NYC Pride 2020 Human Rights Conference Booklet

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Human Rights Conference

Thursday, June 25 9:30AM–6:45PM

Streaming live on Youtube & Facebook

NYC Pride, the official producer of New York City’s Pride events, is proud to announce the 2020 Human Rights Conference. This virtual conversation, focused on activism and issues impacting the community, will stream on Thursday, June 25 via YouTube & Facebook from 9:30am - 6:30pm EDT. This conference builds on the success and momentum of the previous World-Pride Human Rights Conferences, and the awareness we have created in the community. NYC Pride welcomes you to the conversation and hopes to leave you with the tools of change.



thursday, june 25 9:30AM EDT

Barry’s Fitness Tracks

Once the break out session ends, head back to NYC Pride’s Youtube and Facebook to enjoy the following discussions:

2:30PM EDT

Kick start your day with these three workouts provided by Barry’s.

Anti-Trans Violence and the Role of Guns Curated by Everytown for Gun Safety

Led by Andres Alfaro, Ian McAndrew, Lauren Hutchinson Everytown for Gun Safety, National Center for Transgender Equality and Translatin@ Coalition are


HEALTH Panel: Impacting Our Communities: COVID-19 Sponsored by Care With Pride from Johnson and Johnson

partnering together to talk about the effects of gun violence on the trans, non-binary, and gender non-

LGBTQ Communities of Color and Immigrants have been especially impacted by the effects of COVID

support the trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming community.

conforming community, and pointing out the disparity for Black community members. The goal of this session is to discuss the data, what we know, what we don’t know, and give a call to action for folks to

19. As the city begins to re-open, this panel will discuss the disparities and inequities that LGBTQ Communities of Color and Immigrants faced and how we move forward in a more equitable way.

Moderator: Keni Nooner, Partnerships Manager, Everytown for Gun Safety Panelists: Rodrigo HengLehtinen, Deputy Executive Director for Policy & Action, National Center for Transgender Equality | Aryah

Moderator: Daniel Reyes, Chief Program Officer, The LGBT Center Panelists: Dr. Darien Sutton-Ramsey,

Lester, Deputy Director, Transgender Strategy Center | Everett Redente, Organizing Manager, Everytown

MD MBA | Stephen Karpiak, PhD, GMHC J. Maurice McCants-Pearsall, Director of HIB & Health Equity

for Gun Safety | Bamby Salcedo, Founder of Translatin@ Coalition

programs, Human Rights Campaign

11:45AM EDT

Be The Change: Driving Intersectional Equality and Inclusion Sponsored by Mastercard

3:15PM EDT

State of the LGBTQIA+ Media Visibility matters. What people see on TV, film, video games, online, and read in newspapers and news outlets has a huge impact in how they treat each other and the decisions made in courtrooms, Churches,

In light of recent events, the world is now more than ever uniting to champion advocacy and activism. As

schoolyards, and the ballot box.

we celebrate Pride month, our focus can no longer be on acceptance alone, rather we must stand against racism and be a driver of change and equality. Mastercard, partners and community members will come

Moderator: Brooke Sopelsa, Editorial Director, NBC Out Panelists: Mike Doyle, Partner & President, North

together for a powerful dialogue on how we can elevate the voices that need to be heard and drive real-

America, Ketchum PR| Monica Trasandes, Director of Spanish-Language and Latinx Media, GLAAD | Raquel

action to foster intersectional equality within the Black and LGBTQIA+ communities together.

Willis, Black transgender activist, writer and media strategist

Moderator: Tommy DiDario, TV Host and Lifestyle Contributor Panelists: Randall Tucker, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, Mastercard | Dawn Ennis, Managing Editor of Nick Adams, Director of Transgender Media & Representation at GLAAD | Peppermint, Actress and Trans Advocate

4:05PM EDT

12:35PM LGBTQIA+ Music EDT

Join us as we bring together some of the most vocal LGBTQIA+ young activists to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on high school, college and millennials in the work field.

