Leadership Training Conference 2010 Program

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Friday, 16 April 2010 12:00—5:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 3:30 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 7:45 P.M. 9:15 P.M. 10:30 P.M.

Blood Drive and Delegate Registration Candidates’ Meeting Welcome to Leadership Training Conference Workshop Adult Chaperone Meeting Opening Dinner Opening Session Caucus Session Key Club Social

Saturday, 17 April 2010 8:45—12:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:10 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:45 P.M. 2:45 P.M. 3:45 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 8:15 P.M. 10:30 P.M.

Delegate Registration Workshop Session I Workshop Session II Lunch Workshop Session III Workshop Session IV Workshop Session V Dinner General Session Governor’s Ball and Adult Reception

Sunday, 18 April 2010 7:30 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 11:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M.

House of Delegates Governor’s Farewell/Installation of New Board/Awards Brunch 2010—2011 District Board Meeting and Brunch Meeting for Parents of the 2010—2011 District Board

District Governor’s Welcome District Administrator’s and Kiwanis District Governor’s Message District Executive Board Lieutenant Governors/Int’l Officers Conference Committee Chairs New York District Kiwanis and Kiwanis Committee Members

1 2 3 4—6 7 8—9

Code of Conduct Dress Code and Workshop Symbols Conference Schedule Caucus Procedures Advertisements Hotel Map and Songs

10—11 12 13—23 24 25—38 Back

Dear Key Clubbers of the Mighty New York District, I could not be more excited to welcome you to the 62nd Annual New York District Key Club Leadership Training Conference! Just twelve months ago, we began this journey of service together, and it’s hard to believe that in just a year, we have accomplished so much. Whether it’s devoting countless hours to the Governor’s Project or raising thousands of dollars for our service partners, the success we’ve had this year has made me so incredibly proud to be your governor. Over this past year, the New York District has grown both in size and potential, and our accomplishments are a testament to our commitment in making our world, our focus. Never stop caring for your communities, and always serve with a smile. It is a great honor to be here with you at my very last Conference as a Key Clubber. You have truly been an inspiration to me and I thank you so very much for being a part of the oldest, largest, and greatest high school service organization in the world. We have many great things planned for you this weekend, and I hope you can take advantage of all the great opportunities here. Attend as many workshops as you can, join us at the Walk for Haiti, meet fellow Key Clubbers from all across New York, and celebrate our mission of service together. Congratulations on such a spectacular year, and have a smashing time at the 62nd Annual New York District Leadership Training Conference!

Yours ever in the spirit of service,

Governor Allen Yu New York District Key Club International


To the New York District Key Clubbers, Welcome to the 62nd Annual New York District Leadership Training Conference. Governor Allen has worked tirelessly with the Conference Committee and the District Board to ensure that this is the best Conference possible. New workshops and forums, as well as the old standbys, have been developed. I hope everyone takes advantage of their hard work. Our Keynote speaker is a past Kiwanis International President, and he promises to inspire and motivate all of us. He will be running a workshop on Saturday morning that will be of interest to all Key Clubbers. Please enjoy the weekend, attend as many workshops as possible, meet other Key Clubbers, and return to your schools prepared to make your community better for everyone. The 2009-2010 Key Club year has been a great one. You have all gone out and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for many varied charities and performed countless hours of community service. I wish to thank all of you for the time and effort you and your advisors give to creating a better world for all of us. Remember, we all can make a difference and help to change the world. Sincerely,

Andrew Lowenberg District Administrator Andrew Lowenberg

To the New York District Key Clubbers, I am very pleased to have been given this opportunity to welcome you to your Leadership Training Conference on behalf of the Kiwanians of the New York District. I hope that each of you knows how proud the sponsoring clubs are of the service that you provide to your schools and communities. I know that, whether a graduating senior moving on in life or a student returning to your high schools next fall, you will benefit personally from the forums being offered this weekend. Enjoy the ―convention,‖ renew old friendships while you make new ones and gain knowledge and enthusiasm so that you can provide better service and leadership for your clubs and communities. Lastly I want to congratulate each of you and your District Leadership Team on a great 200910 year. It goes without saying that we New York District Kiwanians look forward to working with you, the largest part of our Kiwanis Family, next year and in the future. Keep up the good work!

