Smart Living Weekly - September 25, 2013

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Save Smarter • Live Better • Rockford Region 95¢ • September 25, 2013

Right In Our Region

Autumn Fun at Farmers’ Markets

By Jim Johannsen housands of A mericans across the country flock to far ers arkets every week, but it s not ust the fresh veggies, ho e ade pies and fresh air they re after. They en oy the at osphere, as do the participating vendors. love talking to the people,” says enny right, who owns and operates right ay ar , near eloit, with wife usan. The rights sell ho egrown vegetables, aple syrup, honey and whole wheat flour at four different far ers arkets in the state line area. Continued on p. 20


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e-Edition Grand Prize: WIN a FREE Trip! New York City, San Francisco, Santa Barbara or New Orleans. Your Choice. Courtesy of Lindstrom Travel. See pg. 34 for Details.


Smart Living Weekly

Issue 1


Smart Living Weekly

Issue 1

Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 4



Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25

Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25


In This Issue Right in Our Region: Farmer’s Market Bounty .......... Cover & p. 20 Your Home Paint Colors that Inspire .............................11 Inspiration & Worship ..............................12 Your Kitchen Kale and Popcorn Snack ..........................15 . Your Style Tips for Glossy Hair ..................................17 Your Health Advances in Dental Care ......................... 25 Your Fun ................................................... 27 . On the Town ............................................. 29 Your Money Before You Say ‘I Do’................................. 33 Cover: Ben Striker, of Anderson Organics, sells produce to a customer during Rockford City Market on Sept. 13. Photo by Blake Nunes.

Workshops Presentation




Smart L iving Weekly Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Bill Hughes

Executive Editor J anine Pumilia Managing Editor/Web Editor C hris L inden Associate Editor/Special Projects Editor K arla Nagy Senior Staff Writer/Promotions Coordinator Paul A nthony A rco Graphics Director Blake Nunes Graphic Artist C hristin Dunmire Graphics/Editorial Assistant Rebecca Nunes General Sales Manager Brent Hughes Sales Manager Brad Hughes Account Executives Steve Blachford, L isa C hatfield, Brian Hughes & L iz Thomas Administration & Circulation Manager L isa Hughes Website www.NW Q SmartL Published by Hughes Media Corp. 7 28 N. Prospect St., Rockford, IL , 6 1107 ( 8 15) 3 16 -23 00, F ax: ( 8 15) 3 16 -23 01 lhughes@ Smart Living Weekly. Copyright 2013 by Hughes Media Corp., 728 N. Prospect St., Rockford, IL, 61107. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photograph or illustration without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.



Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25

A Sensory Feast


s I write, a yummy lunch awaits, made from farmer’s market bounty. W hat a treat! I spent much of Saturday afternoon, with daughter Rebecca, chopping, cooking and freez ing fresh produce for future meals. W e savored vegetables that have actual flavor, unlike the oftentasteless i posters we find at the grocery store. ( C an you really trust a tomato that never rots? ) Becca peeled and cubed squash for a golden soup; I roasted eggplant, onion & mushrooms for lasagnas; we stuffed peppers, roasted beets and made a fresh dill vinaigrette. F armer’s markets rank high on our list of summer/ fall pleasures. Hubby G ary and I enjoy seeing the faces of familiar vendors. There’s a grandpa who sells the tasty strawberry popcorn we enjoy all winter long; the guy who grows that delectable Mirai sweet corn; the grand a who asse bles fresh flower bouquets as we watch; the nun whose baked goods are nearly too lovely to eat. Too, there’s the family with heaping piles of gorgeous heirloom tomatoes. W e always ask one of the daughters to select them for us, because we enjoy her enthusiasm as she explains the difference between a Brandywine and a Pineapple, or a G reen Z ebra and a C herokee Purple. Heck, just hearing all the names is fun. If you’ve never experienced a local market, fall is a great time to go. Tips: Not all markets provide carts for hauling, and produce is heavy, so have a plan. G o early for better selection. Bring cash in small bills. A sk questions; just because it’s sold at a farmer’s market doesn’t mean it’s local or organic. A lso, I like to walk the length of a market to compare prices before I start buying. Most of all, plan ahead and don’t buy more than you have time to prepare. It’s easy to get carried away. Having a few recipes in mind will help you focus. Have fun trying new things and talking to farmers and other vendors. They’re great folks!

