Annual Report 2012

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Pioneering Path ways to a

hunger-free new york & america the nyc coalition against hunger’s 2012 annual report


N YCCAH i s the voic e f or the m or e than 1,1 00 s oup k i tche n s and f ood pan tr ie s i n N e w Yor k C i t y and the n ea r ly 1.5 m i l l io n l ow- i nc om e N e w Yor k e rs w ho l iv e i n hom e s that can’t af f ord e nough f ood. We al so n ow sp on sor national s e rv ic e and strategic vol u n te e r i sm p roj e c ts to f ight hu nge r i n s ev e n te e n state s f rom c oast-to- c oast. We wor k n ot o n ly to m e e t the imm ed iate f ood n e ed s of hung ry fam i l ie s b ut a l s o to e nac t i nn ovativ e s ol ution s to hel p socie ty mov e “ be yond the soup kitche n” to e n sure e c o n om ic and f ood se l f- s uf f ic ie ncy f or a l l Am e r ican s. Wi th your ge n e rou s sup p ort, we he l p ed fam i l ie s acc e s s n utritious f ood s, p rov id ed techn ical as sistance to f ood pan tr ie s an d s oup k i tche n s, an d e f f e c tiv e ly add r e s sed the root cau se s of p ov e rt y and hu nge r by f ig hti ng f or im p rov ed g ov e r n m e n ta l and e c on om ic p ol ic ie s.


Contents 02

The Year in Review Executive Letter


Sandy Response A Glimpse into the Coalition’s Response to Superstorm Sandy


2011-2012 Program Achievements Advocacy & Research for Improved Anti-Hunger Policies Increasing Access to Food & Benefits Providing Technical Assistance to Community-Based Food Programs Utilizing Service & Volunteerism to End Hunger


NYCCAH Events Hunger Documentaries Craig Murphey Fellowship Fundraiser Spring into Action Benefit


Our Team Staff Board of Directors


Financials Statement of Activities Statement of Financial Position Supporters


The Year in Review: Executive Letter

Battling the PerPetual “ We’re still here... we’re still struggling... we’re still hungry... Don’t forget about us.” Even before Superstorm Sandy hit New York, that’s the message we heard time and time again from low-income New Yorkers in all five boroughs. By 2011, fully 1.7 million New York City residents lived in poverty. That number is larger than the entire population of Philadelphia. That equals Madison Square Garden — or the new Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn — filled 85 times over. Yet, even as New York’s minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour — equaling only about $14,000 for a year of full-time work — prices for rent, child care, health care, transportation, and yes, food, continue to soar. Despite the fact that poverty and hunger are soaring, these problems have slipped out of the mainstream news and are ignored by most elected officials. Instead, the media trumpeted the proclamation by economists that the recession officially ended in June 2009. Between 2010 and 2011, the Dow Jones average rose by over 1,000 points. Yet during that same time, median family income in New York City declined from $50,282 annually to only $49,461, and more than 100,000 additional New Yorkers slipped below the meager poverty line ($18,530 for a family of three). Hungry New Yorkers faced a different fate. Unemployment and under-employment remained sky-high, while prices for rent and food continued to skyrocket. Federal statistics calculated by the Coalition Against Hunger in 2012 found: → More than 1.4 million New Yorkers struggled against hunger. → One in four of the city’s children lived in food insecure homes. → One in 10 seniors lacked sufficient food. Nationwide, a staggering 50 million Americans, including nearly 17 million children, lived in food insecure homes. Hungry children can’t learn and grow. Hungry adults can’t work. Hungry senior citizens can’t stay independent. Our 2012 annual hunger survey also found that, even before the storm, more than 60% of the food pantries and soup kitchens citywide lacked the resources to meet growing demand. That’s right, in the richest city in the history of the world — while the stock market soared — one in four of our children faced the threat of hunger, and nearly two-thirds of feeding agencies couldn’t meet the growing need. And then Sandy hit. Pantries and kitchens in the flood zones were entirely destroyed. Numerous feeding agencies lost all their perishable food ruined by power outages. Countless low-income New Yorkers lost jobs, in both the short and long-run. Low-income children failed to receive more than 4.5 million school lunches and breakfasts they would have received if their school had been open. Pantries and kitchens citywide faced surges of new clients. In response, the New York City Coalition Against Hunger sprang into action. We immediately visited storm-impacted areas, often by foot, to inspect food needs ourselves. We worked closely with federal, state, local, and other non-profit officials to help coordinate emergency food delivery. We successfully pushed to make it easier for kids of all income levels to receive free meals when they returned to school. We worked to ensure that our clients continued to receive SNAP/ food stamps without interruptions. We kept our appointments with clients at our five sites across the city. We channeled thousands of volunteers to sites across the city where help was urgently needed. Government agencies and private donors all provided a generous, rapid response to the immediate aftermath of the storm. But what will happen next month? Next year? Will the city go back to ignoring hungry New Yorkers, even those made hungrier by the storm?