David E. Booker New York District Kiwanis Governor


Allen Yu District Governor

Stephanie Springer

Teri Bunce

District Secretary

District Treasurer

Gavin Huang

Victor Ma

Alexandra Ladas

District Editor

District Webmaster

Executive Assistant


Devan Farrell

Lindsay Louise

Jen Kramer

Division I

Division III

Division IV

James Levine

Chris Severance

Shellee Wong

Division V

Division VI

Division VII

Diana Tian

Tiffany Kwong

Safanah Siddiqui

Division VIII

Division IX

Division X


Nadyli Nu単ez

Rebekah Ortiz

Alexandra Farrington

Division XI

Division XIII

Division XIV

Jacob Bardin

Billy Fletcher

Josh Barmen

Division XV

Division XVI

Division XVII

Peter Donnelly

Robert Nyumah

Jillian Harmon

Division XIX

Division XXI

Division XXII


Isabella Dean

Nick Coppola

Lauren Surowiec

Division XXIII

Division XXIV

Division XXV

Danielle Ver Hague

Cassie Allen

Division XXVI

Division XXVII

Abigail McKamey Key Club International President

Xin Lei Wang

Nancy Zhang

Key Club International Trustee Key Club International Trustee From the New York District To the New York District 6

Morgan Murray Contest Chair

Tommy Monks Conference Chair

Victor Ma Technology Chair

Hello New York District!

Jensen Cheong Sergeant-at-Arms Co-Chair

Regina Zick Sergeant-at-Arms Co-Chair

Justin Wang Hospitality Chair

Welcome to the 62nd Annual New York District Key Club Conference! The Conference Committee and the New York District Board have worked tirelessly to make this the most successful Conference this state has ever seen! I know that some of you have been to a Key Club Conference or two, but for those who haven’t, let me tell you what you can expect in the next few days. You will meet friends and learn things to strengthen both yourself and your club. This year, we will have more workshops than ever before, which will give more opportunities to improve your club. These include officer training workshops, which are very helpful to get your clubs off to a great new service year! Don’t miss any opportunities to meet new people, and don’t be afraid to attend any workshop that catches your eye. I’m as excited as you all are to be here, and please, don’t hesitate to come up to me or any Conference Committee member with any problems, concerns, or questions throughout this week! Welcome again, and enjoy your time here at the 62nd Annual New York District Key Club Leadership Training Conference! Yours in Caring and Service, Conference Chair Tommy Monks


Gavin Huang Program Chair Ass’t Technology Chair I

Sarah Mead Ass’t Technology Chair II

Katie Toomey House Chair

Andrew Lowenberg District Administrator

David Vail Assistant Administrator

James Farrell Assistant Administrator/ Finance

David Booker

Michael Malark

Kiwanis District Governor

Kiwanis District Governor-Elect 8

Julia Albertson

Michael Berthel

Joseph Eppolito

Virginia Eppolito

Christina Frank

Leonard Gioia

John Goldstein

Dale Hall

Jane Murray

Dan Nagy

Rebecca Ovedia

Charlotte Owens

Ed Sexton

Katherine Thullen

Mary Beth Vail


1. No Key Clubber will be permitted to leave the hotel building for any purpose until the close of the Conference. 2. No adult will be permitted to leave the grounds for any purpose until the close of the Conference. 3. No outside vendors may deliver food to the hotel. 4. No Key Clubber will be allowed to charge any expense to the hotel. All Key Clubbers must pay cash for hotel expenses. 5. No Key Clubber will be permitted to drink or have in his/her possession or in his/her room any intoxicating beverage, including beer or wine. This rule applies to all Key Clubbers regardless of age, as well as guests. If alcoholic beverages are found in any room, all Key Clubbers or persons in that room at that time may be held equally responsible for a violation of these rules. The state police will be notified and violators subject to arrest. The same rule applies to the use of any drug, narcotic, or controlled substance, except prescribed medicine. 6. Care shall be taken not to deface any property. Throwing objects out windows is strictly prohibited. 7. The Sergeant-Art-Arms Committee is authorized to confiscate any materials causing or likely to cause a disturbance of the orderly procedure of the Conference. 8. No Key Clubber will be allowed to have fireworks. 9. A 12:00 A.M. curfew will be observed and strictly enforced. All chaperones must make sure that those Key Clubbers for whom they have assumed responsibility are in their assigned rooms at curfew. Unnecessary noises at any hour are prohibited. 10. All persons attending the Conference will be expected to cooperate with and respect the authority of the Sergeant-At-Arms Committee at all times. 11. It is a misdemeanor or criminal offense in the State of New York for anyone to be staying in a room other than the one(s) he or she is registered to, or to be under an assumed name. 12. No Key Clubber will be permitted in any room of the hotel assigned to the Key Clubbers of the opposite sex. 13. A program will be held at each of the meal sessions. In view of the fact that attendance is mandatory in such sessions, no Key Clubber or other persons will be allowed to leave the room during a meal session or program without the express authority of the Sergeant-At-Arms Committee. Members of the Committee will be posted at the entrances to enforce this regulation. Anyone not abiding by these directions will be held in violation of these rules. 10

