Advertising 660-562-1635 nwmadv@nwmissouri.edu
Emotional health forum to be held The forum, “Evenin g of conversation” is at 7 p.m. tonight at the Wesley Center, with featured speaker Jerry Wilmes. The event is free and open to the public.
Activities Office holds involvement fair
The Campu s Activit ies Office will hold 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.a fair from the second floor today on Jones Studen of the J.W. t Union, to learn more about ways to get involved.
Jan. 17, 2008 | V83 | N15
))) N ews. ))) com
NWmissouri ICE stORM
forum open to public, stude nts
A forum discussi communication ng effective 6:30 p.m. Thursdawill be held at Meeting Room y, Jan. 24 in D Student Union. in J.W. Jones There a 30-minute present will be ation followed by a 30-minute discussion.
Want to help?
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inG cam pus
& comm un
Presort Standa rd U.S. Postage Paid Maryville, MO Permit 215
Any student or campus organization intereste d in helping with cleanup on campus or in the community should tact the Volunte coner Programs, Service Learning and Civic Engagem Office at 562-195 ent 4.
be a sponsor:
News/Sports/Feature 660-562-1224 northwestmissourian@ hotmail.com Sarah Wayman Advertising/General Media Manager 660-562-1530
Anyone interest ed in sponsor ing a tree contact Lezlee can son at 562-147 John3 Nwmiss ouri.edu or visit retum and fill out /arboa form for a comme morativ e tree. The cost for each tree is $300.
Go online:
For the arboretu m’s list visit Nwmisso wish uri.edu/ arboretum.
the Univer Sity pUt up caution tape after the ice storm to block dangero us areas where limbs were falling due to the weight of the ice. the mature trees were most suscepti ble to breaking.
Campus, commun ity cle
photo by jarod clarke | chief photographer
Northwest Missourian Northwest Missouri State University Wells Hall Basement 800 University Drive Maryville, MO 64468
Associated Collegiate Press National Pacemaker Associated Collegiate Press Online Pacemaker Columbia Scholastic Press Association Silver Crown
Volunteers nee ded for restoration efforts
photo by jarod clarke | chief photographer
Costs of on-campus living to rise with Universit y expenses
By micheal cleme nts Chief Report er
photo by jarod clarke | chief photographer
December’s ice sto rm
By Lindsay Jacobs University News Editor
When studen ts left campus for winter break, an icy winter wonderland. it was When they returne d, the scene had many trees pruned changed with and several gone. The Dec. 10 ice 79 of those having storm left over 500 trees damag to be ed, There are usually completely removed. around 1,300 west campus, trees on the Northwhich is home to the retum, Landsc ape Service Directo Missouri State ArboThere are always r Lezlee Johnso n said. trees being remove storm did not d and planted cause . The FiFty-thoUSan species on campu complete loss to any of the D photo by ashley several s, she said. storm. the storm cUBic yarDS of debris covered spalding | chief photographer left Trees are someti maryville and to homes, roadwa Maryville residents without maryville parks mes lost to disease power, ys and various vandalism, but after Dec. 10 , construction community structure some up to seven days, ice during her time and and major damage s. here seen anything like the ice storm’s Johnson has never magnitude. “In my experie happened,” Johnso nce, nothing on this scale has ever n said. Approximate ly, 30 trees are By Kenny Larabe each year, she removed and e said. planted Chief Reporter There is insuran an icy grip, the ce coverage after layer ible, but it isn’t a $50,000 deduct Maryville is gone, of ice that once coated certain how much just part of an Gritty piles of that, Johnson will be covere cleanup that continu extensive snow remain said. d after roadside. Piles along the es still. the Federal Emerg Also, applications will be sent of An estimated in for Maryville’s front tree branches loiter on 50,000 cubic yards State Emergency ency Management Agency remains in Maryv yards. And of and the Management thump of cars the thumpille and its parks. debris Agency money cover the cost city pulled togethe crashing throug But the of cleanup. to help serve as a remind h pot holes r to help with Matt LeCerf, the cleanup, Maryville city storm that swept er of the destructive ice manager said. through Maryv “Really, it’s the Midwest this ille and the See CAMpus past December. work that they’ve employees and the hard on A6 put towards it. Although winter It all started still holds the lOCAl CRIME city in See COMMuNIty on A6
Damage repair s sti
Laura Widmer Director of Student Publications 660-562-1365
(left) Sevent y-nine treeS were damage d beyond repair during the Dec. 10 ice storm. the Univers ity like to plant approxi would mately 79 new trees to replace those lost in the storm. Stump remova l will begin in Februar y. (below) the weight oF the ice was too much for the small grove of pines on the north end of Bearcat Stadium next to the horace Mann playground.
