsitively” guaranteed to surprise and delight! Enjoy a “purr-nicious” lineup of tunes ranging from Bach’s terrifying Toccata in D Minor to themes from “meowvies” like The Lion King and The Pink Panther. 6-8pm, Free trinity-episcopal.org/events-1/ pipescreams-halloween-spectacular
October 27
Halloween Enchantment in Damascus
Join Micha-el School for a magical journey! Check out their new (2024) location and enjoy an enchanted Story Walk, dinner, music, a Maker Market, raffles and more! 5-8pm, see website for ticket info.
Mr. Hoo is back at The Wiggle Room. This is the perfect time to check out this fun indoor play gym. The show is included with full day admission, which is $12 per child
($8 for wobblers). 10:30-11:30am
Oct 3, 10, 17 & 24
Preschool Prep at Sellwood Community House
Play and explore the preschool experience Tuesday mornings at SCH! Teacher Elaina will invite friends for open play, lead circle time with songs and stories and introduce families to the warm and playful Sellwood Community House preschool program. 10:15-11am, $15-$17
Oct 3, 10, 17 & 24
Tuesday Story Time with Olive & Dingo at Uplifted Boutique & Makers Market
Olive and Dingo are local joy bringers and are wonderfully silly jesters! Join them for a weekly rockin’ kiddo and family show: Story Time, where they sing, wiggle, and perform delightful and wild stories for kids. They crack jokes, read books, make music, and bring the best out in your kiddos. 10:30-11:30, $5
Oct 5, 12, 19 & 26
at Taborspace
Taborspace Families Making Music Every Thursday - sing, dance, play instruments, and create family+community bonds through the joy of musicking! The family music circles are led by Early Childhood Music Therapists from Earthtones Northwest who specialize in interactive group musicking experiences for development, for parent/caregiverchild bonding, and for social emotional learning. 10-10:50am, $10-$20
Oct 5, 12, 19 & 26
During these interactive music sessions, participants will begin to learn and practice simple fundamentals of music, all while having a blast singing and/or acting out silly and interesting songs that are often accompanied by musical paraphernalia like shaker eggs, dancing scarves, and drums. 10:30-11:10am, $10-$15
Oct 6, 13, 20 & 27
Tallulah’s Daddy at The Oregon Public House
Join Tallulah’s Daddy at The Oregon Public House every Friday for musical fun! Great food and drink, plus a spacious community room with plenty of room for everyone! 5pm, $10-20 per family suggested donation. makemusicwithmatt.com
Dozer Day® is an annual event that seeks to educate people of all ages about building sustainable communities, industry career opportunities, and public safety. It gives kids the ultimate “construction experience” by inviting close contact with heavy construction equipment, public safety vehicles, recycling trucks, and other fun, informational activities.
Bring your bikes, helmets & water bottles. They have a limited number of bikes to loan. It will be a fun-filled day with skills stations & activities for all levels of riders, bike games & a raffle! 10am-2pm, Free nw-trail.org/event/take-a-kidmountain-biking-day-10-7
Once the weigh off and pumpkin drop are complete, the giant pumpkins will be on display at Bauman’s Harvest Festival. If you’ve never seen a pumpkin at more than 1,000 pounds, you are in for a surprise and delight. The Farm will have dozens of pumpkins this size and bigger, making it one of the top weigh offs in the country. 1pm, See website for pricing baumanshf.com/pumpkin-weighoff
Oct 14
Red Yarn & Miss Jessie at Walters Cultural Arts Center
With traditional and original songs— including several from their upcoming album, The Get-Together—Red & Jessie lead audiences through the landscapes of American folklore, introducing their Critter friends along the way. 2-3pm, $8-$10 cityofhillsboro.ticketspice.com/redyarn-miss-jessie-2023
Oct 22
This is one of the most unique fall Festivals in Oregon. Since 2004 people from around the country gather to witness costumed characters paddling inside giant pumpkins in a series of races. This fun-filled weekend includes Pumpkins and Pints, a giant pumpkin weigh-off, Regatta Run, and Regatta festival and pumpkin races. 10am-4pm, Free tualatinoregon.gov/pumpkinregatta
Oct 28
Halloween in Downtown Hillsboro
Halloween in Downtown Hillsboro is an annual trick-or-treating event happening in the downtown district of Hillsboro. There will be two parts to this event. Trick or Treat on Main St. from 3:00-6:00 pm and Halloween in Downtown Hillsboro Block Party from 7p-10p. Hillsboro
Downtown Partnership has partnered with Downtown businesses, local schools, and more to provide spooky music, performances, special appearances, and a haunted house or two along a very festive route. 3-10pm, Free downtownhillsboro.org/halloween