14. Name badges must be worn around neck at all times during the Conference. 15. Attendance of all Key Clubbers at caucus sessions is mandatory. 16. No Key Clubber, Kiwanian, or adult advisor shall be allowed to be present in any of the caucuses except the caucuses of the division in which his/her Kiwanis or Key Club is located. However, the Key Club Governor, designated members of the Sergeant-At-Arms Committee, and the District Administrator or his appointees shall not be subject to this regulation. All others must be accompanied by one of the above-mentioned persons, or they shall only be allowed to attend the caucus session of their home division. The Sergeant-AtArms Committee, Key Club Lieutenant Governors, and the Kiwanis Advisors shall enforce this regulation and may prohibit any unauthorized persons from entering the caucus. No person other than the assigned Key Club Lieutenant Governor, a Key Club recognized by the Lieutenant Governor, the Kiwanian assigned to the caucus or the assigned advisor are allowed on the floor. No person other than Key Clubbers may question a candidate and may only do so when recognized by the Key Club Lieutenant Governor. 17. Jacket and tie is mandatory dress for all dinner sessions and appropriate programs. Dress skirts, dress pants, or appropriate pants are required for women. Jeans, designer, or other types, will not be acceptable dress for meal sessions. Sneakers are not acceptable. Neat dress and dress that is not distracting is expected during the Conference at all times. At Saturday afternoon lunch sessions and all Saturday workshops and contests (excluding the evening meal and general session), Key Clubbers may wear ―business casual‖ attire, i.e., pants and a dress shirt, sweater, or any other such attire excluding sneakers and jeans. 18. Every person attending the Conference will be expected to attend all general sessions, mandatory meal sessions, and other activities as directed in the Conference Program. 19. All Key Clubbers running for office, campaign managers, and committee members are to abide by the official rules for campaigning which are sent to each club and given to each candidate. 20. Smoking is not permitted at any time in the hotel. 21. No person will be entitled to any refund of registration fees if dismissed from the Conference for any and all disciplinary reasons. Anyone dismissed from the Conference should understand that they must pay their own expenses home and that a letter will be sent to the parents, school principal, and their sponsoring Kiwanis Club.


The following is the description of acceptable dress for Convention weekend. Under no circumstances whatsoever are clothing with inappropriate language or graphics allowed. Neat dress is expected during the whole of the Convention. Convention attendees must wear your lanyards and name badges at all times. Please refer to the schedule to see the dress code for each event.

Business Professional: Males: Dress shirt, slacks, necktie, sport jacket or tuxedo, appropriate shoes. Females: Dress suit or skirt/slacks with blouse, appropriate shoes. (ALL RECEPTIONS, DINNERS, AND GENERAL SESSIONS)

Business Casual: Males: Slacks, collared shirt, appropriate shoes. Female: Slacks/skirt/skort, blouse or collared shirt, appropriate shoes. (WORKSHOPS AND LUNCHES)

Casual: Males: Jeans/shorts, collared shirts/sweatshirt/t-shirt, casual footwear. Female: Jeans/shorts/skirt/skort, collared skirt/sweatshirt/t-shirt, casual footwear. (FREETIME AND BREAKFAST) The following symbols indicate the workshop required for each Key Club position. Nevertheless, every workshop is open to all Key Clubbers.

Presidents and Vice Presidents



Editors and Webmasters

Advisors 12

Day 1: Friday, April 16th All-Day Monthly Report Forms may be dropped off at the Delegate Registration table.

9:30 a.m.—4:00 p.m. ARRIVAL (Main Lobby) Advisors will be given all registration materials for members of their clubs upon arrival.

KAMP KIWANIS “SUPPLY COLLECTION” (Tower Promenade) Drop off any items that your club has collected for Kamp Kiwanis.

BOARD AUCTION (Tower Promenade) Enter for a chance to dance with a New York District Board officer.

12:00—5:00 p.m. SALE OF FOOD (Upper Lobby) BLOOD DRIVE (Upper Lobby) Key Clubbers age 16 or under must have parental consent permitting him or her to give blood.

DELEGATE REGISTRATION (Upper Lobby) CLUB INFORMATION AND SERVICE FAIR (Tower Promenade) Purchase Key Club merchandise and learn more about the organization.

