November 2014 — Issue #53

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NOVEMBER 2014 issue #53



Fields of Chocolope and Afgoo are ready to come down at Antoine Creek Farms in Chelan last month.





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28 40 70 Jason Bohbot with a few of his friends.


Prisoner Update


Product Reviews


Seattle Access Review


Micro Strains


Christians & Cannabis


Health & Science


Thanksgiving Recipes


Curing Your Marijuana

Do not forget the Kettle Falls 5 Checking out a Greenwood spot

Samuel Beresford’s personal choice

Three tasty side dishes for Turkey Day!

Minty breath strips and more

Small-batch, hyper-specific buds

How eating can affect future generations Dr. Scanderson reviews the essential tips


EDITOR’S NOTE..........................11 NATIONAL NEWS....................12 PRISON DISPATCH......................16 8 QUESTIONS............................20 LIMBLIFTR........................28 RECIPES.................................36 REVIEWS..........................40 MICRO STRAINS.........................66 CANDYLAND.....................70 BOTANICAL................................74 CURING BUDS...........................80 BEHIND STRAIN.........................86



THE HARVEST ISSUE Martin Nickerson feeds fan leaves from CBD-rich plants growing on his property in the Skagit Valley to his very lucky, probably pain-free goats.


Photo by Daniel Berman







editor’s note Thank you for checking out the 53rd issue of northwest leaf!


We must align our goals and our principles for the good of this community

nce again it is harvest season, my favorite time of year for Cannabis here in the great PNW. I love outdoor medicine! It has natural flavors and tastes, high resin production and less of an impact on our fragile environment. I encourage you to reach out to a local farmer this year and try some of what Washington produces best! This month also features one of my other favorite parts of fall: Thanksgiving recipes! We have medicated stuffing, a chocolate pie and more for you to try out at home. But don’t stop there. I want everyone to try to infuse their favorite recipe with a local oil, flour or butter and get creative, and medicated. Definitely make sure to check out national news from Steve Elliott and a review of a convenient and friendly access point in Seattle by Tyler J. Markwart. While you’re in the back of the magazine, take the time to pour over our handy guide to curing your

medicine, by none other than our own Dr. Scanderson, and the new health and science column from Dr. Scott D. Rose about how eating the right kinds of foods can have a huge health impact on your life and that of future generations. Switching gears to the future of medical Cannabis, we all need to be taking potential changes very seriously. This industry needs new regulations, and patients need to keep the same protections and freedoms that they have always enjoyed. But what we don’t need is bickering or fighting from within the community, or groups trying to subvert others by resorting to misinformation and fear. As we get close to the start of a challenging legislative session, let’s remember that we’re all fighting for the same principles, even if we ` differ in our approach and methods.



Contact Northwest Leaf editor Wes Abney to discuss advertising or displaying our magazine in a new location. Feel free to send articles or story pitches, press releases, news tips, and your take on a story or one we should hear!

Call us: 206-235-6721 Email



Daniel Berman

the truth about the plant you thought you knew, IN every issue.


Department of Corrections

No errors to report for last month, but we always appreciate reader feedback. Drop us an email and give us your take!




STEVE ELLIOTT is the editor behind, an independent blog of Cannabis news and opinion



Rick Steves hits the road for Measure 91 TV show host pitches legalization to OR voters


ick Steves is best known as the mild-mannered travel promoter who was a key supporter of Washington’s marijuana legalization initiative, but now he is embarking on a nine-city tour throughout Oregon to push for Measure 91, the Cannabis legalization measure on the November ballot. Steves called Measure 91 a “smart law” designed to address the reality of marijuana use, according to an Oct. 7 Oregonian article, detailing the launch. “Marijuana is a drug,” wrote Steves, a NORML board member. “It’s not good for you. It can be addictive. But marijuana is here to stay. No amount of wishing will bring us a utopian ‘drug-free society.’ ” Steves explained that owning his own business has given him the freedom to express his views about marijuana without fear of being fired. “When it comes to America’s prohibition on marijuana, I can consider lessons learned from my travels and say what I really believe when I’m back home,” Steves said. The travel writer last year was named one of the 50 most influential consumers by the Marijuana Policy Project. In a 2013 High Times interview, Steves said he is not a user of marijuana but still has his reasons. “I just believe that if somebody wants to smoke it, that’s their right,” he said. “When it comes to marijuana, some societies simply moralize and criminalize,” Steves said. “Others are more pragmatic and work to reduce harm by taking the crime out of the equation, treating marijuana as a health and education issue instead ... And it’s clear to me, we need to end our nation’s prohibition against marijuana.”



Oregon’s first lady admits to an illegal WA pot grow Cylvia Hayes says the transgressions occurred nearly 20 years ago in a different time


ov. John Kitzhaber’s fiancée, Cylvia that never materialized.” Hayes, has admitted planning an ilThe man who sold the property, then relegal marijuana grow operation with possessed it, indicated that a marijuana grow her then-boyfriend back in 1997. The revelawas already in progress. tion comes less than a week after Hayes ad“There was a full-sized pool table upstairs mitted she illegally married an Ethiopian imin the house and that was the first clue,” bromigrant that same year. ker Patrick Siemion Hayes said she was told KGW’s Mike living on the property Benner. “There were i WAS ASSOCIATING WITH with her then-boyfriend marijuana trimmings THE WRONG KIND OF PEOPLE... in Okanogan, Washingon the table. ton, near the Canadian “They had drilled border, for the purpose holes in the walls of of growing and selling marijuana, reports the log house for the irrigation tubes,” SieSara Roth at KGW. mion said. “Last Thursday, I admitted that 17 years “Then I went out to the shed and there was ago I was in the middle of a very difficult marijuana-grow specific paraphernalia, more and unstable period of my life,” Hayes said. bloom, nitrogen fertilizers.” “I said then, and I’ll say again ... I was asWhile Hayes says her then-boyfriend, Karl sociating with the wrong kind of people and A. Topinka, led the operation, Siemion said making mistakes. Hayes had been in charge. “I am not proud of that brief period of “The idea that she was an unwitting or time,” Hayes said. “I was involved in an unwilling participant in my eyes is totally erabusive relationship with a dangerous man. roneous,” Siemion said. “She did a lot of the We lived together for several months on talking is all I can say.” the property in Okanogan that was intended Kitzhaber, a Democrat, is running against to be the site of a marijuana grow operation Republican Dennis Richardson.



Explosive pot soda bottles removed from 3 legal stores Makers blame over-pressurization for error that “sounded like a shotgun going off.”


egal Pomegranate marijuana-infused soda has more bang for the buck than its manufacturers and distributors expected. The drink has been removed from three Washington recreational marijuana stores after bottles started exploding on the shelves. Top Shelf Cannabis in Bellingham took delivery of 330 bottles of the soda Sept. 28. Employees said they were excited to promote it to their customers, reports Matt Markovich at KOMO News. They sold 10 bottles of the soda, made by Mirth Provisions of Longview, on the first day. When employees opened up the next day, they found broken bottles and shards of glass throughout the store. During the night, the bottles had exploded. The employees said they didn’t realize just how dangerous the problem was until they saw and heard bottles blow up. “It sounded like a shotgun going off,” said Top Shelf Cannabis manager Zach Henifin. Henifin donned a face shield and protective garb and placed cartons of the unexploded soda in a dumpster-size steel box outside the store. The “pot pop” continued to explode inside the steel container for the next 10 days. “It’s almost like a bomb box because they randomly go off during the day,” he said. Nobody was injured by the shards from the exploding bottles, but the store isn’t sure whether the 10 customers who bought the

Quick Hits!

1.4 5 15 25 25 55 800 4,500

Million dollars in cash, silver and gold were seized in Sebastopol, CA in one of the largest Cannabis busts ever recorded in the state, the AP reports.

Number of people arrested in Butte County, CA after detectives found grow sites, illegal weapons and a greenhouse less than 200 ft. from a school. Thousands of square feet at a site in Denver purchased last month by Advanced Cannabis Solutions, which wants to open the industry’s 1st-ever Cannabis bank.

Cost per gram on average of Cannabis being sold in 502 stores, though retailers and recreational users alike are hoping the this years outdoor harvest will bring down prices and effectively stabilize the new marketplace.

Legal Pomegranate soda by Mirth Provisions soda had their bottles explode on them. Top Shelf wasn’t the only shop reporting the exploding bottles, according to Adam Stites, founder of Mirth Provisions. Main Street Marijuana and New Vansterdam in Vancouver also reported problems with the bottles. “It was simply the fact that his batch had a higher yeast concentration, and one of the byproducts of yeast is excess carbon dioxide,” said Stites, who noted that Mirth Provisions tested the carbonated drink up to 14 pounds per square inch, in bottles able to handle 42 PSI. “The yeast was just building up the pressure in the bottles over a seven to 10-day period,” Stites said. Now that’s a sticky problem to solve.


Cost of a fine for possession of less than one ounce of flower in The City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, after passing a new Cannabis law.

Percent of Delaware adults who want to legalize Cannabis, in the highest ever amount polled for the state, according to a story by the Associated Press. Thousands of dollars donated by two out of state groups with ties to wealthy donors in support of Oregon’s legalization Measure 91.

Dollar value of pot plants eaten by a group of hungry sheep in Surrey, England after finding black bags left at the edge of the property, presumably to be sold, if not for woolly thieves.



-New York State Sen. Diane Savino, speaking with sponsors of the medical marijuana law during a conference held by the International Cannabis Association last month in Manhattan. Detractors say that the New York governor crippled the law with needless restrictions and bizarre power grabs.




STEVE ELLIOTT is the editor behind, an independent blog of Cannabis news and opinion


WILL THE NORTH EVER GET LEGAL? Centre for Addiction and Mental Health recommends Cannabis Legalization


Moroccan the boat

Call us shocked, shocked, that the hash-producing nation could become first to back the green


law is being considered in Morocco that would legalize marijuana cultivation for medical and industrial uses, bringing the North African nation’s thriving hashish industry into the open. The proposal, however, faces stiff opposition in this conservative nation, despite a centuries-old tradition of growing Cannabis in the north, where the Rif Mountains have long been a haven for hashmaking, wrote Paul Schemm of the AP. Some farmers, including Abdelkhalek Benabdallah, openly grow marijuana, despite its illegal status. “We are regularly subject to blackmail by the gendarmes,” he said as he prepared his September harvest. The new law could alleviate widespread poverty and unrest. Suspicious farmers, accustomed to an adversarial relationship with authorities, don’t believe the government will do anything to help them. Some fear legalization might lower the $8 a kilogram price that farmers receive for their hash. “If legalization happened for all of Morocco, we could never compete with the other farmers that have lots of land and the price of Cannabis


wouldn’t be any different from that of carrots,” said Mohammed Benabdallah, an activist in the village of Oued Abdel Ghaya. Under the current system, farmers complain about having to dodge police and avoiding the major towns for fear of arrest, unless they are willing to pay bribes. Farmers are paid little, with the bulk of profits going to buyers and smugglers who reap huge profits in Europe. Morocco is one of the world’s top producers of hashish, according to the World Customs Authority, which reports that in 2013, 65 percent of hashish seized at customs worldwide came from this North African nation, with most of that going to Europe. About 80,000 families in the Rif Mountains make their living from growing marijuana, according to United Nations estimates. They typically make $3,000 to $4,000 a year. Growers can spend months or years in prison if they don’t pay bribes. About 15,000 people from the marijuana-growing area of Morocco are in jail, with another 30,000 being sought by law enforcement, according to news reports by the AP.