Winter’s Wrath
an up debris from
ll necessary
Preliminary hearin gs February in Manda set for University groups rin murder respon d to events
well. Ray Courte r, vice preside for finance and nt Support Service Dominic Genet Living on campu said every dollar s, ti s will cost has its place. Community News students more “We really do Editor when classes try to make these begin decisio next fall. ns based on research and A man accuse Fees for traditi common sense d of to make sure shooti ng and occupancy rooms onal double provide we killing the services will increase a co-worker that people by want,” more than $75 on Dec. 3 Courter said. starting next return s to court “We’re not fall to trying compensate for to inflate our rising Univer prices, we are 8 for his prelim Feb. sity just trying expenses and inary students living to be fair.” hearing. Hudson and in Freshman Becka Perrin will pay Poteet over J $200 more than orge Saav said she would rather e this trimester. live off campu Perez, of Maryv d r a Fees are r than in the dorms s ille, is ising beca . charge d with use expenses for “If I didn’t have second the University to live on camdegree of Jaime have pus my risen due to first year, I would things such Alejandro Zamu as the had n’t have minim um wage to get a studen dio-H erincrea se, said file photo t loan,” Poteet nandez, also Direct or of Found in Winon said. “I have a known as, Alex, Auxili ary Servic a, Minn., Perez of Maryville. 29, was brough Mark Hetzler es live off campu place where I could t back to Maryv said. s and I could pay ille after Both men worke going throug “It’s not about for an apartment h the Winona d as cooks at increasing it so right now.” the Mandarin County Court system we can make The increase Restaurant at . more money,” on Hudson and 964 S. Main St. Het- Perrin zler said. “If “The preliminary is due to the you’re not worrie hearin deman g is just An argument a pre-trial hearin about profit on d overall appeal d and between the the bottom line, g for the judge of the buildin men the evenin two determine the only other piece to gs. “We know we whether there g of Dec. 3 led that drive cost is sufficient have a Perez shootin expense which is demand g Zamudio-Her to evidence to require the for that facility lot of is pretty much defendant nan- to stand dez in the left . We felt the like the situation we trial,” Nodaw shoulder, Maryv find ourselves market could ay ProsecutPublic Safety bare a little ille ing Attorn in.” Inflati on of Director Keith ey David Baird food items also bit more there for multip Wood said. said. push the prices le rea“It’s purpo sons,“ Hetzle up not only se is basica r said. Perez fled the for to ensur e that room and board, lly scene. but meal plans before you Zamudio-Her to a jury trial, get as nandez was taken and before See ROOM on to St. Franci you see a jury, A5 s Hospital, where that the court was pronounced he has dead. See MANDARIN on A5
CAMpus RAlly
By Kenny Larabe e Chief Report that (the events er ) known out in the open and start a change to eradiA series of incide cating ignora nce and racism nts dating back to last Hallow Rice said. “A ,” een prompted lot of people the Alliance , they may be unawa of Black Colleg re that what ians say is (ABC) and the they racially oriente Intercultural d and so it Inter- kind national Center of brings out, (IIC) to schedu ‘watch what le a you say’.” rally to addres s some controv ersial issues. Three events especia lly stood Ignora nce is out. not an Excuse Racism is Not , Two African-Amer a Joke, an Intercu ican males tural Rally will lbe held at 3:45 were listed as suspects after p.m. today shots were fired outsid at the Bell e the Station Tower. homec From there, the oming weeke rally will move nd. This led Charles Johnso to n Theatre, where to a campus lockdown. studen ts and A murde faculty r at the Manda Northwest Preside , includ ing restaurant rin in December nt Dean Hubinvolv bard, will give ed memb ers of speeches regard the Hispan ic ing munity racism and ignora com. nce. According to Memb ers of ABC President North west’s Brent Rice, Greek commu no one incide nity dressed nt is selves to blame for themup as Africa his n-Americans respon se. Last organi zation ’s at separa te Hallow een fall’s incide nts one as parties , led to some the alleged shoote racial ly charge remarks that r in the d homecoming offended memb incident, and ers former of Maryville, one as Atlanta Falcon University and quarterback com- Michae munity alike, l Vick. Rice said. “This rally came about to make See RAlly on A6
An award-winning publication established in 1914, the Northwest Missourian serves both the campus of Northwest Missouri State University and the city of Maryville. The Northwest Missourian publishes 4,000 copies every Thursday from late August to late April. Newspapers are available free of charge at every residence hall and academic building on the Northwest campus, as well as more than 25 businesses throughout Maryville. Paid subscriptions are also available for $20 by mail or $15 for delivery within Maryville’s city limits. Call 660-562-1530 to have the Northwest Missourian deilvered to you and/or your business.
