Smart Living Weekly - October 23, 2013

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Right in Our Region

‘Spooktacular’ Fall Fun on Trail of Terror By Chris Linden, managing editor


oys and ghouls’ of all ages are flnding autumn fun al ong the T rail of T error, w hich incl udes l ocations in nearl y a dozen northern I l l inois counties, t hrough H al l ow een. “ W hether you w ant a pumpki n or the heck


scared out of you, there’s something to flnd on the T rail of T error,” says D iane B ausman, executive director of the B l ackha w k W aterw ays C V B ( B W C V B ) , the primary orga nizer and a sponsor of the T rail of T error. Continued on p. 20

e-Edition GRAND PRIZE TRIP: You Could Travel Here for FREE ... Grand Prize Trip Courtesy of

t Living r a m S t Ge tion ’s e-Edi y l k e e W

Continued on p. 20 Continued Lindstrom on p. 20


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Issue 1


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Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23


In This Issue Right in Our Region: Trail of Terror ............................Cover & p. 20 Your Home Outdoor Improvements ..............................11 Inspiration & Worship ..............................12 Your Kitchen Gourmet Grilled Cheese ............................15 Your Outings Beloit Film Fun ............................................17 Your Health Chiropractic for Allergies ...........................25 Your Fun ................................................... 27 On the Town ............................................ 29 Tips Senior Living Advice ..................................31 Your Money Life Insurance 101 .....................................33

Smart L iving Weekly Publisher/ E d itor-in-C hief B il l H ug hes


E x ecutive E d itor J anine Pumil ia M anag ing E d itor/ Web E d itor C hris Linden A ssociate E d itor/ S p ecial Proj ects E d itor K arl a N ag y S enior S taff Writer/ Promotions C oord inator Paul A nthony A rco G rap hics D irector B l ak e N unes G rap hic A rtist C hristin D unmire G rap hics/ E d itorial A ssistant R eb ecca N unes G eneral S ales M anag er B rent H ug hes S ales M anag er B rad H ug hes A ccount E x ecutives S teve B l achford, B rian H ug hes & Liz T homas A d ministration & C irculation M anag er Lisa H ug hes Website w w w .N W Q S martLiving .com Pub l ished b y H ug hes M ed ia C orp . 7 2 8 N . Prospect S t., R ock ford, I L, 6 1 1 0 7 ( 8 1 5 ) 3 1 6 -2 3 0 0 , F ax : ( 8 1 5 ) 3 1 6 -2 3 0 1 l hug hes@ northw estq uarterl Smart Living Weekly. Copyright 2013 by Hughes Media Corp., 728 N. Prospect St., Rockford, IL, 61107. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photograph or illustration without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23


Fall Treasures Worth Exploring

ne w ay w e can “ l ive smarter” is yb taki ng advantage of w onderful pl aces in our ow n ba ckya rd. O ur cover story provides a gr eat reason to ge t out and enj oy nearl y a dozen counties in northern I l l inois that you might never have thought to ex pl ore be fore. T hese happen to be pl aces that make the very most of autumn – cel ebr ating bot h its scary H al l ow een side and its gl orious natural be auty. U ntil w e be ga n w orki ng on N ort hw es t Q ua rt erl y M aga zine nearl y 10 years ago, most of our staff membe rs had no idea j ust how charming our neighbor ing counties coul d b e, even though most of us are natives of the regi on. N ow our heads are filled with good memories of scenic drives, qua int main streets, pretty farms and vineyards, historic sites and l oads of nice fol ks w e’ve met w hil e expl oring l ittl e tow ns from the M ississippi R iver to the C hain O ’Lake s, and from southern W isconsin to S tarved R ock S tate Park i n U tica. I spent a few years l iving in N ew Engl and, w hich is trul y gl orious in the fal l . B ut I can honestl y say it’s no more l ovel y than autumn in hil l y J o D aviess C ounty, I l l ., or al ong the M ississippi R iver bl uffs in G rant C ounty, W is., or al ong R oute 2 in O g l e C ounty, I l l ., or any other of the scenic routes that meander through our homel and. U ntil I had a w ork- rel ated reason to go expl oring, I j ust didn’t think to do it much. I kne w O rl ando, F l a. and Las V ega s, N ev., be tter than I kne w parts of the R ock R iver, I l l inois and M ississippi river val l eys -- al l of w hich are stunning . S o be smarter than me, and rouse yoursel f from your normal routine. S pend a day or tw o driving from one l ittl e tow n to another, around our regi on, j ust for the heck of it. Y ou’l l b e amazed at al l the treasures w aiting to be discovered. Enj oy! Jan ine Pumilia, E ex cutive E d itor

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23





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DIRECTV and the Cyclone Design logo, CHOICE and GENIE are trademarks of DIRECTV, LLC. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.


