June 2014 — Issue #48

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NORTHWEST LEAF the patient’s voice



June 2014 Issue #48





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JUNE 2014






4 YEARS. 48 ISSUES. Explore o ur r e t r o spe ct iv e o n fo ur gr ea t y e a rs. It ha s b e e n ou r a b solu te p rivile g e to b e a b le to br i n g local, ex clusiv e an d h ig h - q ualit y jo urna lism a b ou t the Pa c ific N orthw e st a nd b e y ond to a ll o f o u r loyal rea de r s ea ch an d ev er y m o n t h . In a ll sinc e rity, w e ow e a lot to y ou , in su p p orting ou r wo r k, in s harin g yo ur fee db a ck an d in push ing u s to ma k e e ve ry issu e e ve n b e tte r tha n the one b e f o r e .

NATIONAL NEWS...................12 FREEDOM MARCH..................22 TACOMA ACCESS.........................32 DELIVERY SERVICE.....................36 BUD AND BREAKFAST...............40 4 YEAR LOOKBACK.....................44 TASTY RECIPES..........................74 CONCENTRATES....................82 DR. ROSE...................................92 FINAL WEEKS............................96 BEHIND THE STRAIN.................102


8 questions for...


The Craftsman


Not your average grow


Tasty recipes


Have breakfast in bud


Product reviews

A satisfying medicated peanut butter



What prisons took away


Dr. Scanderson

Cannabis courtesy Medicine Men Cover styled by Malina Lopez

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Dama Oil maintains 1,000+ plants Checking out a 420-friendly B & B

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HYe Loa[]:Yc]\AfO9 k f]o [gdmef

L`] [jm[aYd ĂšfYd o]]ck g^ _jgoaf_

Daniel Berman/Northwest Leaf




editor’s note Thank you for checking out the 48th issue of northwest leaf! Time has seriously flown by. We started this magazine way back in June 2010...


start all of my editor’s notes that way, I have shared a lot of stories, and seen the and I have meant it every time for medical industry grow tremendously. the last 48 months. It has been an I have also seen troubled times, seen a honor to serve the Cannabis industry collective crushed after a letter from the DEA, for the past four years, and I look forward to seen people who believed they were following a strong future for everyone involved in this State law sent to jail or prison. Still we have vibrant new world. persevered and never stopped growing, There is a whole lot of love and passion literally, and it gives me hope for the future that keep the patients of Washington served, and those who earn the label “potrepreneur.” and a hunger for truth about Cannabis that I’ve also seen great success with using keeps us pushing forward. I am absolutely a Cannabis to treat a huge variety of illness, firm believer in the power of information, and seen peoples lives changed by Cannabis. my goal has always been to share knowledge Medical Cannabis in Washington has grown with Northwest Leaf. more than any other medical state in testing The adage “The pen is mightier than the our medicine, which shows a true focus on sword” is especially true when it comes to the medicinal aspects of the plant. fighting the War on Drugs. Our only weapon Our patients are educated, and our is our voices, and our battle standard a collectives provide some of the best medicine consistent and unwavering demand that our in the entire world. Our flair for scientific rights be both protected and respected. extractions is also well known, with collectives Nobody deserves to go to prison for a plant. in Washington developing CBD extractions Until our jails are empty of Cannabis and boutique concentrates that have the prisoners and our people are free to grow a worlds attention. Forget Amsterdam, say harmless plant I will never stop fighting, hello Seattle! through sharing the truth of a humble plant. Looking back through the issues we have And one of the best ways to share this truth published is like flipping through a family is to show how positively it affects peoples photo album of a group of friends growing lives. Which is the part I love up together. So much about Until our jails are most about Northwest Leaf ! MMJ has changed, but the empty of Cannabis Sharing the stories of people underlying passion and prisoners and our in our community making strength has not. people are free to change and healing themselves I am excited for the future, grow a harmless naturally. It is freedom at its to share more stories of truth plant, I’ll never stop finest, grown in the Pacific and healing, and to see our fighting and sharing Northwest. country change for the better. the truth of this plant. Over the last four years Thank you and namaste!

JUNE 2014

CONTACT NORTHWEST LEAF EDITOR WES ABNEY to discuss advertising or displaying our magazine af Y f]o dg[Ylagf& O] oYfl lg `]Yj ^jge qgm >]]d free to send submissions, share f]ok lahk gj bmkl qgmj lYc] gf Y klgjq gj gf] o] k`gmd\ `]Yj&

Phone 206-235-6721 Email fod]Y^8_eYad&[ge

founder & editor-in-chief

Wes Abney photographer & designer

Daniel Berman contributors Steve elliott kirk ericSon AUDreY kinG MAlinA loPeZ tYler j. MArkwArt bob MontoYA Dr. ScAnDerSon Dr. Scott D. roSe PAM twicebAkeDinwA

Department of Corrections

Af EYq$ log Yjla[d]k o]j] ljmf[Yl]\ af ]jjgj \mjaf_ hjg\m[lagf& @]Y\ lg fod]Y^&[ge Yf\ [da[c gf l`] Kh][aYd lYZ Yl lgh%ja_`l to read the full articles on CO2 Organics and Dabbing Heats Up.




STEVE ELLIOTT is the editor behind tokesignals.com, an independent blog of Cannabis news and opinion

minnesota becomes 22nd medical state


he Minnesota House of Representatives and Senate gave final approval in May to legislation that will allow some people with debilitating conditions to access medical marijuana, if their doctors recommend it. The measure will now be sent to Gov. Mark Dayton, who said he plans to sign it into law. The final version of the legislation will not allow individuals suffering from intractable pain, nausea, wasting, and post-traumatic stress disorder to access medical marijuana. “We applaud the Minnesota Legislature for taking action on this important issue,” said Robert Capecchi, deputy director of state policies for the Marijuana Policy Project, which began lobbying in support of medical marijuana legislation in Minnesota in 2005. “It reflects the strong and growing public support for safe and legal access to medical marijuana. The bill is the product of a compromise between Gov. Mark Dayton and members of the House and Senate in the final days of the legislative session. It


About 5,000 people will qualify for medical marijuana under the plan, but with restrictions

The Minneapolis skyline overlooks the Mississippi River, 2013. PHOTO BY DANIEL BERMAN was declared dead by the governor, legislators, and from a mitochondrial disease that causes sethe media on several occasions, but was repeatedly vere nausea, and will not be able to get medrevived after actions by patients and advocates. ical marijuana under the new law. About 5,000 Minnesotans will qualify for the “Instead of listening to parents and paproposed program, according to a legislative analytients about what bill would work for our sis of the House bill on which it is based. families, the governor gave law enforcement Gov. Dayton repeatedly delayed the progress the power to decide how this medical proof a widely supported and more effective version of gram should operate and who should have the law that would have allowed access to it,” she said. “Police were 35,000-plus seriously ill patients not consulted when Lincoln’s docThe governor gave to legally access medicinal Cantors recommended his 20 surgeries law enforcement nabis by promising to veto any and removed part of his colon, and the power to decide bill that did not have the support they were not asked to approve how this medical of law enforcement associations, the catheter and colostomy bag he program should operate and who all of which refused to support a must use on a regular basis. should have workable medical marijuana law. “Why should their approval be access to it.” Law enforcement was neutral necessary if doctors think medion the final bill, which included cal marijuana will help my son?” several restrictions upon which Dayton insisted. Olander asked. “Gov. Dayton called the process that produced “We will keep fighting until Lincoln and this bill ‘citizen government at its best,’ but it is the thousands of other seriously ill patients actually politics at its worst,” said Shelly Olander who have been left behind by this law are of Brainerd, whose 6-year-old son, Lincoln, suffers able to access the medicine they need.”

Quick Hits!

1000 200 530 19

Downpayment on 13.7 kilograms (30 lbs) of marijuana in Larnaca, Cyprus, according to police who arrested a 26-y/o Dutch woman.

Daily seizures 2-y/o Kyla Williams was suffering before her parents began her on a high-CBD hemp oil and eliminated most of the seizures.

Number of plants at a grow site found after a 16-year-old boy was seen running away from the area with a backfull full of stolen plants.

Age of Jacob Lavoro of Round Rock, Texas, who is facing a prison sentence of five years to life for making pot brownies with hash oil. Authorities are arguing that the edibles constitute the weight of the oil, not the ingredients themselves, putting him in serious felony charges.

a medicated food truck is coming to seattle Tasty treats from BBQ pulled pork to Kushie Tomato soup are planned

truck has between 30 and 100 milligrams of THC, enough to give an average person a pleasant high. All dishes have at least one infused ingredient, and some have more. “Cooking with cannabis in comparison to other herbs is far more challenging,” said chef Joey Galeano of Magical Butter. “The challenge comes from properly dosing each ingredient with a delicate balance between taste and potency.” Magical Butter envisions a fleet of company food trucks in cities like San Diego, Tampa and Toronto, where they could park near beaches and other tourist destinations, according to CEO Geryn Angel. The company is also planning a smartphone app that will alert customers when the truck is nearby. For now, the SAMICH truck will soon be seen on the streets of Seattle, where it’s based at the Magical Butter headquarters.

30 10 5 22 0.5

Millions of dollars approved in the Colorado state Legislature for testing the medicinal benefits of Cannabis. We suspect there’ll be plenty of results.

Number of grams of Cannabis that a New Zealand woman claimed to police that her cat had found and left, presumably, as a goodwill peace offering.



agical Butter, a Seattle-based company which sells a botanical extractor turning raw marijuana into a form that can be infused into food and beverages, has unveiled a food truck that it says is the world’s first mobile eatery featuring cannabis-infused food. The bright pink former school bus, officially known as the SAMICH truck (Savory Accessible Marijuana Infused Culinary Happiness), debuted at the Cannabis Cup in Denver on April 20, reports Sky McCarthy at Fox News. The SAMICH truck isn’t limited to typical pot treats like brownies and cookies. It features the Samich (sunbutter and jelly), Bin Mi (Vietnamese style pork sandwich), the Bronco (barbecue pulled pork sandwich), PhaReal cheese sandwich, and Kushie tomato soup. All of the treats are made with Magical Butter’s patented MB2 device, which the company says any cook can use. Each item sold from the

Age of Ricky Allende of Springford, IL who rolled through a stop sign all while smoking Cannabis in front of a cop. He was charged with possession.

Number of pesos that it will cost to purchase a gram of new legal recreational marijuana in Uruguay, which works out to a whopping 90 cents per gram. Grams of marijuana rapper Wiz Khalifa was arrested for after flying from El Paso to Dallas. Back in 2012, he got popped for pot in Nashville.



