Smart Living Weekly - October 9, 2013

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Save Smarter • Live Better • Rockford Region 95¢ • October 9, 2013

Right in Our Region

Row, Row, Row Your Boat to the 28th Regatta By Paul Anthony Arco


NEW ng art Livi m S t e G tion ’s e-Edi Weekly

ore than 10,000 people will gather along the banks of the Rock River, Sunday, October 13, to soak in the 28t h B aird H ead of the Rock Regatta. The regatta is the largest rowing event held

in the Midwest, and the seventh largest head race in North A merica. More than 2,000 collegiate, j unior, club and master athletes from all over the country will participate in this annual spectacle. Continued on p. 20

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e-Edition Grand Prize: WIN a FREE Trip! New York City, San Francisco, Santa Barbara or New Orleans. Your Choice. Courtesy of Lindstrom Travel. See pg. 34 for Details.


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Issue 1


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Issue 1

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Sept. 4



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Oct. 9

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Sept. 25


In This Issue Right in Our Region: Head of the Rock Regatta........Cover & p. 20 Your Home Chimney Sweep Safety Tips.......................11 Inspiration & Worship ..............................12 Your Kitchen: Cheese Platters...................15 Your Style Additions to Fall Wardrobes........................17 Your Health Wisdom Teeth Advice..................................25 Your Fun.................................................... 27 On the Town ............................................ 29 Your Money How Much is Your House Worth?................33 Tips: Transitioning Aging Parents...............31 Cover Photo by Tom Claybough

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Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9

Biggest in Midwest


don’t know much about rowing, but I do know it’s a big deal whenever R ockford is the site of anything that’s the “biggest in the Midwest. ” And that’s what the B aird Head of the R ock R egatta will be this Sunday. With competitors from across the country, this head race is a great chance for both locals and visitors to experience one of R ockford’s best assets – the R ock R iver – in a unique way. So what’s a “head race?” I had to look it up. Apparently it means rowing in a race against the clock, in various categories like rower age, ability and boat type. And if you’re really in the know, with this crowd, you say “nice shell,” not “nice boat.” In a 206 N ort hw es t Q uar t erl y magaz ine feature about this regatta, we talked to many participants who race in rivers all around the country. Several told us the qua lity of water here sets this race apart. The R ock R iver makes for a smooth, at ride, they said, and there s only one bridge on this course to maneuver around. R owers also told us they like their sport because of its peaceful nature. It’s qui et and requi res deep concentration. And although it looks like an all-upper body chllenge, it’s actually a full-body workout. Maybe this is the year you’ll come out to watch the regatta. If so, here are some things to know: here s no charge to watch. ring a blanket or folding chair and set up camp anywhere along the bike path. atch for synchroni ed, uid motions by the rowers. E ach stroke should blend in gracefully with the next. A crew that s splashing isn t putting its oars into the water properly. hen oars come out of the water, they should be at about the same height. owers use oars, not paddles. Here’s hoping for another beautiful Midwest weekend! Jan i ne Pumi li a, E xecuti ve E d i tor

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9



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Oct. 9

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Dec 12



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9

Y H  G

Chimney Sweeps Check for Potential Danger By Jim Killam


himney sweeps not only clean away creosote from fireboxes and ues, they also spot other potential fire ha ards. e have some customers who clean their chimneys and do a good ob, says rad ander Heyden, a certified chimney sweep and owner of Advanced himney Systems, onergan Dr., ockford. Sometimes they re not thorough, or they don t know what they re looking for. Half of the reason for having a chimney sweep is to have an inspection really inspecting the system, the ue, the lining, very thoroughly. hat needs to be done on a periodic basis. hereas a do-it-yourselfer may buy a wire brush at a home center and have at it, professionals use a variety of brushes that suit specific surfaces and situations. e go at metal fireplaces and metal chimneys a little differently than brick fireplaces and brick chimneys, he says.

