Smart Living Weekly - October 30, 2013

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iving n g Smart L ivi ivin ng Weekly

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IN !

Save Smarter • Live Better • Rockford Region/Freeport 95¢ • October 30, 2013


Right in Our Region

Find A-Maze-ing Fall Fun at Camp Winnebago


Continued on p. 20

e-Edition GRAND PRIZE TRIP: You Could Travel Here for FREE ... Grand Prize Trip Courtesy of

t Living r a m S t Ge tion ’s e-Edi y l k e e W

Continued on p. 20 Continued Lindstrom on p. 20


New York City

San Francisco

Santa Barbara

New Orleans

Northern Illinois’ Travel Experts See pg. 34

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Smart Living Weekly

Issue 1


Smart Living Weekly

Issue 1

Smart Living Weekly

Sept. 4



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30


In This Issue Right in Our Region: YMCA Corn Maze.................... Cover & p. 20 Your Home Foundational Fixes......................................11 Inspiration & Worship ..............................12 Your Kitchen Homemade Halloween Treats.....................15 Your Outing Film Fun in Freeport ...................................17 Your Health Chiropractic Solutions for Health ...............25 Your Fun ................................................... 27 . On the Town ............................................. 29 Your Money A Path to Financial Success ......................33 Tips Halloween Safety for Pets ..........................31

Smart L iving Weekly Publisher/Editor-in-Chief B ill H u g h e s


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Smart Living Weekly. Copyright 2013 by Hughes Media Corp., 728 N. Prospect St., Rockford, IL, 61107. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photograph or illustration without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30


Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30






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Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30

Y K


Homemade Alternatives to Halloween Candy ro c e sse d , su g a r-p a c k e d c a n d ie s a re c o lle c te d d o o r-to d o o r e v e ry y e a r a t H a llo w e e n . T h is y e a r, try a d iffe re n t a n g le w ith h o m e m a d e s w e e t tre a ts th a t y o u c a n m a k e w ith y o u r k id s fo r H a llo w e e n . C h e f C la ire M e n c k fro m T h e Ar t I n s t i t u t e o f W i s c o n s i n lo v e s m a k in g g h o s tly " g o rp " w ra p p e d in w h ite p a rc h m e n t p a p e r w ith h e r tw o c h ild re n . " G o rp is b a s ic a lly g ra n o la m i x e d w i t h y o u r c h i l d 's f a v o r ite tre a ts lik e c h o c o la te c a n d ie s , p e a n u t b u tte r c h ip s , p re tz e ls , g u m m y b e a r s , e tc .," s h e s a y s . T o m a k e th e g ra n o la , to s s o a tm e a l w ith y o u r c h o ic e o f s p ic e s , h o n e y a n d o il. L a y m ix tu re o n a c o o k ie s h e e t a n d to a s t o n th e lo w e s t h e a t p o s s ib le (u s u a lly 1 5 0 o r 2 0 0 F ). Y o u c a n a d d s u g a r to th e g ra n o la , b u t b e c a re fu l to n o t a d d to o m u c h , a s it c a n m a k e it h a rd . P a re n ts c a n a ls o s u b s titu te th e s u g a r w ith a g a v e o r m a p le s y ru p . M ix th e g ra n o la w ith th e ta s ty tre a ts . T a k e w h ite p a rc h m e n t p a p e r a n d d ra w tw o e y e s . P la c e a s c o o p o f th e g o rp in to th e o p p o s ite s id e o f th e p a p e r a n d tie u p to p fo r s p o o k y g o rp . An o t h e r o f C h e f M e n c k ' s f a v o r i t e tre a ts is d rie d fru it ro ll-u p s w ra p p e d to lo o k lik e c a n d y . S h e re c o m m e n d s u s in g lo c a l, s e a s o n a l fru it. " W e a lw a y s g o a p p le -p ic k in g in th e fa ll a n d c o m e b a c k w ith m o re th a n w e n e e d ; a n d s o w e c re a te d r ie d a p p le tr e a ts ." C u t a n d p e e l th e a p p le s o r fru it o f y o u r c h o ic e in to h a lfin c h s lic e s . T h e n m ix w ith s p ic e s o f y o u r c h o o s in g , s u c h a s c in n a m o n , n u tm e g , b ro w n s u g a r, e tc . " M a k e it a ta c tile e x p e rie n c e fo r y o u r k id s a n d a llo w th e m to m ix a ll th e in g re d ie n ts to g e th e r, m a y b e e v e n w ith th e ir h a n d s ," s h e s a y s . L a y th e a p p le s o n a n o ile d c o o k ie s h e e t, tu rn y o u r o v e n o n to th e lo w e s t s e ttin g a n d s lo w b a k e u n til d e h y d ra te d (a b o u t 4 5 to 9 0 m in u te s , d e p e n d in g o n p re fe re n c e ). T a k e c o lo rfu l tis s u e p a p e r o r H a llo w e e n -th e m e d p a p e r a n d p la c e u n d e r p a rc h m e n t p a p e r. O n c e th e fru it is d e h y d ra te d , p la c e a s m a ll a m o u n t o f th e fru it o n a 4 -b y 4 -in c h p a rc h m e n t p a p e r. T h e n ro ll a n d tw is t th e e n d s to lo o k lik e a c a n d y w ra p -