FIVE YEARS TO LIFE? I’M SORRY. I’M A LAW ABIDING CITIZEN. I’M A CONSERVATIVE. I LOVE MY COUNTRY. I’M A VIETNAM VETERAN, BUT I’LL BE DAMNED. THIS IS WRONG. THIS IS DAMN WRONG!.” -Joe Lavoro, whose son, Jacob, 19, has been charged with a first-degree felony by officials in Round Rock, Texas after making and selling pot brownies. Authorities are allowed under state law to use the sugar, cocoa butter and other ingredients to determine the weight of the drugs, KHON2 News reported.


STEVE ELLIOTT is the editor behind tokesignals.com, an independent blog of Cannabis news and opinion


Marijuana Will Be Sold Tax-Free To Undercut Drug Smugglers


arijuana production and sales will be exempt from taxes in Uruguay, according to government consultants who said the move is to ensure prices remain low enough to undercut competition from the black market. Uruguay’s Congress in December approved a law allowing the legal cultivation and sale of marijuana, making it the first nation to do so, with the aim of wresting the business from smugglers. “The principal objective is not tax collection,” said Felix Abadi, a contractor in charge of developing Uruguay’s Cannabis tax structure. “Everything has to be geared toward undercutting the black market. So we have to make sure the price is low.” Up to six licenses to produce Cannabis legally will be auctioned in the coming weeks. The government is also considering cultivating Cannabis on a plot of land controlled by the army to avoid illegal trafficking of the crop. Both states in the U.S. that have legalized marijuana -Washington and Colorado -- heavily tax it. Or, in Washington’s case, eventually tax it because no marijuana stores have yet opened, more than a year and a half after voters approved I-502, which We have to make sure the price is low, legalizes up to 1 ounce for adults, said Felix Abadi, a but doesn’t allow home growing, contractor in charge of requiring marijuana users to buy developing Uruguay’s from state-licensed stores. Cannabis tax laws. Tobacco and alcohol are heavily taxed in Uruguay, but the official Cannabis trade will be almost entirely tax-free, according to Abadi. Uruguay doesn’t require a law to exempt a product from taxes. According to the policy signed this month by President Jose Mujica, Uruguayans will be able to buy up to 10 grams of Cannabis a week in pharmacies, for between 85 cents and $1 a gram, a price comparable to black-market marijuana.


Colorado Legal pot sales are on the rise as crime numbers continue dive


hen Colorado made history by becoming one of the first two U.S. states to legalize marijuana, opponents claimed this would cause an increase in crime, but as legal sales of Cannabis have increased, crime has gone down in the state. Sales of recreational marijuana reached almost $19 million for March, an increase of almost $5 million from February. The first three months of recreational Cannabis sales have brought in about $7.3 million in taxes for Colorado; add in the taxes from medical marijuana and the total goes to $12.6 million. The state also gets fees through the licensing of growers and sellers; that revenue stream has brought in another $903,000 in the first three months of legal sales. Meanwhile, compared to the same period in 2013, 2014 has seen an overall reduction in both violent and property crimes in Denver since marijuana legalization. Notable reductions were seen in homicide, down by more than 52 percent, and theft from motor vehicles, down by 36 percent. All forms of violent crime saw a reduction during the same period. Meanwhile, Colorado is seeing job growth. At least 13 positions have been created by the industry, from marijuana writers to grow-site operators. Denver’s numbers support findings from a recent peer-reviewed report published in PLOS ONE showing that medical marijuana legalization causes no increase in crime, and might reduce some violent crimes, including murder. PHOTO BY FLICKR/JIKATU & FLICKR/ROBORODENT


STEVE ELLIOTT is the editor behind tokesignals.com, an independent blog of Cannabis news and opinion

New Mexico Court: medical marijuana is covered by insurance




New Mexico appeals court ruled May 19 that an injured auto mechanic who uses medical marijuana to treat pain can have his former employer and the company’s insurance provider reimburse him for Cannabis. The New Mexico Court of Appeals voted unanimously to uphold a previous workers compensation court decision, also in favor Gregory Vialpando, the 55-year-old former mechanic who suffered a lower back injury in 2000. The Santa Fe man’s former employer, Ben’s Automotive Services, and its insurance provider, Redwood Fire & Casualty, had tried to get out of reimbursing the mechanic for using medicinal Cannabis as a pain treatment, pointing to marijuana’s illegal status under federal law. New Mexico is the first state he’s aware of where a workers’ compensation board has approved insurance reimbursement for medical marijuana, according to Albuquerque attorney Peter White, who represents Vialpando.

“It’s an important decision for workers so seriously injured they would be bound to a lifetime of narcotic medications,” White said. “It might be fairly unique,” said Drug Policy Alliance staff attorney Tamar Todd of the ruling. New Mexico Court of Appeals Judge James Wechsler’s written opinion found the employer and its insurer had failed to cite a specific federal law they’d be forced to violate by reimbursing the man for his medical marijuana. The workers’ compensation board last year had approved Vialpando for medical marijuana as pain treatment. A doctor found “It’s an important he suffered from decision for “some of the most workers so extremely high inseriously injured tensity, frequency, they would and duration of be bound to a pain” out of thoulifetime of narcotic sands of patients medications.” he had seen.

Dollar Menu? Cops suspect there was more than cheese on a cheeseburger...



Iowa man claims the burger he got from a McDonald’s drive-through had marijuana on it. “I’ve seen a lot of stuff, but never something like this,” said Lt. Jason Bell of the Ottumwa Police Department, reports KCCI. “I really haven’t had a lot of investigations where I’ve focused so much on cheeseburgers.” Ottumwa police said they were investigating the case. They said a man bought the burger for his pregnant fiance. A sample was sent to the Division of Criminal Investigation for analysis, according to police. If the substance is indeed Cannabis, they say it’s a mystery why someone would do this. The cops are investigating everybody from the McDonald’s employees to the couple who reported the bud-burger. The restaurant remains open. “We are exploring all possibilities at this point, and that factor is one thing we’re considering with the investigation,” Bell said. “It’s more of a serious allegation against a business in the community. In any business, we want to make sure we come to the best possible conclusion on where it originated.” Police said they found ”drug paraphernalia” on one McDonald’s employee, but said there have been no charges in the case. Lab results on the burger buddage, which “appears to be consistent with marijuana,” according to the cops, won’t be available for at least a month, they said.






aDAM hAND when you want high-quality pins with cannabis decorations, or shirts of the same, the burlington-based apparel company Handmade easily stands out. Adam Hand is at the helm.




#6 You also make collectable pins. How has that been going?

I came to Washington about 11 years ago, originally from North Carolina. I went to culinary school and cooked for a few years, and then moved to Pilchuck Art School. My girlfriend, Jackie, and I were the chefs there. That was a good time. From there, meeting a lot of artists definitely led me to say you’ve got to do your own thing. Working for other people is not going to make you happy. I started working for another company and it more or less failed because they didn’t give it the attention it needed. One employee can only take a company so far. I took it pretty far, but I didn’t stop coming to work and the phone didn’t stop ringing. Slowly but surely I converted those clients to my clients and I started paying rent. We have a friend who lets us use the shop for a fair rate and wants us to succeed so it’s great to be

Damn man, I’ve made a shit ton of pins. Last year, I did more pins from independent deals than I made new T-shirt clients. A lot of the new stuff was designed in the last year, a few more that I can’t show you yet, too. We work with a factory in Asia and I work with them every day, directly, to get the colors and the molds right and we get the pins in and ship them out to the clients.

#2 What types of printing does handmade do? We have a six-color capability on this press, four shirts at a time for screen printing. There is a fee for setting up the film and sometimes the graphics are not screen-printable and so there is some setup with that as well. Some people want to label the inside, the sleeves and all different sorts of things. We also do lots of vinyl cutting of CAD-cut T-shirt prints that are much sharper images and are very smooth to the touch and to look at. With six colored shirts, they might take three to four days to do a few hundred depending on the color of the T-shirt. White’s the easiest to print on. Other than that, we can put out a hundred or so a day.

#3 Any differences between hemp, cotton & bamboo for printing? They’re all more or less the same, it’s just different textures. Hemp is a different texture so that will affect the way the ink takes. Bamboo is another one that we do and it is a very smooth texture, so it takes ink differently. These cotton shirts are designed to print well. This 52/50 shirt that we use is designed for printers; it’s not one you’re going to find in the store. It’s designed to take the ink well.

#7 Do you print most of the shirts and run the business at the same time? Richard prints most of the shirts. Before Richard came along, I was printing all the shirts and doing all the business and it was limiting. We brought him on to do the printing and he has helped make us really successful. He’s been in here for a year and a half, so now I can focus on design, making the sales and he makes the shirts. Where I lack, he makes up, I like making art and Richard can handle the invoices and math that I don’t like to do. We complement each other.

#8 You’ve been traveling to all the shows. How has that been going? We’ve been to every Cannabis Cup in the last year and a half and all the other events, too! In order to go to these events, we have to shut the shop down and head out for four days. Most events are on the weekends. The good thing about it is that we’re delivering shirts to a handful of clients at the event and then we get to see clients sell shirts and everyone wear them around the event. We end up kicking ass all week long at the shop and then packing up everything and heading out.

#4 You have a lot of different ink colors to choose from. Do you mix custom colors? A lot of times we are mixing particular colors for people. You can do a lot with half tones, index separations, even though we just have a six-color capability. We can also heat-press shirts on a 14-by-20 press so we have a range of capabilities. We are just printing some shirts up here with a color called orchid, which is the Pantone color of the year.

#5 Do you source a lot of supplies locally? All of these materials are made in a big factory somewhere, right? Actually, I have a very local source. His name is Kevin Hartman and he runs a screenprinting supply company and graphics services, car wraps, signs, etc. He is very instrumental in making our business a success. We are good friends and we work closely together.