e re using the wire brushes on the masonry chimneys. ut when we have prefabricated chimneys and fireplaces, we ll use poly or plastic brushes. It s a little less aggressive. In a masonry chimney, a combination of small chimney fires and overaggressive cleaning can damage mortar, tiles and liners. lames from a chimney fire then can reach combustible materials inside walls, in attics and on roofs. etal chimneys, assembled in sections, can become dangerous over time, even if free of creosote. here they pop inside of each other, at the oints, and the chimneys have expanded and contracted hundreds of times, the oints tend not to be as tight, ander Heyden says.❚ Get SLW Home & Garden articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

Avoiding Chimney Fires •Used seasoned wood. This is much more important than whether the wood is hard or soft. •Build smaller, hotter fires that burn more completely and produce less smoke. •Never burn cardboard boxes, wrapping paper, trash or Christmas trees. •With a woodstove, install a stovepipe thermometer to help monitor flue temperatures. •Have fireplaces, stoves and chimneys inspected and cleaned regularly. Once for every cord of wood burned is a good starting point. Chimney Safety Institute of America, Brad Vander Heyden.

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9


I  W

Looking Forward “ The w orl d i s i nde ed f ul l of pe ri l nda i i t t he re ar e m any dar k p l ac es . But s t i l l t he re i s m uch t hat i s f ai r. A nd t hough i n al l l ands , l ov e i s now m i ngl ed w i t h gr i ef , i t s t i l l gr ow s , perhaps, the greater.” ― J .R .R . Tolkien, The L ord of t he R i n gs



any people around the globe, long inspired by what the U .S . C onstitution represents to human freedom, are wondering whether America will endure or perish from internal bitter rancor. After all, our young republic is only 237 years old; its hybrid form of democracy is still a grand experiment. At such times, hristians may find comfort in Acts 1, where resurrected J esus tries to prepare his disciples for the arrival of the gift of holy spirit. J esus knows this gift will change all of human history by empowering the edgling church and tearing down the wall of separation between J ews and non-J ews; it’s a long-prophesied event of indescribable magnitude. Y et the disciples’ thoughts are on the politics of their day; they live under an oppressive R oman government. “So when they were assembled they asked him, Lord, is this the time when You will re-establish the kingdom and restore it to Israel?” ( Acts 1: 6) His answer, the last words he speaks on earth before ascending into a cloud, re-focuses their thinking from esh to spirit; he asks them to look forward. “It is not for you to know the times or the dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” ( Acts 1 :7 & 8, N IV ) . As Americans, we love our country, pray for it and do our very best for it. B ut as C hristians, we know that our truest citiz enship is not of this world, but in heavenly places. ( J ohn 17: 14 & 15) . We are, first of all, citi ens of the ingdom of G od – and G od is still on His throne. ❚ Get SLW Inspiration & Wors ip articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today. 12

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9


Y K

How to Assemble an Amazing Cheese Platter T 2. Tour of E urope. Italy is known for its many cheeses, but what about F rance, D enmark or Holland? Y ou may not know much about the cheeses available from these countries and chances are your guests don' t either. C reate a " Tour of E urope" platter adorned with small paper ags representing the country of origin. F rench cheeses like brie and camembert offer a soft texture with a memorable avor. ext, take your guests to Holland and D enmark, for blue cheese, extra-aged G ouda or the salty, nutty avor of dam. uests will uickly tour the continent and try them all.

he contrasting avors and textures of cheeses make a cheese tray the perfect appetiz er to please guests and showcase your personal style. Here are three uni ue platter ideas for your next party: 1.

Th e C h ed d ar F li gh t. Wine isn' t the only thing that gets better with age. O ffer your guests a plate of delicious, aged cheddar cheese. B lack C reek' s premium cheddar cheese is available aged nine months, two or three years and features a richly-sharp avor. resent the cheese on a cutting board and allow your guests to cut their own. Adorn each variety with number-shaped birthday candles to show their ages. F or example, use a " 9" for the nine-month offering. O r, cut the cubes in different siz es, start small at nine months and get bigger as you reach three years. A full-bodied merlot will complement your cheddar cheese plate perfectly, as will z infandel, stout or brandy. 3.