Join us as we take a dive into the real life experiences of LGBTQIA+ music artists in the industry. Moderator: Mitchell Kuga Panelists: DJ BMAJR, Cristal Ramirez, Shea Diamond

1:20PM EDT

The Future Is… Sponsored by Nordstrom

Moderator: Brandon Wolf Panelists: Shaun Ross, Chella Man, Jamila Reddy, Tangina Stone

Lunch Zoom Break Out Sessions NYC Pride has teamed up with a select few partners and sponsors to bring you LIVE ZOOM panel discussions. This gives you the opportunity to engage with speakers via Q&A - RSVP for individual sessions in the “add on” drop down menu of the ticket section. When you RSVP for your FREE session of interest you will receive an email with instructions on how to log onto the ZOOM breakout during the conference. Here are the following breakout sessions available to choose from: Grassroots


Mental Health Panel:

LGBTQ+ Sex Ed and the

Groundswell: The


Supporting Well-being

Role of Consent

influence of ERGs on

Solidarity and Support

in our Communities

Curated by National

Inclusive Cultures

in a State of Isolation

Curated by New

LGBTQ Task Force

Sponsored by Walmart

Sponsored By Omnicom

York Mental Health


Fireside Chat with Ashlee Marie Preston & Jonathan Van Ness


We are the Pride Happy Hour



Join us after the Human Rights Conference as we head into the evening with a “We Are the Pride Happy Hour brought to you by DJ BMAJR & SKYY Vodka” @

Counselors Association



Thank you to the 2020 Human Rights Conference partners and sponsors for helping us make this possible.

FITNESS TRACKS Kick start your day with these three workouts!

High Intensity Workout Track FREE on Instagram @NYCPride

35 minute bodyweight only class. Think strength training and high intensity. No equipment needed, but towel and mat recommended, if available. And water! Led By: Andres Alfaro | @_andresalfaro_ After working for Barry’s in Dallas, SF, and NYC, I booked a one-way ticket back to NYC to pursue my dream of becoming an instructor. I grew up in San Francisco as an athlete and rocking the guitar in a band. I don’t shred the guitar as much as I used to, but you’ll be shredded by the end of class! I run marathons, I’m a certified personal trainer and when I’m not at the studio, find me at a festival looking for new music to bring to the Red Room. By the time you leave class, I want you to feel strong, inspired, and above all, I want you to be you and have some fun!

Low Intensity Workout Track FREE on Facebook @NYCPride

35 minute bodyweight only class. Think more recovery and less high intensity. This workout will help the body perform better. No equipment needed, but towel and mat recommended, if available. And water! Led By: Ian McAndrew | @ianmcandrew I was raised in Long Island, NY, and Costa Rica. Chasing my dreams brought me to my current location: NYC. I found Barry’s over 4 years ago and never looked back! Currently, I am the Sr. General Manager for NYC so that means you may find me behind the fuel bar, front desk, or in the Red Room. Sports and Fitness was definitely never part of my upbringing, however, fitness found me in my early 20’s. I learned how committing to fitness builds confidence; hard work always pays off. Fitness boosted my self-esteem and made me love myself even more. This is why I do this and hope to share with everyone. All good things are hard, so lift heavier and sprint faster!

Zoom Fitness Track RSVP via Eventbrite - $25 class donation to NYC Pride

35 minute bodyweight only class. Think strength training and high intensity. No equipment needed, but towel and mat recommended, if available. And water! Led By: Lauren Hutchinson | @hutchdaddy My fitness journey started at Barry’s Bootcamp in 2012 when I made a New Year’s Resolution to live a healthier lifestyle and incorporate exercise into my life. I took my first class at the Chelsea studio and the rest is history. I’ve been in the industry as a trainer since 2013 and still get excited every chance I get to throw on some music, put on a microphone, and share space with some of the strongest individuals I know. My goal is to push you, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually. My class vibe is a combo platter of physical athleticism, inspiration to help you conquer goals, and fun!



HEALTH Panel: Impacting our Communities: COVID 19 Sponsored by Care With Pride from Johnson and Johnson

LGBTQ Communities of Color and Immigrants have been especially impacted by the effects of COVID 19. As the city begins to re-open, this panel will discuss the disparities and inequities that LGBTQ Communities of Color and Immigrants faced and how we move forward in a more equitable way.


