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Right in Our Region
Rockford Art Museum Invites You to Explore By Jon McGinty
Continued on p. 20
e-Edition GRAND PRIZE TRIP: You Could Travel Here for FREE ... Grand Prize Trip Courtesy of
t Living r a m S t Ge tion ’s e-Edi y l k e e W
Continued on p. 20 Continued Lindstrom on p. 20
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Smart Living Weekly
Issue 1
Smart Living Weekly
Sept. 4
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Nov 6
Smart Living Weekly
Oct. 30
In This Issue Right in Our Region: Rockford Art Museum’s 100th....Cover & p. 20 Your Home Holiday Home Preparation ........................ 11 Inspiration & Worship ..............................12 Your Kitchen Cooking With the Kids ................................15 . Your Style Build an Affordable, Beautiful Wardrobe ...17 Your Health When Trouble is Afoot .................................25 Your Fun .....................................................27 . On the Town ..............................................29 Your Money Drafty Windows Cost Money ......................33 Tips Understanding Assisted Living....................31
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Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
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Smart Living Weekly
Oct. 30
Steps to Prep Your Home For the Holidays
here’s something ab out the hol iday season that mak es gathering with f amil y and f riends f eel ex tra spec ial . B ut b etween the c ook ing, dec orating and shopping, preparing f or the hol idays c an b e overwhel ming. T o reduc e stress and stay organiz ed, mak e a l ist of al l the task s you need to c ompl ete around the house, and appl y a deadl ine f or eac h proj ec t. T his wil l hel p you prioritiz e and stay on sc hedul e, el iminating any l ast- minute sc ramb l es. O f c ourse, there are standard househol d c hores l ik e vac uuming, window wiping and c ounter c l eaning, b ut don’t f orget to c onsider these other hol iday prep proj ec ts that may not b e on your l ist. 1 . C l ean th e O v en. T he oven is the heart of any k itc hen, so it’s espec ial l y important to c l ean it to prevent ex c ess smok e and other k itc hen haz ards. D on’t c reate additional prob l ems b y using a c l eaner with smel l y f umes. R ather, opt f or a q uic k , easy- to- use produc t l ik e G oo G one O ven & G ril l C l eaner, a surf ac e-
saf e al ternative to general oven c l eaners that does the work f or you. L ook f or it at your l oc al retail er or purc hase it onl ine at www. googone. c om. 2 . C l ear th e F ridg e. C reate spac e in your f ridge and throw out any ex pired produc ts, mak ing room f or your hol iday menu items and any unex pec ted dishes that guests may b ring. 3 . F resh en th e C arpet. R egul ar vac uuming wil l hel p el iminate surf ac e dirt and pet hair, b ut it won’t el iminate set- in stains and ground- in grime. D epending on b udget and time, you c an either rent a c arpet deep c l eaner or hire a prof essional to c l ean the c arpeted rooms of your home prior to hosting your b ig hol iday event. 4 . E m pty a C l oset. N o one wants to wear a wrink l ed c oat home f rom a party. I nstead of tossing guests’ c oats in a b edroom, maintain your privac y and c l ear out a c l oset near an entry, where guests c an hang their c oats whil e visiting. 5 . S tock E x tra T oil etries. F or overnight guests, provide ex tra toil etries they
may have f orgotten, l ik e travel - siz e shampoo, soap, l otion, shaving c ream, toothpaste, a toothb rush and c otton swab s. With these tips, some time and a b it of advanc ed pl anning, your home wil l b e hol iday- ready, l eaving you stress- f ree to enj oy the most wonderf ul time of the year with those you l ove. ❚ Get SLW Home & Garden articles every week. Visit NWQSmartLiving.com and start your E-Edition today.