F lavo r w i th i n F lavor . O ffer a platter of cheeses already complemented with avor infusions from sweet blueberries to spicy alape os to savory horseradish . arnish with the fresh versions of the appropriate fruits or peppers. A plate

of avored acks and cheddars is perfectly complemented by a wide array of beers. If you serve a plate featuring spicy cheeses, offer your guests a riesling or iced tea, as well. C reating that perfect cheese tray is simple once you have a theme. L et your imagination guide you . ❚ Get SLW Kitchen articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9

Y S

Fall Fresh: Top Budget-Friendly Wardrobe Trends A lthough we’ve loved the warm months of shorts and tanktops, women are looking forward to breaking out their sweaters and boots as the cool weather approaches. Whether you’re back-to-school shopping with your kids or you want a few new pieces for you and your spouse, incorporating some of the season’s top trends into your look is an easy way to update your existing fall wardrobe. L uckily, fall 2013 is full of trends that are not only comfortable, but also affordable.

Innovative Fabrics

B eing fashionable doesn’t mean being uncomfortable. That’s where modern innovative fabrics take center stage. Many designers are now using fabrics that breath, stretch or wick perspiration. F or example, dE N iZ E N from the L evi’s brand jeans, feature essential stretch, a denim that has a four-way stretch of

up to 4 0 percent. These trendy eans not only atter in all the right places, they offer all-day comfort for any type of fall adventure.

Classic Patterns

C heckers, houndstooth and pinstripes are classic patterns that never go out of style. P laid is also ontrend this season, popping up on runways around the world. L uckily, these patterns are available relatively cheaply at many stores. Alternatively, hit vintage boutique s for affordable options that feature patterns that stand the test of time. These affordable trends will have you looking great no matter which way your personal style leans. F rom modern

fabrics to classic patterns, your wardrobe will stand out in fall 2013 a nd beyond. ❚ (Source: BPT) Get SLW Style articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9


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Smart Living Weekly

Dec 12

G U S TA F S O N ’ S F U R N I T U R E & M AT T R E S S

Y H


R  O R


Continued from cover Races run from 8 : 45 a.m. to 3: 30 p.m. and are free to the public. Guests are encouraged to watch anywhere from the starting line at Martin P ark in L oves P ark to the finish line at the Y MC A in downtown Rockford. “The rowing community is a fairly close-knit group,” says Mark Maffei, race director. “Rowing is a fun sport to be involved with. F or the competitors, the H ead of the Rock is a real thrill. It’s a great experience to be sitting in a boat that’s moving well, almost like it’s singing to you. F or a rower, there’s no greater feeling.” Rowing, Maffei adds, is all about teamwork. “A slow rower can affect the entire team and the boat. It’s a very technical sport. Every stroke is a challenge. A rower is happy if he or she can create a series of strokes that feel good.” The Rockford Regatta began in 19 8 5 as a challenge match between the University of Wisconsin and


Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9

Northwestern University. The match was conceived by local rowers, U.S. Olympian Rob Espeseth and Dennis K aderabek. The following year, 275 athletes and 14 clubs competed in the inaugural H ead of the Regatta. “It’s a really high-energy event,” says volunteer Dr. B rian B ear. “There are people of all ages spending the day downtown, cheering on their teams, and enj oying the Rock River. The river is a great asset for the community; people from all over the country comment on what a great venue this is. It’s a nice day for spectators and participants.” B ear’s involvement is due to his 16-year-old son, B enj amin, who started rowing 2 ½ years ago. The younger B ear started rowing with the Rockford Rowing C lub, getting up at 4 a.m. to take part in early morning workouts at the Y MC A . H e liked it so much that he got his father to also take up rowing. B enj amin will be competing in his second Regatta this weekend. “It’s changed his entire outlook on life,” says his father. “B enj amin went from a teenager who liked to sleep

in, to realizing how much he can get accomplished by 9 a.m. A s captain of his team, he’s learning responsibility and leadership.” The regatta is a 5,000 meter ( 3.2 miles) race, and includes 65 teams of all levels and ages. A mong the top collegiate teams that will be on hand are the University of Wisconsin, University of Michigan, the University of Notre Dame, Indiana University and the University of Illinois. “This event is a j ewel that many people don’t even know exists,” says Jane Johnson, liaison between the