Daniel Reyes | He/Him | @lgbtcenternyc | Chief Program Officer, The LGBT Center Daniel Reyes joined The Center in 2020 as Chief Program Officer, having worked in the non-profit sector for over 20

Be The Change: Driving Intersectional Equality and Inclusion Sponsored by Mastercard

In light of recent events, the world is now more than ever uniting to champion advocacy and activism. As we celebrate Pride month, our focus can no longer be on acceptance alone, rather we must stand against racism and be a driver of change and equality. Mastercard, partners and community members will come together for a powerful dialogue on how we can elevate the voices that need to be heard and drive real-action to foster intersectional equality within the Black and LGBTQIA+ communities together.

years. He began his professional career as a high school Spanish teacher before moving into social services. Most


recently, he served as the Executive Director of Junta for Progressive Action; a New Haven-based Latinx MultiService Agency committed to the economic, social and civic advancement of Connecticut Latinx communities. He

Tommy DiDario | He/Him | @tommydidario | TV Host & Lifestyle Contributor

previously worked at the New York Common Pantry for 15 years where he rose from Program Director to Deputy Executive Director. Mr. Reyes has extensive experience consulting on community-engaged research to address

Tommy DiDario is a TV Host & Lifestyle Contributor, seen on The Today Show, The Rachael Ray Show, Entertainment Tonight & so much more. He covers everything from celebrity interviews, to human interest stories, to lifestyle topics in the fashion, trends, grooming, travel, health, fitness and wellness worlds.

disparities and social determinants of health among Communities of Color and communities experiencing economic challenges. He has collaborated with the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center, Vanderbilt University and Yale University. He also served as a Cultural Ambassador at the Yale Center for Clinical Investigations.



Dr. Darien Sutton-Ramsey MD MBA

Stephen Karpiak, PhD

J. Maurice Mccants-Pearsall

He/Him | @doctor.darien

He/Him | @gmhc

He/Him | @humanrightscampaign

Randall Tucker

Dawn Ennis

Nick Adams


Senior Director for Research at the Center

Director of HIV and Health Equity,

He/Him | @randallmtucker

She/Her | @lifeafterdawn

He/Him | @nickgadams

She/Her | @Peppermint247

for HIV and Aging, GMHC

Human Rights Campaign

Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer,

Managing Editor of

Director of Transgender Media &

Actor, Singer, Activist

Dr. Darien Sutton-Ramsey is an Attending Emergency Medicine Physician currently working

Representation at GLAAD


to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in NYC. This

Stephen Karpiak PhD is the Senior Director for

McCants-Pearsall previously served as Project

June he will be completing his work in NYC and

Research at the GMHC Center on HIV & Aging.

Manager at the Philadelphia Department of

Randall Tucker is chief inclusion

of and in 2013 was

Nick Adams is the Director of

rise since her smashing success

relocating to Los Angeles. He is a graduate of

He was on faculty for 25 years at Columbia

Public Health – AIDS Activities Coordinating

officer for Mastercard, where

the first transgender journalist

Transgender Representation at

as first runner up on Season 9 of

NYU School of Medicine and NYU Stern School

U. Medical School where he conducted NIH

Office, where he managed the Centers for

he is responsible for aligning

to come out in TV network news.

GLAAD. He is a resource for media

Rupaul’s Drag Race. She recently

of Business. He currently practices as a full

supported research in Neuroscience and

Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funded

the company’s global diversity

In addition to being an award-

content creators who are telling

became the first trans woman

time Emergency Medicine Physician actively

Immunology. He went on to engage in community-

programming for Black and Latinx gay, bisexual

and inclusion initiatives with the

winning journalist, she hosts the

stories about transgender people.

to originate a principal role on

treating patients while simultaneously teaching

based work, focusing on congregate housing

and transgender people of color.

corporate business strategy to

“RiseUP With Dawn Ennis” talk

He has consulted on hundreds of

Broadway when she was cast

medical students and residents. Aside from his

for the homeless with HIV/AIDS, as well as aging

McCants-Pearsall began his public health career

ensure that every employee has the

show, co-hosts “The Trans Sporter

films and TV shows to help them

as Pythio in the groundbreaking

clinical practice, Dr. Darien serves as a full time

LGBTQ issues as the Executive Director of

while at the Thurgood Marshall College Fund,

opportunity to reach their greatest

Room” podcast and is a television

create authentic transgender

Broadway musical Head Over

ABCNEWS Contributor actively educating the

Pride Senior Network, and later launched ROAH

where he developed the CDC Ambassador

potential. Before joining Mastercard,

correspondent for a new program

characters and stories, working with

Heels. She is deeply involved in

public on health management.