p e r a n d tie th e e n d s . Y o u c a n a ls o u s e d e h y d ra te d b e rrie s lik e c ra n b e rrie s fo r th e fru it ro ll-u p c a n d y . " F o r a c re e p ie r s p in o n y o u r H a lloween treats, I recommend truf e eyeb a lls to liv e n u p a k id s ' p a r ty ," s a y s th e c h e f . Al l y o u n e e d i s 8 o u n c e s o f s e m i s w e e t c h o c o la te , 1 /2 c u p o f h e a v y w h ip -

p in g c re a m a n d 2 ta b le s p o o n s o f u n s a lte d b u tte r. H e a t th e c re a m , p o u r o v e r th e c h o c o la te , a n d w h is k in th e b u tte r u n til n ic e a n d s m o o th . P o u r th e m ix tu re in a p a n a n d c h ill fo r 2 h o u rs , o r o v e rn ig h t -just long enough to firm it. You can avor with anyth in g lik e v a n illa , p e a n u t b u tte r o r fru it p u re e . T h e n ta k e a n ic e c re a m s c o o p o r h a v e th e k id s h e lp b y ro llin g th e m ix tu re in to s m a ll b a lls w ith th e ir h a n d s ; ro ll th e b a lls in p o w d e re d s u g a r. T o p o ff w ith a c h o c o la te c a n d y a n d th e n ta k e re d , e d ib le w ritin g g e l to m a k e s q u ig g ly lin e s . ❚ (Source: BPT) Get SLW Kitchen articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30

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Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30

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Bringing a World of Music to Rockford It’s November, and the Season Continues!

Friday, November 1, 2013 at 7:30 pm

“Piper Road”

Saturday, November 16, 2013 at 7:30 pm “Mendelssohn Artist Series”

Food by Altamore • Beverages by Kryptonite $20/Advance, $25/at the Door Mendelssohn Hall, 406 North Main St.

$20/Adults, $10/Students Mendelssohn Hall, 406 North Main St.

Nannette Felix and Jacques St. Cyr

40th Celebration/CD Release Party

Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 5:30 pm “Jazz at Emerson”

Friday, November 8, 2013 at 7:30 pm

“Dion, Roy & the Boys”

$10 at the Door, $5 Students and Seniors Emerson Auditorium, 415 North Church St.

Friday, November 8, 2013 at 7:00 pm “Learn to Tango”

Jacques St. Cyr and Maria Costello $14/Couple, $10/Single Mendelssohn Hall, 406 North Main St.

Sunday, November 10, 2013 at 2:00 pm Mendelssohn Mainstage Series

“Ann Hobson-Pilot and Tai Murray” $25/Adults, $10/Students Mendelssohn Hall, 406 North Main St.

The Jodi Beach Trio

Thursday, November 14, 2013 at 5:30 pm $15/Adults, $10/Students “Music on Main. . . Classically Inspired” Emerson House, 420 North Main St.