R ockford R owing C lub and the Y MC A. “We’ve had kids from R ockford go on to row for P rinceton, Harvard and other prestigious schools. And for many teams that participate in the regatta, this is a warm-up for the Head of the C harles, the world’s largest regatta, which is held in B oston later in O ctober. The R ock R iver is ideal for a race – it’s straight and there’s only one bridge.” Maffei, who started rowing in 20, spent 12 years as the dock master for the regatta, responsible for getting boats launched and retrieved. This year, he assumed the position of director, overseeing the planning, day-of coordination and working with 70 volunteers. “We spend months getting ready,” he says. “If there are weather issues or problems on the day of the event, it’s up to me to resolve those issues, whether it’s logistics or timing of the event. K eeping participants safe is our number one goal.” F or the past five years, Susie and Tony Murray have hosted the Marque tte U niversity rowing team at their

R ockford home. The Murrays, both Marque tte grads, provide dinner and a place to sleep for more than 50 student athletes and coaches. It’s qui te a sight, says Susie, of rowers sleeping in the basement, spare bedrooms, even in the hallways. In addition to enjoying a catered pasta meal, the Marque tte team spends the evening before the big race doing homework, playing ping pong, or just visiting with their hosts. “They’re so appreciative,” says Susie. “They’re nice kids, and excited to have a good meal and a place to sleep. It’s a fun night for all of us.” J ohnson encourages local residents to visit the R ock R iver on Sunday to experience the regatta firsthand. “When you see the boats coming down the river, in unison and going fast, it’s qui te a scene,” she says. “These kids have worked hard to get to this point. It’s worth seeing, especially on a gorgeous fall day. The regatta is a nice feather in

the cap of R ockford.” R obert W. B aird & C o. has been the prime sponsor for the past eight years. “Their support is huge,” says J ohnson. “It’s allowed the club to grow, buy boats and other equi pment, and has helped our junior team compete here and elsewhere.” F or more information on the Head of the R ock or the R ockford R owing C lub, visit headoftherock.or g, or call J ohnson at ( 815) 489120. ❚ Get SLW Right in our Region articles every week. Visit NWQSmartLiving. com and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9


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Whole-Home HD DVR functionality requires a Genie HD DVR connected to the primary television and a Genie Mini Client, H25 HD Receiver(s) or an RVU-capable TV/Device in each additional room. Limit of three remote viewings per Genie HD DVR at a time. Visit for complete details. INSTALLATION: Standard professional installation in up to four rooms only. Custom installation extra. To access DIRECTV HD programming, HD equipment required. Number of HD channels based on package selection. Programming, pricing, terms and conditions subject to change at any time. Pricing residential. Taxes not included. Receipt of DIRECTV programming subject to DIRECTV Customer Agreement; copy provided at and in order confirmation. NFL, the NFL Shield design and the NFL SUNDAY TICKET name and logo are registered trademarks of the NFL and its affiliates. NFL team names and uniform designs are registered trademarks of the teams indicated. NFL: AP Photo. ©2013 DIRECTV. 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Dec 12


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24 Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9

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Those Are Going to Need to Come Out By Jim Killam


isdom teeth, or third molars, usually appear during your teens or 20s. No one needs them but everyone has them – although in some adults they never do erupt. If a person has a small mouth, oral surgeons often remove wisdom teeth proactively, before they start coming in, says Dr. Edward Rentschler of Rockford Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 425 Roxbury Road. “Generally we’ll do wisdom teeth as early as 15 or 16 – especially if the eruption of the 12-year molar is impacted by the position of a wisdom tooth,” Rentschler says. “Wisdom teeth can be unpredictable in their size and shape, so … if you have two teeth competing for a space, we preserve the 12-year molar and remove the wisdom tooth.”