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Janine Pumilia, Executive Editor Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25



Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25

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Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25



Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25

Y H  G


Connect to Color Through Your Passions hether you l ov e to sit on the bea ch or col l ect a nt iq ue s, dr a wing f rom your persona l pa ssions ca n hel p you to find the best colors for your space. “ I f a hobby or a ctivi ty l if ts your m ood, sur round your sel f with things tha t rem ind you of it,” sa y s D a vi d B rom sta d, TV star and celebrity designer. B rom sta d recom m ends the H G T V H O M E by S herwin- W il l ia m s col or col l ection, which of f ers pa int pa l ettes tha t evoke f a vor ite pa stim es a nd crea te room - to- room ha rm ony throughout the home. e offers these tips.

P ic k Colors F resh from the G arden L et the col ors of your f a vor ite owers, fruits and vegetabl es gu ide your col or choices throughout the home. voke beautiful pink ower petals with E xube ra nt P ink on a ba throom a ccent wa l l ; pa int a de sk in a f resh, Frol ic gr een; or bring out citrus col ors in the ki tchen with orange Tango. eference the Color Pizzazz collection for bolder inspiration.

Head- for- the- B eac h Colors I f you’ re ins pired by sea a nd sa nd, us e m a ritim e bl ue s a nd dune gr a ss gr eens to crea te a f resh, breez y f eel ing tha t beckons barefoot comfort. Create an indoor sea side retrea t us ing ra tta n f ur ni tur e, S ea S a l t pa l e a qua wa l l s a nd a ta bl e pa int ed apture Blue, both from the Coastal Cool collection. Complete the look with sea shel l s a nd cl ea r va ses tha t evoke sea glass washed ashore.

Cook U p Som e Color E xc item ent M a ke your ki tchen the ide a l ga thering pl a ce with de l icious l y wa rm a nd invi ting colors. Spice it up with rich, saturated tone s of P eppery ora nge a nd G ra nde ur P l um , f ound in the G l oba l S pice col l ection. For room-to-room harmony, use G a rde n S a ge or E da m a m e in a n a dj oining dining room. Design Around Y our Collec tibles If you’re an antiques aficionado, choose

col ors tha t cel ebra te the retro hipne ss of repurposed objects. se colors like Bold Brick, or rbane Bronze from the rban O rga ni c col l ection, to a d subs ta nc e to kitchen cabinets. ive a mudroom an ecl ectic twist with A rm a gna c wa l l s a nd a Parakeet green bench. For additional inspira tion a nd inf orm a tion, vi sit hgtv. ❚ (Sournc e: BPT) Get SLW Home & Garden articles every week. Visit NWQSmartLiving. com and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25


I  W

Harvest & Hunger


he M idw est is som etim es ref erred to a s the “ brea dba ske t of the worl d,” tha nks to the rich soil a nd gr owing cl im a te provi de d to us by G od. I t’ s ha rd to bel ieve tha t ne a rl y 425,0 peopl e in the servi ce a rea of N orthern I l l ino is Food Bank are classified as “food insecure.” N ea rl y ha l f a re chil dr en; other l a rge segm en ts inc l ude the el de rl y , d isa bl ed, worki n g poor , hom el ess a nd ve tera ns . W hil e good peopl e di sa gr ee a bout the rol e gove rnm ent shoul d pl a y in hel ping the ne edy , there’ s no que stion tha t ca ring f or hungr y , sick a nd oppressed peopl e ha s a l wa ys been pa rt of the J ude o- C hristia n e thic. C hristia ns a re ge ne rous hel pers of the hun gr y . L est we f orge t tha t this is not onl y a ni ce thing to do, but the wil l of G od, he re a re a f ew ve rses to rem ind us .

She [the virtuous woman] opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy. – Proverbs 31:20 Whoever gives to the poor will not want, but he who hides his eyes will get many a curse. – Proverbs 28:27 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled, without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. ames 2:14-18. And he [Jesus] answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.” – Luke 3:11 But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him Li le children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. I ohn 3:1 -18 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you

❚ Get SLW Inspiration & Wors ip articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today. 12

Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25

Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25



Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25

Y K


Maximize Flavor and Nutrition in Snacks l l of us wa nt to enj oy f oods we ca n f eel good a bout ea ting, eve n when it com es to sna cks . W hil e ca rrot sticks a nd cra cke rs with cheese a re gr ea t goto options , it' s im porta nt to m ix things up. S na cki ng shoul d com bine a m edl ey of f l a vor s, a nd inc l u d e whol e gr a ins a nd vi ta m in- rich ing redi ent s, resul ting in a sa vor y , nut ritiou s ni bbl e. W hen de cidi ng a m ong f a vor ite snacks, there s no need to sacrifice seasoni ngs of ten reserve d f or m a in cour se di shes. I ns tea d, l ook to com bin e di f f erent f ood gr oups to crea te uni qu e, de l icious sna ck m ix es. A m ix ca n n ot onl y pack a lot of avor but also be full of nut rient - rich vi ta m in s a nd w hol e gr a ins . Whole grain crackers add heartiness to your sna ck, l ea vi ng you de l icious l y satisfied. Adding vegetables such as leafy gr eens a ds vi ta m in s a nd m ine ra l s, a perf ect l ow- ca l orie a d di tion. For e tra crunch, popcorn or nuts are avorful ingredients to add to your mi f or a whol esom e sna ck. C hef R occo D iS pirito, know n f or his best- sel l ing hea l thy com f ort f ood s series N ow E at Thi s ! , crea ted B rown R ice T riscui t S ea S a l t & B l a ck P epper C rum bl ed S na ck M ix, a ta sty m ix of popcorn, ka l e a nd the ne w B rown R ice T riscui t, which is ba ke d with 1 0 percent whol e gr a in brown rice. T his sna ck m ix is one gr ea t way to reap the benefits of whole grains in a di stinc tive ne w wa y .

mins. Turn off heat; place popcorn in large bowl and season with salt and crushed red pepper flakes. 2. Lay the kale out in single layers on microwave-safe plates. Spray each plate with cooking spray and microwave on high for 1 min. Flip the leaves, then microwave on high until the leaves are dried and crisp, about 1 min. Continue microwaving, if needed, turning every minute until crisp. Repeat with remaining kale. 3. Break the kale crisps into bite-size pieces. Toss with the crackers and popcorn and serve. Nutrition Information Per Serving: 80 calories, 2g total fat, 0.5g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 90mg sodium, 14g carbohydrate, 2g dietary fiber, 0g sugars, 2g protein. ❚

(Source:BPT )

1. Spray a saucepot with cooking spray; add the popcorn kernels and place over medium high heat. Cook, covered, shaking occasionally until the kernels have popped, about 2

Get SLW Kitchen articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

Fine Oils, Vinegars, & Now Spices!

9 servings, about 1 cup each : about 10 minutes •Olive oil cooking spray •3 tablespoons popping corn kernels •1/8 teaspoon each salt and crushed red pepper flakes •1 bunch of Tuscan kale (about 15 leaves), or 4 loosely packed cups of leaves only (remove tough center stem with knife or kitchen shears) •20 Brown Rice Triscuit Sea Salt & Black Pepper Crackers, quartered

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Sept. 25



Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25


Y S

Make it a Fantastic Hair Day, Every Day

v ery da y wom en a re subj ected to a m ul titude of ha rsh el em ent s tha t strip the ha ir of its na tur a l bea ut y , l ea vi ng it l im p a nd l if el ess. D ove H a ir gi ve s wom en a gr ea t ha ir da y by nlu ocki ng a f ew us ef ul secrets wom en ne ed to know in orde r to bea t ba d ha ir da ys . C el ebrity ha ir styl ist, M a rk T owns end, of f ers these ea sy t ips f or wom en l ooki ng f or gr ea t ha ir da ys . 1. F

oundations for G reat Hair Day S tart in the Show er N ea rl y ha l f of wom en ha ve a ba d ha ir da y when their ha ir f eel s weig hed dow n. “ T he f ounda tion to a ny gr ea t ha ir da y sta rts when wom en choose a m oistur iz ing sha m poo a nd condi tione r tha t doe s not weigh ha ir dow n,” sa ys T owns end, whose cl ient s inc l u de m a ny of tod a y’ s l ea di ng H ol l yw ood sta rs. H e recom m end s the im prove d D ove D a il y M oistu re S ha m poo a nd C ondi tion er, a uni que f orm ul a cont a ini ng pa tent ed technol ogy tha delivers up to five times smoother hair, in just one wash. 2. Y our B low Drye r Can B e Y our Hair’ s B est F riend H ea l thy ha ir l ooks shiny beca us e the ha ir cut icl e is sm ooth a nd re ects light. ne way to keep hair looking beautifully smooth is kn owing how to properl y us e a bl ow dr ye r. W hen bl ow dr ying your ha ir, m a ke sur e tha t you a ngl e the noz z l e dow nw a rd a s you d ry f rom the roots. “ P oint ing the bl ow dr ye r di rectl y

ont o ha ir with no a gln e ca n ca us e brea ka ge a nd f riz z ,” sa ys T owns end.