Smart Living Weekly

Dec 12

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Dec 12



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23

Y H  G

Fix Up Your Home with an Outdoor Facelift A

By Jim Killam s the area’s economy inches out of recession, many homeow ners are el ecting to improve their current properties and stay l ong er. N ew drivew ays, sidew al ks and patios are among the most visibl e of those improvements. F or contractors l ike G ary H endrickson, president of U niT rim C ement and Landscape, B el videre, that means a l ot of the w ork they used to do on new homes is shifting to exi sting homes. U niT rim is doing a l ot of drivew ays, sidew al ks and patios. “ T here isn’t a l ot of house bui l ding goi ng on right now ,” H endricks on says, as his crew w orks to instal l a drivew ay at a rural R oscoe home. T hey’ve torn out the ol d asphal t surface and w il l repl ace it w ith l ow -maintenance concrete. F irst, that requi res careful foundation preparation to minimize cracki ng and heaving – the potential dow nside of concrete drivew ays in a col d cl imate.

H endricks on take s pride in his company’s w ork. T he drivew ay’s expa nsion j oints – created to minimize and control cracki ng – can bl end into a good decorative stamping j ob so they’re ba rel y noticeabl e, he says. S tamping is especial l y popul ar on sidew al ks and patios. Patterns can l ook like paving or fieldstone and come in a variety of col ors and text ures – but w ithout the maintenance of pavers and w ith a cl eaner, more permanent appeal . S ome homeow ners are opting for l arge r patios, too, as formal ba ckya rd entertaining make s a comeba ck. H endrickson’s crew just finished a , -squarefoot stamped j ob in the R oscoe area, “ O ne of the l arge st patios I have ever done,” he says. U niT rim is al so ge tting cal l s for home additions, w here someone needs a concrete sl ab l aid in order to add a room to the ba ck or side of the house.

“ e definitely are doing more of that stuff, be cause a l ot of peopl e have decided to stay in their homes,” H endricks on says. “ R ight now it’s not a sel l ing m arke t.” Get SLW Home & Garden articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23


I  W


The Good Bridge od l oves us and w ants to be l oved ba ck. “Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered,” Jesus tells us about God’s love for us. ( Luke 12: 7) Y et many of us be l ieve that if G od real l y kne w us, H e coul dn’t possibl y l ove us. S hame can cause us to “ hide” from G od, exa ctl y the opposite of w hat H e w ants. A dam and Eve tried hiding in the ga rden, after sinning. I t didn’t w ork. T hey onl y manage d to distance themsel ves from G od, to their gr eat detriment. “And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’ So he [Adam] said, ‘I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.’” (Gen. 3:8-10) N o one hides from G od. A nd not one of H is chil dren needs to. “Can anyone hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see him?” says the Lord.” (Jeremiah 23:24) T he good new s is that G od kno w s w hat w e’re made of and l oves us anyw ay. T o ignor e this is to ignor e w hat J esus C hrist accompl ished for us on the cross. T hrough C hrist, the br idge be tw een peopl e and G od w as rebui l t w ith hol y spirit. G od doesn’t w ant us to be distant from him; H e l oves us and yearns for us to l ove H im ba ck . Because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. ( Ephesians 2: 4- 7 N I V ) Get SLW Inspiration & Worship articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today. 12

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23

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A New Spin on an American Classic D

o you think a grilled cheese sandwich is processed cheese between two slices of white bread? E x pand your horiz ons. Mouth-watering bacon, savory onions, sweet fruits, artisan bread all deliciously layered with flavored Cheddars and Monterey J acks; these are today' s grilled cheese sandwiches. If that gets your stomach grumbling, try out these delicious recipes and see if they don' t inspire your creativity to create a unique grilled cheese of your own. Tantaliz e your palate with the wide array of flavors in this delicious sandwich. Paprika, garlic, peach apricot preserves and flavor-infused Cheddar cheese all come together for one sumptuous offering. Interested in shaking it up? Swap out the peach-apricot preserve for another of your choice. Satiate your taste buds with a little extra pop of flavor by adding Great Midwest's Apple Cinnamon Cheddar to your sandwich. Or, if you want a little spice, try Chipotle Cheddar.