Ron Rawhoof, Guitar

$15/Adults, $10/Students Emerson House, 420 North Main St.

Saturday, November 23, 2013 at 7:30 pm “Charlotte’s Web Troubadour Series”

Friday, November 15, 2013 at 7:30 pm “Charlotte’s Web Mainstage Series”

$15/Adults, $10/Students Emerson House, 420 North Main St.

Montana Skies

$20/Adults, $10/Students Mendelssohn Hall, 406 North Main St.

Vance Gilbert

Best Wishes to Everyone for a Very Happy Thanksgiving!

Mendelssohn Performing Arts Center

406 North Main Street, Rockford • 815-964-9713 • •



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30




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Authorized DIRECTV Dealer | Se Habla Español Offers end 11/26/13. Credit card required (except in MA & PA). New approved customers only (lease required). $19.95 Handling & Delivery fee may apply. Applicable use tax adjustment may apply on the retail value of the installation. Programming, pricing and offers are subject to change and may vary in certain markets. *BILL CREDIT/PROGRAMMING OFFER: IF BY THE END OF PROMOTIONAL PRICE PERIOD(S) CUSTOMER DOES NOT CONTACT DIRECTV TO CHANGE SERVICE THEN ALL SERVICES WILL AUTOMATICALLY CONTINUE AT THE THEN-PREVAILING RATES. LIMIT ONE PROGRAMMING OFFER PER ACCOUNT. Featured package/service names and current prices: ENTERTAINMENT Package $54.99/mo; CHOICE $64.99/mo.; Advanced Receiver fee $25/mo. In certain markets, a $3/mo. Regional Sports fee will be assessed with CHOICE Package or above and MÁS ULTRA Package or above. Prices include the following instant bill credits for 12 months: $30 for ENTERTAINMENT Package and $35 for CHOICE Package. †$10 CREDIT OFFER: To receive the $10 bill credit for 24 months on your Advanced Receiver fee (required for Genie HD DVR or HD DVR lease), customer must, at point of sale, provide a valid email address and activate and maintain the ENTERTAINMENT Package or ÓPTIMO MÁS Package or above, Auto Bill Pay and Paperless Billing. °2013 NFL SUNDAY TICKET OFFER: Package consists of all out-of-market NFL games (based on customer’s service address) broadcast on FOX and CBS. Games available via remote viewing based on device location. Local broadcasts are subject to blackout rules. Other conditions apply. 2013 NFL SUNDAY TICKET regular full-season retail price is $224.95. 2013 NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX regular full-season retail price is $299.95. Customers activating CHOICE Package or above or MÁS ULTRA Package or above will be automatically enrolled in the 2013 season of NFL SUNDAY TICKET at no additional cost and will receive a free upgrade to NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX for the 2013 season. NFL SUNDAY TICKET subscription will automatically continue each season at special renewal rate unless customer calls to cancel prior to start of season. To renew NFL SUNDAY TICKET MAX, customer must call to upgrade after the 2013 season. Subscription cannot be canceled (in part or in whole) after the start of the season and subscription fee cannot be refunded. Only one game may be accessed remotely at any given time. Online access is only available on certain operating systems. Computer hardware, software, and Internet connection not included. Mobile access only available on certain devices. Additional data charges may apply. Please check with your service provider. Visit for a list of system requirements and compatible mobile devices. Short Cuts are available from midnight Sunday ET through midnight Tuesday ET. For full Mix Channel and interactive functionality, a D10 (or later model) interactive DIRECTV Receiver is required. Account must be in “good standing” as determined by DIRECTV in its sole discretion to remain eligible for all offers. **24-MONTH AGREEMENT: EARLY CANCELLATION WILL RESULT IN A FEE OF $20/MONTH FOR EACH REMAINING MONTH. Must maintain 24 consecutive months of any DIRECTV base programming package ($29.99/mo. or above) or any qualifying international service bundle. Advanced Receiver-DVR fee ($10/mo.) required for DVR lease. Advanced Receiver-HD fee ($10/mo.) required for HD Receiver lease. Advanced Receiver fee ($25/mo.) required for Genie HD DVR, HD DVR and TiVo HD DVR from DIRECTV lease. TiVo service fee ($5/mo.) required for TiVo HD DVR from DIRECTV lease. If you have two receivers and/or one receiver and a Genie Mini Client/Enabled TV/Device, the fee is $6/mo. For the third and each additional receiver and/or Genie Mini Client/Enabled TV/Device on your account, you are charged an additional fee of $6/mo. per receiver, Genie Mini Client and/or Enabled TV/Device. NON-ACTIVATION CHARGE OF $150 PER RECEIVER MAY APPLY. ALL EQUIPMENT (EXCLUDING GENIEGO DEVICE) IS LEASED AND MUST BE RETURNED TO DIRECTV UPON CANCELLATION, OR UNRETURNED EQUIPMENT FEES APPLY. VISIT OR CALL 1-800-DIRECTV FOR DETAILS. ^GENIE HD DVR UPGRADE OFFER: Includes instant rebates on one Genie HD DVR and up to three Genie Mini Clients with activation of the ENTERTAINMENT Package or above; ÓPTIMO MÁS Package or above; or any qualifying international service bundle, which shall include the PREFERRED CHOICE programming package. Free upgrade offer requires a Genie HD DVR and at least one Genie Mini Client. $99 fee applies for single-room setup. Whole-Home HD DVR functionality requires a Genie HD DVR connected to the primary television and a Genie Mini Client, H25 HD Receiver(s) or an RVU-capable TV/Device in each additional room. Limit of three remote viewings per Genie HD DVR at a time. Visit for complete details. INSTALLATION: Standard professional installation in up to four rooms only. Custom installation extra. To access DIRECTV HD programming, HD equipment required. Number of HD channels based on package selection. Programming, pricing, terms and conditions subject to change at any time. Pricing residential. Taxes not included. Receipt of DIRECTV programming subject to DIRECTV Customer Agreement; copy provided at and in order Living Weekly Oct. 30 confirmation. NFL, the NFL Shield design and the NFL SUNDAY TICKET name and logo are registered trademarks of the NFL and its affiliates. NFL team names and uniform designs are registered trademarks of the teams indicated. NFL:Smart AP Photo. ©2013 DIRECTV. DIRECTV and the Cyclone Design logo, CHOICE and GENIE are trademarks23 of DIRECTV, LLC. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.


Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30

Y H

Chiropractic Care May Help With Many Issues


By Jim Killam

h iro p ra c tic c a re h a s b e e n w id e ly re c o g n iz e d fo r y e a rs a s h e lp fu l in tre a tin g n e c k a n d lo w e r b a c k p a in . B u t th e re ’s a ls o a m o re m y s te rio u s s id e , w h e re p a tie n ts s o m e tim e s g e t re lie f fro m s e e m in g ly u n re la te d a ilm e n ts . D r. R o b e rt H e it o f H e it H e a lth C e n te r, 7 4 4 5 E . S ta te S t., R o c k f o r d , s a y s h e s e e s it a ll th e tim e . “ W e h a v e p a tie n ts th a t w ill h a v e in d ig e s tio n ,” h e s a y s . “ T h e y w ill h a v e s e n s it i v i t i e s t o c e r t a i n k i n d s o f f o o d . An d t h e y d id n ’t c o m e fo r th a t. M a y b e th e y c a m e fo r m i d d l e b a c k p a i n o r l o w e r b a c k p a i n . An d w e ’ll s ta rt w o rk in g o n th e m . T h e y ’ll c o m e b a c k a n d s a y , ‘I d o n ’t h a v e p ro b le m s e a tin g o n io n s a n y m o re . I d o n ’t h a v e p ro b le m s e a tin g th is o r th a t a n y m o r e .’ “ It’s ju s t a m a z in g . T h e y ’ll c o m e b a c k a n d th e y ’ll s a y , ‘Is th is ju s t in m y h e a d , o r is th e re s o m e th in g to th is ? ’ W e ’ll s a y , ‘ N o , th e r e ’s s o m e th in g to it.’ B u t w e