anada’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health has released a new evidence-informed report on Cannabis control. The Cannabis Policy Framework released by CAMH recommends marijuana legalization with a strict regulation approach to Cannabis control. Canada has one of the highest rates of Cannabis use in the world, with 40 percent of Canadians having used it at least once in their lifetimes. CAMH’s Cannabis Policy Framework was developed to provide evidence-based principles for reducing Cannabis-related harm. To do this, CAMH scientists and policy experts conducted in-depth analysis of the health, social and legal implications of Cannabis use, and examined Cannabis policy in other jurisdictions. “Canada’s current system of Cannabis control is failing to prevent or reduce the harms associated with Cannabis use,” said Dr. Jürgen Rehm, director of the Social and Epidemiological Research Department at CAMH. “Based on a thorough review of the evidence, we believe that legalization combined with strict regulation of Cannabis is the most effective means of reducing the harms associated with its use. Any reform of Canada’s system of Cannabis control must include a strong focus on prevention and a range of interventions aimed at groups that are at higher risk of harm, including youth and people with a personal or family history of mental illness.” Rehm also said evidence indicates that the criminalization of Cannabis does not deter people from using it. Instead, criminalization drives Cannabis users away from prevention, risk reduction and treatment services. “Legalization of Cannabis must be governed by strict regulations that ensure it is not sold like other commodities,” Rehm said. “This would include a government monopoly on sales, limits on availability, a pricing system that discourages use of higher-harm products and a ban on marketing.” PHOTO: FLICKR/NWARDEZ

Sodo Holistic Health

N ew Co n c e n t ra t e s

D a m a Wa x DA M A O i l h a s re c e n t l y t e a m e d u p w i t h Re f i n e S e a t t l e t o h a ve t h e m p ro c e s s t h e i r q u a l i t y f l owe r i n t o this amazing wax.

WA M P u re Co 2 WA M’s p u re l y re f i n e d Co 2 D a b O i l i s a l a b o ra t o r y p ro d u c e d p u re u n c u t c a n n a b i s o i l . I t ’s a h i g h l y c o n c e n t ra t e d f o r m o f c a n n a b i s t h a t i s fa s t , e f f e c t i ve a n d long lasting. 1





2 This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming





THE KETTLE FALLS 5 Trial: Dec. 1, 2014 9 a.m. Federal Courthouse in Spokane, WA.


News from the front lines of tHE HUMAN SOLUTION


andy Lanier, longtime plant prisoner it was pleased to see the support from the community. (26 years) and former Indianapolis 500 Debbie and Josh still face the fight of their lives. Visit rookie of the year, was released from our court calendar at to find how you can federal prison Oct. 15. He was found join our King County chapter in efforts to support guilty of marijuana charges in 1988 them in court. and sentenced to life without parole. Tim Reed, is a Puyallup tribe member who was One of his co-defendants, Eugene Fischer, was found guilty in Quinault Indian Nation Court a few fortunate to be released last year after being handed months ago. He was later sentenced to 150 detained a life sentence. Eugene is now an executive board days and 90 days with in-home monitoring and a member of The Human Solution. $1,000 fine. Along with Randy’s release, inmate Craig Cesal’s Reed was banned for life from the tribe, despite quality of life has improved thanks to people calling having his ancestors’ ashes laid on tribal lands. the prison and asking for his medical care to be At his sentencing, the judge acknowledged all returned. Extra special thanks to Ferntucky Medical the obvious support in the courtroom and gave for adopting Craig. You know you’re making headway him the most lenient sentence he was allowed. when prison guards yell, “Free Craig Cesal!” Once the two tribal chiefs have conferred, Tim could We have sad news on Gerald ( Jerry) Duval. Jerry be transferred to the Puyallup Indian jail. For now, is a kidney and pancreas transplant patient sentenced send letters of support to him at the Quinault Indian to 10 years in a medical prison, along with his son jail in Taholah. Jeremy. After his trial, the warden denied his release, and he lost his appeal and the Supreme Court has denied Jerry a hearing. They have one last appeal to try. Joy Graves of Salem, Oregon, fought for Cannabis Dustin, Chris Williams, Maurice Foley and Paul rights with Jack Herer for many years. She is a Free are just a few of the prisoners seeking clemency. Sachem Healer and minister for the Oklevueha They need you to write letters to Native American Church of Kautantowit’s support their requests. Our website Mecautea in Oregon. The only way — — has a clemency to end vindictive Last month, Grant County raided Joy’s letter and awareness campaign prosecutions by garden and ripped her plants out of the rogue federal coming soon! ground, and their caretakers were forbidden prosecutors is to An adoption is now forming for to return to care for them. Her defense in stand and fight Thomas Ranes, inmate No. 15245court will include the Native American for justice. 006 in Alaska. Tom has already Land Use and Incarceration Act, The served 10 years — his projected Religious Freedom Restoration Act and release is 2032, way too long for our plant. Tom’s the First and 14th amendments. health is failing in the prison system while his wife 12 Native American churches have recently and two children go without a father and a husband. been raided. In Oregon, we have two chapters, one We have many prisoners who need your help while in Portland and the other in Springfield. We also they are behind bars and more are still emerging. hope to have a chapter opening in Salem soon.




The Human Solution Court Support network is helping Debbie Brechler and Josh Mauk. In court this month, they had 21 supporters wearing ribbons — it made a big difference. The court said

Rhonda Firestack-Harvey, Larry Harvey, Rolland Gregg, Michelle Gregg and Jason Zucker will go on trial December 1st and they need your support. U.S. District Court Judge Fred Van Sickle says this


date is final and will not be rescheduled. Do your best to attend their trial at the Federal Courthouse in downtown Spokane. It’s open to the public! In 2012, federal authorities raided their homes even though the Five were all following Washington state’s medical marijuana laws as they knew them! If they are found guilty, each of them face up to 60 years in prison. The odds remain against them because Van Sickle has ruled that Washington’s medical marijuana law, or the Ogden or Cole memos cannot be used in defense. If they are convicted, they will live like the rest of our prisoners, in tiny cells, working for less than 20 cents an hour and shackled. They are going to trial because they feel they were obeying a valid Washington state law. The only way to end these vindictive prosecutions by rogue federal prosecutors is to stand and fight for justice. The defendants believe that the truth of medical marijuana that the federal judge and prosecutor are trying to suppress can be conveyed to the jury through media coverage, and court support inside and outside of the courthouse. They believe the jury will do the right thing, which will help end the federal government’s crusade against medical Cannabis. A juror has the power to acquit a defendant if they consider the law they were charged under to be immoral or wrongly applied. Jurors have the power to not only judge whether the law has been broken, but to judge the law. Regardless of the pressure that judges and prosecutors put on jurors, jurors cannot be punished for their verdicts. It only takes one juror to say not guilty and that will save the Kettle Falls 5 from a life in prison. Please come to Spokane Dec. 1 and help support the Spokane Human Solution chapter and the Five! We need to keep sending a message across the nation that prohibition won’t be tolerated. Stand and help keep the Kettle Falls 5 from being the drug war’s next victims.

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8 Questions for the retailer michael perkins

on adapting to I-502 & standing up for medical By WES ABNEY | PHOTO by DANIEL BERMAN



We contribute taxes, we run good businesses that help patients and we deserve fair regulations. Our biggest mistake in this state was regulating recreational Cannabis before medical. We need to find a way to make both systems work.

#1 You are the first Initiative 502 retailer to open a recreational store next to a medical collective. Why did you choose to continue serving medical patients? I’ve been tempted to close down medical, but there are two main reasons I haven’t. For one, I can’t eliminate patient access. Patients are truly sick and have conditions that benefit from medical Cannabis. The second is the current supply and demand issues. Patients need quality medicine with CBD and other medication-delivery options, and right now those aren’t available for 502. #2 Your building has suite A for recreational and suite B for medical. What is the price difference with products? Can patients afford their medicine on the 502 side? Absolutely not. And I say that making more profit on the 502 side than the medical. Patients who are paying $25 for an eighth of medicine cannot afford $8090 for the same amount of recreational product, and they shouldn’t have to. There are two totally different demographics in this state who want Cannabis. You have recreational users who want to just get high, and that’s fine, but we can’t get rid of the patients and activists who made it possible for the recreational to happen. The medical Cannabis that I am able to offer has saved so many lives, and just because there is an opportunity to make profit from recreational, I won’t abandon medical. I will not be the person who throws patients under the bus. #3 It seems your experience in helping patients has shaped your views on the industry. Why do you keep fighting for medical? I have seen so many people benefit from access to medical Cannabis. The benefit is undeniable. I have seen patients who have overcome diseases, severe and chronic conditions, and quit using opiates and other harmful pharmaceuticals that don’t work. I’ve seen someone completely stop having seizures from epilepsy, and stop taking benzodiazepines and stop having the side effects from the drug. I’ve seen people eat right out of chemo, watched people stop suffering and start living. Most of these patients do not have disposable income to still get their medicine if prices go up. We need to ensure that they have safe, affordable access. #4 Many people in the state are arguing that medical marijuana lacks regulations... What do you think about the state of affairs for medical and how should the industry be addressed politically? I want regulations for medical, like most collective owners, and I don’t really think that medical is regulated enough. But that is not a reason to discredit the industry. We are self-regulated and asking for more regulations. The good players in this industry operate at internal standards, and groups like the Coalition for Cannabis Standards and Ethics are evidence of that. I’m down at the Department of Revenue monthly with $50,000 to $60,000 from tax revenue, and there are many other collectives doing the same. We contribute taxes, we run good businesses that help patients and we deserve fair regulations. Our biggest mistake in this state was regulating recreational Cannabis before medical. We need to find a way to make both systems work. #5 Prices are high for recreational but you believe the costs will come down as the market stabilizes. How can the 502 system improve to actually offer better prices? I think 502 needs to make some changes quickly, especially with both the black market and medical reflecting an average cost of Cannabis at a much lower price than recreational. It all comes down to supply and demand issues right now.

The Liquor Control Board needs to expedite licenses for producers and processors so they can start producing Cannabis and drive down the prices. Right now the wholesale prices for recreational Cannabis are about three times as high as for medical, and that is because supply way outweighs demand. Once the market is flooded with 502 Cannabis, I expect prices to come down to the $15 per gram range, which is competitive with the black market, but this will be tested and safe for consumers. I hope the Legislature will address the profit-sharing issues that currently affect the 502 system. If tax revenue is shared with cities and counties, they’ll have incentive to work with the system, which will help license holders across the state. #6 Now that you are open what has been the most exciting part of becoming a recreational Cannabis retailer? The best part has been evolving from a regular mom and pop mmj business man to creating a new recreational brand, and all of the in and outs behind that. I’ve hired a branding strategist, a creative director, a public relations strategist, a social media strategists, a marketing director, a production graphic and web designer, a copy writer and SEO strategist. My goal is to understand my target demographic for recreational and serve them in the very best way possible. People are going to come in, and I want them to know that they are coming for an experience rather than just a store. I want to move the bar so high that people everywhere will not just say that I did something but that the entire industry is evolving. Branding, marketing, merchandising… it is so exciting, especially to watch the transition to a professionally accepted market. The fact that professionals like those I’ve hired will work with us now has given me the opportunity to go above and beyond. #7 Your building used to house a state-run liquor store and now it’s home to two Cannabis businesses. How has marijuana helped the public, tax revenue and jobs? Between my medical and recreational businesses, I have 70 employees at any given time, and I am being supported by 50 different vendors on the medical side alone. This represents jobs and opportunity for people who might otherwise be dependent on state benefits or stuck on unemployment. Medical Cannabis especially has created so many jobs in Washington that if we take those away we will hurt the whole statewide economy. I like to say that a vote for Cannabis is a vote for America, because it is bringing economic stimulation to the country and keeping people from more dangerous choices of opiates or alcohol. #8 How has the Cannabis industry changed you personally? I’ve learned a lot since moving three years ago. I was always involved with medical Cannabis in California, but it wasn’t until coming up here that I started pushing. I moved here with everything I had and lived under my first access point until I got a DEA letter and lost my business which was also my home. I have sacrificed absolutely everything to make it in this industry, but its been worth it. I hope to be able to, one day, franchise my businesses in the future and see medical and recreational spread across the country.