t E L L T . m . d e O ; i
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Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Get SLW Inspiration & Worship articles every week. Visit NWQSmartLiving.com and start your E-Edition today. 12
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Three Easy Tips for Cooking with Kids
ow that temperatures have started to drop, k eeping k ids ac tive c an b e a dif ficult task Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do in your own home to keep children engaged and help limit their video game and T V time. C ook ing together reinf orc es math, sc ienc e and reading c omprehension skills, and builds great memories. 1 . E stab l ish G ood Hab its. T eac h k ids to wash their hands b ef ore, during and af ter cooking. Kid-friendly tools, like a small step stool or high-tech faucet, can help make reinforcing these habits even easier. Let your little sous-chefs know that they should wash their hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds, by helping them count or singing the Happy irthday song twice. Remember to set a good example by washing your own hands before and after eating and during the c ook ing proc ess, as needed. 2 . Dif f erent S tag es f or Dif f erent A g es. Understanding which tasks your child is capable of doing is important. Children under years old en oy observ-
ing how recipes are compiled and can help out with small tasks like setting the table, while school-age children can strengthen their math skills as they help combine ingredients f or rec ipes and prac tic e c ook ing basics, like cracking an egg. T his stage is a great time to introduc e the importanc e of c hoosing nutritious ingredients for everyday cooking, which can help lay the groundwork for a healthy lifestyle. Tap teenagers for help by encouraging them to choose the menu or explore new and ex c iting c uisine. 3 . T im ing is E v ery th ing . A voiding a tight schedule is important. Instead of involving children in the dinner rush, enlist their help on a weekend afternoon when there s plenty of time for uestions, experiments or careful demonstrations. Choose a time when everyone is well-rested and not easily frustrated. Plan ahead when deciding what recipe you will cook together. For younger kids, consider starting with a simple dish that has
fewer than five ingredients, like a fruit salad or an easy muffin recipe. A pi a assembly line allows children to show their creativity by choosing their own mini-crusts, sauces, c heese and toppings. ❚ (Source: BPT) Get SLW Kitche articles every week. Visit NWQSmartLiving.com and start your E-Edition today.
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Affordable Fashion Tips for Dressing Your Best W
ith eac h new season c omes the f amil iar urge to shop and stoc k up on the l atest f ashion trends. I t c an b e to get everything you want, however, without b reak ing the b ank . S o, how do you do it on a b udget? T he f ashion ex perts at H anes of f er some tips and tric k s: S tart with th e B asics. S el ec t a f ew stapl e piec es that c an b e mix ed and matc hed with other items in your c l oset. T hink b l ac k and grey penc il sk irts paired with white, grey and b l ac k tops. T hese timel ess and traditional b asic s c an b e mix ed and matc hed with pants, c ardigans, sweaters, sc arves and other ac c essories, giving you endl ess possib il ities for building outflts. ake sure your staple pieces are made well, flt well and feel c omf ortab l e, so you’l l ac tual l y use them. For an elegant flnish to your look, add styl ish l egwear f rom H anes. Whether you’re l ook ing f or a sil k y sheer nude or a seasonl ess b l ac k tight, H anes of f ers a variety of styl es that of f er a c omf ort-
able flt, for all body types, at an affordab l e pric e. P erf ec t f or year- round wear, H anes l egwear worn with a dress, sk irt or even shorts c an real l y el evate your l ook . P air them with c hic , high- heel ed b oots or pumps to b e ul tra on- trend this season. I f you pl an on sporting c hunk y, l ug- sol ed shoes or b oots, go f or H anes’ opaq ue tights, whic h provide heavier c overage. A l way s A ccessoriz e. T he ul timate ac c essory worth a l ittl e spl urge is al ways the handb ag. F il l ed with your dail y musthaves, handb ags are b oth f unc tional and splurge-worthy. ake sure to invest in a b ag that’s designed to l ast. T he l atest l ook in handb ags is a struc tured b ag with an O l d H ol l ywood f eel inspired b y ic ons of the S il ver S c reen. S hiny metal c hains, c l asps and handl es are al l the rage. S el ec t a c ol or that c ompl ements your everyday wardrob e. T he k ey to b uil ding a great wardrob e is k eeping it updated with a f ew af f ordab l e trendsetting piec es eac h season. B ut
b ef ore you go shopping, sort through your c l othes to determine what stil l work s and what shoul d b e given away to c harity or sol d at your f avorite c onsignment store. A f ter al l , any money earned on things you no l onger need c an b e reinvested in new f ashions to k eep you l ook ing and f eel ing your b est. ❚ (Source: F a m i l y F ea t ures ) Get SLW Style articles every week. Visit NWQSmartLiving.com and start your E-Edition today.