NYCCAH Annual Report 2012-2013

Storm of hunger While pantries and kitchens generally told us that the influx of aid immediately following the storm was enough to meet the immediate need, most of them worried that they would not be able to meet the long-term need. That’s why we need your help to make sure our leaders don’t forget about the more than 1.4 million New Yorkers who continue to struggle. We need your support to ensure that the response to human-made disasters (such as recessions and social service cut-backs) is as significant as the response to natural disasters. Our work, addressing the root causes of hunger, is now more important than ever. The Coalition continues to be one of the most courageous, innovative and effective advocacy groups in the city. We have pioneered best practices for engaging hungry citizens to advocate on their own behalf. We have utilized both the traditional news media and social media to reinforce our policy messages. And we combine on-the-ground organizing with professional policy analysis to repeatedly gain concrete policy advances. In 2012, we accomplished one of our biggest victories ever, working closely with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to make it easier for working families and seniors to access federal food benefits. We’re also working in all five boroughs of the city to provide innovative and cost-effective direct services to aid pantries and kitchens and enable low-income families to afford and access healthier food. We’re helping thousands of families access government nutrition assistance benefits, enabling them to stave off hunger and obtain healthier foods. Our ground-breaking Farm Fresh Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Initiative project helps over 1,000 people in seven low-income neighborhoods afford fresh produce directly from small, regional farmers. This effort has helped inspire elected officials to propose widespread expansion of similar efforts. Because hunger is a nationwide problem, we have started implementing nationwide solutions. We’ve implemented an AmeriCorps VISTA national service program in 17 states from coast-to-coast. 55 participants work full-time for a year helping eligible families access federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) benefits. Another 50 VISTA participants serve for a summer at sites from Maine to California to increase the access of low-income children to summer meals. And one of our most innovative programs, the Ending Hunger Through Citizen Service Initiative, is working across all program areas, throughout the country, to recruit 10,000 volunteers for strategic, high impact projects to reduce hunger in the country. We’ve produced a comprehensive handbook to help people more effectively volunteer. (To learn more, please visit As long as hungry Americans still shout “we’re here,” it is our responsibility to work with them to end hunger. But, we can only do this with your help. In these tough times, your support is more critical than ever. Sincerely,

Joel Berg Executive Director

Timothy Brosnan Chair, Board of Directors


Sandy response


Even though the Coalition was unable to use our office for 12 days after Sandy hit, we were heavily engaged in Sandy response city-wide, with some employees that were victims themselves engaging in heroic outreach efforts...

AmeriCorps NYCCAH Annualmembers Report 2012-2013 and volunteers clean up Lighthouse Mission food program in Coney Island.

Using phone calls, physical site visits (sometimes on foot), and eventually, a special online and e-mail survey, we identified food pantries and soup kitchens that were damaged by the storm and/or needed additional food and money as a result. We then provided that information to federal, state, and city government officials, as well as to private funders and the media. Participated in a food distribution media event with Governor Andrew Cuomo. Conducted visits to select government food distribution sites and reported back our findings to government and private officials. Briefed top-ranking USDA officials on the disaster response, including a detailed explanation of what worked well (SNAP benefits were replaced rapidly) and what was problematic (such as FEMA meal packets that were too difficult to use and stores that were unable to accept electronic SNAP benefits). Worked with federal, state, and city officials on implementing outreach for replacement SNAP benefits, which gave all existing SNAP recipients in impacted areas a new allotment of food on their card equal to at least half of their month’s allotment. Worked with JPMorgan Chase and government officials to inform retailers in areas without electricity how they could accept paper vouchers for food stamp/SNAP recipients. Successfully worked behind-the-scenes to pressure a reluctant city government to apply for the Disaster SNAP Program, a program distinct from the replacement benefits program. Available only in areas most impacted by the storm, the Disaster SNAP Program enabled some working families previously ineligible for food benefits (because their income was slightly too great) to receive benefits, as well as some households already receiving benefits to receive larger amounts. One NYCCAH employee lives in Far Rockaway and despite having to deal with lack of food, power, heat, and water for herself and her small children, she aided food distribution efforts and conducted on-the-spot SNAP pre-screenings in Far Rockaway. Acted as a key volunteer coordination hub, as advertised by the Mayor’s office and others, handling over 1,000 volunteer requests. Worked to channel volunteers to sites that needed them most and steer volunteers away from over-booked opportunities or unhelpful or potentially dangerous tasks. One of our VISTAs, placed at Project Hospitality in Staten Island, did not return home for three days in a row to best aid with immediate disaster response. Kept the public apprised of ongoing food and poverty-related issues related to the storm through the news media and our Facebook account. 5

ADVOCACY & RESEARCH FOR ANTI-HUNGER POLICIES Our innovative advocacy campaigns address hunger on both the local and national levels to provide sustainable solutions to address the root causes of hunger.


NYCCAH Annual Report 2012-2013

Joel Berg, NYCCAH Executive Director, with Audrey Rowe, the Administrator for the USDA Food and Nutrition Service, at a NYCCAH CSA site with staff and volunteers from Grow NYC and state officials.

Advocacy & Research for Anti-Hunger Policy

2012 annual survey finding:

1 in 4 NYC children live in food-insecure homes

The 2012 Annual Survey and Report By far the most important and labor intensive project NYCCAH produces is our annual hunger survey and report, which includes data that NYCCAH collects and analyzes from emergency food providers in New York City, as well as food insecurity data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. In 2012, we also included survey data collected from 100 soup kitchens and food pantries to measure the effects of Superstorm Sandy. The report was released before the Thanksgiving holiday and promoted to local media with press conferences in all five boroughs. Key findings from the report include: →→ 1.42 million New Yorkers are food insecure →→ 1 in 4 NYC children (nearly 500,000) live in food-insecure homes →→ 69% of agencies reported a decrease in government/public funding for food →→ 75% of agencies were forced to close or limit their hours of operation after Superstorm Sandy To read the full report, visit

Food Action Boards The Coalition is one of the few hunger groups in the country that actively engages low-income families in the fight against hunger on their own behalf. The Food Action Board (FAB) program is the centerpiece of our advocacy programming. Through our FAB program, NYCCAH organizes staff and clients of emergency food programs around issues related to poverty and food-related policies. In 2012, several FAB members joined NYCCAH staff at a three-day anti-hunger conference in Washington, DC and again for a second conference in Philadelphia in May. Both conferences provided FAB members with an opportunity to practice the advocacy skills they gained during the FAB trainings provided by NYCCAH community organizers.

NYCCAH and FAB members on a trip to Washington, DC.