` Praxa/Mary’s/The Solution The Solution has five locations. for info & numbers.







Strains 5/5

Edibles 4/5

Concentrates 5/5

WITH A GOOD SELECTION of well known cannabis cultivars,

THERE ARE MORE edibles lining the shelves

A NEVERENDING row of concentrates are

Trees Collective will definitely have something for you in your price range. All their grams are capped at $10 donations and that includes CBD strains so you can count on saving a few bucks and finding some good flowers. Be sure to check out the sweet Jilly Bean, which is excellent for pain, inflammation and other ailments — as well as being a drop-dead gorgeous looker of a strain, totally covered in noticeablly crystally trichomes.


of the service desk than you could eat in a month. Their selection is seriously huge! Patients who love edibles are going to be pleased when they walk out of this spot. Among our favorites were the house brownies (with just a hint of coconut) which didn’t overly medicate us but offered up some truly tasty chocolate goodness.

available and are priced consistently along multiple different pricing tiers. Among your options are pretty supplies of kief, wax, clear, shatter and CO2. This is a good place to try a couple of types of concentrates to see which varieties work best for your particular conditions, without breaking the bank.






a rom a : de n s ity: cure : appearance: fl avor: e ffe ct: tota l : 21/30

a rom a : de n s ity: cure : appearance: fl avor: e ffe ct: tota l : 30/30

HEEEERE’S THE HAZE! This sativa-leaning hybrid has the classic characteristics of the sativa with the haze effects that go straight to the head. Ultra Lemon Haze goes up and then mellows out rather quickly for a nice mid-afternoon smoke. It’s definitely a good strain for appetite stimulation and depression along with mild joint and muscle pain relief.


WITH AN UNREAL SMELL of Skittles that just bursts through the bag, this bud is sweet

candy goodness! The buds are rock solid and covered in trichomes! This is a fantastic strain and we highly suggest you get your hands on this TGA/Subcool Mz Jill bred strain that is great for anxiety, muscle pain, inflammation, digestive tract disorders and insomnia. Props to the growers on this one, as they took their time, did it right, and it shows. High fives all around…

Patients who love edibles are going to be pleased when they walk out of this spot.

Environment 4/5 THEY’VE GOT a great location on the corner of

Greenwood Ave and Holman just north of Ballard, along the Rapid Ride D busline and with ground floor access. Trees Collective makes it an easy in and out experience. Allow extra time for checking out the dab bar for a little bit, but then again, it’s not always a bad thing to be able to stop and savor the experience of a fine collective.

Overall 18/20 TREES COLLECTIVE is on point and getting

patients the medicine they need at a great price point. It has a great location right off of multiple major bus routes and cross streets and offers an impressive selection. Be sure to ask questions if you got them, they have a fantastic and knowledgeable staff, like budtender Aubrey who suggested this month’s terrific flower samples.


10532 Greenwood Ave N. Seattle 98133 (206) 257- 4407





nICHOLAS rODE Artist name: LiMBLiFTR facebook/instagram @Limblftr TO BUY MUSIC

“Bollyhood” on the Muti label out of San Francisco. “The 500 Tour” with dates Nov. 12-15, four cities. Caviar Gold is sponsoring the tour.


NW Leaf: When did you start making music? I started at the Red Bull music lab in ’05; it was my first job in music. The beginning of that year I started at AI, studying industrial design and then switched to audio production. I then worked for Red Bull for over three years as the intern to the marketing manager of the Northwest. The job was insane. I jumped off mountains and out of airplanes, was in helicopters regularly, and even watched from the air as someone jumped from a copter into Century Link field. There’s all kinds of stuff I did at Red Bull that I don’t think I’d ever have had an opportunity to do anywhere else, including working in music studios. Red Bull led me to take music seriously. It was perfect setting — I learned not only grassroots-type promotion but also the hustle. We would work 24 hours-plus and never stop.

What genre of music do you make, and how do you approach it? I tell people I make bass music, because I don’t want to have to call it just trap music or another commercialized genre. I don’t want to create something in someone else’s head by putting a label on my music. It’s not that I’m not standing behind a genre, but I’ve found that not promoting a specific type has been a much more successful way to get people into the music. It’s an extra hurdle, but if you want to remove that step and make it simple, I just say bass music, or EDM. I also don’t have an ego with music; I think that’s a displaced feature and will do a disservice to any artist. If you are a good musician, you need to be open to learning. You always want to get better and learn new techniques, and ego is not a part of the learning process. … That’s why I give away all my music. I don’t like the concepts and ideals behind money, especially in our country, but music is still not like that. I keep it separate. I don’t want my music to sound like it is being made for a paycheck because then it is always going to sound the same.

wHAT IS THE INSPIRATION BEHIND THE TITLE OF YOUR LATEST ALBUM, BOLLYHOOD? The name comes from the fact that I only use Indian Bollywood movie music samples with beats set under the samples — like dubstep bass lines and EDM trap mixed with a world beat. Online, it isn’t classified as trap or dubstep or hip-hop — they have it as electronica, which is an even larger genre. I got on a kick where I was done making music under the name Bleed dubstep for Shift Recordings, and I quit doing the dubstep thing and started LiMBLiFTR and didn’t tell anyone. I wanted the project to be viewed without anyone knowing and reviewed just on merits of music alone. During that

time taking time off from music, I started watching Bollywood movies because they are bright and fun and if you listen to the music, it’s actually really, really awesome. Then one day I had a beat playing while watching and had the idea to be the hood in Bollywood … in that moment, the random synapses fired and I had the idea to mix the music with my beats.

ARE YOU A MARIJUANA ENTHUSIAST BY NATURE? I definitely buy a lot of medicine. I only smoke cookies and caviar so I have a really expensive habit. I probably spend more on weed than anything else. I buy an ounce of top-shelf flower a week, at least — sometimes two if it’s a big week. I smoke about a gram of oil per day. I even have the cookie monster tattooed on my arm because I love the Girl Scout cookies that much.

wHY don’t YOU Smoke WHILE PERFORMING? The day of any performance I cut out smoking after the morning hours. The fear of embarrassment is definitely enough to keep my sobriety in focus. I’m always thinking about my performance, and worrying about what I did wrong. Occasionally, I’ll have a set I hate, and I’ll beeline it straight to the bar after, but I never drink or smoke before a performance.

What is your favorite part of performing? The interaction with the crowd and the music and myself. It feels like I’m just in the middle of it, not necessarily in control once a song is playing. It’s just my job to keep it going. I’m like a vessel. It’s all about emotion because it’s such a rush when you build up a tune and drop really heavy beats to watch the crowd move. There’s nothing like it, especially at clubs like Foundation with 500plus attendees. It’s like falling, in a good way kind of. I’d imagine it’s like a thrill-seeker thing. It’s really crazy cause it’s always really blurry and vague. It’s kind of like a blackout almost, and if I do well I don’t remember anything about it until I come to like 10 to 20 minutes after a set. I want to be high, I wish I could be, but I found that every time I did, I made mistakes. But the truth is I don’t need it. I get high enough off the crowd. It’s a rush like that. Plus, if you do well, you’re getting free stuff given to you.

out at 500 people. It will be very intimate and more old school. I’m opening for Caspa and The Others on the West Coast weed triangle leg of it, going from Seattle to Sacramento. I’m stoked to get the opportunity to go play out with those guys. I’m scheduled for four cities so far, with two shows in Washington. Caspa is bringing the PK sound system — that’s Excision’s touring system. It’s a $1 million setup that I get to play on. It is going to be loud and amazing, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it! That’s going to be so much power. The system is ridiculous — over 100,000 total watts.

What is the best part of going on tour? Playing new music. I always play new music at my shows, and with stuff from heavy hitters and big names, so in preparation for this tour I’ve been stacking unreleased songs. I’m not going to play anything that’s already out except for a couple of tunes. That’s going to really make the tour special. I think me and the others will be dropping some new content, too. There is a performance-party aspect to this: if the crowd doesn’t feel the tune you’ve got to change the tune — that’s how it works. People forget that if the music is good enough, you should be able to listen to it in a dark room and have a blast.

When you aren’t making music, you are working for Caviar Gold. What has that experience been like? Scotty (the owner) is not only my best friend but my mentor and boss, and the closest thing to a good male role model that I’ve ever had. Caviar Gold really flipped my life around. I met him through another musician, Lowtek, and I remixed a band called Esitu for CaviGold Records, and he liked it enough to sign it. Very shortly after that, he realized I was a pothead and could use me in the company. Today, I am the lead sales rep/ sales manager for Washington. I service everything from 45th street to Canada, over 100 accounts, and there are two other salesmen plus Scotty, the owner of the Washington franchise. I love the people, both in the community and in the company. Our whole goal is to sell the lifestyle, not just the fact that we make great medicine. Everything I do is centrally involved with the company in one shape or form. At this point, that’s my favorite thing! I can essentially smoke weed and help people medicate and make a living.


Tell us about your upcoming tour and what PART OF IT YOU ARE MOST EXCITED FOR? The tour is called “The 500 Tour,” which draws its name from the fact that it’s at venues that max








be a millionaire by 30, just watch!” my own words rang in my ears. How had greed become a core of my being? When did I stop caring as much about people, as I had when I was younger? Why was I sitting here thinking about a conversation that had happened years ago with someone I don’t even talk to very often? I was stoned. At least that was what my friends were calling it. It was the first time I had been under the influence of Cannabis. My endocannabinoid system was firing at maximum capacity. I was there in the room doing the mundane routine of life, but I was simultaneously deeply evaluating my life. It seems like I do that a lot now. I think that it’s a good thing. I’ve been accused all my life of being ADHD. Which I reply is really “HD ADD.” I’m high definition. In all seriousness, Adderall is perfectly synthesized amphetamines. I’m a PK. That’s an affectionate name we give those rebellious teens who we joke about: Pastor’s kids. My dad’s a pastor. When I moved out, I was a hardcore Christian. I had strong faith, but I had been sheltered from the harshness of the world. One day I caught a roommate of mine in college smoking pot. I knew he had a history with other drugs so I reminded him of how marijuana was a gateway to worse drugs. I was trying to show him compassion and help him with his addiction. He confronted me head-on in my ignorance. He said words that still ring in my head: “You of all people should have no right to judge me!” “…” “Cannabis is an herb from the dirt that bears seeds, according to your own faith and Bible, God made pot as good food.” “… But …” “Sam, you’re a Christian whose own scripture says God made pot as food to give thanks for. You’re also one of those crazy creationists who doesn’t even believe in the evolution theory. In fact, you’ve even challenged my thinking before because of your willingness to look at science more carefully than most creation preachers I’ve met. Prove to me that Cannabis is bad for me; I’ll stop using it. I respect your ability to get to the bottom of the marijuana argument. And if you prove it’s worse for me than alcohol or cigarettes, I’ll even stop smoking altogether.” I agreed, and I took the agreement seriously. He had challenged my morality, intelligence, faith and perspective on the world.