2:30 p.m. CANDIDATES’ MEETING (Room 902)

3:30—4:15 p.m. WELCOME TO CONFERENCE (Stardust Room) Welcome Key Clubbers! Come find out what has been planned for the weekend, what opportunities are available at the Leadership Training Conference, and gain a better understanding of what goes on in Key Club. Come learn the Beaver Dance, New York District cheers, and get psyched for the rest of the weekend! Presented by Conference Chair Tommy Monks and International Trustee Nancy Zhang 13

4:00—5:00 p.m. ADULT CHAPERONE MEETING (Launching Pads 1, 2, 3, and 4) All chaperones must attend this meeting!

4:30—5:15 p.m. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS MEETING (Stardust Room) Mandatory for all sergeant-at-arms volunteers!

5:00—6:00 p.m. JEWISH SERVICES (Tower Card Room) 5:30 p.m. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS DINNER (Children’s Dining Room) 5:30—6:15 p.m. GOVERNOR’S RECEPTION (Deep End Lounge) By invitation only! Guests will not be admitted without an invitation.

ATTENTION CONFERENCE ATTENDEES: At all times during General and Meal Sessions, please be courteous and respectful to the presenters and your fellow Key Clubbers during speeches, presentations, and announcements. Kindly end all conversations and make sure your cell-phone is turned off. Thank you so much for your cooperation.

For buffet-style meals, your table will be called individually. Please return to your seat immediately after you get your meals. 6:30—7:30 p.m. OPENING DINNER (Main Dining Room) Call to Order Welcome Pledge of Allegiance Key Club International Pledge Invocation Meal Session Introduction of Guests Introduction of Governor Governor’s Welcome Introduction of Kiwanis Governor Kiwanis Governor Announcements Benediction Adjournment 14

7:45—9:00 p.m. OPENING SESSION (Stardust Room) Call to Order Nominations Introduction of Conference Committee/Kiwanis Committee Introduction of Keynote Speaker Keynote Speaker Announcement of Caucus Rooms Adjournment

9:15—10:45 p.m. CAUCUS SESSION (Launching Pad 1-4, Launching Pad 5-6, Stardust Room, Tower Card Room, Deep End Lounge, Promenade II, Sportsmen’s Lounge) Division room assignments will be announced during Opening Session. Please remain in the room you are assigned to.

10:30—11:30 p.m. KEY CLUB SOCIAL (Stardust Room) Let’s kick off the conference with our ―Around-the-World‖ Key Club Social! Mix and mingle, listen and dance to great music, and break the ice with all your newest friends!

10:30—11:30 p.m. COFFEE SHOP OPENS (The Flying Saucer Coffee Shop)

10:30—11:30 p.m. ADULT RECEPTION (Deep End Lounge)

12:00 a.m. CURFEW All Conference attendees must be in their assigned rooms. Chaperones must check each room.

Good Night Everyone! 15

Day 2: Saturday, April 17th 7:30—8:45 a.m. BREAKFAST (Main Dining Room)

8:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. JUDGING FOR TALENT SHOW (Stardust Room) Closed to spectators. Note: If you are also competing in the Oratorical Contest, please report to the Talent Show first and then proceed to the Oratorical Contest following your audition.

SCRAPBOOK AND POSTER JUDGING (Room 902) Showcase from 1:00—3:00 p.m. after judging. Note: After 3:00 p.m., contestants can pick up their scrapbook at the Sergeant-At-Arms desk.

8:45 a.m.—12:00 p.m. DELEGATE REGISTRATION (Upper Lobby)

9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. ORATORICAL CONTEST (Promenade II) Closed to spectators.

Every workshop is open to all members. Dress code is business casual.

Workshop Session I 8:45—10:00 a.m. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: STEVE SIEMENS (Sportsmen’s Lounge) Come and learn how to unleash the leadership abilities inside you. Become a true leader in your home club and outside of it, regardless of your position.

9:00—9:50 a.m. MAJOR EMPHASIS PROGRAM (Deep End Lounge) Learn more about our service partners (UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Children’s Miracle Network) and our 2008-2010 service initiative (Live2Learn). Discuss the best ways to volunteer for these organizations and to promote these causes. Presented by Executive Assistant Alex Ladas and Lt. Governor Isabella Dean 16

9:00—9:50 a.m. ORAL/WRITTEN COMMUNICATION (Tower Card Room) In the digital age, let’s not forget how to communicate effectively, whether it’s through phone calls, Skype, e-mails or “txt msgs.” Learn when to use abbreviations like LOL and when not to, and discuss email and internet etiquette (a.k.a. “netiquette”). Presented by Lt. Governor Chris Severance

9:00—9:50 a.m. EDITORS AND WEBMASTERS (Launching Pad 1-4) *MANDATORY FOR ALL EDITORS AND WEBMASTERS* Learn the art of creating newsletters and websites, fliers and pamphlets, and ensuring that your club receives the publicity it deserves. Presented by Editor Gavin Huang and Webmaster Victor Ma