Gourmet Grilled Cheese

*Two slices artisan bread *2 tablespoons butter, melted *2 slices Midwest Cheddar cheese * 1 ounce of peach apricot preserves * 2 thick slices of tomatoes * Arugula * 2 tablespoons mayonnaise * 1/4 teaspoon garlic, minced * Lemon juice * Paprika

In a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise, a splash of lemon juice and a dash of paprika. Set aside. Using a pastry brush, butter each slice of bread on one side, and place the slices, buttered side down, on the work surface. Top each of these slices with Cheddar cheese, tomatoes, arugula, the mayonnaise mixture and preserves. Top with the remaining bread slices, buttered side up. Lightly butter and heat a griddle, heavy skillet or Panini press until hot. Place the sandwich in the skillet. Brown slowly on one side for two to three minutes before turning with a spatula and grilling the other side

until brown and the cheese melts. It may be necessary to add a bit of butter to the skillet. Serve immediately. ❚

Get SLW Kitchen articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23


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Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23

Y O

Year-Round Film Fest Fun Debuts in Beloit By Karla Nagy

“ S

o many films, and so little time ” Anyone who’s attended the annual eloit International Film Festival IFF knows the painful truth of this statement. Fear not, movie fans IFF leaders are offering public screenings of some of the hundreds of independent films submitted to them for IFF . Showings, which will continue until the start of the festival, take place at ushel Peck’s Local arket, State St., eloit, is., on ednesdays from to p.m. The IFF selection committee has been considering more than films since arch of this year, and has begun the process of deciding which will make the cut, as well as which will get the most screenings during the festival. For the first time, the IFF fan base is weighing in on these decisions via the ednesdy night showings. ow preparing for its th year, IFF celebrates the power of film as an art form, a cultural institution, a social tool, and an informational and entertainment medium. rawing upwards of , attendees annually, IFF screens hard-to-find independent feature, documentary, animated and short films, including some that have already won awards at other noted film festivals. The IFF film line-up and its honorary chair have yet to be announced. Last year’s honorary chair was avid ucker, a ilwaukee native whose films have included A i rp l a n e, A W a l k i n t h e C l oud s and Ph on e Boot h .

ach year, more international and national filmmakers clamor to have their works screened at IFF, largely due to the responsive audiences and the community involvement and support. IFF utilizes several film venues throughout eloit and the festival has even grown beyond city borders. anesville has provided IFF venues since , and last year, IFF crossed the state line, screening films in ockford, Ill. For more information on venues, lodging and even volunteer opportunities, visit “Like” IFF on Facebook, and stay up-to-the-minute on all festival developments. Get SLW Style articles every week. Visit NWQSmartLiving. com and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23



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Smart Living Weekly

Dec 12

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R  O R

Trail of Terror C ont i nue d f rom cov er

T he annual event promotes fal l activities throughout our regi on, draw ing on the exp ertise and attractions of seven visitor bur eaus, incl uding B W C V B . F rom pumpki n patches and w ineries, to fal l festival s, haunted houses and scenic drives, the tour incl udes a w ide range of activities during S eptembe r and O ctobe r. T his year, destinations stretch from S ycamore and M cH enry to G al ena, O regon and the Q uad C ities. “ I t’s qui te a variety,” says B ausman. “ D ixon j ust had historic cemetery tours, and peopl e l earned about l ocal history. T hey had actors in costume, portraying historical figures, and they had a script to pl ay those characters.” T his year’s T rail encompasses several fal l festival s, incl uding this w eeke nd’s festivities in M t. C arrol l and S ycamore. O ne of the highl ight s of M t. C arrol l ’s annual festival is the G reat Pumpki n S treet D rags , S aturday at 1 p.m .


Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23

“ I t’s a drag race, w here peopl e put pumpki ns on ba by bugi es and ol d carriage s – anything w ith w heel s,” says B ausman. “ T hey decorate their pumpki ns and then they race them dow n the hil l . I t’s so much fun to w atch.” T hat evening, the T imbe r Lake Pl ayhouse hosts an interactive presentation of the R ock y H orror Pi ct ure Show , compl ete w ith costumes and themed concessions. A udiences are encourage d to w ear costumes, and reservations are requi red. S ycamore’s annual Pumpki n F estival , happening this w eek, concl udes S aturday and S unday w ith a gi ant pumpki n w eigh- in, a U S A T F -sanctioned 10K run and a dow ntow n parade. N earb y D eK al b is home to one of our regi on’s most notorious haunted houses, the A menti, l ocated inside the Egypt ian T heatre. I ts 20 scenes on six l evel s incl ude l ive actors and fright ening special effects. “ I f you w ant the b ej eeb ers scared out of you, then g o there, ” says B ausman. S avanna’s H aunted F orest take s the

fright s outside, w ith a w agon ride past costumed actors. A t C onover S qua re, in O regon, ghos t hunters can j oin a yearround paranormal investiga tion inside this piano-factory-turned-shoppingmal l . J ust l ike T V show investiga tions, these tours incl ude spirit-reading equi pment. O n the l ight er side, T rail of T error is al so a chance to promote the be autiful fal l scenery around our regi on. “ R ight now , it’s j ust a go rge ous drive here, dow n R oute 2 on the R ock R iver, or the G reat R iver R oad, al ong the M ississippi,” says B ausman. “ A nd, w e have tw o national scenic byw ays. T he Lincol n H ighw ay th passes through here, and this is its 10 anniversary. T he G reat R iver R oad passes al ong t he M ississippi on R oute 84.” T hose scenic drives often meander past qua int dow ntow n shopping areas. T hey al so l ead to several w ineries, w hich host regul ar vineyard tours and tastings . N earby , famil y-friendl y pumpki n patches provide a fal l harvest ba ck drop. F amil y-ow ned S el mi’s, in R ock F al l s, cel ebr ates the season w ith a vari-

ety of activities and foods. O n w eekda ys, school gr oups expe rience the ki d-friendl y haunted house, corn maze, w agon ride and farm animal s. O n w eeke nds, visitors can purchase a $6 w ristba nd that gr ants access to al l activities. T he fal l fun is a bi g hit w ith co-ow ner C onnie S el mi’s grandkids, the fifth generation on this farm. “ Even for the three-year ol d, it’s ‘ G randma, can w e go in the haunted house? ’” she says. “ T hey’re here every day and they l ove pl aying on t he farm.” S el mi’s ful l y functioning farm produces 15 acres of pumpki ns, in addition to I ndian corn and gour ds. D uring spring and summer, the farm gr ow s gr eenhouse stock a nd fresh sw eet corn. A s a l ongt ime stop on the T rail , S el mi’s attracts visitors from al l around I l l inois, especial l y from R ockf ord, the Q uad C ities and Peoria, each about an hour’s drive. “ T he T our has real l y expa nded,” says S el mi. “ W e ge t peopl e from C hicagol and al l the time.W e have peopl e from S t. C harl es, and they’re used to go-

ing to these expe nsive pumpki n patches there. T hey tel l us they don’t mind driving here, that it stil l costs l ess, even w ith the drive.” T he T rail be ga n w ith the B W C V B in 197, to promote fal l events and destinations w ithin C arrol l , W hiteside, Lee and O gl e counties. T oday, the T rail partners w ith visitors’ bur eaus in D eK al b C ounty, F reeport/ S tephenson C ounty, G al ena/ J o D aviess C ounty, H enry C ounty, M cH enry C ounty and the Q uad C ities. I t’s w on the gove rnor’s aw ard for tourism exc el l ence three times, most recentl y in F ebruary 2013, w hen it earned an aw ard for be st cooperative partnership. “ I t w as al l about ba nding toge ther and ge tting gr ants from the state of I l l inois,” says S el mi, w ho w as part of the Trail’s first organizing committee. “They w ere matching our advertising dol l ars as a gr oup. S el mi’s advertising budge t is smal l , but toge ther w e can promote oursel ves be tter.” T hough there’s no easy w ay to record how many visitors pass al ong the T rail of T error, B ausman sees a gr ow -

Mt. Carroll Scarecrow

ing interest in the T rail ’s w ebs ite, il l inoistrail T he site incl udes a ful l l isting of this year’s stops, w ith a detail ed map and cal endar of events. Get SLW Right in our Region articles every week. Visit NWQSmartLiving. com and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23