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
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Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Smart Living Weekly
Oct. 30
Achy Knees? Try Checking Your Feet, First
By Jim Killam
hen a person’s knees begin to ache regularly, the culprits often are their feet, says Dr. Robert Heit of Heit Health Center, 7445 E. State St., Rockford. “The foot foundation can have a huge impact on your knee,” Heit says. “We look at the arch and the biomechanics of the foot, because so many people need to be in orthotics, or in foot supports.” That’s because if the foot is not properly supported – and especially if the arch has fallen or is misaligned – then that changes the alignment of the tibia and fibula (the lower leg bones). Those bones, in turn, put improper pressure on the knee ligaments, and may even misalign the kneecap. Over time, Heit says, all of that misalignment produces achy, unstable knees.
That’s not to say that lower back problems don’t also contribute to knee problems, Heit adds. It’s just not the most common cause. “If someone has knee issues, the first thing to do is to look at your feet,” he says. “If you have a back issue along with it, then obviously that’s a part, too. So if somebody has knee problems, and they’ve got lower back problems as well, they need to come see a chiropractor without any hesitation. “If there aren’t a lot of lower back issues, but the person has knee issues, I would look toward the feet and have that patient try to sense whether they have flat feet.” That’s where orthotic shoe inserts can make a world of difference by improving a person’s foundation, he says. Once that’s corrected, physical ther-
apy or other rehab can help strengthen muscles around the knees, including the vastis medialis oblique, which helps hold the kneecap in place. “Even a short realm of physical rehab would let us educate them on how to strengthen that,” Heit adds. ❚ Get SLW Health articles every week. Visit NWQSmartLiving.com and start your E-Edition today.
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
“The Story of India (Bharat Maaki Kahaani)” Nov. 5, 6 p.m. Performance in English of a Hindi poem authored by Professor Kanwal Prashar, originally performed at Rock Valley College in 1986 for the India Association, telling the story of the history of Indian civilization. First Tuesday Lecture Series. Student Center Atrium, RVC, rockvalley.edu. IceHogs at BMO Harris Bank Center Nov. 8 & 9. 7 p.m. Cheer on the Rockford IceHogs at these back-to-back games against the Iowa Wild. This will be the first time in franchise history that the IceHogs take on the Wild. Get tickets by calling (815) 968-5222 or going to any Ticketmaster location or the BMO Harris Bank Center Box Office. Antique & Craft Fair in Freeport Nov. 9, 9 a.m. -2 p.m. Crafts, antiques, bake sale, food sale. Trinity United Methodist Church, 2600 W. Pearl City Road, Freeport, (815) 233-0057. Botany Lab: Splendid Spices Nov. 9, 10:30 to noon. Learn about the wide world of spices and herbs and plant your own herb garden to take home! Pre-registration is required. Call (815) 987-8858 or visit Rockfordparkdistrict.org to register. Nicholas Conservatory & Gardens, 1354 N. 2nd St. Scraps to Sculpture Nov. 9, 2-4 p.m. Take a look at the wooden sculptures and artworks in the Freeport Art Museum, and then use wood sraps to make your own inspired piece! freeportartmuseum.org. RSO: Love of Nature Nov. 9, 7:30 p.m. Steve Larsen, conductor; Jesse Parker, piano. Heitzeg: Aqua (Homage to Jacques Cousteau); d’Indy: Symphony on a French Mountain Air; Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 in F major (Pastorale). Coronado Performing Arts Center, Rockford. Tickets: (815) 965-0049, rockfordsymphony.com. Harpist Ann Hobson Pilot and Violinist Tai Murray Nov. 10, 2-3:30 p.m. An amazing collaboration between two critically acclaimed musicians: Harpist Ann Hobson Pilot and Violinist Tai Murray. Now retired, Pilot was Boston Symphony Orchestra’s principal harpist. Mendelssohn Hall, 406 N. Main St. (815) 964-9713. Musica Maxima: Music from Paris Nov. 10, 3 p.m. First Congregational Church
Watch player Jimmy Hayes in action at the Rockford IceHogs vs. Iowa Wild game Nov. 8 & 9, 7 p.m.