Advocacy & Research for Anti-Hunger Policy

The 2012 Farm Bill Every five years, the United States Congress passes the Farm Bill, important policy that determines spending for food programs, including the single most important anti-hunger program in the nation, SNAP (formerly the food stamp program). This past year, NYCCAH worked with other anti-hunger groups to oppose 4.5 billion dollars in cuts to SNAP. On a brighter note, NYCCAH worked to ensure that the original Senate bill included a provision modeled on the work of our pioneering Farm Fresh CSA project, to create national incentives to bring fresh produce into low-income neighborhoods.

Victory on Finger Imaging On May 17, 2012, Governor Cuomo announced that he would end the process of finger-imaging as a requirement to participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps). Previously, SNAP applicants had to make multiple trips to Human Resource Administration offices, which created a burden for the majority of SNAP recipients: working individuals, families with small children, and the elderly. The Governor’s announcement was a culmination of an 11-year NYCCAH campaign and a huge victory for the anti-hunger movement. In his 2012 State of the State message, Governor Cuomo pledged to increase participation in SNAP, including removing barriers to participation and eliminating stigmas associated with the program.

NYCCAH in the News In 2012, the Coalition played a key role in the national media debate over the role of government in fighting hunger: Executive Director, Joel Berg, appeared on two national television talk shows. On CNBC’s “Kudlow Report,” Berg discussed the controversial policy that restricts private citizens from donating food to city-run homeless shelters, and on MSNBC’s “Up With Chris Hayes” Berg discussed the proposed SNAP cuts, which the House proposed in the 2012 Farm Bill. Later in the year, he was a featured guest on the “Laura Ingraham Radio Show” to debate the perceived prevalence of fraud within the SNAP program. He also appeared twice on the national NPR show “The Takeaway,” to discuss Sandy response and long-term hunger. The Coalition also continues to be one of the nation’s most effective nonprofit groups in terms of generating media coverage to advance our policy agenda.


NYCCAH Annual Report 2012-2013

How Obama Can Fight Hunger Now

The Nation, by Greg Kaufmann, February 2013 a Senior Fellow at the New York City Coalition Against Hunger (NYCCAH) and A new report from Joel Berg, executive director of the s is a practical Metric r ent Obama Can Reverse America’s Worsening Hunge Center for American Progress, is timely. How Presid al,” according gener in r hunge cantly reduce child hunger, as well as US guide to executive actions Obama can take now “to signifi in that move can he ways childhood hunger by 2015. This report offers to Berg. In 2008, then-candidate Obama pledged to end direction without relying on Congress.

ive Ber g is a man who knows this sub jec t. He has served as exe cut ding dire cto r of NYC CAH sinc e 200 1, help ing it grow into one of the lea y in dire ct service and adv ocacy org ani zat ions on hun ger and pov ert the nat ion. economic mobilized 1,200 people to do anti-hunger work, rural Berg helped start AmeriCorps, and ran a program that nonprofit groups other and first-ever federal initiative to help faith-based development, and environmental work. He created the community groups help to effort of poverty. He also coordinated the USDA’s fight hunger and help low-income Americans move out and distributed to hungry Americans. increase the amount of food they recovered, gleaned,

Wa shin gton’s Hun ger Games: Seq

ues ter ’s Cut s to Foo d Assistance

The Daily Beast, by Joel Berg, Mar ch 2013

Pro grams

Shame on the lawmakers trying to slash nutrition programs when they are needed most—and pretending programs is the result of fraud, says the increased use of Joel Berg of the sequester’s mos t heartless cuts. There’s an old African proverb: “wh en the elephants fight, the grass loses.” In Washington’s sequestr elephants and donkeys fight, lowation battle, when the income Americans are the grass. All Americans would be harmed by the mindless, across-the-board budget slashing of the sequester, air traffic control, the FBI, and hea cutting food safety inspections, lth research. Yet the cuts would do even greater harm to the tens of suffering from poverty, hunger, and millions of Americans already food insecurity.

Th e cu ts to nu tr iti on as sis tanc e pr og ra ms wo ul d be pa rt icu la rly he ar tl es s an d co un te rp ro du ct ive. The leaders who support such cuts continue to give the false impress ion that they are merely reducing That’s simply not true. They are taki waste, fraud, and abuse. ng food away from hungry working parents, seniors, and children. The that, if expanded, could end hunger y are slashing programs in America. Not only will tens of millions of Ame ricans suffer from the reductions, but the cuts will imperil the coun national security. No superpower try’s overall economy and in the history of the world has rem ained a superpower if it has faile time is long overdue for all America d to feed its own people. The ns to have access to nutritious, affo rdable food. The stakes are too high for continue d political grandstanding. The hun ger games must stop now.


INCREASING ACCESS TO FOOD & BENEFITS NYCCAH works directly with low-income individuals and families, utilizing technology and on-the-ground know how to break through bureaucratic barriers and increase access to food and nutrition benefits, including WIC and SNAP (formerly known as food stamps) benefits.

One of our youngest CSA participants enjoys some fresh and local produce.

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NYCCAH Annual Report 2012-2013

Increasing Access to Food & Benefits

Above photos from NYCCAH’s South Bronx CSA.

From June to November 2012, the program distributed 160,000 pounds of fresh produce to 720 households (containing 2,000 children and parents) in the five boroughs of New York City.

Increasing Access to Affordable, Healthy Food The Farm Fresh Initiative distributes healthy, organic, fresh produce in low-income communities in New York City. The program uses a unique mixed-income Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model where members purchase “shares” of a farmer’s crop for the entire growing season (approximately 22 weeks). NYCCAH charges fees on a sliding scale based on income and also accepts SNAP benefits. The CSA increases access to fresh food and connects small, regional farmers to underserved communities in New York City.