3. An E ffortlessly B eautiful Hair Styl e A sm ooth ponyt a il is a chic wa y to bea t the hea t out side a nd wil l ge t your ha ir up a nd of f your shoul de rs. ne of Townsend’s style secrets is perf ecting a f riz z - f ree ponyt a m a sca ra wa nd with ext ra hol d ha irspra ge nt l y ove r the ha irl ine onc e the ponyt f ront of the ea rs, to sm ooth the l ittl e ha

il . First, spra y a reus a bl e y . T hen, com b the wa nd a il is set, especia l l y in irs int o the styl e.

N ow through S eptem ber 30, 2013, wom en ca n vi sit D ove . com / G rea tH a irA f f a ir to show- of f their gr ea t ha ir da y f or a cha nc e to win t hous a nds of priz es. ❚ (Source:BPT) Get SLW Style articles every week. Visit NWQSmartLiving. com and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25


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R  O R

Farmer’s Markets

C ont i nue d f rom cov er I n a n a ge of im persona l gr ocery store expe rienc es, f a rm ers’ m a rke ts of f er ve ndor s a nd shoppers a cha nc e to int era ct. “ I t a l l goe s ba ck to rel a tions hips,” sa ys W right . “ A f a rm ers’ m a rke t put s m e right in f ront of the peopl e who us e wha t I gr ow. I ca n of f er them the story of their f ood.” W right runs the f a rm ’ s booth a t the R ockf ord C ity M a rke t eve ry Frida y ni ght between M a y a nd O ctober. T he dow nt own R ockf ord C ity M a rke t experienc ed record a ttenda nc e dur ing the 201 sea son, with 57,136 peopl e a ttending between M a y a nd O ctober, or a bout 2,04,0 peopl e per week. T he m a rke t hosts 60 ve ndor s f rom a round the regi on who sel l f rui t a nd ve ge ta bl es, homemade jams and pies, fresh cut owers, a rts a nd cra f t item s f or ki ds , di ne r ent rees f rom l oca l resta ur a nt s, a nd cra f t beer on ta p f rom l oca l m icrobreweries. T he m a rke t a l so f ea tur es l ive m us ic every w eeke nd.


Smart Living Weekly

“ I t’ s a f a rm ers’ m a rke t, but there a re so m a ny other options beside j us t produc e,” sa ys K a tie T owns end, a n U rba n Fa rm E duc a tor with the R oots a nd W ings I ni tia tive of the A nge l ic O rga ni cs L ea rni ng C ent er. T owns end’ s stude nt s a re E co- A dvoc a tes, a yout h- l ed ur ba n a gr icul tur a l progr a m conduc ted in a pa rtne rship a m ong C om prehens ive C om m uni ty S ol ut ions , Y out hB ui l d R ockf ord a nd A nge l ic O rga ni cs L ea rni ng C ent er. T he E co- A dvoc a tes gr ow their produ ce on a sm a l l f a rm in dow nt own R ockf ord, then bring i t to m a rke t to sel l . “ P eopl e a re a ski ng f or m ore l oca l l y prod uc ed f resh ve gi es a n d we’ re hel ping to m eet tha t de m a nd,” sa ys T owns end . “ O ur f ood is produc ed j us t one m il e a wa y f rom where we sel l it. I t doe sn’ t ge t m uc h m ore l oca l tha n t ha t.” T he progr a m a l so em powers l oca l yout hs by m a ki n g them a pa rt of the bus ine ss com m u ni ty . “ W e’ re provi di ng a ccess to hea l thy f ood,” a ds T owns end. “ E ve ry tim e som eone buys our produc e, they’ re su pporting their l oca l econom y a nd suppor ting the E co- A dvoc a tes

Sept. 25

progr a m .” A f ter a l ong Frida y eve ni ng a t the R ockf ord C ity M a rke t, D enny W right pa cks up his booth a nd the ne xt m orning hea ds to a m a rke t in the subur bs of C hica go, whil e wif e S us a n runs the f a rm booth a t the B el oit Fa rm ers’ M a rke t in B el oit. “ I t’ s a n a tm osphere of socia l iz in g,” sa ys C rys ta l B u hm eye r, M a rke t M a na ge r f or the D ownt own B el oit A ssocia tion. “ B eside s shopping, peopl e com e dow n here j us t to m eet f riends , m eet f or cof f ee, or l isten to m us ic.” T he B el oit Fa rm ers’ M a rke t is the second l a rge st