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Oct. 23

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Oct. 23



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23

Y H

Back, Neck Problems May Trigger Allergies


By Jim Killam

llergy sufferers may find welcome relief after seeking help for back and neck issues, a local chiropractor says. Typical allergic reactions occur when the adrenal gland produces too much histamine. That’s what causes the runny nose, sneezing and watery eyes. erve fibers that reach the body’s “chemical factories” including the adrenal gland connect to the spine in the upper portion of the lower back, and in the upper neck, says r. obert Heit of Heit Health Center, . State St., ockford. If a chiropractor finds an area where a patient’s spinal bones are misaligned, that means the associated nerves probably are irritated, too, he says. “ hen we correct that issue whether it be a lack-of-motion issue or misalignment then that nerve system

that goes to the adrenal gland can function better,” he says. “ ot in every case, but in a lot of cases.” Heit himself is one of those cases. “The reason I’m a chiropractor today is because my allergies were tremendously helped with chiropractic,” he says. He’d gone through allergy shots all his life, but nothing helped much. ne summer while he was in college, his father went to a chiropractor for a back injury, and learned that treatments to the lower-middle back and neck also may help allergy sufferers. For his son, it was worth a try. “I went to the chiropractor and he worked on those two areas,” Heit says. “And within three months I was off all medication. “ ow, if I don’t get adjusted on a regular basis, those sensitivities come

back,” he adds. “ ut never what they were before never to that extreme.” Heit does retain a severe allergy to cats nothing has helped that but he believes that the onset of, and relief from allergies “absolutely” can be related to changes in the spine. Get SLW Health articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

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Oct. 23



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23

Y F

Haunted Rockford Bus Tours Through Oct. 26, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Every Saturday in October, climb aboard a coach bus to visit haunted locations throughout the city. $20. Kathi Kresol provides haunting histories. Call (815) 871-4239, sponsored by Rockford Public Library. Carving Masters Oct. 23, 6-9 p.m. Ages 12 and over. BYO hollowed-out pumpkin and learn from carving masters to use tools in new ways to create a beautiul pumpkin. Under 12 with adult. Info: Event: Sullivan Center, Rockford. Kids Halloween Party Oct. 26, 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Hosted by the Rock Valley College Veterans Club, this community-wide event will include games, a contest for best costume, and hallowwen treats. Open to kids ages 3-12. For more information call (815) 921-4163. Rock Valley College Student Atrium. Ridges and Rivers Oct. 27, 1-2:30 p.m. Environmental educator Katie Townsend leads this exploration of ridges, gorges, forests and prairies at Kishwaukee Gorge Forest Preserve. This is a familycentered activity with something for all ages. Moderate hiking, some climbing of steps and inclines. 4643 Blackhawk Road, Cherry Valley. Halloween on the Prairie Oct. 27, noon-4 p.m. Haunted hay rides, face painting, spooky games, straw maze, kids’ crafts, snake wrangler, more. Jarrett Center, Byron Forest Preserve, Hello Dolly! Oct. 29, 7:30 p.m. “Put on Your Sunday Clothes” and take in the fun, as matchmaker Miss Dolly Levi plots to land eligible New York half-amillionaire Horace Vandergelder, “Before the Parade Passes By.” Broadway at the Coronado. CPAC, Rockford, Idealized Board Experience & How to Get It Oct. 30, noon-1 p.m. NICNE Leadership Café. David Allen discusses board recruitment, orientation, expectations, training, accountability and leadership for board fundraisers. Burpee Center, Rockford University, rockford. edu. LOLTOS Spirited Ghost Tours Oct. 30 & Oct. 31, 7-9 p.m. Experience first-hand accounts of the unexplained noises, scents and sightings within the historic Coronado Theatre,

Learn how to carve a beautiful pumpkin on Oct. 23, 6-9 p.m. at the Sullivan Center.