I just didn’t fully know it yet. I researched it every free moment for nine months; I even had friends accuse me of being addicted to researching pot. All this time I had never tried Cannabis. I thought it would be an easy task to win this debate. Little did I know … To start out, I looked up the National Institute for Drug Abuse. I figured that should be a good place to start. Since I did my research in 2003, the tune has changed slightly in a lot of governing agencies. If you look now, they actually admit some therapeutic benefit of Cannabis and they even fund some research now, including an ongoing study on how the anti-psychotic effects of cannabidiol might lead to new treatments for schizophrenia. This realization that I’d been deceived all my life led me on a journey. I found out Cannabis was a better treatment for Alz-

heimer’s disease than many primary treatments. I learned it cured asthma in some people who smoked or vaporized it. I learned it had both neuro-protective and generative properties. I learned that for some, it made them hungry, for others it suppressed appetite. It helped some people lose weight, and boost their metabolism and immune system function. Little by little I was unraveling my entire view of marijuana. I learned it was relatively harmless, less addictive than coffee and actually beneficial in many cases. I was shattered in many ways. What about God? What about my Jesus, who died for my sins, and rose again to give me hope of a new life after this shadowland of life and death? I had read many books from different perspectives. Books like “More Than a Carpenter” by Lee Strobal, an investigative journalist. He had evaluated the story of Jesus in an effort to debunk it, but what he found were many mountains of what are considered

proofs of authenticity in his field. So many that he conwon’t they be encouraged to violate their conscience by eatverted to Christianity. I had also read about Josephus, ing food that has been offered to an idol? So because of who had given a secular but very accurate historical acyour superior knowledge, a weak believer for whom Christ count of Jesus. died will be destroyed. And when you sin against other All of my research after leaving home had until believers by encouraging them to do something they believe now kept pointing me back to my creator. I had only is wrong, you are sinning against Christ. 13 So if what I strengthened my faith in a loving creator who sent his eat causes another believer to sin, I will never eat meat spirit in the form of a man to die and rise from the again as long as I live — for I don’t want to cause another dead. It was a chance to repent and attain perfection. believer to stumble. And it was for everyone, not only the priest class or rulI had suddenly lost permission to judge Cannabis users. They had excluded the people from a way to reconers from my own Bible. I also discovered that Cannabis nect with God, and it had been happening for centuries is special type of plant called an entheogen, which are before he came. I was afraid that somehow by accepting plants that make you seek God. Cannabis as good, I would be turning my back on truth That news shocked me, but there was a final straw and love. That was a lie, but a very persuasive one. for me that made me try Cannabis. In the beginning, I This is where my references get biblical. I know mentioned what my roommate would do if I won. But I this makes some people uneasy. To those wary about a forgot to mention that I had promised to try Cannabis Bible thumping now, please know I’m a loving, shareif I lost. About nine months into my research, I found my-faith-willingly type, not a foaming, hateful, cramthis little nugget of knowledge. This is what to show it-down-your-throat type. I believe an any Christian giving you a hard time intelligent designer designed the world we for consuming Cannabis: Cannabis is live in. I also believe he created a plant that To those wary about mentioned by name five times in the heals our body and soul, and makes us seek Hebrew Old Testament. a Bible thumping, truth about life. My name is Samuel. When I found please know I’m a The first verse I found pertaining to out kaneh bosm (transliteration of HeCannabis is Genesis 1:29 (New Living loving, share-mybrew for Cannabis) was named in the Translation Bible). Bible, I searched Kaneh. I found out faith-willingly type, “Then God said, “Look! I have given you that Samuel, the person I was named every seed-bearing plant throughout the not a foaming, hateful, after in the Bible, had a father named earth and all the fruit trees for your food.” cram-it-down-yourElKaneh, or Lord of Kaneh. SamuTo be fair, my roommate who challenged throat type. el also grew up in the temple, doing me found that one. So I looked up the old temple tasks. In fact, it is almost sure Hebrew word for food and it was the same word transthat he helped in the making of the anointing oil that had lated as “meat” in verse 13 of 1 Corinthians 8 (NLT): 6.25 pounds of Cannabis (250 shekels of kaneh bosm). “Now regarding your question about food that has been Jesus Christ means Jesus, Anointed One. Christ, beoffered to idols. Yes, we know that “we all have knowling a title, means that Jesus (Yeshua is a more accurate edge” about this issue. But while knowledge makes us feel pronunciation) was anointed with a skin-permeable oil important, it is love that strengthens the church. Anyone that contained a high concentration of cannabinoids. who claims to know all the answers doesn’t really know There is even a recipe with strict instructions not to very much. But the person who loves God is the one whom misuse the holy oil. The word “Christian” was once a deGod recognizes. So, what about eating meat that has been rogatory term, used by Romans, to describe the anointoffered to idols? Well, we all know that an idol is not reed followers of Jesus. Christian was the first negative ally a god and that there is only one God. There may be slang term for stoner! so-called gods both in heaven and on earth, and some peoWhat I now reference is a personal experience I had. I ple actually worship many gods and many lords. But for don’t share it often out of fear of what people will think, us, There is one God, the Father, by whom all things were but I use Cannabis and I pray to Jesus. That’s already created, and for whom we live. And there is one Lord, enough to make people think I’m crazy. Jesus Christ, through whom all things were created, and I was stoned. It was months after my first use of Canthrough whom we live. nabis. I was having second thoughts about everything However, not all believers know this. Some are accusand was scared — perhaps I had lost my salvation. I had tomed to thinking of idols as being real, so when they eat just seen a demon leave my room and I was trembling. food that has been offered to idols, they think of it as the I started trying to control my breath. I slowly relaxed, worship of real gods, and their weak consciences are vioand as I did, I went into a trance. lated. It’s true that we can’t win God’s approval by what At least that’s the best that I can describe. I already we eat. We don’t lose anything if we don’t eat it, and we knew Cannabis opens you to spiritual matters and I was don’t gain anything if we do. But you must be careful so aware that good and bad spirits existed. I had just tested that your freedom does not cause others with a weaker a dark one and watched it retreat in fear. It had scared conscience to stumble. For if others see you — with your me considerably as it left. “superior knowledge” — eating in the temple of an idol, I opened my eyes. I knew it was dark in my room, but

I saw a bright light — so bright I squinted. I looked down to try and adjust to the light and saw grass. So I began to walk. This wasn’t real, I knew that. But it felt real, it looked real, it even sounded real. I could detect sweet smells mingling in the air. Some I recognized, others I didn’t. I heard a deep voice say my name in a way that was soft but at the same time powerful: “Samuel.” Most people don’t call me that, but it was a voice that sounded like a roaring stream and trickling brook all at once. I looked in the direction of the voice and realized it was the source of the bright light. At this point we had a conversation, Creator God and I. I know because I asked specific questions to know for sure it wasn’t another dark spirit. The other one had looked bright at first before dissolving into a dark wind with a shriek. I tested it with something I knew from the Bible. It is supposed to help distinguish whether a spirit is from God or not (1 John 4). Somehow through the light I could feel a smile. And my questions were patiently affirmed. It’s hard to describe. I would ask a question in English, but then I would say the same thing again with images, emotions and consciousness. I would then forget what the question was, and then I would hear “yes” or “no.” Finally I would hear my own question repeated. I think that was because I had asked in prayer that I would know for sure, that what I was seeing and hearing was from outside of my own consciousness. I wanted authenticity, not blind faith. Our conversation went on for hours. The creator is made much more available to everyone than most realize. When I came out of my trance, I knew some things for sure. Not just based on research anymore, but from the voice of my shepherd. I knew that Cannabis could open you to spiritual activity, good and evil. I knew that Cannabis was created for purposes in health in the early church. I also knew that the modern church needs to be spiritually fed. There is a large body of stubborn believers holding to the teachings of Jesus but missing the power behind the anointing of his words. I knew I had to do something about it. Be thankful. 1 Peter 2:5 (NLT) “And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.” John 21:17 (NLT) A third time he asked him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt that Jesus asked the question a third time. He said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Then feed my sheep.” All Bible verses are available at NLT stands for New Living Translation.

SAMUEL BERESFORD is a Washington medical marijuana

patient treating his chronic and debilitating back pain under RCW 69.51a. Email >>



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Thanksgiving was on my mind while creating these recipes, but you don’t need to wait for the holiday to medicate with any of these yummy items. None of the dishes are complicated, and lots of the steps can be prepared a day ahead. Behold: one appetizer, one side and one dessert. Remember: You can always use less canna-butter, especially if you are making all three of these beauties for your guests to enjoy in one sitting.

MEDICATED HERB ONION STUFFING 1) Heat oven to 340 F. In a large skillet, melt the canna-butter. Add onion and cook until soft, 8-10 minutes. Add the sage and stir. Add the bread pieces, sour cream, salt and pepper. Mix to coat evenly. 2) Turn the stuffing mixture into a baking dish and drizzle with some of the stock. Check a couple of times and if it seems very dry, drizzle with more liquid. Cook for an additional 5-7 minutes after the last addition of stock. 3) Bake until the crust begins to brown, about 35-40 minutes.


TASTY TIP: If you feel the recipe calls for additional butter, add the non-medicated butter variety. This dish would make an excellent side year-round but it is practically required Nov. 27. Serves 10-12.


4-6 tablespoons canna-butter. 1 big onion, peeled, halved, sliced thin 1 large loaf of bread, preferably a few days old, crust torn into small pieces. 1-2 cups chicken or turkey stock 3/4 cup sour cream, room temp. 2 tablespoons dried sage Salt and pepper to taste

STONED STUFFED MUSHROOMS 1) Remove the caps from the mushrooms and finely chop 4-5. Place the mushroom caps on a greased cookie sheet with sides. 2) In a medium skillet, heat the canna-butter. Add the onion and chopped mushrooms and cook until soft, 5-7 minutes. Never let the butter get too hot; keep the temperature at medium or lower. 3) Add the breadcrumbs to the pan and mix with the onion and mushrooms. Turn into a large bowl. Add the bacon and cheese. Mix. Add salt and pepper to taste. 4) Stuff the filling into the mushrooms, pressing down to pack tightly. 5. Bake until mushrooms are cooked, 25-30 min. Serves 12, 2 each.

INGREDIENTS 2 dozen medium-sized white mushrooms 3-4 tablespoons canna-butter 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion 3 strips bacon, cooked crisp, drained & chopped 2/3 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese 1 cup plain breadcrumbs Salt and pepper to taste

CANNA-CHOCOLATE CHESS PIE 1) Heat oven to 340 F and line a 9-inch greased pie pan with favorite pie crust. Use a fork and make indentations around the edge. Place in the refrigerator. 2) In a large bowl, combine the melted butter with the sugar. Stir mixture to incorporate. Beat in the cocoa and the evaporated milk with a whisk. Add the eggs and vanilla and whisk until incorporated again. 3) Pour the mixture into the pie shell. Bake until set, 30-35 min. 4) Top pie with whipped cream and cutout shapes. Serves 10-12.


If you want to

1 crust for a 9-10 inch pie 4 tablespoons melted canna-butter 1 1/4 cups white sugar 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla Extra crust for pie toppers

decorate your pie with leaves, either use a cookie cutter or cut a rolled-out crust into the desired shapes. Bake on a parchment-covered baking sheet at 350 F until light golden brown, 7-9 min.





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Reviews This tincture should always be diluted by adding it into another drink, such as tea, water, juice or any other favorite beverage. Just a 1/2 dropper’s is enough for most patients. Those with more intense symptoms may want to consider using two or three droppersful.