in W iscons in, with a n a ve ra ge of 3,80 peopl e ea ch S a tur da y . I t wil l l a unc h a ne w progr a m this ye a r in which l ow- incom e shoppers ca n us e f ood a ssista nc e benefits, such as food stamps, to purcha se produc e. I t a l so gi ve s peopl e a n exc us e to ge t out side a nd m ingl e with ea ch other. B uhm eye r strongl y em pha siz es tha t f a rm ers’ m a rke ts a re gr ea t f or l oca l econom ies. “ T hey stim ul a te dow ntown bus ine ss,” she sa ys , a di ng tha t f our ve n do rs who’ v e been sel l in g a t the m a rke t f or seve ra l ye a rs a re now opening perm a ne nt storef ront bus ine sses in dow nt own B el oit due to their suc cess a t the f a rm ers’ m a rke t. T he sa m e hol ds true f or R ockf ord C ity M a rke t ve ndor s. “ A l ot of sta rt- up bus ine sses open booths a t the m a rke t to test their produc ts a nd gr ow their bus ine sses,” sa ys C a thy M cD erm ott, of R ock R ive r D eve l opm ent P a rtne rship, the gr oup tha t m a na ge s the R ockf ord C ity M a rke t. “ T he m a rke t wa s sta rted to dr a w peopl e to the dow nt own a rea a nd stim ul a te l oca l

bus ine sses,” she expl a ins . S hoppers spent m ore tha n $2.5 m il l ion a t the m a rke t dur ing the 201 sea son, a nd the m a rke t wil l expa nd this ye a r, with 12 ne w ve ndor s. “ First- tim e vi sitors to the m a rke t a l m ost a l wa ys bum p int o som eone they know ,” a ds M cD erm ott. “ T here’ s rea l l y no better pl a ce to be on a sum m er Frida y ni ght in R ockf ord.” “ I t’ s a socia l eve nt ,” a gr ees D enny W right . “ Y ou ca n m eet other peopl e, experienc e bea ut if ul wea ther, exe rcise a bit, a nd m eet the person tha t gr ows the f ood t ha t you buy .” M a ny of T owns end’ s stude nt s a re first-time farmers. They once imagined they’ d be sel l ing their produc e of f the

ba ck of a pickup truc k on a dus ty country r oa d. “ T he f a rm ers’ m a rke t tur ne d out to be m ore l ike a f estiva l ,” sa ys T owns end. “ I t’ s j us t pl a in f un. W hen you ge t out side a nd socia l iz e a nd l isten to som e l ive m usic, it l if ts the spirit.” ❚ Get SLW Right in our Region articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25


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Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25



Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25

Y H

Dental Advances Bring Long-Term Solutions By Jim Killam


oday is a good time to be a dental patient. Prior to modern dentistry, people didn’t have effective answers for problems like impacted wisdom teeth, missing teeth, or infections below the gum line. They simply suffered. The 20th century brought relief for many of those issues, but the 21st century is refining the science. Advances like dental implants, bone grafts and threedimensional scans are giving patients more options and better quality of life, says Dr. Edward Rentschler, Rockford Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 425 Roxbury Road. “The whole process is still evolving,” he says. “But the technology – the bonding materials are better, the techniques are better and we’re understanding things a lot better than we did 20 years ago. The benefit for patients is tremendous.”

Insurance companies are catching up with technology, too – sometimes preferring an implant over traditional fixes like root canals, which Rentschler says may leave a tooth brittle and prone to cracking. “There’s a lot of money spent on root canals, crowns, bridges and so forth, and a lot of the dentists are starting to change the whole way they approach this,” he says. “Now it’s, ‘This is an iffy tooth. If we do a root canal it’s still an iffy tooth. If we take the tooth out and do an implant it’s going to be more predictable long-term.’” Denture wearers in particular have a whole new set of options. Today’s implants – basically posts attached to the jaw – can hold dentures tightly, or they can anchor permanent replacement teeth. “I had a gentleman who had a loose

denture,” Rentschler says. “He used to pull his denture out when he talked to his neighbor, because he was always afraid it was going to fly out.” Today, with implants holding the denture in place, the man can shout across the street to his neighbor without worrying that his teeth will go airborne. Now that's progress. ❚ Get SLW Health articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25



Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25

Y F

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Sept. 25-Oct. 5, 8 p.m.; Sept. 28-29, Oct. 5, additional matinee 2 p.m. Andrew Lloyd Weber’s musical retelling of the Biblical story of Joseph and his brothers, mixing pop, rock, country, musical comedy. Studio Theatre, Rock Valley College (RVC), 3301 N. Mulford Road, Rockford, (815) 921-2160. Author Doreen Howard: Heirloom Flavor Sept. 26, 6-8 p.m. The award-winning author, former garden editor at Woman’s Day, photographer and gardener, discusses her latest book, Heirloom Flavor: Yesterday’s Best-Tasting Vegetables, Fruits, and Herbs for Today’s Cook. Q&A follows. $10/$5 members. Klehm Arboretum, Rockford, Burpee Museum Trivia Night Sept. 27, 6-9 p.m. Rack your brain for the right answer at Burpee Museum of Natural History’s second trivia night! $20 in advance or $25 at the door for non-members and $15 in advance or $20 at the door for members. 737 N. Main St., Rockford, (815) 965-3433, The Web: California Guitar Trio Sept. 27, 7:30 p.m. Using a wide range of instrumental styles fusing European classical music, rock, blues, jazz, world music, bluegrass, and surf music, this group’s performances are displays of technical virtuosity mixed with humor. MPAC, 415 N. Church St., Rockford, (815) 964-9713, RDC: Fall for Dance! Sept. 27, 7:30 p.m., Sept. 28-29, 2 p.m. Rockford Dance Co. (RDC) presents a montage of new choreographic works by company members, guest master teachers and Mathew Keefe. Riverfront Museum Park, 711 N. Main St., Rockford, (815) 963-3341, 49th German Society Oktoberfest Sept. 27-28, 5 p.m. Fri., noon Sat. Authentic food, BierGarten, live entertainment, bier barrel rolling contest, weiner dog race, more. Loves Park City Hall, 100 Heart Blvd., Loves Park, Autumn Pioneer Festival Sept. 28-29, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sun. See a flint knapper and gunsmith, sample food of the era, view five ethnic gardens,

Join the effort to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society at Light the Night Walk, Sept. 28, 5 p.m., Peak Sports Club, Loves Park.

the voyageurs’ encampment, two historic log cabins. Boone County Conservation District, 603 N. Appleton Road, Belvidere, Ill., (815) 547-7935, Light The Night Walk Sept. 28, 5 p.m. festivities; 7 p.m. (dusk) walk. Nationwide fundraising event for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Fundraising teams carry illuminated balloons along a two mile route to show support from a caring community. Info: Light The Night, (312) 6517354, Event: Peak Sports Club 4401 Peak Dr., Loves Park, Ill. Kids Fair Sept. 28, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Several service vehicles on display for kids to touch; bouncyhouses; free popcorn and goodies; Aviators baseball game; helicopter fly-in (weather permitting). Featuring Sen. Dave Syverson, State Reps. Joe Sosnowski and John Cabello. Aviator Stadium, 4503 Interstate Blvd., Loves Park, (815) 885-2255, Fall Harvest & Art Festival at the Vineyard Sept. 28-29, noon-4 p.m. Live music, delicious food, pumpkin & face painting, grape stomp contest, vineyard tours, hayrides, art show. Galena Cellars Vineyard & Winery, 4746 N. Ford Road, Galena, (815) 777-3235,

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Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25



Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25

O  T

2nd Cousins Bar & Grill, 6246 E. Riverside Blvd., Loves Park, (815) 637-2660: 9/25 & 10/2 DJ Aaron Hodge; 9/26 & 10/3 DJ Sandy Monster; 9/27 Country Night; 9/28 DJ Alex Peace, all 9 p.m. Big Al’s, 610 N. Bell School Road, Rkfd., (815) 398-6411: 9/27 Too White Crew, 10 p.m.; 9/28 X51, 9 p.m.; 10/4 Looking for Treble, 9 p.m.; 10/5 The Crave.

Rkfd., 815-399-6100: Wed., Fri., Sat., Music w/Special Guest. Murphy’s Pub & Grill, 501 S. Perryville, Rkfd., (815) 986-0950: 9/25, 9/27 & 10/2 DJ Sandy Monster; 9/26 & 10/3 DJ Aaron Hodge; 9/28 DJ Lori, all 9 p.m. Poison Ivy, 5765 Elevator Road, Roscoe, (815) 623-1480: Live DJ Fri. & Sat. 9 p.m.

Butterfly Club, 5246 E. County Road X, Beloit, (608) 362-8577: Fri. & Sat. First 2 Weekends of Month: Mike Williamson, 7 p.m.

Rascal’s Bar & Grill, 5223 Torque Road, Loves Park, (815) 636-9207: 9/19 3GM; 9/28 Man of Our Times, 9 p.m.

Cannova’s, 1101 W. Empire, Freeport, (815) 233-0032: Live Pianist Fri. & Sat. 6-9 p.m.

Restoration Café, 625 W. State, Rkfd., (815) 977-4361: Free Live Music First Fri. of Month, 6 p.m.