during this tour of the downtown building given by LOLTOS (Land of Lincoln Theatre Organ Society). For more information call the Coronado Box Office at (815) 968.0595. Reservations required. Paranormal Night II: The Manny Mansion Oct. 31, 7-9 p.m. Explore the history and current state of the Manny Mansion at Burpee Museum. All ages; children must be accompanied by an adult. Registration must be made through Haunted Rockford. Burpee Museum, Rockford, RCCA: Yamato, The Drummers of Japan Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m. The players of Japan’s traditional Wadaiko drums put their very souls into the unusual instruments whose sounds stir the hearts of people everywhere. CPAC, Rockford, El Día De Los Muertos Nov. 2, 2-4 p.m. A celebration of El Día De Los Muertos, “the day of the dead,” to honor our deceased with music and an altar of remembrances. If you’ve never experienced it, come learn about this annual event. All Ages. Info: Event: Sullivan Center, Rockford. “A Deadly Dinner at the Vineyard” Nov. 2, 6-9 p.m. Take part in a mystery set in 1933 at “The Cellars.” $49.95; dinner catered by Fried Green Tomatos. Reservations required: 800-397-9463, murder-mystery. Galena Cellars Vineyard & Winery, 4746 N. Ford Road, Galena, Ill. ❚

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Oct. 23



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23

O  T

2nd Cousins Bar & Grill, 6246 E. Riverside Blvd., Loves Park, (815) 637-2660: 10/23, 10/30 & 11/6 DJ Aaron Hodge; 10/24 & 10/31 DJ Sandy Monster; 10/25 & 11/1 Destination Unknown, all 9 p.m.

Murphy’s Pub & Grill, 501 S. Perryville, Rkfd., (815) 986-0950: 10/23 & 10/30 DJ Sandy Monster; 10/24 & 10/31 DJ Aaron Hodge; 10/25 DJ JES-ONE; 10/26 DJ Manifesto; 11/1 Diamond Hitch, all 9 p.m.

Big Al’s, 610 N. Bell School Road, Rkfd., (815) 398-6411: 10/25 Boo Bash!!!, 9 p.m.

Poison Ivy, 5765 Elevator Road, Roscoe, (815) 623-1480: Live DJ Fri. & Sat. 9 p.m.

Butterfly Club, 5246 E. County Road X, Beloit, (608) 362-8577: Fri. & Sat. First 2 Weekends of Month: Mike Williamson; Fourth Fri. & Sat. Phil Ramsey, all 7 p.m.

Rascal’s Bar & Grill, 5223 Torque Road, Loves Park, (815) 636-9207: 10/26 Shifty Shafer; 11/2 Big Daddy Woo Woo, all 9 p.m.

Cannova’s, 1101 W. Empire, Freeport, (815) 233-0032: Live Pianist Fri. & Sat. 6-9 p.m. Coronado Performing Arts Center, 314 N. Main St., Rkfd.: 10/26 Ghost Brothers of Darkland County, 8 p.m.; 10/27 Gabriel Iglesias, 7:30 p.m.; 10/29 Hello Dolly, 7:30 p.m.; 11/1 RCCA: Yamato - Drummers of Japan, 7:30 p.m. Call (815) 968-0595, District Bar & Grill, 205 W. State, Rkfd., (815) 977-4524: 10/26 Dueling Pianos, 8 p.m.; 10/29 Filter w/Red and We As Human, 7 p.m.; 11/1 Na Palm, 10 p.m. Franchesco’s, 7128 Spring Creek, Rkfd., (815) 229-0800: 10/25 Comedy Night, 9 p.m. The Grove, 100 E. Grove, Poplar Grove, (815) 765-1002: Thu. Open Mic, 6 p.m.; Fri. Karaoke, 9 p.m.; 10/26 Western Sky. Hope and Anchor, 5040 N. 2nd, Loves Park, (815) 977-8585: 10/26 DFS/Jack the Ripper Halloween, 9 p.m.; 11/1 Harlan Jefferson. JustGoods Listening Room, 201 7th St., Rockford, (815) 965-8903: 10/25 Ernie Hendrickson, 7 p.m. Jax Pub, 4160 North Perryville Rd. Loves Park, (815) 877-0600: Wed., Fri., Sat., Music w/Special Guest. Kryptonite, 308 W. State, Rkfd., (815) 9650931: 10/26 Calico Flamingos / Mulligan Stu / The Smoothies, 8 p.m.; 11/2 Mutts, 10 p.m.

