May 2020 — Maryland Leaf

Page 41



LIVE RESIN SAUCE Cu l ta ’ s e n e rg y - p a c ke d LA T h u n d e r l i ve re s i n s a u ce b r i n g s a b o l t o f e n e rg y a n d fl a vo r t h a t ca n b r i g h t e n a ny p a t i e nt ’ s d a y . I t s p ro fi l e re p re se n t s t h e p e r fe c t s a t i va - hyb r i d b a l a n ce , w h e re i n yo u ca n a c h i eve ca l m a n d re l a xe d p a i n re l i ef, w h i l e a l s o re m a i n i n g m e n ta l l y a l e r t a n d e n e rg i ze d t h ro u g h o u t t h e d a y . I wa s pu l l e d i n by t h e 1 8 % t o ta l t e rp e n e p ro fi l e a n d s o l d w h e n I s a w t h a t i t co nta i n e d a ve r y g o o d c h u n k o f m y rcen e a n d ca r yo phy l l e n e , t e m p e re d by a ro b u s t a m o u n t o f t e rp i n o l e n e , b eta - p i n e n e a n d l i m o n e n e .

BASICALLY, THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF THE MOST POWERFUL INDICA AND SATIVA TERPENES COMING TOGETHER INTO ONE GLORIOUS DAB. The top of the nose on the LA Thunder carries a strong terpinolene odor that is quickly mingled into an almost cheesy amalgamation of floral, spicy and fruity effervescence. With such a complex profile, I honestly feel like the smell shifts with each inhale, as if to tease me with a nuanced smell at every opportunity. The flavor is that of a spicy forest that floods the palate with a woody b-pinene dollop and some spicy caryophyllene taste on the inhale, with the more fruity and sweeter limonene and terpinolene notes becoming prominent on the exhale. Each dab left me with a complex cycling array of flavors and aromas that truly feel as diverse as a blooming, tropical forest. In fact, the effects of the dab definitely reminded me of my visits to such tropical foresty places, taking me to the headspace of my nostalgic memories. The combination of myrcene and caryophyllene is at once an amazing pain reliever and a notorious couch-locker. Typically when I see high concentrations of these terpenes, I can anticipate a cloudy, heavy and deeply relaxed high. However, with the LA Thunder I achieved a deeply relaxed and pain free body - sans the cloudy and heavy aspect one might associate with the myrcene/caryophyllene combo. This, I think, is due to the dominance of the terpinolene - a terpene that I find very energizing - and the temper of beta-pinene and limonene. Limonene is always a little bit of sunshine in any smoke, going a long way toward producing energy through a positive mood, but the beta-pinene was a particularly excellent note. The beta-pinene is responsible for clearing the fog of a high and exemplifies a sativa effect. Often when I use beta-pinene dominant products, I get the clear-headedness and focus I desire, but with no hints of manic energy. In the case of the LA Thunder, I have a clear-headed high from the beta-pinene and a vigorous amount of energy catalyzed by the terpinolene and limonene duet. The overall result is a dab that works for my deepest pain levels, that I can also use in the morning to go to work or school and maintain my best self!


concentrate of the month



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