Coronado Performing Arts Center, 314 N. Main St., Rkfd.: 10/4 Dennis Miller, 7:30 p.m.; 10/5 RCCA: Cantus, 7:30 p.m. Call (815) 968-0595, District Bar & Grill, 205 W. State, Rkfd., (815) 977-4524: 9/26 10 Years, 7 p.m.; 9/28 Dueling Pianos, 8 p.m.; 10/3 Otep, 7 p.m. Franchesco’s, 7128 Spring Creek, Rkfd., (815) 229-0800: 9/27 Comedy Night, 9 p.m. The Grove, 100 E. Grove, Poplar Grove, (815) 765-1002: Thu. Open Mic, 6 p.m.; Fri. Karaoke, 9 p.m.; 9/28 Snydley Whiplash; 10/5 Smokin Gunz. Hope and Anchor, 5040 N. 2nd, Loves Park, (815) 977-8585: 9/27 Harlan Jefferson, 7 p.m.; 9/28 Sweet Lucy, 9 p.m.; 10/5 Bad Indication, 9 p.m. JustGoods Listening Room, 201 7th St., Rockford, (815) 965-8903: Live Musicians Every Fri. Night. Jax Pub, 4160 North Perryville Rd. Loves Park, (815) 877-0600: Wed., Fri., Sat., Music w/Special Guest. Kryptonite, 308 W. State, Rkfd., (815) 9650931: Thu. Karaoke & BARGO 8:30 p.m.; 9/28 My God, The Heat / Mustard Plug, 8 p.m., $10. Mary’s Place, 602 N. Madison, Rkfd., (815) 962-7944: Tue. & Thu. Open Stage; Wed. Karaoke; 9/27 Eric Lambert & Friends; 9/28 Furlight; 10/4 Harmonic Movement, all 9:30 p.m. Oscars Pub & Grill, 5980 East State St.,

Rockton Inn, 102 E. Main St., Rockton, (815) 624-8877: Thu. Harlan Jefferson, 7 p.m.; Fri. & Sat. DJ Ron Schoepfer, 8 p.m.; First Fri. of month Dirtee Sheetz, 8:30 p.m. Shooters (inside Don Carter Lanes), 4007 E. State St., Rkfd., (815) 399-0314: Live Band Sat., 9 p.m. Shooters East (inside Cherry Bowl), 7171 Cherryvale Blvd., (815) 332-5229: 9/27 Mr. Burgundy; 9/28 Yourz Truly; 10/4 County Line, all 9 p.m. Shooters North (inside Forest Hills Lanes), 7742 Forest Hills Road, Loves Park, (815) 6543900: Live Band Sat. Splitters, 5318 N. 2nd St., Loves Park, (815) 8776051: 9/28 Audio Drive; 9/29 Audio Drive; 10/4 Sunset Strip, all 9 p.m. Stumpy’s Pub, 5801 Columbia Pkwy, Rockford, (815) 316-1225: no events listed. W h i s k e y ’ s Roadhouse, 3207 N. Main, Rkfd., (815) 877-8007: 9/25 Crow Bar INC. ❚

Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25



Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25

T  I

Fun Ways to Teach Kids Nutrition Wisdom A

s chil dr en a cross the count ry hea d ba ck to school , l if e f or f a m il ies becom es a l ittl e m ore hectic. D on’ t l et nut rition f a l l by the wa ys ide , j us t beca us e da ys a re bus y . T ea ching chil dr en nut ritious ea ting ha bits now ca n m ea n a l if etim e of hea l th, pl us it ca n be a l ot of f un to ea t, l a ugh a nd s pend t im e toge ther. “ T he m ore pa ren ts ca n do to invol ve chil dr en in the process, the de cisions on wha t they a re ea ting a nd where their f ood com es f rom , the better of f they wil l be a t hel pin g them l ea rn reve renc e a nd a pprecia tion f or f ood,” sa ys A ni D a ul ter, prof essiona l cook, n ut rition ex pert, a n d a ut hor of seve ra l books , inc l udi ng “ The O rga ni c F am i l y C ook book .” H ere a re som e sim pl e ye t ef f ective tips f rom D a ul ter to g et your ki ds exc ited a bout nut rition a nd hel p them m a ke good f ood c hoices: 1. M