New CSA Project in Stapleton In 2012, the program expanded from six to seven CSA projects, and began distributing fresh produce in Stapleton, Staten Island. With this new CSA, NYCCAH has distributed healthy, organic and fresh vegetables to community members in every New York City borough. In its first season, the Stapleton CSA in Staten Island sold a total of 50 shares and distributed food to over 56 families and 200 individuals.


Increasing Access to Food & Benefits

Our projects collectively had a 75% success rate for new SNAP applications, and 90% for re-certifications, with an average monthly benefit of $280 for all SNAP recipients. Increasing Access to Benefits Approximately 500,000 low-income New York City residents who are eligible to receive SNAP benefits do not currently receive them. NYCCAH works to increase the number of eligible New Yorkers who receive nutrition benefits, and we work to help individuals and families with their annual re-certifications to ensure those who are eligible retain their benefits. From September 2011 to August 2012, our outreach projects arranged 3,530 in-person meetings with clients, pre-screened 2,750 individuals, submitted 766 SNAP applications and submitted 1,028 re-certifications. Our projects collectively had a 75% success rate for new SNAP applications, and 90% for re-certifications, with an average monthly benefit of $280 for all SNAP recipients.

NYCCAH’s Denise Fernandez tabling at Mount Sinai Community Health Fair in April 2012.

In 2012, NYCCAH distributed over 100,000 guides to organizations throughout NYC. Guides to Free Food & Assistance (aka “Street Sheets”) increase the participation of income-eligible New Yorkers in public benefit programs, including food stamps, WIC and school meals - and provides contact information for local emergency food providers, farmers’ markets, and other community resources. Guides are available for 13 distinct neighborhoods in the city, and some editions are also produced in Spanish and Chinese. In 2012, NYCCAH distributed over 100,000 guides to organizations throughout the city.

Magic Johnson at Mount Sinai Community Health Fair.


NYCCAH Annual Report 2012-2013

The Paperless Office System (POS) allows clients to submit electronic food stamp applications from five community-based food pantries and soup kitchens. The POS project reduces the number of in-person visits to city SNAP offices, an often lengthy process for applicants. The Recertification Improvement Project (RIP) allows clients to submit electronic SNAP re-certifications from community-based host locations. We also complete the required phone interview on behalf of clients, to ensure their benefits continue without interruption.

Increasing Access to Food & Benefits

NYCCAH Officially Launches the Child Nutrition Program In February 2012, NYCCAH officially launched the Child Nutrition Program to expand participation in the School Breakfast Program and the Summer Food Service Program. With our partners Share Our Strength, the NYC Mayor’s Office, and the NYC Department of Education’s Office of School Food, NYCCAH recruited dozens of volunteers and passed out thousands of flyers to increase awareness and participation.

“We kept hearing, ‘I didn’t know there was a summer meals site near me’ after our volunteers pointed to the closest Summer Meals site on the map.” Josh Ankerberg, Director of Child Nutrition Programs

The Child Nutrition Programs also collaborated with NYCCAH’s National AmeriCorps VISTA program and provided several trainings, including a national VISTA training conference in Denver, Colorado.

Volunteers doing summer meals outreach.

we’ve distributed 1.2 million outreach materials, pre-screened 5,775 people for SNAP, recruited 532 agencies to distribute outreach materials, and responded to over 3,000 calls to the HFCC hotline from people seeking information on food resources.

Leading Collaboration of Anti-Hunger Organizations The ground-breaking New York City Hunger Free Communities Consortium (HFCC) began its work in 2011 to bridge existing silos between hunger organizations and work towards a food-secure New York City. As a collaborative endeavor, HFCC is able to leverage the resources and skills of the major huger programs in New York City. Partners include: AARP Foundation, City Harvest, Council of Senior Centers and Services (CSCS), Food Bank For New York City (Food Bank), Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty (Met Council), New York City Coalition Against Hunger (NYCCAH), New York City Department for the Aging (DFTA), Public Health Solutions (PHS) and United Way of New York City (UWNYC). Collectively, the consortium has distributed 1.2 million outreach materials, pre-screened 5,775 individuals for SNAP, recruited 532 agencies to distribute outreach materials, and responded to over 3,000 calls to the HFCC hotline from individuals seeking information on food resources. Outreach staffers have recruited 202 community-based organizations (CBOs) to conduct benefit pre-screenings and application assistance, while 1,282 seniors have been pre-screened for benefits eligibility, and over 20,950 mothers have been enrolled in the WIC program.


PROVIDING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO COMMUNITY-BASED FOOD & HUNGER PROJECTS The Coalition’s pioneering nationwide AmeriCorps*VISTA Program worked with nonprofit organizations in 17 states, from coast-to-coast, to increase the capacity of these organizations to help hungry families receive federal nutrition assistance.

Map of 2012 AmeriCorps*VISTA sites


NYCCAH Annual Report 2012-2013

“ The most rewarding part of my service was making my program sustainable. Before I came, there were plans to reduce the pantry distributions from weekly to monthly. With my work, we were able to keep it weekly and actually increase the amount of food we gave out and the number of people served.” - Andrew Lobo, AmeriCorps*VISTA participant at Church of the Village in New York City