nwmissourinews.com covers breaking news and events daily throughout the Northwest Missouri State University campus and the city of Maryville. On average nwmissourinews.com receives 5,500 hits a week. (See page 6 for online ad rate information) To receive the newspaper and daily news alerts via email click on the “Register” link under “Options” at nwmissourinews.com.
About Student Publications
Northwest Missouri State University’s Student Publications has been informing readers and capturing the history of Northwest Missouri State and the city of Maryville for more than 90 years. The department, the Northwest Missourian, P.S. Arts & Entertainment, nwmissourinews.com, Tower Yearbook, Heartland View and heartlandview.com, provides an opportunity for students to enhance their undergraduate experience through education, training and hands-on application.
P.S. Arts & Entertainment
P.S. Arts & Entertainment covers entertainment and arts events on the Northwest campus and in the city of Maryville. It is a supplement to the Northwest Missourian and is published four to six times a year with a circulation of 4,000.
Heartland View
Heartland View features places and events in the Midwest region of Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. It is also a supplement to the Northwest Missourian and is published two to three times a trimester with a circulation of 4,000.
Tower Yearbook
Established in 1921, Tower Yearbook captures the history of Northwest Missouri State University, compiling news, in-depth features, sports and campus activities into a book and DVD. It is distributed each spring to approximately 2,300 Northwest students.
Advertising Rates Local
Available to all local (Maryville, Mo. area) advertisers other than Northwest Missouri State University departments or groups.
Common Ad Sizes Although many ad sizes are available, here are some of the most common sizes: Full Page
Open Rate.............................$6.25 pci
Campus Available to Northwest Missouri State University departments, clubs, organizations.
6 col. x 21”
Fourth Page 3 col. x 10.5” Eighth Page 3 col x 5”
Open Rate.............................$5.15 pci
Regional/Political Available to advertisers located outside of the Maryville, Mo. and Nodaway County areas but reside in the Midwest region of Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri. These net rates are non-commissionable to advertising agencies.
Half Page 6 col. x 10.5”
Political ads are payable in advance and must conform to the Missouri campaign disclosure laws. Political ads must show clear endorsement, i.e, “Paid for by …”
Open Rate...............................$7.15pci
National/Agency Available to all national advertisers and their agencies. These net rates are non-commissionable.
Open Rate...............................$10 pci
Non-profit Available to 501(c)(3) organizations who’s income must be used solely to support its operations and stated purpose.
Open Rate.............................$5.30 pci
Color Black & One Color.........................$60 Full/Process Color........................$105
Broadsheet Full Page.....................6 col. x 21” Half Page.................6 col. x 10.5” Fourth Page..............3 col. x 10.5” Eighth Page...................3 col. x 5” Business Card Size.......2 col. x 2”
Column Sizes for News/Sports Sections 1 Column.........................1.771 inches 2 Column.........................3.722 inches 3 Column.........................5.646 inches 4 Column.........................7.597 inches 5 Column.........................9.549 inches 6 Column...........................11.5 inches
Base Rate (20 words)....................$3.95 Additional Word...........................$0.25
Contract Rates PCI
Print Inserts
Every issue (28 times) .....................$5.50 Every other issue (16 times) ............$5.60 Every month (8 times) .....................$5.80
# of pages Rate/1,000 Full circulation cost
Annual Frequency Contract Terms • Frequency Contracts commit the advertiser to run a specified amount of advertisements during the school year in return for a lower advertising rate.