(Research on Older Adults with HIV)

Program, a program designed to introduce

Randall served as the senior director

on WCCT-TV: “Connecticut Voice

network executives, writers rooms,

the fight against HIV/AIDS and in

and supervised clinical trials for HIV drugs.

students at Historically Black Colleges and

of inclusion and diversity at Darden

Out Loud”.She is also a contributor

casting directors, actors, and PR

the upcoming year Peppermint’s

Universities to careers in public health.

Restaurants Inc., where he led the

to Forbes, and reports for The Daily

teams. Nick joined GLAAD in 1998

focus will be speaking about the

development of a company-wide

Beast, Out Magazine, The Advocate

and transitioned himself at that time.

challenges faced by transgender

inclusion strategy to more closely

Magazine, CT Voice Magazine. NBC

and non-binary people in today’s

align to the business and support an

News, and NewNowNext.

political climate.

Peppermint’s star has continued to

Dawn Ennis is the managing editor

inclusive environment.



LGBTQIA+ MUSIC Join us as we take a dive into the real life experiences of LGBTQIA+ music artists in the industry.


Moderator Mitchell Kuga | He/Him | @mitchellkuga Mitchell Kuga is a journalist from Hawai’i who currently lives in New York. His work has appeared in The Village Voice, GQ, T Magazine, BuzzFeed News, The Fader, and Billboard, among others. He is the 2019 recipient of the Excellence in Online Journalism Award from NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ Journalists.

Speakers DJ BMAJR | He/Him | @bmajr Scientist turned DJ; Detroit native BMAJR is known for his unique blend of r&b, disco, hip-hop, funk, and house sounds. After earning a Masters in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University he was more interested with how music intoxicates a crowd rather than a cell. Letting passion fuel purpose, he took a chance and moved to New York City to pursue music. His rockstar style and infectious personality has garnered him a client base that includes HBO, Rémy Martin, Delta Airlines, Carnegie Hall and has rocked festival stages at SXSW Music Festival, AFROPUNK and currently has a residency at Soho House.

Cristal Ramirez | She/Her | @cristalramirezz Cristal Ramirez is the lead singer for pop band The Aces. Cristal is from Utah, currently living in LA with her sister Alisa Ramirez who plays drums in the band. The Aces have released 3 singles over the past few months and have an album “Under My Influence” which is set for release on July 17, 2020. Cristal identifies as a gay woman.

Shea Diamond | She/Her | @iamsheadiamond Singer, songwriter, activist, goddess.


To be heard. To be seen. To belong.


NYC Pride has teamed up with a select few partners and sponsors to bring you LIVE ZOOM panel discussions. This gives you the opportunity to engage with speakers via Q&A - RSVP for individual sessions in the “add on” drop down menu of the ticket section. When you RSVP for your FREE session of interest you will receive an email with instructions on how to log onto the ZOOM breakout during the conference. Here are the following breakout sessions available to choose from:

Grassroots Groundswell: The influence of ERGs on Inclusive Cultures Sponsored by Walmart

Mental Health Panel: Supporting Well-being in our Communities Curated by New York Mental Health Counselors Association

It’s been said that successful corporate culture transformations must start at the top of the org chart; however, for lasting change to take hold it must be driven at a grassroots level. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) have long been the unlock for corporations that have come to be known for fostering inclusive workplace cultures. Walmart will bring corporate and community partners together for a dynamic discussion on the impact of ERGs across the intersectional landscape of diversity – with an emphasis on the LGBTQ+ community – as we pause to celebrate Pride Month in the midst of unprecedented civil unrest due to systemic racial inequities throughout society.

A panel discussion of mental health needs and services: working with LGBTQ+ and communities of color across the lifespan.

Moderator Ben Hasan | He/Him/His SVP & Chief Global Culture, Diversity & Inclusion Officer, Walmart

Speaker Bob Witeck | He/Him President, Witeck Communications Inc.

Speaker Candice Jones | She/Her Director of People Strategy and Operations for the Global Office of culture, Diversity & Inclusion, Walmart

Speaker Steven Johnson | He/Him Senior Manager, Inclusion & Diversity, American Airlines

Moderator Cynthia Madsen, MA MHClimited permit | She/Her President, Metro Chapter, New York Mental Health Counselors Association

Speaker Catherine Thurston, LCSW She/Her Chief Program Officer, Service Program for Older People, Inc.