c a n ’t p ro m is e th a t to s o m e b o d y , b e c a u s e it d o e s n ’t w o rk fo r e v e ry b o d y th e e x a c t s a m e w a y .” N e rv e s fro m th e s p in e ru n to e v e ry p a rt o f th e b o d y . W h a t’s h a p p e n in g , H e it b e lie v e s , is th a t w h e n th e s p in e is m is a lig n e d , th e a s s o c ia te d n e rv e s a re n ’t fu n c tio n in g c o rre c tly , e ith e r. T h a t c a n trig g e r a lle rg ie s , s in u s p ro b le m s a n d o th e r g la n d u la r is s u e s , d e p e n d in g o n th e lo c a tio n o f th e m is a lig n m e n t. W h e n a c h iro p ra c to r a d ju s ts a n d c o rre c ts th e s p in e , n e rv e is s u e s m a y b e c o rre c te d a s w e ll. “ P e o p le w h o g e t a d ju s te d re g u la rly in th e ir u p p e r n e c k , a n d h a v e h a d s in u s is s u e s , te ll u s th a t th e ir s in u s p ro b le m s a re to n s b e tte r w h e n th e y g e t a d ju s te d re g u la r ly ,” h e s a y s . “ S o u n f o r tu n a te ly , it’s n o t s o m e th in g th a t w e c a n a d ju s t o r ta k e c a re o f a n d th e n it’s ju s t g o o d f o r e v e r.” T h e fre q u e n c y o f n e e d in g a d ju s tm e n ts w ill v a ry fro m p a tie n t to p a tie n t,

d e p e n d in g o n w e a k n e s s e s in th e b o d m a y e v e n b e g e n e tic . S o m e s tu d ie s h a v e lin k e d n e c k m e n t to c o n d itio n s lik e d iz z in e s s , v a n d s in u s p ro b le m s , H e it s a y s . H e th a t p a tie n ts w ith g a s tro in te s tin a l le m s , s u c h a s irrita b le b o w e l s y n d s o m e tim e s s e e re lie f a fte r c h iro p c a re , to o . ❚

y th a t a lig n e rtig o a d d s p ro b ro m e , ra c tic

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Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30

Y F

LOLTOS Spirited Ghost Tours Oct. 30 & Oct. 31, 7-9 p.m. Experience firsthand accounts of unexplained noises, scents and sightings within the historic Coronado Theatre, during this tour given by LOLTOS (Land of Lincoln Theatre Organ Society). For more information call the Coronado Box Office at (815) 968.0595. Reservations required. Paranormal Night II: The Manny Mansion Oct. 31, 7-9 p.m. Explore the history and current state of the Manny Mansion at Burpee Museum. All ages; children must be accompanied by an adult. Registration must be made through Haunted Rockford. Burpee Museum, Rockford, RCCA: Yamato, The Drummers of Japan Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m. The players of Japan’s traditional Wadaiko drums put their very souls into the unusual instruments whose sounds stir the hearts of people everywhere. CPAC, Rockford, Midway Village Book Fair Nov. 2, 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Head out to the Cherry Vale Mall Barnes & Noble Bookstore to support the Midway Village Museum, as a percentage of each net sale will be given to the museum. Midway Village personnnel will also have an informational booth where you can register to win a gift basket. For more details contact Deb Nau at (815) 397-9112 or El Día De Los Muertos Nov. 2, 2-4 p.m. A celebration of El Día De Los Muertos, “the day of the dead,” to honor our deceased with music and an altar of remembrances. If you’ve never experienced it, come learn about this annual event. All Ages. Info: Event: Sullivan Center, Rockford. “A Deadly Dinner at the Vineyard” Nov. 2, 6-9 p.m. Take part in a mystery set in 1933 at “The Cellars.” $49.95; dinner catered by Fried Green Tomatos. Reservations required: (800) 397-9463, murder-mystery. Galena Cellars Vineyard & Winery, 4746 N. Ford Road, Galena, Ill. Fever River Railroad Fall Open House Nov. 2-3, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Operating model railroads and memorabilia, including the fully operational HO-scale model Fever River Railroad, one of the largest club-based model railroad layouts in the Midwest. 1055 W. Beach St., Freeport, (815) 239-2354,

Yamato, The Drummers of Japan, perform at Coronado Performing Arts Center Nov. 1, at 7:30 p.m.