• Student Publications adjusts its advertising rates effective August 1 each year. An annual frequency advertiser agrees that the rate stated on the Frequency Contract is subject to such a change and is not guaranteed for the duration of the contract. • Student Publications additionally reserves the right to revise its advertising rates, including discount rates and contract terms, at any time with 30 days notice. Should such a rate adjustment be made effective at any time other than August 1, an annual Frequency Contract advertiser may elect to terminate the frequency contract without penalty. To exercise this option, the advertiser must notify the Advertising Manger of Student Publications in writing, prior to the effective date of the increase. • At any time during the term of an annual Frequency Contract, if the advertiser desires to increase advertising frequency and space above what is contracted for, the advertiser shall have the option to sign a revised contract for an applicable lower rate. The new rate will be effective for all advertisements after the date of the upgrade, but not retroactive to previous advertisements. The contract period and termination date will not change. • If advertising under an annual Frequency Contract is stopped by Student Publications for non-payment, the advertiser agrees to forfeit all discounts earned and pay for all previous advertisements under the Frequency Contract at the full open rate. • If advertising under an annual Frequency Contract is not stopped by Student Publications during the contract period, and if the advertiser fails to use all space contracted under the weeks scheduled, the advertiser agrees to pay for the remaining weeks unless otherwise determined between the Advertising Manager and the advertiser. • An annual Frequency Contract or contract upgrade shall become effective only upon approval from the Advertising Manager of Northwest’s Student Publications.
1 ...............$90.................$350 4-8 .............$95.................$375 12 ..............$100...............$380 16 ..............$105...............$385 20 ..............$110...............$400
Additional Insert Information: • Inserts must be ordered no later than 5 p.m. the Friday prior to publication by contacting the Student Publications Advertising Department at 660-562-1635. • The Advertising Manager must receive one copy of the insert one week prior to publication for review. • If the number of inserts does not equal the weekly press run, Student Publications cannot guarantee location of insert distribution. • Ready-to-insert copies should arrive at the production plant at least four days before publication. • Deliver or mail inserts to: Maryville Daily Forum, Attn: Northwest Missourian inserts, 111 E. Jenkins St., Maryville, MO 64468. • Special accommodations (such as designing, copying, folding, etc.) can be made to aid in the convenience of running inserts.
Ad Disclaimer • No ads will be published upside-down, sideways or in any other manner not consistent with traditional newspaper makeup. • Advertisement Policies apply to all display and classified advertisements placed in a Northwest Student Publication. Please see page 7. • Northwest’s Student Publications encourages responsibility and good taste in advertising. • Cancellation of advertising space is accepted until the deadline of space reservation. If an advertiser decides to pull an advertisement after placement has been guaranteed, the advertiser will incur the following: • Pulled before noon the Monday before publication, advertiser pays 25 percent of advertisement; • Pulled before noon the Tuesday before publication, advertiser pays 50 percent of advertisement; • Pulled before noon the Wednesday before publication, advertiser pays 75 percent of advertisement; and • Pulled after noon the Wednesday before publication, advertiser pays full cost of advertisement.
Founded in 1994, nwmissourinews. com covers breaking news and events daily throughout the Northwest Missouri State University campus and the city of Maryville.
The Web site also provides in-depth news and feature stories using video and audio packages as well as photo slide shows. On average nwmissourinews.com receives 5,500 hits a week.
Check out all the interactive features such as YouTube, nwmissourinews.com’s own version, as well as the various polls and columns.
There are 3 available ad sizes for nwmissourinews.com which are depicted by the gray boxes in the screenshot of the site’s homepage.
Site Usage Statistics & Online Ad Sizes
Average Week
Page Views
Average Month
5 Month Total 110,000
*Numbers based on 2008 data
Full Banner (450 x 60 pixels):
1 week...........................................................................................................................$30.00 2 weeks..........................................................................................................................$50.00 4 weeks..........................................................................................................................$85.00 6 weeks........................................................................................................................$110.00 Trimester (Every week, 14 weeks)...................................................................................$235.00 Yearly (28 weeks)..........................................................................................................$420.00
Medium Rectangle (300 x 225 pixels):
1 week...........................................................................................................................$22.00 2 weeks..........................................................................................................................$37.00 4 weeks..........................................................................................................................$63.00 6 weeks..........................................................................................................................$82.00 Trimester (Every week, 14 weeks)...................................................................................$174.00 Yearly (28 weeks)..........................................................................................................$310.00
Vertical Banner (150 x 220 pixels):
1 week...........................................................................................................................$15.00 2 weeks..........................................................................................................................$25.00 4 weeks..........................................................................................................................$42.00 6 weeks..........................................................................................................................$54.00 Trimester (Every week, 14 weeks)...................................................................................$117.00 Yearly (28 weeks)..........................................................................................................$209.00
Advertisements may be placed at Northwest Missouri State University’s Student Publications Advertising Office at Wells Hall #4, 800 University Drive, Maryville, MO 64468. Ads may be placed by calling 660-562-1635, and a sales account executive will be assigned to service all advertising needs. Or by e-mail, nwmadv@nwmissouri.edu by forwarding the ad and mailing the proper payment to the address above. Classified ads may be placed by phone, 660-562-1635; e-mail, nwmadv@nwmissouri. edu; or fax, 660-562-1521. Call 660-562-1635 for further information, but no display advertisements will be accepted over the telephone.