Workshop Session II 10:20—11:20 a.m. PRESIDENTS AND VICE PRESIDENTS (Sportsmen’s Lounge) *MANDATORY FOR ALL PRESIDENTS AND VICE PRESIDENTS* Learn how to be effective and inspirational club leaders while maintaining the spirit of community service. Presented by Governor Allen Yu

10:20—11:20 a.m. SECRETARIES (Launching Pad 5-6) *MANDATORY FOR ALL SECRETARIES* From meeting minutes to Monthly Report Forms, prepare yourself to be organized and efficient to better serve your club. Presented by Secretary Steff Springer

10:20—11:20 a.m. TREASURERS (Tower Card Room) *MANDATORY FOR ALL TREASURERS* Learn how to collect dues, manage fundraising, and handle your club’s finances. Presented by Treasurer Teri Bunce 17

10:20—11:20 a.m. ADVISORS (Launching Pad 1-4) *MANDATORY FOR ALL ADVISORS* As mentor and guide to the club and officers, learn to become better advisors to serve your club. Be ready to discuss tips, questions, problems, and ideas! Presented by District Administrator Andrew Lowenberg

10:10—10:50 a.m. FACEBOOK/TWITTER/MYSPACE (Deep End Lounge) Wall posts, bulletins, and tweets: a great combo for failing high school (just kidding!). Learn about social networking, online safety, and the art of writing in less than140 characters.

Presented by Editor Gavin Huang and Webmaster Victor Ma

11:00—11:40 a.m. TEAM BUILDING AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION (Deep End Lounge) Since you first shared your snack pack with your best friend in kindergarten and built your first paper airplane with your classmate in first grade, you will continue to work with other people for the remainder of your life. Learn some ways to help build a stronger team and some tactics to avoid or resolve conflicts. Presented by Treasurer Teri Bunce and Lt. Governor Lindsay Louise

11:00 a.m. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS LUNCH (Children’s Dining Room)

12:00—1:30 p.m. LUNCH (Main Dining Room) Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Key Club International Pledge Invocation Introduction of Guests Recognition of Faculty/Kiwanis Advisors/Club Presidents Richard Hill Award Announcements Benediction Adjournment

1:30—3:00 p.m. DELEGATE REGISTRATION (Upper Lobby) 18

2:00—4:00 p.m. TALENT SHOW REHEARSAL (Stardust Room) Closed to spectators.

Workshop Session III 1:45—2:45 p.m. FACULTY ADVISORS AND OFFICERS SUMMIT (Launching Pad) *MANDATORY FOR ALL FACULTY ADVISORS AND CLUB OFFICERS* Come learn how to work together to make your club successful. Establish short and long term goals for your club, develop cooperative skills, and plan ahead to make the most out of your year!

Presented by Governor Allen Yu

1:45—2:35 p.m. PUBLIC SPEAKING (Tower Card Room) It’s not as easy as it seems, but with a bit of training, you will learn how to speak in front of people and have them listen. Here’s a hint: stage-freight is curable! Presented by Lt. Governors Billy Fletcher, Lauren Surowiec, and Nick Coppola

1:45—2:35 p.m. PROMOTING YOUR KEY CLUB (Deep End Lounge) Discover useful tips for improving your club’s communications, learn how to write press releases, and ensure that your club gets credit for its hard work. Not to mention some great ways to attract new members! Presented by Lt. Governors Jen Kramer and Robert Nyumah

1:45—2:35 p.m. LIFE AFTER KEY CLUB/K-FAMILY RELATIONS (Promenade II) What are the other branches of the K-Family and how can you strengthen the relationship with your local K-Family? What opportunities exist after Key Club? Come learn how you can stay involved! Presented by Circle K Governor Mike Zebrowski and Lt. Govenor Devan Farrell

1:45—2:35 p.m. BALANCING SCHOOL, KEY CLUB, AND LIFE (Sportsmen’s Lounge) Feel overwhelmed? First, let’s gather a list of all the things Key Clubbers do outside of school and Key Club. Then, we’ll learn valuable time management skills, the art of prioritizing, and ways to achieve a good balance in your activities. Presented by Lt. Governors Shellee Wong and Lindsay Louise 19

3:00—4:30 p.m. NOMINATING CAUCUS (Location TBA) Only delegates appointed by the division as representatives to the Nominating Caucus may attend.