Speaker J. Eric Arevalo, MA LMHC, NCC | He/Him President, New York Mental Health Counselors Association

Speaker Matt Kudish, LMSW, MPA He/Him Executive Director, National Alliance on Mental Illness of NYC

PRIDE vs. PANDEMIC: Communicating Solidarity and Support in a State of Isolation Sponsored by Walmart

LGBTQ+ Sex Ed and the Role of Consent Curated by National LGBTQ Task Force

It’s hard to believe that World Pride was less than a year ago. A time where corporations and brands were celebrating and making history with their inclusion efforts not only at a marketing and communications level but also a corporate level with acts of solidarity and support. Fast forward to today and clearly the world is very different. Those same brands are rethinking their priorities, asking themselves how they can be a force for good when inclusion and a sense of belonging are harder to achieve in isolation and in some cases even trying to stay relevant or afloat while doing so. We’ll hear from leaders from a number of major corporations and NGOs on how they’re navigating this Pride vs Pandemic moment and ensuring that inclusion and most importantly our LGBTQ+ communities who are still marginalized in many ways don’t get left behind or even forgotten - during Pride month and beyond.

Few states legally require schools to teach consent during instruction on healthy relationships. Where does that leave people, especially LGBTQ+ people, in navigating relationships? This panel will center the experiences of LGBTQ relationships and sex education; what does consent look like for us? What are some green flags in a relationship - whether it be platonic or a pre-negotiated D/s dynamic? Join us for a conversation about what it means to navigate relationships as young LGBTQ people.

Moderator Mike Doyle | He/Him Partner & President, North America, Ketchum


Speaker Jacob Porpossian | He/Him Senior Vice President, Creative Strategy & Content, Fleishman Hillard

Speaker Mac Worsham | He/Him Chief Marketing Officer, Deloitte

Speaker Cheryl Guerin | She/Her Marketing and Communications, Mastercard


Anti-Trans Violence and the Role of Guns Anti-trans violence and gun violence go hand in hand. The majority of homicides of transgender (“trans”), non-binary, or gender non-conforming (GNC) people in this country are acts of gun violence. What we know too, is that Black trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people are most often the targets of this violence. For Black trans women and femmes especially, guns are inextricable from this crisis. Everytown for Gun Safety, in partnership with National Center for Trans Equality and Translatin@ Coalition, are partnering together to talk about the disproportionate effects of gun violence on the trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming community, and pointing out the disparity for Black and brown community members.


Keni Nooner | She/Her | @everytown Partnership Manager, Everytown for Gun Safety Keni Nooner is an NYC based community engagement professional, bringing several years of progressive experience at the nexus of strategic partnerships, cultural engagement and social impact. Her expertise fuels her passion for facilitation of social justice conversations and empowering communities for change through curated events. With these skills, she’s had the unique ability to engage a diverse slate of stakeholders in opportunities that marry the arts with cultural and political awareness.


Everett Redente

Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen

Aryah Lester

Bamby Salcedo

They/Them | @everettmeow

He/Him | @TransEqualityNow

She/Her | @aryahelle

She/Her/Ella | @translatinacoalition

Organizing Manager, Everytown for

Deputy Executive Director for

Deputy Director, Transgender

@labamby @yosoylabamby

Gun Safety

Policy & Action, National Center for

Strategy Center

Founder, Translatin@ Coalition

Transgender Equality Aryah Lester, nationally awarded

Bamby is a national and international

and trans social worker living in

Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen is a

author, as well as a speaker and

recognized transgender Latina

Portland, Oregon. He currently does

transgender policy, advocacy, and

educator, is a black woman of

Woman who received her Master’s

community organizing at Everytown

messaging expert. As a transgender

transgender experience from New

Degree in Latin@ Studies from

for Gun Safety, supporting Moms

man, his wide-ranging experience

York living in Washington DC. Ms.