of Beloit’s Musica Maxima Series presents “Music from Paris.” Music from the late Romantic/early Modern era of Paris will be performed, including piano works by Debussy, played by Johanna Baldwin, and organ works by Franck, Vierne and Tournemire, played by Max Yount. Great Gardens of Japan: A Pictorial Tour Nov. 14, 7-8 p.m. Attendees will be taken through this pictorial journey by Anderson Gardens docent Janet Heuer. Presented from a historical perspective, Heuer will provide background on gardens in Japan and how they have evolved into the modern gardens existing today. Anderson Japanese Gardens. 318 Spring Creek Road, Rockford. (815) 316-3307. Live Music with Ken Curtis Nov. 15. 7-10 p.m. Sit back and enjoy a glass of wine at Northleaf Winery while listening to Ken Curtis’ folk and rock & blues performance. 232 S. Janesville St., Milton, Wis. northleafwinery.com. Brad Paisley at BMO Harris Bank Center Nov. 15, 7:30 p.m. Country music superstar Brad Paisley’s “Beat This Summer Tour 2013.” Special guests are Chris Young and Danielle Bradbery. This tour supports Paisley’s most recent album, “Wheelhouse.” Tickets can be purchased at the BMO Harris Bank Center or through Ticketmaster.com. ❚
Get the SLW Family Fun listing every week. Visit NWQSmartLiving.com and start your E-Edition today.
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
2nd Cousins Bar & Grill, 6246 E. Riverside Blvd., Loves Park, (815) 637-2660: 11/6, 11/7, 11/13 & 11/14 DJ Quick Mixin Nick; 11/9 & 11/16 DJ JES-ONE; 11/8 Smokin Gunz; 11/15 County Line; 11/29 Southern Charm; 12/6 Sons of Many B’s w/Guest Stroker Red, all 9 p.m. Big Al’s, 610 N. Bell School Road, Rkfd., (815) 398-6411: 11/15 The Sensations; 11/16 Clutch Cargo; 11/22 Classical Blast; 11/23 The Classix; 11/30 X51, all 9 p.m. Butterfly Club, 5246 E. County Road X, Beloit, (608) 362-8577: Fri. & Sat. First 2 Weekends of Month: Mike Williamson; Third Fri.: Mike Williamson; Third Sat. & Fourth Fri. & Sat. Phil Ramsey, all 7 p.m. Cannova’s, 1101 W. Empire, Freeport, (815) 233-0032: Live Pianist Fri. & Sat. 6-9 p.m. Coronado Performing Arts Center, 314 N. Main St., Rkfd.: 11/9 RSO: Love of Nature, 7:30 p.m.; 11/15 In the Mood 2 p.m. & 7 p.m.; 11/16 Cast of Impractical Jokers, 7:30 p.m.; 11/19 Buddy Valastro: TLC’s The Cake Boss Live! 7:30 p.m.; 11/22 Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, 8 p.m.; 11/23 1964: The Tribute, 8 p.m. Call (815) 968-0595, coronadopac.org. District Bar & Grill, 205 W. State, Rkfd., (815) 977-4524: 11/8 Unity the Band, 10 p.m.; 11/15 Jamie Campbell & The Redneck Romeos, 10 p.m.; 11/16 Sixteen Candles, 10 p.m.; 11/20 Wayland & Royal Bliss w/The Merkins; 11/23 Mike & Joe, 10 p.m.; 11/29 Hairbangers Ball, 10 p.m.; 11/30 Dueling Pianos, 8 p.m. JustGoods Listening Room, 201 7th St., Rockford, (815) 965-8903: 11/8 Song Sister; 11/15 Merv Collins & Nic Juric all 7 p.m. Jax Pub, 4160 North Perryville Rd. Loves Park, (815) 877-0600: Wed., Fri., Sat., Music w/Special Guest. Kryptonite, 308 W. State, Rkfd., (815) 9650931: 11/8 Matthew Ed Stillman / The Sons of Many B’s, 10 p.m.; 11/9 Bring Your Ray Gun, 8 p.m. Mary’s Place, 602 N. Madison, Rkfd., (815) 962-7944: 11/8 Henhouse Prowlers; 11/9 Daddy’s Got a New .45; 11/15 Mana Kintorso; 11/16 On My Six w/Clean Mary, all 9:30 p.m. Oscars Pub & Grill, 5980 East State St.,