Visit handmadeapparel.biz for info on purchasing these collectible pins



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NO VICTIM NO CRIME WHY THE CANNABIS FREEDOM MARCH IS MORE RELEVANT THAN EVER “I thought marijuana was legal,” you might chuckle, head tilted, brow raised. And you’re kind of right. For some people,

in some states, in some counties, it is. But regardless of the promised future benefits of Initiative 502, the measure didn’t nearly change the lives of everyone. Cannabis can get you kicked off teams and out of the bank. Cannabis is still a reason to revoke scholarships, be targeted by police, and face the separation of parents from their children. Cannabis is still a reason to be denied an organ transplant, and, in direct, irresponsible contrast to mounting support for its use for seizures, cancer, wasting, pain relief and a variety of other treatments, Cannabis languishes as a dangerous Schedule I drug — the kind the feds bark has a high potential for abuse and lacks any actual medical benefits. It is assuredly not legal. Not in a real-world application of the word. Not when one considers the many lasting stigmas and the dire reality of countless people living in this country with drug convictions on their record. Not when it is still against the law to grow it for non-patients and when people continue to go to (and stay in) jail for possession of this plant in most states. Not when the stark differences between Washington and Colorado and everywhere else loom larger every day. Not when it is still a crime to smoke a joint where one may smoke a cancer stick in public and a fireable offense to use marijuana off-the-clock. Not when raids still happen on businesses citizens want. The Cannabis Freedom March is annual public testimony to the fact that we shouldn’t rest until there are no more drug war prisoners, until everyone can enjoy Cannabis freely and openly and reasonably. We will keep on marching, keep on fighting, until the last of our fellow humans unfairly burdened by our misguided criminal justice system can get their lives back, and Cannabis, once, truly, finally, for all, is free.


The Cannabis Freedom March saw hundreds of activists participating in a 2-mile jaunt from Volunteer Park in Capitol Hill to Westlake Park through downtown Seattle May 10, 2014.





Clockwise from left, Brandon Kitts, Todd Morgan, Niko Gohd and Brendan Fraser trim marijuana buds at the Dama Oil production facility in Seattle May 12, 2014.

NOT YOUR AVERAGE GROW It takes a lot of everything to run Dama Oil’s 30,000 sq. foot warehouse, stocked to the brim with more than 1,000 plants and the facilities to keep completely in-house every stage of the production from seed to smoke.





I can hardly even describe

the feeling of being around 500 rustling Cannabis plants in an air- conditioned and clean environment, just waiting to be processed into medicine that can help thousands of patients. For Dama Oil founders Dax Colwell and Boris Gorodnitsky, it’s just another day at the office ... garden. But it isn’t without challenges. With over 1,000 plants in all stages of growth, a constant flow of Cannabis needs to be harvested. Their company, New Leaf Enterprises, fills a 30,000-square-foot, secure warehouse made up of office and warehouse space for production and processing of Cannabis. The company employs 33 people, almost all full time, and is looking forward to expanding to serve both the new recreational market and the existing medical market. They opened their doors in South Seattle to Northwest Leaf for an inside look into the world of high-end Cannabis production and processing.

Dax and Boris partnered in November 2012,

a merger that would ultimately form into New Leaf Enterprises. The two complement each other in experience and specialty. Both had owned businesses before they met but now Boris handles the production of the plants from clone to finished flower while Dax manages the extraction processes, as well as the company’s marketing and branding. Together, they have made a formidable team with one of the most advanced Cannabis production facilities in the world. When they met, life was much simpler for them personally and for the industry. Boris was managing


Continued from p. 26

a 6,000-square-foot warehouse for medical production and Dax purchased his trim to process into a brand he had started: Dama Oil. “One day we were meeting and I asked about warehouse space, and he mentioned wanting concentrates, so we decided to go have a beer and worked it out from there. It ended up being a really good merger,” Dax explained. “You take the Dama marketing and product line and combine it with Boris’ growing expertise and flower, and you have the perfect marriage.” The combination proved fateful. It allows each to focus on their specialty and to build out a product line that is hand-picked for quality and consistency. It all begins in the cloning room, a humid and brightly lit space with multiple-level clone racks stretching 30 feet in the air. It is there the plants are given new life through the cloning process. All clones are bar-coded at “birth” and tracked week by week until they flower, or are mothered and eventually destroyed. New Leaf runs 30 strains of Cannabis, all chosen for particular medicinal benefits or genetic characteristics. High cannabidiol (CBD) options such as AC/DC and high THC choices such as Lambs Bread Mango or Grand Daddy Purple are kept with the other varieties in vertical rows, organized by age and purpose. Walking from one end of the room to the other can show a particular strain in vegetative growth over the course of several months, all in preparation for flowering or continuing life as a mother plant. Once the plants are ready for flowering, they

head into one of two flower rooms, operating 24/7 on a flip box system. When one room is dark, the other is light. The plants are kept in long rows filling the space, again sorted by strain and date. A massive air-conditioning system keeps the humidity in control and maintains a constant 75 degree temperature, which felt cool on the day of our visit when it was 85 degrees outside. The garden workers move up and down the rows on rolling carts with wands connected to an advanced irrigation system. “This is state-of–the-art hydroponics, one of the few systems in the world like this,” Dax said. “A computer controls the irrigation and can be programmed for different zones or rows. The computer system fills as much water is needed for a run into one of two 400-gallon tanks, and then injects nutrients based off the program schedule. No more mixing nutrients. It goes directly out to the watering wands, and makes the whole process more efficient.” At time of print, 1,134 plants were in flower -- 30 staple strains and a few in research and testing. We saw side-by-side LED light trials, and new strains being tested for the future I-502 marketplace. They also test different nutrient levels for specific strains, all of which is building a massive database of Cannabis cultivation knowledge. “I can log in on a laptop and see our data, real world trends directly from our garden,” Boris explained. “Seeing trends allows us to make adjustments. There’s a lot we can and are learn-

pHOTOS FROM LEFT: 7 full-time growers work here //

Founders Boris Gorodnitsky & Dax Colwell Plants are barcoded and tracked from seed to smoke // Finished Dama Oil tubes ready for delivery

ing from the system, even as we grow in it.” With a background in engineering and technology, Boris wrote a scheduling software that covers the entire facility’s processes. “Every week we print out a calendar with instructions for all staff,” he said, pointing to a schedule on the wall. “It gives instructions for everything from how many clones to take of a certain strain to nutrient changes, and delegates amounts for processing into oil or for flower.” In most jobs, being a control-freak boss can cause

tion. The rest of the bud is sorted for processing. This includes buds from popcorn size to medium nugs that aren’t seen as top grade for flower, but are perfect for what concentrate artists call “nug runs.” “Every run of Dama Oil is what they call nug run,” Boris said, betraying a grin. “The quality is excellent.” By using only bud for the oil, the result is arguably one the best full-plant extractions in the country. They use only pure USP food-grade

The garden workers move up and down the rows on rolling carts with wands connected to an advanced irrigation system. internal problems, but in the world of Cannabis, the opposite seems to be true. Control means problems don’t occur and ensures consistency among all products. Processing is where the system New Leaf uses really shows its benefits, where everything is standardized and preordained for quality. “It is of upmost importance,” Boris said, “That we control the entire process. We focus on quality and we track everything we do. Every nutrient or pest treatment, any changes to the plant, and all our products are tested for potency. The ultimate goal of any manufacturing company is control of all pieces of the puzzle. We have that.” Once the flower has been grown, harvested, dried and cured, it is sorted into two groups. The premium quality bud and perfect nugs become Dama Flower, which is available at many collectives across the state. Only top-shelf nugs go into this selec-

ethanol for extraction, and every batch is tested before use by patients. “We want to make sure patients understand this isn’t Rick Simpson Oil (RSO). RSO is a naphthalene-based solvent extraction, and is not safe for patients. We use food grade alcohol, which is used by pharmaceutical companies and is safe for extraction,” Dax explained. “Ethanol is a much safer option and we’ve chosen it for safety, consistency and quality test results.” Their oil also goes through a two-step purging process to ensure that the residual alcohol is purged from the product. “First our Cannabis is distilled with the alcohol, and then it spends 1 ½ hours in a temperature-controlled heat extractor. The end result is a safe and clean oil that can be ingested for a variety of medical uses.”

Dama also comes in a variety of flavors such as peppermint and mocha. Each tube of oil has a batch number listed for test results through Analytical 360, and strain information listed. High CBD options are readily available alongside high THC versions. The oil is also used in a line of cartridges with 50 percent THC by volume. Once the flower, oil and cartridges are processed and packaged, they are sent out to more than 200 medical collectives. To support this, a team of people is needed, and New Leaf makes it happen. “We have an accounting department, shipping and receiving, sales, research and development, packaging and cultivation,” Dax said proudly. “This is still a young industry, but we feel we bring a high level of professionalism to it.” It’s also an industry that they don’t want to see disappear for the patients who depend on the access to medicine. The company runs a compassion program for 30 families with children who have severe epilepsy, providing them free medicine each month made from the AC/DC strain. They know the difference the medicine makes and they want to be able to support patients while also serving the recreational market. “We are fighting and lobbying to keep medical relevant and alive. We don’t feel patients should be overly taxed like the 502 system, and we’re concerned with not being able to provide medicine to people in need,” Dax said, as Boris chimed in. “Ideally we will be able to serve both.”

DAMA OIL www.damaoil.com info@damaoil.com




MOTHER EARTH’S HOLISTIC HEALTH Strains 4.5/5 This collective has a tremendous selection of flower at a variety of prices. Twelve strains are priced at $8. The Blackberry and Strawberry Cough were sweet and tempting, and the Space Jill had a heady, salty-cheese taste and distinctive odor. The collective also had a wide selection of $10 and $12 strains, including a select cut of Pineapple Express and beautiful Blue Widow. Much of it is homegrown by Gary, who makes sure to have quality medicine at all price points.




Edibles 4/5 Its special selection of in-house medibles is always changing, and extremely potent. When we stopped in, Cake Pops and gluten-free energy bars were available, in addition to the two other products we reviewed. They are also available at outside collectives as Emerald City Treats. We also saw Edi Pure gummies and CBD Cheeba Chews, Sound Medibles Peanut Butter and several tinctures. Overall, the selection was solid.

Concentrates 3.5/5 A nice but contained selection of concentrates are available, with a little bit of everything available. The collective has several BHO options, two full plant extracts and a solid grouping of solventless bubble hash options. We also saw two vapor pen cartridges, but no CO2 oil available. Overall, an above-average selection of quality, but lacking much in the way of variety.




ar o ma: d en s it y: cu r e: appearance: f l avo r : ef f ect: t o tal : 25.5/30




a r o ma : den si t y: c u r e: appearance: f lavo r : ef f ec t: t o ta l: 28/30

Inside, the medicine room is laid out with comfortable displays on either side leading to the main medicine counters. Everything is bright, clean and inspires confidence in the medicine available.