ake M ealtim e Spec ial C rea te a rout ine . C ons ide r sta rting di nne r a t a sim il a r tim e ea ch ni ght . D esigna te di f f erent ni ght s f or di f f erent type s of m ea l s, suc h a s ve ge ta ria n M onda y , or m a ke - your - own piz z a S a tur da ys . H a ve chil dr en hel p with the m ea l prep a nd cl ea nup, if a ge - a ppropria te. L ight a ca ndl e dur ing di ne r, a nd a l l oca te pl ent y of tim e f or conve rsa tion - it’ s one of the best wa ys to bond w ith l ove d one s. 2. Adopt a Healthy M orning Routine W hil e m ost f a m il ies a re tim e- crunc hed on weekda y m orni ngs , it’ s im porta nt to m a ke tim e f or brea kf a st so ki ds ge t the nut rition they ne ed bef ore hea di ng to school . H ea l thy brea kf a sts inc orpora te whol e gr a ins , protein, f resh f rui t, a nd suppl em ent s tha t su pport bra in a nd bod y hea l th. 3. C reate Tasty S c hool L unc hes “ W hen your chil dr en a re f ed better, they l ea rn better,” sa ys D a ul ter. “ T heir bodies rea ct to being f ed good pur e f ood s tha t g ive them the f ue l they ne ed to ge t through e a ch a nd e ve ry s chool da y .” S a ve tim e by m a ki ng l unc hes the ni ght bef ore or do a big S unda y cut - a ndchop da y f or ra w ingr edi ent s throughout the week.

4. H ave Healthy S nac ks on Hand “ K ids bodi es tend to be m ore in tune with their int erna l signa l s a nd they inhe rent l y seem to know tha t they ne ed m ore l ittl e m ea l s throughout the da y , ra ther tha n three big m ea l s,” D a ul ter sa ys . 5. Teac h N utrition Through Ac tivity “ M y ki ds a nd their f riends l ove to cook a nd hel p us prepa re m ea l s, a nd the m ore we inc l ude them in the process, the m ore inv ested they becom e in their own hea l th,” sa ys D a ul ter. Y ou m a y be sur prised by how exc ited your chil dr en ge t by being invol ve d in the ent ire m ea l process. W hen you go to the gr ocery store or f a rm ers m a rke t, ha ve them pick out ve gi es. “ E ve n the youngest child can help mi in our for fresh brea d or l ea rn to whip her own hone y but ter,” sa ys D a ul ter. “ T hese ta sty tea chings wil l not onl y gi ve them pra ctica l a nd va l ua bl e l if e sk il l s, but wil l l ea ve them with l ovi ng m em ories of f a m il y cooki ng da ys tha t were spent l a ughi ng, crea ting, a nd of cour se, ea ting! ” ❚ (Source:BPT)

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t Hughes Meda Corp., we’ve developed several sources of information you can utilize to enhance every aspect of your life. We’re interested in your thoughts about how we can make them even more valuable to you.

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WeBuyLocal Guide to Locally Owned Businesses, including a comprehensive medical guide to local physicians, clinics and hospitals. Smart Living Weekly magazine, featuring weekly calendars for Family Fun and On the Town (nightlife) events. ❚

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Sept. 25



Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 25

Y M

For Richer or Poorer: Newlywed Financial Talk F or better or worse, richer or poorer. When it comes to finances and young love, it can be easy to fall into common pitfalls that can haunt couples long after the wedding day. To start your new life together with a strong financial foundation, check off a few important money to-dos before you say “I do!”

Have the Debt Talk. Financial turmoil is a top reason for divorce, so understanding each other’s finances today and what goals you have for the future will help reduce stress on your partnership. With the average college student graduating with $26,600 in student loan debt, according to The Project on Student Debt, young couples need to create a plan for managing debt and saving for the future. Control Wedding Spending. It’s important for couples to remember that the wedding day is just one day of many that they will spend together. Weddings and related events cost a whopping

$28,427 on average, according to, and that doesn’t even include the honeymoon. “When it comes to young couples planning a dream wedding, the plastic tends to be relied upon,” says Burns. “It’s important to be realistic about how much you can spend.” The best course of action when it comes to wedding planning is to create a budget and stick to it. It’s not always bad to use credit, especially if you can take advantage of a credit card rewards program, but Burns advises only charging or borrowing what you know you can pay back in a reasonable amount of time. Shop Around for Rates. “Whether you’re taking out a personal loan or selecting a credit card, you absolutely must shop around for rates,” advises Burns. When shopping for rates, Burns notes to do so within a two week period of time. Credit inquiries from auto and mortgage lenders and credit cards issued from banks and credit unions are

only counted once if done in a two week period causing just a slight decrease to credit scores. Finally, couples soon to be married can test their knowledge about credit scores at, a website created by VantageScore Solutions and its partner, Consumer Federation of America, one of the largest consumer advocates in the country. ❚ (Source: BPT) Get SLW Money articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

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Sept. 25


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