Rufous Cannabis Tincture

By TYLER J. MARKWART Photos by Daniel Berman

Oakor Breath Slips

Serving = 1 piece Sativa/hybrid/indica/combo available

5.81mg THC/0.18mg CBD/0.43mg CBG/1.42mg Terpene-Total

Serving = 1/2 dropper in water A 50/50 indica/sativa hybrid The Vashon Botanical Society has released a new tincture on the mar-

ket called Rufous, which adds an extremely floral twist to tincture products. With a proprietary processing method to preserve terpenes and cannabinoids, Rufous Ultra-Premium Cannabis Tincture alleviates a myriad of pain conditions and is quick to start working. Just a 1/2 dropper’s is enough for most patients. Those with more intense symptoms may want to consider using two or three droppersful. It is not advised to drop this tincture directly under your tongue or in the mouth, since, unlike traditional glycerine tinctures, Rufous uses alcohol as its carrier and can lead to a burning sensation similar to THE SCORE taking a shot. This tincture should always be diluted by adding it into Va l ue: another drink, such as tea, water, ta ste: juice or any other favorite. Effec t: After many test runs we found Packaging: that water or cold juice will preserve the cannabinoid/terpene Overa l l : 17/20 profile the best and that lemonade masked the floral flavor nicely. Rufous has been fully tested at Analytical 360’s laboratory and is fully activated. It’s an effective product ready to add to any food or drink! You can find this tincture at Island Cure Collective on Vashon Island and at Green Lion Farms Booths at your local Cannabis farmers market.


You can now get medicated breath strips that freshen your breath

and deliver a regulated dose of cannabinoids of your choice. Oakor Slips won the 2014 Seattle Medical Cannabis Cup this year and are available at collectives in Western Washington. Discreet, delicious and effective, these slips allow people to medicate in places where smoking or vaporizing might be discouraged. The package is reminiscent of breath mint tins and is sealed for your safety. Each tin contains 10 breath slips, which are attached to a paper backing so the slips remain separated. Patients with arthriTHE SCORE tis might find the packaging and strip backing difficult to open Value: and peel apart because the paper taste: doesn’t have a lip to help peel off. Effect: Oakor Slips are all-natural, vegPackaging: an and gluten-free. Slips are available in various cannabinoid proOverall: 17/20 files for sativa, hybrid, indica and CBD+THC combinations. Each slip contains 10 milligrams of THC, except the CBD+THC slips are 10 milligrams of CBD and 10 milligrams of THC. The slips takes 20 to 60 minutes to reach their potential, and because it’s ingested sublingually, it is more quick to become effective than inhaling or swallowing. It’s a fantastic product for those on the go who are looking to stay discretely medicated. It’s perfect for worker bees who don’t want to smell after their lunch break or students who are buried in their grad school thesis. Well-priced, readily available and efficient, Oakor Slips come highly recommended. Go to for a list of locations.

TESTED by analytical360












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For Pacific Northwesterners, summertime means the sun and as much of it as we can soak in. That is why we at Sativa Valley Essentials have formulated two brand new recipes to help our customers get as much of it as they can without feeling the burn. Sativa Valley’s broad-spectrum sunblock contains 100% organic, wild-crafted botanicals such as german chamomile and green tea as well as moisturizing shea butter and jojoba oil to not only prevent sun damage but also moisturize and reduce the effects of aging due to sun exposure.

ALOE VERA CANNABIS GEL 95% organic aloe vera (2oz.)


Sativa Valley’s aloe gel will do wonders to soothe and re-hydrate burned or irritated skin. And of course both of our newest products contain a healthy amount of our proprietary cannabis extract to ensure your day at the beach is a happy one.

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Test Results by The Werc Shop

10422 Pacific Ave S. Tacoma, WA 98444 (253) 267-0675

Available From Green Collar Club

grown by DAMA

There are many rumors about the fabled Chernobyl nuclear meltdown, but have no fear! The only thing radioactive about this Sativa dominant cross of Train Wreck, Jack the Ripper and Trinity is how it will make your cerebral cortex feel after a massive toke. The Chernobyl gets a 10 in bag appeal, with perfectly sculpted nugs that are frosty and maxed out in trichomes. You can tell the attention to detail that the Dama crew places once the plant is cut down, where all the curing and fine trimming really pays off. It makes for a pleasant medicating experience, having a finely cured bud that works well in a pipe, joint, or any other rolled up smoking method. The smell and flavors that come out of this particular phenotype are really interesting. While the dominant smells of lemon-lime are more traditional to this strain, there is also an underlying muskiness that reminds us of fall and pinecones, and gave the strain a really unique dynamic flavor profile. The effects are extremely uplifiting from this easy to smoke flower. The smoke is sweet and mild, but the effects anything but mild. This is definitely a great daytime strain, though it can work for evening use when trying to stay alert. This strain has medicinal uses for daytime pain, anxiety or depression, and for stress, but we also found creative energy settling in the forehead and keeping us alert and energetic throughout the day. Now go have an isotoke.



18.49% THC-TOTAL // 0.53% CBD-TOTAL



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� PCE420.COM �




T HE HARVEST ISSUE Over 1,000 plants

Grower Joe Bighouse


Hawaiian Kush


Region: North Central Washington farm: Antoine Creek Farms growers: CEO Tim McCormack, Grower Joe Bighouse Specialty: Using all-organic methods to cultivate more than 1,000 plants from seven different strains outdoors.



Drying Room

Our l icense wa s is s ued at the end of June,

which was late in the season, but because we were really planning to do something earlier, we were champing at the bit and ready to go when the license hit. That is why we were able to save the crop. Ideally, we would have started in May based on weather, but we made it work. We started with roughly 1,200 plants, and lost a few to some issues, including hungry gophers, but ended up with between 1,100 and 1,200. It’s a fully outdoor grow, trying to go as natural as possible. We can’t use the organic label because that is a federally controlled label, but we have tried to use the best organic and most sustainable processes possible for our garden. While a lot of people are growing indoor and outdoor, we didn’t know of anyone growing outdoor organically. We saw it as a business opportunity and as the right thing to do. This is a plant people smoke and ingest and the more natural it can be the better, is our philosophy for this. There have however been specific challenges with growing organically, especially when it comes to fertilizing a plant with basic nutrients compared to organic. Miracle Gro equals mega pot, but also crap product. We have to focus to optimize nutrients to have the biggest plants while still using our method. We were lucky being outside to use organic insecticide soap, a foliar spray, that indoors isn’t strong enough, but outdoors worked perfectly. Even our voracious grasshoppers would taste the soap and go hop somewhere else. So being outside and organic was a real benefit, but growing organic inside would be even more problematic. Overall, we had planned on running eight strains, but when you walk the crop every once in a while you see plants that look different, and we think there were a few mislabeled stragglers in the total batch of strains.

For what we planned, we’ve got Miss Bliss, a rare sativa-dominate strain that comes from Cali that’s designed for outdoors. It’s a really pretty plant, but not well-known. We’ve also got Chocolope, Blackberry, Hawaiian Kush, Rom Haze, Afgoo, Willy’s Wonder and Bubba Kush. We wanted to have some sativa, some indica, some hybrid, and have a balance. So far, the plants have exceeded expectations. I can tell you that when we got a late start we were so nervous and planted them so far apart; now they are all bumping into each other. We have been shocked at almost every turn with how well our plants have done. Part of it is having the best nutrients and people possible. Love matters with the plants, and I really believe it helps. We tell them that we are counting on them and in turn they inspire us every day. I feel a mystic connection with these plants. You think you’re going to grow them and what happens is they grow you. But beyond that it’s all the good science and passion. We are a rag-tag group of underdogs coming together philosophically and emotionally and we believe that the world has been unjust not only to the Cannabis plant but to people who love the plant. Think of the amount wasted on the war on drugs and the poor people sitting in cold hard jail cells. We believe we can work toward justice by creating high-quality products and ensuring our taxes are paid, and believe that will really change history and politics. I know that has the potential to change the world. That’s what we get excited about. We are already working on a plan for next year, which includes greenhouses, and a plan to invest and start building this spring. After harvest is done, we will start propagating clones for next year indoors so we can begin the cycle again.






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Kemo Indica


Vice-President Arturo Alvarez, Master Grower Max Twitchel, and President Julian Pfister stand with some MTF three weeks into flower.

Region: Northern Washington, Whatcom County farm: Northwest Organic Nursery growers: Julian Pfister, president and owner Arturo Alvarez, grow operations manager Specialty: Licensed I-502 growers

w e go t our l icen se on Aug. 29, so the first sea-

son has been a bit of a challenge for us. We were on the hook for so long to get our license so we didn’t get plants into the ground until the first week of September, and up until we got them in the field, we had to keep them in 1 gallon pots so they just grew long and lanky. Those are limitations of this year, and we’re not happy with the limitations from the licensing, but we’ve worked with what we had to. We have 75 strains running, with over 1,000 plants in the ground this year. When our 15-day window opened, we took it as an opportunity to gather as many genetics as we could, so we sourced medical growers and have found a huge variety of strains. We are running this as a test, to see which strains go best outdoors. Next year we will cut that number at least in half, and eventually probably settle down to five or so main strains. The weather has been a huge factor this year. We’ve had windstorms that ripped a lot of covering over the plants, and a lot of our strains haven’t liked the cold weather. It’s hard to find strains that do well with the humidity and the cold weather here. Hybrids seem to


do well and have a higher tolerance to the mildew, moisture and weather. With all our strains, basic problems such as watering have been a huge challenge. We are trying to salvage what we can of the season and still get some great Cannabis to consumers. We still have plants up, and they should all be down by the middle of November. Two of our best strains this year are Big Bensen, a cross of Big Bud and Purple Haze, and Rob’s Skunky Haze. They will be available in flower at select 502 retailers, but it will be after our 90-day curing process. We want our flower to be perfectly cured and to be of the highest quality on the market. We are also trying to offer lower prices to retailers so they are able to offer our products at a fair price to consumers. One of the most exciting things for us has been that we get to name a bunch of the strains we have created. Also, it’s been great working with so many people going through the same licensing process as us, with trying to get up and running and make

this season work. But the most exciting thing is that we are growing and we don’t have to hide it! I think we are showing this year that Cannabis production doesn’t have to be as scary as it seems. We had more complaints before we started, with ridiculous fears from the neighborhood about shootouts and robberies, but now that they have seen our production we haven’t had any complaints. The biggest goal for next season is to get our plants selected and then get them into the soil as soon as possible. We want to have big plants. This winter will be kind of an off-season for us with growing, but we will focus on processing through the winter. Expect to see solventless bubble from us, and hash- infused joints. 2020 Solutions will have our Bubble Blonde and hash joints exclusively, which will be made from the crops we grew this year. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter or our website,

Starter Pots

Alaskan President Strain

Narrow Walkways






Camano Island

Region: Island County farm: Medicinal Delights Medical, Eco Ventures 502 growers: Jason Bohbot Specialty: Blue Bastard strain and infusion of edibles

