4 minute read
from July 2022 - California Leaf
by Northwest Leaf / Oregon Leaf / Alaska Leaf / Maryland Leaf / California Leaf / Northeast Leaf

LET’S FACE IT: Puffco’s Peak forever changed the world of Cannabis concentrate consumption as we knew it. And if you’re as reliant on it as I am for your daily dabs, you’re likely looking for ways to maximize its functionality and ease of use. Introducing the Hot Knife and the Journey Bag – two accessories that are affordable and essential to expressing your Peak’s highest potential.
Puffco Journey Bag

AN ULTRA-MODERN TAKE on the old-school, do-it-yourself method of heating hash from which it takes its name, the Hot Knife is an electronic dab tool that does one simple but in-
Puffco credibly useful thing: It heats your
Hot dab to precisely the temperature needed for it to drip off the tool’s
Knife ceramic tip and into your Peak chamber without causing it to vaporize – eliminating the messy, AVAILABLE annoying chore of trying to scrape IN BLACK the sticky extract off into the botOR INDIGLO tom (or heaven forbid the side!)
INCLUDES USB-C CHARGING CORD $59.99 of the chamber. Simply hold down the button and three seconds later, ta-da – your dab is in the bowl and ready to smoke.
FOR DABBERS ON THE GO, nothing beats Puffco’s new Journey Bag. Think of it as a padded purse for your Peak that resembles a low-slung gun holster (though far less menacing). Made of durable, water-repellent nylon, this stylish black shoulder sling features four main compartments: the Peak pocket, which keeps your device easily accessible and upright so the water in your glass attachment doesn’t spill out; a large storage pocket for other essential items, inside of which are two smaller pockets (including a thin one to slide your dab tool into); a cushioned screen-safe phone pocket; and coolest of all (literally), a small, thermal-lined “chill pocket” at the bottom that’s equipped with a tiny freezer pack to keep your jars of concentrate cool. It also features an adjustable strap with a magnetic buckle and a slip-proof pad under the base. Whether hiking through the woods, strolling the beach at sunset, trekking around town or cruising around a Cannabis festival, the Journey Bag is perfect for keeping your Peak portable and protected.
Dab Rite
ONCE THE WORLD got tired of taking hot dabs, BLACK AND LIMITED stoners began to innovate. The original way we could EDITION COLORS tell if a banger or titanium nail was too hot, was to AVAILABLE. $249.99 hold a finger an inch or so away and go off of feeling. Needless to say that is not only a safety hazard, but also kind of archaic. I mean, we are smoking out of pipes that have five-figure price tags – why not make the dabbing experience a little more sophisticated? The Dab Rite is an infrared thermometer that tells you the exact temperature of your banger, nail, swing-arm, or whatever surface you are dabbing off of. The first thing you’ll want to do is set the material of your banger, with options including quartz and opaque quartz for those extra-heady worked pieces. Next you can set your temperature – and play with the flexible arm that enables you to place it at any angle underneath your banger – where it’ll read the temperature and display it on the small screen of the device. You’ll be able to watch the temperature decrease until it reaches the number you have set it to, and it’ll beep and flash when it’s time for you to dab (you can choose to silence it as well). Hands down, the Dab Rite completely changed the game for me – ending the days of burning my throat with hot dabs and ensuring I can actually taste the flavors I am chasing with dabbing concentrates. Thanks to this device, my precious terps are finally safe.


Stache DigiTül
IT’S NO SECRET that dabbing technology is constantly evolving into wild new territories, and in our never-ending quest for accessories that convey this growing sophistication, we found the DigiTül by Stache Products. A dabber running off of AAA batteries in the handle, it features a detachable metal tool and can literally tell you the exact weight of the concentrate you have scooped onto the end of it. The process is simple: Place the dabber on a flat surface, turn it on, scoop your concentrate, and put it back on the same flat surface. The digital screen will read the exact weight of the concentrate down to double digits. After testing out the dabber versus a traditional scale, it consistently weighed the correct amount and was more accurate than a single-digit scale. The DigiTül absolutely pushes the envelope for concentrate accessories into an exciting new realm, developing a tool that’s sure to find its way into the hands of many looking to fine tune their dabbing experience.