Use 500 ml of water for 15 cloths.
• Place half of the micro bre cloths in a bucket.
• Add 250 ml of water or diluted detergent.

• Place the remaining cloths in the bucket and add another 250 ml of water or diluted detergent. Let the cloths absorb the moisture.
• The cloths are now damp enough to ensure optimal use.
Use 3 to 4 litres of water for 15 mops.

• Fold the mops in half (micro bre on the inside), place the mops in a tray with the narrow side at the bottom and the loop at the top.
• Add 3 to 4 litres of water or diluted detergent. Let the mops absorb the moisture.

• Move the rst 2 mops backwards to distribute the moisture evenly.
• The mops are now damp enough to ensure optimal use.
DOSE FOR 1 MOP 200-265 ml
DOSE FOR 15 MOPS 3-4 l

Use 4 to 5 litres of water for 15 mops.
• Fold the mops in half (micro bre on the inside), place the mops in a tray with the narrow side at the bottom and the loop at the top.
• Add 4 to 5 litres of water or diluted detergent. Let the mops absorb the moisture.
• Move the rst 2 mops backwards to distribute the moisture evenly.
• The mops are now damp enough to ensure optimal use.
DOSE FOR 1 MOP 265-335 ml
DOSE FOR 15 MOPS 4-5 l

Use 5 to 6 litres of water for 15 mops.
• Fold the mops in half (micro bre on the inside), place the mops in a tray with the narrow side at the bottom and the loop at the top.

• Add 5 to 6 litres of water or diluted detergent. Let the mops absorb the moisture.
• Move the rst 2 mops backwards to distribute the moisture evenly.

• The mops are now damp enough to ensure optimal use.
DOSE FOR 1 MOP 335-400 ml
DOSE FOR 15 MOPS 5-6 l