Restoration Café, 625 W. State, Rkfd., (815) 977-4361: 11/1 Undivided Heart, 6 p.m. Rockton Inn, 102 E. Main St., Rockton, (815) 624-8877: Thu. Harlan Jefferson, 7 p.m.; Fri. & Sat. DJ Ron Schoepfer, 8 p.m.; First Fri. of month Dirtee Sheetz, 8:30 p.m. Shooters (inside Don Carter Lanes), 4007 E. State St., Rkfd., (815) 399-0314: Live Band Sat., 9 p.m. Shooters East (inside Cherry Bowl), 7171 Cherryvale Blvd., (815) 3325229: 10/25 Tr e a c h e r o u s Friends; 10/26 Trippin’ Tarzan; 11/1 Southern Charm, all 9 p.m. Shooters North (inside Forest Hills Lanes), 7742 Forest Hills Road, Loves Park, (815) 654-3900: Live Band Sat. Splitters, 5318 N. 2nd St., Loves Park, (815) 8776051: 10/26 Pablo & The Rythmix, all 9 p.m. ❚

Mary’s Place, 602 N. Madison, Rkfd., (815) 962-7944: 10/25 Eric Lambert & Friends; 10/26 Too Deep, all 9:30 p.m. Oscars Pub & Grill, 5980 East State St., Rkfd., 815-399-6100: Wed., Fri., Sat., Music w/Special Guest.

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23

T  I

Make Informed Choices About Senior Living

By Jim Killam roaching the subject of an aging parent moving to a senior living facility can begin with dispelling stereotypes. At an assisted living facility like Crimson Pointe, probably 75 to 85 percent of the inquiries come from the person’s children, friends or other relatives, says Mike Barr, sales counselor at Crimson Pointe Senior Living, 7130 Crimson Ridge Drive, Rockford. He knows that’s never an easy conversation for people to have with that older person. “People resist,” he says. “The generation that we’re talking to, when they think of moving from their home to somewhere else, in their minds that’s usually to a relative’s house or it’s to a nursing home. The concept of assisted living is vastly new to them. “We just like to suggest to people that it’s a good reason to visit these assisted living communities, to see how much different they are than what your perception might be. But that’s the initial perception and it’s a tough one to get by sometimes.” One piece of conversational advice from Barr: “Don’t talk about putting them at a place, or using some of that phraseology where they immediately go right to, ‘Oh, my God, I’m going to a nursing home.’ … Many of the potential residents we interact with want to maintain the independence that they’ve had for their adult life.” Often that means researching a few places online, then visiting a handful – before the decision has to be rushed because, say, Mom fell and suddenly can’t live in her house anymore. Barr says the best way to get a feel for a place is simply to talk to residents and staff – like the people who run the dining room, the housekeepers and the nurses. “Ask to see the most recent public health survey results, or ask about staffing ratios. It’s all fair game.” ❚


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Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 23

Y M

Life Insurance 101: What You Need to Know L ife insurance. Everyone says it’s important, but it can be a difficult topic to talk about and even more difficult to understand. Still, it’s importance to building your financial strategy can’t be overemphasized. Life insurance can help you provide for the people and organizations you care about. Choosing the right life insurance solution gives you peace of mind knowing your loved ones will be taken care of. Here’s a quick primer from Thrivent Financial on some of the most common types of life insurance. Term Life Insurance - Temporary life insurance that offers a death benefit and is generally less expensive than permanent insurance. It’s ideal for shortterm life insurance needs, like when you are raising a family, paying off a mortgage or starting a business. Whole Life Insurance - Permanent life insurance that gives you a guaranteed death benefit, guaranteed level premiums and a guaranteed cash value that

increases each year. The guarantees are contingent on all premiums being paid and no loans or changes being made to the contract. Whole Life Plus Term Protection Permanent life insurance with added flexibility. It lets you “dial-in” your premium to the level of whole life and term insurance desired. This insurance offers lifetime protection through a blend of whole life insurance plus term insurance and paid-up additional coverage. Universal Life Insurance - Permanent life insurance that allows you to increase or decrease your death benefit. Your premium is flexible, subject to any limitations in the contract. Accumulated value in a universal life contract earns interest at the current rate, with a minimum rate stated in the contract. Variable Universal Life Insurance - Permanent life insurance that gives you a flexible premium and the potential to build accumulated value. However, death benefits and other values may

vary, because you direct how the cash is invested among the investment portfolios offered. The investment performance has no guarantees and you could lose money. (Source: BPT ) Get SLW Money articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

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Oct. 23


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