Environment 5/5 The environment is terrific. It is easily visible with signs from the street, and has easy parking with ADA access to the building. Inside, the waiting room is spacious and clean, with coffee and water available. Inside, the medicine room is laid out like a long hall, with comfortable displays on either side leading to the main medicine counters. Everything in Mother Earth’s Holistic Health is bright, clean and inspires confidence in the medicine and other items available.

Overall 17/20 Mother Earth’s Holistic Health is worth checking out. It’s only a few minutes from Tacoma’s city center, and the easy access makes it a breeze for quick trips. Stop in for some killer flower, and try one of the rotating medibles from the in-house chefs.

mother earth’s holistic health 3906 S. 12 th St. Tacoma, WA 98405 Motherearthsholistichealth@ Gmail.com (253) 212-9152



ION_NWLFullPage.indd 1

4/28/14 10:34 AM

access Strains 3/5 with a good selection of strains, \RXœOO ¿QG VRPHWKLQJ WKDW ZLOO VDWLVI\ your needs. check out the tahoe oG for some good night medicine and pain relief, and try the mystery gram and perhaps you’ll get something you’ve never tried before.

Edibles 3/5 A few different edibles are available. i would suggest staying away from the thorton creek elixir because it wasn’t too effective. the other edibles have yet to be tested. Among those listed as available were the bud lady’s cooking butter, one pound for $60, along with a 60ml cbDevine Honey bear (it has 12 servings) for $25.

the bud lady delivery

tahoe og (Sativa) this has a fruity, zesty smell. it has dense, nice-looking long buds with a sativa structure but with an indica density. it’s a smooth VPRNH ZLWK D VXEWOH NXVK ÀDYRU RQ WKH H[hale. Head effects are instant, and the body effects follow quickly. tahoe oG is a heavier hitter so be conscious of what you have to do later because this one will put you in slow motion. it’s very sedative and calming so expect to use this one at the end of the day. it’s great for pain relief, nausea and spasms. tHe Score

a r oma: d e nsi t y: c u r e: appearance: flavo r: e ffe ct: tota l : 21.5/30


Concentrates 3/5 only a small selection of concentrates were available. we did not sample any and cannot give an opinion on any of them. As of this print time, Grandaddy Purple Shatter by Farmer john 420s bHo, for $50 per gram, and a 1-gram vaporizer pen, for $40 per package, were the bud lady’s options.



CBDivine (Indica) cbDivine has chunky-looking, dense EXGV WKDW KDYH D VNXQN\ HDUWK\ ÀRUDO smell that shoots straight through the nose when ground up. it’s a dark green EXG ZLWK DQ 2. FXUH DQG QR UHDO ÀDYRU when smoked. cbDivine is a good medicine to add to other buds for an increased cbD count. it relieves body pain quickly if smoked alone and it hits even harder when combined with the tahoe oG. it’s a good entry into cbD for a beginner consumer.

jack spades (Sativa) nothing overwhelming here. it has a VXEWOH VPHOO ZLWK OLWWOH WR QR ÀDYRU 7KLV VDPSOH QHHGV D EHWWHU FXUH DQG ÀXVK and the inhale had a slightly rough smoke. jack of Spades could be a decent daytime smoke because of real light effects. it’s a good midgrade bud, but nothing to get excited about.

tHe Score

tHe Score

a rom a : de n s ity: cure : appearance: fl avor: e ffe ct: tota l : 16/30

a r o ma : den si t y: c u r e: appearance: f lavo r : ef f ec t: t o ta l: 14/30

Service 4/5 the service was excellent. Amy is the owner and operator of the bud lady and she personally delivered my medicine. She was pleasant, punctual and we didn’t have any problems throughout the process. if you are looking for a good delivery service, check out the bud lady on weedmaps.com, where its entire product and stock is available. there is a $50 minimum order. if you are looking for a good delivery service check out the bud lady on weedmaps.com where their entire product and stock is available.

Overall 14/20 the bud lady is a great resource for patients who live in Seattle and who are not as mobile or who prefer to handle their personal medical transaction in the comfort of their own home. with a good selection of products available at a reasonable price the bud lady is DOVR D JRRG FKRLFH IRU SDWLHQWV RQ ¿[HG incomes. A good experience all around as Amy was very nice, on time and the product was exactly what i ordered.

the bud lady delivery

Gh]f )(Y%)(h \Yadq *(.! .()%(-(. ooo&lafqmjd&[ge'l`]Zm\dY\q budlady206@yahoo.com

The service was great. Amy is the owner and operator of The Bud Lady and she personally delivered my medicine to me.

Thornton creek private reserve elixir this low-dosage elixir might be good for someRQH ZKR LV QHZ WR HGLEOHV <RX DUH GH¿QLWHO\ going to want to mix this with some juice or something to mask the rather unpleasant taste. it’s pretty bad. beyond that, it’s a nice subtle effect that really doesn’t do much for those with a tolerance. For those with allergies and liver disorders, the thorton creek Private reserve elixir is 6 percent alcohol by volume so be careful and read the ingredients before you chug it down.

obama kush Pre-Rolled Joint 2/5 7KLV LV D ORQJ MRLQW WKDW ZDV D OLWWOH GLI¿FXOW WR smoke in the beginning but once it got going it burned ok. it’s good for a multiple session for most people, but for those with higher tolerances it might take a whole joint to feel the effects.




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Welcome to the 4/20-friendly B & B Located in Snohomish County, the small town of Monroe has a bed and breakfast that every Cannabis consumer should try. Within a good hour drive of the Cascade Mountain Range, and Everett and Seattle, Mountain Views B&B is a place for anyone who consumes Cannabis. Not only is smoking the herb not prohibited, it’s actually celebrated at the house.

Tracy Rice will

let you smoke inside the house or in the yard. Your call....


Situated on several acres and populated by a horse, donkey and plenty of happy little critters, Mountain Views B&B is a place to kick back and relax.

Mountain views b & b

Owner and operator Tracy Rice was a dispensary owner in Colorado, but after selling the store and moving to Washington, she turned her house into a bed and breakfast, or as she likes to refer to it, a buds and beds. When asked how the idea of a Cannabisfriendly B&B came up, Tracy said, “I really just want people to feel as comfortable as they can when they’re on vacation.” A spacious interior and a phenomenal view of the mountains makes it hard to leave the house once you arrive. It includes amenities such as a deck, hot tub and a professional kitchen. Tracy keeps her rates reasonable so patients who are on fixed incomes and budgets can spend a night away in luxury and enjoy their medicine without getting hassled. Multiple bedrooms are available along with pull-out couches to expand for larger groups so it can handle a couple looking for a romantic overnight stay or a vacation group going snowboarding at Stevens Pass. Musicians could use the recording capabilities of the house because it has a large main room that has a large open sound to it. It might add a natural reverb for recording. For chilly nights, a large stone fireplace keeps the room toasty. A wine fridge in the kitchen will keep your spirits cold and a commercial grade stove will keep your stomach full of whatever you’d like to cook up. “I let the guests bring and cook their own

munchies return with a passion? “I can also make breakfast, if they don’t mind waiting until 10 a.m.,” she said jokingly. Tracy’s initial intention was to create a niche market for the B&B by marketing it to Cannabis users and the LGBTQ crowd. She said it has been going great so far. “Everyone has been extremely nice and respectful and it’s really a lot of fun to meet new people all the time.” With a lot of hotels and B&Bs implementing a no-smoking policy, Cannabis users can now have a place that they can feel comfortable consuming their Cannabis without fear of a fine or having to step outside. The Mountain Views house was recently built and is well-kept. Cannabis users who prefer clean rooms, a stunning view and a structural design that marries classic architecture with contemporary amenities should go to airbnb.com and type in “Mountain Views B&B Monroe, WA.” Rooms start at $105 per night, not including taxes and fees. As an added note for patients, if you are allergic to animals, Mountain Views B&B might not be the best option because several types of animals call the property home. But if you are not allergic to animals or if you love animals and wildlife, this is a wonderful retreat for all.

14308 Reiner Road, Monroe, WA 98272 TracyRice@gmail.com 425-381-9300 www.airbnb.com/rooms/1781489

Juma, the swearing African Grey Parrot, can admire the hot tub and mountain views from her perch in the common areas. meals,” Tracy said. “They have full access to the kitchen as they need with pots, pans, plates and silverware. I also leave a large section of the fridge and freezer open for people to store their own food.” If you’re not interested in cooking, “There is also a great Thai place in town that I send everyone too,” she said. But what about in the morning, when those

Take in the sight of Buddy the horse out back or just relax with a good book and a joint in one of the porch swings



nw-leaf.indd 1

3/14/2014 7:12:29 PM

the 4th anniversary issue

LOOK BACK What an amazing journey

covering Cannabis in Washington state has been for this budding photojournalist. When we began the magazine four years ago, marijuana in these parts was something hidden underground and framed by mainstream media along negative terms. We set out to change that, one issue at a time — by showing the people that Cannabis helps and the myriad ways it has changed, impacted and helped so many people’s lives.



the 4th anniversary issue


LOOK BACK Continued from back a page

tacoma hempfest was a difficult reminder that Cannabis is not yet free in our society, as Tacoma Police shuttered the event soon after it began — sending vendors packing and many attendees wondering what exactly they had done to deserve harassment, back in our July 2011 issue.

Patrick seifert of Rainier Xpress in

bellingham patients are still waging a battle for safe access in their community. Time and again the City Council and local authorities, acting only in their interest, not the will of the voters or citizens, has enacted moratiums and refused to allow growing permitted under the law. But patients won’t give up without a fight, and dozens rallied at the Bellingham courthouse as rain poured down Feb. 24, 2012.


downtown Olympia has made it his mission to help veterans of every background obtain their medicine at low cost or nothing at all since starting the place almost 3 years ago. Seifert, a veteran of the U.S. Marines, posed for a story in our July 2012 issue.

Casey lee, the former owner of Lacey Cross, was robbed at gunpoint as he closed up the shop for the night. It’s all too easy to take safety for granted. We get settled in our routines and in our surroundings and it can be easy to just trust that everything will work out. But if access point owners aren’t careful enough, employees and patients can be harmed, as discussed February 2013.