Workshop Session IV 2:45—3:35 p.m. MAKING MEETINGS MOVE (Sportsmen’s Lounge) If you’re looking for fun activities to energize your meetings, inspire new service, and excite your members, it’s time to make your meetings move. Take some time to discuss challenges faced with your club meetings, then walk away with solutions to create organized and energetic service-focused Key Club meetings. Presented by Editor Gavin Huang and Lt. Governor Chris Severance

2:45—3:35 p.m. SOS (SAVE OUR SERVICE) (Tower Card Room) Having trouble with a dwindling membership? Not enough service projects? Not enough support from the school administration? Discuss those problems and learn ways to make sure that your club will reach success in the new year. Presented by Lt. Governors Billy Fletcher, Diana Tian, and Jen Kramer

2:45—3:35 p.m. WRITING A WINNING COLLEGE APPLICATION ESSAY  (Coffee Shop) For all you college-bound Key Clubbers, writing a good college application essay must be daunting to say the least. We will briefly discuss the application process, and then spend a majority of the time developing ideas for your own personal composition. Read from sample essays, learn tips, and share your own ideas to ensure you get into the college of your choice!

Presented by Governor Allen Yu

2:45—3:35 p.m. ADVISORS MEETING (Launching Pad 1-4) Speak with District Administrator Mr. Lowenberg and get your questions answered. All Advisors welcome! Presented by District Administrator Andrew Lowenberg

 = Same workshop offered in multiple sessions 20

Workshop Session V 3:45—4:35 p.m. RUNNING FOR HIGHER OFFICE (Promenade II Are you seeking another office in Key Club? Thinking about a life as a politician? Come learn tips for running for office, including ways to tweak your speeches and presentations, improve your etiquette and posture, and show your spirit and charisma to get the votes you need!

Presented by Governor Allen Yu

3:45—4:35 p.m. WRITING A WINNING COLLEGE APPLICATION ESSAY  (Coffee Shop) For all you college-bound Key Clubbers, writing a good college application essay must be daunting to say the least. We will briefly discuss the application process, and then spend a majority of the time developing ideas for your own personal composition. Read from sample essays, learn tips, and share your own ideas to ensure you get into the college of your choice! Presented by Lt. Governor Jen Kramer

3:45—4:35 p.m. MENTOR THROUGH BUILDERS CLUB AND KIWANIS K-KIDS (Tower Card Room) Great projects and great ways to increase your membership! Learn how to co-sponsor and mentor emerging leaders in middle and primary schools through Builder s Club and Kiwanis K-Kids.

Presented by Lt. Governors Billy Fletcher and Devan Farrell

3:45—4:35 p.m. SETTING GOALS AND RESOLUTIONS (Deep End Lounge) Whether it is passing AP Physics or becoming a millionaire by the time you’re 25, it’s good to have some goals. Learn SMART ways to plan ahead and keep your eye on the prize! Presented by Executive Assistant Alex Ladas and Lt. Governor Robert Nyumah

3:45—4:35 p.m. 60 SERVICE IDEAS IN 50 MINUTES (Sportsmen’s Lounge) Don’t hog all the fun! Whether it’s a beach cleanup or a county-wide garlic festival, share your best service project ideas with each other. (Please come with a few great service ideas to share!)

Presented by Treasurer Teri Bunce and Lt. Governor Shellee Wong

5:00—6:00 p.m. ECUMENICAL SERVICES (Tower Card Room) 21

5:45 p.m. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS DINNER (Children’s Dining Room)

6:00—6:45 p.m. KEY CLUB RECEPTION (Stardust Room) ADULT RECEPTION (Launching Pad Lounge) DISTRICT BOARD MUST BE IN DINING ROOM BY 6:30 p.m.

7:00—8:00 p.m. DINNER (Main Dining Room) Call to Order Welcome Pledge of Allegiance Key Club International Pledge Invocation Meal Session Introduction of Guests Introduction of International Trustee International Trustee’s Address Introduction of Kiwanis Governor Kiwanis Governor’s Address Announcements Benediction Adjournment

8:15—10:35 p.m. GENERAL SESSION (Stardust Room) Please look for your division’s assigned seating when entering. Call to Order Salute to the Divisions Candidates’ Speeches and Questions Talent Show and Oratorical Contests Awards Adjournment

10:30—11:30 p.m. GOVERNOR’S BALL (Stardust Room) ADULT RECEPTION (Deep End Lounge) COFFEE SHOP OPENS (The Flying Saucer Coffee Shop)

12:00 a.m. CURFEW All Conference attendees must be in their assigned rooms. Chaperones must check each room. 22

Day 3: Sunday, April 18th 7:00—9:00 a.m. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST (Upper Lobby)

7:30—9:15 a.m. HOUSE OF DELEGATES (Stardust Room) Delegates must be ready with their Delegate Card. Must be on time and properly dressed.