California State California Los

Demand Action volunteers in the

in the LGBTQ movement has

Lester was the last-standing 2-term

Angeles. Bamby is the President

West advocate for gun violence

covered field organizing, leadership

Chair for the State of Florida Health

and CEO of the TransLatin@

prevention policies and practices.

development, fundraising, and

Department’s Transgender Work

Coalition, a national organization that

He is a passionate social justice

media advocacy. He previously

Group, former Chair-Elect of the

focuses on addressing the issues

advocate, who previously worked

worked with Freedom for All

Miami-Dade HIV/AIDS Partnership,

of transgender Latin@s in the US.

as a mental health therapist, LGBTQ

Americans, GLAAD, the Transgender

and is an Advisory Board member of

Bamby developed the Center for

coordinator, and community DV/SA

Law Center, Gender Justice LA, and

Unity Coalition (UC|CU).

Violence Prevention & Transgender

prevention educator.

the National LGBTQ Task Force.

Everett Redente is a queer

All people. All love. All pride. 13

& the Human Rights Conference. We stand

Wellness, a multipurpose, multiservice space for Trans people

other, our customers, & our communities.

in Los Angeles.


State of the LGBTQIA+ Media Visibility matters. What people see on TV, film, video games, online, and read in newspapers and news outlets has a huge impact in how they treat each other and the decisions made in courtrooms, Churches, schoolyards, and the ballot box.


Brooke Sopelsa | She/Her | @brookesopelsa | Editorial Director, NBC Out Brooke Sopelsa is the editorial director of, NBC News Digital’s LGBTQ vertical, which she launched in June 2016. In this role, she oversees NBC’s digital coverage of issues about and of interest to the queer community. Brooke is also a member of NBC News’ Diversity Council.



Raquel Willis | She/Her/Hers | @raquel_willis Raquel Willis is a Black transgender activist, writer, and media strategist dedicated to elevating the dignity of marginalized people. She is the former executive editor of Out magazine and a former national organizer for Transgender Law Center (TLC). She’s also a part of Echoing Ida, a national Black women and nonbinary writers’ collective. Raquel is a thought leader on gender, race, and intersectionality. She will be releasing The Risk It Took to Bloom, her debut essay collection about her coming of identity and activism with St. Martin’s Press in 2021.

Mike Doyle | He/Him | TW @mikedoyle212 Mike Doyle helps companies tell their stories, connect with the people they care about most and use communications to inspire action. As North American president of Ketchum, one of the world’s top communications consultancies, Mike looks after the client stewardship and business operations for the firm’s largest region. He is the co-chair for Omnicom’s global OPEN Pride employee resource group, and in March 2020, he was appointed to the Board of Directors for GLAAD, the world’s leading organization dedicated to accelerating acceptance for the LGBTQ community. Mike is also a member of the Arthur W. Page Society’s Page Up community, the foremost professional association for senior communications executives and educators.


The stakes have never been higher for LGBTQ people and the issues that affect our lives. This election year, we have the opportunity to use our voices to impact the course of history.

Monica Trasandes | She/Her | @Monicatrasandes | @glaad Director of Programs, Spanish-Language and Lantinx Media, GLAAD Monica Trasandes is the Director of Programs, Spanish-Language and Latinx Media at GLAAD. As a spokesperson, she has done more than 40 interviews on local, national and international news programs including CNN en Español, Telemundo, Univision and for many radio and print outlets. She and her team have pitched, placed and media trained over 100 community members and leaders, conducting trainings and one-on-one coaching sessions. She has worked on various projects including an important 2010 study that found growing support among Latinos for LGBT issues and people.




The future is... Sponsored by Nordstrom

Join us as we bring together some of the most vocal LGBTQIA+ young activists making waves in their respective careers. Gen Z and Millennials have mobilized over the past few years to increase advocacy surrounding LGBTQIA+ rights, the importance of voting, gun laws and so much more! Join us as we discuss the impact of COVID-19 on high school, college and millennials in the work field. How do we mobilize from home during such an important voting year.


Brandon Wolf | He/Him | @brandonjwolf On June 12, life changed for Brandon Wolf. He escaped a bathroom in Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub while a gunman opened fire, killing his best friends, Drew Leinonen & Juan Guerrero, and 47 others. Rather than be swallowed by the anger and fear of tragedy, Brandon set out to honor the victims’ legacies with action. In the aftermath of the shooting, Brandon co-founded and has since served as the Vice President of The Dru Project, a nonprofit organization that supports LGBTQ student groups, provides funding for higher education, and enables future leaders in the LGBTQ community. He has become a national voice for LGBTQ civil rights, gun violence prevention, and justice for marginalized communities.