We first wrote in July 2012 about little Dominic, whose parents had him authorized to become one of Washington’s youngest MMJ patients. Dominic has autism and is predominantly nonverbal. Before his parents started him on topical lotions and edible gummies, Dominic would act out and hit himself on the living room couch. After a year of treatment, his progress is remarkable, Dominic’s physician said, and his parents got to hear their boy say ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ for the very first time. Lucas Jushinski

Seattle Police Department officers hand out bags of Doritos along with information on marijuana legalization measure Initiative 502 to attendees on day two of Seattle Hempfest Aug. 17, 2013

runs Island Alternative Medicine but the City of Langley only allowed it after much public debate back in March of 2012. Whidbey Island patients no longer must drive to Seattle to get medicine, and are now in the capable hands of Jushinski, an Iraq War veteran who said he credits Cannabis with helping his PTSD.



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Everywhere she goes, Kristin Flor carries the ashes of her father, Richard Flor, who died in a private prison while serving time for charges related to operating a MMJ dispensary in Montana.




How Kristin Flor and The Human Solution are helping and honoring the victims of a ceaseless war on drugs. And what you can do to help.





Continued from p. 57



ichard Flor was first arrested in Montana for growing and providing medical Cannabis back in March of 2011. At the hearing, he wore a pink shirt for Kristin. Neither could have guessed it would be their last time in a room together. They were soon going to be lost in a nightmare. Richard was one of five owners of Montana Cannabis, which had five storefront locations and several grow sites. He managed one of the grows, delivered edibles to nursing homes in the evenings and went hunting and fishing in his spare time. He had moved to Montana from Seattle specifically to live simply and provide medicine to sick patients. The federal government had a problem with that, raiding 26 collectives and grows across the state on March 15, 2011, and taking Richard, his wife, Sherry, his son, Justin, and business partners into custody. His wife was an employee, but the feds wanted to make a statement. After offering plea deals to the other business partners, they were left to throw the book at Richard and friend/grower Chris Williams. For Kristin and other activists around the nation, the raids were an unsurprising, horrible reminder of the fragility of MMJ laws. “We celebrate our state MMJ laws but people are still going to prison for following them,” Kristin said passionately. “It feels like a trap. Federal memos about respecting our laws doesn’t keep anyone safe.” Richard, Sherry and Chris quickly became prisoners in the war on drugs. In her father’s final court appearance, where he wore pink for Kristin, he was supposed to get a medical release. He was suffering from a variety of health conditions including osteoporosis and diabetes, and was not fit


for prison. But there was a clerical error, and Richard was sent into general population. Four months later he would be dead. “He was in bad health anyways, but they sent him to prison in Billings. There they mixed up his medications, giving him an anti-depressant that started backing up in his kidneys to toxic levels. 13 days later he fell to the ground, in shock from the medication,” Kristin explained, keeping a strong face that belies the wrenching emotion underneath. “It caused him to fall into dementia. He wasn’t the same after that.” It took 30 days for a psychologist to see him, and his request to get into a medical unit was delayed further. He suffered from bouts of rocking and instability, and broke several bones in falls around the prison. “The other inmates had to feed him, help him bathe and took care of him. If he missed the 4 a.m. medicine call he didn’t get his daily needs met, and most mornings he couldn’t get up. He would be on the floor, in pain, and the guards would tease him about faking.” When the transfer to a Las Vegas medical unit finally came through, he was put in a van and driven to an airport with other prisoners. But they denied him a walker, and when he couldn’t walk in full shackles to the plane they tossed him again into the van and sent him back to the original prison. Eventually he made it to to the special unit, but

it was too little, too late. “I got a call one day and it was a U.S. marshal. He told me my dad fell outside in the heat and had two massive heart attacks. I got on a plane and flew straight out there, and when I got there found out he’d had a third heart attack. I was trying to call my mom to let her know, but the prison she was in didn’t allow constant contact even in medical situations.” Richard died that day, Aug. 30, 2012 at 68. His wife, also imprisoned, didn’t find out until the next day. “By the time I got to him it was too late. He was mentally gone. I had to take him off life support,” Kristen said, holding back tears. “I sat there with him until his body turned cold. He was handcuffed to the bed, and I was guarded by two marshals the entire time. He couldn’t even die a free man.” The autopsy showed Richard had a massive undiagnosed case of colon cancer. He was also denied proper medical treatment for his other ailments. When he went into prison, he was on 32 medications. The autopsy found only three in use at the time of his death. “They said he was faking! How can you fake cancer? He had a 37-year marriage and couldn’t even talk to his wife for the last four months of his life, going through that, and then they didn’t even let her out for the funeral,” she said, a little of the outrage that fuels her fight showing through the pain. “My dad never hurt anyone. He was the best man I ever met, and he served patients.”

They said he was faking. How do you fake cancer?

Read our past coverage of Chris Williams www.issuu.com/nwleaf/docs/january2013/39 The Montana Cannabis grower was arrested at the same time as Richard Flor.

After her father died, Kristin needed support, and the November Coalition, a group founded in 1997 for outreach and support of those affected by the war on drugs, reached out to help her. It helped organize a trip out to support her dad’s friend, Chris Williams, who is still in prison for his role in the operation, and connected her with other people who were in the prison reform movement. Kristin became a member of The Human Solution as well, and began raising awareness and support for Cannabis prisoners. “Nobody deserves to go to jail for a plant. I say that all the time on the radio, The Human Soluand then I add. Nobody tion needs your support and voice! deserves to die for a plant.” Learn how you can Today, Kristin is active donate to prisonin several local and nationers of the war on al groups that advocate for drugs by visiting patients and those facing prison for Cannabis offensThe-Human-Solution.org es. She is a national leader in The Human Solution, and coordinates setting up new chapters in the Pacific Northwest. “I think that my dad’s death was so unbearable and traumatic, that something so horrible has to become something we celebrate. To do that we have to get all our plant prisoners out of prison, and celebrate my father as a hero, a martyr for the cause.”


More than 50 people are serving life sen-

tences right now for Cannabis offenses, with thousands more serving smaller but still significant and unfair offenses for Cannabis. Kristin is determined to change that. She travels to Cannabis events handing out fliers and soliciting donations to help those already on the inside. Through the Human Solution, dozens of patients are getting letters, emotional support and financial support. The money raised has a huge effect on the daily lives of prisoners. Most are in for-profit prisons with horrible conditions, coerced to work for household name brands for an average of 20 cents an hour. “Somebody like Eddy Lepp is forced to work an eight-hour day just to afford a dose of aspirin from the commissary, which runs about a dollar fifty. He has to work all day, in pain, to get a pain medication to help with it.”

Courtesy Kristin Flor




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a time for topicals

When did you first start working with hemp and topical lotions? One day I walked into the Fremont Hemp Company and it changed my life! My business started in 1994 making lotions. Back then it wasn’t about being a patient. That idea wasn’t even around yet. But I was always close to the plant. Let’s be real. I was slangin’ weed since I was 15.

What happened when you started learning about hemp? Jack Herer’s book “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” opened my mind to industrial hemp, and I started hand-dying hemp yarn and silk and making custom pillows. I also started a hemp food company, Incredible Edibles, making healthy hempseed mazurka bars. I started making my line of topicals then too, all with hempseed oil and healthy essential oils.

What was it like to start making your own products? It was wonderful! I started with a lavender and tangerine hemp massage oil, and expanded my line from there. Now these were all unmedicated compared to products today, but they had the beneficial oils of hemp. I didn’t have knowledge back then about our endocannabinoid system or all the benefits of MMJ. I was all about industrial hemp and pressed oil for the next 10 years.

What happened TO CAUSE YOUR hemp line of products TO CEASE PRODUCTION? Right around 2005, the market for hemp products was really crashing. I shut down my company and was really sad at the time. I didn’t think I had a future making these products.

How did you get brought into the MEDICAL MARIJUANA industry?

Cannabis Basics Founder and Owner Aimée “Ah” Warner discusses why legal market or not she will keep on making her powerful and effective line of topical lotions and creams that provide relief to patients.


At the end of 2011, my friend Tim called me and said that he was opening a collective called Puget Sound Health Alternatives, and since I had run several businesses before, they wanted my advice. I helped them set it up, and even budtended for a week or two. By spring 2012, I knew I wanted to work with Cannabis in my topicals, and once I decided to go for it, I really

went for it. By that summer, I had my entire product line for Cannabis Basics up and running, with branding and everything developed.

Was it hard to transition into MMJ? All of my products were quality and award-winning before Cannabis, so it wasn’t hard to add in cannabinoids and rebrand the line. My goal was to get into 10 shops that first year. Now I have 100 regularly serviced accounts that carry our products to patients.

You’ve really come full circle. How does it feel to be working with the plant again? My ultimate dream is to not only work with Cannabis but industrial hemp as well. That being said, I feel great. When I shut down my business in ’05, I left broken-hearted. I had done so much work and thought that it had all amounted to nothing. To be able to get back in and revitalize my products is awesome!


so if it doesn’t fit like the LCB says, then that’s OK. I will rock MMJ and keep lobbying to protect topicals for patients. But my ultimate goal is to get my products available for anyone, patient or not, in stores like Super Supplements across the nation. It should be in the hands of every consumer who wants to try hemp and Cannabis therapy.

We have to ask. Does driving around your green Cannabis Basics car ever cause any problems? I bought that car specifically to wrap it with my logos, and I have never had a single problem with it. It’s actually gotten me out of two parking tickets. The car is a form of education, with information about MMJ all over it. The whole idea is to offer promotion for the brand while starting a conversation about Cannabis. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had someone come up to me and ask, “Honey, what’s a terpene?” It is truly the happiest car I have ever driven.

My products were quality and awardwinning before Cannabis, so it wasn’t hard to add in cannabinoids and rebrand the line. My goal was to get into 10 shops that first year. Now I have 100 regularly serviced accounts that carry our products for patients.


I have 12 products right now for MMJ, with another 10 or so on the way in research and development. When I work on new products, I really take the time to do the research, and make sure that the product won’t have problems before I release it. All my products are made with natural essential oils and no artificial fragrances or dyes. I don’t believe any product should be sold to patients with artificial ingredients that are harmful to the body and our natural process of taking in medicine and purging toxins.

Where do you see things going for Cannabis Basics? The Liquor Control Board has made it very clear that there is no room for my products in the 502 marketplace. For one, the THC levels are too low -- less than 3 percent. But the main issue is the therapeutic value. Every single one of my products is therapeutic in nature, and there’s no way to sugarcoat that.

Does it bother you not to be in the legal weed market? I make a nonpsychoactive therapeutic product,

Aimée behind the wheel of her Cannabis Basics car while leading the way for last month’s Cannabis Freedom March. She said she is never scared to drive the vehicle around town.



Sure Can Delivery






TRAVIS PETRIE An active medical Cannabis patient, Petrie creates unique wood carvings that capture the essence of counterculture’s biggest names — and area shops are getting on board to recognize his work.