Wisdom teeth don’t always have to come out. “If it’s an erupted tooth, it’s in function and people can keep it clean, then there’s no reason to take it out,” Rentschler says. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for about 70 percent of people. Once a wisdom tooth is partially exposed, it’s hard to reach with a toothbrush or floss, so food particles and bacteria can cause infection, gum disease and decay. “Most people, when they’re symptomatic and they have pain and swelling and infection, are relieved to get the teeth removed, and then they find the hygiene is much easier,” Rentschler says. The other common issue with wisdom teeth is that they can be impacted – growing sideways – and put pressure

on the second molars. Once an impacted tooth is discovered on xrays, it may not be long before it erupts. Dentists and surgeons usuDr. Edward Rentschler ally will recommend extracting it. “Just because impacted wisdom teeth haven’t broken through the gums doesn’t mean they won’t cause problems,” Rentschler says, noting that impacted teeth develop in a fluid-filled sac beneath the gums, and can form cysts. ❚ Get SLW Health articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

Bringing a World of Music to Rockford It’s October, and the Season Continues!

Thursday, October 10, 2013 at 5:30 pm “Music on Main. . . Classically Inspired”

Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 5:30 pm “Jazz at Emerson”

$15/Adults, $10/Students

$15/Adults, $10/Students Emerson House, 420 North Main

Peter Fletcher, classical guitar Emerson House, 420 North Main Friday, October 11, 2013 at 7:00 pm

Rock Valley Children’s Choir “Ten Minutes at a Time”

Vince Chiarelli Band

Sunday, October 20, 2013 at 2:00 pm “Mendelssohn Mainstage Series”

Menahem Pressler, piano

Free Will Offering Benefiting Guitars for Vets

Emerson Auditorium, 415 North Church

$25/Adults, $10/Students Mendelssohn Hall, 406 North Main

Friday, October 11, 2013 at 7:00 pm “Learn to Tango”

Friday, October 25, 2013 at 7:30 pm “Mendelssohn Mainstage Series”

$14/Couple, $10/Single

$25/Adults, $10/Students Mendelssohn Hall, 406 North Main Street

Jacques St. Cyr and Maria Costello Mendelssohn Hall, 406 North Main

neoLIT, piano, cello & violin

Mendelssohn Performing Arts Center

406 North Main Street, Rockford • 815-964-9713 • • Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9


Y F

Autumn Leaf Run Oct. 12, 7 a.m. registration, 9 a.m. race. Chiptimed 5K run through the varied terrain at Oakdale Nature Preserve. Proceeds will help to replace more than 500 trees lost to the Emerald Ash Borer. Info/registration: (815) 233-5616, Race: Oakdale Nature Preserve, 4433 S. Cranes Grove, Freeport. SVCCA: Sixth Floor Trio Oct. 12, 7 p.m. A chamber group dedicated to the creation and performance of music that connects different musical styles, communities and artistic disciplines. Sauk Valley Community Concert Association (SVCCA). Dixon High School, 300 Lincoln Statue Dr., Dixon. Tickets/ info:

Experience the beautiful Oakdale Nature Preserve during the Autumn Leaf Run, a Freeport Park District fundraiser.

RSO: The Best of Swing with Capitol Quartet Oct. 12, 7:30 p.m. Stephen Larson, conductor. Refreshing arrangements of timeless swing classics, presented with humor and flair by one of the most exciting saxophone quartets performing today. CPAC, Rockford. Tickets: (815) 965-0049,

Creating a Haven for Wildlife Oct. 13. 1-2:30 p.m. Learn about the plants and animals that flourish in the restored prairie, wetlands and woods at the Deer Run Forest Preserve. Easy to moderate hiking. Meet in main lot off of River Road.

Digital Photography at Anderson Gardens Oct. 12, 10a.m.-12p.m. Bring your digital camera or cell phone camera to capture unusual perspectives of a Japanese garden. Learn about garden design and how to photograph this garden from a Japanese viewpoint. Class size is limited, so reserve early!

Hiking for Hounds at Klehm Oct. 13, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Fundraising event for Kibble Korner, Rockford’s pet food pantry. Explore Klehm’s 155 acres with your costumed canine friends, join a free Costume Contest at 1 p.m., with prizes and certificates. Give donations to help Kibble Korner. Half price admission; $3/$1.50 seniors, kids/members free. Klehm Arboretum, Rockford,

Head of the Rock Regatta Oct. 13, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. More than 1,700 crews from universities and clubs across the country compete in 2.75-mile, U.S. Rowing-sanctioned sculling races on the Rock River. Martin Park, 5600 Park Ridge Dr., Loves Park, Ill. Info: Fall Harvest Festival Oct. 13, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission includes music, scarecrow building, cider pressing demonstrations, guided nature walks through the oak savanna restoration and wetlands of Beckman Mill County Park, and more. Welty Environmental Center, 8606 County Road H, Beloit, (608) 361-1377, Stephenson County Barn Tour Oct. 13, 1-5 p.m. Take a self-guided tour of five unique Stephenson County barns and learn about their distinctive charm. Info: (815) 2352165.