9:15—11:15 p.m. GOVERNOR’S FAREWELL (Stardust Room) Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Key Club International Pledge Invocation Awards Introduction of Governor Farewell Speech Retirement of the District Board Retirement of the District Executive Board Installation of New District Board Election Results Benediction Adjournment

11:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. BRUNCH (Main Dining Room) Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Key Club International Pledge Invocation Introduction of Governor Remarks Benediction Adjournment

11:30—12:30 p.m. 2010-2011 DISTRICT BOARD MEETING AND BRUNCH (Sportsmen’s Lounge)

12:30—1:00 p.m. MEETING FOR PARENTS OF NEW BOARD (Deep End Lounge) 23

Caucus questions must pertain specifically to the candidate’s qualifications and his or her knowledge of Key Club International and the position that he or she is seeking. The time allotted to the caucus is to be used to interview and evaluate candidates. As caucuses are an important part of the New York District Leadership Training Conference, Lieutenant Governors must maintain order, dignity, and a high level of professionalism. The Kiwanis Committee Representative or an appointed adult must be in the Division Caucus at all times but may not ask questions of candidates. Candidates should be given the attention of the assembled delegates and should be given sufficient time to answer a question before asking another. In addition, candidates must be allowed to finish his or her speech in its entirety without disruptions except in the case where the allotted time expires. Questions will pertain only to Key Club International. Politics, personal, and other questions that may cause a candidate to become uncomfortable are prohibited. Physical contact, hazing, questions pertaining to race, sex, religion, or any other questions unbecoming of a Key Clubber are strictly illicit and prohibited. It is the responsibility of the Chair of the Caucus to rule out any inappropriate or irrelevant questions. Candidates should be viewed as equals; therefore, they should be allotted equal time, which may vary according to the office being considered. All members of the division must be in attendance at the assigned caucus period. All adults are to sit in the back of the caucus room. Chaperones are asked to assist the adult advisor of the caucus to keep order, but only if they are asked to do so or if the adult in charge allows the caucus to get out of control.



Congratulations to all of the members of the largest part of the New York Kiwanis Family for a great year of service! You continue to be an inspiration to the entire New York Kiwanis Family. Thanks to Governor Allen and the 2009-2010 New York District Board for their dedicated leadership this year. We also thank those Kiwanians and school faculty who served as Administrator, members of the Kiwanis Key Club Committee and local Kiwanis or Faculty Advisors for the countless hours that they have given to help make the New York District Key Club so very strong.

New York District Kiwanis Governor Dave Booker and all of Booker’s Builders 26

Thank you for your continued support of Kamp Kiwanis and the New York District Kiwanis Foundation.


Port Chester / Rye Brook Kiwanis Club

Bianca Lopez


Raymond Skulky

Vice President

Daniel Colangelo


Kathy Casino


Edward T. Sexton

Kiwanis Committee Representative


Congratulations Governor Allen Yu and the Entire 2009-2010 Mighty New York District Board for Another Year of Service and Growth 14,000 Members and Counting‌.. Thank You, Lt. Governor Alex - Division 14 Thank You, Lt. Governor Jacob - Division 15 Thank You, Elissa - Division 18 for stepping in. To the 2010-2011 Board, Service, Leadership and Fun Await You Kiwanis Committee Representative Dale Hall 29

The UNITED STATES COLUMBARIUM CO. 61-40 Mount Olivet Crescent Middle Village, NY 11379 J.P. Di Troia President 718-821-9700 Please check our site of this historic site established 1884 www.freshpondcrematory.com 30

The Suffolk East Division and Lieutenant Governor Al Norato, Jr. congratulate Governor Allen Yu on an outstanding year. Special Kudos to Division 1 Lieutenant Governor Devan Farrell and Division 3 Lieutenant Governor Lindsay Louise. Thanks to our members Andy Lowenberg and Jim Farrell for all their hard work and dedication to the New York District. Good luck to incoming Lieutenant Governors Alexandria Della Penna, Stephanie Salinas, and Zachary Baum. 31

The Kiwanis Club of Sayville is happy to sponsor and work with the Sayville Key Club. We are the proud home club of District Administrator Andy Lowenberg and Richard Hill recipient as outstanding Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor Mike Siniski.


Congratulations to Governor Allen……you survived Mr. Lowenberg. Congratulations to Mr, Lowenberg……you survived Governor Allen.