The Student Publication Advertising Department can assist an advertiser with all of his advertising needs. Those on the advertising staff are willing to work with an advertiser on advertising design basics, the development of a yearly ad plan, ideas for targeting ads and ad co-op design. Contact the Student Publications Advertising Department at 660-562-1635 with further questions.
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Student Publications will make all reasonable effort to see that advertisements are published as accepted, and that pre-printed inserts are distributed as ordered. However, Student Publications will not be liable for any consequential damages resulting from failure to do so.
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Invoices are not sent for individual charges unless requested; the monthly statement is the only bill provided. The advertiser agrees that all bills are due and payable on the 15th day of each month. Payment of the full balance is required or the advertiser will pay a 1% per month finance fee on the remaining balance.
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If advertiser/advertising agency fails to pay in accordance with the above terms, Student Publications can submit the Advertiser and/or business to collections to be handled by Northwest Missouri State University’s Bursar’s/Cashiering Department staff. Student Publications will also refuse to insert further advertisements and bills immediately become due and payable.
All terms, conditions, and rates contained in Student Publications Media Kit and/or Rate Card are in effect at the time of publication, copies of which may be obtained upon request, are incorporated herein by reference and made part of the contracts.
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Advertisers and Advertising Agencies forwarding insertion orders which contain incorrect rates or conditions are hereby advised that advertising called for will be inserted and charged in accordance with the rates and terms of this contract and the Student Publications Media Kit and/or Rate Card in effect at the time of publication. Failure to make an order correspond in price or terms will be regarded as a clerical error and the advertisements will be inserted without further notification.
All statements for advertisements placed with Student Publications are mailed at the end of each month and are due by the 15th day of the following month. Each advertiser/advertising agency will be given a 919#, please include this number with your payment if you do not include the payment stub with your payment. Payments can be made using cash, check and/or credit card. (VISA, Mastercard, American Express) Payments should be sent to: Cashiering Department Northwest Missouri State University 800 University Drive Maryville, MO 64468-6001
2008-2009 Publishing Dates September 2008
August 2008 S
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Welcome missourian
4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27
7 14 21 28
soar/aDVantaGe 2008
1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30
3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 31
1 8 15 22 29
2 9 16 23 30
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January 2009 F
4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26
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6 13 20 27
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March 2009
December 2008
February 2009 S
1 2 3 9 10 7 8 15 16 17 14 21 22 23 24 28 29 30
November 2008 S
October 2008
1 8 15 22 29
2 9 16 23 30
3 10 17 24 31
April 2009 F
5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28
Sports Previews & Guides Aug. 28 - Fall Sports Preview Oct. 16 - Homecoming Guide Nov. 6 - Winter Sports Preview Dec. 4 - Winter Guide Feb. 9 - Health Guide March 19 - Spring Sports Preview April 16 - Senior Guide April 23 - President Guide
5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28
1 8 15 22 29
2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30
Guides & Previews Missourian produces three sports previews along with its homecoming and seasonal guides. These tabloids are in addition to the 28 issues the Northwest Missourian publishes covering each week’s news and sports. Circulation is 4,000.