I f ir s t s ta r t ed gro wing in 2002 in Northern

California. We all had our medical cards, and we had a 10-acre spot where we cleared about an acre and had monster plants right out there in the open. It was my introduction to outdoor. I had always grown indoors, but that was the first time doing outdoors. It was fun, and I learned a lot. My first outdoor garden in Washington was this year, and I started seeds indoors in February in a greenhouse and when it got warm enough in April, I started taking them outside when sunny, and moving them back into the greenhouse at night to acclimate the plants. Once it was warm enough with a decent amount of light, I moved them out full time, which was May. I grew the plants in 30-gallon Smart Pots, and I ran it pretty much the same as indoors, with the same nutrients but using the sun’s natural energy for the plants. They went from your average 4-foot plants to 12-foot giants in a couple of months. It was really interesting to see how much light they would actually flower in. Indoors, we follow a 12 hours on, 12 hours off light cycle. But with plants flowering in 14 to 15 hours of light, they continued to flower hard until it hit the equinox. Those plants really changed my perspective on indoor growing, and I look at greenhouses now as a hybrid of indoor and outdoor gardening. I did about a dozen plants this year, with a few different phenotypes of Azul, of a strain called Boss Hog, Sour Diesel, Blue Bastard, Grape God, Eeyore Kush, Gorilla Glue, Basil and Lopez Island Kush. The Eeyore did the best, which was surprising because it’s primarily a sativa plant. I really enjoyed growing outdoors again in a new environment. It was so exciting to put my feet in the dirt and play with my plants. I’ve spent so much time indoors with artificial light that being able to work outside and hear the birds chirp was a real plus. I felt much more tapped into the natural environment of the plants. It changed my perspective on what happens inside, which is where I spend the majority of my time. I cut the plants down around the middle of October, and got them into the curing process. The major reason I cut so soon was the weather, which is much


Starting a new harvest downstairs

Sour D glowing

Continued from previous page


Perra Azul, Boss Hog 1, Gorilla Glue 4, Boss Hog 2, Perra Azul 2, Sour D and Eeyore Kush

Outdoor is the way to go, Jason says.

different than Northern California or Southern Oregon. The weather this year was incredible for outdoor. I’m surprised, too, because this crop looks incredible and smells better than anything I have ever seen. I also took a group of Golden Temple Kush plants that were started indoors and put them outdoors in July to veg through half of September, and then as soon as the weather started to change, I had a vacancy in an indoor room and brought them in to finish, and in three weeks of indoor alone they were ready to harvest. So I created a hybrid crop, and it looks indoors but tastes better and looks like perfect indoor. One t hing i no t iced a b ou t growing outdoor is how bright the moon gets. With indoors, you want perfect darkness, but outdoors the moonlight was bright and didn’t affect the plants. I am definitely planning to do outdoors for next year. I’m pushing for my 502 license, and will start growing for 502 indoors, and planning outdoors for medical, too. The thing I really learned was that if I can use the sunshine for growth, the plants are healthier than anything I have ever seen. You can’t match the real sunlight, and the plants are so natural and healthy. And the high from outdoors is a different high too -- a better one. It’s hard to describe, but it is stronger, like listening to a full orchestra rather than a few instruments. I think people need to reconsider how they view outdoor Cannabis. The way we are bred to look at Cannabis is from a culture of prohibition where people have never seen outdoor plants that look good. Indoor growing is more artificial, but the stress and the environment brings a different quality to outdoor plants, making them stronger. Next year, I will veg outside and allow the plants to bloom for a couple of weeks outdoors, and then move indoors and let them finish. The combination brings all the natural light that can’t be matched inside and makes for a new experience that is also more sustainable for the future of the industry. When the whole state and nation comes online for production, indoors will not be the way to do it anymore, so I am pushing to build light-deprivation greenhouses and have that environment dialed in. That’s what the future will be. You can take a light meter out on a cloudy day and it will be brighter than an indoor room with new bulbs. Combined with supplemental lighting, it creates a perfect environment. From a 4-by-4 square foot indoor grow at 1,000 watts to a 10 by 10, the increase is unbeatable. The efficiency of what you can run will be the only way to compete in the future, and it produces better medicine. What other trade grows everything inside? For production scale, the future is all light-deprivation greenhouses with supplemental lighting in a controlled environment. A lot of people will turn their nose up at outdoor Cannabis, but some of that not-so-great-looking marijuana has been the best I ever smoked.





Applegate Valley Region: Southern Oregon farm: Sweden Farms growers: MamaLou Specialty: Strains are CBD-dominant and destined for The CO2 Company.

T his is our cbd fa r m, which features about 16

types of CBD plants. We have four types of Harlequin, AC/DC, CBD Yummy, CBD Critical, CBD Mortal and a lot more that are new and that we are trying out. That’s our experiment this year: coming out with a CBD pen and seeing what blends we can make out of a full CBD garden. Over the years, we’ve produced



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many strains, and we do a lot of experimentation, a huge amount over the past few years. This harvest we did Super Sour Silver Diesel Haze, a 13 percent CBD and 8 percent THC strain last season, and this year we did a lot of unknown CBD strains and are waiting to get those tested and see what we have created. This CBD garden started later than our others this year, based on a last-minute idea to start because a lot of farmers aren’t growing CBD plants. There hasn’t been a history of farming CBD plants down here, but it is coming in now as the medicinal aspects of the plant become known. I believe a shift toward CBD will happen in the coming years, but for now we are worried about having a good supply of CBD for patients and are trying to produce as much as possible. I think the science is coming out for CBD, and I think the demand will be there for it in the medical market. We cracked seeds in March and did a fem-

inized line. It’s working fine, though CBD strains are definitely much smaller plants, meaning a smaller garden. They don’t get as big as traditional THC plants. We started processing CO2 in June and the people in the community have been really receptive and we are trying to do our best to keep up with demand and do good things. With our cartridges, we’re using all-natural CO2 in a holistic approach. I’ve had medical issues and I don’t want to be smoking propylene glycol or other additives. Ours is more of a natural concentrate, and I like to focus on the patient, not profit. If I don’t want to smoke it, I don’t want to let someone else smoke it. The all-natural CBD flower, produced locally, will be available in cartridges at dispensaries next month. It has been a huge undertaking but we’re excited and proud of what we’ve accomplished.





Rogue Valley region: Southern Oregon farm: Emerald Organics Farms growers: Karen S. and David T. Specialty: Grown from seed

nINE Y E A R S AG O W E S TA R T ED growing out

here and life has gotten smoother as we’ve looked at the laws and slowly progressed to try to keep it within legal limits. We are hoping for Measure 91 to pass and for things to change again to do a commercial production facility. As we’ve slowly progressed, we have worked with our neighbors and refined the different strains based on patients’ needs, especially for cancer patients. Agent Orange is the main strain we chose to grow at this garden, which is our high THC and high-yield strain. We do a lot of strains that don’t always yield, such as the CBD strains we have been experimenting with. Some patients like high THC, and the A.O. is around 25 percent THC. Others are low THC and high CBD — we balance it out for the patients and dispensaries. We grow organically in soil here in the valley and the reason we like it so much is the area has a much better outdoor growing season than other parts of the state. We have had gorgeous weather this season, with no hard rain at the end, making it easier on growers. We cracked our seeds in March, and got into the ground in the beginning of June. We start little ones inside, and then progress them out to a greenhouse for a short time, and then we acclimate them fully outdoors, so it’s a threestep process. It’s a weather issue, with temperature acclimation being a carefully controlled issue. It’s a really good feeling to watch the whole cycle. We grow from seed here, and when you crack the seeds, there’s a special feeling of potential when you start it. At the end, it’s your harvest, a time of abundance, and a nice feeling to have gotten through and done a good job. We’re always looking to see what we have done right or could do better, but it’s definitely a dance with nature and environment. Our biggest plant this year is still in process, probably 14-feet tall by 13-feet around. It’s still beautiful weather down here, and we really are enjoying getting work done outside to produce medicine for our patients.



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Broken Top Farms’ Max McCurdy has his Alien Fire Kush finishing indoors as Central Oregon become too chill.




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Alien Fire Kush

Deschutes River Region: Central Oregon farm: Broken Top Farms growers: Max McCurdy Specialty: 4,000-foot elevation


w e’ v e been gro w ing ou t her e for about

two years, and we produce year-round, indoor and outdoor. We grow in containers that have been insulated and modified for climate control, with heating units for the environment, and inside we use the latest hoods and Gavita ballasts, with Pyco nutrients from Australia. We exclusively use them because we get extreme crystal production, and the nutes are scientifically developed in labs. It’s a bit more expensive than most nutrients but we’ve found that by using them all, it’s no comparison. We ran five main strains this year to make it easier to maintain the type of environment that each strain does well in. Some strains require variations, so we keep it simple. We grew Jack Herer, Mango Tango, Cinex, Fire Alien Kush and Blackberry. We started the plants in our baby barn, which we had to do because we are 4,000 feet in the air, so our growing season is only about 90 days. When they reached a certain size and we were sure it wasn’t going to freeze, we moved them outside around the first of May. We’ve been babying them every day. This was our first outdoor crop, and initially we didn’t think it could grow this high in the mountains. But I do think the elevation has actually helped, because the sun we get is more intense. I would encourage people to try growing at higher

elevations, but people need to choose strains that are 60 to 65 day runs to flower. Next year, we won’t run the Fire Alien Kush because it takes too long to flower for the environment. I would encourage people doing outdoor to pick quicker strains than some of the longer ones, and to grow them in pots and not put them in dirt. Then you can move the plants if any issues arise. We moved our crop inside to finish because of weather and security. We have a lot of medicine that we didn’t want to risk losing. We are going to be opening a dispensary that will have some of this medicine, but a good portion will be given free to the Bend Hospice program for terminally ill patients who can’t afford their medicine. The rest will go to different spots, like Diamond Tree in Bend, where people will be able to find Fire Alien Kush. Overall, our first outdoor crop has been great. We have not had one freeze on these plants this year. You have to be aware of the climate. We have lived here all our lives, but this year was a really exceptional: not too hot, not too cold; right in the spectrum where the plants just loved it. The sick patients need this medicine, and I am excited for this harvest, and even more for next year. Look for the Broken Top Farms dispensary coming soon in Bend, where we will have Girl Scout Cookie hash and several new exclusive strains for patients to try.



healing leaf

Shoreline location opening in November! Recreational | 21+ 15029 Aurora Ave N




Micro Strains Up Close Each month we’ll explore how growers are crafting strains with the goal of helping specific needs, not necessarily obtaining the highest yields...

white pineapple #2 Nearly 25% THC; Above-average yields An in-house creation by A Greener Today.


hite Pineapple No. 2 is a cross

of The White and Pineapple OG. Pineapple OG is our multi-awardwinning hash cut of Pineapple Express crossed with a 501 OG male from Rare Dankness Seeds. The basis for this entire genetic line was to get the hash production we were used to from Pineapple Express and add to that increased size and vigor, along with some additional Kush flavors and terpene profiles. We then selected the best Pineapple OG male and this stud was bred to more than 20 of our best females, including The White. The original goal was to retain the overwhelming trichome production of


the White, but add better structure to the plant and increase the flavor. Anyone who has ever tried The White knows that in most cases it’s potent, but leans toward bland flavor. After sorting through more than 20 females, White Pineapple No. 2 was chosen as the keeper phenotype. This was due to its nearly identical resin production of The White and it accomplished the original goals of creating a more vigorous growing plant and adding some much needed flavor. An added bonus was a slight increase in potency. White Pineapple No. 2 in its initial testing was almost 25 percent THC. The aromas emanating from this strain lean toward the Kush side, with subtle fruity, hashy under-

tones from the father. What it comes down to for this strain is the hash. The plant, like its Pineapple OG father, produces very flavorful and very potent 5-star full melt hash, and because of The White mother, it has above-average yields. At the end of the day, this is always an important goal of ours. With any new strain, we strive to ensure it produces the potent flavorful concentrates that our patients have come to expect from us. The White Pineapple No. 2 does all this and more and we hope as production of this strain increases we will have some exceptional products to offer from her.