Messy Mondays at the Discovery Center Oct. 14, 11-3 p.m. Join the fun at the discovery center for this week’s Messy Monday project, leaf embossing! Included in Discovery Center admissions cost. Discovery Center Museum, Rockford, Haunted Rockford Bus Tours Oct. 5 - Oct. 26. Every Saturday in October, load on a coach bus to travel to different haunted locations in the city. Kathi Kresol will give the haunting history while psychics Paul Smith and Sara Bowler will give their impressions of anyone who might linger there. ❚

Get SLW Family Fun articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9

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Bar & Grill, 6246 E. Riverside Blvd., Loves Park, (815) 637-2660: 10/9 & 10/16 DJ Aaron Hodge; 10/10, 10/15 & 10/17 DJ Sandy Monster; 10/11 & 10/18 Destination Unknown, all 9 p.m. Big Al’s, 610 N. Bell School Road, Rkfd., (815) 398-6411: 10/12 Radio Stars; 10/18 The Sensations; 10/19 Clutch Cargo, all 9 p.m. Butterfly Club, 5246 E. County Road X, Beloit, (608) 362-8577: Fri. & Sat. First 2 Weekends of Month: Mike Williamson; Third Fri.: Mike Williamson; Third Sat. & Fourth Fri. & Sat. Phil Ramsey, all 7 p.m. Cannova’s, 1101 W. Empire, Freeport, (815) 233-0032: Live Pianist Fri. & Sat. 6-9 p.m. Coronado Performing Arts Center, 314 N. Main St., Rkfd.: 10/12 RSO: Best of Swing w/Capitol Quartet, 7:30 p.m. Call (815) 9680595, District Bar & Grill, 205 W. State, Rkfd., (815) 977-4524: 10/12 Blocktober Fest, 4 p.m., $10 (Static Signal / Bullet / Cylinder 6 / Hairbanger’s Ball); 10/18 Wedding Banned, 10 p.m. The Grove, 100 E. Grove, Poplar Grove, (815) 765-1002: Thu. Open Mic, 6 p.m.; Fri. Karaoke, 9 p.m.; 10/12 & 10/19 Live Band. Hope and Anchor, 5040 N. 2nd, Loves Park, (815) 977-8585: 10/11 Trash 80s Unplugged, 7 p.m.; 10/12 Rocky Horror Picture Show, 9:30 p.m. JustGoods Listening Room, 201 7th St., Rockford, (815) 965-8903: 10/11 Acoustic Circus – Newgrass & More, 7 p.m. Jax Pub, 4160 North Perryville Rd. Loves Park, (815) 877-0600: Wed., Fri., Sat., Music w/Special Guest. Kryptonite, 308 W. State, Rkfd., (815) 9650931: Thu. Karaoke & BARGO 8:30 p.m.; 10/16 Dave Tamkin, 9 p.m.

Murphy’s Pub & Grill, 501 S. Perryville, Rkfd., (815) 986-0950: 10/9 & 10/16 DJ Sandy Monster; 10/10 & 10/17 DJ Aaron Hodge, all 9 p.m. Poison Ivy, 5765 Elevator Road, Roscoe, (815) 623-1480: Live DJ Fri. & Sat. 9 p.m. Rascal’s Bar & Grill, 5223 Torque Road, Loves Park, (815) 636-9207:10/12 X51; 10/17 3GM, all 9 p.m. Rockton Inn, 102 E. Main St., Rockton, (815) 624-8877: Thu. Harlan Jefferson, 7 p.m.; Fri. & Sat. DJ Ron Schoepfer, 8 p.m.; First Fri. of month Dirtee Sheetz, 8:30 p.m.; 2nd Fri. of month Ken Curtis 7 p.m. Shooters (inside Don Carter Lanes), 4007 E. State St., Rkfd., (815) 399-0314: Live Band Sat., 9 p.m. Shooters East (inside Cherry Bowl), 7171 Cherryvale Blvd., (815) 332-5229: 10/11 Avariss; 10/12 Vintage Vinyl; 10/18 Shovelhead; 10/19 Stage Fright, all 9 p.m. Shooters North (inside Forest Hills Lanes), 7742 Forest Hills Road, Loves Park, (815) 654-3900: Live Band Sat. Splitters, 5318 N. 2nd St., Loves Park, (815) 877-6051: 10/12 Smokin Gunz; 10/19 The Sensations, all 9 p.m. Stumpy’s Pub, 5801 Columbia Pkwy, Rockford, (815) 316-1225: 10/12 Three Good Men, 8 p.m. ❚