List of 2012 AmeriCorps*VISTA sites Capital Area Food Bank — Washington, DC

Los Angeles Regional Food Bank — Los Angeles, CA

Campaign for Working Families — Philadelphia, PA

Mayor Nutter’s Office of Civic Engagement — Philadelphia, PA

DC Central Kitchen — Washington, DC

Maryland Hunger Solutions — Baltimore, MD

DC Hunger Solutions — Washington, DC

Miami-Dade College Single Stop — Miami, FL

Feeding America San Diego — San Diego, CA

Preble Street — Portland, ME

Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano — Concord, CA

Presbyterian Hunger Program — Louisville, KY

Food Bank of Western Massachusetts — Hatfield, MA

Share Our Strength Louisiana — New Orleans, LA

Food For All — Buffalo, NY

Share Our Strength Maryland — Washington, DC

Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia — Norfolk, VA

Share Our Strength North Carolina — Raleigh, NC

Foodlink — Rochester, NY

Single Stop USA — San Francisco, CA

Henry Street Settlement — New York, NY

Texas Hunger Initiative — Waco, TX

Hunger Free Colorado — Centennial, CO

Utahns Against Hunger — Salt Lake City, UT

Inter-Faith Food Shuttle — Raleigh, NC

Yuma Community Food Bank — Yuma, AZ

Island Harvest — Mineola, NY


UTILIZING SERVICE & VOLUNTEERISM TO END HUNGER Through the efforts of our dedicated national service participants and volunteers, NYCCAH runs programs that are national models for how to build the capacity of community-based food programs. To respond to the national hunger crisis, NYCCAH is recruiting and training long-term, skilled volunteers and placing them at anti-hunger agencies in over 17 states.


NYCCAH Annual Report 2012-2013

Utilizing Service & Volunteerism to End Hunger

The AmeriCorps Direct NYC Program

The National AmeriCorps*VISTA Program

In 2012, NYCCAH placed 22 AmeriCorps members at communitybased food organizations in New York City to provide vital technical assistance, recruit volunteers, pre-screen clients for SNAP eligibility and assist in food distribution through community gardens and NYCCAH’s CSA program.

In 2010, NYCCAH created a pilot program based on its existing AmeriCorps*VISTA program in New York City, and expanded the program nationwide. The program was so successful that the USDA and the federal Corporation for National and Community Service continues to renew funding for the program. In 2012, the program placed 55 members in states throughout the country to provide crucial resources to anti-hunger programs.

Our members recruited 3,834 volunteers who collectively served 23,004 hours. Members conducted 69 pre-screenings, 181 case follow-ups and distributed 56,896 Guides to Free Food and Assistance. Members also conducted 186 nutrition education and gardening classes for 2,953 students.

Summer AmeriCorps Program in New York City Our summer members worked on summer meals outreach and also worked with partner organizations, Greenmarket and Green Guerillas, to increase SNAP use at farmers’ markets, and support community gardens in Brooklyn. Members assisted 10 gardens, distributed 1,050 flyers about Summer Meals, 4,000 flyers about food stamp use at farmers’ markets and conducted 35 cooking demos.

The AmeriCorps*VISTA Program in New York City NYCCAH recruits and places an exceptional team of AmeriCorps* VISTA members at community-based food programs throughout the city. Our members serve for one year and work to build the capacities of these organizations to fight hunger. From August 2011 to August 2012, the AmeriCorps*VISTA program in New York City placed 11 members at agencies in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and the Bronx. Together, these NYC VISTA members recruited 1,996 volunteers who served 4,296 hours.

The National VISTA Summer Associate Program In 2012, NYCCAH placed 50 Summer Associate VISTA members in 16 states serving 30 organizations, with the main goal of getting federal-funded summer meals to children. Together, these summer associates: →→ Recruited 764 volunteers who served 4,950 hours →→ Submitted 12 grants totaling more than $60,000 →→ Received in-kind donations valued at $30,770 →→ Conducted 57 nutrition education trainings →→ Distributed 110,048 materials to local community members on issues like SNAP, nutrition education and the summer food service program →→ Served 250,000 summer meals and recruited and/or trained 111 new Summer Meal sites →→ Screened 3,356 people for SNAP and submitted 2,168 applications

From January to September 2012 our National AmeriCorps*VISTA members: →→ Recruited 951 community volunteers who served 6,240 hours →→ Implemented 21 new volunteer recruitment, training and management systems →→ Organized 117 volunteer orientations and conducted 396 community-based meetings →→ Created 107 benefits access plans that outline ways to reduce barriers to benefits for organizations →→ Created 55 new nutritional education materials →→ Conducted 90 nutrition education courses with 1,588 participants →→ Raised funds and resources for 88 community gardens (through volunteer recruitment, training, management, grant writing and fund raising events) →→ Distributed 123,437 outreach materials on topics such as using EBT cards at farmers’ markets, recruiting volunteers, fundraising and USDA Food and Nutrition Service

Ending Hunger Through Citizen Service: NYCCAH’s New National Volunteer Program In May 2012, NYCCAH launched a new strategic volunteerism initiative: Ending Hunger Through Citizen Service. This initiative encourages volunteers to go beyond organizing canned food drives to move towards a more sustained, comprehensive effort to improve community food security. NYCCAH developed a handbook to provide volunteers with concrete tools to: →→ Build the capacities of food pantries and soup kitchens →→ Increase participation in government nutrition assistance programs →→ Engage students in increasing participation in school meals programs →→ Address the root causes of hunger by participating in public policy advocacy From 2012-2013, we will work with AmeriCorps & VISTA sites to recruit 10,000 volunteers, including 2,000 volunteers dedicated to high-impact activities (such as food stamp pre-screenings) to reduce long-term hunger. Specific chapters are available for individuals, students, or corporate volunteers. To download the handbook, Ending Hunger Through Citizen Service, please visit

The Ending Hunger Through Citizen Service Initiative is generously funded by ConAgra Foods. 17


The Coalition has been featured in several movies about hunger including Apple Pushers, Hunger Hits Home and A Place at the Table.