You’ve got to stay aware and not work too fast. Like my dad taught me, safety first, always. When did you begin working with power tools and building with wood? I started working with my dad at 6 or 7 years old. I was fascinated by it. My dad was very good at guiding me and teaching me about safety.

Did that help you find work later on? Now I do remodel work and almost any type of custom wood work that is out there. Pretty much anything you can imagine. I’m working on a bookshelf now for a friend’s nursery that is designed after the house with the balloons in the movie “Up.”

How did you come up with the idea to take quotes and work them into wood? I made my first one for my brother when he was about to turn 18. He has always been a big John Lennon fan, and since about 16 he wanted to get a quote tattooed on him. “Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.” He would always bring it up, so I thought, “What is another way to do it without him having to get a tattoo?”

What tools do you use to cut out your art? I call them “Quote Busts.” They are cut out with a scroll saw. It has a reciprocating blade, a very sharp blade that goes up and down like a sewing machine.

What’s your process for creating these? First I draw the outline out, blending the words and the faces or picture together. Then I get right to cutting, which can take up to several days. It depends on the type of wood and how thick it is as I am trying to cut through it. The first one I made took about 10 hours and was made out of five pieces of rare wood that I had glued together to make a solid piece before cutting it out.

Do they ever break in the process? I’ve had cracks before, and sometimes the plywood, if that’s what I’m using, will snap off a corner. But

I’ve never had one break. What can be hairy is working on a solid piece of hardwood like mahogany. Then the piece will be jumping and rolling all over the table as I try to cut the shape.

Do you ever get nervous? No. You’ve got to stay aware and not work too fast. Like my dad taught me, safety first, always.

How many pieces have you made so far? I’ve done 25 quote busts so far, ranging from Jimi Hendrix to Martin Luther King, Einstein to Jack Nicholson. Even Pikachu and Jesus. I also do other pieces that are commercial spoofs of brands that are on display at the Have a Heart Cafe, like my Loke Classic sign instead of Coke. I also did one call Mexican Eagle instead of American Eagle. Outside of the cafe, there are cutouts I made of the logos up on the telephone poles that line the road too.

Have you been working on any other new projects? I am working on these new three-dimensional picture panels and focusing on capturing different moments and people from the civil rights movement. I did Martin Luther King, Jr. with his quote “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” I also made one of Coretta Scott King, with the quote “Be your best self.” I also made a panel for my daughter Hazel Moon from a book called “Animal Kingdom,” with a picture of a flying

egret over a river in China. She really inspires me to keep working. She’s my everything.

What about the civil rights movement inspired you to make these works? People’s words have always had a big impact on me, and I think we can still learn from even the iconic figures that we all think we know. I want to honor the past. My family was a big part of forming immigrant unions in the ’20s and ’30s, and the civil rights issues are important not just in our country but everywhere in the world. I am going to continue with that theme, and try to get sets together of important activists and their messages.

How does working with civil rights content make you feel about medical Cannabis patients? I think it’s ridiculous that you can go out and buy alcohol and caffeine and other substances that are abusive, but you can’t grow a plant? And if you can grow tomatoes in your yard, why not a plant that is both safe and can be used as medicine? Activists have risked their freedom to fight for this plant as medicine. It isn’t just hippies getting high. We need to protect patients’ access to medicine.

Where can people find your work? I want to give a big shout-out to two places where you can see my work, Have a Heart Cafe and The Glass Stash in North Seattle. You can also go to artbytravis.wordpress.com or follow on Instagram @traviswoodwork11

Travis’ wall display at The Glass Stash 12000 15th Ave. N.E. Suite B, Seattle, WA 98125 (206) 364-0431 www.facebook.com/theglassstash



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CAPTURING A HISTORIC MOVEMENT 420 Media’s Kerri Accardi and Gubbi Chiriboga

dropped their lives in New York to document Washington’s Cannabis culture. A new media company in Seattle aims to change the game on how access points reach their patients with information and marketing, and, if they’re right, change how millions of online users view the Cannabis industry. Kerri Accardi and Gubbi Chiriboga founded 420 Media a few months ago, shutting down another production company and committing themselves to the Cannabis industry. It was a big risk, but the motivation for sharing media goes beyond traditional business desires. The two believe in medical Cannabis, and this passion has led Kerri on a mission across the country that most would say is impossible.

Ten months ago, Kerri was living in New York with her self-described huge family, all in support of her Aunt Kathy. She had been diagnosed


with pancreatic cancer in February of 2013 and had just been diagnosed cancer-free. But it was a misdiagnosis. “They said she was OK, but she got sick, couldn’t eat ... they thought it was something simple, but they opened her up and saw it [the cancer] had spread everywhere,” Kerri said. “At that point, I was fighting so hard to educate my family about MMJ, and a higher power came over me, literally. I made my uncle watch [the film] “Run From the Cure” about Rick Simpson, and we found her oil. I had to pray and scream, but we got it to her. September 19, the day before she went into hospice, she was being read her last rites.”

That day, the musician Paul Simon came to play in her hospital room, and they gave her a dose of oil the size of a rice grain. Kathy had been vomiting nonstop for days, and had a sore on her face that hadn’t healed in weeks. The next day Kerri visited, and she said the results were unbelievable. “The next day the sore was completely gone, and she never puked again until October 2, when she passed. She was able to have relief ... until the end.”

After her aunt died, Kerri was having trouble working. She was not only struggling with grief, but also with the knowledge of what the oil had done in the final days of her aunt’s life. “She became so focused, where I knew nothing was going to get in her way,” Gubbi explained. “She told me, ‘I can’t do this anymore,’ and I told our clients. I knew it was something she had to work through.” Kerri flew to Northern California on Dec. 10 and volunteered at a friend’s dispensary for several months, learning about the Cannabis industry and the plant. From there, she called Gubbi, and told him she was starting a new production company, this one for Cannabis. Next she traveled to Arizona, touring access points there and building out a business plan, and then met Gubbi in Oregon to start filming collectives and developing a social media network. The phone rang one day, and it was a referral to a new company in Washington -- Kush Tourism. “We were in Oregon shooting, and we heard about the tour idea, and were invited to come up to the Marijuana Business Association meeting, but we had plans to fly to Colorado,” Gubbi explained. “But something clicked, and now we are living in Kirkland with the owner of Kush Tourism. Everyone in Washington has been friendly and helpful to



said. “We can come the cause, and I’m glad in and produce somewe came.” is to help the industry set standards, thing completely taiFast forward a couple of months and 420 educate users and change federal laws. lored to them. It’s not just formulaic work. Media is working to Our clients get everything custom-made to document the rapidly changing Cannabis industry who they are.” in Washington and help companies market their The emphasis for marketing is to get combrands and reach both patients and viewers alike. panies onto multiple platforms, especially the “We want to take a professional approach to Internet, to reach their end demographic. Bemarketing, one of quality, that can help Cannabis cause the federal government still considers businesses grow and put them in a light outside Cannabis illegal, companies have to be straof the current stigmas of the industry,” Gubbi extegic about how they market their companies. plained. He’s the man behind the camera, and the “420 Media is a foundation to get branding one behind the scenes in the editing room. “We and marketing going for anything Cannabis want to keep a pro medical vibe that will change or industrial-hemp related. Our goal is to help perceptions of the industry, and steer clear of anythe industry set standards, educate users and thing negative.” to change federal laws,” Kerri said with a smile. At the center of their marketing approach is “My personal goal is for me to have my the Internet, which has been compared to the family call me one day and say, ‘Hey, you reWild West of Cannabis advertising. The company ally can eat a piece of medicated chocolate produces promotions that include Internet tours instead of 10 pills.’ ” of businesses, informational videos, social media videos and vines, and commercials for websites and television. In addition to marketing material, they are also are at work on a documentary about 420 Media www.420media.us MMJ and two different Internet shows for sharing (323) 813-5828 info@420media.us information and knowledge. “It’s about sharing their story, their brand,” Gubbi

420 Media’s website shows off commercial video productions for Washington marijuana businesses june 2014 FACEBOOK.COM/NWLEAF



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By Pam TwiceBakedInWa for Northwest Leaf

Have you ever used raw Cannabis as an actual cooking herb?

Well, you should! Raw Cannabis leaves and buds have a delicious spicy herbal profile that can be easily added to a lot of raw foods to enhance the flavors. Not only that but you’ll also get a mini dose of THC-A and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids with your meal.

Raw Cucumber Cannabis Salad INGREDIENTS 3-5 raw cannabis leaves, finely chopped 1 cup red cabbage, finely chopped 2 tablespoons hempseed oil 1/3 cup cilantro, chopped salt and pepper to taste

3 red radishes, diced 1 cucumber, chopped 1 lemon, juiced 1 orange, diced 1 avocado

gently mix all of the ingredients in a large bowl. Serve fresh and chilled.

Photo by Daniel Berman


Check out more of Pam’s recipes at Twicebakedinwashington.com

Reviews It’s important to keep this medicated peanut butter away from pets and small children. An ounce of prevention can prevent accidents!


Va l u e : Ta st e : Ef f e c t: Packaging: Ov era l l : 18.5/20

By Wes abney Photos by Daniel Berman

Cannabis Basic’s Remedy Pain Stick $15

Apply directly where you are feeling any pain

Rolling this pain stick across the temples and neck

creates a relaxing and easy feeling. The essential oils and Cannabis terpenes fill the nostrils with aroma therapy, and the cannabinoids enter the skin and work well for headaches or pain, and as an anti-inflammatory medicine. It can be used topically anywhere on the skin, and is made with all-natural fragrances and oils. Take it anywhere and nobody will even have to know you’re using your own form of natural medicine.

The pain stick can be used topically anywhere on the skin, and is made with all-natural fragances and oils.

Sound Medibles Creamy Peanut Butter


Make sure to stop by page 52 to read about the creator of Cannabis Basics!