Rkfd., 815-399-6100: Wed., Fri., Sat., Music w/Special Guest. Murphy’s Pub & Grill, 501 S. Perryville, Rkfd., (815) 986-0950: 11/6, 11/13 & 11/20 DJ Sandy Monster; 11/7, 11/14 & 11/21 DJ Aaron Hodge; 11/8, 11/15, & 11/22 DJ JESONE, all 9 p.m. Poison Ivy, 5765 Elevator Road, Roscoe, (815) 623-1480: Live DJ Fri. & Sat. 9 p.m. Rascal’s Bar & Grill, 5223 Torque Road, Loves Park, (815) 636-9207: 11/9 Radio Stars; 11/16 Vintage Vinyl; 11/21 3 Good Men; 11/23 Men of Our Times; 11/30 No Dice, all 9 p.m. Rockton Inn, 102 E. Main St., Rockton, (815) 624-8877: Thu. Harlan Jefferson, 7 p.m.; Fri. & Sat. DJ Ron Schoepfer, 8 p.m.; First Fri. of month Dirtee Sheetz, 8:30 p.m.; 2nd Fri. of month Ken Curtis 7 p.m. Shooters (inside Don Carter Lanes), 4007 E. State St., Rkfd., (815) 399-0314: Live Band Sat., 9 p.m. Shooters East (inside Cherry Bowl), 7171 Cherryvale Blvd., (815) 332-5229: 11/8 The Steve Stapler Band; 11/9 Bad Indication; 11/15 Missing Links; 11/16 Bullet, all 9 p.m. Shooters North (inside Forest Hills Lanes), 7742 Forest Hills Road, Loves Park, (815) 6543900: Live Band Sat. Splitters, 5318 N. 2nd St., Loves Park, (815) 877-6051: 11/8 Mr. Burgundy; 11/9 Dirty F i s h n e t Stockings; 11/15 Flight Risk. ❚
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Smart Living Weekly
Nov. 6
Smart Living Weekly
Oct. 30
Check Windows and Doors to Save on Utility Costs
ith temperatures dropping, now is a good time to improve your home’s energy efficiency. Drafty windows and doors can dramatically increase heating costs. That’s why it’s important to perform a walk-around now, to verify whether your windows are in working order or need replacement. The typical American household spends $2,200 a year on energy bills, with nearly half spent on heating and cooling costs, according to ENERGY STAR. Updating your home with more energyefficient window options can help protect your home from cold weather and save on costly repairs down the road. “Completing an annual home walkaround is a great way to check for potential maintenance needs and home improvements,” says Kathy Krafka Harkema, spokesperson for Pella Windows and Doors. “Look for leaks, feel for drafts, and replace or repair worn or broken items to help avoid more costly damage.”
How to Inspect Windows and Doors • Inspect interior and exterior finishes and the space around them. Is the paint or stain in good condition? Signs of flaking and peeling, or water stains, may mean that it’s time to refinish or replace the window or door. • Check windowsills and door tracks for dirt and debris, like sand, leaves, insects or pine needles that could hamper the operation and performance of windows and doors. Remove debris by gently sweeping out the area with a soft, dry brush and vacuuming. • Check weather stripping around windows and doors, reattaching or replacing loose or torn pieces. • Feel for uneven sliding and sticking when you open or close a window. Use a non-oily lubricant, like paraffin wax, on the opposing surfaces to help reduce sticking. • Replace broken or inoperable windows and doors with safer, more energyefficient ones. Those that do not open and
close easily could be a safety risk, especially in the event of a fire. ❚ (Source: BPT) Get SLW Money articles every week. Visit NWQSmartLiving.com and start your E-Edition today.
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