Three Documentaries Feature NYCCAH Programs The Food Network aired Hunger Hits Home an hour-long documentary that focuses on child hunger in the United States, featuring NYCCAH’s Farm Fresh program, which brings fresh, affordable produce from regional farms to low-income communities. (Read more about the program on page 11.) In 2012, A Place at the Table premiered to critical acclaim at the Sundance Film Festival. The film features an interview with NYCCAH Executive Director Joel Berg and reiterates the Coalition’s long-term message about the crucial role that government plays in the fight to end hunger. It also highlights the inadequacies of relying solely on charity organizations to solve hunger. The documentary The Apple Pushers draws attention to “food deserts” or communities where access to fresh and affordable food is limited. The film demonstrates the central role the Coalition played in implementating the city’s Green Cart Program, which makes fresh fruit available in low-income neighborhoods.


NYCCAH Annual Report 2012-2013

Clockwise: NYCCAH’s 2012 Spring Benefit honoree Chef Marcus Samuelsson; guests enjoy the benefit; Board Chair Timothy Brosnan and Executive Director Joel Berg with Chef Samuelsson.

2012 Spring Benefit

The Craig Murphey Fellowship Fundraiser

On May 17, 2012, NYCCAH held its annual spring benefit at the Solo Event Space in the Financial District. The event attracted 125 supporters, activists and volunteers to support NYCCAH’s honorees: Chef Marcus Samuelsson of Red Rooster in Harlem, State Senator Liz Krueger, Agnes Molnar and Kathy Goldman of Community Food Advocates, and Rachel V. Stevens with the law firm of DLA Piper.

On October 14, 2012, NYCCAH co-sponsored the 6th annual Craig Murphey Fellowship Fundraiser at Public Assembly in Brooklyn. The event commemorates the life of Craig Murphey, an antihunger advocate who passed away in a tragic bicycle accident in 2007 at the age of 26. Proceeds from the fundraiser support a fellowship program at NYCCAH focused on community-based anti-hunger work. For the second year in a row, the event raised $10,000 to support NYCCAH’s work building the capacity of local, community-based food organizations. To learn more, please visit

Major sponsors included: Solo Event Space, Choice Productions, The Food Network and E.S. Foods.


Our team



Filomena Acevedo Senior Policy, Advocacy, & Organizing Associate

Lisa Levy Director of Policy, Advocacy & Organizing

Paul Bennett Director of Finance and Administration

Fabio Martinez Benefits Access Associate

Joel Berg Executive Director

Reggie Miller Associate, National AmeriCorps*VISTA Program

Amanda Cowgill Director, National AmeriCorps*VISTA Program

Carrette Perkins Director of Programs

Miguelina Diaz Benefits Access Associate

Sheila Ramos-Corrales Benefits Access Associate

Victoria Dumbuya Director of the National Service Program

Joshua Rivera Policy, Advocacy & Organizing Associate

Rosa Encarnaci贸n Benefits Access Associate

Valeria Rojo NOEP Project Coordinator

Xuja Fang Benefits Access Associate

Ivonne Salazar Director of Development

Denise Fernandez Benefits Access Associate

Rasna Sethi Policy, Advocacy & Organizing Associate

Ella Fowler Deputy Director, National AmeriCorps*VISTA program

George Spira Senior Accountant

Michelle Friedman Director of Communications

Vanna Valdez Benefits Access Associate

Rebekah Gowler Strategic Volunteer Program Director

Marie Vincent Benefits Access Associate

Kristian Harrington-Colon Benefits Access and Development Coordinator

Jim Wengler Director of Benefits Access

NYCCAH Annual Report 2012-2013

Board of Directors Term 2013-2014 Timothy Brosnan, Chair Moody’s Corporation Daniel B. Ripps, Vice-Chair Consultant

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Jeffrey Nichols, MD, Treasurer Cabrini Health Services, Long Island Christopher G. Karagheuzoff, Esq., Secretary Dorsey & Whitney LLP Dr. Melony Samuels BedStuy Campaign Against Hunger Cassandra Agredo Xavier Mission Laura Shunk Village Voice Raj Goyle Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation Sister Charlotte Raftery Sisters of Charity of New York


As of December 31, 2011


Statement of Activities


revenue Contributions

$ 2,550,280

Investment Income Total Revenue

$ 1,545 $ 2,551,825

expenses Program Services

$ 2,343,520

Management & General

$ 142,316


$ 103,392

Total Expenses

$ 2,589,227

Change in Net Assets

($ 37,402)

Net Assets, Beginning of Year

$ 504,309

Net Assets, End of Year

$ 466,907

Statement of Financial Position

48% 34% 9% 5% 3% 1%

Government Foundations CSAs (Community Sponsored Agriculture) Individual Donations & Other Income Corporations Religious Institutions

Assets Cash & Cash Equivalents Prepaid Expenses Grants & Contracts Receivable

$ 224,985 $ 27,570


$ 251,347

Property & Equipment, net

$ 24,691

Other Assets

$ 22,090

Total Assets

$ 550,683

Liabilities Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses

$ 13,980

Contract Advances

$ 52,777

Other Liabilities

$ 17,019

Total Liabilities

$ 83,776

Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Total Liabilities & Net Assets


NYCCAH Annual Report 2012-2013

$ 373,622 $ 93,285 $ 550,683

91% Program Services 5% Management & General 4% Fundraising

supporters 2011 Individual Donors $1,000 & Over

$150 - $499

Lisa Bellucci Timothy and Mary Brosnan Joshua Colangelo-Bryan James Coyle Gary Davis Friends of Craig Murphey Roy Goodman Andrew Holm Jerry and Cecile Shore Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky Chris Karagheuzoff Kehilat Hadar Ann Levy Peter Ligh Mari and Norman Epstein Maureen McNamara Darius Melisaratos Mike and Janet Slosberg Shannon Norton F.W. Pennington Pauline Philip Katell Pleven R. Justin and Mamie Stewart Daniel Ripps Stephen Somers Ann Tritschler Lisa Villareal Geraldine U Wallman

