4 minute read
making the most of RESIDENTIAL LIVING
MAKAYLA POLAK Designer | @kaypolak
You’re starting a new journey in your life here at Northwest and just like the vast majority, you are living in the dorms. Whether it is Hudson-Perrin, Dieterich, Millikan, South/North Complex, Tower Suites, Forest Village or Franken, you’re now part of the dorm life.
The dorms are going to be your home for the next year.
Living in the dorms will help you gain the full fi rst year experience at any college.
Living in the dorms is one of the best ways to get involved with campus right away.
You will be able to build relationships within your dorm and find some of your best friends.
You might be moving into your room with a friend from high school, or someone new that you met on RoomSync.
Whichever it is, one of the first people that you are going to make friends with is your roommate, but you will learn soon that expanding your friend circle will happen sooner or later, and the best place is to meet them in your dorms.
There is more to living in the dorms than the basics of a place to live.
With living in the dorms, you might realize that it is a bigger change than you thought. I lived in Hudson my fi rst year and found a few tips that helped me along the way.
Following some of the tips while living in your new home can help you survive in the best way possible. The following page features the top 10 tips for living in the dorms.
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Set a timer when doing laundry. People do not wait for you to get your laundry out of the washer or dryer and you might just end up with your clothes on the table for everyone to see. Setting a timer can help you avoid this problem.
The bigger the trash can the better. Depending on the fl oor you live on, the walk to the dumpster can be a long one. To avoid either building up a trash pile in your room or taking the trip too often, have a bigger trash can in your room.
Make friends with the people you share a bathroom with. The people you share a bathroom with are the people that you are going to see almost every day through the good and the bad. Things in your area will run smoothly if everyone gets along.
Go to as many fl oor and hall activities as possible. Although it seems lame, it is a great place to meet friends and have a good time, and who knows, maybe you will fi nd a new hobby and a group of friends to do it with.
The green container is your friend. You will get a green to-go container for the Bearcat Commons. Take it with you and after you fi nish eating your meal, fi ll it with everything your heart desires for a midnight snack or a quick lunch.
Bath mats for the showers are a must. Get together with the other people you share a bathroom with and pitch in money to buy a bath mat. You will realize that the puddle of water outside the shower is actually problematic.
A rolling laundry basket makes your life so much easier. It won’t be easy to take the stairs when you do laundry; having a basket with wheels makes a world of a difference. Not only do you have to take clothes, but all of your laundry product, and they get heavy.
Sleep comfortably with a mattress topper. The beds in the dorm are all the same and not comfortable to everyone. Buying a mattress topper will make sleeping in the dorms one of the easier parts of your transition.
Having a printer will cut many costs. You will have classes that require you to print off every single paper you write and the articles you used for sources. Instead of paying for each paper, you can get a printer that you can keep for the next few years.
You need to have a fan in your room. There will be days that it is too hot to open the window and the A/C is not going to keep up. Small or large, having a fan will help you survive the hot days in Maryville.