What another fantastic year for the Mighty New York District Key Club! The Key Club Committee has had another year of friendship, fun and experiences they will not soon forget! Our hats go off to our fellow Committee members for their dedicated service. Special regards to Governor Allen: you have unlimited potential and ―you can do it.‖ Do not let anyone or anything get in the way of where your dreams and abilities will take you in life. Mrs. E and I believe in you! We will miss Lieutenant Governor Robert Nyumah, our Central New York soccer star. You are very talented and will succeed with your enthusiasm and drive. Likewise, we will also miss Lieutenant Governor Peter Donnelly, our Mohawk Valley Cross Country star. Life is a long-distance event and you have the right stuff not only to finish the ―race‖ in life but to win at it! You both will miss the ―30 miles‖ and its free EZ-Pass trips! Enjoy the Leadership Conference – you both deserve it! POSTIVE ATTITUDES CREATE EXCELLENCE! Past Distinguished Governor Joe Eppolito and Past First Lady and Past Distinguished Lieutenant Governor Virginia 33


THE KIWANIS CLUB OF EAST MEADOW Congratulates incoming Lieutenant Governor Domenick Pesce! And Congratulations to East Meadow High School Key Club, W.T. Clarke High School Key Club, and Sacred Heart High School Key Club on their great year of service! We are very proud of you! Best Wishes for a Successful Year to all Key Club officers and members!

James N. Mancuso, President (516) 647-0560 Kiwanis is a global service organization of volunteers, dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time! For additional information, please visit our website www.eastmeadowkiwanis.com


The Bayside High School Key Club would like to congratulate‌ Governor Allen Yu, Division 8 Lieutenant Governor Diana Tian AND All the amazing New York District members!

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication! Thank you for a very memorable year. 35

Congratulations to you, Governor Allen, and your District Board on a fantastic year of

It was an honor to serve with you and thank you for “Lighting the Path� brightly for the future of the New York District Key Club.


Governor Allen Yu on a great year of leading the

New York Key Club District to new heights of Kiwanis Service and

Thank you Division 27 Lt. Governor Cassie Allen for encouraging our Key Clubs to strengthen their service.

PLG Joanne Underwood and PG Justin Underwood 36

Congratulations to Governor Allen Yu and Division 11 Lieutenant Governor Nadyli Nu単ez

for a job well done! Best wishes to the 2010-2011 Key Club Board!

Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor Dick Rosenthal

Congratulations to Governor Allen Yu, Division 11 Lieutenant Governor Nadyli Nu単ez, and the New York District Key Club Board

for a fantastic year. Peter Yu, Distinguished Past Kiwanis Lieutenant Governor, and Evelyn Yu 37

Congratulates the Key Clubs of Hunter College High School and High School for Math, Science, and Engineering as well as

Sal Anelli, New York District Kiwanis Foundation President

Lt. Governor Nadyli Nuñez and Int’l Trustee Nancy Zhang

For an awesome year of service and leadership!

Congratulations Treasurer Teri, Lieutenant Governor Jillian, and the S-VE Key Club! TB! We build crazy homes! I'm not sure if this year flew by for you but I bet it went in the blink of an eye. I hope that college plans turn out just the way you want them to, and keep me posted girl. Good luck! Jillian, congratulations on surviving one of the hardest positions in Key Club EVER! You've done a fantastic job this year and made it look so easy. S-VE Key Club, I wish I were at convention to see you all in your glory, but please know that I'll be there in spirit cheering you on! —One love, Kia Albertson-Rogers, Immediate Past Key Club International President 38


This concludes the 62nd Annual New York District Leadership Training Conference. Thank you so much for spending your weekend with us. We hope you had a lot of fun at this year’s Conference, and we look forward to seeing you next year. Have a safe trip home! 40




The Star-Spangled Banner O say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. O say, does that star spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?

Key Club International Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

New York District Song I’m a New Yorker Born and a New Yorker bred, And when I die, I’ll be a New Yorker dead. Rah! Rah! New Yorker, New Yorker! Rah! Rah! New Yorker, New Yorker! Rah! Rah! New York District GO WILD!

Show Your “K” On our coats we wear a little button, We wear it in the winter and the summer so they say. If you ask us why the decoration, We’ll say it’s for our Key Club And we’re proud to show our “K”.

Beaver Song Beaver one, beaver all, let’s all do the beaver call! Beaver two, beaver three, let’s all climb the beaver tree! Beaver four, beaver five, let’s all do the beaver jive! Beaver six, beaver seven, let’s all go to beaver heaven! Beaver eight, beaver nine, stop! It’s beaver time! Go Beaver! Go Beaver! Go Beaver! Program Chair Gavin Huang | ©MMX by the New York District of Key Club International. All rights reserved.

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