Smashing Pumpkins! Nov. 3, 1-4 p.m. Calling all jack-o-lanterns! Unwanted pumpkins become parking lot projectiles when flung from a giant trebuchet! Bring your used pumpkin, create a catapult, celebrate the harvest and have a smashing goodtime. Included with Discovery Center admission. 711 N. Main Street, Rockford. For more information, call (815) 972-2839. “The Story of India (Bharat Maaki Kahaani)” Nov. 5, 6 p.m. Performance in English of a Hindi poem authored by Professor Kanwal Prashar, originally performed at Rock Valley College in 1986 for the India Association, telling the story of the history of Indian civilization. First Tuesday Lecture Series. Student Center Atrium, RVC, Antique & Craft Fair Nov. 9, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Crafts, antiques, bake sale, food sale. Trinity United Methodist Church, 2600 W. Pearl City Road, Freeport, (815) 233-0057. Scraps to Sculpture Nov. 9, 2-4 p.m. Take a look at the wooden sculptures and artwork in the Freeport Art Museum, then use wood sraps to make your own inspired piece! RSO: Love of Nature Nov. 9, 7:30 p.m. Stephen Larson, conductor; Jesse Parker, piano. Heitzeg: Aqua (Homage to Jacques Cousteau); d’Indy: Symphony on a French Mountain Air; Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 in F major (Pastorale). CPAC, Rockford. (815) 965-0049, rockfordsymphony. com. ❚

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Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30

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2nd Cousins Bar & Grill, 6246 E. Riverside Blvd., Loves Park, (815) 637-2660: 10/30, 11/6 & 11/13 DJ Aaron Hodge; 10/31, 11/7 & 11/14 DJ Sandy Monster; 11/8 Smokin Gunz; 11/15 County Line; 11/29 Southern Charm; 12/6 Sons of Many B’s w/Guest Stroker Red, all 9 p.m.

Murphy’s Pub & Grill, 501 S. Perryville, Rkfd., (815) 986-0950: 10/30, 11/6 & 11/13 DJ Sandy Monster; 10/31, 11/7 & 11/14 DJ Aaron Hodge; 11/1 Diamond Hitch; 11/2 Frankie Bones / JES-ONE / The House Junkie; 11/8, 11/15, & 11/22 DJ JES-ONE, all 9 p.m.

Big Al’s, 610 N. Bell School Road, Rkfd., (815) 398-6411: 11/15 The Sensations; 11/16 Clutch Cargo, all 9 p.m.

Poison Ivy, 5765 Elevator Road, Roscoe, (815) 623-1480: Live DJ Fri. & Sat. 9 p.m.

Butterfly Club, 5246 E. County Road X, Beloit, (608) 362-8577: Fri. & Sat. First 2 Weekends of Month: Mike Williamson; Third Fri.: Mike Williamson; Third Sat. & Fourth Fri. & Sat. Phil Ramsey, all 7 p.m.

Rascal’s Bar & Grill, 5223 Torque Road, Loves Park, (815) 636-9207: 11/2 Big Daddy Woo Woo; 11/9 Radio Stars; 11/16 Vintage Vinyl; 11/21 3 Good Men; 11/23 Men of Our Times; 11/30 No Dice, all 9 p.m.

Cannova’s, 1101 W. Empire, Freeport, (815) 233-0032: Live Pianist Fri. & Sat. 6-9 p.m.

Restoration Café, 625 W. State, Rkfd., (815) 977-4361: 11/1 Undivided Heart, 6 p.m.