Stewart Aaron Sarah Amelar Shermaine Andrew Michelle Bailey Martha Bayne Carrol Belloni Dr. Stephen Bent Rachel Berger Frederic Bloch Valerie Boucard Karen Bowen Bert Brandenburg Amy Brown Bill Buehl-Reichard Annie Burke Debra Chen Michael Connery Jr. Sally Cummings Marc Denker David Doster Martin Doudoroff Peter Droste Kenneth J. Dupuis Sandra Edelman Peter and Patricia Elsbach Kathleen Fisher Tamar Fox Melissa Fumuso Carol Gaffney Marc Galdi Kathleen Galek Govindan Gandhi Molly Garber Gemma George Rajeev Goyle Amelia Granger Arron Green Lisa Green Richard Gross Helen Hershkoff William Hewitt Mel Huang Marianne Hughes David Jacangelo Jeffrey and Arlene Nichols Reverend Sally Juarez Jonathan Kalmuss-Katz Nicole Karagheuzoff Robert Kauffman Gail Kelly

$500 - $999 Beatrice and Lloyd Frank Ellen Bickal James and Cathy Boyd Erika Sasson and Mishael Shulman Thomas Freudenstein Hillary Frey Yuki Hirose Jacqueline King Ari Konikoff Janice and Robert Murphey Elnatan Reisner Michael Rigney Misha and Erika Shulman Jeff Tapper W.P. Nelson and Carmelo Lozada Lon Wilhelms Jason Yung

Sara Kennedy John Kenny Khawaja Khizar Munir Hannah Laufer-Rottman Betsy Maclean Marc Gilman and Esther Plotz-Pierce Andrea Masley James Masterson Lisha McCormick Harriet Mendlowitz Daniel Merkle Michael and Ellen Funck David Michaeli Sarah Murphy People Magazine Valerie Petredis Dave Plate Carol Polansky Lori Posey Audrey Rasch Ruth Rathblott Robert and Clare Rakshys Jennifer Robinson Catherine Robles David Rosenn Anya Rous Debleena Roy Maureen Ryan Harry Sandick Mary Beth Sasso Ryan Scafuro Andrew Schultz Rachel Simmons Melissa Sobel Julie Solomon Benjamin Solotaire Jeffrey Steiner Jilly Stephens Steven and Amy Schreiber Sidney Sutter Jared Tankel Melissa Tebbs Pat Tebbs Jaclyn Tung Christine Van Lenten Danette Vigilante James Vlasto Emily Weinig Larry Wieseneck Chrissie Zepf


supporters Under $150


Dena Abusrur Kathleen Agaton-Cappiello Cassandra Agredo Julia Alemany Joseph Allgor Amanda and Anthony Greep Jeffrey Ambers Virl Andrick Steven Angel Rachel Antonio Kristin Baird Jacoby Ballard Nafeesa Baptiste Barbara and Gary Deren Barbara and Jerry Krasner Jeffrey L. Barnett Lauren Barredo Deneb Bates Nicole Belmont Miriam Berkley Melissa & Josh Berman Rachel Bernard Barbara Birch Andrea Blass Catherine Bonelli Robin Boucard Aaron Bouska Justin Bow Britt Boyd Carolyn Brinkman Cindy Brown Raheem Brown Giovanni Bruno Rob Bruno Yael Buechler Pakorn Bupphavesa Genie Bush Marisa Butin Richard Byers Marco Carbone Aileen Carr Jennifer Chien Heidi Cho Kenneth Chung Sharon Clarke Eugenie Coakley Josh Cohen Andrea Coleman Ann Marie Collins Emily Conner William Conyers Suzzan Craig Shane Crary-Ross Adrian Crockett Timothy Crone Dana Crosby-Collier Caroline Cruz Janeel C. Daniels-Walton Matthew De Rooy Hillary Dendy Gaetana Depetro Allison Devereux Mary Devlin Santino Di Renzo John Dietrich Francine Distauro John Doherty Janet Dorman Margaret Doyle Benjamin Dwork Joseph Dwyer Michelle P. Dym Seth Earn Elizabeth and Jeffrey Victor Michael Ellis

Trudy Emanuel Dr. Valerie Eyma Eric Falkenstein Genine Fallon Allison Farrow James Fenimore Marc Fenster Mr. Michael Firestone Ms. Abigail Franklin Russell Freyman Clara Fronda Jeffrey D. Gano Sarah Garza Gemma George and Joseph Bisconti George Gemma Gerald and Eileen Calder Christopher Giampapa Myles Gideon Nathali Gil Nick Gilbo Ann Gleason Dennis Gniewosz Stephen Goldberg Elizabeth Grefrath Gail Gremse Stephen Grimaldi Deborah Groden Damien Conrad Grose Elizabeth Guarino Jorge Gutierrez Ruth Haber Masooma Habib Malcolm Hall Evan C. Harding Michelle Harris Robert and Debra Hecht Brook Henkel Barry Herman Fiona Hill-Samuel Heidi Ho David Hoffman Jane Hogan Philip Holtberg Jennie Horn Megan Hungerford David Hyde Pablo J Gordon Jenkins Peter Jenkins Mona Jimenez Jaclyn Johnson Maria Johnston Jon Tenney and Bethene Trexel Charlotte Jones Stacey Karp Jiyong Kim Michael Kim Moon Kim Carola King Daniel Kirzane Dr. Orly Klein Hatsumi Komiya-Lee Adina and Ari Konikoff Wade LaGrenade Helen Lasersohn Helene Lauffer Mary Beth Lawton Jesse Laymon Sarah F. Lazin Michelle Lee Hollie Levine Jessica Levine Elvis Lewis III Mark Lewis Marian Lindberg Laura Litrin-Berger Dana Loia