Fourth Page 5” x 6.125”
Full Page 10.25” x 11.5”
Bearcats mn
About Each year, the Northwest
soar/aDVan taGe 2008
2008-09 Schedule Half Page Horizontal 10.25” x 6.125”
Tabloid - Ad Specs Full page...........................10.25” x 11.5” Half page vertical....................5” x 11.5” Half page horizontal.......10.25” x 6.125” Fourth page...........................5” x 6.125” Eighth page...................................5” x 3”
Aug. 28 - Fall Sports Preview Oct. 16 - Homecoming Guide Nov. 6 - Winter Sports Preview Dec. 4 - Winter Guide Feb. 5 - Health Guide March 19 - Spring Sports Preview April 16 - Senior Guide April 23 - President Guide
Prices Eighth Page = $36.75 Fourth Page = $73.50 Half Page = $183.75 Full Page = $367.50
Arts & Entertainment About Heartland P.S. Arts & Entertainment covers the entertainment and arts events on the Northwest campus and in the city of Maryville. It is a supplement to the Northwest Missourian and is published two to three times a trimester with circulation of 4,000. Heartland View features places and events in the region of Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. It is also a supplement to the Northwest Missourian and is published two to three times a trimester with a circulation of 4,000 as well.
P. S.
V1 N1
The Las Vegas show hits the Midwest this spring for an eye catching and lively performance.
Art and Entertainment Guide The Independent
Filmmakers Club
Fourth Page 5” x 6.125”
Northwest’s Independent Filmmakers Club writes, shoots and edits their own movies. Sometimes, they get a little crazy and dress up as penguins as well — or throw balls at each other.
Full Page 10.25” x 11.5”
Half Page Horizontal 10.25” x 6.125”
Tabloid - Ad Specs Full page...........................10.25” x 11.5” Half page vertical....................5” x 11.5” Half page horizontal.......10.25” x 6.125” Fourth page...........................5” x 6.125” Eighth page...................................5” x 3”
Which Oscar nominated film are you?
Rockers Unite
Take our simple quiz to determine which of this seasons Oscar flicks are most suited to your taste. Are you Juno, the witty teen? Sweeney Todd, the blood thirsty barber? Find out!
Students unleash their inner superstar as they take the stage and release some crowd-pleasing tunes.
Release Dates Fall & Spring 9/11 10/2 11/20
2/12 3/12 4/9
Ad Rates Full page = $306.25 1/2 page = $153.13 1/4 page = $61.25 1/8 page = $30.63
As Northwest Missouri State University’s first electronic magazine, heartlandview.com features places and events in Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska.
Heartland View published its first four-color magazine in 1992. Through several seasons, Northwest students traveled thousands of miles across the “Heartland.” Due to lack of funding, Heartland View printed its final print edition in the summer of 1999. Two years later, a domain name was purchased and on Nov. 15, 2001 heartlandview.com made its debut with its winter issue.
B C There are 3 available ad sizes for heartlandview.com which are depicted by the gray boxes in the screenshot of the site’s homepage.
Online Ad Sizes Full Banner (450 x 60 pixels):
1 week...........................................................................................................................$20.00 2 weeks..........................................................................................................................$60.00 4 weeks..........................................................................................................................$75.00 6 weeks........................................................................................................................$100.00 Trimester (Every week, 14 weeks)...................................................................................$200.00 Yearly (28 weeks)..........................................................................................................$400.00
Medium Rectangle (300 x 225 pixels):
1 week...........................................................................................................................$12.00 2 weeks..........................................................................................................................$27.00 4 weeks..........................................................................................................................$53.00 6 weeks..........................................................................................................................$72.00 Trimester (Every week, 14 weeks)..................................................................................$125.00 Yearly (28 weeks)..........................................................................................................$280.00
Vertical Banner (150 x 220 pixels):
1 week.............................................................................................................................$8.00 2 weeks..........................................................................................................................$15.00 4 weeks..........................................................................................................................$32.00 6 weeks..........................................................................................................................$44.00 Trimester (Every week, 14 weeks)...................................................................................$95.00 Yearly (28 weeks)..........................................................................................................$205.00
Tower Yearbook book captures the history of Northwest Missouri State University, compiling news, in-depth features, sports and campus activities into a book and DVD. It is distributed each spring to approximately 2,300 Northwest students.
northwest missouri state university † tower † 2008
About Established in 1921, Tower Year-
vol † 87
Fourth Page 3” x 4”
than you think
Full Page 9” x 12”
Half page 4.5” x 4”
Full page..............................8.75” x 11.75” Half page.............................8.75” x 5.875” Fourth page........................4.375” x 5.875” Eighth page....................2.1875” x 2.9375”
Release Date April 2009
DVD Ad Rates
Ad Rates Full page = $300.00
1/2 page = $175.00
1/4 page = $80.00
1/8 page = $50.00
30 second = $50.00 60 second = $100.00 2 minute = $ 200.00