Cenarius’ origins go back several years to the

hunt for CBD strains at a time when they were not as readily available as they are today. Before clone shops had AC/DC, Sour Tsunami, and Harlequin lined up for purchase, a five pack of “CBD” seeds was given to us. Using Analytical 360’s previous testing standard, Cenarius tested at over 13% CBD and had the highest ratio CBD/THC, 22 to 1, we’d ever seen. Cenarius became our leading high CBD strain. Recent results have seen her test as high as 17% CBD while always maintaining a CBD/THC ratio of over 20 to 1. Concentrates from this flower have consistently tested at over 80% CBD. The plant itself grows fast and robust. Veg is quick and stretch is standard for the indoor gar-

dener. The flowers themselves give off more fuely almost “Dutch Treat” aromas and have a very similar flavor. When concentrated they transition more to the cherry flavors CBD strains are known for, but this one has subtle grassy undertones. The effects from either the flower or concentrate are strong and relaxing. This strain is definitely preferred by patients who are looking for the medicinal benefits of CBD without the euphoric effects of THC. Patients with neuropathy, muscle pain, cramps, and seizure disorders have found Cenarius very effective in combatting their symptoms.

Eugene Frid is manager of A Greener Today. Above buds are available at all AGT locations.

the cenarius 20:1 CBD-THC Has tested as high as 17% CBD

This strain is definitely preferred by patients who are looking for the medicinal benefits of CBD without the euphoric effects of THC. nov. 2014 FACEBOOK.COM/NWLEAF


ANALYTICAL 360 is Washington State’s first Cannabis Analysis Laboratory to provide Quality Assurance testing to the Medical Marijuana Community in Washington State. By offering Cannabinoid and Terpene Potency Profiling, Foreign Matter Inspection, Microbial Analysis, and Residual Solvent Testing, ANALYTICAL 360 has helped Collective Gardens provide cleaner and safer products to their Medical Marijuana Patients. Now that Recreational Marijuana is legal, ANALYTICAL 360 is proud to be selected as the first Cannabis Analysis Laboratory certified by Washington State to provide Quality Assurance services to I-502 Producers, Processors, Retailers, and Consumers.

Grown in Washington State

Tested By

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Great medicine for activities THE SCORE

Va l u e: Ta st e : E f f ec t: Packaging: Ove ra l l : T OTA L : 23.5/25


Candyland Shatter


mber shatter goodness! Candyland by Reign City P r o c e s s e d b y r e i g n c i t y c o n c e n t r at e s Concentrates is a head rush and a half. Uplifting, energetic and quick-hitting, this batch of shatter is Kens Grand Daddy Purple x Bay Area Platinum Cookies outstanding. With a super-smooth inhale and a fruity exhale, Candyland is fine medicine. Processed in a closed-loop extractor in a commercial processing facility using 99.9 percent medical grade N-tane, Candyland shatter is in a class of its own. Stable at room temperature, and even holding together after being in my pocket for 45 minutes, this shatter is highly effective. For patients looking for an uplifting effect, joint and muscle pain relief, and the ability to concentrate on work, this one’s for you. It’s wonderful for dab, goes with a vapor pen and works for patients who need a bit more because it cuts through just about everything else.

Available at: Tree of Life Collective, NW Cannabis Market, Galaxy Cannabis Farmers Market, Have a Heart & Sonshine Organics. TEST results by analytical360









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health & science A BOTANICAL MONOGRAPH

THE SECRET POWER of cinnamon



Commonly known as Cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon, true cinnamon (C. verum).

Parts used:

Bark of young branches and shoots. The bark contains volatile oils.

Active constituents:

Pharmacopeial-grade cinnamon bark must contain not less than 1.2 percent volatile oil. Cinnamon contains volatile oils (1 percent to 4 percent) of cinnamaldehyde (60 percent to 80 percent); eugenol (up to 10 percent); and trans-cinnamic acid (5 percent to 10 percent).

Historical uses:

Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to dispel cold, relieve pain, and open channels and collaterals. To encourage production of qi and blood; To tonify kidney yang, augment ming men (life gate) fire; Also used as a styptic (stops bleeding); works well for shaving.


Not to exceed 0.99 grams per day, bark powder. For use beyond six weeks, consult a health care practitioner. If breastfeeding, consult a health care practitioner prior to use for doses of 1 or more grams per day.

Side effects & toxicity:

Generally safe. Hypersensitivity/allergy of skin and mucosa may occur. Discontinue if that occurs.

Medicinal uses:

Cinnamomum verum is native to India and Sri Lanka while C. aromaticum is native to China. PHOTO BY CREATIVE COMMONS

Drug interactions: None known.


For blood glucose effect: 3 to 6 grams per day bark powder, not to exceed 4 grams per single dose. Unless otherwise prescribed: 2 to 4 grams per day of cut or ground bark. Infusion or decoction: 0.7 to 1.3 grams in 150 milliliters of water, three times daily. Fluid extract 1:1 (grams/milliliter): 0.7 to 1.3 milliliters, three times daily. Tincture 1:5 (grams/milliliter): 3.3 to 6.7 milliliters, three times daily. Essential oil: 0.05 to 0.2 milliliters.

Essential oil has antibacterial and fungistatic properties.; Helps to support/maintain healthy blood glucose levels.; Provides antioxidants; Increases appetites; Used in herbal medicine for digestive disturbances/dyspeptic complaints/indigestion, such as mild spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, bloating and flatulence.


20 unexpected uses for cinnamon:


ity trim. prices.

OREGON LEAF THE STORIES that matter to you are the ones that matter to us.

celebrating our 3rd month in oregon after 4 years in washington


health & science

Do you think THAT YOU’RE a victim of your heredity? Does cancer, heart disease, mental illness or some man DNA contains about 3 billion of those molother malady run in your family? Do you think ecules. The order, or sequence of those four moldeveloping those diseases is inevitable because ecules determines the information for building their programming is within you? A tenet of conand maintaining an organism. The specific order ventional biology is that the trait and character of of these molecules is responsible for the genetic organisms are determined by genes. The concept code. Most of the DNA is found within the nuof genes controlling life is in all biology texts and cleus of every cell in the body. In fact, it is packed course work. along with protein into structures called chromoHow much influence and control might peosomes so tightly that each cell contains almost 6 ple have over their genes? Can a particular disease linear feet of DNA. process be affected in a positive way by influencing Humans have 46 chromosomes – 23 pairs, one the genes? The emerging science of epigenetics is pair from each parent. The major protein type that offering answers that put the control of our genes is packed into the chromosome with DNA are within reach. histones. Histones are proteins that act as a spool DNA is the hereditary material found in huon which DNA can wind. Those proteins play a mans and most other organisms. DNA was first major role in gene regulation. When DNA was identified by Swiss chemist Friedrich discovered, these proteins were largeMiescher in the late 1860s, but it was ly disregarded and the focus has been not until the early 1950s that U.S. solely on the genetic material. BY NORTHWEST LEAF biologist James Watson and English The Human Genome Project was SPECIAL CONTRIBUTOR physicist Francis Crick discovered the conceptualized during the 1980s to DR. SCOTT D. ROSE double-helix structure of DNA. map the human genome. It was unAmong the developments that didertaken during the 1990s, rectly followed from its discovery and results were reported were prenatal screening for disease in 2000. One premgenes, genetically engineered foods, the ability to ise of the research was that identify human remains, the design of treatments one gene should exist for evfor diseases and the testing of physical evidence in ery protein in the body. order to convict or exonerate criminals. The findings were that DNA consists of four basic molecules, but hu30,000 genes and almost


250,000 to 1 million proteins exist. That was not the only surprise. It was initially thought that the complexity of an organism would require a higher number of genes. That proved false because a microscopic roundworm has 18,000 genes. That means humans only have 12,000 more genes than that of a microscopic creature – not the estimated 100,000 as once thought. It then became evident that there was more to the expression of genes than just the genetic material itself. The field of epigenetics (epi- means above or around) is the study of the factors that influence the orchestration of the chemical reactions that activate and deactivate the genome in specific locations and at specific times. Epigenetics can be used to describe anything other than the DNA sequence itself that influences the development of an organism. Scientists began reporting in the early 2000s that environmental influences from neglectful parenting to air pollution can affect chemical tags that turn genes on or off. For instance, one study of Swedish historical records showed that men who had experienced famine before puberty were less likely to have grandsons with heart disease or diabetes than men who had plenty to eat. Perhaps our well-fed population is not offering the same protection against these diseases to future generations – heart disease and diabetes have been on the rise. This idea of an environmentally responsive genome stirs debate, but

the notion that epigenetic marks are transmitted across generations is even more provocative. A gene, when “turned on,” is expressed, and when “turned off,” is inhibited. In the case of genes that cause disease, such as oncogenes that cause cancer, we wish for these genes to be inhibited. Epigenetic silencing is one way to turn genes off. Within the cell, three mechanisms have been found thus far – methylation, histone modification and RNA-associated silencing. Methylation requires a biochemical unit consisting of one carbon and three hydrogen atoms used as a tag on genes to turn on and off. RNA-associated silencing occurs when a gene can be down-regulated or silenced by small bits of RNA. Histone modification affects how the DNA is stored. The DNA and histone complex is referred to as chromatin. When the chromatin is loose, it is active and the gene might be expressed. If it is condensed, then it is inactive and the gene cannot be expressed. The delicate balance of gene control is evidenced in the findings of a study conducted by the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State that demonstrated how histone modifications can affect the expression of many degenerative diseases, ranging from cancer and heart disease to bipolar disorder and even aging itself. Now, if a tumor suppressor gene (anticancer gene) is hidden in dense chromatin, it cannot be used, and in this way too much histone will “turn off ”those cancer suppressors and allow cancer cells to proliferate. Here’s where epigenetics comes in. Certain green leafy foods, including broccoli, brussel sprouts, bok choy, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables, plus garlic and onions, contain substances that act as histone inhibitors, which essentially block the histone, allowing the tumor suppressor genes to be expressed and fight cancer. By regularly consuming these foods, one will naturally support the body’s ability to resist cancer formation and will likely do so for future generations. This is an example of food as an environmental influence. Bruce Lipton is a U.S. developmental biologist and author of “The Biology of Belief.” He states, “Here is my definition of the environment: it is everything from the core of your being to the edge of the universe.” Lipton contends this environmental influence would include everything from your thoughts and belief systems, to toxic exposures and exposure to sunlight, exercise, and, of course, everything you choose to put onto and into your body. According to Lipton, the secret of life does not lie within the DNA, but rather within the mech-


including broccoli, brussel sprouts, bok choy, cabbage and

other cruciferous vegetables, plus garlic and onions, contain substances that allow the tumor suppressor genes to be expressed and fight cancer. By regularly consuming these foods, one will naturally support the body’s ability to resist cancer formation and will likely do so for future generations. This is food acting as an environmental influence. anisms of each cell membrane of the 50 trillion cells that make up the body. Each cell membrane has receptors that pick up various environmental signals, and this mechanism controls the “reading” of the genes inside the cells. There is a choice to read or not read the genetic blueprint, depending on the signals being received from the environment. Just because the genetic programming of cancer or heart disease is in the DNA does not mean that it is certain to arise. Far from it. According to Lipton, “This new biology takes us from the belief that we are victims of our genes, that we are biochemical machines, that life is out of our control, into another reality, a reality where our thoughts, beliefs and mind control our genes, our behavior and the life we experience.” What this all means is you are not controlled by your genetic makeup. Instead, your genetic readout – which genes are turned on and which are turned off – is primarily determined by the healthiness of your environment. One of the most important and core beliefs in conventional biology has been that the traits and character of organisms are controlled by their

genes. What seems to control the genes is the epigenome. The concept of self-emerging genes, turning themselves on and off, now seems antiquated. Just as quantum mechanics caused a major shift in the understanding of physics, epigenetics is causing a profound shift in biological belief. So you are in control of your genes. It is your environment and lifestyle that determine the tendency to express disease. Prevention is key, but if disease has already formed, perhaps the right epigenetic information would reset the cells on a path to health. The body is wired to heal itself if given the opportunity, perhaps part of the opportunity is the correct information. This is where conventional, alternative, spiritual and energy ideas find commonality. Leading a healthful lifestyle, which includes exercising regularly, getting high-quality nutrition, limiting exposures to toxins and keeping a positive mental outlook all contribute to the expression of genes with beneficial, disease-fighting behaviors. In the words of Lipton, “ Become a master of your life, rather than a victim of your heredity.”