Lori and Steven Kantorowitz Alexander Lu Caren Luchfeld Colleen Lynch M Noodle Shop Lachlan MacIntyre Dian Maguehi Melissa Mamatos Linda Marsanico Andrea Martens Mary Terry and Christopher Turner Marshan Mason M Matlaw Adam Mayer Robert Mayer Julie Mayring Alese R. Mazor Kate McGuire McKesson Corp Peggy McMahon Margaret Mead Lesley Melincoff Marc Melzer Lindsay Messina Jeanne Miller Marion Miller Cassandra Mondonedo Martha Moore William Moore Tessa Morales Irene Morfit Yenton Morgan Althea Morin Jordan Moss Demetrius Mossaidis Laura Mulcahy Krystal Muniz Tanya Munroe Margaret Murphey Sally Neal Beth R. Nedow Rosalind Neff Neil and Geraldine Borrell Stewart Neill Jennifer Newsom Thomas Nolan Melissa Olson Nicholas Onnembo Ana Ortiz Nancy I. Pabon Angelica Pando Virginia Papper Mutsuko Parham Henry Park Janelle Patterson Stacey Pearson Daria Pennington Emily Pfahler Bichha Pham Graham Pierce Pieranna Pieroni William Potter Samantha Proctor Michael Radeos Rajiv Raj Gerry Raker Lauren Rasmus Michele Reber Daniel Reyes Paulette A. Richards Debra Richardson Armando Riesco Linda Ripps Carolyn Ristau Joshua Rivera Juan Rodriguez Liberty Rodriguez

Katherine Rollins Nancy Romer Jo Ann Rosen Martin Rosenthal Melissa Rozon Sarah Rulfs Faith Rusk Joseph Ryan Dr. Melony Samuels Tassamai Sawetpibul Casey J. Schnurr Adam Seeker Ylissa Sekuler Judith Semkow Phyllis Shalant Margaret Sharp Kervin Simms Lola Simpson Sally and Tom Sisto Melissa Sklarz Matthew Skopek Michael Slavin Marshall Spann The Honorable Chelsea Spratling Patrick Stahl Joshua Steinhaus Rosalind Stevenson Marlee Stone David Storey Paul Straus Mark Sullivan Peter Swan Anna Talley Angela Tangredi Donna Tapper Kara Tav George Michael Tebbs Jeffrey Tebbs Amanda Thompson Aviva Tilles Margaret Ting Patricia Tobin Bethene Trexel Lisa Troland Annette Urena Juliet Vedral Kristen Vento Elizabeth Victor Josh Vinitz Eric Voss Mark Walsh Gila Ward Menda Jeremy Weedon Elizabeth Weinberg Melissa Weiner Elly Weiss Geraldine Weiss Rebecca West Lon and Bob Wilhelms William Taubenfeld and Lois Baskin Anthony Williams Eric Williams M. Wilner Andrew Wilson Preston Wilson Jeffrey Winikow Corey Wollaeger Charles Woodbury Julie Wu Eileen Yurdiga Joy Zacharia Martha Zebrowski Beatrice Zovich

supporters 2011 Foundations, Corporations & Government Funders Foundations & Other Private Funders


Government Funders

Advent Lutheran Church AG Foundation Altman Foundation Altruist American Express Charitable Fund Ansche Chesed Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Aspen Social Club Astoria Federal Savings Blacks In Government Botwinick-Wolfensohn Foundation Brooklyn Community Foundation Center for American Progress Congregation Rodeph Sholom Dorsey and Whitney Foundation Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Advent Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Food Research & Action Center G.R.A.C.E. International Inc. Hunger Solutions New York Johnson Charitable Gift Fund Kehilat Hadar Len Chamber Charitable Trust Liz Claiborne Foundation MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger Mike & Janet Slosberg Family Foundation Moody’s Foundation New York Community Trust NYCharities Pearl’s Social & Billy Club Perelman Family Foundation Retail Workers & Department Stores Union Rockefeller Philanthropic Advisors Schwab Charitable Fund Share Our Strength Society of the Free Church of St. Mary the Virgin St. Paul’s United Church of Christ The Caedmon School The Concord Baptist Church of Christ The Dalton School The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation The Ford Foundation The Heidtke Foundation, Inc. The Institute for Family Health The Waterwheel Foundation The Yum-O Orgainzation, Inc. Tudor Foundation Tuttleman Family Foundation United Presbyterian Church of Ridgewood United Way of Greater Portland United Way of New York City United Way of Northern New Jersey Vanguard Charitable Endowment Walmart Foundation Walmart Stores

A&E Television Networks Ace Hotel New York DLA Piper LLP East Side Entrees EisnerLubin LLP Food Network & Cooking Channel Fred Alger & Company, Inc. FreshFields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP GETREALNY10, Inc. Goldman Sachs & Co. Google Guidepoint Global Hollingsworth & Vose Kraft Associates/ODA, Inc. Lodge Restaurant M Noodle Shop Mardi Gras Festival Production Corp Scotia Capital The Brooklyn Star Time, Inc. — People Group We Rub You

Federal Corporation for National and Community Service through the New York State Commission on National and Community Service Federal Corporation for National and Community Service through the New York State Office of Children & Family Services New York City Council through the Department of Youth and Community Development New York City Council through the NYC Human Resources Administration US Department of Agriculture through the Department of Health and Human Services US Department of Agriculture through United Way of New York City

The Coalition received a perfect four-star rating from Charity Navigator. We spend donations in an extraordinarily cost-effective and transparent manner. Detailed information about our finances is available at: 25

50 Broad Street, suite 1520 New York, NY 10004

“ One of the leading direct service and advocacy organizations on hunger and poverty in the nation.� The Nation, 2013

Cover Photo: Ben Sarle Design: Britt Boyd Design

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