Serving = 1 tablespoon “comes in crunchy and smooth versions“

I absolutely love this peanut butter, either in creamy or crunchy form. The

$20 donation will help create a dozen delicious sandwiches, or countless dips from a carrot stick or a piece of celery. It can also be used for baking, so any delicious recipe featuring peanut butter can easily become medicated. Hello, MMJ pad Thai! SOUND MEDIBLES www.tinyurl.com/soundmedibles 1.02MG CBG-TOTAL•11.89MG THC-TOTAL• 0.15MG CBD-TOTAL • 0.55MG CBC• 13.54MG ACTIVATED-TOTAL



VA L U e texture: s c e n t: Packaging: Ov e r a l l : 19/20



Hawaiian Dutch 120-MICRO 5-STAR BUBBLE HASH


his solventless hash is out of this world. Just Ice Wax processed this strain-specific Ice Water Extract and it has quickly become a favorite here at Northwest Leaf. It is the stickiest and most buddery solventless extract we have ever had the pleasure of medicating with. When you first open a jar of this oil the nectary smell slaps you in the face with sweet tones of passionfruit and tropical flowers. Fragrant and floral, this sativa dominant oil is overwhelming in the sweet taste department. When vaporized (we recommend pressing the hash and dabbing it) the smoke is just as sweet,

very mild, and produces a creative high that builds over time. It is a clear headed experience that will make any day a breeze! The Hawaiian Dutch strain is well known for high levels of THC and medicinal terpenes, as well as intense flavors. The most recent, and the applicable batch of Hawaiian Dutch flowers, grown in-house by Zen Living Cooperative, was featured on the Analytical 360 test results page was tested at 20.84% THC and 14%+ terpenoids (over 3% Limonene). It is not a surprise that the concentrate test results turned out so well! Check out this spectacular concentrate from Just Ice Wax!


6.80% linalool 1.57% caryophyllene oxide 7.53% myrcene 1.83% HUMULENE 2.40% Caryophyllene 20.13% TERPENE-TOTAL

available from

Zen Living Cooperative 3533 Chuckanut Drive Bow, WA 98232 Facebook.com/ZenLivingCoop (360) 399-1649

55.08% THC • 0.20% CBc •1.83% CBG •1.06% cbd





Micro Strains Up Close Each month we’ll highlight growers crafting strains with the goal of helping specific needs, not necessarily obtaining the highest yields



that has his own “spin” on a couple popular mainstay strains. One of the wonders of this noble plant is its ability to adapt or react to an environment that is contrary to its genetic preference.

Arch, the grower, has taken a popular approach to

nutrition that is becoming popular among purists that have shunned artificial nutrients for 100-percent organic versions.

His variation

vegan haze 1.30% CBD 19.5% THC

of a popular mainstay Sativa plant is called Vegan Haze. All of his nutrients are vegan certified. I have smelled some horrible “teas” concocted to add that special something to the flowering period, but the ones Arch uses are really pleasant smelling and of course the photos speak for themselves. Arch D Jay mixes music. His incredible concentration is enhanced by the strong psychoactive properties of the LSD strain. Its creative enhancing properties make for finer concentration when adjusting the many variables in play when transitioning from one beat to the next.

The Vegan Haze, under normal conditions Super Sil-

ver Haze, is tamed by the Vegan influence to ease his intractable pain, something not expected from this strain without his Vegan approach to feeding his plants.

LSD‘s THC content has been measured up to 24% and

1.3% CBD, while Vegan Haze has 19.5% THC and 1.4% CBD.

Much can be learned from patients with specific needs

who take the time and effort to turn common strains into their own Micro Strains.

These strains are not available yet out in the community, unfortunately.


LSD STRAIN Has tested at 24% THC

The white crystal-like trichomes are about half the width of a human hair — Seen in this 500x close-up.



health & science A BOTANICAL MONOGRAPH



Description Avena sativa is part of the grass family and an annual growing to 0.9 meters (3 feet) by 0.1 meters (4 inches). It flowers from June to July, and the seeds ripen from August to October. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by wind. The plant is self-fertile.

Parts used:

The immature flower heads, stems and leaves.

Active constituents:

Starch (59 percent), saccharo-mucilaginous (11 percent), albumen (4 percent), fiber and moisture (24 percent), avenin-nitrogenous compound soluble in ethanol, and indole alkaloid (gramine). Oat straw has pectin and silica

Avena Sativa is an annual indigenous to Sicily and is now cultivated and found in northern temperate regions.

Drug interactions: Drug-herb interactions are very rare.

Generally, using Avena sativa herbal supplements carries no side effects or contra-indications.

Side effects & toxicity:

There are no relevant side effects when using or ingesting substantive amounts of Oat Straw.


For a tincture, use 30 to 120 drops three times daily or 1 to 20 drops every one to three hours; with a fluid extract, use 30 to 120 drops three times daily; with a bath, use 100 grams in 3 liters of water, simmer for 20 minutes and then add to bathwater. For nutrient-packed gruel, try 30 grams in 2 liters of water, boil down to 1 liter, then season with salt, fruit pulp (prunes, raisins) for healthful wellbeing.

Medicinal uses:

The main medicinal attribute of Avena is as a nerve tonic. It doesn’t have dramatic action -- it slowly and consistently helps restore the nerves. Avena might address the following conditions: Mental, emotional fatigue: Excessive exertion that can cause fatigue, and sensations of being out-of-sorts or just plain disconnected. Loss of libido in either sex, impotence, premature ejaculation or anxiety. Avena could be used as a nervous system tonic for weakness and nervous exhaustion. Restless sleep from overexcitement. Used with valerian root to ease withdrawal from tranquilizers.


Contraindications: Historical uses:

Oats have always had a reputation as a healthful food, nourishing and restorative to nerves and reproductive organs. It is also believed to have antidepressant and strengthening qualities. It has traditionally been used to help balance the menstrual cycle, treat dysmenorrhea, osteoporosis and urinary tract infections.

PMS with scanty menstruation and cramps: It can also be used to address exhaustion after childbirth or during breast-feeding. Cardiac weakness from nervous depression and debility, nervous headache from overwork and depression. Relapsing cardia rheumatism, lung disease and bladder neck spasms. Topical: Anodyne for irritated skin, eczema (soak rolled oats in cold water, squeeze and strain through stocking or cheesecloth, add to bathwater or apply to skin), inflamed skin, seborrhea and soothing foot bath.

dr. oz oatstraw energy drink recipe: www.tinyurl.com/oatstrawdrink

Green Monster Club Come visit us at our new location opening June 2nd! Patient appreciation BBQ on June 14th! New Address: 9611 Portland Ave E Tacoma 98445 Hours: Mon.- Fri 11am to 7:30pm Sat. 11am to 7:00 Closed Sundays Donate for food drive and get a free joint!

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health & science

Electricked. The Hidden Health Danger of Compact Fluorescent Lights


That marked the end of a gradual phase-out that began in 2012 with 100watt bulbs, then the 75-watt bulb, and now the 40- and 60-watt bulbs. Congress passed the law to phase out incandescent light bulbs in 2007, during the George W. Bush days. Incandescent bulbs are being phased out in favor of more energy-efficient technologies such as compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). CFLs use one-fifth to one-third of the electrical power that incandescent bulbs do, and they last eight to 15 times longer. However, CFLs contain mercury and emit UV radiation, posing environmental and health concerns. The spiral CFL was invented in 1976 by Edward E. Hammer, an engineer with General Electric, in response to the 1973 oil energy crisis. The design met its goals, but would have cost GE about $25 million to build new factories to produce the lamps, so the invention was shelved. In 1995, helical CFLs made in China became commercially available. Since that time, their sales have steadily increased. The current price of CFLs reflects the manufacturing in foreign markets where labor costs are lower. Almost all CFLs sold in the U.S. are manufactured in China. CFLs, like all fluorescent lamps, contain mercury as vapor inside the glass tubing. Most CFLs contain 3 to 5 milligrams of mercury per bulb, with the bulbs labeled “eco-friendly” containing as little as 1 milligram. But mercury is poisonous in any amount, so if a bulb breaks, people have to take very specific steps to protect themselves. The first step is to clear and ventilate the room. Get people and pets out of the room. Mercury is particularly harmful to children and unborn babies, so children and pregnant women

Mercury is poisonous in any amount, so if a bulb breaks, people must take very specific steps to protect themselves. should absolutely avoid being in the area. The room must be aired out for five to 10 minutes with good ventilation to the outdoors. Shut off the heating or air conditioning system and leave it off for several hours afterward. People mistakenly bring out a vacuum cleaner or use their bare hands to pick up the glass shards. That’s about the worst thing you can do. Vacuuming can spread a cloud of mercury vapor, and touching the glass can contaminate your hands with residual mercury. If you put one of those hands in or near your mouth, you’re directly ingesting a neurotoxin. If using CFLs raises health risks, you can imagine the risk to the people who manufacture them. During the past decade, hundreds of workers at lighting factories in China have suffered mercury poisoning. According to a 2009 article in the Sunday Times of London, 121 out of 123 employees in a factory in Jinzhou had excessive mercury levels. One was 150x the accepted standard. Studies have found that most CFL bulbs have defects in their manufacturing that allow UV radiation to leak at levels that could damage skin cells if a person is directly exposed at close range. The Health Protection Agency in the United Kingdom has conducted research concluding that exposure to open (single

Dr. Scott D. Rose is a naturopathic physician, acupuncturist

specialized in combining naturopathic medicine and Chinese medicine to treat a variety of complaints. www.msih.biz




he incandescent light bulb has been around since the late 1800s, but its days of being manufactured are over, at least in the United States. Dec. 31, 2013, marked the last day those familiar filament-style bulbs could be manufactured in the U.S.

envelope) CFLs for more than one hour per day at a distance of less than a foot can exceed guideline levels as recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection. It is recommended to use a closed (double-enveloped CFL) to reduce UV exposure. Researchers recommend that users shield the bulbs inside fixtures, stay at least 1 to 2 feet away from them, and avoid staring directly into the CFL bulb. How and where That advice is consistent with the U.S. can I recycle CFLs? Food and Drug Administration’s safety SEARCH.EARTH911.COM recommendations. Nocturnal exposure to light in the short wavelength ranges (below 530 nanometers) generated by Call the Poison Control Center some fluorescent lamps might interfere at 800-222-1222 if you have with mammalian circadian rhythm behealth concerns after cleaning cause of its suppressing effect on melor handling broken compact atonin production. Suppression of melfluorescent lights. atonin throws off the endocrine system and has been linked to chronic fatigue and cancer in some studies. The normally unnoticeable 100 to 120 hertz flicker frequency from fluorescent tubes powered by electromagnetic ballasts are associated with headaches and eyestrain in “light sensitive” individuals. They are listed as a problem for some people with autism, epilepsy, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease and vertigo. CFLs are driven by electronic ballasts that operate in the range of 25 to 60 kilohertz, which exceeds a human’s ability to perceive flicker, so it is said. The Seletun international scientific panel has called for all new CFLs to be fitted with filters since studies also show that CFLs conduct voltage transients and harmonics (“dirty electricity”) onto the wiring, which can have negative biological effects. Mercury is an environmental hazard, so even small amounts are of concern for landfills and waste incinerators where the mercury from lamps might be released and contribute to air and water pollution. The Environmental Protection Agency recommends recycling, but if you can’t, it suggests sealing the bulbs in a plastic bag and placing them in the trash. Now that’s a lot of trust put in a plastic bag. Experts agree that it’s not easy for most people to recycle these bulbs. Even cities that have curbside recycling won’t take the bulbs. So people have to take them to a hazardous-waste collection station or a special facility. Customers can purchase their own recycling containers, capable of holding 13 bulbs, for $19.95 at thinkgreenfromhome.com. Once the postage-paid container is full, it goes through the mail to a recycling plant. Technological advancements often create resistance to change. The backlash can come from those who see mandates, including the loss of incandescent bulbs, as a loss of consumer free choice. Others might be unhappy about having to recycle the newer technology, while others might be upset about having a more toxic product. With environmental and human health concerns, this is yet another example where the path of technology is not in our best interest. Energy efficiency is important, however, but you don’t want to have a technology that is causing harm at the same time. Until the supplies run out, the old bulbs will still be available on store shelves, alongside the electricity-saving alternatives that are rapidly replacing them.