Nordstrom is proud to support NYC Pride 2020! We honor the LGBTQIA+ community and our shared commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace and beyond. Whoever you are and whomever you love— we see you, we support you and we stand with you.

Shaun Ross

Chella Man

Jamila Reddy

Tangina Stone

[pronouns] | [social]

He/Him | @chellaman

She/They | @jamilareddy

She/Her | @stoneblu

Shaun Ross is a Bronx native and

Chella Man is a 21-year-old artist

Jamila Reddy is a writer, self-

Acclaimed NYC-based singer,

although he is known for his work

based in Brooklyn, New York. He

empowerment coach, and life-

songwriter, producer & engineer

in the fashion world as the first

has given talks across the US on

enthusiast on a mission to help

Tangina Stone has been

male model with albinism, his

the intersections of his identities

people manifest their dreams. Jamila

championed as a universal breath

recent work and current focus is

(including a TedX talk), became a

is the creator of Make It Happen,

of fresh air. Her eclectic blend of

in the music industry. He’s known

columnist for Condé Naste’s fist

an online course for creative,

soul, rock, electronic, and r&b has

for working on many music videos

queer publication, and was the

compassionate people who want

garnered her international appeal,

from Lana Del Rey’s “TROPICO” to

first deaf, trans masculine model to

to show up in the world powerfully

and brought her to stages around

Beyoncé’s, “PRETTY HURTS.” Shaun

sign with IMG. On the acting side,

and purposefully. Jamila’s podcast,

the world. Her unapologetic honesty

has graced the runways, campaigns,

he can currently be seen on the

Deliberate and Doing it Afraid,

and quiet dominance shine through

and magazines for designers

second season of the DC Universe

features stories from her journey

her music and presence, and as a

and publications from Givenchy,

series Titans. His work focuses on

to her best life and the lessons that

queer woman of color, she’s been

Alexander McQueen, VOGUE, GQ,

highlighting queer and disabled

come from it. Jamila has spoken

highlighted as a trailblazer in an

i-D and so much more. Shaun has


and written for TedX, The Loveland

industry that traditionally has not

decided to show the world he is

Foundation, Afropunk, Ethel’s

celebrated artists like her. Whether

more than just a model by releasing

Club, Greatist, The Body is Not An

on stage, protesting or in-studio

his first single, “Symmetry,” along

Apology, and Shine.

-Tangina is home.

with his first album debuting this summer.



Fireside Chat with Ashlee Marie Preston & Jonathan Van Ness Join us as we bring together some of the most vocal LGBTQIA+ young activists making waves in their respective careers. Gen Z and Millennials have mobilized over the past few years to increase advocacy surrounding LGBTQIA+ rights, the importance of voting, gun laws and so much more! Join us as we discuss the impact of COVID-19 on high school, college and millennials in the work field. How do we mobilize from home during such an important voting year.

Ashlee Marie Preston | She/Her | @ashleemariepreston Ashlee Marie Preston is an award-winning Media Personality, Cultural Commentator, Social Impact Strategist, Political Analyst, & Civil Rights Activist. She is historically the first trans woman to become Editor in Chief of a national publication and the first openly trans person to run for state office in California. Ashlee Marie was named one of The Root 100’s “Most Influential African Americans of 2017”, profiled as one of LOGO/ NewNowNext’s 30 Most Influential LGBTQ Influencers of 2017 & 2018, PopSugar’s top 40 LGBTQ’s of 2017, OUT Magazine’s OUT100 of 2018, made her TED talk debut in September of 2018, and was chosen as one of CocaCola’s “Next Generation LGBTQ Leadership” influencers of 2018.

Jonathan Van Ness | He/Him | @jvn Jonathan Van Ness is an Emmy-nominated television personality, New York Times best-selling author, podcaster, and hairstylist to the stars. He stars on Netflix’s Emmy Award-winning reboot series “Queer Eye,” where he shines as the show’s groomer, hair guru and self-care advocate. In addition to “Queer Eye,” Jonathan starred on the Emmy-nominated web series “Gay of Thrones,” a witty social commentary series recapping HBO’s “Game of Thrones.” Jonathan also continues to work on his passion project, his podcast “Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness,” a weekly exploration of all the things Jonathan is curious about.








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Join us after the Human Rights Conference as we head into the evening with a special happy hour DJ set @


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