Dr. Scott D. Rose has written about Cannabis and health for years in the Northwest Leaf. He is an acupuncturist with a pain resolution practice in the Crown Hill neighborhood of Seattle.




Getting the best out of your bud IT’S ALL ABOUT THE CURE !


ften overlooked, the last stage for medicinal-grade blooms is the cure. All the effort, hours, resources and fine-tuning during the grow is revealed during the cure stage. It’s during cure that the majority of the flavors, scents, tastes and other subtleties that separate connoisseur-grade medicine from mid-shelf Cannabis takes place. Why would any grower choose to neglect this stage? First, growers have different opinions on what constitutes a finished bloom. Second, some of those growers’ opinions fluctuate based on what life and financial pressures exist for them during harvest. In a perfect world, growers would plan on what I believe


to be the necessary one- to two-month bit of moisture (ideally) trapped in the period after harvest to properly prepare innermost part of the flowers slowly blooms for patients. The reality, however, and evenly evaporates. During this BY NORTHWEST LEAF is that some collectives stock medicine stage, many of the essential oils in SPECIAL CONTRIBUTOR that hasn’t spent adequate time in cure the flower will become more potent, DR. SCANDERSON and patients have become accustomed cannabinoid and terpene levels might to receiving medicine at this stage. rise, and the last bits of noxious gases In this month’s GrowTech, we exand unwanted compounds will evapplore the benefits of curing your medorate. When blooms have been properly icine along with step-by-step suggestions to cured, they burn slowly and evenly. Upon opencreate an ideal cure in the unusually high-huing the jar, cured blooms will erupt with pungent, midity environment we have in the Northwest. well-defined and distinctive smells. It’s easy to tell whether your Cannabis has The smell of the jar vs. a cracked bloom might been cured. During the curing stage, the last only reveal a more complex bouquet, but is never necessary to get a full, if not overwhelming, impression of the terpene profile. The flower should just about snap in half and not bend. Individu-

al calyxes should separate easily and completely. matter hanging with a central aisle for walking, be jarred up immediately after being trimmed. Squeezing a cured bloom will feel a bit dry on the and where climate control equipment exists, sevLeaving them laid out in long, wide, shallow outside and you might hear a few cracks, but it eral pockets of temperature and humidity variants pans or mesh screens for several hours helps preshould be soft and spongy to the squeeze, not dry are constantly being exchanged. Even though no pare them for the jar, where little to no air is exand crumbly and not super damp. setting on the dehumidifier is changed, simply changed. It takes a special grower to work in the lowering the air temperature increases relative Once you put your blooms in a jar, you have Northwest. One element distinctive to our clihumidity readings by decreasing the space that crossed an almost irreversible line. If you place mate is the consistently high levels of humidwater vapor can be supported by the air. For the them in too early, they will sweat and you’ll likeity our ambient climate supports. As a result, next seven days, I like to keep temperatures at 65 ly lose much of the distinctive smell. If you wait a lot of the literature too long, not enough I read on drying and moisture will remain to Ideally, you should place your blooms into a jar, then curing doesn’t quite increase any amount of open the jar and allow the jar to breathe (burping) for apply to the Northsmell or flavor. Ideally, 15 to 20 minutes before sealing them up again. Do that west. Unlike Colorayou should place your do and many parts of blooms into a jar, then three to four times a day for the first three to four days, California, it’s not unthen seal them up and allow them to sit for 10 to 14 days. open the jar and allow common for humidity the jar to breathe (burpto be at 70 percent on ing) for 15 to 20 minovercast, drizzly autumn days in Washington. to 68 degrees and humidity around 45 percent. utes before sealing them up again. Do that three I have found the most successful way to finish At this point in the drying and curing proto four times a day for the first three to four blooms requires both a dedicated drying envicess, the majority of the drying is done. I like to days, then seal them up and allow them to sit ronment and a dedicated time for curing. keep the air temperatures the same and then back for 10 to 14 days. When seeking an environment to properly off the dehumidifier a little bit, which allows huDuring that time, you are encasing the dry and cure your medication in, both humidity midity to creep up to 50 percent or more. I have blooms in a tempered air environment, allowand temperature need to be closely controlled found that allowing relative humidity to increase ing moisture to move from the interior of the because they work in inverse relation to one to 50 percent to 55 percent, blooms can continue flower to be evenly distributed throughout the another. Colder air contains hanging and essentially enter bloom as the water seeks to achieve equal balless moisture while a warma slow curing process. ance. Also, burping allows airborne microbes to er room holds more water One of drying and curing’s interact with the flowers that will be gassing off Get in Touch vapor. It’s easiest if you can major goals is to lay the backsmall amounts of residual ammonia. Burping crop your entire harvest in drop for exotic flavors and releases those built-up gases from the enclosed Like my Instagram one day so it all starts drying smells. By leaving all the sugjar and replaces the air with a new population the same day. During the first ar leaf during the drying proof airborne microbes to break down and process Follow @DrScanderson_gT two to four days of drying, I cess, you are not only drying more gas. like to keep my drying envia bloom of higher biological At this point, I leave the jars sealed for two to ronment at its hottest and driest. I’m talking mass with more overall water, which provides for three weeks, then crack them and see how things 68 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, 38 to 40 percent a longer, slower dry and ultimately more time for went. I use glass Mason Jars. Some companies relative humidity, and lots of air pushed around the plant to exist in a state where enough moispromote their curing method using stainless steel the room. You’re trying to allow the plant to ture remains to continue processing compounds. containers and Boveda 62 percent relative-hucontinue to synthesize chlorophyll and process It also encases the blooms in resin glands. Some midity control packets. I have never found these sugars, but use up all residual water and begin of those glands on the leaves are likely to protect units better than Mason Jars, but I think they the drying. and transfer essential oils to the blooms as they work if your product gets too dry, you are curing Setting fans up to blow parallel to your drying dry. If your goal is to create the ultimate bloom, in an arid environment or you’re a collective using lines will create both direct and vacuum air flows and not the ultimate concentrate, allowing your them to keep your medicine fresh in jars that are without blasting flowers with too much direct air flowers to dry with plenty of sugar leaf on them frequently being opened and closed. I find that contact. At the start, the plant with the 62 percent packets (the is still alive and carrying out allowest available), the blooms are The flower should just about snap in half and not most all of its normal biological too moist, do not burn evenly bend. Individual calyxes should separate easily and functions. Keeping the plants in and lose some smell and flavor. completely. Squeezing a cured bloom will feel a bit dry low light or, better yet, installing Drying and curing medifungicidal UV bulbs in your drycine is an essential step in fully on the outside and you might hear a few cracks, but it ing area will help prevent bud developing the character of the should be soft and spongy to the squeeze, not dry and rot and other mold infestation. medication you are selecting. crumbly and not super damp. After the initial fast-drying I am happy to answer quesperiod, I like to slow the process tions about growing or a techway down. I start by leaving the dehumidifiers at has consistently delivered more aromatic, flavornique or principle covered in this article. Please the same level but increasing the air conditioning ful blooms in my experience. get in touch with me via the methods listed above. to lower the temperature. I use a portable dehuOnce the blooms are ready to be trimmed, And as always, Happy Gardening! midifier that has an internal humidistat so I’m hand-trimming all sugar leaves will reveal stacked relying on my air circulation to keep readings accalyxes dripping in resin and ready to be cured. curate. The room is largely made up of biological I usually find that most flowers are not ready to






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BAG APPEAL & SMOKE REPORT Like many of my favorite kushes,

Jew Gold has a decent but not overwhelming look to it. Average amounts of frost coat tightly formed, light-green calyxes interrupted only by deep red hairs. When the jar cracks, however, the hype is immediately discovered. A potent scent pours into the room. The sharp acrid scent of skunk and ammonia create an almost tear-jerking response. Razor-sharp cleaner tones lay the foreground for the more sophisticated pine and earth scent, with a touch of sulfury Kush to it. The blooms’ odor lets you know you’re messing with something requiring a warning label.

HOW IT GROWS this cut isn’t for the beginner grower. It has all the notoriously

difficult characteristics of the most elite cuts of OG Kush. Slow to veg, this lady wants to throw tightly grouped multi-tops of stretchy, lanky nodes -- and that’s all before flower. You need experience in height mitigation techniques, including topping and very frequent training, to establish a shape and structure that will produce a moderate yield. It’s nutrient-sensitive and with a high thirst for Ca, the classic balance of low-nutrient concentration combined with nutrients that tend to increase conductivity found in many Kush grows is abundant in Jew Gold. She will increase in stretch 100 percent to 150 percent, and I have found that lst during stretch maximizes yield and creates stability for the otherwise shoestring stems. Proper thinning and site selection will avoid the smaller popcornstyle flowers the Jew Gold can be notorious for producing when training and branch selection is not optimized. Once stretching has completed, ensure ample support and watch the flower sites bulk themselves right into a medium-light to medium-yielding finish.

EFFECTS The pressure in my eyes deflates as my lids sink into a relaxed position... LINEAGE


Initially this famed cut of OG Kush was tightly held by a group of Jewish growers in the Los Angeles area who called the cut Jew Gold. The cut was reportedly procured by Don and Aaron of DNA Genetics who used it in future breeding projects that placed first at several Cannabis cups under Kosher Kush. The precise genetic lineage of this Kush is not confirmed, but by my estimation it seems to be a ghost cross of sorts.



the murphy’s oil/pine-sol flavor absolutely explodes

off the sharp pepper and hashy spice as soon as I clear the tube’s chamber. No subtle flavors to distinguish here; terps pound your taste buds with a heavy chemical, ammonia, pine and lemon cleaner scent, leaving a spicy earthy taste. The simultaneous sensation of my eyes inflating like a balloon while my lungs contract to the size of marbles lets me know I’ve just ingested something that tests wicked high in THC. I can feel beads of sweat forming on my brow as pillows of kushy, piney, eggy smoke billows in front of my face. The pressure in my eyes deflates as my lids sink into a relaxed position. Confused at first, I feel like I’ve been smoking concentrates, but all I can see at my station are the remnants of the mouth-pleasing, heart-racing Jew Gold. A quick onset would seem a reasonable expectation, but Jew Gold has the distinction of being a creeper, too. It’s more than 40 minutes later that I find myself in the shower shampooing for the third time because I forgot about the first two. I credit my symptom relief to one, just one, extra-large water pipe ingestion session with Jew Gold.

The simultaneous sensation of my eyes inflating like a balloon while my lungs contract to the size of

marbles lets me know I’ve just ingested something that tests wicked high in THC. I can feel beads of sweat forming on my brow as pillows of kushy, piney, eggy smoke bellows in front of my face. The pressure in my eyes deflates as my lids sink into a relaxed position.

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This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of the reach of children.

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