Mary’s Place, 602 N. Madison, Rkfd., (815) 962-7944: Tue. & Thu. Open Stage; Wed. Karaoke; 10/11 Law & Love / Go Go Slow; 10/12 Tundras; 10/18 Stragglers; 10/19 Kelly Steward & The Restless Kind, all 9:30 p.m. Oscars Pub & Grill, 5980 East State St., Rkfd., 815-399-6100: Wed., Fri., Sat., Music w/Special Guest.

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9

T  I

Transitioning Aging Parents By Jim Killam


t’s the conversation no one looks forward to with an aging parent. It’s certainly not one that most aging parents will initiate. When is it time to think about transitioning into a senior living facility? Many times a medical care and/ or safety issue makes it clear that a person can’t live independently any more. B ut often, the signs are more subtle, says Mike B arr, Sales C ounselor at C rimson P ointe Senior L iving, an assisted living facility at 71 30 C rimson R idge D r., R ockford. “When we do a presentation – let’s say we’re talking to the retired Y MC A men’s group – I suggest nobody here is a candidate to live in our building, but you might have a friend or relative who might be,” B arr says. “All of a sudden he or she is forgetting things, important things. Maybe they drove to K mart and you get a phone call -- they don’t know how to get home. It s the first time you ve ever heard that.” Maybe the person has been very mobile, but now you suddenly notice a limp, and they’re not qui te as stable as they used to be. Maybe you look in the refrigerator and find it half-empty, or filled with expired food, or the freez er is stacked with outdated leftovers. O r maybe the house is consistently a mess, when it used to be immaculate. “Those are some of the signs that you might want to at least broach that subject,” B arr says. “P articularly if somebody is alone in their house or condo or apartment. L ook for those kinds of signs. Those should be things that might tip you to other things that might lead to a discussion like, “How are you doing with your medication?” If the person is forgetting to take meds, or taking wrong doses, he adds, that’s an even larger sign that it’s time to begin that uncomfortable conversation. ❚ Get SLW Tips & Information articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today. Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9



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What is Your Home’s Price Tag Today? A

s the housing market recovers in many parts of the country, you may be wondering: What’s my home worth now? There’s actually more than one answer, according to Scott Halliwell, a certified financial planner at USAA. He says your home has three, potentially very different, price tags, based on its market value, replacement value and property tax value. “Since different values can be used for different reasons, it’s important to understand when each applies,” Halliwell says, adding that some of these values may move in different directions at the same time. Market Value This is the amount homes in your area are bought and sold for. Determined in part by the going rate for similar houses in your city and neighborhood, market value is not based on what you paid for

the home or how much it cost you to finish out the basement, reroof or remodel the kitchen. Many intangibles factor into this figure. Replacement Value If your home is completely destroyed because of, say, a fire or natural disaster, replacement cost is what it would take to remove debris and rebuild the structure from the ground up based on construction costs in your area. Property Tax Value This is the number taxing authorities use to calculate your property tax bill. A given home may be taxed by more than one jurisdiction - airport and school districts, for example - and each may apply its own math. If the property tax value of your home exceeds the market value,

consider contesting the value with your taxing authority. And be aware that certain actions on your part, such as remodeling, could cause a reassessment and result in a larger tax bill. ❚ (Source: BPT ) Get SLW Money articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 9


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