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T h e f i n a l 3 - 4 w e e ks o f t h e f l o w e r i n g p h ase ar e

a c r u c i a l t i m e i n d e v e l o p i n g m a n y o f t h e e sse n t i a l

c h ar ac t e r i st i c s t h at c a n n a b i s e n t h u s i a s t s s e e k



is during these final weeks that the bulk of the plant’s energy is focused on developing essential oils, swelling glandular trichome heads and developing the fullness and density in the flowers.

opening and stretch. It’s during this million environments or are ustime that the flower sites open on the ing adjusted RO water. Adding BY NORTHWEST LEAF plant and the plants stretch, or grow a calcium magnesium suppleSPECIAL CONTRIBUTOR taller to maximize light absorption ment prevents deficiency, which DR. SCANDERSON and give it the best shot at pollination. often pops up around weeks five When this stage is completed, the to six. Proper nutrition in veg plant will stop growing taller and the and in the first stage of flower The right combination of gardening techniques last two stages begin. should also help to prevent such can maximize the plant’s genetic potential. That, in The second stage I call “fruit setdeficiencies. turn, can produce a bouquet of aromas accompating.” It’s during this time that the plant is going The last three to four weeks are crucial in denied by luscious, flavorful flowers, oozing with resin to focus most of its energy on developing its flower termining flavor and quality in several ways. and coated in copious amounts of trichomes. Missites, making them bigger and filling in the interIt is important to understand that from my takes at this time, on the other hand, can put ceilnodes (the stem area between nodes where leafs perspective, flushing is an essential part of ings on the genetic potential and result in medium sprout) by stacking calyxes (those little crystal covgrowing medical-grade Cannabis and is inyields, mildly scented flowers that have a bland and ered pod items that sandwich the hairs on your tegral to the ripening stage. Some gardeners common flavor (the proverbial “tastes like chicken” dried medication). do nothing but flush for this entire period, of the Cannabis world). I like to have timed any pruning, thinning and especially if they have fed their soil properly. In this month’s Grow Tech, I’ll provide some staking so all or most of it is completed before the tips on the last three to four weeks of flower, or plant has reached this stage. Almost the entire A very common error I see is the what I generally call the fruit setting and hardenstructure of the plant has been determined at this belief that continuing to feed your plants will ing/ripening stages. point. If you have things right, your plants should ensure that they continue to grow bigger and I generally divide the flowering stage into three be well-prepared to set some flowers. riper. People end up feeling that the flush is parts. The first stage includes the transition, flower A flower-enhancing supplement and a carbothe equivalent to “giving up” because they can hydrate supplement, if you haven’t already no longer jam nutrients into the plant. added it the week before, is helpful in enI consider this an error because it doesn’t suring the plant gets adequate nutrients to account for the much slower rate that plants I like to have timed any pruning, support its increased energy needs. metabolize and ultimately use the nutrients thinning and staking such that all or the gross Calcium and magnesium supplementayou feed it as it completed its living cycle. Inmajority of it is completed before the plant tion can be helpful at this stage, especialcreasing food at this stage can be counterproreaches the 2nd stage I call the “fruit setting.” ly if you have softer water, use systems or ductive as a result. grow strains that thrive in lower parts per By planning adequate time for plants to


dr. scanderson’s top 5 tips Introduce any changes gradually and slowly i.e. try adding one of my tips and err on the side of a mild application (50% of recommended nutrient, lighter end of the range for light shocking period etc.)

Healthy plants growing at Dama Oil’s Seattle warehouse truly flush and exhaust their nutrient stores, your a result of the biological defense mechanisms emplants will fully ripen. By flushing properly, you give ployed by the Cannabis plant. By creating a mildly your plants the time to receive and respond to the stressful environment, you trick the plant into fohormonal signals released during, and triggered by, cusing its last energy at protecting itself from the the flushing process. Many of the most exciting colstress and recovering, which can lead to increased ors, smells and trichome swelling occur during this resin and cannabinoid production, and an increase stage, so don’t miss out. in essential oils. Light shockAssuming you have planned adeing (finishing the plants out with quate time to flush, a couple of sup24-48 hours of straight darkness) Drop me a line plements produce more or less unithegreengardengroup@gmail.com and PK spiking (adding high levversally improved results. During els of phosphorus and potassium) Watch a video the closing weeks of bloom, using a are two methods that, when used Youtube.com/DrScandersonGt PK formula will ensure your plants in moderation, on healthy thrivget adequate phosphorus and poing plants, consistently delivers a tassium, the nutrients needed most at this stage. boost in quality that can often serve as the “cherry” Many gardeners use different techniques to deon top of your sundae velop hardness and ripeness, including adding moIf you would like specific information on applicalasses to your feeding schedule. tion schedules or further details on the products or Lastly, many gardeners deliberately mildly stress techniques included in this article, please email me the plant right at the end of the flower stage by addat thegreengardengroup@gmail.com or message ing highly concentrated doses of PK. Many of the me on my Facebook page DoctorScanderson. desirable characteristics about Cannabis are largely As always … Happy gardening!

Proper nutrition and growing conditions must exist in veg and at the first stage of flower for any of these techniques to be maximized. I don’t recommend trying anything radical until that has been achieved.

Sometimes the best results come from taking things out earlier and flushing longer

I have seen nothing that you can do at the end of your cycle that will affect change dramatically. Nature provides a gradual process. Work inside that rather than against it.

Always use any stress treatments cautiously and gradually; it’s very easy to overdo it and end up with the opposite outcome of your intention.




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When modern science meets the marijuana industry, lab results are filled with numbers. Laboratory test results of cannabis products can include ten or more values. With so many numbers associated with every test, it can be hard to focus on all of them when comparing products. At Confidence Analytics, we have created a new visualization tool to help patients and consumers evaluate their cannabis. We call it the Potency Pie™, and it’s no ordinary pie chart. The slices of this pie have been scaled so that their relative sizes reflect their relative concentrations, and even small slices are still visible. Here’s how it works:

In the Potency Pie, we indicate what percentage of your cannabis is therapeutically active by illustrating the total cannabinoids to the rest of the material in a sample. The removed "slice" represents the non-therapeutic materials, and the smaller that slice is, the greater the total cannabinoid content.

Next, we fill the empty slice with blue to indicate the moisture content. Moisture content affects the weight, combustion characteristics, and flavor.

The active to inactive ratio of each cannabinoid is represented by shading, where the light inner portion of the slice represents the active, or decarboxilated, portion of that cannabinoid. In order to improve readability while maintaining relative ratios, we employ a logarithmic calculation to provide scaling. For more information, visit www.ConfidenceAnalytics.com

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Ken’s phantom


BAG REPORT & SMOKE APPEAL The phantom’s appeal is off the charts. Plump, purple

flowers are complemented by bright orange hairs that abound each calyx. This medication is a purple lover’s dream -- and that’s before cracking the jar. The aromas of sweet cherry and currant/marionberry pound the nose instantly, giving way to the relaxing scent of grape and Hawaiian punch. The smoke offers a smooth, mildly expansive, citrus-sweet inhale that calmly tickles the bottom of my lungs before rushing out on a bed of spiced grape Skittles and a lingering dark berry, danky aftertaste.

HOW IT GROWS with the vigor and speed of cherry Pie, but with added

As seconds turn into fourths and fifths, I definitely feel a deep and contemplative confusion set in. GENETICS: GRANDDADDY PURPLE X CHERRY PIE BREEDER: KEN ESTES SUMMARY: Ken’s Phantom is effective, beautiful and something

everyone needs to experience. Expert selection and breeder knowledge is clearly demonstrated in this marvelous plant.


Legendary breeder Ken Estes created a wonderfully stable and potent cross. The precise balance that makes up this medicine is a distinctive cross of the famed Bay Area Cherry Pie clone and the legendary Grandaddy Purps. This treasure offers potent, purple and pink blooms of the highest order.


gender stability, the Phantom is a relatively easy plant to grow. A medium bushy plant, she throws an easy-to-groom structure that isn’t too short and squat but not at all lanky or stretchy. The Phantom responds extremely well to topping, producing even branching and uniform structure. She can be a heavy feeder and produces rigid, woody stems that are most successfully super cropped in veg. Very little stretch when transitioning to flower makes her easy to manage and makes for longer veg times to increase yield. She turns completely purple without response to temperature, producing dense medium-size spear-shaped kolas almost impossibly encrusted with salt-grain-size resin glands. Give an extra two to four days for drying and a minimum of an extra week for curing the flowers because of the density and resin content.

EFFECTS my eyes swell for a moment before giving

way to gentle message of my temples. A euphoric calm passes over me as I feel my body relax into my desk chair. Time slows a wee bit as I nod my head to melodic music, which quickly becomes the center of my focus. The Phantom leaves its patients pain-free and mildly sedated and is best for this writer in the evenings. As seconds turn into fourths and fifths, I definitely feel a deep and contemplative confusion set in. I find myself wondering what I was wondering about in a sort of spaced-out place where my thoughts almost ... I’m sorry I wasn’t listening.





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The Canna Law Group is a practice group of Harris Moure, pllc. The Canna Law Group has attorneys licensed in Washington, Alaska, California, Illinois, Nevada, Florida, and New York.

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