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16 campus life / northwest missourian Campus police are pretty cool
JON WALKER Sports Editor | @ByJonWalker
There are a lot of things that you’re going to encounter during your time at Northwest, some are pretty inevitable.
If you’re walking to class, you’ll see an abundance of black squirrels. If you’re at a football or basketball game, you’ll more than likely see a win. If you have a Twitter, you’ll certainly be followed by the University’s police department.
Led by University Police Chief Clarence Green, the department is one of the coolest features of the campus.
SAFE RIDE HOME 2004 is the year Safe
Ride Home was implemented at
Northwest. It is managed by UPD.
If you’re a parent reading this, you’ll be comforted to know that Northwest was named the safest college campus in Missouri, according to a report released by Your Local Security. With that, the same report ranked Northwest
UNIVERISTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Northwest’s University Police Department traditionally posts a series of pictures recreating bid day to Twitter each fall, which is pretty guaranteed to go viral. No. 42 out of 385 eligible institutions.
But it’s not the fact that the staff practically created a free version of Uber for students called Safe Ride Home. It’s not the fact that they make sure people aren’t being too rowdy in the dorms.
Really, it’s because of everything they don’t have to do that makes them pretty cool.
You can always count on Green to work the grill during a cookout at some point in the fall near the Union.
You can always count on a smile and a wave from nearly everyone in the department if you see one of them on campus. And, it’s probably one of the only university police departments that are verifi ed on Twitter.
“I would say my favorite part about our UPD is how interactive they are with the students,” current student Peggy McAninch said. “They are always talking to students on campus, Twitter, etc. They just have a joyful quality when interacting with us.”
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