Coronado Performing Arts Center, 314 N. Main St., Rkfd.: 11/1 RCCA: Yamato, The Drummers of Japan, 7:30 p.m.; 11/5 Engelbert Humperdinck, 7:30 p.m.; 11/9 RSO: Love of Nature, 7:30 p.m. Call (815) 968-0595,

Rockton Inn, 102 E. Main St., Rockton, (815) 624-8877: Thu. Harlan Jefferson, 7 p.m.; Fri. & Sat. DJ Ron Schoepfer, 8 p.m.; First Fri. of month Dirtee Sheetz, 8:30 p.m.; 2nd Fri. of month Ken Curtis 7 p.m.

District Bar & Grill, 205 W. State, Rkfd., (815) 977-4524: 11/1 Na Palm; 11/2 The Personnel; 11/8 Unity the Band, all 10 p.m.

Shooters (inside Don Carter Lanes), 4007 E. State St., Rkfd., (815) 399-0314: Live Band Sat., 9 p.m.

Hope and Anchor, 5040 N. 2nd, Loves Park, (815) 977-8585: 11/1 Harlan Jefferson; 11/2 Meet the Beetles, 8 p.m. JustGoods Listening Room, 201 7th St., Rockford, (815) 965-8903: 11/1 Frank Calvagna & Joey Irving; 11/8 Song Sister; 11/15 Merv Collins & Nic Juric all 7 p.m. Jax Pub, 4160 North Perryville Rd. Loves Park, (815) 877-0600: Wed., Fri., Sat., Music w/Special Guest. Kryptonite, 308 W. State, Rkfd., (815) 9650931: 11/2 Mutts, 10 p.m.; 11/8 Matthew Ed Stillman / The Sons of Many B’s, 10 p.m.; 11/9 Bring Your Ray Gun, 8 p.m. Mary’s Place, 602 N. Madison, Rkfd., (815) 962-7944: 11/1 My God, the Heat; 11/2 Hilly Jones; 11/8 Henhouse Prowlers; 11/9 Daddy’s Got a New .45; 11/15 Mana Kintorso; 11/16 On My Six w/Clean Mary, all 9:30 p.m. Oscars Pub & Grill, 5980 East State St., Rkfd., 815-399-6100: Wed., Fri., Sat., Music w/Special Guest.

Shooters East (inside Cherry Bowl), 7171 Cherryvale Blvd., (815) 332-5229: 11/1 Southern Charm; 11/2 Pentatonics; 11/8 The Steve Stapler Band; 11/9 Bad Indication, all 9 p.m. Shooters North (inside Forest Hills Lanes), 7742 Forest Hills Road, Loves Park, (815) 654-3900: Live Band Sat. ❚

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30



Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30

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Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30

Y M

Charting a Path Toward Financial Success A

strong credit profile can help you to qualify for credit at the lowest rates possible. Yet consumers often wait until they need credit to think about their credit situation. In fact, 62 percent of people have not reviewed their reports in the past year, according to the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. Understanding how to build credit and how to use it responsibly helps consumers make decisions that lead to financial success. And making responsible decisions that can help you chart a path toward a successful financial future is easier when you’re well informed. Free tools from sources such as the American Bankers Association, National Foundation for Credit Counseling and Wells Fargo’s free, online Hands-on Banking program can help consumers of all ages increase their credit know-how. These five tips can help you take control of your finances, manage your money and build a stronger credit history.

1. Check your credit report. Once a year, consumers can request a free credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies - Equifax, Experian and Transunion - by going to or calling (877) 3228228. Review the reports carefully and correct any errors. 2. Understand the factors that affect your credit. By understanding what impacts your score, you may be able to improve it. 3. Raise your credit score. Managing your credit responsibly over time is one of the best ways to build, maintain and improve your credit score. 4. Create and monitor your budget. A budget gives you more control over your finances and helps you eliminate unnecessary expenses. 5. Know what lenders look for. When consumers apply for a loan, lenders assess their credit risk based on a number of factors, often called the Five Cs of Credit:

Wells Fargo offers a variety of free tools designed to help individuals at any life stage learn ways to manage their finances more responsibly. For more information and resources about how to use credit sensibly to achieve financial goals, ❚ (Source: BPT) Get SLW Money articles every week. Visit and start your E-Edition today.

Smart Living Weekly

Oct. 30


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